God of Fishing

Chapter 2614: The current situation of fierce beast 1 vein (2 in 1)

In the Battle of Puppet City, it can be said that most of the Puppet City was destroyed.

   However, this city was finally saved.

   It’s just that Han Fei is not happy at all. Although it was the first time he had met with the nine giant tortoises, Xuan Yi, he also witnessed what is called the former emperor and what is called the emperor's demeanor.

   It was also at this moment that Han Fei truly realized why everyone hates ominousness so much.

   And this battle also polished Han Fei's Dao Xin. For the first time in his life, he was autonomous, instinctive, and certain, treating ominousness as a lifelong enemy.

   In the Northern Expedition, the line of fierce beasts and the line of divine beasts were also greatly shaken. They witnessed such a war and said that the state of mind was not affected. It was impossible.

   The two great emperors died in order to destroy a **** hand, which deeply impacted their inner values. Why do they cultivate, purely for longevity? But if you say that Changsheng, the nine giant tortoises, and Xuan Yi have already reached it, but they are all willing to die for one belief, why?

   Smart people have tempered Dao Xin. Even those who are not smart have some other ideas about the practice itself. The pride of the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi's determination were deeply carved into their hearts.

  Without the impetus of the blood hand, after the ominous gate below the blood spring was destroyed, all Han Fei had to do was to kill the blood hand mine demon here and purify the ominous mine demon stream.

   Many years later, the first fusion with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai also made Han Fei feel extremely bloodthirsty when he was a child.

   I saw Han Fei turn around and rushed directly into the fog of unwillingness. This time, he no longer had any scruples, the only 500 million pure stones left on his body, at this moment, fully bloomed.

   Outer city of the puppet city, countless blood-handed mine demons, a large area of ​​ominous fog, were instantly purified, and the world seemed to return to its normal color.

   He only heard Wushuang burst out: "Everyone in the capital of terror, follow me to fight and kill the enemy."

   Chen Tianya burst out: "The city of wanderers, kill."

   Chen Tianya's expression is complicated, if he used to think that Han Fei was incomparable to the Lord of Silence. But at this moment, he was shaken. Not only because of Han Fei's strength, but also because of the legends that Han Fei experienced.

It can be recognized by two great emperor-level powerhouses, can take over the puppet city in their hands, can open the sky to fight the emperor, and finally can kill the remnant soul of the emperor, as well as all the magical methods, as if let him see The rise of Terran.

   This is obviously a different path from the Lord of Silence. Outside the bedroom training ground, he did not see the people from the Scavenger City, nor the people from the Primitive City, so he had already told him the answer.

   These people are all dead.

Even if you don’t think about Han Fei’s Kaitian war, just say that Han Fei’s power alone destroyed the city of scavengers and the city of wanderers. Two hundred Dzogchen and later-level powerhouses, this kind of record, let’s just ask. Who can beat the city of wanderers?

   At that moment, Wang Xiaojiu followed with a burst of shouts: "The fierce beast has a blood line, avenge Mo Jiu, kill me!"

   followed, all the northern expedition forces swarmed up. At this moment, their unexpected unity was purely trying to kill the enemy, purely wanting to vent.

   There were not many blood hand mine devils left. After losing the protection of the ominous fog and the urging of the blood hand, they faced the anger of the 20,000 puppet army and the northern expedition army.

   In just one hour, he was beheaded clean, and there was not a single life left.

   The war ended, everything was calm, and there was no conflict between the puppets and the Northern Expedition army.

   saw Han Fei's fusion with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai extremely difficult, but the killing intent in his eyes did not diminish much.

Just listen to Han Fei saying to everyone: "This Northern Expedition, how many resources you have harvested are your own. In the end, the concentrate left behind by the 20,000 Blood Hand Mine Demon falls will also be shared by you. Everyone. There are various opportunities. The Puppet City already belongs to me, and that is my opportunity. I believe that after experiencing this final battle, you will not have realized nothing. During the Northern Expedition, more than half of the fallen, wait for you to come back! "

   Han Fei didn't rush to kill, after all, he and most of these people have no grievances, and there is no need to rush to kill. During this trip, all his goals have been achieved.

   The blood hand mine demon was cleared, the remnant soul of the blood hand great fell, the old tortoise and the demon tree left, the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi fell one after another, leaving an isolated city and nearly two hundred thousand puppets to himself.

   It's over, Han Fei Chuan Yin Wushuang: "Let's go back first, don't worry about leaving the capital of terror. It will take three to five years, and the slower will be seven or eight years. I will find you."

   Wushuang nodded insignificantly, just listening to her simply handing over to Han Fei: "Farewell."

   It's over, Wushuang looked at the people of the Northern Expedition Army and said: "Everyone, the war is over, go back to the Hundred League City, and scrape the spoils of this trip. As everyone witnesses, no one will swallow even a single concentrate."

   Although many people are unwilling to take this trip, but now, no one will compete with Han Fei anymore. After all, this city is owned by others, and there is an army of 200,000 puppets. Although they also know that Han Fei may be able to use only about 20,000 puppets, but there are also a lot of them. If they really fight, they can be unpleasant, and even if they are desperate, it is possible that their entire army will be wiped out.

   In fact, many people know that this Northern Expedition was originally proposed by Han Fei. The major forces of the Hundred Leagues were persuaded, thinking that they had found a place to pass on, and could get rid of Han Fei or kill Han Fei. But in fact, Han Fei's strength, trump cards, and opportunities are beyond their imagination.

It is regrettable that    did not get the inheritance, but for those who are still alive, this trip is not a loss. They went back and forth, one after another, killing more than 50,000 Bloodhand Mine Demons, which did not count the other levels of mine demons killed by them. Some people even found some opportunities in the buildings of Puppet City.

   I really want to count the resources. It can be said that during this trip to the Northern Expedition, everyone has obtained several artifacts, and it is definitely not a loss.

   As for those who have fallen, there is no alternative. The road to practice is just like that. Either you die or I die. Those who haven't died will naturally get more rewards and become a stronger existence. Those who have fallen can only sigh. They failed to reach the end on this road.

In the    field, the leaders and powerhouses of the Divine Capital Dynasty had many questions in their hearts, but this was obviously not the time to care about this. Therefore, as to why Han Fei obtained the inheritance of Pole Star Great Emperor, they would only go back and verify it later. As for whether Han Fei's identity will be revealed at that time, that is another matter.

   The northern expedition army left without hesitation. There are too many strong men who have fallen this time. But what happened today is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. What most people think now is to go back quickly, divide the spoils, and then take a good look, or exchange them for the resources they want for a new round of practice. Even, many people feel that they have a new experience in their mood, and they feel that the probability of their breakthrough has greatly increased.

   Here, Wang Xiaojiu greeted: "Brother Ren Tu, um, our **** beasts have also returned to Ang?"

  Wang Xiaojiu greeted the beast to leave, but Han Fei said indifferently: "Wait, don't you like chattering? Let's talk."


   Wang Xiaojiu's tears are about to fall, I don't want to talk to you at all now!

   Many fierce beasts feel a little hairy, because in their eyes, Han Fei is not Han Fei at all, but the emperor. Who is the emperor? That was the first wild beast of the past! To say that you don't panic in your heart is false.

   Han Fei: "It's okay, I have no ill will towards you."

When    was over, Han Fei's heart moved, but he saw the pattern flashing in the puppet city. I saw Bai Fei and a group of sacred beasts with strong lines suddenly appearing here.

  Bai Fei and others have actually climbed to the top of the mountain, but they arrived too late. Xuan Yi was not there, so he didn't pass it on to them at all.

   As for the battle in Puppet City, they actually knew something about it. However, going up and down the mountain was not an easy task, so they could not get down from the mountain until the end of the war.

   can only see this shocking battle through perception.

  Bai Fei and the others appeared here. They felt inexplicable at first, but when they sensed the battlefield situation in Puppet City, and then looked at Han Fei, who was stepping on the void, his heart was also quite complicated.

   At this time, Bai Fei didn't know what to do. At that time, he didn't take a shot against Han Fei, so I don't know if it was the right choice. Of course, he felt that even if he took the shot himself, it would not necessarily change the current situation.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "I took the inheritance of the puppet city. I took it. You are a step slower. I am not interested in the relationship between the line of fierce beasts and the line of sacred beasts for the time being. Will I be interested in the future? That is the future. Today, you can leave."

   Hearing this, many experts in the line of sacred beasts breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this one does not start a war between the beasts and sacred beasts.

   So, Bai Fei just nodded, and then glanced at the powers of the beast line: "Go, go home."


   A group of human figures disappeared in the puppet city, only the fierce beast was still standing here, and my heart was hairy.

   Han Fei beckoned to Wang Xiao: "Go."

  Wang Xiaojiu can only bite the bullet. Although he hasn't seen the Emperor Sparrow yet, he knows that the Emperor Sparrow seems to have become the companion of this person. What a horrible thing this is, the first beast in the wild has become a companion of human beings. If so many people had not witnessed it, no one would dare to believe it!

   He knows what shocking news will Han Fei bring everyone back this time?

   For one, the emperor was born, and the emperor became a companion spirit. Whether the line of fierce beasts and the line of sacred beasts will start a big battle again, it will surely attract people's attention.

Second, Ren Tu obtained the inheritance of the Great Emperor Xuanwu, took over the puppet city, and held an army of 200,000 puppets in the open world, and became the largest force in the boundless mining area. This news will circulate quickly. By then, the entire East China Sea Shenzhou, Even Zhonghai Shenzhou will know the name of Human Tu.

  The third is naturally an ominous eruption, the bloodhand great is contaminated with ominousness, and the nine giant turtles and Xuan Yi exchange their lives to suppress the killer. This matter will certainly arouse people's attention to ominousness.

   No matter what, when this campaign is over, countless eyes will fall on Han Fei. For the Wuyin Mining District, Han Fei gained the inheritance and became the number one power.

   However, it is difficult to say what kind of role Han Fei has in their eyes for those powerful emperors and superpowers.

   But, most people guessed that there must be a large group of people who want to harvest Han Fei. After all, Han Fei hasn't proved yet. Neither did he prove that, once Han Fei was harvested, the benefits would be too much.

   Of course, if you want to reap the existence of such an emperor who can open the heavens and dare to fight against the emperor, then it is not something ordinary people can participate in. It doesn't matter whether Han Fei can make a path to the emperor of his own.

At this moment, Han Fei and Wang Xiaojiu landed at the basically destroyed teahouse in Puppet City. Among the broken tea sets, Han Fei picked a set, and randomly picked up a stone table that was not completely damaged. Han Fei I made tea for myself.

  Wang Xiaojiu was worried, he had been chatting with Han Fei a lot before, but now he doesn't know how to chat.

   I only heard Han Fei said: "What is the general situation of the fierce beast? How many emperors are there?"

  Wang Xiaojiu's heart chuckles, here it comes, does the emperor still want to unite the fierce beast again?

Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu hurriedly said: "Actually, the fierce beasts on our side of the endless mining area are just a bloodline of the wild beasts. Moreover, in our line, there are very few true pure-blooded wild beasts, and the strong are actually not. Not a lot..."

   "Ziyou, ah~"

  Han Fei poured a cup of tea for Wang Xiaojiu, and pushed it over and said, "So, how many pure-blooded wild beasts are there in your vein? How many people are there in total, and how many are there?"

  Wang Xiaojiu frowned, do you? Although these are not really big secrets, if someone asks him, he may not think too much, and may answer casually, but when Han Fei asks, there is always a feeling that Han Fei wants to bring them down.

   It’s just that if you don’t say it, you can’t, he’s scared! He had seen Han Fei's combat power. He was someone who even dared to be tough, could he not say?

Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu said: "In our line alone, there are actually very few people, and there are only less than 100,000 people in total, including the fierce beast that has not grown up. Among them, there are about 80,000 in the open sky state, and the emperor is too much. It is less, and there are fewer than ten people in total. The strongest one is only one immortal realm."

"so little?"

   Han Fei frowned slightly, this number is actually a lot, but there are too few fierce beasts on the side of the East China Sea Shenzhou. A hundred thousand people, there is no **** hand mine Mordor in total.

   You need to know, where is the line of fierce beasts ruled by the emperor in the past, there are so many people?

   Besides, Han Fei thought that there should be an emperor in the line of dignified beasts, right? Regardless of the East China Sea Shenzhou, it seems that only Emperor Tobu is in charge of the Quartet. However, among the major forces, Tobu the Great is by no means the only emperor.

   As far as he knows, there may be two Celestial Clan. And there should be at least one place such as Fist Mang Mountain and Ghost Strait that can stand side by side with the Celestial Clan, right? Even if it is the level of Remnant Soul, there should be one, right?

   Let alone these forces, they are the Chaos Wasteland. Han Fei thinks that there should be an emperor-level powerhouse. Otherwise, how could Emperor Wanlin dare to use the title of emperor?

Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu said: "A lot, our line, when it first came to the Wuyin mining area, the number was less than 10,000. In the recuperation and rejuvenation, it finally developed to the current scale. The line of sacred beasts is even more miserable, and their number is eight. It's less than ten thousand."

   Han Fei pondered for a while, and continued to ask: "Listen to what you mean, besides your line, there are other fierce beast lines in the sea world?"

Wang Xiaojiu nodded again and again: "Yes, there are the four major Shenzhou and Zhonghai Shenzhou. It can be said that apart from our East China Sea Shenzhou, other Shenzhou's fierce animal lines are far more than ours. For example, Xihai Shenzhou, it is said that it is there. The hometown of our fierce beast line. The Miracle Forest on the South China Sea Shenzhou also has our line. There may not be many in the North Sea Shenzhou side, but it is said that the fierce beast line over there is extremely powerful. As for Zhonghai Shenzhou, There are the most powerful emperors in the line of beasts. The line of beasts is actually the same. Although we have been fighting with each other, basically where there are beasts, there are beasts, and where there are beasts, there are beasts..."

  Han Fei: "Since you know that there are your clansmen in several great Chinese states, why don't you find the past and gather together, isn't it good?"

Wang Xiaojiu shook his head: "I don't understand the specific reasons. It's just that there are rumors that the distribution of these veins was deliberately arranged. It is said that there is a real territory of prehistoric beasts on top of the five great Chinese states, including The same is true of the mythical beasts, where there are only fierce beasts and mythical beasts. But this is just a rumor, and no one knows the true or false."

   "Come on, drink tea...sweet! Ah..."

  Han Fei: "You mean, the line distribution of fierce beasts and sacred beasts, is someone deliberately doing it?"

  Wang Xiaojiu didn't have the mind to drink tea, but just nodded: "This has always been rumored, and it is said that there is the main court of the line of fierce beasts and the line of divine beasts."

  Han Fei: "Then do you know why your vein is arranged in the Wuyin mining area?"

Wang Xiaojiu shook his head: "I don't know. But there is a saying that the distribution of veins is actually for the purpose of spreading branches and leaves. The veins of the five great beasts of China, the living environment, experience, and growth status are all different, maybe just for Cultivate fierce beasts with different regional characteristics!"

   Han Fei nodded: "The emperor was born, how do you think the fierce beast will respond?"

   Wang Xiaojiu's face was bitter, as if thinking of something, he said, "Um, Lord Emperor, I heard that his old man eats a fierce beast every meal. Is this true?"


   Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "Who told you?"

   Wang Xiaojiu: "Legend! That's what the legend says."

   Han Fei said silently: "The emperor bird does not eat fierce beasts, you are deceived by this legend."

   saw Wang Xiaojiu's spirits suddenly shocked: "Really? Really do not eat?"

   Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "If you say that you don't eat, you won't eat, and if you ask, you will be eaten."

  Wang Xiaojiu: "……"

Wang Xiaojiu did not dare to ask any more, but said: "In fact, as far as the attitude of our ordinary beasts toward the Emperor Sparrow is concerned, we do not feel disgusted, but are a little scared. After all, Lord Emperor Sparrow is an old man, and he is so prestigious. However, it is hard to say for the top powers in the line. It is well known that fierce beasts fight fiercely. If this generation of emperor sparrows has proclaimed the Dao, it will naturally be easy to become the master of the line. But Lord Emperor Sparrow, it seems that he hasn't proclaimed it now, and...and..."

   "And what?"

  Wang Xiaojiu looked at Han Fei: "Moreover, Lord Emperor Sparrow has become a companion of human beings. I am afraid that too many fierce beasts will not be able to accept it."

   Han Fei nodded slightly, he could understand this, even when he knew that the emperor was the number one beast in the wild, he couldn't understand it.

Moreover, when he was not that strong, the emperor was very cold. Under normal circumstances, he could not use it at all, and he didn't dare to use it casually. I was afraid that it would give himself a catastrophic eye. .

   There are only these things that Han Fei wants to ask, at least from the attitude of Wang Xiaojiu. The line of fierce beasts in the Boundless Mining District is probably afraid of the Emperor Sparrow's views. As for whether the fierce beasts of the emperor realm will come to trouble, Han Fei is unlikely to know.

   One is that they can't grasp their whereabouts, the other is who dares to kill the emperor? Due to its special identity, the Emperor Sparrow has its own talents. Legend has it that the person who killed the Emperor Sparrow died. This is the message given by the Demon Refining Pot.

  I know, how can the strong of the line of fierce beasts know it? Even if the emperor stood here to kill them, then they had to dare to kill.

   saw Han Fei knock on the table and said, "You really don't drink tea?"

  Wang Xiaojiu: "I'm a cat! Cats eat fish!"

   Han Fei said indifferently: "Let’s go! Then you guys hurry back! I'm pretty busy~www.readwn.com~ Wang Xiaojiu's energy was shocked, and he was overjoyed for a while, and quickly said: "Thank you, thank you, then we are back? "

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Go! Let's see you by chance."


   Wang Xiaojiu has already ran away, and while running, he greeted the strong lines of the fierce beast and said: "Go! Go home."

   When all the murderers heard, they hurried to keep up, and didn't dare to neglect for half a minute. For fear of running slowly, Han Fei changed his mind.

   After the fierce beasts also left the puppet city, Han Fei swept across the inner and outer cities of the puppet city. Looking at the messy city, what is the difference between this special and ruined city?

   Fortunately, the puppet army is still there, as long as the puppet army is there, the puppet city will be there. As for rebuilding the puppet city, that's the next thing.

   However, Han Fei did not go back to the bedroom training ground for the first time and continued to refine the puppet's heart. Instead, he came to the center of the battlefield and saw him pick up some broken pieces of concentrate. These concentrates were not absorbed by the puppet city, because they were accompanied by the characteristics of the emperor and the strong.

   Even so, there are not many remaining. They can't make the Nine Giant Turtles and Xuan Yi, so they can only pick up a few dollars and comfort themselves. This is the two of them.

   I only heard Han Fei muttering: "Hard for a million years, just for the fall of this dynasty, is it worth it?"

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