God of Fishing

Chapter 2652: here I come (2 in 1)

The latest website: When everyone saw this scene, they thought that the co-author master didn't know that he was going to have a blood copy?

But this made everyone realize that Senior Sister Kagura could actually help Senior Brother make decisions? Sure enough, she is the senior sister who can be photographed in the second place in the Void Temple!

And listening to Senior Sister Kagura, it means that Senior Brother has something good in his hands. This thing is considered a good thing for Senior Brother and Senior Sister Kagura, and it is naturally a very good thing for them.

After the senior brother paused for a few breaths, his voice was still gentle, and he said indifferently: "You brothers and sisters, for your brother, you have cultivated some divine tribulations before, so each one will give one. But it should be noted that all foreign treasures are actually not considered their own strength. The embodiment of it. You can't have no treasures in your body, but you can't have too many treasures. Otherwise, you will lose the enterprising heart in life and death."

The so-called catastrophe of the gods is a mark. This mark passes through the void and falls on the palm of the master. Finally, a mysterious dark red thunder pattern emerges in the palm of the hand. After flickering for a few breaths, it slowly disappears.

Just listen to the senior brother: "The robbery of the gods can be used to kill the enemy, and you can use this power to temper yourself and strengthen yourself. If you use this seal to strengthen yourself, it's best to wait until you reach the emperor's realm before trying, otherwise, don't want to. Try this divine catastrophe easily."

"Can you kill the enemy?"

Han Fei's heart was moved. This is the divine calamity that the Great Emperor wants to overcome when he merges the Dao. How many people can stop the power of that calamity? Listening to the meaning of the elder brother's words, even the disciples of their Void Temple, they should not easily try to temper themselves with the calamity of the gods when they are not in the Great Emperor Realm. For other people, the power of this calamity can not shake the emperor?

At this time, only Senior Sister Kagura said: "The calamity of the gods is not just a calamity. In this calamity, the truth of the fusion of ten thousand ways and ten thousand laws is contained, which can quench the body, quench the soul, quench the laws, quench the mind, There are countless wonderful uses. Senior sister, I feel that the sea world may be in chaos. At that time, the three temples may be reborn. In this chaotic world, there are not many brothers and sisters who can help you. More, you need to deal with it yourself. But at that time, don't fall into the prestige of my Void Temple."

Immediately, everyone's heart froze.

Brother Liushen added: "So my guess is correct, is the sea world really going to be in chaos?"

Feng Yu asked curiously: "Why is the sea world chaotic, isn't it good now? It's quite calm!"

Senior Brother Liushen: "The Western Wilderness is in turmoil, the Eastern Wilderness is fighting, the Southern Panic forces compete, and the Northern Wilderness's strength is recovering. It is said that there is something hidden in Zhonghai Shenzhou. This is indeed a sign of troubled times."

Lei Heng: "I, it's a bit interesting, that's just right, you can go to Xinghai later. Brother Liushen, should you get out of this situation? I'll find you then."

Senior Brother Liushen: "Well! Wait, wait until the troubled times begin."

Han Fei's face was stunned, the senior brother's welfare should be over, and now it should be time for everyone to exchange information. Speaking of the turmoil in the sea world, Han Fei pondered for a moment and said: "There may be a group of demons born here in the East China Sea, and there may be a large number of longevity realm and even emperor realm powerhouses."


For a time, the brothers and sisters couldn't help but look at Han Fei.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Donghai Shenzhou, the devil I mentioned last time, is not dead. And, it may be returning soon."


I just heard Senior Sister Honglian say, "Is he really not dead? Is he a god?"

Han Fei nodded: "That's it."

Senior Sister Shadow: "According to this, this should be the first **** in the sea world."

I just heard Fifth Senior Brother laughed and said, "Little Junior Brother! Did you really find this guy? You are so courageous, you dare to look for the gods, tsk tsk..."

Han Fei: "The information provided by the five senior brothers is not accurate, so I went to find a wave of opportunities."

Everyone couldn't help but think of the warning from the senior brother to Han Fei, that he must prove the Dao within a hundred years. It seems that Han Fei has a good chance of harvesting this time!

Han Fei figured it out. He wanted to see the attitude of the brothers and sisters towards the Demon God, but everyone's response was mediocre. Even when it was mentioned that there was a God coming out, the reaction was not very big, as if it had been expected.

Han Fei thought to himself, it seems that his knowledge of the sea world is still not enough! Or as War God said, not all the gods have disappeared, but some gods, like the devil, are actually just dormant?

The Void Temple party ended and returned to reality.

Han Fei stood still and pondered the reality for a while. So far, he has done everything he can do now.

Strength, he has five locks.

The emperor bird also has five locks, and the little black and the white are also fast. Baby got a lot, and the causal chance with Lao Yuan is almost over.

On the side of the boundless mining area, Zhang Beihai has been controlled by himself, and the primitive city is no longer a threat. Even during the Northern Expedition, he was considered to have consumed a lot of powerhouses in these two cities.

These powerhouses, in real terms, are even stronger and much stronger than the power they currently show in the Chaos Wasteland.

After all, in the chaotic wasteland, the city of scavengers and the city of primitiveness, only a few digital stars are complete.

half year later.

In the outskirts camp, the hero tavern, the camp controller Chen Xiong, is still on the ground bartending.

Inside the pub, there was a lot of noise.

Only someone said: "Hey! Have you heard? It is said that the free-spirited powerhouse of Zhonghai Shenzhou Fist Sect perished while chasing the massacre."

Some people sighed: "True or false? Is your news accurate? Didn't it mean that only the powerful ones in the Taoist realm have fallen?"

Just listen to the man: "So our outer suburban camp is far away from the eight camps! This news just came a few days ago, Uncle Xiong, did you already know about this?"

Chen Xiong smiled and glanced at this side: "You guys have big mouths, can you discuss those things? Just listen and sigh. Don't blame me for not reminding you, don't go out and ask around, there are many forces in the boundless mining area. Very shy about it.”

The man laughed: "That's for sure, we'll just chat in our hero tavern, who has nothing to do to find out! It has nothing to do with us."

Amidst the laughter, Chen Xiong lowered his head, a hint of helplessness in his eyes. He didn't expect that the young man would be so powerful at first. He thought that the other party was not a weak genius, and it would be nothing to destroy the Black Wind Pirates. There are many people who can do this.

But how many years have passed, there are more and more rumors about the young man, more and more outrageous.

At this time, he thought that he must never let others know that he had a deal with this person. Fortunately, when the Black Wind Pirates were annihilated, this person did not claim to be the emperor, and there was no Seven Killing Army.

But even so, he did not dare to neglect. Because more than a month ago, there have been two more people here. Two powerful beings.

The two of them did not sit in a sitting position, and their behavior was occasionally uncharacteristic. This made Chen Xiong confirm that these two were not ordinary sea monsters.

After the siren turns into a human, it will learn the behavior of humanoid creatures to better adapt to such a living state. But these two people are very unfamiliar with this, and Chen Xiong often sees that these two people will show their fluffy tails accidentally, and they will wag and wag.

Chen Xiong, who has seen the big world, is very sure that this is not a Kraken at all, but a divine beast or a beast.

It is not impossible for divine beasts and fierce beasts to appear in the outer camps of the boundless mining area, but it is rare. The two of them ate and drank here for a month. Occasionally, one of them often inquired about the people's slaughter, but he was not willing to give money.

This made Chen Xiong vigilant, and until now, he has been worried for a month. For fear of being discovered by these two, they found that they had had contact with Rentu.


But I saw that the door of the Hero Tavern was pushed open, and a young man walked in, looking like an ordinary guest. However, the moment Chen Xiong saw this person, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart stopped for half a minute.

Chen Xiong was speechless when he saw the young man walking directly towards him, but he didn't dare to show anything. Instead, after the young man sat opposite him, he pushed the wine he just prepared.

"Old Chen, long time no see!"


Chen Xiong: "Long time no see, Daoist friend is in the middle of the day, why does he appear here? You know, Daoist friend's current information is very valuable."

"Gudu! Ah~"

Han Fei picked up the glass of wine and drank it all in one breath, and then said lightly; "Some things start here, and they just need to end here."

Chen Xiong was in a bad mood at the time. What did he mean, Han Fei still wanted to destroy the outskirts camp?

Chen Xiong knew that Han Fei had this ability. The puppet army of the puppet city crushed such a mere suburban camp, what a piece of shit?

However, Han Fei put down his glass and smiled lightly: "Old Chen, it's not always safe near the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, you camp in the outskirts! It's time to move."


Putting down the wine glass, Han Fei got up and wanted to leave.

Chen Xiong was stunned at first, but suddenly thought of something, as if Han Fei had been looking for information about the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons when he was here at first. Now, what does Han Fei mean?

"Wait a moment."

Chen Xiong called out quickly, and Han Fei turned around, but saw Chen Xiong's voice transmission: "Be careful, two people seem to be following you."

Han Fei smiled slightly, then left without looking back, and the two people in Chen Xiong's mouth were naturally Wang Xiaojiu and Huang Ergou.

They wanted to get up as soon as Han Fei came in, but who knew that Han Fei went to talk to the tavern owner. At this moment, Han Fei is gone, and they naturally have to follow.

However, this scene surprised many people in the tavern. Anyone who can hang out in the boundless mining area is not stupid. These two strangers have been here for a month, so how could they not attract the secret attention of interested people.

At this moment, it always feels weird for these two to follow a stranger's **** one by one.

Han Fei and the others left the outskirts camp on the front feet, and someone on the back asked, "Old Chen, Uncle Xiong, who is this? Mysterious?"

Chen Xiong: "I! No one, don't you understand the rules on the island? Don't ask if you shouldn't."

After dispelling a group of people who wanted to get information from him, Chen Xiong savoured what Han Fei said to him. In fact, he didn't need to talk to himself, they were just passersby.

However, when people talk about it like this, it's not always to make fun of themselves, but for a character like Han Fei, does it make sense to play with yourself?

So, Chen Xiong thought for a while, and said lightly: "It seems that we have to move!"

After leaving the outskirts camp, Wang Xiaojiu and Huang Ergou were much more well-behaved than at first, because during this time, they heard too much news about Han Fei along the way.

Killing the nine experts in the Taoist realm one after another, and even in the end, the powerhouse in the Xiaoyao realm fell into the hands of Han Fei.

However, there are many people who say it, and they can't help but believe it.

Han Fei: "How are things going?"

Wang Xiaojiu: "I quickly sent the letter to Da Luoluo, but after reading it, Da Luoluo kicked me out and didn't say anything to me, so I don't have any news to report to you."

Huang Ergou said: "Lord Han Fei, my side is similar. Xiangxiang didn't give me any feedback. Later, I went to the city of scavengers, and someone did find me when I arrived. I will After sending the letter to him, I just said one sentence, he will arrange everything here."

Han Fei nodded: "Well, that's it."

Wang Xiaojiu: "Lord Han Fei, I feel like you are taking the next big step! What are you going to do, tell us if you want to, and we have to cooperate."

Han Fei grinned slightly: "I am! I'm going to kill someone."

Wang Xiaojiu: "I'm good at this. Facing the enemy, I, Wang Xiaojiu, will never be soft-hearted."

However, I only heard Han Fei adding: "Many, many people are going to be killed."

Huang Ergou was stupid and even asked, "How much is a lot?"

Han Fei: "I can't count."

Wang Xiaojiu: "…"

Huang Ergou: "..."

Chaos Wasteland.

When Han Fei stepped into the chaotic wasteland again, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and he flicked his fingers for six hundred years. This time, it is an end.

"Xiao Bai, Zhang Xuanyu, Xiao Kuangkuang, Xia Xiaochan... This is my destiny, not yours. So, don't blame me for starting the battle ahead of time, help me luck!"

The city of wanderers.

Above the Ice Palace, Duan Qingsi was reporting some information. Just listen to her: "Recently, the war in the cemetery has become more and more fierce, and we have lost many people. I don't know why, I feel that the people in the city of scavengers and the city of primitives are more motivated to fight. Short In less than a hundred years, hundreds of people have opened the sky. Some of our actions seem to have been targeted, and in just ten years, the number of powerhouses who have fallen has exceeded ten figures."

Gu Tingnan said lightly: "Some people think that the speed of training troops is slow, so they are actually still training troops."

Duan Qingsi frowned: "Reckless training?"

Gu Tingnan: "For these deep-rooted forces, they don't care about the consequences, they want results. If I guess correctly, the frequency of battles between the city of scavengers and the city of primitives must also be frequent. A huge improvement."

Duan Qingsi nodded: "Yes! You mean, this has something to do with the Northern Expedition in the boundless mining area? I know that guy went to the boundless mining area, but no matter how big the incident in the boundless mining area is, how could it have such a big impact on the Chaos Wasteland? ?"

Gu Tingnan: "I'm afraid it's more than that simple. Maybe that guy is indeed more suitable to be a generation of emperor than me."


Duan Qingsi turned her head away: "Why? With his talent, or with his lawlessness? I know what kind of puppet city he inherited. But can it really be a city that can completely break the chaotic wasteland? pattern?"

Gu Tingnan shook his head slightly: "Actually, he can already behead..."

Suddenly, Gu Tingnan's expression moved slightly, his eyes seemed to see through the void, and he paused and said, "He is back."

"came back?"

Duan Qingsi was shocked when Gu Tingnan said this, although she refused to admit Han Fei's strength, it was because he had been with Gu Tingnan for a long time.

But she knows that a giant city with hundreds of thousands of puppets in the open world, how terrifying is that? If the secret behind the Chaos Wasteland does not surface, it will naturally not be able to withstand the impact of such a giant city.

However, she was a little surprised that Han Fei really came back like this? He doesn't even know the secret behind the Chaos Wasteland!

Just listening to Gu Tingnan's long voice, as if it penetrated the endless sky: "Are you back?"

Han Fei: "I'm back."

The next moment, someone stepped a thousand miles, quietly, avoiding the perception of almost everyone including Duan Qingsi, and appeared outside the Ice Palace.


I saw Duan Qingsi's expression changed greatly, because she found that she had completely lost sight of Han Fei's strength.

Before, even when the Shendu Dynasty returned, Han Fei was already very strong, but he was only in the late stage of Huaxing. Even if he could kill a powerhouse at the Great Perfection level, she could still see through it.

However, it's been a long time since I've seen it, and I can't even see through it myself, what does this mean?


In the next moment, Han Fei had appeared beside Duan Qingsi, but he saw Han Fei looked at Duan Qingsi up and down, and then smiled slightly: "When I asked you, you were still hiding it, it turns out that there are four locks! I thought You have five."

Duan Qingsi: "…"

However, this review was different from the previous one, where he was waiting to talk to Han Fei. This time, Han Fei came as his main body, which was a symbol of strength, completely on an equal footing with Gu Tingnan.

Just listen to Gu Tingnan Road: "Duan Qingsi, who has made great achievements in battle, has suffered heavy damage in the past 100,000 years, otherwise there would have been five road locks. She is also hurt by the human race. I heard that you have gained a lot this time, why not help her. Fan?"

"I do not want."

Duan Qingsi's face was slightly cold, and her heart was naturally thinking of Gu Tingnan. And the unclear relationship between herself and Gu Tingnan made her even more blind.

It's as if the man in her family has been doing a noble and great thing, and she absolutely doesn't want to admit that other men are better than her own.

Therefore, after Gu Tingnan spoke, Duan Qingsi directly refused.

And Han Fei asked curiously: "In this world, is there any dark wound that cannot be cured by divine apocalypse? You are looking for me for such things as healing?"

Gu Tingnan: "Although the Apocalypse Divine Technique is powerful, it is not absolutely invincible. And I'm just proving the Way. Some injuries are beyond the scope of my treatment."

Han Fei frowned: "You can't be cured, you can find me... OK."

Han Fei suddenly understood, and then smiled slightly: "Okay! You will get a good army."

I only saw Han Fei open his palm, and a drop of milky white liquid with a strong breath appeared in his hand. Beyond the scope of the divine treatment of the apocalypse, and if you happen to be able to take action, then there is only one thing left, and that is the fountain of life.

Only the Fountain of Life of the Celestial Clan can have such effects. And this fountain of life, I only have ten drops, but now I have to take out a drop.

The reason is that Gu Tingnan said that Duan Qingsi had sacrificed a lot for the human race. If Han Fei was determined to be the emperor of the human race, he would not be able to help such a hero.

Moreover, Han Fei had teamed up with Duan Qingsi before, and Duan Qingsi had indeed taken action against the strong proving path. He saw all of this in his own eyes, Gu Tingnan was clear, and Han Fei himself was clear.

Therefore, Han Fei must give this drop of the fountain of life.

Duan Qingsi glanced at the milky white water droplet in Han Fei's hand. Although she didn't know what it was, the terrifying life energy contained in it really shocked her.

This time, Duan Qingsi just wanted to refuse, but saw Han Fei flick his fingers, and the fountain of life penetrated into Duan Qingsi's body in the form of a sword two original Dao sword, and Duan Qingsi was shocked to find that he even fought back. are not eligible.

"Is this guy already so strong?"

At that moment, Duan Qingsi was shrouded in white light, and Han Fei saw the power of the Fountain of Life for the first time. Such terrifying life energy made Han Fei have to be shocked. As expected, it was what Chu Hao wanted to get, and it was indeed the treasure that Senior Brother Qinglong only asked for ten drops.

Han Fei could clearly see that some red cracks were occasionally repaired in the white light. It was Duan Qingsi's dark wound, the extent of which could not be cured by the divine apocalypse.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tingnan smiled lightly: "It really deserves to be the fountain of life, such a rich and majestic life force, such a terrifying power to repair the foundation, it is a bit of a waste to use the Open Heaven Realm. It's a pity, If you don't take this precious treasure, Duan Qingsi will have no hope of five Dao locks in this life, and it will be difficult to prove Dao and become an emperor."

Han Fei: "Proving Dao does not necessarily require five Dao locks."

Gu Tingnan raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, and said, "That's what I said, but the serious damage to the lifeline of the foundation will inevitably affect the preaching."

The two did not care about Duan Qingsi who was recovering, but came to the house and sat opposite each other.

But Gu Tingnan glanced at the stick in Han Fei's hand and said, "She wants to listen too?"

"I, it's okay."

Han Fei let go, nodded slightly, and saw Liu Qiansi transformed into a human-shaped tree, standing behind Han Fei. She is also in the Taoist realm, so she doesn't care about Gu Tingnan, but Han Fei asked him to pretend to be a stick along the way.

Gu Tingnan glanced at Liu Qiansi, and then said to herself, "Ask! Even if it's for the sake of acknowledging this, I will answer all your questions this time."

Han Fei didn't ask questions directly, but smiled lightly: "When I came back, the war started. You should have thought about this battle countless times, but you didn't expect it to be me."

Gu Tingnan: "I'm just curious, why do you think you can play this game?"

Han Fei: "I need to ask you some questions to know if I can play this game."

I saw that Han Fei was not polite, and asked directly: "I want to know, where are the powerhouses in the Chaos Wasteland, how many are there, whether there are powerhouses at the level of the Great Emperor, whether these people can come back, and how many... "

It was only today that Han Fei had the confidence to ask this question.

Just listen to Gu Tingnan: "I think you should have guessed some. Above this ice layer, there is indeed a mysterious place. It is not easy to go to that place, and it is not easy to come back. The condition for going is strength. At least one has to reach the strength of the transformed star before there is a 30% probability of being able to get there. Of course, the stronger the strength, the higher the success rate of reaching there, and when the star is consummated, there will be a 90% success rate. In that place, they can gain strength, can accelerate their growth, and the possibility of proving the Way will be greatly improved."

Han Fei: "How about coming back?"

Gu Tingnan: "It's not easy to come back, you need the strong to break through the barriers before you can send them back. But, it's not absolute, you should have seen it in the boundless mining area, the city of scavengers and the city of primitiveness, once The performance has sent back nearly 100 Great Perfection powerhouses, which means that the powerhouses over there have enough strength to break through the barriers. One of the reasons why our city of wanderers can stand here is that they need There is a force that trains them."

Han Fei: "It's more than that, right? There is a strong man behind the city of the homeless, right? This man must exist, but I don't know how strong he is. I guess you should rely on that man, or else the scavenger It is also possible to train troops between the ancient city and the original city, and there is no need for a city of wanderers, presenting a three-legged situation."

Gu Tingnan smiled slightly: "Yes, this person does exist. The reason why the city of wanderers exists is because the place above the ice layer is also a three-legged situation."

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly. This means that that person is very strong and can compete with the real power of the City of Scavengers and the City of Primitives?

This makes sense and makes more sense.

Han Fei: "Why did this person choose you?"

Gu Tingnan: "I don't know."

Han Fei: "So, the city of the homeless is actually sending strong people there?"

Gu Tingnan: "There are not many, but there are. Duan Qingsi and the others, they just have been with me for a long time and don't want to go."

Gu Tingnan followed and said: "That depends on how confident you are that you can take down the Chaos Wasteland. I know that you have a puppet city with nearly 200,000 troops of the Open Heaven Realm. It is said that the strength of those puppets is multiplied. Late Star Stage and Great Perfection level?"

Han Fei: "Yes."

Gu Tingnan shook his head: "To be honest, the number is enough, but the strength is not enough."

Han Fei frowned: "So I need to know the strength level over there. How many emperors exist and how many are enemies in the ghost place of Chaos Wasteland?"

Gu Tingnan: "I don't know, UU reading www.uukanshu.com You should have killed those who came back, their memories were beheaded, and you can't know the situation over there from their memories. Here and there. The communication is only unilateral, not that it cannot be two-way, but that for unknown reasons, the other side is not allowed to send back any information from the other side, and can only receive information from this side."

Han Fei: "If you say that, doesn't it mean that as long as we cut through the mess, we can quickly sweep away the power of the city of scavengers and the original city, and as long as we run away with people, they will not Where to chase?"

Gu Tingnan shook his head: "No, they are very mobile after receiving the information. From above the ice layer to here, if the situation is urgent, it will be very fast. The reason why this did not happen is because of chaos. The wasteland has not happened in the wasteland for the time being. The power that you said quickly swept the two major cities. Even, if they know your existence now, the chaos wasteland will immediately break out, and the destruction of the city of wanderers is almost inevitable. Because they Such an out-of-control force will not be allowed to exist."

Han Fei: "So, you don't know what kind of power the other party has?"

Gu Tingnan: "I don't know or not, there are some guesses."

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