God of Fishing

Chapter 2417: 3000 reinforcements

The army of contestants, facing a thousand demons, logically speaking, for the sake of safety, they must fight for a while.

   However, Feng Yu's words irritated everyone, making everyone mistakenly believe that there must be a big secret behind this demon interception.

   These three thousand contestants were able to survive in the Demon Realm for more than two years without dying, and they were able to hunt the demon smoothly, which means that their first three tasks have been completed.

   and being able to complete the first three tasks means that there is no weak person in this group.

   Sure enough, these people, driven by interests, came up with all their strength, and even many of them also possessed artifacts. The battle between the souls and spirits had begun before the two sides had come together.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   There was a burst of indiscriminate bombing, and under the Great Soul Technique, only to face-to-face effort, the situation showed a one-sided situation.

   Even, Feng Yu deliberately didn't fight, and directly used some kind of fire technique to sweep hundreds of thousands of miles and directly passed the group of demons. At that time, many people's hearts moved, Feng Yu was fooling them and asking them to block these demons, but he shook off everyone without saying a word and hurried forward.

   Feng Yu is like this, Zhao Qinglong will naturally not let her leave alone, so she follows closely behind.

  Who would like this? But many people couldn't do Feng Yu's, forcibly passing through the barrier where the demon was.

   So someone shouted: "Everyone, don't hide and tangle. At this critical moment, there can be no delay, and you must not be thrown away by Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong."


   "Boom boom boom~"

   For a time, the brilliance of the sky circulated, and various killing techniques emerged in an endless stream. There are only a thousand demons in this area, but in a blink of an eye, nearly half of them collapsed.

   Then, there were people one after another, throwing away the devil's pursuit, ignoring the remaining demon, and immediately threw it towards Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong.

   Those people who were still entangled by the devil suddenly became anxious, regretting that they didn't have the first time to explode, and now so many people rushed in front of them, how can this work?

   Then, there was another round of super bursts.

   In a short period of no more than 30 breaths, this demon did not exist, and the army of contestants died of three in total.

   Above the world's origin lake, the Devil Emperor seemed to be more and more anxious. Every ten breaths or so, more than a thousand demon spirits and thousands of stars rushed in.

  Relatively, every ten breaths or so, there are probably more than ten spiritual plants blooming in the world's original lake, exploding with the last brilliance of life.

Just listen to Dao Yu Kui Shou, and said to Void: "Devil Emperor, you should understand that although this is no longer my world, it is definitely not yours. Ten thousand races have arrived, you will not win this war after all. "

  During Daoyu Kui's first speech, Han Fei had already seen the distance, and someone quickly flew by. It wasn't Feng Yu, but who could it be?

   It's just that Feng Yu was followed by Zhao Qinglong. These two were extremely fast, but they decelerated crazily in an instant. They were silly looking directly. There were more than 15,000 demons around a lake. Even though the two of them were strong, how could they stop so many demons?

  It’s just that Zhao Qinglong’s eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that Han Fei was standing there on the surface of the lake, safe and sound. This made Zhao Qinglong feel very bad.

   He believes that no one can walk such a long distance in the strange ominousness before and come here. How did Han Fei do it?

   And at this moment, it seems that he realized that he couldn't stop the arrival of these contestants after all, so the Devil Emperor was anxious. Half of the demons tried to launch the last charge.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   It is a pity that the Devil Emperor seems to have underestimated the decisive heart of these Lingzhi by the lake. Suddenly, nearly a hundred spiritual plants bloomed one after another.

   Feng Yu and others, people rushed to one after another, but when they saw this scene, the whole person was not good. What kind of power is this fighting?

Zhao Qinglong's face was dignified. Inside his body, the black dragon said, "Sure enough, this is the origin of the world fighting against this ominous area. Now both sides are constrained separately. Therefore, the devil and the spiritual plants can only fight against each other in order to make a breakthrough. . We came just right."

   "Have you come right?"

Heilong: "At this critical moment, the big sunflower and this ominous area must have suffered a serious injury. It is even said that there must be a death. But where is the other one absolutely impossible to get better? Look at the big sunflower, the sunflower seeds are half bald. Many, and fighting and being suppressed all the year round, her vitality has been very weak, and her strength is shrinking all the time. Although in realm, she is still a very strong emperor. Even if he wins, I am confident that she will be hit again. She. In this way, the world origin of this whole lake is completely lost. But..."

"but what?"

   Black Dragon Yoyo said: "But all of this seems weird. There is a high possibility that someone else played a good game, if I rushed to make a move."

   Zhao Qinglong's heart moved: "What will happen?"

   Black Dragon: "If I just borrowed from you, it shouldn't be a big problem. But showing up, it shouldn't work."

  Because of this round of demon impact, it is not over yet, but the people behind have already arrived. At this moment, when they saw Han Fei actually on the Lake of Origin of the World, they exclaimed.

   Wushuang's beautiful eyes lit up: "I knew that he was not dead yet."

   Wang Beichen nodded slightly: "Brother Han has many methods, but it is not the time to consider him at this moment."

   At that moment, although many people were shocked by the fact that Han Fei was still alive.

However, I only heard a voice in the void. It was the voice of the head of Tao Yu, ethereal and soft: "I am the origin consciousness of the world here. I am contaminated with ominousness here, and I am entangled with it, and it is inconvenient to take action. Please help everyone , Punish these demons. At that time, I will give you some world origins as a reward."


   "The original consciousness of the living world?"

   "This! Live?"

   "Look, it's that big sunflower."

   "Gosh! Is that lake the origin of the world?"

   "Hahaha, it's posted."

   However, some people are excited, some are very wary, because at this moment the devil is charging wildly, trying to rush into the original lake.

Seeing many people hesitating for a while, but listening to the lake, Han Fei roared: "Do you want the power of the Lordless Soul? Do you want the origin of the world? Once this is breached, you won't get anything. If you don’t want anything, just stand there and watch."

   When Han Fei yelled out these words, he felt something was wrong in his heart. He felt that the number of people coming was a bit too large. He had thought that there were a thousand people, but he knew that three thousand people came all at once.


   Without waiting for Han Fei to think about it, suddenly, there was a fire and phoenix flying into the sky, a crisp chirping sound, and a terrifying flame sweeping the world.

   Feng Yu did not speak, but she proved by her actions that she wanted to take action.

   Just before Feng Yu shot, he released Feng Xingliu and the others. This kind of battle between good and evil, one more helper, one more strength.

   Moreover, there are obviously great opportunities here, and Feng Xingliu needs these opportunities. As for Zhou Run and the others, it just went smoothly.

   No, as soon as Feng Xingliu and the others came out, they saw the scene of the battle between the immortals and demons. All my head is, who am I? I am here? What am i doing?

   But several people quickly found out where Han Fei was.

   "Han Fei."

   "No brother!"

   I only heard Han Fei shout: "Shoot, kill the devil."

   Then Han Fei transmitted a few people: "Something is wrong, you guys lean against me while you fight."

   These words were shouted at Feng Xingliu and the others, but when Feng Xingliu saw that Feng Yu had already taken action, he immediately yelled, and the Fire Phoenix skyrocketed. It doesn't matter where he is, just hit it first anyway.

   Zhou Run looked at the situation around him, and immediately transmitted the voice of Cao Mengde and the others: "While fighting, approach the Fei brother. Once someone moves towards us, it will explode and rush towards Fei brother."


   There are sky surveying swords, the waves are like tides, the avenues, the souls, and the fusion of a variety of air luck. This is the sword move that Wang Beichen comprehended from Han Fei's Dao Guiyi Sword, which can hurt people's bodies as well as their souls.

   Wang Beichen has also taken action after Feng Yu.

   Although they think there are still seven or eight thousand monsters, which seems to be a lot, don't forget that there are more than three thousand contestants. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   On average, it’s almost enough to hold two and a half demons. Moreover, killing the demon is indeed able to obtain a lot of power of the masterless soul.

   is good or bad, everyone knows at a glance, they came to the Demon Realm to destroy these monsters. Now, what the big sunflower said was ominous, obviously it was these demons, and the darkness itself, this was the object they should eradicate.

   Chance, right in front of them, everyone did not hesitate, and immediately shot.

   As the saying goes, there are so many people and power, more than three thousand people shot, and the remaining demons are almost entangled.

  Although the spiritual plants here in the source lake of the world are still blooming, Han Fei knew that the devil's catastrophe had passed.

Han Fei said, "Senior, if you can, try to find a way to spare some energy. Because that person is the black suit that beats fiercely, the one with my black gold knife, he has secrets on his body, I am afraid he is not a good person. ."

   Han Fei felt that no matter whether Zhao Qinglong would use the power of the black dragon or not, he was prepared and could not please Zhao Qinglong.

   Dao Yu Kui Shou did not respond, but someone shouted to Han Fei while fighting: "Han Fei, I'm waiting for the battle, can't you be watching the show?"

  Han Fei directly yelled: "I have been fighting here for March, exhausted every day, killing tens of thousands of demons. Before you come, I have already fought for several rounds. Don't beep if you don't know."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei showed a somewhat unstable posture. At this moment, it was natural not to fight. He was still prepared to leave the strength to run.

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