God of Fishing

Chapter 2443: The meaning of watching the game

The sea-opening state has the rules of the sea-opening state, and the open-day state naturally also has the rules of the open-day state.

Just listen to this referee saying: "The most important rule of the Open Heaven Realm Grand Competition is that intentional murder is not allowed."

For this news, those big forces are naturally aware of it. For Han Fei, he had already expected it. The location of the fourth round of qualifiers was in Moyu, and Han Fei knew that it was more like training soldiers.

The so-called once-in-a-hundred-thousand-year competition is definitely not a simple game to bring some strong players to a sports meeting. Han Fei thought that the Divine Capital Dynasty was consciously cultivating these relatively powerful Open Heaven Realm powerhouses, and he always felt that this was not a good thing.

Otherwise, the resources in the Demon Realm have all gone into the pockets of the contestants, but after they came out, they have even given extra merit points. This is worth thinking about, there is no free lunch in the world.

Han Fei felt that something big would happen later. And this big event requires the support of manpower, which is why deliberate killing is not allowed in the rules.

The referee continued:

"Open Heaven Realm Grand Competition, each battle lasts for at most one hour. If it exceeds this time, the referee's judgment will be the standard."

"During the game, no artifacts, magical techniques, or powerful auxiliary resources that clearly help the victory of the battle can be used."

"There are eight regular rounds in the arena, and every player who advances to a round can get 1,000 points of merit."

"All contestants, regardless of strength, if they can show their unique potential, will have the opportunity to enter the East China Sea Shenzhou, among the major forces. In this competition, a total of 48 forces are robbing people again. Therefore, Trying to win the game may change the trajectory of your life."


"There are rewards for meritorious service after promotion?"

"So many forces are robbing people? As long as they can participate now, there is a chance of being robbed? This, this... I think the qualifiers have already begun, but I didn't expect the fourth round of qualifiers to be the end!"

"I rubbed, I was deceived! I knew I had to participate in the fourth round of qualifiers anyway!"

For a time, all those who withdrew from the fourth round of qualifiers regretted it. They had regretted it once. But this time, they really cried, and they made a choice, which directly ruined their bright future!

However, the referee suddenly swept his gaze to the audience seats in the entire arena, and suddenly said: "All spectators. If there are those who are unwilling, those who truly have the heart of the strong, after this 100,000-year competition, You can go to the Tiankeng World. The reward for the merit of the Tiankeng World is doubled. This feat is also valid in the Shendu Dynasty. The opportunity is rare, and it is rare in a hundred thousand years... Of course, I just suggest that whether to go or not is a personal matter. "

Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Hong Guoguo's temptation! It seems that something big is going to happen in the sea world, do you know what it is?"

Tiankeng World wants to expand the battle, and even the merit award has doubled. Han Fei's original idea was that the Immortal Temple was coming, but after thinking about it, the ultimate goal of the Three Temples was the same. The fourth round involved ominousness. Therefore, this conscription may not be true and the Immortal Temple was dead. knock.

Han Fei didn't wait for someone else to answer, he was waiting for Zhou Run's answer. For now, this guy is pure IQ online, crushing everyone.

Just listen to Zhou Run: "I guess, everything now should be related to Demon Domain and Xinghai. Therefore, in the near future, no matter what happens, my suggestion is not to participate. At least not the first batch of participants."

Han Fei: "Oh? Are you so sure?"

Zhou Run: "In the past ten thousand years, there has never been a situation like today. The rewards of the tiankeng world have been doubled, and there has been a history, and it has been many times. It is just...after each time, a large number of strong people have fallen. A large number of strong men have risen. But in the end...the ones who fall and disappear will inevitably be more than those who rise. I have studied this matter, and there are traces from some special mysteries that show that in fact, many people did not fall in the sky. A battlefield like the pit world...but, Xinghai."

Seeing everyone's eyes fixed on him, Zhou Run quickly said: "Don't look at me. I don't know much about this kind of thing. We don't have access to the family's core secrets at all. But in fact, don't panic. No matter what the purpose is, it will eventually be revealed slowly. It's just a matter of time."

Han Fei nodded, as did Zhou Run's words, he still had a lot of things to do. When I finish it, maybe these secrets now are no longer secrets.

At this moment, I just listened to the referee shouting: "Now, I announce that once every 100,000 years, the Open Heaven Realm Grand Tournament will officially begin. Please, the first ten teams will play against both sides."

At this time, Han Fei and the others were already seated. And the first batch of players are ready, just waiting for the game to start.

Now, every round of promotion is rewarded for meritorious service. Contrary to everyone's expectations, they thought there was no reward except for the top ten. Now this welfare, the most contending is the first round, all the participants have already been smashed.

At this time, Han Fei saw that during the time when the referee was speaking, more and more people entered the arena, and there were already 700,000 to 800,000 people seated here.

Because the ten groups of arenas add up to a huge venue, there is no such thing as a seat number at all. Everyone comes in and sits down anywhere. If the relationship is good, they will come together in groups.

However, Han Fei still felt the sweep of multiple perceptions, turned his head and saw that Feng Yu was here, but Feng Yu was here with a princess, and the two were still drinking tea and drinking together.

Also, people like Wushuang, Wang Beichen, Deng Xingtian, and other personal disciples of big forces, gathered together. Although these forces will have friction with each other, they exist as equal forces, and they don't look down on being with others, so they all gather together.

At this moment, these people on the ring, Han Fei, naturally didn't know any of them. They all come from various places in the wilderness, who knows them all?

Maybe someone knows them, but it's not Han Fei and the others.

From the time the contestants entered and the game started, there were occasional sounds in the audience, but not many.

And Han Fei, while recalling the synchronized memories of Ne Zha and Zhang Daqian, while extracting the essence from those memories, feedback to Ne Zha and Zhang Daqian.

But this does not distract Han Fei. For example, at this moment, even Feng Xingliu pointed to the middle of the field in astonishment and said, "Look, Han Fei, that person can predict how the enemy will attack."

That was the fourth ring. A female cultivator used a golden wheel. A golden light appeared in her eyes. As soon as she appeared, she was able to predict accurately.

Han Fei said lightly: "She has pupil skills. It is a rare talent."

At this moment, Han Fei saw the woman who went to fight, the golden wheel in her hand turned into thousands of golden mirrors, and the golden light shining out formed a golden light cage.

Its opponent, a middle-aged man, suddenly offered a pair of big scissors, and the whole person turned into a rotating blade, which could cut off the light.

The two of them fought hundreds of each other in an instant. The female cultivator was agile and precise. And his opponent, Han Fei, looked at it as if it was a lobster man, because the woman was inadvertently swept by two long beards and knocked into the barrier.

Feng Xingliu: "Han Fei, who do you think will win?"

Han Fei: "Let them fight first! If there is no accident, this female cultivator can win. Although the big lobster has amazing power and destructive power far surpasses this female cultivator, his fighting methods are relatively ordinary, no A special skill. If this situation is maintained, it will be defeated in approximately one stick of incense."

"Oh, that's it? I learned it."

Feng Xingliu nodded slightly. He felt that the female cultivator was too weak. As long as the lobster man caught the opportunity, it was very likely that a combo would be hit. However, the explanation given by Han Fei was reasonable. The combat skills of this big lobster were not very good.

When it was over, Han Fei turned his gaze to the No. 6 ring next door. It was a man covered with black crystal armor, which seemed to be a mineral race. And his opponent was also a female cultivator, a female cultivator who practiced physical training and martial arts. The black crystal man wanted to make shots one after another, but was affected by the superimposed air currents around him.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a lightning hook with at least eight times the speed of light flew out and hooked to the female boxer. The latter's reaction was too late, the two fists were combined, the avenues of wind gathered around the body, and the whole person turned into the wind.

For a time, a strong wind filled the ring.

"Boom boom boom~"

The woman didn't reappear, she shot frantically, and her fist marks broke out from all directions.

"Boom! Boom! Fuck, what a violent fist."

Wu Bufan next door took a deep breath of the big pipe and exclaimed: "This female boxer is too fierce."

Feng Xingliu: "I'm defeating her."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Do you deny her? You take a closer look."

Everyone was puzzled and looked blankly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only saw that some crystals and gravel appeared inexplicably in the field, and under the storm, it broke out at a speed of light above the speed of light, sweeping the entire ring.

However, there is a space in the field, and the force field is distorted.

The next moment, I saw a fist burst out in the twisted space, and the void twisted all the way until the twisted space surrounded the black crystal man. His power was almost destroyed in this twisted space.

Zhou Run: "It's the way of strength. This female sister has understood the way of strength to a very high level. Although the way of strength is rare, it is a very strong way, enough to restrain too many miscellaneous special avenues."

Cao Mengde was surprised: "The Avenue of Power is so strong?"

Han Fei: "What do you think? Strength seems ordinary, but everyone is pursuing it. It is natural to realize what others cannot. This is the meaning of our watching these games."

And in the void, someone in the Quanmang Mountain camp said: "No.6 ring, that girl Quanmang Mountain wants. After the first round, contact her directly without waiting."

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