God of Fishing

Chapter 2650: Feng Yu Preaching (2 in 1)

Latest website: Han Fei did not have a clear understanding of the power application of the way of extreme balance.

As early as when he cultivated the Yang God, he felt that the mirror had the characteristics of double killing of the legal body. In fact, it was indeed the case. In the series of battles that followed, including Yi Tianxing who killed the Celestial Clan in the Shendu Dynasty, the effect of this double-killing method was obvious to all.

But now, Han Fei understands that it is not that he has mastered the double killing of the legal body, but that he has simulated a combat technique similar to the double killing of the legal body. And the simulation, after all, is just a simulation. At this time, after cultivating the way of extreme balance and mastering Ragnarok, I discovered that the real double-killing of the legal body is actually so strong.

"No wonder, no wonder I feel that the emperor's realm has become easier to fight, so I am so strong?"

Before, Han Fei only felt that he had reached the limit of the Heaven-Opening Realm, and he had the power of double-killing legal body, plus the Void Stealing Technique, the divine technique of Emperor Sparrow, so after Han Fei came out from the Burial God Ridge , I didn't feel how difficult it was to kill a strong Taoist realm.

But now it seems that he has always misunderstood his power level. Ragnarok is not just as simple as the Shattering Law. The powerful lethality of the double killing of the legal body has been greatly underestimated by myself.

However, the battle was not over, and I only heard Dongshen Crocodile say: "Kan Fei, let's not fight the basics of the ultimate balance. Since the strength has been suppressed to the perfection of Huaxing, why don't we fight comprehensively?"

"I can't ask for it."

Han Fei laughed loudly. It was rare to have the opportunity to fight against prehistoric superpowers. These are all old people in the age of gods, and their strength and means are very comparable.

However, I saw that the fighting style of the Eastern God Crocodile suddenly changed. I saw him slashing with both swords, and a spiral of light rushed across thousands of miles in an instant.

Han Fei did not continue to use Ragnarok, so he was just about to extract the power of the surrounding void, only to find that all the power was pulled by the spiral, and in the spiral, there were rotating blades.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei tapped on the ground, and at the same time as he burst out, a sword of the Great Dao returned between his fingers. A variety of avenues converge, the invincible road bursts out, a sword opens up the mystery, and the sword qi runs across thousands of miles.

"Huh! Invincible Road?"

"Han Fei has a lot of avenues to master!"

"This sword is good, but there is still room for growth."


I only saw swords clashing, and the swordsmanship was circulating in the surrounding 100,000 miles.

Han Fei raised his hand to draw out endless water, and was about to continue to activate it, when he suddenly heard that kind of human race Li Tiangan say: "Kid Han Fei, try to be like me, the sword is one, it is better to unite and return to the Yuan, transforming into something. Tao is no Tao, no Tao can show the infinite.”

Han Fei looked sideways at Li Tiangan, only to see Li Tiangan raise his hand and hold the sword intent released by Han Fei in the void, and saw his fingertips swirl, as if the true meaning of the Dao was integrated into it.


However, when Li Tiangan flicked his fingers, he saw that all the sword intents that Han Feiyi had scattered in this world returned one after another.

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

When the sword intent that escaped one after another was brought back, Han Fei found that every time a sword intent was incorporated, the sword of the Great Dao returned to lose the true meaning of the Great Dao.

Han Fei was surprised: "The avenue is broken?"

Li Tiangan: "No, it is all Taos that return to their origin. Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. All Taos return to one, and one returns to the source of Tao, which originates from the law of heaven and earth.

Han Fei was shocked. When he created the Dao Guiyi Sword in the past, Han Fei felt that this sword was already very strong.

But at this moment, after seeing Li Tiangan's sword, he immediately became enlightened.

If the Dao Guiyi sword is the first sword created by himself, it can become the sword one, then Li Tianqian's current sword can help him comprehend the second and third swords. The second sword is the original Dao sword, and the third sword is the Wuxiang Wuji sword.

The so-called original Dao sword means that there is no Dao, but Dao is everywhere. The sword itself is Dao, and the Dao here is the same as this sword.

As for the Wuxiang Wuji Sword, Han Fei just felt it. This should be because the sword can be transformed into Dao at will after it has become primitive. According to different situations, it can be transformed into different real meaning of kendo to restrain others.

The Wuxiang Wuji sword, Han Fei can't directly display it now, but the original Dao sword, Han Fei thinks he can try it now.

At that time, Han Fei gave up the endless water, and stretched out **** again, a finger in the air, several avenues, and merged into it, but the next moment, these avenues wanted to break, collide, and destroy, and in the end, it was difficult to see in this sword. The true meaning of any avenue.

I just heard Dongshen Crocodile shout: "What are you doing, Li Tiangan? Can't you teach it later?"

Although the Eastern God Crocodile shouted like this, when Han Fei used this second sword, the power of the source of the Dao burst out. The Eastern God Crocodile opened his mouth and absorbed a lot of messy energy, and then opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of energy. It is also the sword light of the origin of the avenue.


However, even so, when the forces of the two sides collided, the sword glow of the Eastern God Crocodile was still crushed from the beginning to the end.

Suddenly, the Eastern God Crocodile's face turned green: "Kid Han Fei, what is the limit of your divine soul power?"

A large group of onlookers laughed at the side.

I only heard someone say: "You ask how many people, they are born with dual veins, it must be much higher than your limit."

Jiang Honghua: "Just this blow alone, Han Fei's limit is at least 450,000."

Lao Yuan: "Not only that, Han Fei's limit is at least 500,000."

Li Tiangan: "500,000, here can reach 500,000, no more than 30 people. The limit of the Eastern God Crocodile is only 450,000. According to the power of Han Fei's blow, the limit is more than 500,000. This talent is truly unparalleled. As expected of a genius with dual veins."

Han Fei thought for a while and replied casually, "600,000 is the limit."

Everyone: "…"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Li Tiangan and Lao Yuan. Just listen to Xie Wukuan: "Li Tiangan, 20,000 higher than you."

Li Gan nodded slightly, and added another sentence: "If this is the case, if the five dao locks are developed again, the limit may be more than 800,000, and the technique of double killing of the legal body is mastered..."

Time, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. They pursued the extreme that they could not achieve in endless years, but Han Fei easily achieved it, which made them feel jealous.

This has nothing to do with Han Fei helping them. Jealousy is jealousy, and these people don't hide anything.

Hearing that Han Fei's limit was 600,000, Dongshen Crocodile's face immediately turned green, but the next moment, a magical technique burst out. When Han Fei saw the sword light that opened up a galaxy in the starry sky, he immediately knew that this was definitely a magic technique.

The reason why the magic is so powerful is that some people have exerted some aspects such as tactics, combat skills, and divine will to the extreme. In this case, even if one's basic combat power far exceeds the opponent's, one must be careful to deal with it.

No, Han Fei threw the World Destruction Fist with his backhand.

The moment he saw the Fist of Destruction, someone said, "If I read it right, this should be the Xingchen Fist of the Great Emperor Polestar. This Fist can be ranked among the top ten in the sea world. Little friend Han Fei seems to have realized it. The strongest punch, this old crocodile is definitely out of play."

Someone said: "One punch of Xingchen Boxing is better than one punch. This world-destroying punch of little friend Han Fei may be ranked among the top three in the East China Sea."

Saying that the face of Dongshen Crocodile turned green, he quickly greeted: "Forget it, don't fight."

In the same situation, the soul and strength of others must be far superior to their own, unless you have magic skills and others do not, then it is possible to turn defeat into victory.

However, if you have magic skills and others have stronger magic skills, this is difficult. Unless you know a lot of magic skills and can burst out in time, you will still be crushed by others.

As expected, the sword light of the Eastern God Crocodile collided with the Fist of Destruction, and the violent energy ball burst into a super-large beam of light thousands of miles thick in this sea of ​​gods and demons.

Everyone only saw that the ground around the Eastern God Crocodile was completely crushed. Except for the place where he stood, other places were crushed into a huge pit with a depth of 100 meters.

The Eastern God Crocodile was not damaged at all, but the discerning person could already see that the Eastern God Crocodile was no longer the strength of Huaxing Great Perfection, but had recovered the strength of the immortal realm.

Dongshen Crocodile rolled his eyes and said, "Li Tiangan, you can't be slower. If you don't come, you and Han Fei will have a fight."

"I don't fight."

Li Tiangan scoffed at the suggestion of the Eastern God Crocodile, and should not at all. Han Fei's strength can be seen after a try. Now that he knows the depth and depth, and Han Fei has magical skills, it is already extremely difficult to win, even if Li Tiangan has only three or four points at most.

It is extremely difficult for them. If they are replaced by others, they are almost certain to lose.

Just listen to Lao Yuan: "Don't say Li Tiangan, when the devil was at this level, he was not his opponent either. Don't forget, he has gone the invincible way."

The reminder of the old turtle immediately reminded everyone that Han Fei had indeed shown his invincible will just now. A person who can walk on the road of invincibility, first of all, his fighting ability will definitely not be low.

Moreover, those who can embark on the road of invincibility are basically sure that the opponent is a melee powerhouse, and the combat power of the soul is also very good, otherwise they will not be able to walk on the road of invincibility.

Just listen to Xie Wukuan: "How many people are invincible in the outside world now? I don't think anyone is stronger than Han Fei's little friend, right?"

Jiang Honghua: "At least before we sealed ourselves, there were not a few people who took the Invincible Road. This is a dangerous and crazy road. The attraction of the Invincible Road is hundreds of times stronger than that of the normal Dao. Therefore, Han Feineng Now that he has come to this point, it means that he has walked safely until now.”

Li Tiangan: "Invincible and invincible, invincible in the world, there is only one person. This is the dilemma that everyone who takes the road of invincibility will eventually face. This road is destined to not be only one person, but only one person can become the unique invincible. Fortunately, before we proclaimed ourselves, there was no **** on this road."

The old turtle said lightly: "But there is a great emperor."

Everyone: "…"

Here, the challenge ended. Han Fei gained two swordsmanships. He felt that the Dao Guiyi Sword was an introduction, which could be called Sword 1, the original Dao Sword could be called Sword 2, and Wuxiang Wuji Sword could be called Sword three.

I just don't know if there are Sword Four, Sword Five, and Sword Six behind. The comprehension and practice of this swordsmanship is too difficult, and Han Fei himself has no idea at all.

I just listened to the old turtle: "Han Fei, you shouldn't be so good, these old guys have a lot of magic skills, isn't it good to learn two magic skills?"

After synchronizing his memories, the old turtle was fully informed of the days he grew up with Han Fei, and he naturally knew that Han Fei was very greedy.

If it wasn't for the devil to stop him, he felt that Han Fei would ask everyone for treasures, and those people were sealed for 1.8 million. Han Fei was equivalent to liberating them, and most of them would be given.

Of course, Lao Yuan also felt that giving Han Fei too many treasures would not make much sense for Han Fei's growth, and it might even be a disservice. However, there is no conflict in this matter with the magic of the body.

Others don't know, but Lao Yuan knows that Han Fei is going to save the human race. What he has to face is that it looks like a city of scavengers, but in fact from the information he has, the city of scavengers is ten thousand scales. The great emperor or something is just a demonstration of the Tao on the bright side. If only three or two experts in the Dao Realm can guard one side of the sea, then any strength in this chaotic wasteland may be defeated.

The reason why no one has done anything to the Chaos Wasteland is that they know that there are other powerhouses hidden there.

And if Han Fei wants to save the human race, with his heart and means, the Wanlin clan will definitely be destroyed.

Without killing the Wanlin Clan, Han Fei, the Human Sovereign, and He Yan faced the Human Race who were oppressed here in the past. Therefore, at this time, there are enough artifacts given to Han Fei, but next, what should be asked is not an artifact, but a divine technique.

After being yelled at by the old turtle, Han Fei was also moved. If you don't give me baby, can't we learn a little magic? Anyway, the skills are not overwhelming. If you can enrich and replace your own great arts, wouldn't that be equivalent to enhancing your own strength in disguise?

half year later.

The devil left the customs on time, he said that half a year is half a year.

And Han Fei was already familiar with everyone by now. He has also learned several divine arts, various great tactics of warfare, and he has learned a lot, and even the third sword has been studied.

If it wasn't for physical reasons, Han Fei felt that he could stay here for decades or even a hundred years without any problem. The reason for the physical reason is that Han Fei confirmed his thoughts.

His strength has reached the limit of Open Heaven Realm, but Supreme Divine Art has not stopped growing at all. But the problem is that Han Fei's own strength and soul have not been able to rise, but the stars of life are constantly getting stronger because of Han Fei's main body practice.

Han Fei hadn't entered his natal star for a long time. When Han Fei improved his strength before, he had already felt the change of his natal star.

Later, when the devil possessed the body, he couldn't enter his natal star, and naturally he didn't know what the natal star had become.

Up to now, Li Tiangan has given himself a piece of heaven and earth, and he has also thrown himself into the stars of life. In the past few years, the Supreme Divine Art has been subtly changing and affecting Han Fei's strength. This made Han Fei feel that his first lock seemed to be a bit unbearable.

If I don't solve the matter of the Chaos Wasteland sooner, once I passively break the first Dao lock, then God knows if I will feel the emperor's calamity. If you feel it, you will soon pass the tribulation. This was hundreds of years ahead of his original plan.

Therefore, for Han Fei, his time is particularly important.

No, Han Fei and a group of strong men arrived as soon as the Demon God came out.

Han Fei's first sentence was: "Senior Demon God, the junior wants to talk to the senior alone."

The devil nodded slightly: "Come."

When the two of them came to one side, the devil looked at Han Fei and said lightly, "Your soul and strength are a little unstable. Is this because the lock is not strong enough?"

Han Fei thought for a while and said, "Senior Demon God, this is the reason for my practice. Even if I don't practice, this practice will automatically run and constantly make me stronger. Now my strength has reached the peak of the Open Heaven Realm. , but this practice did not stop, so that my first shackles were about to be broken."

The devil frowned slightly: "What you practice is the supreme divine art of the human race, right?"

Han Feixin said, is the Supreme Divine Art so famous? Even the demon gods from 1.8 million years ago know?

I just listened to the demon **** indifferently said: "This is nothing to be surprised. In order to create the way of extreme balance, I used to refer to the supreme divine art of the human race. But I found that the way of extreme equilibrium and the supreme divine art of the human race are two extremes. From the essence It is said that these two paths of cultivation are both extreme. In my opinion, the path of extreme balance is stronger. But the supreme magic of the human race directly extends the path to infinity. You take these two paths They are all gone, but they refuse to prove the Dao, is there a problem with the Dao?”

Han Fei said frankly: "Senior Demon God, my human race has been enslaved for 100,000 years by a race called the Wanlin Clan. The younger generation, as a contemporary human emperor, does not save the human race and does not dare to transcend the emperor's calamity."

The Demon God nodded slightly, which made sense. Just listen to him: "The Wanlin clan is very strong?"

Han Fei: "On the bright side, there is only one Proving Dao Realm, but in fact, there may be stronger ones, but where the stronger ones are and how strong they are, the younger generation doesn't know. The Taoist realm above is known as the Great Emperor Wanlin."


The Demon God shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. However, if there really is an emperor-level powerhouse, shouldn't you use the power of your Void Temple? You know, this is beyond your ability."

Han Fei: "Don't dare to hide the seniors, my senior brothers will only help the junior three times unconditionally, and every opportunity is extremely precious. It has already been used once, so it is not a last resort, and the junior does not want to use the void. The power of the temple."

The demon **** couldn't help but understand: "When you were in the overseas of the gods and demons, when you encountered the three major free realms, you used a dragon clan emperor scale, which was considered a treasure. The escape leaf is not very strong, barely It can be regarded as a one-time superb artifact. Well, I will give you three things. If you want me to help you, it is not impossible, but it must be regarded as my repayment of your favor. I will not help you unconditionally in the future. Get started."

Han Fei's heart moved, and he quickly said: "Thank you, Senior Demon God, for the gift."

Han Fei said in his heart that the Demon God made an unconditional move, and he didn't want to waste such an opportunity, but if Han Fei felt he could use it when it was a last resort, he would still use the Demon God's favor first.

The Demon God didn't care about Han Fei's careful thoughts, and only listened to him: "The Great Emperor of the Dragon Clan gave you a scale, and I also gave you a scale, which can be used to have the combat power of the Longevity Realm, and the effect is equivalent to that of the Dragon Clan. "

Han Fei's heart moved, this thing is good, and this is his purpose. With this kind of treasure, facing a strong person in the longevity realm, at least you don't have to be afraid of being slapped to death by someone else.

Just listen to the devil said: "However, you must understand that even if you have the power of the immortal realm, but you don't have that level of comprehension, you can't kill the strong immortal realm. Your kill limit is Happy Realm."

Han Fei nodded: "Junior understands."

The devil continued: "Secondly, I will give you a one-time innate spiritual treasure, Yufengyan. It is similar to your escape artifact, but it is a hundred times faster than that leaf. Even the emperor-level powerhouse would not dare to It is said that if you use Yufengyan, you will be stopped. However, you can only use it when you have the combat power of the Longevity Realm, otherwise you can't bear such a fast speed."

Han Fei's pupils shrank at that time, a one-time congenital spiritual treasure? And does this thing exist? Innate spiritual treasure means that it exists innately, and one-time means that it does not exist when it is used up.

Therefore, this kind of thing, you don't need to think about it, you know that it is quite precious, and it is indeed much better than a single leaf boat. Of course, things are good, but for the current self, the shortcomings are also obvious.

Demon God: "Thirdly, I will give you a life-saving sword. I don't dare to say that I will kill the Great Emperor, but if you leave the immortal realm, you will be killed."

"Longevity realm, if you go out, you will be killed?"

Han Fei was immediately taken aback. He could count all the powerhouses in the immortal realm that he had seen so far. Who would have expected that he could kill the powerhouses in the realm of immortality at will?

Although there is only one chance, this is definitely his strongest amulet at the moment.

Han Fei knew that when these three things were given, between himself and the Demon God, he would only owe that one Ruo humane. This is what he has the cheek to ask for. The reason why he dares to ask for it is actually because of his avatar as a disciple of the Void Temple.

I only listened to the devil said: "Originally, I only planned to give you this protective sword. But this time, you did help me to regain my life, so it's okay to have two extra small gifts. But I also remind you, baby Taking too much is not a good thing. The most important thing about treasures is to save lives, otherwise, their existence will have no meaning. Instead of having countless treasures, it is better to let the strong take action. "

Han Fei nodded solemnly: "Thank you for the teachings of the senior demon gods, the juniors should keep it in mind."

Han Fei's private chat with the devil was just asking for a baby and a chance.

When Han Fei and the Demon God returned, everyone was already waiting here. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

I only listened to the devil and said: "Everyone, the sea of ​​gods and devils will need to exist for a while. Han Fei does not belong to the sea of ​​gods and devils, so I will send him away now. already."

Li Tiangan: "Take care."

Dongshen Crocodile: "Little friend Han Fei, we will see you outside the world someday."

Xie Wukuan: "Remember to use the God-shattering scissors, it is very strong."


Lao Yuan: "When we are born in the future, we are afraid that the world will be in chaos. Only in troubled times can the true face of the sea world be revealed. In troubled times, the strong come out.

Han Fei thought to himself, if this group of people left the sea of ​​gods and demons, wouldn't the sea world be in chaos? Don't look at the strength of these people.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Seniors, we have a long way to go, and there will be a future. In the future, the sea world will meet, and we will drink again."

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