God of Fishing

Chapter 2453: Face-to-face threat

Ye Fengliu was recognized by all audiences as the most mysterious of all, because from beginning to end, Ye Fengliu only made a single cut.

Now, when Ye Fengliu meets Jiatian, many people want to see if Jiatian can force Ye Fengliu's true strength.

This scene can be described as a lot of expectations.

"Game start."

With the referee's shout, layers of golden light flashed on Jia Tian's body in the field. The sand and gravel around him all floated up in the air, and then they were crushed by invisible force.

As long as you are a discerning person, you can see that Jia Tian is accumulating strength, surrounded by shields and armor, ripples spread out, this is a knife to resist the wind and flow of the leaves!

In fact, Han Fei didn't care much about Jiatian's behavior. He had also experienced it when he was unparalleled in physique. Although there is no Jiatian's shell, who can say to penetrate oneself in the same situation at the beginning?

However, only through experience can you know that the world is strong, there is no absolutely invincible defense, no matter what, you can get hurt.

And Zhang Daqian's avatar, who has synchronized information with the subject countless times, fighting skills, swordsmanship, and understanding of ten thousand ways is not comparable to the sea-level realm.

It's like Nezha's potential shouldn't have appeared in the top 32 list, but he has come in. It's not because of how strong Nezha is, but because Nezha has acquired all the insights of the ontology, and it doesn't make sense if it is not strong.

Therefore, at this moment, Jia Tian's full blow, in Han Fei's view, was actually unremarkable. He could even see at a glance some of the irregular weak points of the shield and armor revealed in the so-called invincible defense.


Just halfway through Jiatian's rush, Han Fei had already drawn his sword, and the sword went out faster than the speed of light.


Many of the Open Heaven Realm powerhouses who were watching the battle, as well as those who were ready to grab the people and powerful forces, couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this scene.

"How can it be?"

"Super-light power, he is only the pinnacle of the sea! He hasn't even entered the Open Heaven realm, and this...Is it almost three times faster than the speed of light, right?"

This terrible phenomenon of super-light speed, many open-sky realm powerhouses are sure, and even many powerhouses who have just transformed into stars, may not be able to hit such a fast knife speed.

Except for the speed of light, only some people can tell. Just now, Han Fei didn't actually only make a single shot, how much the power of that blade overlapped.

Whenever a wave of swords fell on Jiatian's shield armor barrier, there would be a large amount of shield armor ripples and shock power, dissipating, or being sucked away by the sword light, strengthening the power of the sword light.

"Octopus sucker?"

Next to Han Fei, Feng Xingliu said in amazement: "That guy actually connected his own knife with the suction power of his body. This is a good idea."



Before Feng Xingliu was surprised, he saw that Jiatian's shield was completely broken, and his whole person was cut into two pieces.

Because the speed of the battle broke out so fast, the audience still looked expectantly.

It wasn't until Jia Tian's body cracked that they realized later that the battle was over?


Off the court, the exclamation continued, and tens of thousands of sea-breaking realm experts couldn't help but let out a sound of amazement.

"Well, this is the end?"

"Impossible? Even Jiatian...can't stop him with a single blow?"

"One sword? One sword slashes the sky, how can Pihai Realm have such a powerful existence?"

"This, damn, I now think that Ye Fengliu is the pervert who can make a winning streak."

Don't talk about these audiences, even the scavenger camp is all dumbfounded.

Pan Litian's eyes were bright, Ye Fengliu couldn't be so strong! What has he experienced over the years?

Pan Litian: "Bai Ranran, Ye Fengliu is your player. What do you think of his strength? Did he have hidden strength before?"

Bai Ranran thought for a while, and then shook his head: "No! Although he was strong before, he had limits. At first, his strength was not as good as that of Ghost Blade and Tianhong. But after he ended the cemetery battlefield, the few days of retreat should have been It surpassed Ghost Blade and Tianhong. This can be seen in his first battle after he emerged from the Chaos Wasteland. However, even then, he is far less powerful than he is now."

Li Shenhao: "Lord Litian, I can testify about this. Although Brother Fengliu was very strong at the beginning, he was by no means as strong. I guess he must have encountered some other special opportunity on the way to the Shendu Dynasty. "

Pan Litian stroked it all over again. He knew the origin of this Ye Fengliu. He had experienced two blood awakenings and his growth rate was amazing.

Historically, the Chaos Wasteland has had such amazing talents, but I didn't expect that this time it would appear in the city of scavengers.

Pan Litian didn't think much about it, and he said that he would just go back and ask Ye Fengliu directly.

The referee was also a little shocked, but his psychological quality was stronger. Therefore, after Han Fei's victory, the referee quickly recovered and shouted directly: "This round, Ye Fengliu wins."

When Jiatian recovered, his heart was shocked, horrified, and unbelievable. Han Fei's attack was not only as simple as defeating him, that terrifying sword intent was still engraved in his own flesh and blood, and it would take at least a day to obliterate it.

Next, Jia Tian spent a full day recovering from his injuries and did not receive a second battle. This means that he would rather play five games the next day than force another shot now.

And Ye Fengliu has now become the person who appears most frequently in the mouths of millions of viewers.

One day later, Jia Tian won a match and met Zhang Xuanyu.

After meeting Zhang Xuanyu, Jia Tian was also a bachelor and didn't want to waste time. If it hadn't been for that Ye Fengliu was so strong, he would not forcefully go up, and finally wasted a day in vain.

Therefore, at this moment, Jia Tian would only admit defeat, and would not even want to fight. In this way, he can end the remaining three battles in one day, and if he wins all, he can get one extra point. Coupled with the fact that I ended the game five days early, this score is definitely not low.

Later, just as Jiatian expected, not everyone can break through Jiatian's defenses. Such a person can be said to be unique.

In the end, Jiatian won 27 wins and 4 losses, and gained 27 basic points. The winning streak accumulated 19 points. The battle ended five days in advance, accumulated 15 points, and the final total score totaled 61 points.

This score creates the highest score so far. Most people guess that this score is bound to enter the top ten list.

One and a half months later.

Once Zhang Daqian's clone was called back by Pan Litian for questioning, Han Fei naturally said that he had obtained the opportunity and inheritance. The source of the inheritance is to enter a land of octopuses, and encounter a path that may be a magical way, but the inheritance is not very perfect.

In short, it was to flick Pan Litian over.

When Han Fei was about to return to the arena again, an unexpected person appeared in front of him.

"Ye Fengliu, you have to lose the game against me."

The appearance of Shui Dongze made Han Fei a little strange, but after hearing his words, Han Fei was happy at the time.

Han Fei responded indifferently: "Why?"

Shui Dongze: "I will give you ten root fruits, 300,000 li resources. The premise is that you have to lose."

Han Fei raised his brows, is there such a good thing?

But he still looked indifferent: "Do you think I will cheat for this resource?"

Shui Dongze grinned and sneered: "What resources do you want, you say."

Han Fei thought for a while: "The best artifact, if you have one."

Han Fei didn't care about these resources, even if Shui Dongze promised these resources tenfold, he would not care very much. At this stage of Han Fei, there is no shortage of resources or something.

And after being infused with a large amount of world origin fruit, Han Fei's heart for the world origin fruit became weaker.

Besides, as long as you win the championship, will the Divine Capital Dynasty not reward it?

Even if the Divine Capital Dynasty is unreasonable, how can Emperor Wanlin not reward it? The same is the emperor, even if the emperor Wanlin is stingy, he can still use the resources to cultivate himself.

Hearing Han Fei talking about the best artifact, Shui Dongze knew that Han Fei was not going to give up at all. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Just listen to him: "Ye Fengliu, I hope you will think clearly, starting tomorrow, it will be my game. You'd better listen to the advice I give you. After all, your chaotic wasteland is still too weak after all. "

Han Fei said indifferently: "Then there are also emperors sitting in town, can you make a fool of yourself in a mere trivial argument?"

Shui Dongze snorted coldly: "Then just wait and see, I can't win the whole game, but I think, how do you live in the future?"

"threaten me?"

Shui Dongze said lightly: "You can understand that."

Han Fei looked at Shui Dongze indifferently, "Do you think I gave it to the city of scavengers for nothing?"

Here, Shui Dongze had just threatened Zhang Daqian's avatar face to face, and over there, Han Fei had already begun to figure it out. Anyway, the one who should have come is also coming, and the person who offends the Celestial Clan is not offending one or two. At that time, if this Shui Dongze really dared to lead someone to make a move, he would be killed easily.

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