God of Fishing

Chapter 2447: Join the gate of heaven

half year later.

In the middle of the second round of the Open Heaven Challenge.

Han Fei has already played, and on this day, he suddenly learned from the synchronization information that the regular season of Pihaijing has been played.

In the regular season of Pihaijing, there were as many as twelve rounds, so many matches were completed, and a total of 500 people were left in the final lap.

Moreover, the battle of robbing people in Pihai Realm had already begun.

During this regular season, the Kingdom of God, Kaihai Realm and Kaitian Realm progressed every day. The Divine Capital Dynasty even set up a place for breakthroughs. Once anyone wants to make a breakthrough, he will directly contact the waiter, and he will report to him in a short period of time and find a suitable place for breakthrough.

Of course, not all breakthroughs can be successful. Even if the Sea Realm has a lot of relevant information about the Open Heaven Realm and countless explanations and coping methods for crossing the Tribulation, the fall rate is still as high as 50%.

This 50% said that the strength in all aspects is already in place, and it is only a catastrophe.

If you have just arrived at the peak of Pihai, you think you can survive the catastrophe, and the probability of falling is as high as 90%. But no one is so stupid.

After the big match, Nezha clone, Zhang Daqian clone, and Zhang Xuanyu, it is estimated that they will all go through the robbery.

But now, they are all in the finals.

Han Fei did not go to them, but went out directly with his thoughts.

They had just entered the finals at the Pihai Realm Arena, and they had three days of rest, and at the same time they felt the synchronized information from the main body.

On Nezha's side, he found Zhang Xuanyu for the first time. And straight to the point: "Jade! I suggest you go for this competition."

Zhang Xuanyu wondered: "Why? I made an appointment with Xiaobai and the others to go to Tiankeng World to meet. Now there is not much time left. I have to find a way to grow in the wilderness."

Han Fei shook his head: "Believe me, the opportunities in the wilderness are definitely not as many as the big forces. Among the many choices, I suggest you go to the Ghost Channel. Your soul has been extremely strong since you were a child. After this big comparison, you Surely it will go through the catastrophe immediately, right? At that time, no matter what, I will first learn the Yangshen's exercises from the Ghost Strait first."

Zhang Xuanyu's heart moved: "Yang Shen? What is that?"

Han Fei quietly explained to Zhang Xuanyu for a while, the latter's eyes widened: "The soul of immortality? No one in the same realm can kill?"

Han Fei: "It's not indestructible, but at least 90% of the people are innocent. Because your soul is high enough, the star orb is not easy to be discovered by the real superpower. They want to directly penetrate your star orb and kill it. Your chances are very small. Anyway, you still have six hundred years to go. When you arrive at the Ghost Strait, you must be listed as the most arrogant. When that happens, you will only find a reason to find a way to the sinking world. I don’t believe you. Can't do it."

Zhang Xuanyu's heart moved: "If this is the case, I can try. But this time it seems that Xiao Bai and Xiao Kuang Kuang did not come."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, I didn't come, and I didn't find it either. I also looked for the Open Heaven Realm. However, since you have agreed, then go to the Tiankeng World to talk about it."

Zhang Xuanyu: "What about you? It's not just that simple to say that you got your external avatar here? It stands to reason that you should have a lot of resources. But you have always been strong in the decisive circle, what is the purpose?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Me? I want to enter the gate of heaven."

Zhang Xuanyu knew at the time that Han Fei was suffocating bad things. He said that if the gate of heaven knew that you were the external incarnation of Han Fei, he could extract your soul and soul, so that you would never be supernatural. Believe it or not?

Zhang Xuanyu was also interested, and couldn't help but smashed his mouth and said: "Or, I also enter the gate of heaven? You do big things, don't you need someone to cooperate with you?"

Han Fei curled his lips and said to his heart that with a woolen thread, what he wanted to do would be chased by the Celestial Clan to nine days and ten places.

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "Don't you, I'm afraid your life will not be enough to get in."

Go to the gate of heaven?

When Han Fei bid farewell to Zhang Xuanyu and told Duan Qingsi this information, the latter had huge doubts. How could she have thought that Han Fei would join other forces after this?

Duan Qingsi frowned and said: "The reason."

Han Fei: "The Celestial Clan has what I need. In the short term, I need to hide in. They have sent someone over to contact me, and I have indicated my intention."

Duan Qingsi's eyes widened, suddenly thinking of something, and said in amazement: "Is your body also here? Why do you want to sneak into the gate of heaven?"

Han Fei said lightly: "This is my own business, it has nothing to do with the chaos wasteland, and the gate of heaven itself. In the future, maybe my body will go to the city of wanderers, but when I go, it may be It's time for the chaotic wasteland to change. And..."

Han Fei took a deep look at Duan Qingsi and said, "I hope you can help act out a play."


After a while, Duan Qingsi looked at Han Fei with a complicated expression, but did not ask too much. She knew that Nezha was just an external incarnation. But even if that guy is an external avatar, he can enter the decisive circle. It can be seen from the body, and it is not simple.

And the master said that there are some things in the Shendu Dynasty, you can follow Han Fei's ideas, as long as you cooperate.

Duan Qingsi naturally thought that this should be Nezha's body, planning something. But no matter what the plan is, there should be no harm to the city of wanderers.

Because she knew that this guy was going to compete with the master for the throne of the emperor. This kind of person, in any case, cannot be underestimated.

And just after Nezha clone and Duan Qingsi confided in leaving and staying, there was already a strong celestial clan on the side of the Scavenger City.

The visitor, to be honest, was beyond Han Fei's expectations and Pan Litian's expectations.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be an expert of Dzogchen who came to the door in person, and Han was very familiar with this strong Dzogchen, isn't this Yi Cai?

Pan Litian obviously knows this man too. In terms of strength alone, Yi Cai is not his opponent, but the opponent is noble. This time visiting the door in person, is it a good face?

In this 100,000 Years Competition, two people from Scavenger City successfully made the decisive circle, one is Bai Ranran and the other is Ye Fengliu.

These two people are both highly potential players and can enter the decisive circle, which means that they have broken through the Open Heaven realm. Moreover, as long as they are given time, the transformation of stars is just a matter of course, and it can even be very fast.

Moreover, the two of them are still young, and I dare not say that they can prove the truth, but the transformation of the stars is complete, and both of them have a great opportunity.

Pan Litian knows her intentions, how can he be polite?

Just listen to him: "Miss Yi, come here in person, something?"

Yi Cai smiled: "Senior, why are you thousands of miles away from me?"

Pan Litian: "I'm afraid Miss Yi has forgotten. I am in a chaotic wasteland. Although I am in a remote location, I can still be regarded as a big power. Two geniuses have finally emerged from the family, and I still want to seize the gate of heaven?"

Yi Cai smiled and said: "Senior, don't speak so badly. Practitioners, be the leader of a hundred families. At the gate of my heaven, I can also send some disciples to the chaotic wasteland to communicate with each other! And, this After all, it depends on what they want. If they don’t want it, my gate to heaven will not force it."

Pan Litian snorted coldly, but he couldn't help it. In fact, he is also capable of grabbing people. If he forcibly rejects the Celestial Clan, then the difficulty of grabbing people by himself later can be said to be infinite.

Even those who are ready to take refuge over may be taken away by other forces at any time.

In desperation, Pan Litian could only call Bai Ranran and Ye Fengliu.

After Pan Litian gave them a voice transmission, Bai Ranran and Han Fei both pretended to be surprised, as if they didn't expect to be attracted by the Celestial Clan.

But in fact, I don't know that this is the first big power to find today.

For ordinary sea-opening realms, these big forces certainly don't care. However, for the Pihai Realm that can enter the finals, every family will have to fight for it.

These people, any one, as long as there are no major problems, it is a little bit false to prove the Dao, but as long as it does not fall, it is still very possible to cultivate to the Great Consummation of the Transforming Star.

The superpowers were not superpowers at the beginning, they were always more and more powerful, and eventually some provoking, proving, and even becoming gods appeared.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Yi Cai came to the door in person.

Just listen to Yi Cai said: "You two, would you like to join me in the Gate of Heaven? How powerful is the Gate of Heaven? I think it is impossible for you to know how powerful it is. You have joined the gate of heaven, but you can leave at any time, as long as you don’t reveal any information about the gate of heaven. Even, maybe the gate of heaven and your city of scavengers will establish a friendly relationship."

Bai Ranran was more direct, and bowed to Yi Cai: "Thank you seniors for your love. I was born in the city of scavengers and I am determined to walk my own way. Your kindness is my heart."

Pan Litian raised the corners of his mouth slightly. What Yi Cai said was all nonsense. He really wanted to enter the gate of heaven and leave at any time? Can Yi Cai believe this? As for establishing a friendly relationship with the Scavenger City, it is necessary for Bai Ranran and Ye Fengliu to at least reach the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star, or even to prove the Dao, otherwise this is just empty talk.

Therefore, Bai Ranran's decisive refusal made him feel a lot more comfortable.

However, at this time, Ye Fengliu made a different voice, only listening to him: "Senior, I heard that the people at the gate of heaven have come into contact with Nezha?"

In fact, the people at the Gate of Heaven not only contacted Nezha, but all the people in the finals were invited.

However, Han Fei needs to point this out. Because up to now, there has not been a Huaxing Great Perfection to find Nezha, maybe they feel that Nezha's potential is relatively weak.

Yi Cai heard this, her eyes lightened slightly: "Yes, if nothing happens, he will become a member of the gate of my heaven after the big competition. I know that your chaotic wasteland has mixed forces. Maybe you can join because of this. My gate to the kingdom of heaven will realize the peaceful reunification of the chaotic wasteland in the future, maybe that is."

Yi Cai's heart moved, but Nezha didn't go there in person. Because she felt that Nezha's potential was not as high as that of Ye Fengliu.

However, he knows Nezha. If one of the people in the finals is an almighty fighter, I am afraid that Nezha can definitely be regarded as the arrogant of the Tianjiao.

After contacting the gate of heaven twice, Nezha reluctantly let go. Now when I think about it, the Chaos Wasteland is in a mess, and the relationship between the City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers is extremely disharmonious, even enemies of life and death. But if you give up, you will definitely not give up. How can someone who has finally won, just give up?

Even Yi Cai decided to visit Nezha in person later. It's all right to stimulate the city of scavengers. They wouldn't be indifferent to seeing the people from the city of wanderers join the gate of heaven, right? Are they not afraid of the union of the Gate of Heaven and the City of Wanderers?

Yi Cai Yanran smiled and continued: "In this round of finals, I don’t see many people at the Gate of Heaven. Nezha and you are among them. Moreover, for potential people like you, Gate of Heaven. Everyone will spare no effort in training. I dare not say about the preaching, but as long as it does not fall, I believe that there will be no problem with the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star."

At this moment, Han Fei pretended to glance at Pan Litian, but saw that Pan Litian frowned. It is estimated that Nezha is going to enter the gate of heaven, which is not good news for the city of scavengers.

However, he also saw that Pan Litian seemed to be struggling.

Pan Litian was still a little moved, thinking about whether to let Ye Fengliu also enter the gate of heaven, to contain it.

But Han Fei quickly responded: "Senior, forgive me for not being able to follow my fate."

"Oh? Because Nezha?"

Yi Cai took a deep look at Han Fei, and said to her heart that you shouldn't contain each other at this time?

Just listen to Han Fei's answer: "Everyone has fate, no matter how good the gate of heaven is, it is not my home. However, since the seniors sincerely invited, but the juniors have other candidates. Although they have not entered the finals, their rankings have reached ten thousand. She is one of the most famous, and she is our granddaughter of Lord Litian."


Pan Litian looked at Han Fei suddenly, but then many thoughts flashed through his mind. Suddenly I felt that if this was the case, it was not impossible. The power of the gate of heaven is beyond doubt, he was hesitating just now whether to let Ye Fengliu in to contain Nezha.

But then, it could also be a double-edged sword. If Ye Fengliu finally belongs to the gate of heaven, he will lose such a talent in vain.

But Pan Ying, that is his own granddaughter, and the talented bloodline is not weak. I don't need to worry that my granddaughter will not kiss me. Similarly, with my own relationship, Pan Ying should have a bit of status even at the Gate of Heaven, and she will never be worse than Na Zha.

Moreover, if his granddaughter can enter the gate of heaven, the future will definitely be longer than in the Chaos Wasteland.

Pan Litian couldn't help looking at Yi Cai, wanting to see how she reacted.

Yi Cai froze slightly, UU read www. uukanshu.com said that this was actually a general. If you want it! Pan Ying's overall potential is definitely not as good as these people in the finals, and he doesn't bother to care about it.

But if you say no! Isn't this just hitting Pan Litian in the face on the spot?

Although Yi Cai is conceited, she also knows that Pan Litian is the first lord of the Scavenger City. His strength has long since turned into the Great Perfection of the Star. If it wasn't for his age, he might have already proclaimed. Moreover, here he represents the Great Emperor Wanlin in the Scavenger City, so he can't neglect this.

If he vetoed it on the spot, it would not be possible to have any intersection with the city of scavengers in the future, if the wicked force didn't say anything.

After thinking for a while, Yi Cai took a deep look at Han Fei, and then smiled: "If it is the granddaughter of Senior Litian, it is worthy of my Celestial Clan's attention... I'm afraid Senior Litian will not bear it?"

Pan Litian smiled faintly: "There is nothing to be reluctant to give up, but girl Yi Cai, the reason why my granddaughter did not enter the finals is actually because she has not been deeply involved in the world, and her blood and potential have not yet been stimulated. I dare not say that I will become an absolute arrogant in the future, but never The momentum of falling into the gate of heaven."

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