God of Fishing

Chapter 2476: Participants are requested to respect the rules

In other words, in the dynasty of the gods, countless people stopped their movements at this moment, and they all looked at the scene in the gods in shock.

   Too violent. At that moment, Han Fei was like a real God of War. The power of the axe fell on Zhao Qinglong, hacking into the void.

   After that punch, only the dazzling divine light fist prints were left on the **** screen, and countless people were in tears.

   "Fuck! What happened? Why did Han Fei suddenly go out?"

   "It's too fierce, it's too fierce. That is the strong man of the gods! There are only ten strong people of the gods of the entire sea world, and they were beaten by Han Fei."

   Some people disdain: "It is obvious that Zhao Qinglong was scammed by Han Fei. The gun formation must have weakened Zhao Qinglong's strength, otherwise he would not be able to beat Zhao Qinglong."

   Someone said: "What do you know, this is called tactics, can you go up with everything you encounter? Han Fei is not capable of this? Come on, you come and try to deal with me."

   Someone chanted: "If Zhao Qinglong loses, won't the **** list be replaced?"

   Someone shook his head: "That certainly won't, unless Han Fei can defeat Zhao Qinglong head-on, otherwise the **** list cannot be changed."

   In a courtyard.

   Feng Xingliu clenched his fists and shouted: "Hit him, hit him, kill this ant..."

   Cao Mengde, Wu Bufan, Li Chen and others yelled wildly in the arena.

   "No brother is mighty, no brother is invincible... Hahaha! What about the **** list? My brother is going to be on the **** list tomorrow."

   The Queen of Terror moved slightly, and said in secret, "No wonder Nan Nan wants to beg this kid, it's kind of interesting. If he gets the reward of the original place, will it take a long time to prove it?"

   The Queen of Terror's eyes lit up, and when Han Fei and the others did not lack resources, and their strength steadily grew, they proved that it was almost inevitable.

   Don't look at the number of emperors in the sea world, but it doesn't mean that there have been fewer emperors born in the past dynasties. It should be known that in the days of the gods, there were still many emperors in the sea world.

   But even in that era, how many people have such talents?


   Broken and chaotic sea of ​​stars.

  Han Fei finally showed his madness. In terms of great skill, he has a demon-making pot deduction, and he can't be worse than Zhao Qinglong. Even if this black dragon is on the same level, how can it be on par with himself?

  In terms of physique, although he hasn't become a bone, he is better than Zhao Qinglong.

   However, there is one thing, that is, the spirit of the black dragon, which is extremely powerful. In the midst of Han Fei's indiscriminate bombardment, the black dragon suddenly burst out a spirit shock, trying to directly defeat Han Fei's spirit.

  Han Fei didn't care at all. He wondered if I have a demon refining pot anyway, how strong your spirit attack is, how can you shake it?

   But, to his expectation, the qualifications in his hands suddenly shined brightly.

At the next moment, a majestic voice was printed in the ears of the black dragon: "Excessive. You intervened a little bit and did not destroy you, but you are not qualified. But if you use the power of the emperor to forcibly destroy the game, I really feel I will take you. no way?"


   At that moment, only Zhao Qinglong's seven orifices spurted blood, his strength fell instantly, and Zhao Qinglong's ontological consciousness immediately returned. The black dragon disappeared without a trace.

   "The Great Tobu?"

   Han Fei's heart moved, so strong, a voice shocked the consciousness of the black dragon and suppressed him in Zhao Qinglong's body.

  Also, it turns out that Emperor Tobu really has been watching theaters all the time! The qualification order was indeed transformed by his divine mind, and it was because of him that he hadn't shown anything special so far.

  Without the black dragon, Zhao Qinglong's strength fell directly to the realm of 30%. Can you imagine the result? In the 60% realm, the black dragon possessed the body couldn't beat Han Fei, let alone Zhao Qinglong in the 30% realm.

   When Han Fei's set of serial limit hammers broke out, he suddenly saw the guardians of the clan take action, directly dragging all of Han Fei's attacks.

  , the powerhouse of the heavenly clan, looked at Han Fei indifferently: "This battle, this is the end, Zhao Qinglong, withdraw from this final."

   "I wipe..."

  Han Fei hasn't gotten to play yet. He just wanted to severely inflict Zhao Qinglong's soul, so that he could not recover in a short period of time. Who knew that the guardian of the Celestial Clan had appeared, and Han Fei's plan was frustrated.

Han Fei is not willing to persuade him, I saw him grinning sneer, looking at the heavenly clan powerhouse and said: "The heavenly clan’s hands are stretched quite long, and there are so many nostalgic things. I promise you, my lord. A strong clan, one person can leap over here, and I personally offer a great head to your heavenly clan."


   The heavenly clan powerhouse just snorted and left with Zhao Qinglong. In fact, even if he didn't make a move, Han Fei would let the Celestial Clan pass through here?

   The answer is obviously no. If it weren't for the last finals to be guarded by Taoist guards, Zhao Qinglong, the heavenly clan powerhouses, and those powerhouses of the family, I am afraid that none of them can escape, and they will all be killed by the lunatic Han Fei.

   He also didn't understand, where did Han Fei have the confidence to challenge so many powerful forces? Even if it is from the savage ancient tribe? Even if it's your God of War personally passing it on? What if you still have the blood of the Protoss? Provoked so many people, such a big event, who can protect you well?

   Zhao Qinglong was eliminated. This is something that no one has thought about. Who would have thought that Han Feiyin would be given the first place firmly?

   However, a game is a game, and things like capsize in the gutter are very common. It cannot be an exception just because Zhao Qinglong is a strong man on the list of gods.

   The moment Zhao Qinglong appeared when the protector appeared, he knew that this time, he had fallen a lot, and was ashamed. So he didn't say a word until he left.

   However, those eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

   And Han Feixun didn't care, picked up a good mood, hid again, and waited for the next group of people to come.

   More than twenty days later.

   Unexpectedly, Han Fei, the first to arrive, turned out to be the brothers and sisters Ruoyouhe and Ruoyouran from the Ghost Strait. Han Feixin said these two are so fast? It was only less than a month later than Zhao Qinglong.

   However, it's a pity, to blame them for coming early. The top three have already belonged. When Feng Yu and Wushuang arrive, the others will do what they should do.

   And Ruo Youhe and Ruo Youran, it was natural that they were a little surprised after hearing the results read by the queen.

   Ruoyouran: "Senior, has anyone reached the end yet?"

  Queen: "I have it."

   Ruo leisurely: "Can you ask seniors, they killed 10,000 Xinghai Golden Ants?"

   The queen ant does not hide and tuck it: "No comment."

   Suddenly, the brothers and sisters breathed a sigh of relief.

   Do not say the queen, they take it for granted. However, they guessed that the other party might not actually kill 10,000 Xinghai Gold Devouring Ants. After all, this is still quite difficult.

   Moreover, the queen explained that the final result can be judged by the number of kills, so they only need to work hard to kill.

   So, they chose to challenge.

   As a result, it is naturally obvious. Although the two people are strong, there are still too many 10,000 Star Sea Gold-Eating Ants, and they have no strong parasites.

   However, the two of them were not bad at all, they each killed nearly 6000 Xinghai Golden Ants. This number makes Han Fei a little bit stunned. It seems that the spiritual will of the Huaxing Great Perfection realm is not generally strong!

   Of course, Ruo Youhe and Ruo Youran were pitted by Han Fei to retire. When they learned the truth, their inner shadows were almost infinite.

   When the protector told them the truth, the two children went crazy, goddamn, cheating Han Fei, unexpectedly retired them.

   What's the difference between this and retiring? They obviously have reached the end gate, and they are also the highest batch. No matter how bad they are, they can get the place. As a result, Han Fei was killed by Han Fei.

   Ruo Youhe's face was pale and trembling: "What a Han Fei, what a Han Fei... I swear, I will never die with this person in this life, ah ah ah..."

   If you are mad, very quiet girl, now she is pulling her hair, her eyes are bloodshot: "Asshole, asshole, bastard, bullying too much, especially shameless...I am I..."


   The guardian of the Ghost Strait sighed, "I'll tell you one more thing, Zhao Qinglong was pitted by him and eliminated."



   After a pause, Ruo Youhe and Ruo Youran stopped their movements, and their hearts were instantly balanced to a great extent. Although he was still very angry, Zhao Qinglong was also pitted. It seemed that he was not too miserable.

   Zhao Qinglong! That's the strongest player in the gods list, and was pitted by Han Fei until he retired. How much did he lose his face?

   Feng Yu, Yi Cai, Cao Unmian, Zhou Mi, and two others. There were a total of six people, almost all arrived together. To be precise, these five people came here while fighting Feng Yu.

   These are the top ten players in the previous fourth round of qualifiers, and of course their strength is not bad. Moreover, the children of the big clan have many artifacts and methods.

   Yi Cai: "Ms. Feng Yu, you can't win. The number one in the ranking list is for others to see. It is the number one under limited conditions. But even if you are more powerful, how can you be one against five?"

   Fengyu was indeed restrained all the way, but because of her strong combat power, Yi Cai and the others have never benefited.

   Now, seeing the end point, their minds are no longer fighting, but are holding each other down.

But Feng Yu knows that two of the five opponents are defenders of the Dao, so they will definitely keep someone to restrain themselves when the time comes. It won’t be long, maybe at a critical moment, just a few breaths will be enough to decide the victory or defeat. .

   Just as they were about to pass through, suddenly, a queen ant appeared right in front of everyone.

   Just listen to the voice of the queen ant: "All contestants, please stay, I will announce the final challenge rules..."


   Yi Cai and others looked dazed, walking down this road so far, there is still a final challenge?

Just listen to the queen ant without the slightest emotion and say: "Please contestants, UU read www.uukanshu.com to defeat 10,000 ordinary Xinghai Golden Eaters. The results of this final will be based on the arrival time of the contestants and their kills. The number of Xinghai Golden Ants is used as the criterion...Once the challenge begins, the challenge will be ended within three days and the results will be settled."

   said, there are 60,000 star sea gold-eaters appeared behind the queen, divided into six camps.

   Feng Yu was frowning. He was walking down the road while fighting, and now he still has to face so many Star Sea Golden Ants? This ant is probably in the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm, but 10,000 is too much, right?

   Not only Feng Yu, but Yi Cai next door also looked shocked. How many? Hit 10,000 per person?

   When everyone was stunned, Feng Yu suddenly had a voice in his mind: "Senior Sister, it's me! The time for acting has come..."

   Fengyu's eyelids trembled, I almost took it seriously.

   But then, the people in Yi Cai suddenly saw that Feng Yu seemed to have made some major decision, and they directly said, "I want to challenge immediately."

   Yi Cai and the others changed their expressions. Aren't you tired if you call me all the way? Challenge now, are you crazy?

   However, they thought that Feng Yu just wanted to catch the time difference.

   Immediately, Zhou Mi shouted: "Stop her. Can't let her start to challenge."

   However, as soon as a few people were about to make a move, they saw tens of thousands of Star Sea Golden Ants blocking them.

   Just listen to the queen ant saying: "Please respect the rules and don't destroy others to challenge the assessment..."

   Everyone: "..."

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