God of Fishing

Chapter 2526: The body of gods and demons, double the strength

Han Fei can clearly feel that the power of those great roads to transform thunder is the law of ten thousand ways between heaven and earth. Although they impact his body, there will be some remaining after annihilation.

And this part can broaden his soul. At this point in his cultivation, he has realized that at the beginning of the cultivation of the gods and demons, the purpose is not whether to run a big week, but to make the physical body and the path of the gods and souls perfect unity. .

Therefore, Han Fei clearly realized that it was not that he had to suffer the impact of this great road, but because his soul was not as good as his body.

If the power of one's soul is stronger than the body, then what he is experiencing now may be the thunder and robbery tempering the body, rather than the great way of refining the gods.

At this moment, although nine deaths, but the significance is very great.

In just over five hundred breaths, Han Fei's soul power has grown by about 150,000 points.

According to such an algorithm, I am afraid that I have to insist on more than two thousand breaths to complete the operation of this **** and devil's phaseless power.

It's just that Zhao Qinglong's natal star can't carry the power of this great road to transform thunder at all, and it is already full of holes at this moment.

At this moment, half a week, Han Fei thought, Zhao Qinglong's natal star is no longer good, and I can still use An Taiping's natal star.

However, when Han Fei tried to stop practicing, a shocking scene happened. In the two veins, the two methods of the gods and demons, which no longer need to be controlled, are actively operating and cannot be stopped.


Han Fei felt that there were laws rolling in between the heaven and the earth, and the light spots of the incarnation of thousands of avenues turned into avenues of thunder, pouring toward him.

"No, it's not that the exercises can't be stopped, but the world doesn't let me stop."

At that moment, Han Fei was shocked, there was still someone forcing people to practice? At this time, Han Fei remembered the words of the old turtle that the gods and demons had no phase power, which was originally incompatible with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, if there is no shelter from the sea world, it may be necessary to carry a baptism similar to the robbery in order to get the approval of the heavens.

I don't know if the old tortoise hasn't experienced all of this that he has experienced now because he hasn't cultivated the gods and demons in the star sea. But what he said made him understand.

Practicing gods and demons without phase power requires the approval of the ways of heaven.

Therefore, I need to be recognized now, and if I want to be recognized, I need to completely accept the baptism of heaven and all laws, and achieve a perfect balance in the baptism. At that time, Tian Dao would admit that Han Fei was his kind, and would not care about it anymore.

However, the problem lies here. At my current speed, doesn't it mean that I have to insist on more than 1500 breaths?

If I knew this a long time ago, I shouldn't have broken through the advanced stage of Transforming Star first. In this way, the gap between the power of the soul and the body is not getting bigger and bigger.

However, it is too late to regret at this moment. Han Fei could only pray that Zhao Qinglong's Origin Sea could resist for a while.

However, after only 200 breaths, the star was completely shattered, the star core was in the sky, away from him, Han Fei once again, completely exposed in the star sea.

At this time, Han Fei inadvertently saw that the 72 transformed stars connected by Zhao Qinglong's natal stars had all been shattered, and the entire defense system was completely destroyed.


With only ten breaths, Han Fei can no longer hold the road to thunder. If he fails at this moment, even if he uses the life-changing road, the exercise will stop instantly at that moment, which may cause the double pulse backlash, or at the same time. Destroyed his two divine veins.

At that moment, Han Fei was anxious to become wise, thinking about what he could do to withstand this avenue of thunder.

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart was shocked, yes, the minefield.

In the Divine Capital Dynasty, I exchanged two top-quality artifacts. The Fire of Life was prepared for Feng Yu, but the thunder-inducing platform was specially prepared for himself.

It's just that the mine pilot was originally intended to be used in the eternal thunder hell. I don't know how effective the mine pilot is in this situation?


In any case, Han Fei took out the thunder-inducing platform for the first time. If it is useful, you will find out if you try it.

At the moment when the lightning platform appeared, Han Fei was sitting cross-legged. When he entered the lightning platform, the lines on the lightning platform were shining and the whole body was full of thunder. Turned into purple. But Dao Thunder turned into a large purple halo, which was scattered all of a sudden with 80% of its power.


"So easy to use?"

Han Fei only felt that the pressure on his body was drastically reduced. If this is the case, he seems to be able to hold on for a long time.

After five hundred breaths in this way, Han Fei saw a flame pattern condensed.

"This is, hiss! This is the Purple Proof Thunder?"

Han Fei was shocked, and would lead the thunder platform to the sea of ​​thunder, and ten thousand years will be able to obtain the purple proving the way of thunder. However, under the bombardment of this avenue of thunder, it took only five hundred breaths to give birth to a purple proving road thunder.

Suddenly, the purple proving thunder on the Lightning Platform changed from one to two. The value of the mine platform is equivalent to a qualitative leap in a swish.

Moreover, there are seven lines of the same pattern on the mine platform, which have not been illuminated yet. This means that if you want to saturate the mine platform, at least these seven lines need to be filled.

Han Fei is overjoyed. If it is a coincidence that the thunder platform is filled up, wouldn't it be equivalent to creating an emperor-level powerhouse?

However, Han Fei still felt a little unable to hold it even though the Thunderbolt had scattered nearly 80% of the Dao Thunder and had to bear it for a long time.

When Han Fei was wondering whether he was going to give up this practice through the life-changing road, he saw the center of his eyebrows and poked out a little.

"Huh, Uncle Calabash?"

I don't know if it was because of the extremely close connection between Han Fei and the Demon Refining Pot, so at this moment, a twig came out and stood in front of Han Fei.


The heavens roared, and a twig quivered slightly. On that day, about half of the twigs were sucked into each twig, and most of the others were snatched away by the lightning platform and landed on On Han Fei's body, not much.


This is the first time Han Fei has seen this. I always want everything I want to grab the demon refining pot. Why do I eat half of it and put half of it?

However, at this moment, Han Fei felt that he could do it again.

After about two hundred breaths, Han Fei saw that a small cyan fruit the size of a nail had grown on this branch.


Han Fei's eyes widened directly. This is the sixth fruit. Since practicing, Han Fei has never known how the sixth fruit should condense. However, at this moment, he actually understood something.

The demon refining pot is selectively devouring the heavenly magic that bombards oneself, and the part that is swallowed by the demon refining pot may be more focused on the condensation of the sixth divine pill.

Until about two thousand breaths, Han Fei had just finished the first big week because he was robbed of some Dao Thunder by the thunder-inducing platform and the refining pot.

At the moment when the first Great Week was over, Han Fei suddenly felt that a large amount of the power of thunder that remained on the body's surface was transformed into a spirit.

All of a sudden, nearly 100,000 points of soul power were transformed.

The end of a big week, as expected by Han Fei, everything hasn't stopped. The second big week continued to run, the way of heaven turned thunder, and continued to bombard itself.

However, with the sharing of the thunder-inducing platform and the demon refining pot, Han Fei's body was bloody, but his body never collapsed, and his spirit never collapsed.

After more than two thousand breaths.

Han Fei's second round of big Sunday, the operation is completed. At this time, Han Fei, although he only took on the power of the heavens to transform thunder, but the time was too long, his flesh and blood had already become a paste, but in his body, the original veins and the eternal dark veins were not half divided. Variety.

It seemed that at this moment, two extraordinary divine veins began to show their power. The avenue is indestructible, and the law cannot be broken.

Among them, in the veins of the original, inexplicably began to release vitality and consolidate the flesh and blood.

The Vein of Eternal Darkness is even more miraculous.

And at this time, in Han Fei's third round of Great Zhou Tian, ​​when it was a little and a half, suddenly, between the heaven and the earth, there was infinite power that gathered in Han Fei's body.

I only saw that Han Fei's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, there was a Dao pattern, quietly concealed in Han Fei's flesh and blood.

However, at this moment, Han Fei did not wake up. Soon after the second round of Great Week, Han Fei fell into a deep sleep. It's just that the dual pulses are running without stopping.

He didn't know that, just in the third round of Great Zhoutian, his power of soul and body had reached an instant balance.

I don't know how long it took, or one day, maybe ten days, or maybe one year.

When Han Fei felt that his body was swelling fiercely, Yoyo woke up and found himself sitting among the ruins of stars.

Han Fei subconsciously touched his body and found that everything was intact, which made him breathe a long sigh of relief.

Seeing that he was okay, he naturally looked at his information for the first time.

But when I saw, the information appeared in my eyes:

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 109 (open sky and extreme balance)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 200016 (evolving: 762813064)

Fairy spirit: 1.68 million

Spirit: 33.36 yuan (33377308 points)

Perception: 33 million miles

Power: 33.36 Star Power (33377308 waves)

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Sky-Swallowing Fish [Level 108]

The second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 103]

Major in exercises: Gods and demons have no phase power


This time, the information panel has changed a little bit, and Han Fei was a little unexpected.

Among them, the realm he is in has changed from the extreme way to the extreme balance. And the power and power of the soul, unexpectedly became completely the same at this moment.

The most incredible thing is that his spiritual power and physical power have undergone an extraordinary change that even he himself finds incredible.


Han Fei took a deep breath, his heart beating wildly, his eyes straightened.

33.36 yuan? 33.36 The power of stars?

After a long pause for more than ten breaths, Han Fei returned to his senses. He knew that he had succeeded. And this success surpassed his imagination. If unsurprisingly, the number of 33.36 has been doubled.

In the past, Brother Qinglong and the others said the way of balance, the more balanced the spirit and body, the more power of the heavens that can be borrowed, and the upper limit is their own limit.

I have felt the state of perfect balance and was fascinated by it. But at that moment, he thought that he had just borrowed 100% of the power of Heaven, and this borrowed power could be regarded as his basic combat power.

At that moment, Han Fei felt that he was comparable to Emperor Zun when he broke out completely.

However, he did not expect that he would truly be after he completely embarked on this path. The individual's comprehensive spirit and combat power will actually double growth by 100%.

At this time, Han Fei looked at the dim star core fragments around, and couldn't help but swallowed secretly. I was afraid that the dimness of these star cores was forcibly absorbed by him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

And the growth of the soul should be given to oneself by the ten thousand ways between heaven and earth.

When Han Fei looked down again, he found that his major practice had changed from the void fishing technique to the god-devil non-phase skill.

This change even made Han Fei a little at a loss. Han Fei thought that the Void Fishing Technique actually has a follow-up, but the former brothers of Void Temple did not perform it.

Even Han Fei thought that even the last stage of the Void Thieves technique was not completely deduced. Therefore, this made the Void Fishing Technique become the best emperor, not a god.

But even so, it was also an emperor-level exercise method, and it was replaced at this moment, and the god-devil non-phase gong was replaced by the main practice method. The grade of the god-devil non-phase gong was actually not as good as the void fishing technique. This made Han Fei quite puzzled.

But incomprehensible, Han Fei didn't care. This only shows that the gods and demons have no phase power and are stronger.

When Han Fei looked under him, the lightning platform turned into a Fang Ding because there was no Dao Thunder to absorb. It's just that the lines that represent the Purple Proving Dao Thunder have become four.

"Hi! Three more, wouldn't it be equivalent to absorbing the thunder of thirty thousand years."

"not good!"

Suddenly, Han Fei's expression changed. How long had he been asleep?

When Han Fei looked at the evolution time of that bloodline, he suddenly discovered that more than three years had passed. This is not in one's own natal stars, but in the sea of ​​stars.

Therefore, the past three years is a real three-year period.

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good. He said that he would practice for one year and fight for one year to eliminate the Black Wind Pirates. As a result, the emperor himself was gone. I don't know what Zhou Jingjing and the others are in anxiously in their own stars.

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