God of Fishing

Chapter 2484: The Secret of the Emperor


  Han Fei was stunned at the time: "The Great Emperor Wanlin is a fake? I have seen him with my own eyes, the kind of face to face."

   Han Fei thinks it is too absurd, how could Emperor Wanlin be fake? Really fake, I can't tell?

   However, just listen to Feng Yu's words: "Don't get excited. What I said is that the one you saw is not the real Emperor Wanlin. Han Fei, do you know what the emperor is called?"

   Han Fei shook his head and said with a dazed expression: "Isn't it saying that Changsheng is the emperor?"

  Han Fei looked dumbfounded, what does it mean to be the real Emperor Wanlin? Is it disguised? Could it be that the Great Emperor Wanlin has been killed?

   For a time, a large wave of information flashed through Han Fei's mind. Does Gu Tingnan know this?

   Jiu Shu snorted: "In ancient times, there was indeed a saying that longevity proclaimed the emperor. But then there was still a great realm called Dao Fa Tiandi. Later, after these realms were merged, the coverage of the emperor was also larger."

   Han Fei was stunned for a while: "Is that so? What does this have to do with the title of Emperor Zun?"

This time, the Nine Uncle responded, only listening to him: "Han Fei, the title of Emperor is not a casual name. Emperor Tobu can be called the Emperor, but I have heard several people dare to call himself the Emperor. The Southern Emperor is the Southern Emperor, the Queen of Horrors, so no one calls her the Emperor of Horror! Let’s not say whether it’s nice to hear, the Emperor, you can regard it as a level, which is equivalent to the level of the Great Perfection of the Star. The early stage of opening the sky, the transformation of the star, the early stage of the transformation, the late stage of the transformation, the later stage of the transformation...These can all be called the opening of the sky, but can the strength be the same?"


  Han Fei swallowed at that time. So, even if he turned into a star to achieve great perfection, even after he proclaimed himself, he might not be the real opponent of Emperor Wanlin?

   Han Fei couldn't help asking: "Uncle Jiu, what are the levels of the emperor?"

This nine-uncle didn't hide it, but said with a big grin: "This first state is naturally proving the Dao, gaining the avenue, and then knowing the world. The second is the freedom, the world is free, and you can swim in the stars. However, in the past, these two realms were collectively referred to as Taoism and nature, which was the period of consolidation after preaching the Tao. The second is longevity, which is the pursuit of countless practitioners. Practice is not for longevity. Why? Be with the heaven and earth, but you must It's still bad if you say it's immortal. In the end..."


   Seeing Han Fei's expression of surprise, the emperor is actually at the end?

   Jiu Shudao: "In the end, the emperor, the emperor, is in charge of a domain, and the dao can be integrated, and the rules of the heaven can be changed, and the dao can be changed at will. It is only one line behind the gods."

   "Isn't Rong Dao the achievement of gods? How come the emperor merged the Dao?"

The Jiu Shu grinned and said: "Look, it's biased. It's an old saying to merge Dao into a god. The fusion in the old saying is not just a combination of many. It is in harmony with the rules of heaven and earth, and the law of everything, and its nature is different. ."

   "Oh oh oh!"

   Han Fei nodded, that is to say, the emperor's Rong Dao is pure Rong Dao.

   But even so, Han Fei took a breath of air conditioning. The Emperor is so strong, but the situation is obviously wrong. The Emperor Wanlin is something that even Gu Tingnan can't win. How could he be called the Emperor?

   insisted, that is what realm is Gu Tingnan, what kind of realm is the Great Emperor Wanlin, and the realm of the two emperors Anjia is the same.

   Therefore, the Chaos Wasteland does have a big problem. Han Fei feels that Gu Tingnan Bacheng doesn't know, otherwise, how can he be so mad to build a city of wanderers over there?

  Han Fei's face was solemn. If the current Emperor Wanlin is a fake, then why would he dare to use the name of Emperor? If it was only at the Dao level and gave him ten courage, he would not dare to call himself the emperor. So Feng Yu said that the Great Emperor Wanlin was fake, did that mean that there might be another real existence?

Seeing Han Fei frowning, Feng Yu said, "But you don't have to worry too much. The long time Emperor Wanlin will not come out may be related to the secret of the Chaos Wasteland. I heard that the city of wanderers has been messing up there for a long time. No one responds to the city of scavengers and the city of primitives. It can be seen that the real powerhouse over there may be restricted because of something, and cannot withdraw to solve the city of wanderers."

  Han Fei's heart moved. This is indeed the reason, otherwise Gu Tingnan would have died a hundred times earlier.

   It seems that in this matter, I have to wait for myself to go back to Gu Tingnan to get some breath or something. Or, we should also see if we can save the human race first when the big people can't find time. At that time, you can find a place wherever you want to let the people rest. It is not a problem to always be trapped in the city of scavengers and the sea of ​​riots.

   After pondering for a moment, Han Fei said, "Uncle Nine, are there any characteristics of the powers at the sermons level? Or how strong are they?"

   Feng Yu glanced at Han Fei with weird eyes. After investigating the Chaos Wasteland, she probably understood the situation there. The younger brother wanted to attack the emperor!

Jiu Shu glanced at Feng Yu, the latter nodded slightly, and then Jiu Shu said, "Well, the Dao of Enlightenment, the Dao of Heaven, the path of all things, can nurture the power of the world. The specific strength, it is hard to say, some people Strong, some are weak, this is the same in any realm. If you say the weakest kind..."

   Han Fei's eyes lit up: "How?"

Jiu Shu: "The weakest kind, such as the power of the soul, can be equivalent to the power of a side of heaven and earth, I know it, it is about 100 million! Of course, when it comes to the realm of the emperor, the soul does not need many points. Forget it. Instead, there is a new measurement carrier called Yuan, one hundred million points, which is roughly equivalent to 100 yuan. But generally speaking, the majority is around 150 yuan, and the 200 yuan is considered extremely powerful. NS."

   Han Fei's eyes widened suddenly: "The lowest is 100 yuan?"

Uncle Jiu: "Yes, there are not many such low grades. They belong to the weakest grade. There is not much room for promotion. However, you can't underestimate him. You can't just look at his spirit and power. The sentiment is not what you can compare. If you want to kill across the border, you still can't do it now. When you reach the Great Perfection of the Transforming Star, you may be able to reluctantly try."


   Han Fei swallowed at the time, how could this stuff ever be played? Are the weakest so strong?

   You must know that you are now 13 yuan! Almost all the experts in the Open Heaven realm know that it is a bit difficult to upgrade the power of the soul. He estimated that even if he walked to the Great Perfection, would he have 20 yuan?

  Han Fei slowly recovered; "What about the power?"

Jiu Shu: "That's almost the same as Divine Soul, normal people follow the way of balance. But Han Fei, I remind you again, don't bring this data into the battle power of the emperor. Prove that you are the emperor. , People have the power of one side of heaven and earth, but not just the numbers you see. It can be said that in a real fight, one hundred Transformation Stars will not be able to retain the weakest emperor. Unless it is that strong To the perverted Dzogchen, maybe you can barely fight back and forth or something, but even so, it's hard to kill."

   Uncle Jiu is here to remind Han Fei, although your kid is indeed very powerful, in the Open Heaven Realm, he is a very talented and extremely talented arrogant. But the trouble to find the emperor based on this is just looking for death.

   Han Fei forget it, even if his secret method is fully opened, five times the blessing of the avenue, one time the invincible eye, and one time the dragon transformation technique. Wu, I won the dragon, and his bloodline level is too bad, so I shouldn't be able to double the strength of my current self. In other words, he can now be strengthened up to six times.

   may be able to match the weakest emperor in sheer strength, but the battle of emperor does not depend on strength. If you really want to fight, you might not be able to slap it.

   And once the opponent is an ordinary emperor, his basic strength is four to five times worse than his own. In this case, if he wants to hunt the emperor, Han Fei feels that his scalp is numb when he thinks about it.

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Thank you for the information Jiu Shu."

   The information provided by Uncle Jiu is very important, and it can be regarded as giving Han Fei a basic understanding of the Kaitian realm and the emperor. There is no need for Jiu Shu to go to the Freedom Realm behind the Dao. If it is at that level, he will give up fighting alone, because there is no chance at all.

  No, Feng Yu glanced at Jiu Shu and said: "Jiu Shu, I will chat with Han Fei alone."

   Uncle Jiu also didn't see it outside, got up at will, and banned it casually: "You talk, with me, no one can listen to your chat content, not even the emperor."

  Han Fei suddenly raised his head and glanced at Jiu Shu, feeling very surprised. He just described the emperor so awesome, now that the emperor can't peep into his restriction?

   Fengyu smiled softly: "Don't listen to him. Although Jiu Shu is the peak of the Uncle Realm, it is only a step away from the longevity, but the emperor can still hear it if he wants to, but the emperor will not be so boring."

   Uncle Jiu outside the formation, just looking at the corner of his mouth, really turned his elbow out! I have never seen such an uncle burying himself.

   "Happy Peak?"

   Han Fei nodded slightly, Han Feixin said, it might be difficult to join the emperor! After all, it was already very difficult to walk down the path of Open Heaven Realm.

Feng Yu: "Little Junior Brother, I know your purpose now. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But I don't think you need to be too eager. It's too difficult for you to treat this as a trial. Zhan the emperor! You too! I really dare to think, what if the counterfeit of the Great Emperor Wanlin is not a simple emperor? Even if you are on the edge of the proving path, you can hold on for ten breaths. So, the human race thing. , You can consider other methods. Or, you can go directly to the big brother! There is no need to put so much pressure on yourself."

   Han Fei nodded: "Sister, don't worry, you can't do it. I'm definitely not going to die."

   Fengyu nodded slightly: "It's good to know. You have gained a lot of resources this time. If you want to use up all of these resources, it is estimated that your strength will grow a lot. I mean, you will go with me."

   Han Fei shook his head: "No!"

   Feng Yu frowned: "Why? Do you know how many people are going to kill you now? The Heavenly Clan is said to have dispatched the emperor."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Because of this, I can't go with you. How can they use the emperor to deal with me? Therefore, the existence of the emperor is to restrict your Phoenix Protoss and prevent you from helping me."

Feng Yu: "Nonsense, do you think people are really big-hearted? You even sent Zhao Qinglong away. In theory, this **** list already has your place. Even if it is not a head-on fight, people will treat you as a **** list. Treat the strong? What's the matter with the emperor, do you think that the emperor will not bully the weak?"

  Han Fei: "Sister, you know, it's really not good. I can just make it a little bigger. Anyway, I can't die anyway, don't you think?"

   Feng Yu paused, she suddenly realized that Han Fei wants to invite Senior Brother?

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