God of Fishing

Chapter 2660: Lava Giant Tribe (2 in 1)

Remember [] for a second,!

I don't know why, the lava giants seem to be very repulsive to outsiders, because the outsiders who can survive in this ancient prehistoric land can never be weak.

Just like the flames here, before the Emperor Que mentioned the destruction of the prehistoric era, it was because of the fire of chaos. Han Fei didn't know whether the flames here belonged to the flames of chaos, but their lethality was still huge. Ordinary people couldn't stay here for long, and their souls and bodies couldn't bear it.

Han Fei himself didn't want to bear the flames, so he directly took out the Extreme Cold Orb.

The strong man of the Lava Giant Clan, after looking at Han Fei, his tone was still a little stiff: "Recently, a foreigner has indeed entered my Lava Giant Clan, and that is you. The elder has already spoken, and whenever a foreigner appears, Take it directly."

After that, the lava giants surrounded Han Fei.

Seeing that these people have no intention of negotiating peace, they seem to be disgusted with foreigners in their tone. Could it be that someone has done something bad here? If you have to say who did the bad things here, it can only be your own ominous body. .

Han Fei clearly felt that the hostility of the other party was growing, and he seemed reluctant to chat with him. But he has come by himself, and naturally it is impossible to leave like this.

Han Fei said lightly: "If Your Excellency can put away the hostility now, we can still sit down and have a good chat."

"Humph! Take it."

After speaking, the elder of the lava giants broke out completely, with hot flames emerging from his body, and two warhammers were pulled out in his hands. This guy is not ready to use his body as a weapon.

However, Han Fei's strength in the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm was not false to anyone. I only saw that the elder came to melee with the hammer, and the hammer method, which attracted the surrounding fire energy, actually manifested a hundred zhang flame giant in mid-air, and hammered it.

Han Fei determined at a glance that this was not a law body, but this person must have mastered some kind of law body. However, with all the strength, why have I ever been afraid of anyone?

But seeing Han Fei pinching his fist marks, the starburst fist was in the air, and even after he completely mastered the star boxing, there were faint shadows of stars appearing.



The violent explosion swept across the nine heavens and ten places. The Great Emperor was sunk, and the rocks collapsed. Within ten thousand miles, those lava giants who were about to be besieged were directly shaken back by this violent force.

The elders of the lava giant clan also flew out together.


Then I saw that the elder of the lava giant clan, the raised flesh armor on his fist, actually shattered, and a crack was broken like glass, but it was not completely shattered. And his arm, bone, is broken, and one hand hangs down unnaturally.

Han Fei squinted his eyes slightly, thinking that this person is so strong, he actually used brute force to compete with his Star Fist. Even if it's just the fist of starburst, in the hands of Han Fei at this moment, it is enough to compete with the powerhouse of the Taoist realm. But this guy just lost an arm.

However, while Han Fei was surprised, the elder of the lava giant clan was equally horrified. This person is obviously only the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, how can he be stronger than himself in terms of strength?

In the past, it was not that no outsiders had entered here, but the outsiders in the past were too weak, not to mention that they could fight against him. If anyone from their clan was picked up, they could kill those people.

It was the first time I had met Han Fei so strong. Besides, why is his whole body so cold? Could it be something like a heaven and earth spirit treasure?

Although this man broke his hand, he didn't admit it. The whole person rolled up and turned into a ball of flesh. He continued to borrow the power of heaven and earth here to charge and hit Han Fei.

And Han Fei is punching again, this time, it is not the fist of starburst, but the fist of silence.

"Bang, click..."

I saw the elder of the lava giant clan flying out, smashing directly through the ground, and being smashed into the ground hundreds of feet. His body armor was almost completely shattered, and blood was flowing like hot magma.

"Elder Huo Huo..."

"Elder, are you alright?"


For a time, the powerhouses of these lava giants were all angry, burning one by one, turning into balls, and smashing madly at Han Fei.

I just heard Han Fei sneer: "I said, I have no ill intentions, and I am not xenophobic, nor is it such an arrangement. Since you all want to use force to solve the problem, then I just have to follow your wishes."

The next moment, the dusk of the gods was running, and it was still just a golden fist, and only the sound of "Boom Boom" continued. However, after dozens of breaths and hundreds of thousands of miles around, they were smashed into huge pits all over the ground. These lava giant clans The strong people all lay flat, and even half of them were directly knocked into a coma by Han Fei.

Han Fei walked unhurriedly to the elder Huo Huo, and said lightly: "Now, can we talk?"

And the elder Huo Huo was not cowardly at the moment, he said in a low voice: "Outsiders, it is useless to hurt us. The strength of the elder is more than ten times stronger than me. You are indeed strong, but not strong enough."

I saw this giant fire elder, and there was a pattern of flames condensing in his heart that was annihilated in the void, as if he was sending a message.

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Isn't the giants' brains not enough? Did I say I would fight with you? Beep again and kill you all."

Han Fei does not doubt that there are strong emperors in this world. At present, the worst strength of this race is in the late stage of Huaxing, so it is only natural that the upper limit of high-end combat power can reach the Emperor Venerable Realm.

I just don't know how strong the emperor of this lava giant clan is, and whether there is a more powerful emperor.

Han Fei was not in a hurry, he was still waiting. Winning and killing are two different things. Once these people die, the feud between themselves and this lava giant clan will be completely forged.

And the elder Huo Huo has already sent a message, and it is estimated that someone will come soon.

Sure enough, it took less than three breaths this time, and a lava giant with a height of nearly 20 meters rolled out of the void.

So fast?

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless, how small is this world? Even if there is a subpoena over there, it shouldn't come so quickly, right? Doesn't it take a while to read the information?

Han Fei squinted his eyes slightly, this should be undoubtedly proof of the Dao, I am afraid it is not comparable to those who are strong in the external world.

But to say that the other party has reached the Xiaoyao Realm, based on the experience of Han Fei and Xiaoyao Realm, it feels a little bit worse, but it doesn't seem to be much difference.

When the lava giant saw the clansmen lying all over the ground, his first reaction was to grab a hammer, then looked at Han Fei indifferently and said, "Outsideer, are you the one who hurt my clan?"

At this time, Elder Juhuo roared: "Elder, this person has the strength to prove Tao."

The first elder took a deep look at Han Fei, but he didn't seem to find it strange.

Han Fei: "I want to reason, but your clansmen won't listen. Then I can only let them lie down and wait for someone who can reason."

The lava giant nodded slightly, then put away the hammer, because Han Fei had no killing intent or hostility. He was just a little curious, in the outside world, can you prove the Dao?

Just listen to this person: "Outsideer, I can see that you are showing mercy. So, what exactly did you come from?"

In fact, Han Fei didn't know what he had to do with them. But he knows that if the ominous body is not there, then he has also entered this world for a long time.

I only saw that Han Fei took out the Navigation Vientiane and said in his heart: "Where is the ominous body here?"

As a result, the Navigation Vientiane did not turn, and it was obviously no longer in this world.

Under the doubtful eyes of the lava giants, Han Fei thought for a while and said, "Do you know the God of War?"

The lava giant shook his head, and it seemed that the relationship could not be pulled.

Han Fei said again: "You should know, where do I come from?"

This time, the lava giant nodded: "I know, it's just an initial world that is slowly recovering, where the power of heaven is lacking, and the avenue is withering."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Since Your Excellency knows that world, why don't you try to get in touch with that world?"

Lava Giant: "There is an extremely unstable passage connecting your realm and our realm. I am surprised that with your strength, coming from there, the passage did not collapse."


Han Fei said: "That passage looks quite normal! Why did it collapse?"

The lava giant elder frowned: "How is it possible? We have tried countless times. First of all, the passage can't carry the open heaven realm and the strong people have passed through. And below the open heaven realm, if you forcibly break through, you will be blocked by the power of heaven on the other side of the passage. It was crushed and shattered in an instant. So, with your strength, didn't the passage collapse?"

Han Fei shook his head, this is really not true, except for the impact of some red light groups floating in the void, everything else came normally.

Han Fei squinted: "I can be sure that when I came over, the so-called passageway was extremely stable. Moreover, if the passageway collapsed, how would I come over?"

Lava giant: "It's just a temporary collapse, and it will slowly recover after the collapse."

Han Fei: "This..."

Han Feixin said, didn't he and the lava giant talk about the same passage? Moreover, there have been people who tried to enter here before Riot Canghai, right? Although most of them died, there should still be a small number of people who came.

Or, did they come by some kind of descent? Haven't really gotten here? Han Fei is not quite sure about this, so he can check it out in Taixuantian's library when he has time.

The lava giant also seemed to be in doubt: "There were indeed outsiders who came before, but most of them could not contact us except for some special methods, because they were burned to death by the fire of chaos as soon as they came in. So we directly The entire group moved to the vicinity of this passage in order to be able to detect outsiders in time. Because of this, I did not really protect the arrival of a very small number of outsiders, so I have some understanding of your world. Your The situation is an accident, and we still need to verify it.”

Han Fei didn't care, there was nothing to argue about. If they really can't get out, it can only be said that they are restricted by this world, not the so-called passage problem.

And listening to the lava giant elder, this flame is indeed unusual, it turns out that this is the fire of chaos. But Di Que's voice suddenly sounded in Han Fei's mind: "This is not the real fire of chaos, otherwise I should be able to feel it."

Han Fei didn't care, it didn't matter to him whether it was the fire of chaos.

Just listen to Han Fei: "I told them just now that the purpose of my coming here is to find a murderer. This person is as strong as me and can withstand the fire of chaos here. He came 58 years ago. In this world, I would like to ask, what happened 58 years ago here?"

"58 years ago?"

Han Fei obviously saw a slight change in the lava giant's expression, and obviously knew something. Immediately, he only heard his urn say: "Yes, something did happen 58 years ago. Someone invaded the sacred place of our clan and stole the treasure of our clan."


"Is the treasure lost?"

The giant fire elders, as well as a group of lava giants, were shocked.

And Han Fei frowned: "Treasure? What treasure?"

The lava giant elder: "This is the secret of my lava giant clan, why should I tell you?"

Han Fei: "I'm here to hunt down that person. If it goes well, I'll kill him and bring your treasure back. Anyway, your treasure was lost, so what can't you say? If you are willing to believe me, I might be able to get it back for you."

Lava giant: "You, do you know where it went? After so many years, how can I find its trace?"

Han Fei: "I have my own way."

The lava giant thought about it, and indeed, as Han Fei said, it has been lost, and there is really nothing that can't be said.

Just listen to him: "What we lost is a drop of the blood of the ancients."

"Ancient people?"

The Emperor Que said before that, as early as the Chaos Era, there were human races. The blood of the human race at that time should be extremely pure. If you use the devouring method, it should be well absorbed. After all, it is the blood of the same family, so there is no need to devour the blood essence of various powerful creatures to improve the bloodline as he is now.

However, does the ominous body also need to raise blood? Does he have any use for raising blood vessels? He is ominous!

Han Fei thought for a while: "Senior, can you take me to see where the treasure was lost, but that's what I said, it's really possible for me to find it for you."

Lava Giant: "Why did you say this?"

Han Fei was silent for a moment and said, "Senior, since you have already proved the Dao, should you survive the Emperor's Tribulation?"

The lava giant nodded: "Yes."

Gu </span>Han Fei: "There is a robbery in the emperor's robbery, has the predecessor experienced it?"

The lava giant nodded again: "There is such a thing."

Han Fei: "To be honest, that person is my slaying my robbery."


The lava giant was finally moved: "What do you mean, you killed me in advance? With you, it is impossible... Someone will kill me for you? Wait, there is no such person in your world."

Han Fei: "Senior, this world is very small, and our world is also very small. Outside of our two worlds, there is a bigger and broader world, that is the sea world. There are still gods in the sea world. Existence, there are some strong emperors, and there are more emperors. Why is it impossible to kill me?"

I saw that the lava giant suddenly flashed light in his eyes: "The sea world? I haven't heard of it, but there is indeed the existence of the sea in the former prehistoric land. Is that the former prehistoric land?"

Han Fei: "Yes, in fact, it was the first great land. Don't you think that the world you live in is the whole of this world, right?"



"The Great Desolate Land?"

"So, can we leave now?"

"Where is that place?"

"But, the passage can't pass!"

But seeing a group of lava giants, they suddenly became excited, as if they had found a home.

I just heard the voice of the lava giant elder a little hurriedly: "Have you found the way to the great land?"

Han Fei nodded: "It is true, but the sea world is not as good as you think, and there are many dangers everywhere. Especially the human race, where they are oppressed."

The lava giant clan elder seemed to have figured out something: "Of course the great land is dangerous, otherwise why is it called a great waste? It's not important, the important thing is to be able to get out. You... can really pass through the passage?"

Han Fei: "Naturally... It's not impossible if you want to get out. I don't think your lava giants are all emperors. Such as these people..."

Han Fei pointed to everyone except the Great Elder: "As long as you are willing to enter the stars of my life, I can take them away."

Han Fei knew what the Great Elder thought, and the Great Elder also thought of this.


Han Fei's eyes seemed to be full of anticipation when he saw these lava giants.

He also doesn't know what these people are expecting. Although the sea world may be your destination, it is very dangerous there. In particular, the place where the soul poison wasteland is densely covered with ice, and here are two extremes.

Seeing the lava giant elder, his expression immediately became much gentler, and he looked at Han Fei for a while: "Are you a human race?"

Han Fei: "If it's a fake replacement, a pure-blooded human race."

The lava giant shook his head: "After the flood, there is no pure blood."

Han Fei: "Whatever you say, I have no ill will towards the lava giants. I have no intention of taking the blood of the ancients. I want to kill me to prove the Way. I can swear that if I can take the blood of the ancient people The blood essence of the ancients will be returned to the lava giants."

The lava giant gave Han Fei a deep look: "No, no, we don't really mind if someone can reproduce the bloodline of the ancients. We just want to find me, the lava giant, through the inherited memory in the bloodline of the ancients. The place where the clan once lived, find me the home of the lava giant clan... If you can really lead us back to the sea world, it doesn't matter whether you can get back that drop of blood, and you can become my lava giant clan's best friend ."

When it was over, the lava giant looked at the clansmen who had been beaten, and said in a low voice, "Have you rested yet? It's time to get up."

However, none of those present got up, and all of them lay flat.

Just listen to the giant fire elder: "Elder, there is power in the body, and we can't recover."

Seeing the lava giant elder looking at him, Han Fei smiled slightly, and saw the healing radiance descend from the sky, directly covering all these dozens of people.

Han Fei had not only used Ragnarok, but also Killing God and Invincible Road before, causing them to have power remaining in their bodies and destroying their bodies.

When the lava giant elder saw that Han Fei was able to control the divine power between heaven and earth, he couldn't help his expression. This man seemed to be stronger than he thought.

When he first met this person, he thought that Han Fei was just a star of perfection. But when he saw the stick in Han Fei's hand, he denied the thought in his heart. How could an ordinary Dzogchen carry a demon plant in the Taoist realm?

The key is that he actually crossed the passage with Yaozhi in the Taoist realm, which made his heart become hot again.

"Hey! It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Hey! The dark wounds in the body are gone."

"Is this some kind of magic?"

"What a miraculous healing power."

There was a group of hostile lava giants just now, but now the hostility is gone. Because Han Fei said they could take them out, because the elders accepted Han Fei, and now their eyes on Han Fei have changed.

I only listened to the first elder: "I hope your Excellency will not blame them. It is only because the blood of the ancient people was stolen 58 years ago, so I gave them an order. Once I find a strong foreigner, I will try to capture it, but I can't take it. Kill without mercy."

Now, Han Fei also understands that these people are just because the treasure blood essence was stolen, not blindly targeting outsiders.

On the way back, a lava giant even came to Han Fei and said, "Why are your fists so hard?"

Han Fei: "Because, I am the emperor, the strongest human being in the world."


The man exclaimed, only to think that the name was very loud. Even the Great Elder showed surprise. When the world's strongest human race, does he have such a big tone?

Elder Juhuo was the first to disagree: "Impossible, our Great Elder is the strongest human race in the world."

Han Fei tilted his head and glanced at the giant fire elder: "To be precise, you are only humanoids, and I am the purest human race at present."

Elder Huo Huo: "Humanoids are also human. We didn't look like this before. It is said that we evolved into what we are now in response to the burning of the Chaos Fire. In the past, apart from being bigger than you, we were also perfect humanoids."

Han Fei laughed: "You also said, that was the past. If you have to do it like you do, then the strongest human race now should be a guy called the God of War. He has reached the pinnacle of the Great Emperor, but the existence of the God of War ."

The first elder finally said: "God of War?"

Han Fei: "Looking back, I will teach you a method of sacrificing. Maybe you can get in touch with the God of War. He is now in the distant sea of ​​stars. Therefore, in the sea of ​​​​stars, there is a high possibility of contacting him."

Great Elder: "Okay!"

After a pause, the elder said again: "Is there really a big world outside?"

Han Fei: "Of course, in the prehistoric era, there are thousands of races, how could only one of your lava giants survive? Since you know that there are us rioting seas outside this world, you should guess that there are still many races in this world. If my trip goes well, maybe you will soon be able to see the current sea world."

To be honest, the conditions in this wild and ancient land are so bad that a normal person would have died a long time ago. It is a miracle that these lava giants have been able to hold on here for an unknown number of years.

Because the two sides need a little time to communicate, the speed of going back to the lava giant tribe is not fast.

Han Fei even sat directly on the shoulders of the giant fire elders. From the perspective of character, in fact, there is not much difference between the lava giants and the war giants, and their dispositions are not bad. The reason why the danger of coming from the turbulent sea is so high is mainly because of the people who come. One is the backlash of evil spirits that can't stop the cracks in the abyss, and the other is the fire of chaos that can't resist the burning of this wild and ancient land all day long.

Juhuo still wondered: "Han Fei, why is it so cool around you, I feel a little cold."

Han Fei played with the Extreme Cold Orb in his hands and said, "This thing is called the Extreme Cold Orb, a superb artifact that suppresses all fire."

"Tsk tsk~"

"Wow~ There are such treasures in this world?"

"It's so boring, what material is this made of?"

"No matter what materials are used, we don't have them here. Otherwise, we will definitely make 180 of them."

When Han Fei heard the words, he couldn't help but be speechless. He made him a hundred and eighty, and you thought it was Chinese cabbage!

However, Han Fei discovered from these people's weapons, accessories, and beads on their hands that these were all artifacts. It seems that the people of this lava giant family seem to be very good at refining weapons.

Juhuo: "Han Fei, how is the outside world?"

Han Fei: "It's very free, the world is huge, the population is huge, and the trillions of people can be accommodated. In any competition, the number of experts in the Open Heaven Realm can reach one million."


"very scary."

"So many people? Our lava giants are only a few thousand people."

"How much land would it take? Wouldn't it be thousands of miles away?"

"Honey, there are so many people, how do you recognize them!"

Han Fei: "Don't admit it, we are all strangers, and we only know each other by chance."

Listening to the chat of these lava giants, Han Fei only sighed that their world is really small. Much smaller than the riotous sea. The reason why this can also become an independent world is because this is a piece of prehistoric debris that was broken in the prehistoric era. Its geographic scope is not even a tenth of a riotous sea.

The living space of the lava giants is even smaller. Except where they live, other places will naturally breed some special creatures as their hunting objects.

This group of people has lived so tirelessly for thousands of years, and it is even possible that this lineage may have been handed down from the prehistoric era.

After the two sides chatted enough, Han Fei finally came to the lava giant tribe.

Then I was surprised to find that this is still a cave-style way of life. They excavated mountains for their homes, and the skeletons of all kinds of creatures were piled up everywhere. The bones of countless creatures were beaten into pieces and spread on the ground. It seems to be very backward, but when Han Fei saw their living facilities, he was speechless. This lava giant tribe, even the special fences are at the level of artifacts. A row of totem poles are all artifacts, or the kind that will automatically guard.

Here, the most is the stone refining platform, and Han Fei heard the percussion sound of "ding ding ding dong" as far away as possible. Because there are enough artifacts to form a guardrail, the energy released by tapping the refiner is blocked by the guardrail, so it will not affect their lives in the slightest.

Seeing Han Fei and the others coming back, many young boys like calves rushed over.

Someone shouted: "Hey, Great Elder, when did you go out?"

Someone was surprised: "Yeah, why did you hunt down a flaming dragon!"

Someone saw Han Fei on Juhuo's shoulder, and immediately exclaimed: "Wow, an outsider, an outsider."

With this exclamation, countless people put down what they were doing and rushed to the huge square covered with bone fragments.

"Where? Where are the outsiders?"

"Hey! This outsider is so small!"

"Hey, it's so cool around this outsider!"

"Wow, I'm freezing to death."

"This outsider doesn't even have meat armor, the outsider is really strange."



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