God of Fishing

Chapter 2641: Ambush, Slay the Emperor (2 in 1)

Li Luoluo's method of asking for the ultimate balance will definitely fail, because even if she cuts off all her personalities, she can't actually cut her soul body into the sea of ​​​​souls like a demon, and then cast her soul veins.

Besides, other people's demon gods have two personalities, it's better to leave Luoluo, and seven-fold personalities, once they become gods, they won't be able to fight with themselves.

However, Han Fei said, "As a friend, I will find a way for you to switch from bipolar to unipolar, but not now, because now I don't know either."

Li Luoluo snorted: "That's not as strong as the bipolar way."

Han Fei smiled and said: "Not necessarily, it depends on how you look at this issue. If you get the time worm and the space straight worm, you can immediately become the emperor. After the emperor is how to become a god. If you take the path of extreme balance, maybe you can only stay in the realm of the emperor after all. But if you take the unipolar path, as long as you have no problem with your divine way, once you become a god, there will be no obstacles in the future."

Li Luoluo was speechless: "Look, it's easy for you to say, as if becoming a **** is as simple as that. Looking at the entire sea world, do you know where there are gods?"

Han Fei paused: "I don't know if there are gods, but I know that in the age of gods, it was called the age of gods because of the rise of gods. At that time, gods could be born in the sea world. Now , why not?"

Li Luoluo glanced at Han Fei in surprise: "You don't know?"

Han Fei was puzzled: "What should I know?"

Li Luoluo twitched the corners of his mouth immediately: "As the successor of the Void Temple, you don't even know why there are no gods now. Could it be that you think that no one can become a god?"


Han Fei was even more puzzled, and said stunned: "Isn't it, isn't it?"

Li Luoluo rolled his eyes: "Let me ask you, why couldn't even a king be born in the yin and yang days?"

Han Fei: "Naturally it's because of the existence of the divine eye... Could it be that the sea world also has the divine eye?"

Li Luoluo pouted: "It's not the eye of heaven, but after the end of the law, there will be no divine catastrophe in the sea world."


Han Fei's face was bewildered, how could it be said that there would be no more?

Han Fei hurriedly said: "There is no sea world, so why don't you go to Xinghai?"

Li Luoluo: "There is no Xinghai either."

"Ah this..."

Han Fei was dumbfounded: "No, I can still understand the sea world without me, but the Xinghai is boundless, how can there be no gods?"

Li Luoluo: "Because... Forget it, I don't want to tell you about it. This is a question that should be considered by the emperor-level powerhouse. When you go to Xinghai or become an emperor, you will naturally know. All I can say is that the problem lies in Xinghai, once the problem there is solved, the road to the divine way is opened up, there will be new gods in the sea world, and there will be more than one."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was quite curious, the sea world could not become a god, this was the first time he knew about it, and no one had ever mentioned it to him. He always thought that it was the end of the Dharma era, talent withered, and no one became a **** because their aptitude was not enough, their understanding was not enough, and their cultivation was not enough.

But now hearing Li Luoluo say this, Han Fei is completely out of line. What is this called? Does this mean that as long as Xinghai's problem is not solved, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to become a god?

But Han Fei quickly realized something. No wonder Li Luoluo has to take the path of extreme balance, because when there are no gods, there are still emperors who can match the existence of gods.

This kind of existence, in the age of godlessness, is equivalent to a god.

The God of War is like this, so is the Emperor Sparrow, and Li Luoluo also wants to be like this.

And Han Fei felt that if this was the case, he also belonged to this type. Facts have proved that there are still gods in this world, that is, the elder brother and the devil. They are true gods, which means that in the entire sea world, and even the entire Xinghai, they are the most peak existences, and they are unmatched extraordinary powerhouses.

Seeing that Han Fei was dumbfounded, Li Luoluo couldn't help reaching out and shaking it in front of Han Fei's eyes: "Hey, hey! Don't think too much, you're not even an emperor, so don't think about those who have or don't. I tell you, Longevity is easy, but a great emperor is difficult. There is still more waiting for you."

Han Fei slowly returned to his senses, and after more than ten breaths, he smiled slightly: "Alright, let's become the Great Emperor first."

"Oh! Return to the Dao, even if it is to prove the Dao, you have to guarantee that you can prove the Dao with your life. Okay, let's say it, I will send you five lovely pure-blooded beasts, and I will give you the instructions for the burial. Shenling is where. In return, you must at least give me a way to switch from bipolar to unipolar. As for other benefits, I haven’t thought about it yet, and I will ask you when I think about it.”

Han Fei: "I owe such a big favor right?"

Li Luoluo: "That's right, how long has the fierce beasts guarded Storm Ridge? Do you have any points in your heart? Do you think anyone can enter the Burial Shenling without my consent?"

"That's true."

Han Fei is not hypocritical, he just leaves the means that Luoluo is showing now, people can really kill you. If Li Luoluo is taking the path of extreme balance, then although the current state has not reached the level of the emperor, it may have already reached it in terms of strength.

If Li Luoluo is not allowed, I am afraid that even if the emperor is in person, he may not be able to be buried in Shenling, let alone others. In this regard, I really want to thank Li Luoluo.

Han Fei: "Okay! When I come out of the sea of ​​gods and demons, I will return to the boundless mining area again, and I will give you a way to switch to the unipolar path."


When Han Fei was about to leave the line of beasts, Liu Qiansi and Wang Xiaojiu had not returned.

After waiting for three full days, Han Fei didn't wait for anyone, so he was speechless. What did he think he was crawling on the ground? It's time to climb for three days!

Until, when Han Fei found these goods, Wang Xiaojiu and the others were taking Liu Qiansi touring the mountains and water, and Wang Xiaojiu and the others acted as guides.

After seeing Han Fei, Wang Xiaojiu and the other four were shocked, and Wang Lanlan was even more astonished: "Master Keke didn't stay with you for two more days?"

Han Fei: "Why do you keep me? Li Keke just wants to have a meal with me and chat casually."

"Just chatting?"

Wang Lanlan and the others couldn't help but raise their voices. Now they are extremely suspicious of Han Fei's casual chatter, but they have no evidence.

On the contrary, Han Fei said with a dark face: "I told you to come back early, but you are playing in the mountains and waters outside. Are you trying to rebel?"

Liu Qiansi looked at Wang Lanlan and the others, and Han Fei looked over with a speechless expression: "What is your expression?"

Wang Xiaojiu muttered: "Lord Han Fei, Lord Coco, just like this, let you go so easily?"

Han Fei: "Otherwise?"

Huang Ergou: "Master Coco, didn't you bully you?"

Han Fei: "Bullshit, Li Keke is still very well-behaved, why are you bullying me?"

Immediately, Wang Lanlan looked at each other and thought that Mr. Coco had changed his personality?

Han Fei didn't pay attention to this, he was very pressed for time now.

He only heard him say: "You guys, enter my destiny to cultivate. This time, follow me to leave the line of beasts, and let's go to the northern mining area."

Wang Xiaojiu exclaimed, "Go again."

Han Fei: "I didn't want you to fight, you rascal."

After a while, Han Fei and Liu Qiansi set foot on the northbound road, only to hear Liu Qiansi say: "Listen to them, Mr. Li Keke often seems to be in a bad mood, once she is in a bad mood. , it will unconsciously burst into some uncontrollable forces."

Han Fei touched his nose. Although he had already felt that Li Keke was a little wrong, at least he had not encountered Li Keke's strange state yet, except during the yin and yang days.

However, he didn't take it to heart, he just listened to him: "It's alright, stop chatting with these neurotics."

Liu Qiansi: "Then what are we doing now? Then Wang Xiao said that the last time you were in the northern mining area, you had a fight with the Great Emperor?"

Han Fei couldn't help but slightly raised his head: "Small meaning."

Liu Qiansi; "..."


Five days later.

After Han Fei and Liu Qiansi experienced more than 30 abnormal encounters, they finally left the western mining area. Although they did not see the old tortoise during this trip, but seeing the devil, the rewards were even greater. However, cooperating with the Demon God is somewhat like dancing with wolves.

Fortunately, this time there is a big brother to protect him. After that, it is better to do this kind of thing less. After all, it is the last word that one's strength is strong.

There are two paths out of the western mining area and towards the northern mining area.

One is to go directly to the northwest, and the other is to go in the direction of Baimeng City. But when I came, I reminded me that going directly to the northwest is not a good choice. In the boundless mining area, the positions occupied by the major forces are usually the safest. Except for these safe areas, the fact that other places are not occupied means that it is somewhat problematic.

For example, in this northwestern mining area, there are mountains and miasmas, which are shrouded in mist and miasma all the year round. It is said that the mysterious barrier has a very strong ecstasy effect, and even in some special places, the poison barrier is strong, and it will rot when it touches it. The mines there Demons also mostly have this characteristic. Moreover, there are also mine monsters in the Emperor Senior Realm. Although it is better than Storm Ridge, it is generally unnecessary to go in.

Actually, Han Fei is not afraid of places like this poison barrier. But where there is the Emperor Venerable Realm mine demon, there is something to say.

With his current state of bad luck, if he goes in, he will be 100% encountering the Emperor Venerable Realm Mineral Demon. It's better to go in the direction of Baimeng City. At least there are some emperors here in Baimeng City, but they are quite scattered. Moreover, there are not many powerful emperors who come to Baimeng City to temporarily sit in town. Without special circumstances, Xiaoyaojing will not run here.

Therefore, after making up his mind, Han Fei knew that although there was a great possibility of encountering the Emperor Venerable in Baimeng City, Liu Qiansi should be enough to deal with it.

Then, it was only an hour away from the western mining area.

When Han Fei and Liu Qiansi were rushing towards the border of Baimeng City without any scruples, suddenly, Liu Qiansi gave a low voice: "No, there is an ambush."

To be honest, Han Fei didn't perceive this ambush in advance. His current perception range is very large. If it is an ambush at the level of the Open Heaven Realm, he doesn't care at all.

However, it was a bit scary to hide from his perception as soon as he came up, which showed that the other party was not from the Open Heaven Realm at all, otherwise, no matter how much he hid, he would be able to find some clues.

Since it's not the Open Heaven Realm, it can only be the Emperor Venerable.


Almost at the same time, Han Fei felt the arrival of the three-layered rule. One is the law of power, the other is the true meaning of the law in kendo, and the other is a hallucinogenic law.

The three-layered law came out at the same time, and then a sword light struck hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, and a sword stabbed into Han Fei's heart.

However, Liu Qiansi's reaction was not slow. Dozens of green silks rolled into ivy, and they also stabbed the sword straight.

Han Fei: "Don't!"

Before Han Fei could finish speaking, he saw Liu Qiansi's ivy explode instantly and was crushed to pieces.

Gu "How is it possible!"

Liu Qiansi was inexplicably shocked. He didn't feel how strong this blow was! Why can you crush your own attack so easily?

I just heard Han Fei: "Stupid, Jian Xiu is the heaviest slaughter, and the law of sword intent is not something you can't stop with a few blue threads."

The next moment, although he failed to block the sword, Liu Qiansi's blow also drained 50% of the opponent's strength. With this buffering time, Liu Qiansi shot again, and three ivy beat the sword, which was enough to break the sword.


Behind Han Fei, came a fist, a mighty fist, followed by a white cloud, which was an explosive blow from the sky. However, Sanqian Liusi was seen in the shape of a sharp knife, protecting Liu Qiansi and Han Fei inside.


The power of this fist mark swept past the edge of the blue silk strangely, and only less than 20% of the power penetrated in. This amount of power may be able to hurt other Dao Lock-level powerhouses, but it can't hurt Han Fei.

This person, Han Fei, doesn't care. Liu Qiansi is in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand, and competes with the avenue of power every day, so she is the most familiar with the avenue of power.

Only the last person was the one that Han Fei paid the most attention to. He only heard him say to Liu Qiansi, "Pay attention to your heart."

Liu Qiansi: "My soul power is extremely high."

However, in the next moment, Liu Qiansi was stagnant, as if she was brought into an illusion by some kind of force.


Han Fei took action without hesitation and stole the hallucinogenic power. That is, after the power was stolen by him, the demon refining pot shook and automatically dissipated the power, and Liu Qiansi was also because of this. recover.

Han Fei quickly transmitted a voice: "Let you pay attention, do you think it is still in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand? There are all mine monsters without consciousness, but there is no weak person who can prove the Tao in the outside world."

Liu Qiansi was stunned, she didn't even know how she got it, is this a practitioner from the outside world? All are great! It's just that he can still understand when he encounters the mine demon in the emperor's realm, why do these cultivators in the emperor's realm also find Han Fei?

Don't say Liu Qiansi was wondering, Han Fei himself was confused.

He is confident that his whereabouts are definitely a secret. The only people who knew it were Li Luoluo, Liu Qiansi, and Wang Xiaojiu, so there was no reason for this ambush!

He didn't think that Li Luoluo would reveal his whereabouts. There were so many things that Li Luoluo needed to count on himself. What was the point of revealing his whereabouts? It doesn't do him any good either.

Could it be that Wang Xiaojiu, the big mouth, was talking nonsense? This is possible. After getting rid of this war, this guy must be brought out for a trial.

But at this moment, relying on Liu Qiansi alone is probably not enough. Liu Qiansi is very good, but among the three, she can only pick one at most. Once the fighting time is long, Liu Qiansi's fighting style will inevitably be found by others.

Moreover, these three people may not have used their full strength at present. If they really want to fight, even if they make a shot themselves, they may not be able to retreat completely.

At this moment, the three of them had no success in one round of attacks, so they were not in a hurry to shoot immediately.

Originally, they just wanted to catch Han Fei by surprise, or to abolish Han Fei first. Unexpectedly, there is actually a demon plant protector of the Emperor Senior Realm beside this guy.

But they didn't care either. After a round of confrontation, they basically had a preliminary understanding of Liu Qiansi's strength.

At this moment, the three of them formed a triangular encirclement, enclosing Han Fei and Liu Qiansi.

However, Han Fei was the first to ask: "I'm really curious, how did you know my whereabouts? Logically speaking, this is impossible."

But he heard a sneer from the strong man with fists: "There are so many impossible things in this world, Ren Tu, right? Hand over the puppet city and we will stop immediately."

Han Fei looked indifferent: "What if I don't?"

He just listened to the man: "Boy, you only have a Taoist guardian of the Taoist realm, do you think you can still get away today?"

Han Fei: "Since you know that I am the master of the puppet city, you should know that I have a large number of puppets to use. If you want to take me down today, you are not afraid to bring yourself in? After all, it is not easy to prove the Tao."

But listening to the female emperor who has hallucinogenic laws chuckled lightly: "It's quite individual, but there are no experts in your puppet city. What do you use to let us in?"

Han Fei narrowed his eyes, the Demon God's words were inaccurate! What about the difficulty level of Open Heaven Realm at the beginning? This is why he has just left the line of beasts.

If you started with the strength of Emperor Senior Realm at the beginning, then in fact, it seems that there is no need to keep it. Because Kaitianjing didn't show up at all.

Just listen to the voice transmission: "Later, you brew a powerful attack, I will make her lose her mind for a short time, staring at this woman to kill, let's join forces and kill one first."

Liu Qiansi was surprised: "You finally gave up?"

Han Fei: "I can't help it, because I found that it's the same whether I make a move or not."

Just listen to the woman: "In this case, is it really okay for the two of you to discuss **** me? Ren Tu, right? I know you have the means to become stronger in the short term, but you have to think clearly, once If you didn't kill me, it might be you who died."

Han Fei looked horrified: "You can actually hear it?"

I just heard the woman say, "Otherwise, what do you think the emperor is?"


The woman was about to laugh at Han Fei, but she saw Liu Qiansi and Han Fei burst out suddenly, and their actions were surprisingly consistent.

Han Fei ran the avenue, and his strength skyrocketed in an instant. A fist of silence blasted out. Liu Qiansi came out at the same time, and instantly penetrated the void and appeared behind the woman. As far as speed is concerned, the two are already very fast. Han Fei even burst out more than thirty times the speed of light.

But this was the case, the woman took ten steps back, and a handbell rang on her hands.

"Jingle Bell."

The next moment, Han Fei saw that there were thousands of women in front of him, and each woman was shaking a bell.

And the power that Han Fei Liu Qiansi blasted out was indeed fierce. The strong sword cultivator came with his sword, waved his hand, the sea surged behind him, and the wave made a sword, slashing at Han Fei.

Liu Qiansi was stunned, thousands of green silks intertwined, turning into green vines to resist. Even so, countless sword beams were missed, and Han Fei was cut to the ground.

The next moment, Han Fei's expression changed greatly, not because of this sword, but because of the punch from another person behind him, like fireworks blooming in the galaxy.

In the face of this punch, Liu Qiansi wanted to take a shot, but only hearing a "cluck", the woman approached at some point, and she reached out and snapped her fingers beside Liu Qiansi.

This woman and Jianxiu restrained Liu Qiansi and watched the scene of Han Fei being penetrated with confidence.

Seeing that the fist print was almost pasted on the back of Han Fei's hand, the two of them knew that the outcome was already divided, and they thought that this man was killed, but that's all!

But at this moment, the scene they expected to see did not happen.

All I saw was that bright fist print, which suddenly disappeared. Immediately following, the punching man suddenly suffocated. And Liu Qiansi, who should have been hypnotized, suddenly woke up, and a half-foot-long cyan spike burst out.


Yes, from the beginning, Han Fei's goal was not the Empress. The voice transmission with Liu Qiansi was also intentional. Compared with an empress who masters the law of hallucination, both Han Fei and Liu Qiansi are more familiar with the law of force, so their first target must be this fist-wielding man.

All I saw was Han Fei spraying two mouthfuls of blood essence, and at the same time bleeding from the seven orifices. Mental strength is a little sluggish.

There was no way, at that moment he stole the consciousness and fist light of the fist-printed man, and he also stole the woman's means of hypnotizing Liu Qiansi.

And in order to stab this blow, Liu Qiansi fell into the sword flow, and in the blink of an eye, all the sword marks were all over her body.

As for Han Fei, his entire arm was extremely crimson, with fist intent on it, roaring out.



I only saw that the man who used the fist was first broken by an awl, and the second punch hit it, which directly blew it up.

Originally, even if this person was bombarded, he should reunite his body like lightning, but in that void, blood and golden light flickered intertwined, and the meaning of destruction hit the minds of this woman and Jianxiu.


The woman was astonished, why can Han Fei master the law of power? It was him, and he clearly felt that the fist marks that Han Fei burst out contained not only the law of force, but also the terrifying meaning of destruction. Even Han Fei's fist mark directly shattered a large piece of the emperor's soul.

Said it was too late, but it was fast, that Jianxiu stabbed Han Fei with a sword, and a law of sword qi that was so sharp that Han Fei's scalp tingled came.

Han Fei didn't dare to move, but a layer of gravel appeared outside his body.


Of course, this sword awn is powerful~www.readwn.com~, but I only saw that sand body, which turned out to be like a wall. When it was hit by this sword, dense cracks appeared on it.

However, this sword was in vain.

When the sword rhyme disappeared, these sand bodies spread out naturally, wrapping around Han Fei.

He only heard him say: "Emperor, I haven't killed it before. Now we have two-versus-two draws, are you still coming?"

Just as Han Fei was talking, Wan Dao Liu cut through the void, and he was counting on the resurrected Fist Emperor Zun, but he felt that his soul had been chopped to pieces, and there was power in every blade of light. Destroy your soul and vitality.

"How is that possible? How could the Kaitian realm behead my soul?"


The roaring continued, and it only lasted for a breath before the roar disappeared.


At that moment, the sky was blood-colored, and the rain of blood poured down.

This celestial phenomenon hangs high above the nine heavens and radiates hundreds of millions of miles of the sky.

I just heard Han Fei say lightly, "Let's talk now, how did you find me?"

Seeing that the woman and Jianxiu were standing together, she seemed to be wary, Han Fei smiled and said: "It's okay not to say it, but you should know that I am a person who will take revenge. I will find your base camp, and then wipe out your forces.

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