God of Fishing

Chapter 2474: Participants are invited to challenge again

Han Fei's operation made countless spectators of the Divine Capital Dynasty directly look stupid.

   Those of them who can see the progress of the game every day when they look up, who didn’t know that Han Fei had controlled the entire population of Xinghai Golden Ants?

   Now, when the queen ant intercepts Zhao Qinglong and 10,000 star-sea golden ants come around, she will follow, and it is Zhao Qinglong who sits cross-legged. As long as the brain is not too stupid, you should know that Zhao Qinglong has been overshadowed by Han Fei at this time.

   The key is that this kind of yin man's method, it is estimated that Zhao Qinglong will be **** to death when he learns about it?

   Someone shook his head: "Shameless you, this Han Fei is simply shameless."

   Someone said: "Where is it shameless? Didn't Zhao Qinglong cooperate with the power of the big clan children to cheat Han Fei and the others? Now it is calculated by Han Fei, but it's just you."

   Someone agreed and said: "Yes! What is the gods' list? Isn't the gods' list still slower than Han Fei? Had Han Fei not been above the stars, he would have been the champion by now."

   When the Heaven Realm Arena was opened, Cao Mengde and the others clapped and exclaimed.


   Wu Bufan carried a big pipe, and laughed: "How about tenth in the **** list? Facing me, he is not an ordinary person. I dare to calculate that I am not a brother. I am afraid that he will not sit on this **** list for long."

   Cao Mengde laughed loudly and said: "That's right, it's just a small list of gods, how can you stop me? If it wasn't for the time when the list was released, my non-brother hadn't shown up, how could he have a place in Zhao Qinglong?"

   Li Chen echoed: "Yes, what is it? In the fourth round, this guy competed with my non-brother for the first place, and also teamed up with some things. What happened? He slapped his face."

   Zhou Run's voice transmission: "Okay, just say a few words. If you want to scold you, you will have to leave the dynasty of Shendu completely, and then scold happily."

   When it comes to leaving the Kingdom of God, several people have stopped, yes, it is not the time to be proud.


On the other side, in the courtyard of the Open Heaven Realm, before the hot pot, Feng Xingliu was pointing at the **** curtain and cursing, "It's all this tortoise **** who is bad for me. If it weren't for him, I could be eliminated, and I could be the first to be killed. Eliminated?"

   seemed to feel puzzled, Feng Xingliu raised his head and shouted at the **** curtain: "Han Fei, kill this turtle son."

   Feng Qingcheng shook his head slightly and said: "You have enough, you still can't keep up with your realm after all. And this final ultimate reward is not open to you after all."

Feng Xingliu was not happy at the time: "Hey! Smelly sister, you should be clear about what we are, and who are we? You see, Han Fei is guarding the finish line now. A pair of pits, more than five million bugs, enough for him to bring disaster to everyone. It's just my relationship with Han Fei. If I'm still there, I won't take the second place? I don't believe it, maybe Han Fei Can give me the first..."

   Feng Qingcheng rolled his eyes directly at Feng Xingliu, asking where did you feel confident?

   But Feng Xingliu's words are rough and not rough. If Feng Xingliu is really there, maybe Han Feizhen can leave him a third place or something. In this way, the Phoenix Protoss had gained two initial places in vain, which was also a good result. As for now, it can only be cheaper for others.


   Broken and chaotic sea of ​​stars.

   Zhao Qinglong took a rest for a long time, and consciously recovered to a complete state, he suddenly got up and said to the queen phantom: "I can start at any time."

   The queen ant's voice, without any emotion, said: "Okay, the challenge will start after ten breaths. This challenge needs to be fair and just, please prepare for the contestants."

   When the queen ant said, the ten thousand star sea gold-eaters had already surrounded her.

   It’s just that there are a thousand of them, with blue flames on their bodies, and a slightly different shape. They are the Xinghai Blue Fire Ants. Anyway, Zhao Qinglong didn't have a demon pot, so he couldn't see the information. Besides, the Xinghai Golden Ants that I said were a collective term, and I really didn't lie to him.

   No, as soon as the ten breath time comes, 10,000 Star Sea Gold Eater ants swarmed forward in batches. In the first batch, there were only one hundred Xinghai blue fire ants and one thousand Xinghai gold-eating ants.

   Zhao Qinglong was now added to his battle armor, holding a spear, and killing him as soon as he met him.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   However, how did Zhao Qinglong know that the Xinghai Blue Fire Ant was originally a self-explosive ant, and when he was ordered, he could only launch a death charge against Zhao Qinglong with the mentality of dying together.

   Moreover, the level of Xinghai Blue Fire Ants is much higher than Xinghai Gold Eater Ants. Suddenly, nearly 50 Xinghai Blue Fire Ants directly detonated themselves when fighting Zhao Qinglong in close combat.

   Good fellow, that terrifying power killed hundreds of Xinghai Golden Devouring Ants.

   Unexpectedly, Zhao Qinglong was blasted to the ground.

   I saw Zhao Qinglong appear thousands of miles away, only a look of embarrassment, the whole body was disheveled, the top-grade battle clothes were badly damaged, and the whole body was dripping with blood.

   He also didn't expect that this special had just met him, and he would be blown up into such a ghostly appearance. Fortunately, I reacted faster, so I could be evasive, or it would be over.


   Through the vision of the queen, Han Fei was shocked to find that Zhao Qinglong was indeed quite powerful, so unexpectedly, he could not be seriously injured.

   Besides, the speed at which this boy exploded just now was a bit terrifying! Han Fei confirmed that if he read it right, it should be almost 15 times the speed of light, right?

   Even the current self can only reach 14 times the speed of light, but in the end this guy is indeed very powerful.

but. What about this? This kind of explosion requires the consumption of spirit, will, combat power and resources.

   Regardless of how strong Zhao Qinglong is, he immediately reassessed the difficulty of this challenge. This 10,000-star sea gold-eater is a wooden stake, and he has to chop it for a long time, killing more than 3,000 a day, and he will kill one at an average of about five breaths.

   Of course, at the beginning, he must be easy to play, but that is limited to the beginning. The only meaning of the existence of Xinghai Blue Fire Ants is to blew themselves up.

   And here, Han Fei looked at Zhao Qinglong's crazy shot through the eyes of the queen ant. This time, he only took a hundred breaths and killed more than 300 Xinghai Golden Devouring Ants, which made Han Fei nod his head again and again.

   "Good job, keep working hard and try to kill 10,000 animals a day."

  Han Fei was eating melons and watching a play, thinking about it from time to time, and controlling it, ten or so Star Ocean Blue Fire Ants went up and blew themselves up. At the fastest speed of Xinghai Blue Fire Ants five times the speed of light, of course, they would not be able to touch Zhao Qinglong.

   However, Zhao Qinglong's goal is to kill 10,000 Star Sea Gold Devouring Ants. Killing is the goal. Avoidance is meaningless, but it will waste energy. After all, hiding and hiding is annoying!

that's all.

   Zhao Qinglong killed 3000 Xinghai Gold Eater Ants in only half daylight. When he encountered Xinghai Blue Fire Ants, he could only explode remotely and directly explode the Blue Fire Ants.

   When Zhao Qinglong killed 6000 Xinghai Golden Devouring Ants in one day, Han Fei realized the problem. Although this guy is very tired, he can still fight. Is his mental will so high and continuous?

   Although Dzogchen may indeed have a stronger will than the late stage transformation, it is not so strong, right?

   Soon, Han Fei discovered that something was wrong, because Zhao Qinglong's eyes were a little sluggish, and it looked like he was numb. Actually otherwise, this guy must have given his body to the black dragon.

   "Your uncle's."

  Han Fei was not good at that time, is Heilong amazing? Can the black dragon control Zhao Qinglong's body to fight? Can the black dragon cheat?

  Han Fei was not happy at the time, and promptly said: "Participants, congratulations on killing more than half, please keep working hard."

   Han Fei said casually, just to see Zhao Qinglong's reaction.

   and the black dragon is speechless, congratulations on your head, do I need you to remind me of this kind of thing?

   But, in the next moment, the remaining 600 Star Ocean Blue Fire Ants were divided into six groups, and all were dispatched to launch a group chase mode against Zhao Qinglong. That is to say, every one hundred together, although I can't catch up with you, but I am chasing you, affecting your operation, and affecting your battles. If you dare to stay, I dare to explode.

   Half a day later, there were 10,000 Xinghai Gold-eaters, and only less than 1,000 remained. This was the result of Black Dragon's reservations. He didn't dare to kill too fast, because he knew that there were guardians watching, and he didn't know whether there was an emperor strong at this end point, so he just imitated Zhao Qinglong's battle.

   When it was the last moment, the black dragon controlled Zhao Qinglong to explode into Long Yanbo, a demonstrative technique. At that time, Han Fei saw the blue fire ants and killed two waves in succession.

   In the end, only 200 blue fire ants remained, of course they didn't fight. However, it was completely destroyed in a short period of time.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei was upset at the time. He looked at the sleeping big man in his body, and killed ten thousand star sea gold-eating ants in one breath. This one in his body, hehe, what can't you do, sleep first name.

  At this moment, Zhao Qinglong replaced the consciousness of the black dragon, and suddenly said: "Senior, I have passed the challenge."

   However, the queen responded mechanically: "The contestant uses unknown power to replace the ontological consciousness to fight, and the combat result is invalid. Please challenge the contestant again."

  Zhao Qinglong: "???"

  In other words, Zhao Qinglong was stunned at the time, are you **** kidding me? Continue?

   However, Zhao Qinglong did borrow the power of the black dragon. Could it be said that this is not feasible?

   Even the black dragon was stunned. I played it for two days and pretended it for two days. What about this?

   I only saw the queen release another 10,000 Xinghai Gold-Eating Ants, still at the previous ratio, and slew towards Zhao Qinglong.

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