God of Fishing

Chapter 2462: Xinghai live broadcast

For this issue, some people here may know, but definitely not much.

   Anyway, Han Fei didn't know, and no one had ever told him.

Just listen to the referee: "Obviously your natal star is far away from you. But those who transform into stars will condense the star beads, which are the key to the natal star. The infinite distance can be shortened to an instant Do you think this is reasonable?"

   Han Fei's heart was shocked, which of course is unreasonable. He has never figured out why a person can traverse an infinite distance with a star orb and appear in the vast sea of ​​stars, above a star that belongs only to him.

   Now, this answer seems to be answered.

The referee said to himself: "So, what is a star ball? I think few of you know. I will tell you today. The star ball is a kind of consciousness, your soul, and it is you who have consciousness and can give birth to wisdom. The root cause of. And consciousness can ignore time and space and span infinite distances. For example, when a person falls, his soul is destroyed, and we destroy his star orb, but this does not mean that we They completely annihilated their consciousness. But his consciousness turned into a pure ignorant pure consciousness. At the moment of their fall, their consciousness may have appeared in the distant galaxy. Perhaps, after a lot of time has passed. , These consciousnesses gave birth to pure spirits, so they descended in some way and transformed into a new creature."

   Han Fei asked immediately: "After the fall, consciousness becomes a pure consciousness, what about the natal stars? After they are reborn, are the former natal stars still theirs?"

The referee glanced at Han Fei and said: "The natal stars have two states. The first is that if their natal stars are still in the unknown sea of ​​stars, they are theoretically disconnected from their original masters. Natural evolution may occur. , Naturally bred creatures, and may also die out due to various circumstances. However, there has been no definite answer for the specifics. Because the sea of ​​stars is endless, no one knows whether a person’s natal star is true or not. He severed the connection."

"Second, they have refined their own natal stars, completely integrated with the stars, and can carry their own natal stars with them... and this is the chaotic galaxy, why are there so many natal star remains? The root cause."

   Someone asked: "But isn't it good for your own natal star to be in the unknown sea of ​​stars? Why do you want to refine your natal star and carry it with you?"

   Referee: "Refining the natal stars has the benefits of refining the natal stars. There are some people here, should they have considered refining the natal stars?"

   For a time, half of the people here looked confused, and half were more calm.

   There are pros and cons to everything. Since someone chooses to refine their natal stars, then there must be refining benefits. Because of the benefits, they chose this path.

   The referee has already said this. It seems that today is going to clarify this issue. It's a pity that he only talked to these 200 people, and didn't talk to more people.

   It’s just that Han Fei thinks it’s the so-called one pass ten, ten pass a hundred. This referee doesn't want to spread this secret through their mouths, right?

Just listen to the referee: "I know you want to ask why you want to refine your natal star. The answer is simple, the power of natal star can double your strength. They can permanently increase your combat power. The stronger the natal star, the star The stronger the journey, the stronger your strength will grow. Of course, all the glory will be the same, and the loss will all be lost. After refining the natal star, if it falls, the natal star will appear... I, as you see now... "

   Someone asked: "Senior, how much strength can be improved by refining Star Orbs?"

   Referee: "This needs to be divided into circumstances. After all, refining the star orbs does not mean completely absorbing the natal stars. It can only be carried and get power back feed. Basically, it will become 50% to twice as strong, and no matter how high it is, it will not be too high."

  Han Fei's heart moved, so much stronger? If this is the case, doesn't it mean that he still has great room for growth?

   However, Han Fei was immediately horrified. If he was killed, Tu Feiyuan could help him resurrect. But his own destiny star has been exposed, so what's the matter? Isn't it because your own natal star will be destroyed by others?

   At that time, I was resurrected, and found that my natal star was gone. How painful would it be?

   Some people wondered: "For this 50% to doubled strength, there is nothing wrong with refining the natal stars? But if there is an accident, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Referee: "What are you losing? You don't know where your natal star is. If you fall, you can re-establish contact with that natal star, you are not sure. Maybe you have fallen, that natal star It has nothing to do with you. Then why not refining? And, do you know what it means to walk past this star road?"

  In everyone's puzzlement, the referee said: "It means to increase the probability of demonstrating by 50%."



   "This, how is this possible?"

   All of a sudden, many people were really shocked. How difficult it is to prove the truth, just look at how many emperors there are in the sea world. Increasing the probability of preaching by 50% means that there is at least one-half of the probability of preaching!

   Including Han Fei, they were all shocked. After walking this path, wouldn't anyone who survives basically preaching?

   However, the referee added in a timely manner: "Of course, the probability of falling this road is as high as 90%. Moreover, if you want to take this road, the lowest strength must be the late stage of Huaxing."

   no wonder.

   Han Fei was relieved, it turned out that conditions still exist. The strength below the stage of transformation star is basically bound to die, so no one will tell them about this.

   However, there are not many in the late stage of the sea world and the great perfection of the star! These powerful Dzogchens, practice honestly, enlighten the Dao, and prove the Dao, at least not so exaggerated.

   However, refining the natal star can increase the strength by more than 50%, which is actually an exaggeration. Joining oneself now refining the natal star, the basic strength immediately soars, the soul and body may be close to or even more than 20 million, what is this concept?

   Such a large growth rate, let alone others, Han Fei felt that he might not be able to withstand this temptation.

   Someone said: "Senior, what's that side of the road to the stars?"

   The referee said: "When you walk over, you will know naturally. But it is worth mentioning that after you walk over, you may not be able to come back."

Speaking of this, the referee said: "Well, I want to know more secrets, I want to know a stronger way, I want to know more mysteries about this time. You have two ways, one is to become stronger, and wait for you In the late stage of Transforming Star, and even Dzogchen, in certain places, you will naturally understand this. There is another way to go to the battlefield of Tiankeng World."

When it's over, the referee pointed to the road: "The final final of the Open Heaven Realm One Hundred Thousand Years Grand Tournament. The first one percent of this road is the end point. You can perceive it from the qualification order to determine the distance. The distance. The one who rushes first will be the top of the list, and the ranking will be based on this. If there is a life-threatening halfway, your guardians will take the shot, and the position where they take the shot is your end."

   "One percent of the distance?"

  Han Feigang wants to say, who is he looking down on? As a result, when he swept through the qualification order, he was immediately dumbfounded, because what was displayed on it was a distance that was nearly ten light years away.


  Han Fei was not well at the time. Is this Nima Broken Star Sea too big? 1000 light years?

   ran at ten times the speed of light, it would take 100 years to pass. However, if this sea of ​​chaotic stars is really so dangerous, it is not just a simple journey, there must be some unknown dangers in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

   So, if you want to walk through this chaotic sea of ​​stars, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com is definitely not a hundred years old.


   At the moment when Han Fei and the others were preparing for the game. In the sky curtain of the Shendu Dynasty, in the corner, someone was explaining to the people of the Shendu Dynasty.

  Only one of the hostesses said: "Citizens of the Shendu Dynasty, this is the first time in the history of the Shendu Dynasty to show the mystery of the Xinghai. It also shows you the dangers of the Xinghai..."

A male host added: "Yes, the duration of the final finals of the Open Heaven Realm may be very long, maybe several years, even years. Because in the star sea, the concept of space and time has been diluted, so Please be assured that you will see what you want to watch."

The female host continued: "Now, what we see is the ultimate two hundred players in the Open Heaven Realm Competition in this round. Their blood, talent, and strength can be described as unparalleled. And they want to face it now. , It’s a place in Xinghai called Broken Xinghai... You guys, you can actually do what you should do, as long as you don’t miss the exciting battle in the game, I believe this final will not delay everyone’s time..."


  Han Fei and the others didn’t see it, otherwise they would be shocked. What's the matter, can the Kingdom of God be able to broadcast live now? The key is that this live broadcast range is too far away, even spanning ten light-years, an exaggerated batch.

But the way is, in the small yard of an island in the Shendu Dynasty, there are two teenagers, a man and a woman, pointing to the sky in exclamation: "Brother, brother, look at it... it's Grace, Grace breaks in. The Ten Thousand Years of Heaven is stronger than two hundred."

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