God of Fishing

Chapter 2412: Senior, can I discuss something with you?

As soon as this idea came out, Han Fei felt that if he had a discussion with this Dao Domain Kwai Chief, there should be something to play.

   The Taoist Kui Shou speaks just like Guanyin Da Shi, especially soft, with a faint echo, high cold and gentle at the same time.

   Now, Dao Yu Kui Shou and the ominous emperor are restraining each other and cannot be distracted. But he can throw his head, sprinkle blood, kill a hundred demons in one day, and kill 10,000 in a hundred days. As long as the devil does not run.

  Three months later, waiting for Feng Yu and the others to come in, the demons here are afraid they will kill one-third of them.

   Oh no, if you double the upper limit of using Void Thieves every day, wouldn't it be more than three months later that two-thirds of the demons will be killed by themselves?

   With this thought of Han Fei's life, the corners of his lips were suddenly drawn up.

   saw him secretly, the flame emblem that moved the center of his eyebrows.

   "Sister, are you there, Sister."

   Beyond the ominous barrier, Feng Yu was also a little anxious. The time that Junior Brother had been in was a bit ridiculous! It's been almost a day, why haven't they come out yet?

   This ominous barrier, she has been inside, and she has been killed for a while, and her vitality has been lost for nearly five thousand years. There were too many demons there. After killing more than 60 demons, she had to quit.

   There is also Zhao Qinglong, even if he is a master of the gods, but the situation is not much better than himself. With all the money and the same vitality, can Zhao Qinglong kill the demon that he has doubled?

   Feng Yu felt that he couldn't. If there were exceptions, it must be the black dragon in his body. But Zhao Qinglong didn't choose to enter at this time. Obviously, he felt that this was ominous, and he was also a little jealous.

   Suddenly, her heart moved, she looked at the flame emblem, and she was overjoyed. "My, junior brother, are you okay?"

   Han Fei was overjoyed, the effect of the flame emblem was not bad, and the signal was still full in this case. Han Fei immediately said: "Senior Sister, I am now breaking into an ominous area, and I am fighting side by side with the origin of the world here...Balabala...Senior Sister, I'm here for the time being safe and sound. Please take care of my people. Also, wait for my notice, an ominous barrier. Before you disappear, contact me and don't wait for the ominous barrier to disappear before entering."


   When Feng Yu received Han Fei's subpoena, the whole person was not good at that time.

   Fight side by side with the origin of the world? What the **** did Junior Brother do? Isn't the origin of the world used to grab it? What does it mean to fight side by side?

  Also, who is the younger brother fighting against? With the demon?

   But, in the ominous barrier, fighting against the devil for nearly three months, how did the junior brother do it?

  Also, why enter before the ominous barrier disappears? Is there any mystery in this?

   For a while, Feng Yu was full of doubts, but at the same time, her heart was tight. She had a very bad premonition.

   Before, when there was no Han Fei, Feng Yu was the weakest one in the Void Temple. When Han Fei was recruited, Han and himself were so far behind at that time, thinking that no matter what, the junior brother came in and he was not at the bottom.

   As a result, how many years is this? Four hundred years? Little Junior Brother can already kill Huaxing Dzogchen. He even did something that even she and Zhao Qinglong couldn't do.

   Feng Yu only felt that the status of her senior sister was in jeopardy. No, this time, she must preach. I can’t be compared by my younger brother, or else my own dignified elder sister, how can I keep my face?

  , Feng Xingliu and Cao Mengde and the others were in a state of anxiety.

Feng Xingliu: "Oh! Who are you talking to? Isn't it Han Fei? Did he ask for help? Han Fei is also stupid, can you just go in as a clone? Why do you have to go in with the deity? Make."

   Of course, this can only be said by Feng Xingliu, because from the relationship level, Feng Xingliu and Han Fei are good friends. But Cao Mengde and the others, although they belong to the Avengers, but since they admire Han Fei as the behind-the-scenes bigwigs, their status should be a lower level, the relationship between the subordinates and subordinates. Even if they know Han Fei, even if they know it in their hearts, It's not easy to say.


   saw Feng Yu slap Feng Xingliu's head: "Shut up, everyone has a chance for everyone."

   After finishing speaking, Feng Yu’s voice transmission, Feng Xingliu and Zhou Run, said, “Han Fei, let me take care of your group first. Also, he shouldn’t come out of this dark barrier.”

   Zhou Run asked hurriedly: "What do you mean by not coming out?"

   Feng Xingliu also widened his eyes: "Huh? You said Han Fei is dead?"

Feng Yu glanced at him directly, "That's how you cursed your brother? Since he hasn't come out, it means that most of them have found a way to protect themselves. Now, don't worry about him, you are all ready, pay attention to this dark barrier completely dissipated. At the right time, we may have to wait for the right opportunity to explore the ominous barrier. Therefore, Zhou Run, you guys, when you enter my Origin Sea, I will enter this dark barrier in advance..."

   confessed, Feng Yu was also speechless, who made Han Fei his junior brother, there is no way, these people bring it with them!


   And the origin of the world is in the lake.

   After Han Fei passed the anger with Feng Yu, he glanced at Dao Yu Kui Shou several times, and said that he was communicating with Feng Yu, and he didn't know if he had discovered it.

   But seeing this big guy didn't seem to have any reaction, Han Fei was relieved.


  Han Fei just feels energetic at the moment: "Well, senior, can juniors discuss something with you?"


Han Fei is a little guilty of heart: "Senior, the junior is currently lacking a bit of vitality, and you can complete a breakthrough. This breakthrough may bring about a leap in quality. At that time, the junior is confident that you can perform at least three times a day. A hundred times the emperor exalted the divine arts without being backlashed. Well, I wonder if the junior can borrow some life from the senior?"

   Actually, Han Fei dared to open this mouth. Mainly around the world's original lake, these monster plants are all powerful and unmatched, and they are one of the creatures that can survive the longest.

   Han Fei is indeed lacking vitality right now. He estimates that he is now only 400 drops of Golden Jade Essence, and he will be able to complete the Void Refining Technique.

   When the time comes, the physical body is perfect, and the strength is bound to skyrocket. It should be able to carry the avenue in full operation.

   But Han Fei is not sure about it himself. Although the tolerance limit is increasing, his basic physique is also getting stronger. If it completes the operation of the carrying road, its own strength may reach the terrible level of 50 million waves. At that time, Han Fei was confident that he and Zhao Qinglong had a showdown, and they were not afraid of standing up.

   Dao Yu Kui Shou's reaction was calmer than Han Fei had imagined. She just said faintly: "Yes."

   When Han Fei heard this, did he say that this big man is so good to talk? I just made a suggestion and was immediately agreed?

   No, the next moment, the red carp that got into the water just now suddenly popped out, with a lotus seed in her mouth.

   When Han Fei saw the lotus seed, a message appeared in his eyes:

   [Name] Life Golden Lotus Seed

  【Introduction】A kind of heaven and earth spiritual treasure born in the origin of the world, contains infinite vitality, can help open the heaven and live for another 100,000 years.

  【Level】Heaven and Earth Lingbao

  【Quality】The best

  【Contains the air of chaos】182254

  【Effect】The golden lotus of life can provide a lot of vitality, and it is also useful for blood circulation and healing.


   Seeing the effect of this golden lotus seed, Han Fei swallowed immediately.

   Good boy, this thing is very valuable! At the beginning, the Chaos Qinglian that Senior Sister Qinglian gave to herself was a Chaos Lingbao that could help open the heavens and prolong life for 300,000 years. This golden lotus seed of life, although it is a heaven and earth spirit treasure, and the chaos green lotus is inferior to the level, but it can also make the Open Heaven realm live for another 100,000 years, this weight is no longer light.

   "Thank you, senior."

   With a thought, Han Fei took this golden lotus seed of life directly into the natal star and sent it directly to the star core.

   Suddenly, the lotus seeds vaporized, and the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused. A new round of compressed star nucleus journey has begun.

   However, after only the past seven days, Han Fei helped Dao Yukui kill more than a thousand demons. The vitality on Han Fei's natal star is empty again.

   Actually, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was already empty long ago, but Han Fei didn't dare to speak too soon, so it dragged on for seven days. That lotus seed only helped his golden jade essence refine about 70 drops.

   Han Fei estimated that it would take five or six to get it.

   So, Han Fei finally spoke again: "Senior, that... tell you something."


   Han Fei said with a little embarrassment: "Senior, my... life is gone."


   Suddenly, he looked at the sunflower, and turned his head around. It seems that Dao Yu Kui Shou is also stunned, what is gone? That is the heaven and earth spirit treasure that can extend the life of the dying Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection powerhouse by 100,000 years. If it is consumed according to the vitality, I am afraid it can consume millions of years or even more. How come to your side, why is it gone in seven days?

   Dao Yukui first, the voice is long: "How much life do you need?"

   Han Fei thought for a while, how many should I say? Say five or six, what if it is not enough? Seven or eight pieces are definitely enough. But after refining his own astral body, I am afraid that there will not be much life left on the natal stars.

   So, Han Fei said weakly: "Um, maybe... maybe you need eight or nine lotus seeds like that?"


Suddenly, Han Fei saw that on this lake, there were five or six lotus flowers that were still nearby, and they were a long way away from Han Fei. He moved his body directly to the edge of the lake, even under Han Fei’s buttocks. All the lotus leaves were taken away.

   Han Fei: "???"

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