God of Fishing

Chapter 2495: Gate of Heaven

The thousand times the speed of light that Han Fei said was directly given to Senior Brother Qinglong.

However, when he listened to Han Fei's cause and effect, he was relieved.

What Han Fei said was the time when he walked the white cave outside the camp of tomorrow in order to avoid the chase of the heavenly clan. He escaped for more than 30 breaths, and then, in a reversal of time, he passed through the white hole and returned to the camp of tomorrow.

If calculated according to distance, the distance spanned at that moment is indeed a thousand times the speed of light.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong shook his head slightly: "Little Junior Brother, at that time you didn't possess the ability to cross a white hole. To be precise, you accidentally touched the advanced usage of time. At that moment, the Avenue of Time, wrapped you, After entering the white hole, the force of time passively helps you offset the pressure from speed. So at that moment, the outside world may only have passed for a moment, but in fact what you experience may be a stretched time..."

When Senior Brother Qinglong said so, Han Fei was not so sure, so he could only nod his head.

And Brother Qinglong is not as knowledgeable, and explained Han Fei's doubts all at once.

Just listen to him: "Little Junior Brother, the carrying capacity represents your speed limit, which means that even if you have a way to accelerate, the highest speed can reach 42 times the speed of light. However, your real speed is not up to it. I want to appreciate it. For more speed, you must first reach the speed of the light burst. This point will definitely be achieved when you transform into the Great Consummation. Brother won't tell you more."

"Thank you brother."

Han Fei knew that Senior Brother Qinglong didn't want to use his own understanding too much to instruct himself. This was a practice in the Void Temple.

In the Void Temple, you can send good things to each other, but you rarely make some calls on the road between each other. Unless it is the kind of uniqueness, the only way to go.

Or, it's some insights from the big brother's lecture.

However, the senior brother was giving lectures, and he had never been able to hear clearly. It is estimated that Feng Yu is also the same. Therefore, it is not a guide, it is more to let you realize it yourself.

However, today's harvest has been quite fruitful.

Han Fei had seen Senior Brother Qinglong make a move, and an inexplicable momentum developed in his heart. He felt that he had benefited a lot.

Later, Senior Brother Qinglong did not let Han Fei go by himself. Otherwise, even if Han Fei maintained 14 times the speed of light, it would take a long time to think of the Celestial Clan.

Brother Qinglong just took Han Fei across a psychedelic space, and it felt like it might be ten breaths or shorter. Anyway, when Han Fei opened his eyes, he appeared in front of a double-opened gate that was built on the cloud and was about tens of miles long and nearly a hundred miles high.

On the top of this giant gate were engraved with four big gilded characters, with shocking pressure in the characters. At a glance, Han Fei felt that there was invisible pressure, and it suddenly fell on him.

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong: "This is a handwritten character written by the gods of the Celestial Clan in the past. Although that **** is not the strongest, but it is indeed very powerful. It is just that you can directly feel the pressure from these four words. Yes, very rarely. If you are a normal person and feel a slight difference or charm, you are eligible to be absorbed into the gates of heaven. And like you, Junior Brother, you would be directly regarded as a Tianjiao."

Sure enough, as soon as Senior Brother Qinglong's words fell, he saw five Open Heaven Realm powerhouses flying out of the door "Shuashushu".

These five people, the one with the highest realm, may only be about the same as Han Fei.

These five people only arrived first, and then some people ran out of the door.

Just listen to these five people taking a look at Han Fei and Senior Brother Qinglong, and then everyone turned their eyes on Han Fei. Because the temperament of Senior Brother Qinglong did not look like he had come to join the gate of heaven, only Han Fei, whose image and temperament were slightly immature.

Just listen to one of them: "Who inspired the coercion of the gods?"

Brother Qinglong didn't speak, Han Fei slightly raised the corners of his mouth naturally: "It's me, how?"

The strongest of the five looked at Han Fei for a while, and nodded slightly: "In the late stage of Transforming Star, although the realm is somewhat higher, since it can induce the coercion of the gods, then entering the gate of heaven is not a big problem. However, it needs a little bit. Wait, wait for a few elders to come out and give you some assessment."

These people actually regarded Han Fei as a casual cultivator who came to join the gate of heaven, so in terms of attitude, there was no hostility at first.

However, the person who spoke again looked at Senior Brother Qinglong and said, "As for the other messy people, please go back!"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was speechless and couldn't help saying: "Hey! Who told you that I came to study?"

The man frowned: "Don't you come here to join me in the gate of heaven? What are you doing here? It also aroused the coercion of the gods, are you provoking?"

Han Fei's heart moved. It seems that the gate of heaven is not known here yet. He can't help but give birth to a nasty taste: "I heard that the gate of heaven is full of arrogance, and the strong are everywhere. My name is Han Fei. Enemy. I personally come to the door today, push you horizontally and wait... Hey, so if there is a strong one, just call it out! I'll take them all."

"What! Han Fei?"

"Asshole, are you the Han Fei?"

"The kid is looking for death, dare to come to the door, I think you have enough life."

"Bold madman, at the front door of my heavenly gate, under the gaze of the gods, dare to run wild."

These people spoke and yelled, but they didn't come up to fight Han Fei because they knew that Han Fei was very strong. Therefore, when Han Fei uttered his name, someone sent a message to the strong man in the door.

However, Han Fei doesn't care whether you have a message or not, people are here, how can you not go in?

No, Han Fei strode forward and forcibly broke into the gate of heaven. Brother Qinglong, with his hands on his back, slowly followed behind, watching this scene quietly.

In fact, he was also curious, the junior junior has less than 500 years of experience, but he has become too much stronger. In terms of combat power, it is already comparable to the gods of the sea world. How many years did he use it? It seems that it took nearly 3,000 years to reach the number one dragon clan. In such a comparison, the growth of Junior Brother is a little too fast!

Seeing Han Fei want to forcefully enter the gate of heaven, a group of people shouted: "Be bold, stop."

"Assassin, dare to step into my door, it will be difficult for you to step out in this life."

However, Han Fei ignored them. Those strong men looked at each other, how could they watch Han Fei force the entry. Suddenly a group of people swarmed up.

"Boom boom boom~"

The fist that was approaching the extreme was beyond their comprehension. These people only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the next moment their body burst, they were not Han Fei's enemy at all.

When they reunited, Han Fei had half-footed into the gate of heaven.

However, when Han Fei tried to leap in directly, a terrifying might descended on him. Someone who reunited in the flesh in advance shouted, "Han Fei, don't be wishful thinking. This is the dojo of the gods, and the gods are watching this place. Did you enter as soon as you said advance?"

But at this moment, Senior Brother Qinglong snorted coldly, and the mighty dragon between his hands was raised, and he pushed it up with a palm, but he saw the four characters of the gate of heaven, and it faded in an instant.


For a time, the two backgrounds were clashing, but the gods have fallen for a long time. How long can the remaining coercion be able to shake Brother Qinglong?

I saw Senior Brother Qinglong's aura suddenly climbed to the extreme, just listening to the sound of "Ka Ka Ka", resounding throughout.

Looking at it again, all the four characters of "the gate of heaven" are cracked, and the two characters of heaven have become the two characters of "big mouth". The resounding gate of heaven has become the "gate of a big mouth".

This door has been abandoned.

All the people who scolded just now were all lying on the ground, shivering.

They have only one thought in their hearts, who is this person? It actually penetrated the will of the gods.


When Han Fei stepped into the gate of the kingdom of heaven, he happened to meet a large number of late stage transformation, later stage and Dzogchen experts who had come.

But Senior Brother Qinglong shot, how could the Heavenly Clan only come to these roles. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

On the spot, the seven emperors turned out. Among the seven people, Yi Jian and Yi Wulang, who had escaped before, were all looking ugly at the moment.

Among the seven people, Xu is the current patriarch of the Celestial Clan, and he feels extremely powerful to Han Fei, who can stab himself to death with a finger anyway.

I saw the middle-aged man arch his hands: "Heaven Clan, the contemporary patriarch Yi Changsheng, has met Emperor Ao Qing."



"The Great?"

At that moment, countless people who rushed to fight Han Fei and Qinglong Brother were all dumbfounded. I knocked Nima, a great emperor-level powerhouse? Who can beat this so much!

For a moment, everyone stopped and didn't dare to make a move.

Among the crowd, Han Fei saw Yi Cai, Yi Chen, and old acquaintances like Yi Xianling, Yi Tianlong, Yi Jiajia, and Yi Shui Liu.

Even Han Fei felt the existence of Nezha in a certain corner.

At this moment, all the people like Yi Cai looked to their side in shock, I am afraid they didn't expect that behind them, there is a great emperor-level powerhouse sitting behind them, right?

Brother Qinglong was originally not to really kill the heavenly clan, but to tell them that they should behave in a proper manner.

Moreover, although Han Fei is strong now, it is impossible to say that he wants to penetrate the gate of heaven by himself. Ten, eight, or even a hundred or so enemies, maybe Han Fei can fight. But throughout the gate of heaven, God knows how many strong, Han Fei fist, how many people can he defeat?

At this moment, I just listened to Senior Brother Qinglong, proudly raising his head: "The Heavenly Clan, repeatedly breaking the rules, opening up the realm of the sky, and bullying the weak. Now I actually use the emperor to take action against my junior brother. Yi Changsheng, right? Do you think, Are you invincible in the world? Dare to trample the rules like this?"

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