God of Fishing

Chapter 2595: The Fallen Northern Expedition (2 in 1


Wang Xiaojiu's eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed: "How is it possible? I think you are very strong! The one below the lock of the three avenues is definitely not your opponent. Are you locked on the four avenues? Who can beat you out? ?"

Han Fei and Wang Xiaojiu didn't hide their words, because Han Fei didn't want to treat these as secrets. After all, they will definitely discover later that the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons under the Mine Demon Stream is far more than 30,000.

Now I would like to remind them that I don’t know much about this place of inheritance. Of course, believe it or not, that is not something you can control.

Sure enough, when Han Fei said this, it did arouse many people's speculation. In fact, many people are secretly observing Han Fei. Although this man was born as a pirate, his strength is indeed very strong.

In the past, one person was able to kill the Seven Dao Lock level powerhouses. At that time, some people had suspected that Han Fei's strength was at least four Dao Locks, or even a five Dao Lock level.

Now, hearing Han Fei say that he didn't even see the place of inheritance, he was shot out, whether it was true or not, but at least it made them vigilant.

After rushing along for more than 500,000 miles, the Blood Hand Mine Demon didn't see it, but the invisible water veins, that is, the roots of the Demon Tree, did encounter a lot. But at this moment, everyone is walking in formation, so this root will not play a big role, after all, this trip is not the weak.

Until after more than two million miles, many people felt the existence of the blood hand mine demon. Just like what Han Fei saw when he first came down, those blood hand mine devils stood in the water, absorbing the power of the concentrate of the mine demon stream, and most of the blood hand mine devils would have flash lizards attached to them.

And when the first perception touched the blood hand mine demon, there was already a flash lizard's gaze.

Just listen to Wushuang and others, shouting: "Prepare to meet the enemy."

That is to say, when the major leaders shouted to meet the enemy, they saw the phenomenon of light bursts appearing again and again, and there were already more blood hand mine demons jumping in. Such a distance is a flashy thing for the Blood Hand Mine Demon.

As the saying goes, there are two. When the first blood hand mine moves, it seems to wake up the other blood hand mines that are in the process of cultivating. As you can imagine, a lot of light bursts suddenly appeared.

The perception of the Blood Hand Mine Demon is actually very strong. At the entrance, there were only more than 3,000 Blood Hand Mine Demon, and Han Fei knew the reason.

Because there is a seal of Xuanwu Emperor Armor at the entrance, once the Blood Hand Mine Demon impacts, it will be instantly purified. If things go on like this, even if the Blood Hand Mine Demon doesn't have any IQ, it usually won't go to the entrance.

But underneath the Mine Demon Stream is different. Here, the Blood Hand Mine Demon will not be afraid, they are the masters here.

Wang Xiaojiu was right next to Han Fei at this moment. When he saw the blood hand mine demon, he still muttered: "There are only a few dozen of them. It will take a while to fight to attract more."

However, as soon as Wang Xiaojiu's voice fell, dozens of them turned into hundreds.

Han Fei tilted his head and glanced at Wang Xiaojiu: "The speed of the Blood Hand Mine Demon is very fast, and it's almost instant. The price of underestimating the enemy is not something everyone can afford."

As expected by Han Fei, from a few hundred to a few thousand, it only took three breaths before and after. Han Fei was not surprised at this. It took him three years to get to the blood spring. Even if he was the body of the black mist, he was found repeatedly, and only escaped after being discovered.

Now, so many people from the Northern Expedition Army came in openly.

When the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons had directly become three or four thousand, someone finally discovered that something was wrong. Many leaders shouted to Han Fei one after another: "Why are there so many Blood Hand Mine Demons? Didn't it mean that there are only more than 30,000 Blood Hand Mine Demons? One-tenth of it came right now?"

Although the Northern Expedition Army includes fierce beasts and sacred beasts, there are close to 20,000 hands, but it can't hold back the large number of Blood Hand Mine Demons!

One flash can block, one hundred, one thousand, even if everyone is in formation, but there is always a sequence, the blood hand mine demon does not have the concept of sequence, transferred to the fist of killing and the claw of blood.

A formation can resist one or two, but it can't hold multiple blood hand mine devils to attack together.

But in the blink of an eye, dozens of formations were directly dispersed. This time it was a thorough rush, instead of missing one or two.

The people who were washed away were shocked, swaying pure stones on their bodies, desperately trying to escape behind the army.

However, there is always a blood hand mine demon directly in front of him, hitting his body with a punch, and he will be exploded in the next second.

This scene was different from the battle at the entrance. The battle at that time was too complicated, and there was interference from ordinary mine monsters, this time there was no more.

When nearly two hundred people fell in this first round of shock, more and more people questioned Han Fei.

Someone shouted, "Rentu, are you not telling the truth? Why are there so many blood hand mine monsters here?"

Someone asked, "Rentu, what are you hiding?"

However, Han Fei had already figured out a countermeasure, and just listened to him: "Did I hide anything from you? See clearly, the number of blood hand mine monsters killed is less than five thousand. But the combat power of these blood hand mine monsters is the same as that of just now. A group of people are totally different from each other. It was chaos just now, but now it’s a rivalry. Moreover, when the emperor came in, he didn’t beat so many blood hand mine demons, but deceived their perception. Passed quietly."

Someone yelled and asked: "Then why the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons is still increasing. If nothing else, the Blood Hand Mine Demons within tens of millions of miles have been attracted by us."

Han Fei was also angry: "If you have the strength to ask me, then fight hard. This is a place where the great emperor inherits. It is really so easy to get in. The great emperor has no cards. It's all stabilized. This kind of impact is only one time. After this round of shock, it is our home court."

Han Fei doesn't have any guilt. You want to come by yourself, but I didn't force you.

In fact, if there were only three or four thousand blood hand mine devils in this round of impact, it would be fine. The key is, Han Fei guessed whether this blood hand mine demon would be controlled by that blood hand.

This is very possible. The Demon Tree of Devil said before that the Blood Hand Mine Demon had attacked the Puppet City more than once, and had also attacked the seal more than once.

The blood hand mine devils teamed up to attack, this can't be spontaneous behavior, that is, it is controlled by someone.

And the only one who can control them is impossible to be the Devil Tree, it can only be the **** hand that was suppressed.

In fact, just as Han Fei expected, the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons has gradually increased to 5,000, and blood hand mine demons have continued to attack.

At the beginning, the Northern Expedition army only lost more than two hundred people, but the situation has just stabilized, but the blood hand mine monsters behind are constantly making up, which makes many teams directly unable to bear it.

I saw that someone threw tens of thousands of pure stones at once, trying to purify a blood hand mine demon attacking his team.

As a result, the block was only blocked, but the person was torn apart by another blood claw.

And the line of mythical beasts and beasts, which had never been unprofitable before, were equally uncomfortable at this moment, and they also suffered an impact. In this short period of time, more than fifty fierce beasts have fallen.

The only thing that is better is the line of sacred beasts. All sacred beasts with purifying power came to the periphery in the first time, enclosing other sacred beasts.

At this time, you can't run away. Once you escape, it is equivalent to leaving your back to these blood hand mine devils.

Therefore, the army of the Northern Expedition, with the line of sacred beasts and line of fierce beasts, can only move back tactically, which is quite slow, but relatively safe.

It's not that the army didn't want to advance, but that the blood hand mine demon's coming was too ferocious to advance at all.

In just one incense stick time, the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons has increased to more than 8,000, and there are also Blood Hand Mine Demons continuing to kill.

The journey of just a few million miles took a full half an hour.

When they retreated to the entrance, but did not leave the mine demon stream, they found that the blood hand mine demon was no longer chasing.

At this moment, they finally realized that these blood hand mine demons were manipulated. Yes, someone is controlling these blood hand mine devils.

At this moment, the three armies all stopped, but they all looked ugly.

In the supervision team, one of the supervisors said: "We came down for the second time and killed a total of 51,204 ordinary mine monsters and 9201 blood hand mine monsters. The Northern Expedition killed 2902 people, 309 fierce beasts fell, and sacred beasts fell. 198 fell."

This statistical result really shocked everyone. Before the bottom of the demon stream of the mine, the Northern Expedition had only fallen a thousand people. After only half an hour, nearly two thousand people have fallen?

Someone was shocked: "More than 15,000 people came from the Northern Expedition, but now, there are only 10,062 people left. But this Blood Hand Mine Demon only killed 12,000!"

This time, there is no need for someone to question Han Fei, just listen to Han Fei said: "If there is no accident, it should be the power left by the bloodhand emperor, either consciousness, or remnant of the soul, or something else. This thing is manipulating. Blood hand mine demon. It's like I was beaten out before I had time to enter the land of inheritance."

Someone said: "Why didn't you mention it in advance?"

Han Fei: "Nonsense, the emperor had only one person to explore this place at the beginning and avoided these blood hand mine demons. Naturally, I didn't know that they could be organized. Now it's not too late for you to know!"

Suddenly, someone asked, "Rentu, how did you come to know that there are more than 30,000 blood hand mine monsters here?"

Han Fei: "According to the distance, this emperor does not hide it. The emperor has explored again for three full years, and finally found the entrance to the land of inheritance. In the past three years, the road in front of the land of inheritance, I basically walked through it."

Someone's expression changed slightly: "What do you mean, do you mean there is still a way behind that inheritance land?"

Gu Hanfei was silent for a moment: "I don't know, I haven't explored."

Seeing Han Fei's answer that he didn't know the answer, after a while, many people felt a little clear. I'm afraid it's not that I don't know, but I don't want to say.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for Han Fei to keep it completely and tell them all the information. Now, isn't the problem here? The first is that the Blood Hand Mine Demon can be controlled. This is one thing, and the other thing is that Han Fei’s previous information on the 30,000 Blood Hand Mine Demon may not be able to count now.

But, unfortunately, you still can't find the problem. Because the northern expedition army, coupled with the line of sacred beasts and fierce beasts, could not easily take this place. How could Han Fei discover the danger here by himself?

Yes, when people are in extreme trouble, they will instinctively find excuses for others. They felt that even if Han Fei had added five Daoshuo, he would not be able to explore the mine demon stream by himself.

However, they are not Han Fei. How do they know Han Fei's skills? You can only use yourself as a reference to find excuses for Han Fei.

And at this moment, I just listen to Han Fei: "The Bloodhand Mine Demon can be controlled. This emperor did not know it before. Now it seems that the Bloodhand Great Emperor still has the remnant soul or will remaining here. Everyone, if you don’t want to continue exploring , Then now that the harvest of this trip is divided, it is okay to abandon the Northern Expedition."

Han Fei's words, in fact, a lot of the heart of the late stage of Huaxing. Too much has died after all. The 15,000 troops of the Northern Expedition had not yet reached the true entrance to the land of inheritance, and there was only one third of them gone. It was a question of whether there were 5,000 people left.

However, Han Fei's words were immediately rejected. Just kidding, it was hard to find this place, and finally organized a Northern Expedition, and finally let these Northern Expedition army be cannon fodder to clear the way, who wants to disband the Northern Expedition now?

As the saying goes, opportunity is not to be missed, time will never come again, this time if everyone can't take down the inheritance here. Then wait a few months at most for a year, and there will be a large number of powerful people in the Wuyin mining area, and even the emperor will definitely come in person.

At that time, even if he can still come to this place, he will definitely not be the leader at that time. No matter how strong the inheritance here is, it may have nothing to do with him.

Therefore, some people directly objected: "I don't agree. The Northern Expedition sacrificed so much, and now they give up if they say they give up. Then those people who sacrificed will not be sacrificed in vain?"

Someone echoed: "Yes, although we were killed or injured in this second battle. But we also have to look at our results this time, killing more than 50,000 mineral monsters in the late stage of the ordinary Open Heaven realm, and killing the blood in the late stage. There are nearly 10,000 hand mine monsters. Compared with the previous time, this is a huge improvement."

Someone agreed: "I think so too. The current mass fall is because we have not adapted to the blood hand mine monster's fighting habits. In addition, I think you have some problems with the timing of using amphibole and need to be adjusted. I think we You can properly recover for one day and then attack again. As the saying goes,"

Wushuang also said appropriately: "We have already arrived here. There is no reason to give up halfway. In theory, even if the number of blood hand mine monsters is more than 30,000, it can't withstand our many attacks and rushes. Although there are inside here. Heaven and earth, but the number of blood hand mine monsters is definitely limited, otherwise this place is not enough to raise so many Dzogchen powerhouses."

Even Wushuang said that he wanted to continue, so naturally no one objected. Even if some of them want to leave in the late stage of the Huaxing, but the resources are not in their hands, and they are weak. Moreover, they themselves may not have not held a trace of fluke.

Therefore, make a comprehensive decision, rest for a day, and then go to war.

During the break.

Unlike the army of the Northern Expedition, the line of the sacred beasts and the line of fierce beasts, the resources they will obtain are divided by themselves. While the Northern Expedition Army was resting, the two sides were sharing resources.

Among them, the fierce beast's vein piled up the seventh-level concentrate, the sixth-level concentrate, and the sixth-level concentrate.

The Northern Expedition army looked at them, and they were all jealous. The batch of seven-level concentrates contained 1,800 thousand pieces, six-level concentrates totaled 5,000 pieces, and the six-level concentrates totaled 40,000 pieces.

This is the entire harvest of the fierce beast line up to now, but this product is really amazing, you know that only 3800 people have come to the fierce beast line.

With just over 3,800 people, 1,800 blood hand mine monsters were killed, showing the terrifying power of the beasts.

On the side of the sacred beast line, they are also carrying out resource allocation, and their number of seventh-level concentrates is 2,100. There are more than 6000 grade six concentrates. But the concentrate below level 6 is only about 20,000.

It can be seen that in the face of ordinary enemies, the killing power of the fierce beast is obviously stronger. In the face of the blood hand mine demon, I don't know if it is the natural suppression of the divine beast, so the divine beast should be stronger.

On the other hand, the Northern Expedition army has sacrificed five thousand people back and forth. The level 7 concentrates obtained are about 8,000, the level 6 concentrates are about 25,000, and the various concentrates below the level 6 total about 180,000. Of course, this is the whole harvest since the Northern Expedition.

But if it is evenly distributed, there will be almost one grade 7 concentrate and three grade 6 concentrates per capita. However, this gain is obviously not that much compared to the current sacrifices.

Of course, as the battle continues, everyone can get more, and those who benefit in the end may be more happy!

after one day.

Everyone has returned to their peak state. After the latest discussion, everyone has decided to start with the pure stone since they encountered the blood hand mine monster.

The total number of pure stones distributed in everyone's hands is one billion. But before and after several battles, it consumes a lot of money. But everyone knows that for the Blood Hand Mine Demon, a hundred pieces of pure stone are not enough. Only when the number of pure stones rises to a thousand can the Blood Hand Mine Demon shake the blood hand mine demon. And if you want to stun a blood hand mine demon, you may need ten thousand pure stones. But one shot is tens of thousands of pure stones, and this level of resource consumption is terrible. Therefore, in just these two battles, everyone's total 1.1 billion pure stones has lost more than one billion.

However, compared to Jingshi, nature is more important than life.

The third exploration.

Everyone went deep into the bottom of the mine demon stream. This time, five million li was carried out, and a large number of blood hand mine demon raided again.

"Boom boom boom~"

In order to deal with the first round impact of the Blood Hand Mine Demon, more than 10 million pure stones were released at the beginning. Although it still cannot completely prevent the fall from happening, this time, only a few dozen people fell in the impact. Compared with the previous time when hundreds of people were taken away in a wave, that was much better. Of course, Fei Jingshi was a little bit for sure.

The first round of impact of the blood hand mine demon lasted for less than a hundred breaths. Although the blood hand mine demon continued to come later, it was no longer a large-scale sudden flash, but increased one after another.

With the previous experience, this time, everyone did not stingy with the pure stone in their hands. In fact, many experts in the late stage of Huaxing have already wanted to understand. The true inheritance of the great emperor, I dare not expect it.

There are too many people here with the idea of ​​the great emperor's inheritance, and they don't have resources for their own resources. The pure stones are all the more than 50,000 pieces allocated by the strong. It is almost impossible to fight for the greatest opportunity.

Therefore, what they can fight for is the resources such as concentrates that the real powerhouses do not look up to.

Dzogchen can't look down on it, it's because they have reached Dzogchen. But the later stage is worth it, because the seven-level concentrate can create enough conditions for them to advance to the Dzogchen. Once they reach the Dzogchen level, although the seventh-level concentrate is still precious, they won't be to the point where they have to gamble their lives to obtain it.

After half an hour.

The battle situation has been exaggerated to the point where the Northern Expedition army is once again a little unbearable. Because of the siege, the number of Blood Hand Mine Demons has completely exceeded 10,000. This means that almost every squad is facing seven or eight blood hand mine devils.

Fortunately, there is a line of divine beasts and a line of fierce beasts to share the pressure, otherwise the Northern Expedition army might be repelled again.

After more than an hour, a member of the monitoring team shouted: "Everyone, we have killed more than 10,000 blood hand mine monsters."

This reminder shocked many people, and a large amount of pure stone wasted, in exchange for the fall of ten thousand blood hand mine monsters. However, everyone found that they were still fighting against the Blood Hand Mine Demon, and the number of opponents still remained at around 10,000.

An hour and a half later.

A team member chanted: "Applying for a temporary retreat, we ran out of pure stones here."

Someone shouted angrily: "Why are there still so many blood hand mine monsters? Didn't it mean 30,000. It should be almost the same now, right?"

Because the pure stone was exhausted, a team was found an opportunity by the Blood Hand Mine Demon, and the formation was dispersed all at once.

"Boom boom boom~"

In the light of purification, only the few places that are not covered by the light of purification, the blood hand mine demon must be the first to rush up.

As a result, the first group of ten that was wiped out by the entire army appeared.

There are one or two, and the number of enemies killed has skyrocketed after fighting for so long, but when the pure stones are exhausted, those people have become living targets.

Almost whenever there is a team without Jingshi, that team is instantly destroyed.

But the fierce beast and the divine beast are not easy. Because, the fierce beast line began to use the pure stone, but they did not use it on the blood hand mine demon, but used it on themselves.

After all, their number is too small, and the number of Blood Hand Mine Demon is too much. The prolonged battle has greatly increased the possibility of them being contaminated. Their own resistance is insufficient and can only be resolved with pure stone.

And here, nearly 500 fierce beasts fell from the strongest line.

Although the situation on the side of the mythical beasts was better, the number of falling was only about two hundred, but the combat power of the mythical beasts was significantly reduced, and it should be because of the use of power too much.

Just listen to Mo Jiu and Bai Hu shouting: "Retreat first, retreat first."

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