God of Fishing

Chapter 2544: Gangster

One month later.

When Han Fei walked out of his own practice, he happened to catch up with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's awakening.

Unlike Han Fei, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai doesn't have the so-called Transforming Star Great Perfection. They only need to eat, and the strength they can burst out, Han Fei estimated that it might not be much weaker than himself.

Even, at this time, Han Fei didn't want to merge with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, or else, God knows who will control whom by then.

On this day, Han Fei left his natal star.

Where the original Bloodthirsty Sailfish Department was located, the surrounding auras were average, which meant that everyone had a substantial improvement.

Here, as soon as Han Fei came out, Hong Yue and Zhou Jingjing, the powerhouses of the Open Heaven Realm, had already surrounded them.

"I have seen Master Renhuang."

Han Fei made repeated moves and established absolute prestige.

Now, the giant whale fortress and even the human camp are all speculating whether Han Fei secretly proclaimed the Dao and became the real emperor.

Hong Yue didn't explain to these people that this kind of speculation is a good thing. He would rather everyone believe that Han Fei is the emperor. This will enhance everyone's confidence and give Han Fei an unparalleled image.

But Han Fei said indifferently, "How about the total battle losses this time, and how effective is the breakthrough?"

However, Zhou Jingjing stood up and respectfully said, "Lord Renhuang, this continuous battle has brought together the fallen people. But there are more breakthroughs. There are 4 people in the Open Heaven Realm, and 4 people in the Open Sea Realm, including the pinnacle of the sea. Venerable. There are 4 people in the realm, 4 people in the Venerable Pinnacle, and the total number of people under the Venerable. Among them, the explorer Pinnacle is the child...total, people."

Han Fei felt that the number of sea-opening borders was about to exceed the 10,000 mark. But the number of people who fell is still a bit too much. This was the only way to get rid of a bloodthirsty swordfish department. If this kind of trial is repeated ten times in the future, I am afraid that many people will die.

There is no way to do this. Some people died after crossing the robbery, and Han Fei did nothing.

Moreover, without experiencing life and death, how to grow quickly? Even though he gave them too many benefits, Han Fei couldn't break through for them, feel for them, and experience life and death for them.

So, at present, I am very short of people.

Just listen to Han Feidao. "From today onwards, the Whale Fortress will terminate the agreement with everyone, and the Whale Fortress will be disbanded. Let everyone assemble and join the emperor’s source sea to practice. The emperor must ensure that all members are above the venerable level except for infants. Finally. In three years, we will enter the Wuyin mining area."

Han Fei didn't have time to wait, to slowly cultivate and sharpen talents. These three years have been the process of selecting talents. After three years, perhaps less than 100,000 people are available to him, or even less than half of what he is now.

However, this is their way, and given them the best cultivation conditions and resources, it is better than they live in the wilderness one day after another. The strong will not live on the shelter of others forever.

Zhou Jingjing had long guessed that the Giant Whale Fortress needed to be disbanded, but it was only officially disbanded until now, which was somewhat beyond her expectation.

However, when Han Fei said the time of three years, she also sighed slightly. In these three years, I am afraid that many people will die!

Three years passed in a flash.

Outside the Wuyin Mine, and around Baisha Camp, one of the big camps, countless people came in and out. This is a huge Dao Island, which can accommodate more than ten million people. Similar to Baishaying, other camps have similar populations.

Of these people, generally speaking, the explorer realm accounts for about 10%. These people are brought here from the wilderness in order to grow up here and provide a steady stream of labor for the boundless mining area.

Since the Wuyin mining area is a mining area, the most basic thing in the Wuyin mining area is mining.

Under the open world, no one can escape the fate of mining. And mining is also an opportunity for many people to change their destiny.

Once you enter the Venerable Realm, you are eligible to enter the endless mining area to mine, so the explorers in the big camp are all preparatory miners.

The nearest Baisha camp is very lively. The intelligence hall of Baisha City was punctured by various powerful men every day.

At this moment, in the overcrowded intelligence hall, someone shouted angrily, "Asshole, Fang encircles and suppresses, can't you even kill the seven-kill gangsters of a mere 100,000 people? They were even beaten and wiped out by the whole army. The true mother is useless. ."

Someone yelled, "Are you useful? What do you offer a reward for your usefulness? At the beginning, your Red Tide pirate group was differently destroyed and cleaned?"

Someone denounced, "I heard that the person who killed the three chiefs and the three leaders who unblocked the road locks. Do you know what this means? It means intelligence leaks. Te Niang, the strong man who unblocked the road locks? If you can't kill that person, that guy shouldn't have appeared in the outer domain of the Wuyin mining area."

All kinds of scolding, wrangling, sighing, one after another.

In the past three years, without knowing where, a Human Race Seven Killing Army emerged. In the past three years, a total of large-scale pirate groups have been attacked and killed.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously, because in the Seven Kills Army, there were not many strong human races, not even one-fifth.

However, as the pirate regiments fell one after another, people's views on the Seven Killers changed. The seven killers were too aggressive, and there were corpses everywhere they went. The pirate regiments that they are looking at are generally pushed horizontally, and those who can escape can be thankful for one or two of them.

When the Seven Kills were taken seriously, it was already a year later.

The major pirate groups have carried out more than ten times of encirclement and suppression, but they all returned without success. On the contrary, when he retreats, one or two pirate regiments will always be dismantled.

Since then, the name of Human Emperor has become Human Tu.

Until now, no one knew the real name of Rentu, only that the man said he was of the orthodox human blood.

This is also the first time that countless races feel that the orthodox human blood is too strong on the Boundless Mining Area, killing them? No wonder they are mostly humanoid races now, and orthodox human races are rare. I am afraid that it was because this race was too murderous in the past, so it was encircled and suppressed, right?

In this crowd, a young man was looking through some information materials. After reading some information, the young man said "give me a basic information about the city of scavengers."

The person at the window numbly grabbed a jade slip and said "basic information, 100,000 li resources, no discount."

After a while, Han Fei looked at a jade slip while walking outside the information center, where many people were yelling.

"Wuyin mining area, excavation of the best mining area, you must have a high-level sea-opening realm, and there are personal full personnel, join the team at any time, and set off at any time."

"Wuyin mining area, high-grade mining area, you need an intermediate sea-opening boundary strong, there are 4 places, if you want to enter as soon as possible, do not wait for the expiration."

"Wuyin mining area, low-grade mining area, there is still a quota. I went to the ranked crab cave territory, and the profit was 37 points. It is out of date."

A bald man yelled, "Ordinary material delivery in Hundred League City, there are still people in the gap of Pihai Peak, and three people in the gap of Open Heaven Realm. Go to the mission hall and receive the material delivery task, you can join, and you will leave when full..."

Han Fei looked at this lively Baisha camp, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he saw him walking straight to the team that carried the supplies.

Han Fei "Brother, what level of material delivery mission is this? I'll take the mission."

The bald head looked at Han Fei, his eyes lit up slightly, "Gang Huaxing?"

Han Fei "has turned stars for decades."

The bald head grinned immediately and said, "It's good to say that this is just an ordinary seed transportation task. It is also a green security task for Baimeng City. So you need to make a small amount of advancement by yourself. After arriving in Baimeng City, the reward is higher than the amount of advancement. Ten. You go to the mission hall and pick up the seed delivery mission."

In the past few years, Han Fei has actually learned a lot about the camp outside the Wuyin mining area. The so-called green security missions are missions that some pirates won't make much sense.

And seed resource transportation is one of the most frequent resource transportation tasks from the big camp to Baimeng City.

Wuyin mining area, as the name suggests, because there are too many mine monsters, there are very few monster plants there. And what these people transported is the seed of demon planting.

Because the demon plant can penetrate and penetrate deep into the veins, draw energy sources, and can even use the endless mining area to grow rapidly and become an aid to open up the mining area.

Therefore, the goods transported from the Wuyin mining area are generally rare things such as weapons, mineral veins, materials, and resources. But what is transported from the outside to the inside is not so precious.

Even pirates rarely looted these materials.

However, from the Wuyin mining area to the Wuyin mining area, although relatively safe, mine monsters are everywhere, and mine monster attacks often occur, so it is common to organize teams to transport materials.

As for the advancement, that is to use the resources in your body to buy seeds, and then to the Hundred League City, there will be a 10% higher price for recycling. To transport passengers, just make a difference, which is equivalent to speculation.

In the mission interception hall, there are a large number of seeds for sale directly, adding up to thousands of species.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com’s best-selling seeds can be counted with one hand.

Among them, Devil Vine is the only magical seed that Han Fei is familiar with. It grows when it meets water, and it grows very fast. It can be said that as long as you give the devil vine time, in the endless mining area where the mineral veins are buried everywhere, they grow very fast, and they can reach the peak of the sage in about a year. Years will inevitably open the sea. It was also after opening the sea that the Devil Vine gave birth to some simple minds, but not many. It was a rare tool seed.

Of course, the price is that they can only go to the sea, and even a large number of devil vines will wither at the moment of the sea.

In the mission hall, Han Fei found a window at will and said, "Hello, I want to take the mission of transporting seeds."

The waiter raised his head and glanced at Han Fei, and then launched a pamphlet saying, "This task requires advancement. The seed price list is here. All seeds are sold at a minimum of 100. How much do you want to buy?"

Han Fei glanced at the price, hesitated a little, and then said, "Devil vine, one hundred thousand."


The waiter was immediately taken aback "Hundred thousand?"-

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