God of Fishing

Chapter 2579: Bloodhand the Great is the Demon God?

Three months later, Han Fei hunted a total of more than 18,000 flash lizards. It's not that he can't hunt more, but that the masterless soul on him is exhausted.

The energy crystals stored in the Chaos Wasteland in the past are all consumed. I knew that energy crystals could still be used in this way, no matter what, I should get more energy crystals back.

However, it is not difficult to do this now. Isn't that Longwu from the City of Wanderers? Although Han Fei doesn't really value Gu Tingnan, what he wants to do is from the perspective of the human race. Gu Tingnan should not refuse.

On the contrary, if he is the role of Gu Tingnan, he should not refuse. I will not take the lives of hundreds of millions of people to satisfy myself as a tool for fighting with others.

Therefore, Han Fei picked up his mood and appeared to the outside world with a face full of spring breeze.

He thought for the time being, anyway, the energy crystallization thing should have gone, and the time is almost up, he should also go to Hundred League City.

However, before going to Hundred League City, I had to go to Mine Demon Stream to take a look.

The old tortoise hasn't come out yet, this thing is very unreasonable. What Han Fei was worried about was that the old turtle was detained by the Demon Tree.

When Han Fei came to Mine Demon Stream again, he did not feel that his projection clone echoed with him, which meant that his clone was still in the puppet city.

Standing outside the Mine Demon Stream for a long time, Han Fei glanced at the Mine Demon Stream deeply. He would not enter the Mine Demon Stream by gambling. If Fu Mo Shu really made a move, then if he enters now, it would be a self-inflicted snare.

Therefore, Han Fei stood there for a while, then turned back and robbed Hundred League City.

On this day, when Han Fei's pure imperial classic image appeared again in Hundred Leagues City, he immediately fryed the pot as soon as he entered the city.

For a time, countless eyes looked at Han Fei's side. This one is said to have destroyed the Yuhunzong with a single blow, and has already gained a reputation.

Everyone thought that Han Fei would not return to Hundred League City in a short time after doing such a big thing. As a result, it was only a long time before this guy took a proud step and walked in the city of Hundred Leagues.

"It's Ren Tu, he actually came back."

Someone exclaimed that Han Fei's expression of error and stunned expression when he returned.

Someone sighed: "Good guy, he dare to come back. It's all right after the Yuhunzong is destroyed, he also cut off the Dao Lock rank powerhouse at once. When he comes back now, is he really not afraid of revenge?"

Yes, at the very beginning, everyone didn't know that Han Fei killed the city of scavengers, Song Yu and the other seven people.

But, after all, Antai in the Primitive City ran away, so naturally there was no way to hide this, so now everyone in the city knows it. This is of course the original city deliberately, Han Fei killed so many powerful people, how can he not trouble him?

Someone whispered: "What do you know? I heard that Ren Tu found a great emperor's inheritance. I don't know which emperor is, but he must have found it."

Some people didn't believe it: "There is a great emperor's inheritance, why would he go to Hundred League City? Then he still wants to accept the inheritance?"

Someone sneered: "How can it be as simple as you think. If he is willing to come, it means that one person can't eat it. Last time, he took Qin Cheng to the Information Center of the Terror City in a high-profile manner. Maybe some special information is needed."

"Hey! Look, this time he went to the information center of the Shendu Dynasty."

There are not many who can establish an intelligence center in Hundred League City, and only those who are strong enough and rich enough in intelligence. Although the strength of the Shendu Dynasty in the Wuyin Mine is not very strong, only ranking eighth, but their intelligence capabilities are beyond doubt. After all, people are a subordinate institution of the Shendu Dynasty.

An elderly man received Han Fei at the Information Center of the Shendu Dynasty.

The old man, the moment Han Fei met him, both of them were slightly shocked, because they felt the strength of each other at the same time.

Han Fei was surprised that this old man absolutely exceeded the lock of three avenues, and it was very likely that there were four, or even five.

But the old man was surprised that this man was indeed very strong. Although he did not observe his roots, he was too young from the perspective of his qi and blood. And the opponent's power can actually resonate with him, which means that the opponent has the power of the lock of the four avenues.

With a string in his hand, the old man smiled and looked at Han Feidao: "Friends of the pure emperor, really a rare guest!"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Sure enough, the people in the intelligence center are amazing. It seems that you already know who my last name is?"

The old man chuckled: "Since the pure emperor Daoists have already been to the Information Center of the Terror City, some information will always be known. But I don’t know, how can Dao Daoists think of my god’s dynasty. Where is the information center?"

Han Fei held his head high: "Yes, I am the pure imperial dynasty. As for why you are here? Oh, although the force of the capital of terror is suppressing the dynasty of the gods, it still depends on your dynasty of the gods. . I’ll buy some information today."


The old man stretched out his hand to invite Han Fei in, and then waved his hand to seal the room.

Just listen to the old man: "I don't know the pure emperor fellow, what kind of information do I need to buy?"

Han Fei categorically said: "I need to know all the information about a bloodhanded emperor in the Wuyin mining area in the age of the gods. I don't know if you have any old sir?"

"Bloodhand the Great?"

The old man heard the words and recalled it for a while, and it did indeed happen. In the old days, in the age of the gods, there were more than one emperor in the Wuyin mining area, but as many as dozens.

Among them, there are a few special ones, such as the Blood Hand Great Emperor, who has extremely strong combat effectiveness, but he has no friends and no subordinates by nature.

The old man thought about the various gossips that had recently come out of nowhere, saying that the Ninth Northern Expedition was about to start. Before, they didn't know how the news came out or who came out.

However, Han Fei mentioned Bloodhand the Great today, which made the old man have to think a little bit more. Han Fei destroyed Yuhunzong in the northern mining area.

Then came the saying of the Northern Expedition.

Now, Han Fei's Bloodhand Great Emperor had to make the old man think more about the rumors of the Northern Expedition related to this Bloodhand Great Emperor? Could it be that someone is manipulating something?

The old man heard the words: "We have the information of the pure emperor Daoist, the blood hand great emperor. But the matter involves ancient times, and the price may be expensive..."

"How much?"

When the old man didn't speak, he was interrupted by Han Fei, showing that I was wealthy.

As an information center, the old man pondered for a moment and said: "The refining stars worth 60 360,000 li stars, or replace them with equivalent items."

For a normal person, with 60 refining stars, with this resource, one's own star journey will inevitably advance, and before the Great Consummation, you don't even need to consider your own resources.

However, with so many resources now, there is only enough to buy a piece of information, and most people should retreat in the face of difficulties.

However, Han Fei raised his hand and threw out 30 refining stars of 360,000 li. 50 refining stars of 250,000 li, and a bunch of various weapons said: "Is it enough?"

The old man couldn't help looking solemn, good fellow, this shot was generous enough. In fact, the price he mentioned can be bargained. Unexpectedly, Han Fei took out the money without saying anything.

One party promises the price, one party gives the money, and the transaction is naturally concluded, and no one can say anything. Naturally, the old man would not feel that he had come to the Shendu Dynasty Information Center deliberately. Otherwise, what a waste? Even if Han Fei is a local tyrant, he should not be so stupid.

Therefore, this single business has become a logical one.

And Han Fei really wanted to know something about the Bloodhand Great, why this once powerful and incomparable Great Emperor finally fell into self-determination, sealing the end of endless years.

The information recorded in the information is more detailed. The previous is some of the life and past of the Bloodhand Great. The main information is that when the Bloodhand Great Emperor was transformed into a star, in the Wuyin mining area, he mistakenly took a magical concentrate and said yes. After taking it, the hands changed abnormally, and a pair of blood hands were powerful and unmatched. In the strongest state, they could even shake the gods.

Because Han Fei paid enough, the magical concentrate also has a certain description. It was said that it was a kind of bloody, transcendent mine that surpassed the ninth-level concentrate, and the lowest belonged to the treasure of the Chaos Lingbao level.

It seems that, except for the piece obtained by Bloodhand Great, there is no such concentrate in the Wuyin mining area. Of course, the Wuyin mining area has never been fully developed, so no one knows if there are any more details. In case someone is lucky someday and happens to see such a concentrate, maybe the pheasant will turn into a phoenix and fly into the sky.

This concentrate is an introduction. After the bloodhand emperor proclaimed the Dao, he became a little withdrawn in character, often irritable, furious, and fierce. There is speculation behind it because of the blood-colored concentrate that I took at the time.

The information mentions Emperor Xuanwu, saying that among the few friends of Emperor Bloodhand, Emperor Xuanwu is one of them. However, it is only mentioned once throughout the article.

These are just some of the life considerations of the bloodhanded emperor. Han Fei was not very interested, until, when Han Fei turned to the end, he found an interesting message, saying that it was a boundless mining area, suddenly a tiankeng, and some ominous people came out.

At that time, the blood-handed emperor and other seven emperors fought in the extreme north and finally destroyed the tiankeng, but according to reports, the blood-handed emperor broke a hand and took the severed hand to search for the Xuanwu emperor. Then the two emperors disappeared and never again. Show up.

Originally, the story should have ended here.

However, there was another news that caught Han Fei's attention. Two great emperors disappeared more than 300,000 years later. In the depths of the Wuyin mining area, there was a fierce battle. The cause, it is said that some gods stepped into the magic way, calling themselves the devil god. At that time, the Demon God once played the blood hand **** fist, which was the exclusive martial art of the blood hand emperor.


Han Fei suddenly raised his head: "Emperor Bloodhand, has he become a god? Or is he a demon?"

The old man smiled and said: "This old man doesn't know, after all, the matter is too long to be verified. The record is only a pure record. In this information, there is the location of the former Bloodhand King who obtained the extraordinary concentrate, although it is in the extreme of the boundless mining area. Deep down, but this is also the reason for the high price of this information. As for other things, maybe they are just some rumors."

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