God of Fishing

Chapter 2628: Sand Sea Wind Snake (2 in 1)

Han Fei didn't know whether to explain to him that Sha Laosan was so quick to change the name of Shaer.

However, he thought about it for a while, sand sables should be sand sables! I don't know him very well, and it's a waste of name, do I want to use my surname? Calling Han Diao seemed to be more stride than Sand Diao, so he just let him go.

After being healed by the divine apocalypse, it took half a day for the sand mink to recover to its peak state. After all, it is a four-way lock-level powerhouse. Without causing irreversible trauma, the resilience is still very terrifying.

After half a day.

Han Fei: "Since you all already know my identity, I won't hide it from you. Naturally, I'm not here to hunt for treasure. I'm going to the most central area of ​​Storm Ridge. Have any of you been there?"

"The most central?"

Several people were stunned.

Wang Lanlan was stunned. She didn't even know that Han Fei's trip had a purpose. She thought that Han Fei was coming to subdue the line of beasts, but when she found out that she knew Da Luoluo, she simply gave up.

I just heard Wang Lanlan say: "Lord Han Fei, the center of Storm Ridge is not a place where you can set foot in the open sky, and none of us have been there. There have been beasts in the open sky before, but no one has ever been there. If you can come out alive, it will become a forbidden place later."

Wang Xiaojiu also said: "I can't enter! We don't know what the center of Storm Ridge looks like, but we are still in the outer area of ​​Storm Ridge. Although it is dangerous, we can still explore. It will go to the sea of ​​storm quicksand, which is a place where you can't get in and out."

"Storm Quicksand Sea?"

When Han Fei heard the name, he was inexplicable for a while. He could understand the quicksand sea, but what happened to the storm and quicksand sea?

Just listen to the sand mink: "The so-called storm quicksand sea means that it is not an ordinary quicksand sea, if the entire quicksand sea, if the current is moving, and the movement is extremely violent, it is like a quicksand storm, with a very wide range. , and there are no dead ends, no matter where you come from, you can't get around. In my fierce beast lineage, there were emperor-level powerhouses who entered and then came out. It is said that in the storm and quicksand sea, there are a large number of gregarious mine monsters, although they are also composed of It’s made of concentrate, but it’s made of concentrate and gravel. It’s hard to kill. Once surrounded by these ore monsters, the Heaven-Opening Realm will probably die.”

Han Fei frowned slightly: "So, even if your ferocious beasts have been guarding outside the Storm Ridge all the year round, but few people have entered the Storm Quicksand Sea?"

Huang Ergou: "Lord Han Fei, I spent a period of time outside the stormy quicksand sea, where the smell was mixed, in addition to the common gregarious mine monsters, I suspect there are more terrifying mine monsters. When it was opened, even the emperor-level powerhouses have fallen a lot. Our beast lineage can safely emerge from the storm and quicksand. At present, there are no more than 100 people. Most of them only enter the most marginal areas, and The time to stay is very short. Because if you stay for a long time, you will be caught in a storm, and you will be swept into the depths, and you will not be able to find your way at all.”

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said so exaggeratedly, it seems that this stormy sea of ​​quicksand is indeed not an easy place. But if you think about it, if the center of Storm Ridge is really the place where the devil fell, then the danger is certain. How can ordinary people set foot on the land where the gods have fallen?

Just like the battlefield left over from the battle at the Open Heaven Realm, under the Sea Opening Realm, there are basically not many people who can walk in and come out alive.

Han Fei said indifferently: "Apart from the gregarious mine monsters and the suspected terrorist mine monsters in the storm quicksand sea, what else is special or dangerous."

Just listen to a few people in unison: "Lost."

Wang Lanlan: "It's very easy to get lost in the stormy quicksand sea. The wind there hides the power of the law. Once swept in by the storm, if you don't have special means, you can't find the way out. Where is the quicksand, the hidden power? The law. Once lost in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand, it means endless battle and endless danger.”

Wang Xiaojiu also quickly added: "There is also the law of wind and the law of power itself. Perhaps the power of the law in the sea of ​​storm quicksand is not particularly strong, but under the erosion of the power of the law all the year round, the rotating quicksand there can be hard. Scraping the powerhouses of Huaxing Great Perfection to death. Da Luoluo once said that the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm can last up to three days in the storm and quicksand sea. And falling, but it will definitely drop in combat power because of extreme mental exhaustion. Once the mental strength is completely unbearable, once it sinks in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand, falling is the only way back."

Han Fei: "Can't you leap from the sky?"

Everyone shook their heads again and again, only to hear Wang Lanlan say: "Those who can't fly over, the storm and quicksand sea has another characteristic, he will **** the power of the heaven and earth here, there, it is not impossible to force the sky, but it will consume a lot of himself, In this case, if the Great Perfectionist cannot last for a day or even half a day, he has to fall into the sea of ​​quicksand, and at that time, you will be exhausted, and you will no longer be able to cross the danger in the quicksand of the storm."

Han Fei looked calm: "What else?"

Wang Xiaojiu: "No, I know so much."

Wang Lanlan: "This is the information we currently know about the Storm Quicksand Sea."

Han Fei thought in his heart that it is common sense to be unable to leap, otherwise it would be easy to fly over, what is it called a forbidden place?

As for the sense of direction, Han Fei felt that if he had a marine vientiometer, he should not get lost. Just like in the violent hurricane, the Navigation Vientiane still has the ability to point accurately.

As for the law of wind and the law of strength, this is a problem, but now that he has Xinghai Xuansha body protection, it can be said that attacks below the emperor level may not be able to break his defense at all. Therefore, the ordinary mine monsters in the storm quicksand sea, even the gregarious mine monsters, should not be able to kill themselves. Of course, although you can't rush to kill yourself, you will definitely create obstacles yourself.

Finally, now that the strength of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai has become stronger, there are also many ways to resist the power of this storm. The crux of the problem lies in what Huang Ergou said, that there may be terrifying ore monsters in the stormy quicksand sea.

If you meet an emperor-level mine demon, are you an opponent? If it's just Taoism, it's a little bit better. I have a lot of cards now. Those who are just entering the Taoist realm should be able to fight. Of course, if it is the kind that has been in the Taoist realm for a long time, it is still difficult to say.

However, where is the safe place in this world? He grew up so big, didn't he come all the way dangerously? As the saying goes, when the soldiers come, they will block it, and the water will cover it with the earth. Even if he really encounters a strong Taoist realm, borrowing the power of the puppet city himself is not without the power of a battle.

Of course, this is an extreme situation. If possible, Han Fei will not fight in an unfamiliar place, an unfamiliar environment with an unknown emperor-level powerhouse, and it is more likely to run away.

Han Fei thought about the possible dangers, and quickly made a decision: "Go, go to the storm and quicksand sea. Then you can go back. There are some things that you don't need to help me."

But I heard Sand Sable say: "My subordinate Sand Sable, I would like to follow Han Fei into the stormy quicksand sea."

Han Fei: "That, Sand Sable! In the future, don't keep your mouth shut and you will be your subordinate Sand Sable. You...you can either call yourself your subordinate, you just need to know the name yourself."

The sand miner heard: "This subordinate understands, subordinate Sha... willing to follow the adults into the sea of ​​storm and quicksand."

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "What can you help me when you go? Since you all said, you should know the danger of the storm and quicksand sea. Going in blindly will not only not help him, but will get in the way."

Sand Sable: "Sir, my subordinates and the guardian of the heaven and earth Lingbao Sand have been integrated, and they can completely transform into a sand body."

Han Fei sneered: "I know that you have a heaven and earth spirit treasure, so you are not afraid that the power of the law in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand will blow you away? Don't argue, no matter how powerful your heaven and earth spirit treasure is, there are laws there. Wait for you someday. You can resist the power of the law, and I will take you without you saying it."

The sable's face turned red, he really had never tried to use the guardian of the sand to resist the power of the law. However, even if you don't try, you know that it will be very difficult, and whether it can help Han Fei is indeed a problem.

Wang Xiaojiu also echoed: "Okay, third child, to be honest, you enter the storm and quicksand sea, how many can you fight? You are gone after a round of mine monsters besieged you, or listen to the words of Han Fei, don't be arrogant."

Sand Sable's face turned serious: "Wang Xiaojiu, please call me Sand Sable in the future."

"Uh! Okay, sable."

Han Fei couldn't listen anymore, and urged: "Okay, since this treasure has also been found, the remnant soul of this ancient powerhouse has truly fallen. Go back to the sand sea over there, I also want to see, Fenghuan Inside, what kind of scene is it?"


"Clang clang ~"

Several people broke out of the ground, and as soon as they came to the surface of the sand sea, the wind whistled in their ears and made a loud noise. The concentrated ore sand and gravel, a strong storm, like hundreds of millions of swords, hit everyone.

No, with the exception of Han Fei, the others all protected their bodies with the energy of fairy spirits.

In addition to the fact that the storm itself has almost formed an endless wind knife, the flying gravel, because of its speed is too fast, scraping on people, like marbles filled with the gas of Gengjin, one or two such bombs There is nothing wrong with the bead being shot on the body, but in this wind circle, every moment, thousands of grains of concentrate sand hit the body.

With that kind of strength, once the peak of the open sea enters, I am afraid that it will be shot into a hornet's nest in an instant, and then the flesh will melt, and in the end, the bones will not be able to stay. Kaitianjing is the basic admission qualification. And if you want to not be affected by such a storm, you can fight freely in it, and your strength is not as high as Huaxing, and you can't do it at all.

Therefore, just as soon as it appeared, Han Fei understood that a place like the wind circle must at least be qualified to enter the star realm. Otherwise, if he dared to enter in the early days of the Open Heaven Realm, the wind demon here should be able to kill him easily.

No wonder, Storm Ridge is described as so dangerous. No wonder not many people enter the wind circle to practice. I am afraid that if you want to practice in the wind circle, you must have the ability to resist such rage for a long time.

And there are very few people who have this qualification, let alone practice in the wind circle for a long time.

In addition to the power of the storm itself, because the raging wind is too strong, the perception is simply spread out. Once the perception leaves the body, it will be blown away by the storm immediately. Although Han Fei didn't feel the power of law in this storm, he clearly felt the power of the Wind Road.

The perception can't be released, let alone how many connections can be established with the natal stars. If you want to enter the star of life, that is nonsense, and you can't enter this state at all. As soon as the entrance appeared, it would immediately be shattered by the wind and gravel.

And this is just the periphery of Storm Ridge.


I don't know if Han Fei's luck is too good. He just came out when he saw a blurry figure hidden in the storm in the sand sea hurricane, like a gleam of light, swept towards Han Fei from the sand and dust mist.

In this sandstorm where the perception can't be spread out and the vision is extremely unclear, the danger level of the mine monster has to be improved by a rank.

However, no matter how strong the mine demon is, and the right time and place, it cannot close the gap between realm and strength.

I only saw Han Fei clasping one hand, and the surrounding storm collapsed for a while. Looking at it again, Han Fei had grabbed the tail of a wind snake with a big hand in the air.

However, in his eyes, information emerged.

【Name】Sand sea wind snake

[Introduction] The sand sea wind snake formed by the condensed sand and gravel of the concentrate is born with the road to the wind. The sand sea wind snake can change the shape of the snake at will, with wings like blades, it can absorb the power of concentrate, cut artifacts, and cut open the sky.


[Quality] Level 5 Mine Demon

[Boundary] The late stage of Huaxing

[Combat skills] Wings of the wind, cut wind scales, hidden weather and sand

[Collectable] Grade 5 Concentrate Gravel


[Remarks] The Sand Sea Wind Snake can hide in the wind and turn into sand grains. If you want to kill it, you must kill the soul with one blow.

This information only appeared in the blink of an eye in front of Han Fei's eyes, and he saw the body of the sand sea wind snake spread out and turned into sand, trying to escape.

However, Han Fei's speed was faster, and he saw his fingers like swords, and at a point in the void, the sword cut through the sand.


In the storm, thunder and lightning flashed, heralding the fall of this sand sea wind snake. As for the Promise Concentrate Gravel, this thing is not easy to collect. In an instant, half of it was blown away by the storm, and Han Fei reached out to catch it, but only caught half of it.

However, to Han Fei's surprise, all the remaining grade-5 concentrates were swallowed up by Huang Ergou's mouth.

After finishing this, he smiled at Han Fei to show his favor.

It's not that Han Fei cares about the fifth-grade concentrate, it's just that he wants to study the lower wind demon.

I saw that Han Fei squeezed it casually, and the fifth-grade concentrate gravel in his hand was squeezed into a ball, like a stone, and threw it to Huang Ergou.

The latter didn't dislike it either. He opened his mouth to swallow the fifth-grade concentrate and shouted, "Thank you, Lord Han Fei, for the reward."

Just listen to Han Fei: "No wonder the beasts are mostly guarding the outside of the stormy sea. If you want to practice in this stormy sea, it is not easy to collect these concentrates."

Huang Ergou and Wang Lanlan's combat power is relatively low among the four, so seeing Han Fei grabbing it casually and pointing it out, he killed the Sand Haifeng Snake in the late stage of Huaxing, and he couldn't help secretly. Taking a breath, this Lord is really strong! Even within the wind circle, killing the late stage is just like pinching an ant to death.

Wang Xiaojiu and Sha Diao are not too surprised. Wang Xiaojiu has seen the horror of Han Fei's outbreak. It is a metamorphosis that can shake the blood-hand fist god, so is it not natural to kill a sand sea wind snake?

Sand Sable also took it for granted. Ever since Han Fei saved him, he began to worship Han Fei, not only because Di Que was his gifted soul beast. But he experienced the pain of being beaten by Han Fei. At that time, the emperor-level remnant tried to resist, but he was crushed from the beginning to the end, and there was no chance of winning.

Therefore, the sand mink at the moment did not see Han Fei as a star transformation at all. In his eyes, Han Fei's strength is generally the same as that of a strong proving Daoist.


After Han Fei killed the Sand Sea Wind Snake, the sound of the wind suddenly became loud in Han Fei's ears, accompanied by the sound of the soul sprinting. I saw him step over, and his feet were a little on the surface of the sand sea. Suddenly, rolling ripples oscillated in the sand sea, and he saw that a large snail with concentrated ore was stepped out.

This foot directly smashed the carapace of the big snail.

Wang Lanlan and the others followed, and she explained: "Lord Han Fei, this is the sounding snail in the sand sea. He likes to bury his body in the sea of ​​sand and wait for time to hunt. But the sound of the gong in the sand sea is not very dangerous, it is a little dangerous. One point is the wind snail, this snail can condense the power of the storm, form a concentrated ore snail shell on the body surface, and the force field of wind. The defense is amazing, even if you want to kill a wind snail at the Dzogchen level, you need at least There are seven or eight tricks."

Wang Lanlan complimented Han Fei calmly, as if he was introducing, but Han Fei couldn't understand it, this was flattering. It means that everyone needs seven or eight moves, and Han Fei can destroy the enemy with one move, and his talent and strength are all worthy of admiration.

Of course, after entering the wind circle, it is impossible for Han Fei to shoot alone, otherwise what would he do with the four bodyguards?

After Han Fei killed two murderers in a row, Huang Ergou and Sha Laosan looked at each other and quickly took the initiative.

I have to say that the number of mine monsters in the wind circle is more than Han Fei imagined. He originally thought that the line of beasts guarded here all the year round, and the number of ore monsters killed should also be quite large.

But after he really set foot in this wind circle, Han Fei realized that the number of wind demons in the wind circle is far more than the puppet city of Puppet City. In the huge Storm Ridge, God knows how many mine demons of this level are there. .

At this moment, Han Fei took the lead, and Sand Sable and Huang Ergou took the initiative to kill four mine monsters at the late stage of Huaxing.

It's just that when others, including Wang Xiaojiu, were taking action, Wang Lanlan was holding a big clam and followed Han Fei all the way. Wherever Han Fei went, she went, and when Han Fei didn't do it, she didn't do it either. .

Han Fei: "Why don't you take the initiative?"

Wang Lanlan: "Lord Han Fei, I want to be by your side! To kill the wind demon or something, it is enough to have Huang Ergou and them. This is also an experience for them. I am responsible for chatting with you, Lord Han Fei. relieve boredom."


He saw Wang Xiaojiu "swipe" and rushed over, tilted his head and glanced at Wang Lanlan: "In terms of chatting level, Wang Lanlan, you are still far behind me. Lord Han Fei, I'll chat with you, I promise you Not boring."

Han Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't it a little too perfunctory for you two to be lazy?"

Wang Xiaojiu: "I'm not perfunctory! It's just that I already have five dao locks, and this rare opportunity to practice should be given to three of them! Especially Wang Lanlan, you lock each path one by one, why are you embarrassed to follow Han? What about the non-adults? You hurry up and open the way with the sand mink and the others."

Wang Lanlan: "I was the first to follow Lord Han Fei."

Wang Xiaojiu: "But you are the weakest! I will wait for Lord Han Fei to prove the Dao, and you are still a Dao lock, which is a bit outrageous. Besides, you don't have a boundless blood like me. Hey, not every pure blood. Ferocious beasts can lie flat."

Wang Lanlan: "…"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "How far is it from the Sea of ​​Storms and Quicksands?"

Wang Xiaojiu: "At our current speed, we still have about three days to go. The further back we go, the more wind demons will be in number and the stronger their strength will be. But basically they are all within the Kaitian realm, mainly in the later stage of the big stage. Level 1. Although the number of Dzogchen is large, it is relatively scattered. The wind circle is so large that the chances of us encountering it are not high. If we go down this road, we can meet one or two hundred. No, it can't be compared with the mine monster."

Han Fei's face turned cold: "If that's the case, what nonsense, the four of you will go together, and the three-day journey will be reduced to one and a half days. That's the decision, otherwise I will take you into the storm and quicksand sea. Believe me, I can To do this, after all, the storm and quicksand sea is a road to death, isn't it?"

"Brush brush~"

The next moment, he saw Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan disappear beside him.

Wang Xiaojiu shouted, "Er Goudan, I'll help you."

Wang Lanlan: "Sable, if you and I join forces, it will be more efficient..."

Han Fei shook his head slightly, wondering if it was a wise decision to accept Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan. It's really going to be a life-and-death situation, I'm afraid these two can turn their heads and run away?

"It seems that in the future, Huang Ergou, Yu Jue, and Sand Mink will need to be cultivated more. They are simple, loyal, and hardworking. Under the same realm, they will definitely be better than these two lazy people."

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