God of Fishing

Chapter 2576: Yuhun Shenyin

Chapter 2576 the seal of the soul god

Mine monsters also have territorial awareness, and the mutual hunting between mine monsters is sometimes crazier than outsiders.

Therefore, when the six-winged mine worm and the five poisonous mine demon entered the flash lizard's territory, there was only one result, causing the two groups of forces to fight each other.

When a large number of flashing lizards appeared, Yang Kun's heart suddenly twitched. It turned out that this was Han Fei's trap? Use the mine demon to counterbalance the mine demon.

At this moment, the mine monster battle was about to start, and the flash lizard was extremely fast. It was obviously impossible to save people by himself. Although the three of them did not fall completely, they were suppressed by Han Fei.

Now, his mine demon puppets are restricted, and it is almost impossible to forcibly rush to save people. With Han Fei's combat power level, Yang Kun also knows himself in terms of his ability to fight alone. His ancestor had three points of soul, and he cultivated two avenue locks at the same time, forming a trinity. In addition to the lack of understanding of the law, the enlightenment of the emperor was almost fixed. Even so, it was suppressed by Han Fei, which shows that Han Fei is only more terrifying than the rumors.

Therefore, even though he was reluctant to give up, Yang Kun knew that he had to run away. Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. In Kaitian territory, no one dares to say that he is invincible, otherwise he would not have to be crushed by the Ghost Strait and would not enter the Hundred League City.

However, Yang Kun just started to gather the mine demon puppets, but Han Fei said in a leisurely voice, "Isn't he going to kill me? Why don't you kill me? Hey, I'm in my game and want to run again. Isn't it a bit late?"



Only a square silver-white chessboard appeared above Yang Kun's head.

Han Fei just slightly frowned his eyebrows, and then disapproved of it. After all, the nature of Yuhunzong and Ghost Strait are very similar. Both of them are majoring in Divine Soul, and both of them have extremely deep research on the way of Divine Soul, so it is not surprising that Void Thieves is blocked.

Horcruxes, even if they weren't in the divine tool, or even if they were only in the stage of setting the sea with different treasures, they were all things to meet but not to ask for. And the people of Yuhunzong seem to have Horcruxes.

Seeing that the void thieves were ineffective, Han Fei was not prepared to fight Yang Kun, mainly because he didn’t think it was necessary. Without Yang Kun of the mine demon army, even if the locks of the three avenues were fully opened, it would only be strong in the open world. It's just a few minutes. Can he be like Han Fei? Just practising a divine and devil without phase power, you have achieved a doubling of physique and divine soul.

And now, he is the same as the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star, and the Dao bones have been established, even if you don't need to run the Dao Dao, you can compete with the powerhouses of the Three Dao Dao Locks. At this moment, the avenue is moving, no matter speed, strength, spirit, everything is crushing Yang Kun.

Suddenly seeing that Han Fei's speed soared to the point where he couldn't understand, Yang Kun was shocked, and his heart was over. Everything was his disguise. He made everyone think that his combat power was like that, and he let so many people watch his combat power.

Now, what Han Fei felt by Yang Kun, was that like the one who was struggling to kill in the mine demon puppet just now?

At this moment, Han Fei stood proudly in the void, protecting the mine demon around Yang Kun, ready to flee at any time.

However, this time, Han Fei's fist marks were filled with unparalleled golden light. From Yang Kun's eyes, the golden light was dazzling and dazzling, and he couldn't even look directly at him, and the man in front of him, like a god, was bathed in golden light.

The thought of unstoppable, unstoppable filled Yang Kun's mind.

"Invincible Road?"

Yang Kun's expression changed in amazement, and he couldn't take care of his own mine monsters. It was not that he had never heard of Invincible Road, and he had even seen Invincible Road. However, no one can take the road of invincibility to such a point. When I saw the invincible fist, the only thought that came out of my heart was invincible.

In an instant, the eighteen stars in the late stage of transformation, almost reaching the five poisonous mine monsters in the late stage, exploded almost at the same time.

The only thing Yang Kun can do is to unlock the three avenues at that moment. Without strength, Han Fei can't stop Han Fei's attack, so he will either unblock or die.

As for unblocking, Yang Kun's purpose was not to fight Han Fei, but to escape.


Only a huge shell armor blocked Han Fei's fist mark, provided that the shell shell exploded from the inside, and the flesh and blood splashed.

"Huh! Giant shells in the late stage of Transforming Star?"

Han Fei's heart moved. He saw that the mine demon did not have a late stage mine demon, and thought that Yang Kun's strength was not enough to refine that level of mine demon puppets.

Not only that, Han Fei saw a total of eight delicate shells surrounding Yang Kun. And this shell armor that blocked Han Fei was one of them.

Yang Kun shouted as he ran, "Human, our grievances have been wiped out from now on, and I promise I will never trouble you again."

Han Fei smiled faintly when he heard the words: "For the dying person, it is best to say something about dying."

Yang Kun: "Human King, I propose that this matter end here. My Royal Soul Sect was built by the great power of Zhonghai Shenzhou. Killing me is also causing unnecessary trouble for yourself. Not today, you and I will laugh and smash your grudges. how?"

"Boom boom boom~"

Han Fei punched and smiled and said, "I don't believe it. Today is the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, you have to die for me. Don't say you are a Royal Soul Sect, the people of the Three Gods Temple will still lie down for me."

Han Fei once again detonated the Fist of Silence. This fist was like a falling star in the sky, full of invincible will.


At this moment, Yang Kun panicked. However, it was too late.

This not only converges, but also feels the imprint of the majestic meaning, plus the unmatched invincible will.

The eight shells of the late stage of the Star Transformation were floating in the air, but they only heard "Boom Boom Boom" broken eight times. Including Yang Kun, there was only one broken head left after being bombarded with a punch at this moment.

Since then, Yuhunzong, including Yang Kun, has been wiped out.

I saw Han Fei grinning, and the brilliance descended on his body. Those serious injuries from the previous performances were instantly intact.

Han Fei glanced at the road when he came, and there should have been seven or eight hundred people who had seen himself fighting Yuhunzong.

This is easier. These people are all witnesses. When describing Han Fei's strength, it is bound to be discounted.

Yang Kun knew that he couldn't talk about it anymore, but he heard his only head burst out: "Who are you? Why do you want to come to the endless mining area with the lock of the four avenues? Still attacking my Yuhunzong?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "How can you see the lock of the four avenues?"

Han Fei didn't know how Yang Kun judged its strength like this, so it's better to listen to it.

But Yang Kun yelled: "The rules are rough, but the power to open the sky is close to the top. My Yuhunzong's three soul elders were defeated by you, how can I not guess your strength? Hahaha, you explain in advance After opening the locks of the Great Dao, the laws and attainments are not enough. The five locks cannot be condensed. You will meet the Emperor's Tribulation. You can't save it, you can't save it..."

Listening to Yang Kun's hysterical roar, Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little curious. It turns out that his real combat power is like this in the eyes of others!

Indeed, since the bones of Dao are condensed, I can completely crush the power of the three Dao locks. In the previous disguise, it probably used less than 70% of the force, and it may be judged that two or three Dao locks have been unlocked. The strong.

However, after all, he hasn't fought a strong man with four Dao locks, so it's hard to say which one is strong or weak. However, because of the formation of the Dao Bone, the compression speed of the star core is accelerating. In a short time, your star core should be able to compress a thousand times more. At that time, you should be able to completely fall into the power of unlocking the four Dao locks.

Thinking about it this way, the corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly, and he saw one hand grabbing into the void, crushing a piece of water vapor, that was the soul of Yang Kun trying to escape.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Well, in fact, I want to tell you that I don't have the lock of the avenue at all."


Yang Kun suddenly widened his eyes, he didn't believe it. It's just that Han Fei's question, whether he believes it or not, is the last obsession before his death.

With the power of the Yang God, Han Fei penetrated Yang Kun's soul-suppressing artifact strongly, and then buckled it with the thread of nothingness.

A moment later, in Han Fei's eyes, a message emerged:

"Imperial Soul God Seal" [Kaitian Supreme Product]

Introduction: Yuhun Shenyin, a method of sealing that blends formations and seals, and controls souls and parasites. This method is an original technique created by Zhonghai Shenzhou Genius Array Master. The imperial soul seal, enters the battle with the soul, parasitizes, condenses into the parasitic seal of the soul, seals the soul of others, and manipulates the body of others. Using this technique ~www.readwn.com~ will lose a certain percentage of the soul. The only reason why the creator did not reach the magical product for this technique was that he consumed his own soul to manipulate the puppets, and was unable to control creatures stronger than himself, so he devoted himself to improving this technique.

Deduction: "The Seal of Controlling God"

Deduction consumption: 500,000 celestial spirit

Effect: can control and enslave all creatures whose strength is lower than one's own.

Disadvantages: Need to deplete one's own soul, continuously stripping one's own soul, which hinders practice.

"Interestingly, there is room for improvement in this thing."

Han Fei's heart moved, this technique is wonderful, I don't know if that genius has improved this technique. If you improve, doesn't it mean that you can use your own spirit and even control a puppet that is stronger than yourself? This level of puppet art is simply much stronger than Hong Yue's puppet avenue.

Looking at his own 1.48 million fairy spirit, Han Fei didn't mean to be stingy. He wants to bet that the formation genius has improved the Yuhun Shenyin.

After a while, the information in Han Fei's eyes resurfaced:

"The Seal of Controlling God" [Kaitian God Product]

Introduction: The Seal of Controlling God, a method of sealing that blends formations and seals, and blends soul control and parasitism. This method is an original technique created by Zhonghai Shenzhou Genius Array Master. The imperial soul seal, enters the formation with the unowned soul, parasitizes in the array, the formation self-evolves, condenses into the soul parasitic seal, seals the soul of others, and manipulates the body of others. To use this technique, you need to find a large number of masterless souls, and you need to be extremely accomplished in the formation.

Deduction: unknown

Deduction consumption: 1 million celestial spirit

Effect: It can control and enslave the creatures in any realm under the emperor. The realm of emperor depends on the situation.

"Huh! It's really possible. But what does it mean to evolve the formation itself?"

??Second more... ask for votes...



(End of this chapter)

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