God of Fishing

Chapter 2635: The Devil's Request, The Mystery of the Soul Sea (2 in 1)

Liu Qiansi was yelled at by Han Fei, so frightened that she didn't dare to speak again, not to herself, who was she talking to? Is it the one behind him?

However, Han Fei's question did not get a response.

Han Fei continued: "This is a road that can only be moved forward. Although it will be distorted, it will lead to death. Therefore, there is a way to survive. Since there is a way to survive, I can understand that this is a test. right?"

There was still no voice to answer Han Fei, and Han Fei's footsteps did not stop, but instead accelerated a little, and said: "If this is a test, what you want is definitely not a dead person. Along the way, I have seen a lot of distorted mine monsters. I believe that this is also a failure in your practice, so if you want to seek my body, it is definitely not a distorted body. So I guess, this is an illusion, Although this illusion is so realistic, even I myself feel that I have indeed been distorted."

The more Han Fei said, the brighter the smile on his distorted face, and finally he heard him say: "So, what I have seen is all to confuse my Dao heart. If Dao heart is disturbed, it is not useful. It's hard to make a big deal. Look at me now, how's it going?"

I only saw a glint in Han Fei's eyes. The next moment, his distorted face gradually became normal, and then his whole head returned to normal. Then, the body and limbs returned to their normal form.

At this time, Han Fei had also reached the center of the giant's eyebrows, and the time was just right, just the time for a stick of incense.


The deafening roar seemed to explode in Han Fei's ear. In front of him, a door of light suddenly appeared, and Han Fei stepped into it.

When Han Fei stepped into this door, Liu Qiansi fell into a deep sleep and was directly suppressed by force majeure. At this time, it was no different from an ordinary stick.

Han Fei thought that entering this door was only the first step, and there would definitely be other tests later.

However, when he came in, he was surprised to find that there was a beating heart floating here.

No information appeared in his eyes, indicating that the demon refining pot could not see through this object now, or that the object was not within the identification range of the demon refining pot.

When Han Fei saw the heart, a thick voice finally sounded in Han Fei's ear: "If the Tao's heart is disordered, you will really be distorted and irreversible."


Han Fei didn't feel any surprise because someone spoke. As early as when he guessed that this was just a test, he was already mentally prepared to see the gods.

However, when he heard that Dao's heart would really be distorted if he was in chaos, he was immediately scared, and a cold sweat broke out behind him.

You know, when he walked the first few steps, seeing his body distorted, Han Fei was actually panicked. At that time, it was the time when Dao Xin was the easiest to loosen.

Han Fei restrained his mind and cupped his hands: "Senior, are you... a demon god?"

Just listen to the voice and say: "It's me... I have waited for you for 1.8 million years, and finally, I have waited."

Han Fei: "..."

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good. What kind of thing, 1.8 million years ago, he was not even such a small tadpole at that time.

Seeing Han Fei's sluggish expression, his voice lingered: "I didn't expect that there are people born with dual veins in this world, and God shouldn't have given birth to you!"

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei looked stunned and said, "What do you mean by this, Senior Demon God?"

The voice of the Demon God was leisurely: "The veins of human beings, the veins of all things, are determined by heaven. If heaven has two veins, it can control yin and yang, combine water and fire, and walk without distance... There is no distinction between righteousness and evil, gods and demons. Those with double veins go against the sky, Heaven does not allow it. Therefore, born with dual veins, among the billions of beings, it is hard to find one, and it is also premature."

Han Fei probably understood. According to the meaning of the devil, he is a dual-meridian, but he has too much Dao?

Han Fei said respectfully, "Senior please clarify your doubts."

The deep voice of the devil does not have much sense of distance and the majesty of being a god, but calmly said: "To put it bluntly, people with dual veins are not allowed to be in heaven and earth. Life will be magnanimous and twists and turns, often wandering on the edge of life and death, and it is difficult to grow up. Like you, it is already a miracle that you have reached the perfect state of Huaxing. However, even so, your road will be more and more difficult. Especially the emperor's robbery, Tiandao may spare no effort to destroy you ."

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Senior Demon God, could it be that Tiandao is still afraid of me? What is the purpose of sparing no effort to destroy me?"

Demon God: "I'm afraid it's going to reverse the yin and yang, I'm afraid that you will confuse the way of heaven, and I'm afraid that you will change the day. But... the way of heaven is a piece of shit, and it seems to be profound, but in fact it encounters an unstoppable evil. It's useless. Boy, you are very good, worthy of my many years of waiting."

Han Fei's heart was a little nervous: "Senior, what are you waiting for me to do?"

Demon God: "To be precise, I'm not waiting for you, I'm waiting for someone who can walk the path of extreme balance. This path was created by me, but it hasn't reached the extreme. There are flaws in the practice itself. You should be aware of this flaw."

Han Fei: "Distortion."

Demon God: "Extreme balance can also be understood as a bipolar way. For those who can be extreme, it is the extreme to seek the ultimate. Spirit and strength will only grow and develop together, and it is difficult to advance together. Although I have been concentrating on making up for this defect for millions of years, but in the end, I have only opened up some choices within the rules of heaven, and cannot be perfect. Only those who are born to walk this way, but after all, they cannot do this. Road to the end."

Han Fei's mouth trembled: "Can this defect be made up?"

Demon God: "Artificial dual veins, twins, and multiple personalities can barely go down this path. Of course, you can also give up the path of extreme balance and switch from bipolar to unipolar, which is equally powerful, but this is only the last step. Guarantee, only those who can’t go on will go this way.”

"Can people create dual veins?"

Han Fei's eyes widened, this was outrageous, Tianmai was destined, otherwise Tianmai wouldn't be called Tianmai. But the devil said that it could be done, which made Han Fei feel outrageous.

The devil's voice lingered: "When the manpower is limited, the artificial veins will eventually have a limit and cannot evolve. This is a disadvantage. Once the bottleneck of this vein is reached, unless you continue to create stronger new veins, you can continue to practice this way, otherwise it will be difficult to continue. ."

Han Fei was puzzled: "Is there no limit to the sky pulse?"

Demon God: "No, the Heaven Vessel bears the power of the heavens and the earth, and every time a calamity is crossed, there will be a qualitative change. It can also be forcibly improved by assimilating the blood Vessel. But the Human Creation Vessel has this characteristic, and this is the difference."

Han Fei thought to himself, it seems that he was born with dual veins, which is indeed very meaningful, as if it was a bug that stuck in the way of heaven.

However, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: "Senior Demon God, you just mentioned multiple personalities. Outside guarding this place, there are seven divine spiders and seven personalities. She is..."

Demon God: "Multiple personalities, you can use the power of personality to transform each other's soul and power. The Seven Absolute God Spiders you mentioned, I gave her insight, and realized the way of extreme balance on her own. It's like fur. But I haven't passed on her skills. It’s just because multiple personalities can be practiced in the early stage, but once you become a god, you need to slay demons and cut off your negative. This cut will cut off the balance, and once the balance is broken, distortion is inevitable.”

"So that's the case! So the real reason for your self-sealing, Senior Demon God, is to cut off the negativity?"


He was a little surprised to hear this demon god: "Do you know that I have multiple personalities?"

Han Fei hurriedly said: "The younger generation is now in charge of the puppet city, and I got a glimpse of this news from some ancient secrets."

Han Fei didn't mention the Fifth Senior Brother. Although the Demon God and the Fifth Senior Brother should not know each other, there is no need to expose it, right?

"Puppet City! It seems that you are the descendant that Xuanwu is looking for. Xuanwu should still be trapped in the sea of ​​gods and demons, right?"

Han Fei: "Emperor Xuanwu was indeed trapped in the sea of ​​gods and demons, but by chance, the younger generation inadvertently summoned the soul of Emperor Xuanwu by summoning. At first, he had no memory until I achieved the open heaven realm. , to the sea of ​​gods and demons, only then did his clone make sacrifices and made a brief contact with the main body in the sea of ​​gods and demons."

Han Fei didn't hide it, it's better to make this kind of thing clear. The old turtle and the others were trapped in the sea of ​​gods and demons, which means that he must have embarked on this road. Since he has embarked on this road, it means that the old turtle is one of the inheritors of the devil. As the founder of the way of extreme balance, should he come to the rescue?

The old turtle worked so hard, didn't he just want him to tell the devil this news?

The Demon God was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "It's hard for him. However, if he dares to say it, you dare to come? As the only person who can perfectly master the way of balance, you are not afraid that I will take you away and borrow you The body, to the extreme of this way?"

Han Fei's expression froze, feeling that his heart stopped for half a minute.

Although he believed in refining the demon pot, the refining of the demon pot was not complete after all, and it was hard to say whether it could stop a real **** from seizing the house. After all, in the past, when refining the demon pot, it was necessary to hide when encountering the Kaitian realm.

After Han Fei paused for a few breaths, he said, "Senior has been waiting for more than 1.8 million years, probably not just to wait for an uncertain opportunity to seize the body, right? Since the senior has mastered the method of creating veins, this at least means that Senior can now perfectly control the way of extreme balance. Senior is already a god, if I take away my body, I am afraid it will be another journey of cultivation. "


Only listening to the deep voice of the devil, he slowly laughed: "Boy, you are so euphemistic, are you trying to test me? But what you said is not too big of a problem. To become a god, it is not just a practice. It's not that you can become a **** by mastering the way of extreme balance. Everyone has their own path, and this path can only be walked by oneself, and others cannot. In front of you, there is only one ending, and that is to be taken away by me. But now, when I see you, I don't need it. Because, I have created a way to crack."


I saw that Han Fei suddenly widened his eyes and created a cracking method. Does this mean that this road can be walked perfectly?

But Han Fei thought about it, it shouldn't be! If the devil has created a way to break it, what are you waiting for? By directly cultivating Li Luoluo, his seal is not necessarily unbreakable, right?

You must know that Li Luoluo was originally the kind of arrogant powerhouse. He was one of the eight generals under Emperor Que in the past. Not to mention that he could become a god, but it should be no problem to become a great emperor.

Demon God: "You're thinking, since I have a way to crack it, why am I still here?"

Han Fei nodded. Naturally, this kind of thought could not be concealed.

I only listened to the devil's way: "Although I have created a method of cracking, I still need someone to help me to complete it. There is only one person who can perfectly walk the path of extreme balance. This step can be completed. This is also the meaning of my waiting."


Han Fei pointed to himself in disbelief. Why do you need someone like yourself in this last step?

Han Fei took a breath: "Dare to ask the seniors how to solve this method, how can the juniors help?"

But I heard the devil say: "I need you to go to the sea of ​​souls and do one thing for me."

"Senior has already ranked in the position of the gods, can't you go in this sea of ​​souls?"

Han Fei was stunned, thinking that this could be easy?

Demon God: "Do you know where the soul sea is?"

Han Fei shook his head, I really don't know, he can enter the soul sea, and he has entered it more than once. But that was in the past, and now the growth rate of Little Black and Little White, and the growth rate of Emperor Sparrow, can be completely independent of Soul Sea. Only when Han Fei thinks he can get out of the soul sea, he will go in. Under normal circumstances, he will not enter.

Because Han Fei found that with the improvement of strength, the primitive talent soul beasts in the soul sea also became stronger and stronger. Moreover, he always felt that whenever he appeared in the soul sea, he would be peeped by a force, so he was even more reluctant to go.

However, he heard the Demon God say: "The body is a mortal body, and the sea of ​​souls will never die. The sea of ​​souls is not a place for life to grow and nurture. The sea of ​​souls is the sea of ​​souls for all living beings. Even those people who you thought were beheaded to death, in fact, their souls were not really destroyed, but some returned to the soul sea. After returning to the soul sea, most of the souls will be purified and will forget all the memories of the previous life. , cause and effect. This huge sea of ​​souls moves with the way of heaven, and every time a creature is born in the world, a trace of it will be separated from this sea of ​​souls and become the soul of that creature."

Han Fei opened his mouth and said nothing. The Demon God's explanation of the soul sea directly subverted Han Fei's cognition. There may be countless people who have guessed that after death, where does the soul go? But until today, Han Fei got a clear answer, that is the soul sea.

But Han Fei hurriedly said: "What about the innate soul beast, the companion spirit?"

Demon God: "To answer this question, you must first know, where is the soul sea?"

Han Fei shook his head, how did he know this?

The devil chuckled: "The sea of ​​​​souls seems to be illusory, but in fact it is everywhere. Just like this world, where you change the scenery, there are thousands of creatures in this sea area, and there are thousands of kinds of creatures in that sea area. Soul sea. , the same is true. Generally, in reality, when someone falls, they will enter the nearest soul sea, and this soul sea corresponds to this area in reality. However, there are always exceptions to everything, and these exceptional soul bodies , even after being purified, in a short period of time, they will follow some previous life instincts and evolve into the form of their predecessors. This type of creature becomes a companion soul. However, a companion soul is not always a companion soul. , the companion spirits can also be separated from the soul sea for unknown reasons. Once the companion spirits find a new body, they will be born into reality and will become gifted beings, the so-called Tianjiao. While most other gods and souls , it is ordinary, and although it can be born in reality, it will be wiped out by everyone."

Hearing this, Han Fei wondered, "Then why don't we see humans or some humanoid races in the soul sea?"

Demon God: "The soul itself is also different, the difference lies in the spiritual imprint in the depths of the soul. Humans and humanoids are extremely ancient races, and in any era, there are their figures. My guess is, the human race or the humanoid race. Human race, their spirits are extremely complex, or they have inherited some inexplicable characteristics from ancient times, so they have never seen human race or humanoid creatures in the soul sea. Later evolution of human race or humanoid race does not count, their body is not human race or humanoid after all Human race, so it follows the general rules I said."

Demon God's explanation is already very transparent, which means that humans and humanoids are very special, and they themselves have the characteristics of not becoming companion spirits.

Back to the topic, Han Fei said in confusion: "Thank you, Senior Demon God, for clarifying the confusion, but the junior is still puzzled. Why is the senior's solution to me?"

Demon God: "A person has a connection, and a soul has a soul. The dual pulses of the human soul are also dual pulses. Moreover, one majors in the physical body, and the other majors in the spiritual soul, and the two pulses are in the same body, so they can cultivate my Tao. It is only the acquired veins, and only by creating new veins from the root can they be true dual veins. Before that, I have cut off the soul, sent it into the soul sea, and performed great techniques to avoid the purification of the soul sea."

Han Fei couldn't help being stunned: "That is to say, now, in the sea of ​​souls, there is a soul of yours."

The devil said lightly: "Yes, but there is a problem. Although I avoided the purification rules of the soul sea, my soul has become an alien in the soul sea, and is sealed by the soul sea. If my soul enters, Then the sea of ​​souls will recognize me as an alien and suppress me."

Han Fei was puzzled: "No one else? Does it have to be me?"

Demon God: "Otherwise, why do you think I should wait for a person born with dual veins. If you are born with dual veins, you will not be bound by the rules of heaven or even the rules of the soul sea at other times unless you are in a calamity. It is easy to send a part of the soul body in. It will be difficult to take out the divine soul. If someone else takes it, it will form a dual-vein pattern, which will be judged as alien by the rules, and will also be suppressed. Only you, the born dual-veined person, will attach the part of my divine soul to your soul. body, create an illusion, and deceive the rules of the soul sea, so that my soul can be brought out."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Then will I be judged as a three-meridian? Also suppressed?"

Demon God: "So, before you enter the sea of ​​​​souls, I will teach you the great art of hiding your spiritual veins, which can make you hide one of the spiritual veins, so that you can bring my soul body back."

"This is also possible?"

Han Fei thought that the gods were so omnipotent? In this world, there are such great arts.

Wait, Han Fei suddenly thought of a question, his own vein of eternal darkness seems to be naturally hidden!

But it was Han Fei's heart that moved: "Senior, can you tell that I have two spiritual veins?"

Demon God: "Of course you can, even if you don't have the ability to run the gods and demons, but the spirit of the fairy is secretly flowing in the spiritual veins, I can feel it."

Han Fei's heart moved again, but he said that it was the vein of eternal darkness in his body, which gradually turned into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before.


At this time, it was the devil's turn to be shocked, and he said in surprise: "Have you practiced the magic of hidden veins?"

Han Fei did not mention the name of the vein of eternal darkness, but said: "To tell the truth, Lord Demon God, the senior brother of the younger generation once gave a great technique to hide the veins, saying that it will be useful in the future."

The Demon God was a little unconvinced: "Who is your senior brother? Who would have this thing for normal people? Because normal people don't need to hide their spiritual veins at all."

This is what Han Fei is waiting for. You must know that the devil is a superpower at the level of the gods. If you cross the river and demolish the bridge, who will you cry with? People can kill themselves with a single thought. As for myself, I can only rely on this demon **** being a good person, and don't care about myself.

Otherwise, this demon **** will use up himself and kill him easily. He is the only one left in this world with dual veins, and he has no last threat.

Therefore, Han Fei deliberately asked the devil to ask.

I just listened to Han Fei: "I don't know senior, have you ever heard of the Void Temple?"


As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, there was a shock here, and Hong Zhong rang.

However, this change soon subsided.

Only to hear the voice of the devil sounded again: "You mean, you are a descendant of the Void Temple?"

Han Fei cupped his hands: "Senior Demon God, this junior is a contemporary descendant of the Temple of Void, who has traveled the world to experience."

Han Feixin said that since he knew about the Void Temple, it would be fine. If you know the Void Temple, you should know the power of the Void Temple. However, this is a god, and Han Fei is not sure if the senior brother can beat him.

Han Fei just suspected that after seeing Senior Brother Qinglong's demeanor and hearing Senior Sister Kagura's sermons. I think that the senior brother may also be a god. Who knows, the senior brother has never said his strength.

Although the gods fell in the twilight of the gods, it did not mean that there were really no gods in this world. I once expressed with the God of War that the gods are dead, but the God of War looked disdainful.

Therefore, Han Fei needs to gamble at this moment, and the gambler is also a god.

No, in front of the Demon God, Han Fei urged the Void Mark: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, help."

Han Fei also didn't know that in this place, the laws were chaotic, whether the senior brother could receive the news, but he had to try it.

Contrary to Han Fei's expectations, the senior brother returned almost in seconds. Immediately Han Fei was delighted, only to hear him say: "Senior brother, I met a god... blah blah blah..."

At this time, even if Han Fei knew that he was contacting his senior brother, he would not take action against him.

Because, if what the devil said is true, then he needs himself. I have waited for 1.8 million years to not kill myself at this time.

Senior Brother: "Devil? I know this person."

Han Fei: "Senior brother, I am afraid that he will cross the river and demolish the bridge."

Senior brother: "It's okay, brother will pay attention to your situation during this period of time. If he dares to take action, a new **** can be killed."

At that time, Han Fei's mentality exploded.

"Fuck, fuck, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fuck~"

Han Fei's heart was agitated, the senior brother is indeed a god, this is too awesome. Before, he always thought that the big brother was the emperor. But since seeing the demeanor of the Qinglong Senior Brother the Great, Han Fei has expressed some doubts about it.

Now, this is almost confirmed, making Han Fei not excited. Everyone else's family and teachers are great emperors, and even the Shendu Dynasty is a Dongwu emperor who suppresses the audience. But there are gods in my family, looking at the sea world, almost instantly kills a lot of forces.

After Han Fei was excited, suddenly, his heart moved again: "Senior brother, can this devil be included in my Void Temple? Can we suppress him?"

Senior Brother: "..."

?? Two-in-one, asking for tickets... Yesterday, Han Fei forgot to add the time of bloodline evolution in his personal data, and now he has added it. The blood of the Tianhai snail is eaten in the mine monster stream, ummm...



(End of this chapter)

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