God of Fishing

Chapter 2552: Emperor Sparrow Devouring Demon

Chapter 2552 Emperor Sparrow Devouring Demons

Sixth-level mine demon?

When he arrived at the Wuyin Mine, Han Fei had already realized that the level of the mine demon represented the level of concentrate on them. The token created by the sixth-level concentrate is of the kind that can be established in the Wuyin mining area.

And where is the height of the mine demon I encountered before?

In Han Fei's impression, there were still second- and third-level low-level mine monsters everywhere, and now a sixth-level mine monster suddenly appeared, and he had to wait for it.

The lizard demon just threw a shot over, and then jumped back, drew the spear back, and his fighting skills were like flowing water.

The explosive power at that moment made Han Fei feel as if he had encountered a magical attack like Star Boxing.

Han Fei glanced at the time barrier that was pierced, and said that the northern mining area was really dangerous. He even thought that there would be a military training site here, which was a bit absurd.

At this moment, the lizard demon seemed to be not very bright in his head, looking at Han Fei's eyes, it was as if he had seen a fragrant meal. At such a moment, it flashed out again.

However, the flashing this time was different from those flashing lizards. Han Fei was shocked to discover that the instant speed of this squad had reached the speed of light burst.

Because at that moment, there was a light burst phenomenon, Han Fei's eyes and spirit, and lost the trace of the lizard demon at the same time.


Intuition felt numb, and Han Fei reacted, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the lizard demon's guns.


With the power of one blow, Han Fei was knocked out of the void, and a blood hole with the size of a fingernail was poked out of his chest. But it was just a trauma, not deep into the internal organs.

But even so, it was enough to make Han Fei amazed. His current physique was a strong proving Dao, and he couldn't say that he was definitely better than himself. However, a lizard demon who had transformed into a great perfection in this area broke the defense.

"No, it's his combat skills, the spear of breaking obstacles."

Han Fei was shocked. When the speed of the light burst and the method of breaking the barrier, this would have to be put on ordinary people, and a shot would be seconds away. This made him realize that even though he was already extremely powerful and the level of body refining had been extremely exaggerated, he still could not stop such a shot.

This is only a sixth-level mine demon, if it is a seventh-level or even an eighth-level mine demon, is it possible to threaten one's life? Will there be a ninth-level mine demon in this boundless mining area?

This chilled Han Fei's heart. He had to find a way to temper his Dao bones, or else he couldn't keep up with his speed, and he would still suffer if he had such a perverted and unreasonable style of play.

At the moment he was knocked out, Han Feiming realized his current goal and direction.

Backhand, he laid a time slowdown barrier around his body. As expected, his body hadn't stopped retreating, and the lizard demon killed him again.

"Pirate, steal, steal..."

Han Fei stole the speed of the lizard demon and the barrier-breaking spear in an instant. After losing the two battle skills in an instant, the lizard demon was also embarrassed, passing by Han Fei, and planted into the void thousands of miles away.

And Han Fei backhanded the barrier-breaking spear, trying to penetrate his own body with the attack of the lizard demon himself.


However, Han Fei's expected fragmentation did not appear, and something surprising happened to him. This violent barrier-breaking blow only smashed some of the mineral spirits on the shoulders of the lizard demon, the battle against the lizard demon. The impact of force is not great.

"Hiss! Such a strong body?"

Han Fei was a little confused. Although the mine monster itself is a kind of concentrate creature, it is too hard, right? The barrier-breaking spear that could break through his own defense only shattered a small part of his body. Doesn't this mean that the physical strength of the sixth-level mine demon, even if it is weaker than himself, can't go anywhere?

In order to verify his conjecture, Han Fei drew a knife from the void, and instantly slashed the lizard demon's body with the endless hydration of the bright blade.


With a single blow from the top-grade artifact, there were multiple overlapping waves, one heavy followed by one heavy, and under the full eruption, I thought it could at least cut the body of this lizard demon. As a result, Han Fei saw some weird lines illuminating from the lizard demon's body, and then the servant stubbornly took his own sword head-on.

Except for the large amount of mineral spirits that were crushed frontally, the body was not completely cut apart.

"Fuck? What pattern is this?"

However, this was not what shocked Han Fei the most. What shocked him was that the lizard demon shook his head and was not stolen from the consciousness by Void Thieves.

"How can it be?"

Han Fei was shocked. Moreover, I didn't feel the slightest backlash. Could it be that my stealing method was wrong?

"I steal, I steal..."

He didn't give up the idea of ​​stealing the consciousness of the lizard demon until the lizard demon wanted to jump and kill Han Fei again.

Han Fei's heart moved, and he immediately called out the old tortoise. Although there was an explanation of the refining demon pot, Han Fei still knew too little about the mine demon creatures in the Wuyin mining area.

As soon as the old tortoise came out, he immediately said, "Lizard demon?"

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, what are you looking at? The only thing you are looking at? The mere metamorphosis of the star is so powerful that I have not been able to cut him off. Also, the speed of this product has reached the speed of light burst."

The old turtle looked at Han Fei in surprise: "No, you and the lizard demon are tough?"

Han Fei: "Otherwise how to fight?"

Old Tortoise: "Mining monsters are essentially the incarnations of concentrates. Their intelligence is not high, but their combat power is very terrifying. The higher the level of the mine monsters, the stronger the body. It is normal that you can’t cut it off. Yes. If you encounter a seventh-level mine demon, you will find it harder to fight than this."

Han Fei rolled his eyes and thought, depriving the mine demon of his jumping behavior, and then casually said: "According to you, wouldn't the eighth-level mine demon be able to fight against the emperor? Can't even the emperor be killed?"

Old Tortoise: "That's not the case. The level of understanding of Dao is different, and the control of power is also different. Mine monsters are powerful, but it is only because they belong to the concentrate creatures. It's like your opponent is a divine weapon, and you want to cut it arbitrarily. It's not easy to open, right? I just didn't expect that the lizard demon you met turned out to be."

Han Fei: "Otherwise, what do you think I can meet? It's all flashy lizards along the way. That's all. When encountering such a stone bump, my brain is not good enough, so I keep fighting with me."

Old tortoise: "That's natural, because he is stupid. Look at him so stupid and unable to wake up. It's useless to hit him. It's better to let him go."


Han Fei is speechless, it is impossible to release it, this is a grade six concentrate. To his surprise, could it be because this lizard demon was stupid enough and his mind was simple enough that he could ignore his Void Thieves if he had it? I don't know if the predecessor who created the void fishing technique had thought about this issue.

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Moreover, in addition to the identity of the mine demon, the lizard demon also has the identity of the mine demon, which is a type of monster. Their appearance is very special. If you meet the lizard demon, then There must be a mine demon nearby."

Han Fei: "What is a mine demon?"

Old tortoise: "You can understand it as a negative mental power, residual blood, a negative creature born in the blood pool. The mine demon habitually swallows the concentrate and grows. This kind of mine demon cannot escape the result of being swallowed. So, The flash lizard swallowed the mine demon, or was affected by the mine demon, or received some of the old emperor’s residual blood, negative spirit or something. So it changed the life form and became a lizard demon. It is normal. However, the mine Demon is not a good thing, how can such a thing appear near the mine demon stream?"

Han Fei: "You have been gone for millions of years, the vicissitudes of life, all kinds of changes, how can you be like you back then? First, what are the weaknesses of this lizard demon?"

"Magic pattern!"

The old turtle said bluntly: "Because the concentrate is fused with the source of the monster, a demon seed will be formed in their body. A magic pattern will appear during battle, which is similar to a Dao pattern. What is the function? Did I say it? What is the role of the Dao pattern. It is similar to the congenital carapace of our tortoise clan, but in fact, it is a bit similar to your Dao bones."

Han Fei: "Speaking of the point. I want to stop restraining him. Believe it or not, he can kill you?"

Old tortoise: "I don't believe it. I am the body of the sun god. A stupid creature like the lizard can't kill the sun god."


Han Fei directly let go of the restrictions and withdrew the Void Thieves technique.

The next moment, he saw the light burst, the old tortoise was shocked, and his soul body was penetrated by a spear light. Although it didn't hurt the roots, it also caused the old tortoise's Yang God to have a little crack.

Han Fei glanced at the old turtle with contempt: "I will let you blow, make you scream, Yangshen is great? With his strength, the combat power must have a strong Daoyun, and Daoyun can hurt you."

The old tortoise screamed; "Quickly, stop him. The lizard demon's seed is not weak."

Han Fei grabbed it casually and stole a spear. Then he said: "Then you don't have to say the point, where is the demon seed? How to destroy it?"

Old tortoise: "Heart, the body of the mine demon is very hard, so such an important thing is either in the heart or in the head. The lizard demon's seed is in the heart."


I only saw that burst of bright spear light. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Clang clang clang~"

Han Fei, the first lizard demon, didn't plan to use it to practice his hands. Hearing what the old turtle said, there is any mine demon around here, and he is not afraid of not doing it.

Deprived of the speed and true spear, the lizard demon's combat power dropped drastically. Faced with Han Fei's indiscriminate bombardment, he only persisted for ten breaths before being broken.

And Han Fei took out a black bead with blood stripes from it.

Before Han Fei could take a closer look, he suddenly felt a bird's head stick out from his body, grabbed the demon seed in one mouthful, and swallowed it down.

The owner of this bird's head is not an emperor, but who can it be?

?? The second one... Ask for votes...



(End of this chapter)

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