God of Fishing

Chapter 2486: I've been waiting for you

Two months later.

   In a wilderness camp outside the Divine Capital Dynasty, a figure has just left for less than an hour.

   Suddenly, he saw a person standing in the sea directly in front of him.

At a distance, I listened to the man: "You should know that you can't escape. But I have to say that your methods are indeed clever. On the way, you stayed in 23 wilderness camps. Every time, you will change to a new identity. You not only change your face, voice, breath, coercion, avenue, but also hide your luck... But what about this? You can't escape after all. "

   The person who spoke was exactly Zhao Qinglong, who had a broken reputation. Everyone thought that Zhao Qinglong had fallen a lot this time and had no face to stay in the Kingdom of God.

   But in fact, Zhao Qinglong has been waiting for Han Fei to come out.

And the handsome man who was stopped by Zhao Qinglong was also very calm: "I'm curious, how did you find it? It's not that I look down on you, I really don't think anyone in Open Heaven can find me in this vast wilderness. "

   Zhao Qinglong grinned: "I! Don't you deny it?"

   I only saw the handsome man opposite Zhao Qinglong. His appearance, height, and breath flowed. In a blink of an eye, he became Han Fei's appearance.

Han Fei strolled in the sky, looked at Zhao Qinglong pretendingly, and said lightly: "Don’t answer me? It should be the ghost in your body? But it doesn’t matter, Zhao Qinglong, I think you might have made a mistake. thing."

  Zhao Qinglong: "What?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Once a strong person is defeated, it is very difficult to win back. Do you think you can win if you find me? If it weren't for the mysterious power in your body, you thought you could be on the list of gods. Who do you think you can beat? With the help of unknown power, you really treat yourself as a dish."

  Han Fei's face was full of disdain. This kind of ridicule was naturally deliberate. If you want to defeat a person, you must first defeat his psychology. The black dragon may be very strong, but when it comes to a real struggle between strength and weakness, Zhao Qinglong will definitely not be happy with the black dragon.

  Only when he can't hold it, will he let the black dragon take action with peace of mind. As for Han Fei's face that looked ugly to him now, he firmly believed that he could pierce him with his own hands.

  Only in this way can he capture Han Fei's invincible road.

Just listen to Zhao Qinglong: "Who is strong and who is weak? No need to argue. Since you and I are both on the road of invincibility, let's fight to the death! If you swallow your road of invincibility, I will use the initial land certificate in your hand. Tao. The blending of two different invincible roads may give me new inspiration."

  Han Fei sneered: "Yes! There are many people who want to kill me. Maybe I can't beat some people, but you are definitely not included in this."



   I saw that in an instant, both of them burst out at a terrifying speed exceeding ten times the speed of light.


   Both sides punched each other, and the instant energy generated at the place where the fists met, caused the void to collapse. In the unclosed void, the two fought more than a thousand times in one breath, making the endless void unable to heal for a long time.


   After this round of confrontation, they saw golden light on their bodies, almost at the same time, the two of them bloomed invincible. Because this was originally a clash between Invincible Road.

   In this world, only the strongest is worthy of being called invincible.

   Zhao Qinglong wants to take his own invincible road, so he has to fight himself personally. And the reason why Han Fei dared to make a move was precisely because of this.

   When Zhao Qinglong finds that he is not invincible, then he will also be abolished. This is the end of the road of invincibility. There are some things that the black dragon can do, and some things the black dragon cannot do.

At this moment, Heilong reminded: "You pay attention, Han Fei's speed has increased a lot, and his strength and physique have also become much stronger. Although he is now using secret methods and the like, his combat power is not weak anymore. It's because of you. If you want to fight, then show your strongest self."

   Heilong was also shocked. The situation was a bit unexpected. After Han Fei met Zhao Qinglong, he was not even surprised at all. It seemed that he had known this stop would come.

   Moreover, he knew that he was in Zhao Qinglong's body and still dared to fight. This was because he was sure he would not interfere in the battle between Invincible Road, so he was unscrupulous.

  If it were before, of course Heilong would not have thought that Han Fei could beat Zhao Qinglong. But how long is this? In a mere few years, Han Fei's strength, speed, physique, and spirit have all caught up, and it seems that he is no worse than Zhao Qinglong.

   This shocked the black dragon, what kind of genius, before reaching the late stage of transformation, can match the power of the gods? If this is for Han Feihuaxing to complete the Great Perfection, I would like to ask who among the gods is worthy of a battle?

   "Clang clang clang~"

   Two golden bodies, without fancy combat skills, are now competing against the flesh.

  If it's a ring competition or something, perhaps the pursuit is the mutual suppression and display of various means, great techniques, and avenues. However, for those who take the road of invincibility, everything is better than anything else. In a sense, walking the invincible road is equivalent to walking the extreme road. The only difference from Jidao is that invincible road users, although they pursue invincibility, they pursue the ultimate they can achieve.

   If the invincible road is compared with the extreme road, as long as it encounters, the invincible road will try to penetrate the extreme road. Because he claims to be invincible! Ji Dao is only Ji Dao, but I dare not call it invincible. If the invincible is not equal to Jidao, how dare to call it invincible?

   Therefore, at this moment, these two people are comparing strength and physique. Therefore, in the fight between fists and seals, what is fighting is the strength of strength, and what is fighting is the instantaneous limit explosion.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   "Boom boom boom~"

   For a time, these two people are like two big days, colliding between the sky and the earth, from the bottom of the sea to the sky, all the way through tens of thousands of miles.

   And the two of them didn't even know. At this moment of their confrontation, suddenly a lot of eyes came here.

  Han Fei felt it, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and didn't care. Although he is very confident in Heavenly Hidden Divine Art. But he has been in the Shendu Dynasty for too long, mixing Tai Chi, and wanting to disappear silently, it is too difficult. Even if you use Gemini Divine Art, maybe Gemini Divine Art is already in the sight of some people.

   Moreover, since Feng Yu debunked that Emperor Wanlin was just a counterfeit, Han Fei had determined that Emperor Wanlin was only of the Daoist level.

   But, where is the Kingdom of God? If you really want the emperor to pay attention to yourself, who dares to say that he will not be exposed?

   Therefore, Han Fei was not surprised that someone was watching the game.

   Of course, those who watched the battle would not have thought that Han Fei had already discovered them.

   However, on Zhao Qinglong's side, Heilong suddenly said: "There is an emperor-level powerhouse here. It seems that it is not only that we have discovered Han Fei's whereabouts, but the others are not stupid, they are also chasing after him."

Zhao Qinglong responded with a heart: "As long as I don't come out to interfere, then it's okay. When I kill him and harvest his invincible way, it is enough to divide these people into some treasures. If you don't want them to do it, they will be unwilling to buy cheap. ?"

   Ten breaths.

   Hundred breaths.

   Thousand interest.

   The two men fought each other physically, and they fought for more than a thousand breaths. They were both bloodied, and they never took the initiative to retreat for more than half a point.

But in the far sky, someone looked solemn: "It can be seen that Han Fei is just about to transform into the star stage, but it has not yet arrived. Now he can fight Zhao Qinglong head-on like this. If he reaches perfection, how can he not stand? Among the top three on the gods list?"

   Someone said lightly: "Since this person is an enemy of my Celestial Clan, he should die. The end will continue, and there has not been a **** in the world. This son inherits the inheritance of the God of War. If he does not die, he will become a confidant of my Celestial Clan in the future."

There is a big clan emperor, and said lightly: "If this kid is not already an enemy of our big clan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com really doesn't want to come! This child's talent, plus the original land, preaching is almost a certainty. "

   Someone made a long voice: "It depends on whether Zhao Qinglong can kill him. If he can't, is there a Celestial Clan? I won't do it until I can do it. Who knows if there is any secret behind this kid."

On the side of the Celestial Clan, more than one emperor came, and at this moment, they were communicating with each other: "It has been confirmed that the people of the Phoenix Protoss have gone, and there is no one from the Temple of Time. Han Fei is an invincible road. It is impossible. He is from the Temple of Time. However, the Temple of Time has protected him, indicating that the Temple of Time wants this person. I just don’t know if he has chosen to join the Temple of Time."

Another person said: "What if I join? It's just joining. Although the Temple of Time is powerful, it is not going to fight against my heavenly clan for a member who has not officially joined. Suppress the heavenly clan and take a shot. If you move your whole body, the Divine Capital Dynasty will not sit idly by."


   I only saw that in the void, there was a blazing sun erupting. Han Fei used star boxing, and his fist bursts like a big star, violent.

   This Zhao Qinglong was blasted back hundreds of thousands of miles with a punch, and his instant body fractured more than ten bones, his whole body was cracked, blood was flowing, and it seemed to break at any time.

   Zhao Qinglong's face is ugly, how is it possible? How could Han Fei's strength be stronger than himself?

   At that moment, Han Fei saw Zhao Qinglong suddenly sacrifice a few drops of blood. The next moment, Zhao Qinglong turned into a dragon and swept across the sky.

   just listen to his roar: "Transforming Dragon Technique, I am invincible."

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