God of Fishing

Chapter 2554: Old tortoise's mind

Chapter 2554 old tortoise's mind

Han Fei didn't listen to the words of the Emperor Sparrow. He was fighting the lizard demon, but he couldn't exercise himself in any way. Because at present, the main method of controlling the lizard demon is to rely on the Void Thieves.

Once you don't have the great art of Void Thieves, it is not impossible to hunt a lizard demon, but the chances will be much smaller and it will be a lot of trouble.

Considering that there is no need to be tough in this kind of battle, Han Fei simply turned into a black mist body. Anyway, it should not be too far away from Mine Demon Stream. The Black Mist Body may move a bit slower, but it's safe!

Sure enough, as Han Fei expected, in a certain mountain col, Han Fei found two more lizards. Because there were only two in number, Han Fei took advantage of the situation and used the Mirror of Infinity to kill one, and the other one was much easier to deal with.

Han Fei had originally planned, if he had the opportunity to hunt two more lizards. But when he saw a large number of ordinary mine monsters running around, fighting, or disguising, he knew that the mine monsters had arrived.

Because these creatures are in line with the old Tortoise's statement, the mine demon born from Mine Demon Stream is not strong, and it is mainly used for military training and trials. But now there are too many stone men, concentrate crabs, big sword carps, strange stones and sea stars, and after a sweep of perception, more than 100,000 were found.

This is just a number that Han Fei has randomly swept away, which means that there are more than one million mine monsters here. From the outside to the inside, the level of the mine demon is constantly getting stronger.

In the beginning, among the mine monsters that Han Fei felt, there were even explorer-level mine monsters, which were equivalent to the kind that had no intelligence at all, but instinctively absorbed the essence of the atmosphere here, and moved a little bit in the direction of the mine monster stream. past.

"Hey! It really is an excellent place to train soldiers. Under the same realm, the mine demon is equivalent to a strong body refiner, and its degree of difficulty is not worse than that of a practitioner of the same realm."

Without immediately launching the military training plan, Han Fei continued to move forward until the mine demon became stronger and stronger, reaching the sea-breaking realm, and even the peak realm of sea-breaking later.

But it wasn't until Han Fei saw a huge crack traversing east and west, where there were rioting ocean currents and corrosive water similar to the dying Yuanshui.

"Huh! This is the Mine Demon Stream? There is no Mine Demon in the Open Heaven Realm?"

Han Fei's thoughts moved and let the old tortoise out. The Emperor Sparrow hadn't digested all the magic seeds at this moment. Even if it was digested, it might need to be consolidated a little bit, so it didn't come out.

When the old tortoise appeared and saw the mine monster stream, he immediately said, "Has the current mine monster stream become so small? The width of the mine monster stream before was at least three times larger than this. More than twice."

Han Fei: "How can your era be the same as now? You just have to make sure this is the mine monster stream."

Old tortoise: "Yes, this is the mine monster stream. You look at the power that scrolls in the deep stream, that is the essence of the mineral, and the law of heaven is hidden. And the mine monsters are born and grow, and the favorite is this one. Power. However, this power is not all levels of mine demon can absorb. Under the third level of mine demon, it is generally difficult to absorb. Even the third level of mine demon, sometimes can not bear this power, it will explode. Died."

Han Fei was surprised: "Third-level mine demon? Many of the second-level mine demon are in the open world. Isn't it possible to enter the open world?"

The old tortoise said: "This is not very related to realm. The strength of the mine demon lies in the level of refinement of the concentrate. Generally, when the third-level concentrate appears, it is in the open world. Those second-level concentrates can only Slowly absorb the power of the concentrate to strengthen your concentrate level. Before reaching the third-level concentrate, if you enter the mine demon stream, there is a high probability that it will explode."

Han Fei nodded slightly, but immediately said: "What about the lizard demon? Did the lizard demon come out of the mine demon stream? That is the transformation of the stars, the combat power is comparable to the power of the Dao, they will never It was born out of these mine monsters outside the mine monster stream, right?"

The old turtle was silent for a moment and said: "If nothing happens, they came out of the mine monster stream."

Han Fei raised his eyelids: "Didn't you say that Mine Demon Stream is a training place? How can you still practice the Huaxing Dzogchen?"

The old turtle thought for a while and said: "This has to be said from a long time ago. The mine monster stream naturally does not exist naturally, it was originally harvested manually. In our time, the Wuyin mining area was under the control of the emperor, and even rumored more There were gods in the early days. And this mine monster stream belonged to the puppet training ground of the puppet city under the rule of Emperor Xuanwu."

"Emperor Xuanwu? Puppet City?"

Old Tortoise: "There is no emperor here now. The Emperor Xuanwu must not be here. But the puppet city should be there. It is a special city. After a person dies, the soul is immortal. You can borrow from the mine demon. Body, transform themselves into mineral monsters. After transforming into mineral monsters, it’s hard to say that they are not creatures of all races anymore. Gradually, those who transform into mineral monsters become more and more puppetized, knowing how to fight and guard. …"

"and many more…"

Han Fei interrupted the old tortoise quickly: "So, under this mine monster stream, there is a city connected to it?"

Old tortoise: "I don't know if it's under the mine monster stream. The mine monster stream used to be outside the puppet city."

Han Fei couldn't help but squinted at the old turtle and said, "No, why didn't you say before, what other puppet city is there?"

Old Turtle: "Didn't I say? Then I must have forgotten..."

Seeing Han Fei looking at him with piercing eyes, the old tortoise said in a little embarrassment: "Actually, I want to reshape my body. Ordinary body or heavenly treasures may not work well. Even if I can use it, it's mostly. It's also like my previous body. It can establish contact with the body in the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons at most once or twice, which is meaningless. So, I want to find out, maybe there is the inheritance of Xuanwu Great."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched; "That's why you wanted to come to the northern mining area for the things of Emperor Xuanwu? Why, I was hiding it before, because I was afraid that I would not come or how to drop it?"

Old tortoise: "I didn't really hide this on purpose. This is indeed an excellent place for military training. It's just incidental to shape the body."

Han Fei smiled: "I believe your nonsense, just tell me, what is the threat here? Otherwise, you won't be here to tell me that you want to come here to shape your body."

Relying on his lack of a physical body, the old tortoise said without a red heart anyway: "In fact, it's nothing. It's the puppet city. There may be an emperor-level mine demon."


"That's it? Are you using it?"

Han Fei was directly fascinated, what an emperor-level mine demon. I knew that the old tortoise didn't say anything beforehand and didn't hold back anything. If the puppet city really had an emperor, how strong would it be? Can I still train soldiers here?

Just listen to the old tortoise hurriedly adding: "Don't worry, the puppet army in Puppet City will not come out. Moreover, this place is obviously abandoned for a long time, and the Puppet City has not been supplemented for so long. Maybe it is not as good as it was in the past."

Han Fei: "There was an emperor in the puppet city? How strong is the emperor?"

The old tortoise said in a leisurely voice: "In those days, in addition to Emperor Xuanwu, there were emperors of the longevity stage. However, they were just sitting in town. Under normal circumstances, most of the emperors followed the Emperor Xuanwu. So, now it is still here. Whether there is an emperor-level puppet is still difficult to say. If this place is abandoned, I think there is a chance that there is no emperor-level puppet."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei: "Okay, you don't know anything after talking for a long time, so I will ask you, are you sure that the puppets in the puppet city will not leave the city?"

Old Turtle: "Yes. I belong to the same race as Emperor Xuanwu. I used to fight side by side with Emperor Xuanwu. When I was young, I was even a good brother. So I know Puppet City very well."

"Good brother? Just blow you up, dignified emperor, good brother with you? Old Yuan! When did you get the bad problem of blowing fish."

Old Tortoise: "I didn't lie to you, it's just that Xuanwu became better afterwards."

Seeing Han Fei's face full of disbelief, the old turtle suddenly became anxious: "Don't believe me, I know the secret of Xuanwu, she likes laying eggs most. Once said that if she is not a god, then she must let her children become gods. Yes. So she laid a lot of eggs, which is why I am here to reshape my body."

"Hey! Do you want to borrow his egg to reshape your body? Or do you want to seal yourself and enter the egg... Fuck, then you will become the son and daughter of Emperor Xuanwu? If the Emperor Xuanwu is not dead, you Said she would like to see this scene?"

Old tortoise: "..."

After a long silence, the old turtle said: "I just borrowed his flesh and blood to reshape my unique physical body."

Han Fei said lightly: "Okay, you say yes. Even if I admit that you have a good relationship with Emperor Xuanwu, then you say, where did this lizard demon come from? Where is the mine demon you said?"

Just look at the old tortoise looking at the mine monster stream, and his voice said leisurely: "The lizard demon definitely didn't come out of the puppet city, then there is only the mine monster stream. Maybe at the bottom of the mine monster stream, what happened? Uncertain. Everything needs to go down and see."

Han Fei nodded and went down to the demon stream of the mine. This is inevitable. It has already come. Even if there is a large group of lizard demon under the demon stream of the mine, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will also go down.

Mine Demon Stream is indeed suitable for training soldiers. Moreover, the aura here is also sufficient, and there are many concentrates. If the puppet city does not have an emperor-level puppet, it may be able to become his own training ground, helping himself to set foot in the Great Perfection of the Star as soon as possible.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Next, you will go with me."

The old turtle suddenly hesitated: "Well, it's not good! I don't even have a physical body."

Han Fei sneered: "You don't even have a physical body. A group of mine monsters are equivalent to the existence of body refining. What are you afraid of?"

Unless the threat of the lizard demon is resolved, Han Fei cannot rest assured to train and practice here. Therefore, to determine what mine demon might exist under this mine demon stream, of course it must be killed first. Only by eliminating hidden dangers can the mine monster stream become its own territory.

?? The second one... Ask for votes...



(End of this chapter)

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