God of Fishing

Chapter 2626: Ancient Emperor Zun (2 in 1)

This sudden change made Huang Ergou panic, and he turned around and ran. At the moment when Sha Laosan shouted "run", he also felt a strange smell, it was an extremely rotten smell, this ancient powerhouse who had turned into a crystal of a god, actually recovered.

This completely broke Huang Ergou's cognition of the fall. In this case, he can still recover. Although it is a bit ridiculous, it also proves the power of this puppet in disguise.


Unfortunately, by the time Huang Ergou turned around and was about to run, it was too late. The eight pillars of the Heavenly Dao Chalcedony actually burst out with a halo of enchantment. Rao is that Huang Ergou's speed was already very fast, but it was still one head. hit the barrier.

Breaking the barrier is not something Huang Ergou is good at, but something Sha Laosan and Yu Jue are good at. Huang Ergou knew that it was useless to panic at this moment, and the four road locks appeared at the same time and broke. I saw that he couldn't care less, and a pair of thorn glove appeared in his hand. His first target was a corpse incarnated as a crystal of a god.


It's a pity that he couldn't hit him with a single punch, but when he saw Sha Laosan slapped him with a backhand, Huang Ergou was slapped and flew out.

Before, Wang Lanlan had said that Huang Ergou was not very powerful in combat. Although she had four Dao locks, her combat power was not much different from her who had only one Dao lock.

Therefore, at this moment, this guy Rao made his full shot, but he was still slapped by Sha Laosan.

However, after Sha Laosan finished this palm, his body hit the barrier instead. I saw Sha Laosan's eyes, two scarlet and one clear. He also shouted in his mouth: "Two dogs... It is useless to cut the body, cut the enchantment."

As soon as the words fell, Sha Laosan burst out with an old voice: "Let me out, let me out..."

It was an unconscious roar, so Sha Laosan was able to resist this power: "Second dog, this guy's brain is broken, his mind is not awake, and his soul power has not fully awakened, hurry, hurry, I can't hold on for long... …”


Huang Ergou panicked at this time. This ancient powerhouse looked like an emperor-level powerhouse, and even the remnant soul was not something that Sha Laosan could deal with. In the depths of the boundless mining area, are there still few such remnants?

Some are completely lost, some are still conscious, some are insane, and some are completely awake. There are various situations.

The one in front of him seems to be insane, but he is still somewhat conscious. It's hard to say whether he will suddenly wake up in such a role. If he really wants to wake up completely, Sha Laosan will be out of play, and he will not be able to escape the fate of being taken away in the end.

Therefore, Huang Ergou really fought hard at this time, and his bloodline began to burn, trying to smash the heavenly chalcedony array.


Even though Huang Ergou wasn't as strong as the real four Dao Chains, one Dao Chain was actually not weak. Therefore, the bombardment fell on the Heavenly Dao Chalcedony, and the huge force it set off shook violently, shaking himself and the sand. The third child is bleeding from the seven orifices.

Even, the entire space began to vibrate, and this vibration also radiated from the mine to all directions.


Seeing Huang Ergou being slapped by Sha Laosan again, Sha Laosan's expression was distorted, but it seemed that he couldn't bear the force of the house.

I just heard him shout: "My, it's mine, I want to take my chance and find death."

When it was over, Sha Laosan's body suddenly rushed to Huang Ergou's side, and the force of the law suppressed Di Huang Ergou and didn't move at all. I saw him bombarded with a punch. Seeing this scene, my heart was cold. The power of the law, how can this be blocked?

But the next moment, the punch slammed into his head abruptly, and the entire barrier was dimmed. Even this fist smashed through the barrier, as if it had pierced through a thin film.

Sha Laosan wanted to speak, but only a squirming sound came out of his mouth.


Huang Ergou's tears were about to fall, only to hear him shout: "Put your hand back!"



Sha Laosan pulled out his fist, Huang Ergou wanted to take advantage of this moment to run through the place where the fist broke the barrier, but just as his head was halfway out, his nose just leaked out, and one leg was caught by Sha Laosan Living.


Huang Ergou's dog leg was pulled back abruptly, and one leg was directly crushed.

Sha Laosan twisted and collided in the air, and finally threw Huang Ergo away. But Huang Ergou's eyes suddenly lit up, only to hear him shout: "Wang Xiaojiu, I smell Wang Xiaojiu, Wang Xiaojiu is here."

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Huang Ergou didn't care too much. He hammered the barrier dozens of times before being swept away by Sha Laosan again.

At this moment, Sha Laosan said a few words with difficulty: "Stupid...you, want to kill... him?"

Although Wang Xiaojiu has five dao locks, the one they are facing is the ancient powerhouse of the Emperor Senior Realm. Even if it is only a remnant soul, the power of the law is still there. What if Wang Xiaojiu is here? Didn't you get slapped as well?

And Huang Ergou roared: "Wang Xiaojiu is fast, he will have a way, let him go back to Da Luoluo and find someone to help."


At this time, Sha Laosan's clear eyes also turned a little red. After saying a word to avoid it, he changed his accent and said, "You all want to take my treasure, you are all enemies, you all deserve to die..."



And at this moment, Han Fei finally dug an underground passage that had not completely collapsed.

I saw Wang Xiaojiu's eyes lit up: "Hahaha, I knew that we caught up. This passage has not completely collapsed, and the traces are obvious, which means that the last section of the road is reached. Sha Laosan deliberately compacted this passage. In order to avoid accidents, it is used for running. This proves that this passage was dug out within two or three hours. Quick, let's go quickly to prevent it from collapsing. "


As a result, as soon as Wang Xiaojiu finished speaking, there was a violent vibration in the void and in the sand sea.

I just heard Wang Lanlan say: "It's a fight, it seems that there's a fight ahead."

Wang Xiaojiu: "It seems that they have encountered the mine monster! Don't panic, although this place has already penetrated into the wind circle, but with the strength of Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou, the mine monster here should not be their opponent. But we have to Hurry up, under this kind of vibration, it won't last long."


After successive shocks appeared, Wang Xiaojiu didn't have time to sprint, only to hear a "bang", and the passage in front of him collapsed directly.

Wang Xiaojiu cried out strangely: "Oh! I said hurry up! Look, the road I just found collapsed again."

Wang Lanlan: "Who's to blame? What's the use of your light? You can dig it yourself if you have the ability!"

At the moment, Han Fei frowned slightly, something was wrong. When this power penetrated the sand sea and arrived here, Han Fei felt the effect of some non-pure power, which seemed to be a more advanced power.

"The power of the law?"

Although Han Fei has not yet understood the law, it does not mean that he does not know this kind of power. He had guessed that the law was like a refinement of the power of the Dao, a unique and pure power. Compared with the power of the Great Dao, one is like a beat, and the other is like an awl. The same power burst out and hit it, it must be that the power of the awl burst is stronger.

Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan had never felt this kind of power, but Han Fei once incarnated as Xuan Yi and experienced the power of the emperor level. I don't remember, he still has some understanding and opinions on the law.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Don't make any noise, I feel that something happened ahead, and this power is not right."

Wang Xiaojiu: "What's wrong? What's wrong? Are there many mine monsters in front of you?"

Han Fei: "Maybe the mine demon in front is very strong."

Wang Xiaojiu: "How strong can it be? Although Storm Ridge is dangerous, the main reason is that there are many mine monsters in it, not how strong it is."

Wang Lanlan is not as big as Wang Xiaojiu. She knows who Han Fei is. If Han Fei says he is strong, then he must be strong. And Han Fei feels very strong, doesn't it...

I saw Wang Lanlan suddenly said: "Could it be Emperor Zun? Sha Laosan's personality is so unique, if he can't take it down by himself, he will be called Huang Ergou? So, will they have already Found an opportunity, but encountered a strong emperor?"

Wang Xiaojiu's eyelids jumped: "Emperor-level mine demon? Where is this, can't it?"

Han Fei added at this time: "It is possible that this power fluctuates unusually. There is a stronger destructive power in the vibration."

Only Wang Xiaojiu shouted: "Then hurry up! Xiaojue must dig over quickly."

Han Fei: "If the emperor really is in front, can we come back when we go?"

But I heard Wang Xiaojiu say: "Oh, Xiao Juejue, why are you so stupid. If you are a strong emperor, can you make such a big noise? You must have suppressed Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou with a backhand, and it will not cause such a strong movement at all. The shock and fluctuation. So, now this just shows that their enemy is not as strong as imagined. I don't think the opponent is a strong emperor, but it may be a mine demon of the level of Wutiaosuo, but it is very likely ."

Wang Lanlan: "Wang Xiaojiu, you are smart!"

Wang Xiaojiu: "Nonsense, I'm pretty smart already."

Han Fei's heart moved, and he stopped talking nonsense. With a little bit of power, the digging speed was directly doubled.

I just heard Wang Xiaojiu exclaim: "Xiao Juejue, why are you so fast all of a sudden."

Han Fei: "Inheriting the secret method is only suitable for sudden situations."

Wang Xiaojiu had no doubts at all: "Quick, at this speed, we'll be there soon."


After 100 breaths.

Huang Ergou was already bruised and bruised. Even though Sha Laosan's spirit had been resisting, Huang Ergou was basically tossed away during the period when he didn't resist. If it wasn't for the fact that every time this emperor-level spirit made a move, Sha Laosan forcibly intervened, Huang Ergou would have become a dead dog by now.

Seeing that Huang Ergou couldn't hold it anymore, and when he was about to lose it, Sha Laosan sighed and searched for treasures. Finally, he knew why his lineage had withered. As the saying goes, when you walk by the river, there is no reason not to wet your shoes.

This level of danger, once encountered, is most likely the end of the fall.

Huang Ergou's heart was gloomy, but unfortunately, he still lived up to the expectations of his mother and brothers!

It's just that this time he brought Huang Ergou by himself. Huang Ergou trusted himself, and he didn't want to betray his last trust.


At that moment, the power of Sha Laosan's soul suddenly exploded, gathering all the power, and suddenly seized the right to speak, only to hear him burst out: "Er dog, run... ah ah ah..."

Huang Ergou's spirit was shocked, and he only saw that one of Sha Laosan's eyes burst out. He tried to control his body and punched suddenly, piercing the barrier.


Huang Ergou jumped up instantly, turned into a light, and rushed out. He saw Sha Laosan's body trying to block it, but he stopped it forcibly.

No, Huang Ergou's speed exploded again, and he rushed out frantically, urging his whole body to concentrate, condensing his voice and gathering his energy, and shouted: "Wang Xiaojiu, speed help."

As soon as he roared, he saw Huang Ergou's whole body was exhausted, and his whole body hit the sand for thousands of miles, and fell a dog and ate shit.

After that, after a full breath of time, Huang Ergou's glove actually had a big medicine scattered to make up for himself. This was his trump card, in order to save his last life.

Not daring to stop, Huang Ergou rushed out again, towards where Wang Xiaojiu was.

No matter how powerful Huang Ergou is, there is a realm of four locks, and the sound after full strength spans tens of millions of miles, and in the end there is only a murmur.

Wang Xiaojiu, who was urging Han Fei to dig a hole, was muttering: "These two people are so inauthentic, they don't even call me for such a fun thing as treasure hunting. I eat alone, and when I see them, I will give him a slap in the face. ."

Wang Lanlan: "Beating the dog's head, what about Sha Laosan?"

Wang Xiaojiu: "Then we must blow him up. Anyway, as the only person in our group of beasts who has the guardian of the heaven and earth, the treasure sand, no matter how you beat him, you can't kill him."

Wang Lanlan: "I'm afraid you won't be able to beat him. Sha Laosan is the strongest four-way lock powerhouse. Apart from your speed, your combat power is not up to him."

Wang Xiaojiu said angrily: "That's impossible, it's not me blowing it with you. In the mine monster, I and Lord Dique fought tens of thousands of **** mine devils alone. Is this what I told you?"

"Wang Xiaojiu, speed to help."

Just when Wang Xiaojiu was bragging about himself, an extremely thin, almost negligible sound came through the vibration of the sand body. If the ordinary Star Transformation is Great Consummation, it may still be inaudible.

However, how could the three of Han Fei be comparable to the Great Perfection?

No, but seeing Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan's expressions changed greatly, Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, this voice is far away!

The next moment, Wang Xiaojiu shouted, "No! Something happened."

Wang Lanlan's expression changed greatly: "Quick, something happened to Huang Ergou and Sha Laosan."

Immediately, Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan stopped chatting, and they both shot at the same time to help Han Fei make a hole.

Before, they didn't make holes because they were not good at making holes, and their speed was definitely slower than Han Fei's. However, this does not mean that they can't make holes. If they really use Wang Xiaojiu's five dao locks to make holes, the speed is actually very fast.

Suddenly, the three of them started working together, and the speed of drilling holes was several times faster.

Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu: "No, this is really a big deal. With the strength of Sha Laosan, five road locks can't take him down. What treasure did they find, and what level of mine monster is guarding?"

Wang Lanlan: "Although it is said that it has penetrated into the wind circle, it is still far from the deepest place. They should not encounter enemies who need to call for help!"

However, Han Fei knew something in his heart. It should be that the mine monster of the god-level rank did not run away. Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan couldn't feel the power of the law, but he could.

However, Han Fei was surprised that if it was the emperor who made the move, wouldn't it be a matter of a few slaps for Huang Ergou and Sha Laosan? How can they hang around for so long? And shouting for help?

At this moment, Wang Lanlan's voice sounded in Han Fei's mind: "Lord Han Fei, please take action to save Huang Ergou and Sha Laosan. If you really take action, I believe they will submit. The extremely talented generation is the best among the pure-blooded beasts, and has top talent inheritance."

Han Fei didn't respond, but he saw that the claws were like phantoms, and the mining speed soared several times again.


Although Wang Xiaojiu was digging a hole in anger, he still glanced at Han Fei in astonishment, and exclaimed while digging, "Xiao Juejue, how did your digging speed become so fast?"

Han Fei ignored Wang Xiaojiu, this was his fastest hole punching speed. Of course, he can walk above the sand sea, with the Navigation Vientiane, even if there is no trace of the hole made by Sha Laosan before, he can still find that place.

However, above the sand sea, there is a storm. According to Wang Lanlan, there are many wind monsters in the storm, which will hinder his progress.

Therefore, instead of taking them directly over the sand sea, it is better to make a hole.

After all, this mine had already been dug by Sha Laosan. Although it collapsed, it was dozens of times better than if it had not collapsed. Moreover, the Huang Ergou's voice could be transmitted, indicating that the distance to the place was very close, and there was no need to walk over the sand sea.

After only twenty breaths, Huang Ergou was working hard to dig a hole, only to hear a "bang", the mine was penetrated, and he saw Wang Xiaojiu, Wang Lanlan, and Yu Jue.

It was the first time that Han Fei saw Huang Ergou, and he was speechless. He thought that this look was different from the bruised and bruised loess dog.

Huang Ergou didn't have time to reminisce, but immediately turned back and ran, shouting: "Quickly save Sha Laosan, he was taken away by an ancient emperor who turned into a crystal of a god. But the ancient strong There is only a remnant of the soul left, madly not sober, Sha Lao San's spirit is resisting, but it shouldn't last long."

Han Fei was speechless when he heard the words: "I was taken away?"

Wang Xiaojiu was also horrified: "Ancient emperor?"

Wang Lanlan: "What about a fart?"

Huang Ergou: "If you can fight, then the ancient emperor only suppressed Huang Ergou by the law. Although the remnant soul is taking the house, but because it is crazy, so the speed is not fast, Sha Laosan can resist. Let's make Sha Laosan and The sun gods of the ancient emperors were beaten out, and they were forcibly separated."


It was too late, it was fast, the road behind was already opened by Huang Ergou, so Han Fei and the others arrived in an instant.

When everyone looked closely, it turned out to be a mine without desertification.

Huang Ergou: "It's inside, this mine has been deserted by Sha Laosan. Let's work together."

This time, Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan didn't speak, and Wang Lanlan wasn't lazy anymore, so he made the move with all his strength.


I saw the outer wall of the mine burst with a bang, and the place that had already been sanded by Sha Laosan was broken down again. And because of the strong bombardment of the four people, the space that was penetrated was hundreds of meters in size.

At this time, Han Fei saw that the long beast that looked a bit like a mouse, with three red eyes, was not struggling like Huang Ergou said.

At that time, Huang Ergou froze in his heart, and said in awe, "It's over, it's too late."

And when the big mouse saw Han Fei and the others, it didn't say what Huang Ergou said, he was crazy. I just heard him say: "I, how dare you come back? Four Great Perfections. I just slept for too long and needed strength to replenish. Contribute all your life stars!"

"Contribute your dog's head."

Wang Xiaojiu burst into peak speed in an instant, the cat's paw buckled, the sword light bloomed, and five Dao locks appeared on his body, without any scruples, all of them were broken.

The same is true for Wang Lanlan, a road lock broke in response.

Han Fei didn't need to stop, because Yu Jue had just advanced to the Great Perfection.

However, the next moment, the void began to distort, and suddenly the power of the law came. Han Fei only saw a sword condensed in the void. It was not the power of the avenue, but the sword of the law.


"bang bang bang~"

I only saw that Wang Xiaojiu's cat claws were completely cut off by a sword, and Wang Lanlan was even worse, and one hand was cut off by a sword.

As for Huang Ergou, let's not talk about it. Originally, he was covered in bruises and wounds, and it seemed that it took a lot of effort to run, so his body was almost cut into two pieces.

Only Han Fei, when the sword of the law fell on Han Fei, only heard the sound of "clang", but he was not able to cut back Han Fei half a step.

Wang Xiaojiu also looked at Han Fei in astonishment. With such a sword, you took half a step back! Although most of the power was blocked by me, the remaining power is not weak! Why can't Xiao Jue stop it?


At this moment, the big mouse looked at Han Fei and was slightly stunned: "Can you block the power of my law? But so what, this person is now barely guarding the soul with the soul-suppressing artifact, at most thirty breaths, he will I was obliterated by me. How can you save me?"

While listening to Wang Lanlan shouting: "Lord Han Fei..."


I just heard Han Fei sighing, and he said: "Originally, I really didn't plan to take action. But that's all, it seems that the third Sha Laosan is still saved, so let's try it! But the prestige of the emperor, Wan If I am not invincible, there is nothing I can do.”

I saw that with a flick of Han Fei's finger, a drop of water condensed into a water-shaped long sword in mid-air. Above this sword, the rhythm of Dao was vertical and horizontal, the killing intent was full, and the golden light was dazzling.

Yes, kill the gods, invincible road ~www.readwn.com~ return to the road and return to the sword.

But seeing Wang Xiaojiu and Huang Ergou immediately stunned, Huang Ergou's dog eyes glowed. Wang Xiaojiu's eyes were round and round, so special, is it Xiao Juejue?

And the ancient emperor who occupied Sha Laosan, his expression changed slightly, and he slashed back with the same sword.


This mine collapsed directly, and the terrifying impact directly hit the sand sea for thousands of miles. The top of everyone's heads, the sand sea collapsed, and it hit the place into a depression.

The ancient emperor was astonished: "How can the Great Perfection be so strong. Could it be that in this life, the Kaitian realm is so strong?"

On the other hand, Han Fei raised his mouth slightly: "The body is not your own, you have not succeeded in winning the body, with a wisp of remnant soul, one method, you want to suppress me. Oh, I'm sorry to tell you, I am in the same realm. Invincible, in your current state, you are no different from a Muggle?"

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Two in one, ask for tickets...

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