God of Fishing

Chapter 2600: The City of Scavengers in Inner City (2 in 1)

The army of the Northern Expedition only felt that the end was coming. Who knew that they flew from the sky, tried to advance, and observed the situation in the city, only to be shot by tens of thousands of arrows?

However, they did not immediately realize that this was a means of forbidden air in Puppet City.

After the first wave of arrows burst out, most people were actually able to react, and only dozens of them were recruited.

However, these people did not land immediately after avoiding the arrows, but continued to hover in the air. They thought that the appearance of this arrow was aimed at all of them.

However, when the hundreds of people who escaped were pierced by arrows later, it made everyone aware of the problem.

Hearing babbled voices one after another shouted: "Everything falls to the ground, here is forbidden, otherwise you will be endlessly chased and killed."

As soon as this remark comes out, of course everyone landed immediately. Although you may encounter puppets after landing, it is better than being a target in the sky.

But there were people who played cautiously and landed directly on the top of a building.

But right after, some of the buildings they were in burst into the sky, and when they couldn't prevent them, they shot them up.

At this moment, everyone realizes the seriousness of the problem, not only can't stay in the sky, but also can't stay in the building. They can only keep their feet on the ground and they must fall on the ground.

As soon as they arrived on the ground, many people encountered the sixth-level concentrate puppets that had just awakened.

The strong man in the late stage saw the sixth-level concentrate puppet, and his heart was terrified, as if he was facing an enemy. However, the Dzogchen expert saw the sixth-level concentrate puppets, but he was very excited, and felt that if he could win some sixth-level concentrate puppets, he would be considered a fortune.

Because of the two different psychology, the first idea of ​​the late-stage powerhouse is to find other late-stage powerhouses and form a match, so that they can remain invincible.

It is a pity that the crowd was dispersed. Although everyone may not be far away, looking at it, there are various buildings around, blocking the view. It takes a certain amount of time to return to the team or form a line quickly.

But the concentrate puppet will not give you time. When the first concentrate puppet wakes up, the battle has already begun.

Just listen to the voices one after another in the city, although everyone can't see it, but you can shout out.

Someone yelled; "All the late-stage powerhouses nearby have gathered."

Someone exclaimed: "No, everyone be careful of these level six concentrate puppets. Most of them form a five-person team. In response to our offensive, if there are strong nearby, please come and support."

Someone shouted: "Where are the people near this street? Come over and end up."

Someone encounters a puppet on the ground, even if his strength is completely exploded, he just blasts the puppet away for tens of meters, but he is penetrated by the fist. Fortunately, the opponent's speed seemed to be slightly slower, which allowed him to escape.

This person was shocked and shouted: "The sixth-level concentrate puppet, the strength is comparable to Dzogchen. Don't resist the strong in the later stage. If you can form a formation, if you can't, then lean near the strong Dzogchen."

At this time, someone shouted: "Attention, everyone, as long as you keep your voice silent, don't explode energy fluctuations, and avoid their vision, you can avoid their attacks."

For a time, there was a panic on the streets.

Someone ran straight to the nearby Dzogchen strong. Someone hides their figure and hides in the corner between the buildings.

Someone found the organization and formed a battle.

Some people even ran into the building and never came out again, but inside the building, the fire was shining, and some were silent. Everyone thinks that the guy who went in should have been burned to death.

There are not a few such people who run into the building. There may be hundreds of people. At present, only 10% of the people come out safely. And in this success, only one person has actually obtained this great skill from the house. He didn't say a word, and went straight into the natal star.

Someone shouted: "Don't enter the building, there are all puppets inside."

"Fuck, all puppets?"

These words scared many people to give up the thought of entering the building.

Although everyone doesn't know where each other is, they can speak out if necessary. For example, do not enter the building casually, there may be traps and the like. Anyway, no one said anything good would be taken out of the building.

Among the scattered crowd, the advantages of the top ranked forces burst out. Although their members are scattered, they are divided into small groups.

Among all the people, the safest is the casual repair. Because it is loose and able to hold a group, as soon as it hits the ground, it will run to one place, get together to form a formation, and the sixth-level concentrate will also be killed.

The line of the fierce beasts and the line of the divine beasts were already very keen. The first time the arrow appeared, they fell to the ground. After landing, all the fierce beasts and divine beasts still gathered together.

Just listen to Mo Jiu said: "Now, even if it is a strong Dzogchen, I will give me at least a group of three. We are here to find opportunities, not to die. It is not wrong to be careful."

The White Tiger also shouted: "Everyone disperse, look for some obvious differences, don't go to the same street. If you encounter a beast, don't care about them. The concentrate puppet is still next, our main goal , Is the real inheritance. And the real inheritance is definitely not on these broken roads."

Baihu means that concentrate is by no means the primary resource. The guardian of the entire city is maintained by concentrate puppets, so what is the background and heritage of this city? Whatever it is, it must be more valuable than the concentrate.

Han Fei didn't go to the old tortoise for the first time. He pointed out a direction with the universal navigation instrument, which was where the old tortoise went.

But after clarifying the direction, Han Fei did not rush to it in the first time. The Vientiane Navigation Instrument in his hand turned again, this time the target, the city of scavengers, Luo Chen.

Luo Chen is now carrying seventeen or eight people. One part is fighting with the sixth grade concentrate. One part is healing, and the other part is forming a team to try to enter some seemingly tall buildings.

Just listen to Luo Chen shouting: "In all the later stages, in this inner city, you don’t need to do anything. You can explore the way for me, such as finding a place of inheritance! City Lord’s Mansion! But there is credit for going out in the future. award."

However, just after Luo Chen arranged nine people out to explore the way, after a full five hundred breaths of effort, none of them came back.

Luo Chen felt that these people had already been killed, and he only listened to his instructions: "Everyone has them. Go to the street next door. Time can't be delayed too long."

Just as Luo Chen was about to abandon the few people just now, and was about to take the remaining Dzogchen experts and take the initiative to march towards the neighboring block. Suddenly, a team of three returned.

But I saw one of them had fallen into a coma, and the other two were covered with blood stains, apparently as if they had just experienced a large-scale battle.

Luo Chen didn't doubt that he had him, so he said, "Why have you been there for so long, what happened?"

Just listen to one of them: "Boss, there is no one of us in the street next door. We were found by the puppets. Fortunately, we can use these buildings to escape, so that we can escape."

Luo Chen nodded slightly: "This is normal, the city built by the Great Emperor himself. If there is no danger, it would be strange."

Just listen to the person who spoke: "Boss, although we were not found in the street next door, when we were walking around in the tunnel, we accidentally found a strange well, which seemed to have an extremely rich flavor of concentrated minerals."


Luo Chen's heart moved, but there was no surprise. This should be just a small chance, but it is definitely not a big chance. However, chance is better than nothing. If the small chance gets more, it will naturally become the big chance.

No, Luo Chen's heart moved, and the few people who were fighting in Transsion said: "Quick battle and quick decision, come with me."

A quick fight and a quick decision means a lot of consumption. The Dzogchen powerhouse is facing a six-level concentrate puppet. If you want a quick fight, you must drive your own road frantically. At the same time, in order to prevent the puppets from counterattacking and dying together, everyone can be careful but be careful.

Rao Luo Chen talked about a quick battle and a quick decision, and it took more than thirty breaths for everyone to resolve the battle.

Of course, the harvest is five six-level concentrate puppets, which are very valuable.

After a while, Luo Chen followed the three late-stage powerhouses to the location where the well was. Near the mouth of the well, there is an enchantment guardian. When they saw the enchantment, Luo Chen and the few Dzogchen experts all had their eyes brightened. As long as there is an enchantment, it means that there must be a chance.

And this enchantment is obviously not very complicated, at least for Luo Chen, a powerhouse at the level of four Dao locks, it can be broken with a little effort.

After another hundred breaths, when the barrier hole opened, the more and more concentrated power of the concentrate escaped from the well. Feeling this power, Luo Chen's heart moved, and said to the three strong Dzogchens: "You three, go down and find out."

All three of them looked slightly changed and seemed to be worried about something. But Luo Chen said, "Don't worry, I don't feel the danger here, so don't worry!"

The three people struggled for a while, and finally stepped into the well.

After only ten breaths, I heard a voice coming from the well: "Boss, there is a situation, there is a sword inserted here."

When Luo Chen heard this, his eyes lit up, and he blinked at the two people around him and said: "You two, stay here, and the others will follow me."

Originally, Luo Chen thought, hiding in such a place, it must be a good thing, at least it should be a top-grade artifact, right? Anyway, it can't be a low-grade artifact, otherwise it can be obtained in any era, there is no need to hide it.

However, at the moment when Luo Chen's few people fell. Suddenly feeling something was wrong, Luo Chen subconsciously retreated, but his body slammed into a heavy seal.

In the next moment, he saw a piece of frost spreading, the extreme cold, forcibly, the four transformation stars who came down with him were frozen into ice sculptures.

However, what made Han Fei feel a little surprised was that these four guys who were frozen into ice sculptures flashed a fire bead at the same time, and they barely blocked the extreme cold force.


It was the first time that Han Fei saw a powerful person with Huaxing Great Perfection, who could easily block the power of the Arctic Orb. You know, this is the terrifying power of Xiaoyaojing.

When it was too late, it was fast, Han Fei blasted four punches and smashed the four tuo ice sculptures abruptly.

After all, it was the strength of the Unfettered Realm. Although they could barely hold it, it was not their own strength, but the small fiery red bead.

And Han Fei picked one up casually, but in his eyes, the message emerged:

【Name】Chaos Fire Element

[Introduction] The Void Flame, born in the depths of the Chaos Sea, is extremely hot. It can burn everything and refine it into a magic weapon that can withstand the extreme cold.

[Level] Chaos Spirit Fire

[Quality] Normal

[Contains the air of chaos] 211536 points

[Effect] After refining, it can resist extreme cold, and has a certain degree of immunity to the Avenue of Fire.

When he saw this information, Han Fei immediately understood that above the ice layer of the Chaos Wasteland, it was extremely cold. And these people have the power to resist the extreme cold at the same time, which means that Han Fei and the others may really come from above the ice.

However, even though they have this chaotic fire element, they can only resist the natural extreme cold. However, the extreme cold power erupting from the Extreme Cold Orb is the extreme cold power possessing the power of the Unexpected Realm, and it is not the same as the ordinary extreme cold.

Therefore, the moment these people were frozen, they had already suffered so much that the Chaos Huoyuan had to appear to protect the lord.

But Han Fei's fist had arrived, but they were still unable to resist. Can only watch Han Fei smash the ice. Even the bodies of these four people also exploded.

But when Han Fei stretched out his hand, he fished the remains of the four people into his own life stars, and then looked at Luo Chen who had also turned into an ice sculpture.

But Luo Chen was a little better than the others, he broke the lock of the avenue for the first time, and a Chaos Fire Element appeared in front of him.


Luo Chen coughed up a mouthful of blood with icy debris, and said in amazement: "Who are you, why do you want to shoot at my city of scavengers?"

At this time, Luo Chen couldn't understand that the people he sent out to search should be controlled. This is more than that, the other party even set up an ambush to plot against himself.

This means that the opponent definitely has the strength to have four locks and above. Looking at it this way, the scope has shrunk, with the power of extreme cold, and the strength to kill the four strong locks, there are not many in the entire Northern Expedition.

Suddenly, Luo Chen couldn't believe it. He counted on the Northern Expedition. There was only one person with this level of strength and capable of displaying extreme cold power.

"Human Tu?"

Han Fei grinned: "You are right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Luo Chen was shocked: "Why do you want to attack our city of scavengers?"

Han Fei looked at him with a smile and a smile: "Does this still need to be asked? My human race and your city of scavengers are as deep as the sea, and they don’t share the same sky. You asked me why I killed your people in the city of scavengers, don’t you think Is it ridiculous?"

Luo Chen's expression changed drastically: "You really are from the City of Wanderers, and you really come from the Chaos Wasteland."

Han Fei: "No, you guessed wrong. I am really the emperor of the human race, the emperor of the human race. If you destroy your Ten Thousand Scales, start from the Wuyin Mining District. Don't worry, all those who came to the city of scavengers in the Wuyin Mining District this time , I will look for them one by one, and they will accompany you soon."


Luo Chen and Han Fei talked for a long time, naturally, they didn't really want to chat, but procrastinated for time. Of course, Han Fei didn't care, let him delay time and let him struggle to death.

A pair of precious armor appeared in front of Luo Chen, and the precious armor turned into a jade armor barrier, completely blocking the power of the extreme cold.

At this moment, just listen to Luo Chen's roar: "Zhou Yi, Lan Feng, come down and help me."

It's a pity that even though Luo Chen is already loud, but this place has been completely banned by Han Fei, of course the two above can't hear it.

Luo Chen saw that the call for help was ineffective, but he was not completely panicked. His power had been completely released, and all four of them were broken. The long-lost feeling was too strong.

At the moment when Luo Chen thought he could fight Han Fei, he saw Han Fei stretch out his hand: "Pirate."

In the next moment, Luo Chen was shocked to find out, where is his armor?

Looking at it again, his own Bao Jia actually appeared in front of Han Fei.


Luo Chen only felt ridiculous, but he was also frightened. Knowing that he couldn't wait to die, he was ready to break out with all his strength and fight Han Fei.

But Han Fei spoke again: "Pirate."

This time, a pagoda flew out of Luo Chen's eyebrows.

"how is this possible?"

Luo Chen was shocked, the soul-suppressing artifact was beaten out by Han Fei? But he obviously didn't feel the impact on the power of the soul!

Han Fei pouted, the only thing that the strong could not deal with was that he had too many treasures.

"Boom boom boom~"

Since there is no way to steal consciousness, then it will be hard. For a time, the impact in the well is huge, which can be described as the shaking of the earth. However, even if the impact is hit, the outside world still knows nothing. Han Fei has already placed thousands of seals here, just to be foolproof.

With such a small frontal encounter and Han Fei Dao running, how could Luo Chen be his opponent? However, Luo Chen is not a simple character.

Since then, Wushuang received a secret reminder that on the surface, it was correct that a hundred people came to the Scavenger City. But among Luo Chen's natal stars, there is no shortage of strong people.

No, I only saw the Void descend, and suddenly thirty-two powerhouses of the level of the Great Perfection of the Transforming Star appeared.

Just listen to Luo Chen's roar: "Come on! There is a kind of come again! Ren Tu, today you are dead."

Han Fei had predicted that Luo Chen had hidden the true number of people in the Northern Expedition. This was the fundamental reason why he had designed such a trap instead of directly hitting it and killing Luo Chen.

At the moment when these thirty-two people appeared, the time in this well suddenly had tens of thousands of Conferred Spears.

As soon as the Fengshen Spear was released, the thirty-two people who had just appeared were originally suppressed by the strength of the Puppet City.

That's not a big deal, only seeing Han Fei drew out endless water, which suddenly detonated.

First among them, seven or eight people were hit hard. I don't know what happened yet. As soon as he came out, his strength was greatly suppressed, and then he suffered a high-grade artifact and blew himself up. These people are just stunned.

However, how could it be possible for a high-grade artifact to kill so many Transformation Star Great Perfection powerhouses? In fact, Han Fei blew himself up this time, but none of them died.

However, Han Fei didn't panic at all, he just heard him smile and said, "You think I have no one but you?"

With Han Fei's thoughts moving, thousands of flashing lizards appeared at the bottom of this well.

Yes, the space in the well, which was a bit bigger in total, was abruptly filled with more than a thousand Open Heaven Realm powerhouses.

When Luo Chen and the thirty-two Dzogchen masters saw the more than 1,000 flash lizards, they were immediately confused. What's the situation with Nima?

Luo Chen's consciousness is still sober, his first reaction is impossible, only Yuhunzong can control so many mine monsters.

But at the next moment, Luo Chen's mind was startled, and the leader of the Yuhunzong Yang Kun was killed by Han Fei. Then, would the Yuhunzong's means of manipulating the mine demon also fall into the hands of Han Fei.

It's a pity that this is useless now. In such a small space, thirty-three to one thousand, even if you can play, don't forget that there is still a Han Fei.

"Boom boom boom."

"Puff puff."

After half an hour.

Thousands of flashing lizards died completely. And it wasn't enough, Han Fei made up another thousand flash lizards.

In the city of scavengers, there were only 13 strong Dzogchens who had fallen.

Others, some were nailed to the bottom of the well by Han Fei's gun, some were buckled by Han Fei's line of nothingness. Someone fell into a deep sleep under the Void Thieves technique.

Until everyone was wiped out, Luo Chen fell directly to the bottom of the well, and the last thought in his mind was, it's over, this time is completely over.

Zhou Yi and Lan Feng, who had been guarding outside the well, felt that the time to go in was a bit too long. Should they say a greeting?

Just as the two heads were leaning at the mouth of the well and preparing to speak, suddenly, they saw a figure coming out of the mouth of the well. When the two of them saw that the boss had come out, they were relieved of their thoughts.

"Pirate, steal..."

However, these two people just heard two inexplicable thief words, and saw one of them fell asleep directly, and the other had a small boat flying out from the center of their eyebrows in an attempt to resist Han Fei's void stealing technique.

However, Han Fei blasted out with a punch, directly blasting this low-grade artifact boat.

After that, the thread of nothingness buckled and began to refine the corpse puppet.

He wants to destroy the Scavenger City and the Primitive City, but it doesn't mean that he has to kill all talents himself. His goal is too big, and he has too many enemies. For future considerations, I have to keep a low profile now.

No, once you have won the strongest Luo Chen, you can read www.uukānshu. The city of com scavengers, in Han Fei's view, is gone.

Originally, this trip to the boundless mining area, his purpose was not Luo Chen and the others, but Zhang Beihai. Now, it can only be regarded as a heavy blow to the strength of the Scavenger City in the boundless mining area.

At present, in the city of scavengers, there are four Dao-suo-level powerhouses controlled by Han Fei, and 19 people at the Dzogchen-level powerhouse. These people were all refined into puppets of the living dead by Han Fei. Unfortunately, Han Fei has no time to study the flesh, blood, and spirit of the Ten Thousand Scales. Otherwise, you can use the God-Controlling Seal to completely control these people.

Of course, the puppet of the living dead is not weak either.

After walking out of this complex roadway, Han Fei grinned. Without Luo Chen and the nearly forty Dzogchen experts, there should be about forty Dzogchen experts in the Scavenger City. Forty people.

I don't know how many of these people will eventually die in the inner city. Even if they haven't died, Han Fei won't let them get out of the puppet city afterwards. Han Fei knew that he couldn't find so many people in the city of scavengers one by one. But today, there is still another opportunity to use the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, so Han Fei's heart moved, but he saw the Vientiane Navigation Instrument turn up and point to the primitive city, where Anshanbei is located.

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