God of Fishing

Chapter 2471: Manipulate the queen

"No, it's not just a collapse, it's... a black hole?"

   Han Fei felt very strange at the time, and this idea suddenly came into his mind, because he saw a pure black circle appearing in the center of the rippling vortex.


  Although Han Fei didn't know what happened just now, he guessed that it should be Star Boxing and the star core of this star, which had some unknown reaction, and then came up with the current movement.

   Although this pull is terrifying, it doesn't leave Han Fei behind. However, when Han Fei was about to flee here first, he saw hundreds of star sea blue fire ants exploding in the vortex of the black hole.

   Then I saw the black hole annihilating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pulling force suddenly loosened.

   It's too late to say, it's fast then. Han Fei scored and disintegrated others' Worm Nest stars. As soon as the crisis was resolved, Han Fei rushed forward.

   In Han Fei's eyes, the message of the queen suddenly appeared.

   [Name] Xinghai Golden Ant Queen

[Introduction] The group of creatures living in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the Queen of Stars Gold-eater, by manipulating the Star-Sea Gold Ants, looks for the unowned stars, the metal veins in the star fragments for their own consumption, and draws the power and vitality of the stars. Growth conditions. The Queen of Stars and Sea of ​​Gold is the ruler and controller of the race, with extremely high intelligence.



  【Boundary】Travel Star Dzogchen

  【Avenue】Eat metal

  【Star Power】19

  【Combat Skills】The soul of the tide, the sound of the sky resonates

  【Can be collected】Queen ant inheritance crystal


   [Remarks] The queen is related to the strength of the race, and it is only the power of the soul.

   Han Fei was not surprised when he saw the message of the Queen of Stars Golden Devouring Ants. In fact, he had already anticipated this.

   And when this queen ant saw Han Fei, she immediately burst into a tide of souls.

   For a moment, Han Fei felt that he was trapped in an endless wave, ups and downs.

   But Han Fei's own soul power is not low, and it can even be said to be extremely powerful, so he recovered at the first time and deprived the soul impact backhand.

   The next moment, Han Fei deprived the queen ant of the circling shield armor.

   If you put it aside, Han Fei wants to deprive Huaxing Dzogchen of consciousness, power, and spirit. It's actually quite difficult, and it's easy to suffer backlash, because it can't carry it at all.

   But now, Han Fei is growing every day, it can be said that he is getting more and more powerful. At this moment, facing the Dzogchen, he is no longer as embarrassed as before.

   After breaking the streamer-like shield armor of the opponent's body, Han Fei punched through most of the queen's body and said through a voice transmission: "Let your little brothers not come over, otherwise I will kill you directly."

  Han Fei doesn’t doubt that this queen can understand him. If he doesn’t even understand this, what kind of queen is he?

   Sure enough, the queen ant immediately responded: "What do you want to do? Although this star is broken, it is surrounded by the group of my star sea gold-eater ants, totaling no less than 300,000. Therefore, it is inevitable that both sides will lose, or we can stop fighting."

   "Stop fighting? Oh! You can stop fighting if you want, but I want you to surrender to me."


   However, the next moment, the Queen of Xinghai Gold Eater found that her power had disappeared out of thin air, and the man standing on her body was filled with terrifying pressure, and the power overflowed out of her body.

   Just listen to Han Fei: "You should have felt my strength, I can kill you at any time. Although your spirit is not weak, it can't hurt me at all. So, tell me the reason for not surrendering me."

  Queen Ant; "I am not the only Queen Ant in the Star Sea, and my clan is more than 300,000. Once I fall, you will be unable to move."


Han Fei grinned: "Do you think you can bluff me? If I can take you down, I can take down other queens. Do you think that you can stop me with the Star Sea Golden Ant Clan? It's your speed Faster than me? Or is your combat power stronger than me? Or is your spirit level higher than me? Huh, give you a choice, surrender me, I will not kill you, at most three years, I can let you go , Otherwise, you will have to die now."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei's double axe, golden light shining, Han Fei's hand has been raised, and he is about to slash.


   When Han Fei's axe almost fell on his head, the latter finally compromised. Because it felt that Han Fei had no intention of stopping at all, the other party was really ready to kill himself.

   If I shouted slowly just now, then this axe will fall on me. Although the queen felt that this person might not be able to kill herself. But the opponent's strength has seen it myself! I dare not bet.

   just listen to this queen ant saying: "How can I trust you?"

   Han Fei: "You can only trust me. If you can help me block some enemies, then you may be qualified to be my true subordinate. This is a privilege that no one else has."

  Han Fei talked and blew anyway, as long as this queen can control it, if he can't control it, find the next one. Anyway, there are more creatures in this chaotic sea of ​​stars, and I don't care if this queen ant helps me.

   The queen was silent for a moment, but the surrounding star sea gold-eaters did not attack and kill, but surrounded the place. As for the shock of the broken stars, it has already disappeared with the black hole.

Finally, just listen to the queen ant saying: "Okay, but if your enemy is too powerful...like you, we are powerless. The area occupied by the star sea golden ant colony is not very large. Moreover, the ant I'm not the only one behind."

   Han Fei suddenly said: "You probably have encountered other races forcing this sea of ​​stars before, right? At that time, what did you do?"

  Queen: "There are indeed a lot of them, but there are not many that we can kill. Those people are not weak. Often only a number of queens can fight against the enemy in order to win a person."

  Han Fei's heart moved: "What are the benefits of taking them down?"

  Queen Ant: "You can swallow them, use their power to expand the ethnic group, or give birth to the Zerg heritage."

   Han Fei: "What is the inheritance."

   The queen was silent for a while, just listening to Han Fei: "A new queen is born?"

Seeing that the queen did not answer, Han Fei said: "This is not difficult to guess, otherwise your race would want to occupy a place in this chaotic sea of ​​stars, it would be a foolish dream. From this point of view, cultivators are all nourishment to you? "

  Queen Ant: "Yes!"

   Hearing the words of the queen ant, Han Fei no longer had the slightest compassion. This is the way of survival in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

  Han Fei: "How many queens are now surrounding me? At this moment, there should be quite a few Starsea Golden Ants rushing here, right?"

   The queen groaned, but then said: "Seven."

  Han Fei's heart moved. Assuming that each queen is a subordinate of more than 300,000, wouldn't it be necessary for seven queens to have more than 2 million Xinghai Golden Ants?

   This number makes my scalp numb when I think about it. It's just a small ethnic group in Shattered Star Sea.

   Besides, this is just seven queens besieging themselves, and I don’t know how many queens there are.

   However, the next moment, I heard the queen say: "If you can help me swallow the queen and control their power, I can recognize you as the master."

   Han Fei chuckled, this queen ant is indeed smart, knowing that she can't escape her palm, so she wants to benefit.

  It’s just that Han Fei smiled weirdly: “Don’t you queens work together to fight against foreign enemies? Why do you need to fight each other?”

Queen ant: "Because you control my behavior, you will inevitably be besieged by all the queens. At that time, you and I will not be able to escape. Therefore, I want to use me to snipe your enemies. If you don't solve other queens, yes It can't be done."

   Han Fei: "If you swallow the power of other queens, you become stronger and proclaim, what should you do?"

  Queen: "Do you think I dare to prove it?"

Han Fei thought for a while and grinned: "If you stay here after preaching, you naturally dare not. However, this does not mean you can’t preach. Since you have turned this matter into an act of mutual assistance , Then I’ll give you a chance. Give me your soul and blood, and swear an oath of vitality and blood. I’ll consider helping you kill all the queens in this area, even if you have proclaimed in three years, It's up to you. Go wherever you go."

  Queen: "You really won't shoot me?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "I also made the oath of luck and blood. I have no interest in your races, I am only interested in the enemy. If you and I can meet in the depths of the stars in the future, it would be good to continue the fate of master and servant. "

   Han Fei thinks this is a good decision. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com In fact, he really has no intention of killing the queens. The reason why he killed so many Xinghai Golden Ants before was just to seek information. It was only because of the appearance of Xinghai Blue Fire Ant that he had the idea of ​​rushing into the queen's nest.

   Now, since there is such a group available, why not use it? When the time comes, the army will cross the border, the gods will block and kill the gods, and the Buddha will block and kill the Buddha. Isn't it okay?

   Han Fei thought so in his heart.

   But the queen has another idea in her heart. If Han Fei can really kill so many queens, what about giving her his life?

   Others don't know, but they know that this chaotic galaxy is just a trial road. And there are many powerhouses who can kill them at will, but these powerhouses won't do anything against them. Everything is just a trial for people like Han Fei.

   They are just obstacles in the trial of Han Fei and others, and they are like stepping stones. In the past, there were many queens who wanted to escape with their tribes, and even all the queens had discussed the tribe to flee, but they were forcibly penetrated by the powerful emperor. Or exiled, but never came back anyway.

   Therefore, if Han Fei can kill the other queens, she will be the only one of this race. Her strength will increase sharply. As long as Han Fei doesn’t kill him, she’s most likely to be driven to the depths of the Shattered Star Sea by the mysterious powerhouse, and then continue to thrive, give birth to her own race, and continue to serve as someone else’s. Stepping stones.

   However, at that time, I was a powerful stepping stone at any rate, unlike today, I was easily dealt with by others, and I didn't even have the power to resist.


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