God of Fishing

Chapter 2458: Reward for opening up the sea

When Bai Ranran met Han Fei, her heart was quite complicated. She seemed to think of Han Fei's rise in the City of Wanderers.

At the beginning, whether it was fighting the scavengers arena or the law enforcement camp, the Ye Fengliu in her impression was this kind of promotion route.

However, the environment has changed, and now Han Fei is about to break through the top 32 points contest.

Because she was from her own family, Bai Ranran didn't want to fight Han Fei at all. She felt that if she wanted to learn from Han Fei and waited for the city of scavengers, what was the chance?

Therefore, when Bai Ranran chose to admit defeat, Pihai Realm's first record of victory appeared. Han Fei took a total of less than 8 hours to win 31 games and directly scored a full score with a total of 131 points.

At that moment, the championship or something was doomed.

In other words, not only the champion, the runner-up is also destined. What other people can fight for is the third place.

However, at this time, there must be no more people who will release the water! Now letting go of water is equivalent to adding opponents to oneself.

Zhang Xuanyu scored 104 points without letting anyone release the water, ranking second.

Because Feng Qingcheng and Shui Dongze scored a tie in the match, the two had to fight again. This was the third match between the two. Knowing that Feng Qingcheng, who was cursed, would have left a little bit of his hands or something, the peacock bird greeted Shui Dongze frantically.

In fact, Shui Dongze was defeated for granted. The main reason is that he is not a strong man of the Celestial Clan, and does not inherit the blood of the Celestial Clan.

Otherwise, if Shui Dongze inherits the power of the Celestial Clan, and then has the blood of a god, and someone in the family provides all the resources and good things, it is not certain who wins and loses.

After all, the difference between Shui Dongze and Feng Qingcheng is in the final analysis.

Because of the perverted rules of the points game, Nezha's 81 points of trickery earned him the third place. Although many people dissatisfied with this third place, they just took a trick! If you concede defeat, you will surrender. Apart from Zhang Daqian and Zhang Xuanyu, the fastest to end the battle. What he pulls is the time points.

Even Zhang Xuanyu felt a little ashamed. He and Han Fei were the top three in the dignified East China Sea Shenzhou Divine Capital dynasty's 100,000-year-old competition.

Mainly, Han Fei did not even appear on the body, so he hit the first place aloof results.

At the moment, the top 32 has a new ranking based on points. On the third day after all the matches were played, the top thirty-two were called.

In front of Han Fei and the others, he was also an emperor-level powerhouse.

The Shendu Dynasty did not lower the grade of referees just because it was a big competition in the sea realm.

The emperor said: "First of all, I want to tell you that all of you have rewards from the Divine Capital Dynasty, but there are differences in the amount of rewards."

Just listen to the emperor said: "Now, I will read the ranking situation."

This is just a process. The ranking was released three days ago, so the referee read it quickly.

First place, Ye Fengliu.

Second place, Zhang Xuanyu.

Third place, Nezha.

Fourth place, Feng Qingcheng.

The fifth place is Shui Dongze.

The sixth place is Bai Ranran.

Seventh place, Huang Quan

The eighth place is Hua Lingyue.

The ninth place, Jiatian.

Tenth place, Chen Long

After finishing the ranking quickly, the judge said: "The top ten, each rewards one artifact. Each reward, one Open Sky Barrier Breaking Pill. Each reward, one God Capital Dynasty Time and Space Orb, for practicing in time and space. Cultivation in the pearl, you will get fifty times the time acceleration, which can last for ten years. Each reward, ten world origin fruits. Finally, each reward, one hundred thousand li of resources.... This is your basic reward."

The referee took a breath and said, "In addition to the basic rewards, according to everyone's points, each rewards everyone's corresponding resources. For example, if Ye Fengliu gets 131 points, then he will reward Ye Fengliu with 1.31 million miles of resources. Prepare it to open the sky in the future and transform the stars."


When he heard the news, even Han Fei himself was stunned. Nima received a lot of rewards! Basically, all of the resources that were used to open the sky to transform into a star are given to you at once. This is by no means a small amount. Han Fei had to marvel at the generosity of the Divine Capital Dynasty, which was an additional reward in addition to the basic reward.

The referee continued: "The top three can choose one magic skill and three magic arts from the Shendu Dynasty. Four to ten people can choose three magic arts from the Shendu Dynasty, but they are not magic arts. For the rest, you can choose a magical skill from the Divine Capital Dynasty. You can open the sea realm or open the sky realm. After all, you are about to enter the open sky..."

After a pause, the referee finally added: "Finally, the corresponding resources of the God Capital Dynasty will be sold at 50% off to all of you. The purchase limit for each person is 1 million li of resources."

Zhang Xuanyu swallowed at that time and sent it out. This time it really happened. It's just getting rich overnight! No, Han Fei's resource is his own. Anyway, this guy is rich and has to be slaughtered.

At the end of the reward resources, the referee alone gave a token, which was a special token of the Kingdom of God. Just listen to the referee: "Everyone, you have a long way to go. If you want to find a place to practice in the future, welcome to the world of tiankeng. What I give you is a special token for the world of tiankeng. I have this order. , You can get 20% off purchasing power for the merits gained in Tiankeng World. As long as your merits are enough, you can exchange for magic arts, superb artifacts, and anything you want."


Zhang Xuanyu tried to maintain his mentality. It seemed that he had to go to this sinkhole world. At that time, I met Luo Xiaobai and Xiao Kuang Kuang, and when the token came out, they scared them to death.

When this last thing is explained, the 100,000-year-old competition will be the first to end.

The Venerable Realm Grand Competition has not yet ended, but there are too many people in the Venerable Realm. They have already played for many rounds. Now there are nearly hundreds of thousands of people in the competition. It is estimated that the end time and the Open Heaven Realm The big ratio is almost the same.

After this time, Zhang Daqian's clone naturally returned to the camp of Scavenger City. But now, everyone's eyes look at Han Fei are different, they look like gods.

Not to mention their different gazes, even Pan Litian was dumbfounded. Before this, I am afraid that no one would have thought that it would be the city of Scavengers who won the 100,000-year championship.

No one would have thought that the top thirty-two, the city of scavengers, entered two at once.

After this time, the city of scavengers will surely become famous.

And Nezha avatar was drinking with Zhang Xuanyu in a tavern at the moment.

The two of them are also very cautious in their communication. Zhang Xuanyu said: "At this moment, I am in a good state of mind, and the strong man on the Ghost Strait is ready to take me to the sea of ​​stars. What do you need to pay attention to when you are over the stars?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "Do they have anything to rely on? Just let you go to the sea of ​​stars to cross the catastrophe?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "Well! They gave me a Heavenly Dao Soul Suppressing Pill. It is said that with it, it is safe to open the sky. It is said that this thing can only be used in a thousand years, and there are only six in a furnace."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "Then go and chant! Besides, I will tell you clearly about some things in the Open Heaven Realm..."

Han Fei gave Zhang Xuanyu some insights of the Open Heaven Realm, and the latter was sometimes shocked, sometimes sighed, and finally did not say anything, but just listened to them all.

In the end, Han Fei said: "This time the reward, the other party has given a lot of rewards. But the world origin fruit is less, you go back and ask if there is a channel for you to get more world origin fruit for you. This You can eat gadgets until you reach your full potential."

Zhang Xuanyu said: "The Ghost Strait said that before I cross the Tribulation, it will provide me with at least 12 extra World Origin Fruits."

Han Fei nodded: "That's right, among all things, I think divine art and this are the most precious. You see, joining a big power has a lot of benefits, right? With this resource, you are transforming the stars. Before, I would have experienced the feeling of growing like flying. In addition, all of my 20 World Origin Fruits will be given to you. I have no shortage of this stuff for the time being."

Zhang Xuanyu licked the corner of his mouth: "Then I'm not welcome, I don't just want your world origin fruit. UU reading www.uukānshu.com, you also give me your two space-time practice beads, you don't need it anyway."

Han Fei really didn't care about the thing, but thought that the empty practice beads were more magical at that time, and he even sealed time in a bead.

That one bead is equivalent to 500 years of practice. What Zhang Xuanyu and the others lack is time. They really gave Zhang Xuanyu five hundred years of cultivation time, and it is estimated that they have turned into stars.

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu's words: "I will use one first, and see what strength level Xiao Kuang Kuang and Xiao Bai are at that time. If it is not enough, I will use it for them."

As for other things, Han Fei gave Zhang Xuanyu ten attacking jade slips, and that jade slip contained a full blow from the body.

You know, the wilderness is dangerous, and you really have to encounter any special circumstances, such as provoking people who are beyond your realm too much, and you can't run away. Therefore, Zhang Xuanyu did not refuse.

But for other things, Zhang Xuanyu didn't want it. There is a degree in everything, it is impossible to expect to be fat in one breath. In this way, Zhang Xuanyu felt that he was already eating very hard. If there are more good things, he is afraid that he will not have the motivation to make progress.

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