God of Fishing

Chapter 2664: Ximen Linglan's Catharsis (2 in 1)

Remember [New] for a second,! "kaka~"


The last piece of spiritual treasure shattered in response to the sound, a generation of great emperors, in the long river of this time, in a corner of heaven and earth, quietly fell, silently...

The ominous Han Fei lost his calmness and composure before, but instead said in disbelief, "Ximen Linglan?"

Han Fei was also shocked. He always thought that Ximen Linglan was dead.

Back then, when I got the Blade of Hope, I didn't see Ximen Linglan, but the Blade of Hope found it by myself. . .

At that time, even the demon pot could not read the quality of the blade of hope, but the refining of the demon pot once showed that Ximen Linglan sacrificed his life for the sword, and was willing to be the spirit of the sword, and then it was polished by time, and then there was the blade of hope. .

Anyone who sees this information will feel that Ximen Linglan is dead.

However, in the same way, no one saw Ximen Linglan die.

However, Han Fei could never have imagined how Ximen Linglan would become a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm in the Temple of Time. Moreover, Ao Wutian just mentioned another identity of Ximen Linglan, which is Mo Qi's master.

When she parted with Mo Qi, she said that her master was coming, but who knew that Mo Qi's master would be Ximen Linglan?

At this moment, the two looked at each other in the air, and Han Fei's heart was extremely complicated.

At this moment, there is actually a guy who is more embarrassed than Han Fei. Although Ximen Linglan is looking at Han Fei, she always feels that she is looking at herself.

At the same time, he is also quite impressed that Han Fei can really do it! There is mercy everywhere.

Of course, at the moment, she didn't dare to think or say anything, thinking in her heart that I am a stick, I am a stick...

Just when the atmosphere changed slightly, Han Fei said ominously: "Ling Lan, no matter what, I am also the Wang Han of the past..."

Ominous Han Fei knew that he might have no way out, but in this situation, he wanted to fight for it, even if he had a chance to fight against Han Fei.

However, Han Fei's reaction was great, and he shouted, "Noisy."


I only saw that the Han Fei Dao was in full operation, the twilight of the gods broke out, the invincible road was blessed, the killing God Dao was integrated into the sword light, and the Wuxiang Wuji sword was cut out.

This sword is a combination of Han Fei's peak strength and the most powerful blow. With the gap between him and the ominous Han Fei, even if the ominous Han Fei's five locks are fully opened, it is impossible to resist.

The ominous Han Fei was terrified. He naturally saw the horror of this sword, and he couldn't understand why Han Fei had become so strong after not seeing him for decades.

At this time, the ominous Han Fei naturally did everything he could, laying down 100,000 heavy seals and even burning all his strength in an attempt to block Han Fei's attack.

But Han Fei also mastered the Fengshen spear, and when he drew it casually, the Dao pattern of the Fengshen spear formation faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although they know it, the ominous will basically do it, and the two people's memory methods are basically the same. But it would be ridiculous to confer a spear to block him. In the final analysis, the Conferred God Spear is the condensed pattern of the Dao, and the ominous Han Fei can condense this pattern, and Han Fei can erase this pattern.


Without giving the ominous Han Fei the slightest chance, with a single sword, the ominous Han Fei was slashed to the point of annihilation, turning into a black fog, and then shattered into nothingness by the sword glow.

Although it has only been less than a hundred years, the gap in combat power is too great, to the extent that it cannot be compensated or resisted. Moreover, the ominous Han Fei only has Han Fei's combat skills, great skills and memories. He doesn't have Han Fei's trump card! A series of treasures on Han Fei's body, ominous Han Fei does not have any, this is the biggest gap.

With a sword of light for a million miles, Han Fei finally finished beheading me.

It's just that Han Fei didn't finish the excitement of killing me at all, because he didn't have that mood at all. Even from the beginning to the end, his eyes never fell on the ominous Han Fei, as if the sword just now was just an ordinary sword.

However, after Han Fei's fall, there was one thing that was not damaged. It was the blood of the ancients. Han Fei didn't care about it. Ao Wutian is gone, and with the ominous Han Fei, of course, he can't keep this drop of blood essence.

This Wuxiang Wuji sword disappeared in time. Everything returned to calm, but Han Fei and Ximen Linglan were still looking at each other.

I saw that Ximen Linglan slowly lifted the veil, revealing the familiar face of Han Fei, which made Han Fei feel as if he was dreaming.

Han Fei was silent for a long time: "Long time no see, I thought you..."

Ximen Linglan's eyes showed some complicated emotions, but her voice was a little cold: "Think I'm dead?"

Han Fei: "I..."

Han Fei held back for a long time, but he didn't think what to say. The key is that he didn't have any preparation in his heart. He didn't know what to say or how to say it.

In the end, I can only say: "How did you enter the Temple of Time?"

Ximen Linglan quickly put away her emotions and said indifferently: "Is this important? In order to leave me, in order to get rid of me, you even created the illusion of your own fall. So, is this important?"

"I...some things, I have to do, I don't belong to that era, I have to go back to my era. I have to make you believe that I have fallen and left you completely. In this way, with time As time goes by, maybe you will gradually let go..."

"No, you belong to that era."

Just listen to Ximen Linglan's decisive words: "If you don't belong to that era, you can't interfere with anything in that era at all. So, you belong to that era, but you haven't experienced that era thoroughly. You were born in what you call it. That era, but you don't actually belong to your era... This point, I only understood after joining the Temple of Time."

With Ximen Linglan's straightforward personality, he kept some words in his heart for too long, so he didn't spit out unpleasantness, so he just listened to her continue: "Because you think that in that era that belongs to you, there are very important things waiting for you to do, So you gave up your life in this era and gave up on me. If you really want me to rest my eyes, you can actually cultivate with me, grow together, and spend those five thousand years together. In that way, we will be happy After living for five thousand years, no matter whether I died in battle or died of old age, at least I lived happily for those five thousand years. After five thousand years, you can still return to the so-called era of you, and in that era In fact, you should have only passed a short period of time... So, you gave up a full five thousand years for your so-called years..."

Even though Ximen Linglan has reached the realm of a great emperor, her emotions at the moment seem to be ignited, and she is a little excited. The words that have been suppressed in her heart have finally found a way to vent.

Han Fei was speechless by this call, although he really didn't know the hundreds of years of the Dharma-ending Era at the time, and it only took dozens of days in the ideal palace. However, this is really no excuse.

Compared to herself, Ximen Linglan had waited five thousand years. And now, not only five thousand years, but one hundred thousand years.

Ximen Linglan ignored Han Fei's silence and continued, "I've waited for you for five thousand years, I've worked hard to cultivate, I've worked hard to become stronger, and I've worked hard to reach the long river of time. But, no, no... I love it. I have hated you for five thousand years, and I have hated you for five thousand years. I hate why you appeared in my world, and why you left without saying goodbye... At the last moment of my life, in that war, I resolutely Pulling the enemy into the long river of time, I can feel the passing of life, I can feel despair, but I am not reconciled... I am not reconciled. I waited for five thousand years, only to see you in a hurry, I sacrificed myself to the sword , I want to turn into a blade of revenge and go to your side, I want to say something for you, why...why leave me alone, why..."

Having said this, Ximen Linglan was already in tears, realizing her emotions and state, Ximen Linglan thought about it, and the tears on her face turned into ethereal water vapor and dissipated in the air.

But seeing her emotions gradually calm down, her expression gradually changed from excitement to indifference, only to hear her say: "My soul, my life, my will, my love, my hate, all I have, At that moment, madly poured into the blade of vengeance. At that moment, I realized that I would cut time with my mortal power, but at that moment, my life also came to an end... But, when I was about to give up everything At the moment of death, there was an invisible hand that took me away from time... At that moment, my teacher, she gave me a new life, and I really needed a new life. Yes, why am I, why should I , I want to live for you, without you, I, Ximen Linglan, can also live, and can live better..."

Having said that, Ximen Linglan's attitude has become extremely indifferent, and there are no emotional fluctuations between her words.

Just listen to her continue: "Now, I am me, I am Ximen Linglan, I have my way of living, I have my life, I also have my pursuit..."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei: "..."

"I'm sorry~"

Ximen Linglan's words were like a knife, carved into the bone marrow, Han Fei seemed to feel the despair, the grief, the helplessness. But he couldn't really feel that everything, in the end, he could only express it with a pale "I'm sorry"...

Ximen Linglan shook his head indifferently: "I'm sorry, it's right. But I don't care anymore, I'm the most outstanding genius in the history of the Temple of Time, and I have the ability to cross time without compromising my lifespan. You are my man, but It is also the man who abandoned me, the relationship between you and me will end here... This blade of revenge, return you..."

After finishing speaking, the Blade of Hope shot out from Ximen Linglan's side, and instantly disappeared into Han Fei's body.

Han Fei said quickly, "This is yours."

However, Ximen Linglan shook her head and said, "That's the Ximen Linglan from the past, that's the Ximen Linglan who loved you. The past is the past. I don't want what she gave you..."

When it was over, the coffin of the ancient tree of life flew to Han Fei's side, Ximen Linglan glanced at Xia Xiaochan again, and said indifferently, "I only now know that the woman who you called your name countless times in your sleep is ridiculous. At the beginning, you were still pretending to be stupid, ready to hide it from me for the rest of your life..."

After finishing speaking, Ximen Ling Lan flicked his fingers, and a piece of vitality shot into the coffin of the ancient tree of life.

Han Fei: "This is?"

Ximen Linglan snorted coldly: "The coffin of the ancient tree of life will protect her body for at most 100,000 years. Now that the coffin has crossed the long river of 100,000 years, the life of this coffin is almost exhausted. I will add something to her, at least enough for her to go back. What, do you think I can harm her?"

Han Fei: "Of course not..."

Han Fei opened his mouth and smiled bitterly in his heart.

It was only then that he remembered that the senior brother had indeed said: The ancient tree of life can protect the body for 100,000 years. After it is closed, it cannot be opened without proving the Way.

With the return of the coffin of the ancient tree of life, there is also the catastrophe of the gods. Just now, when Han Fei wanted to trigger the calamity of the gods, he was stopped by Ximen Linglan, and now he gave it back to himself.

Han Fei said: "Or..."

Ximen Linglan seemed to know what Han Fei was going to say, and said decisively: "I don't want it, after today, you and I will have nothing to do with you, if I plot a calamity of the gods and the blood of the ancients, what is I, Ximen Linglan? I have my pride, I can become a **** without relying on anyone, how can I be so rare in this mere calamity and a drop of blood."

"Ling Lan, there's no need to be so decisive."

"Isn't it necessary? Why don't you choose between me and Xia Xiaochan?"


"Heh! What are you hesitating about? Sure enough, women are scumbags..."

Han Fei: "..."

Suddenly, Ximen Linglan looked at the void, only to see a golden light chain from the palm of her hand, sinking into the void.

Just listening to Ximen Ling Lan said: "Ao Wutian has fallen, the Temple of Time already knows that you have no time left. Today is the last time you and I will meet in this life."

After finishing speaking, Ximen Linglan stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The time was shattered, and the time line that originally needed the Blade of Hope to be cut open was as if nothing in Ximen Linglan's hands.

Almost in an instant, time has changed.

I don't know how many time lines have been broken, the location is still in Dahuang Village, still in this gravel beach, a middle-aged man, holding a fishing rod in his right hand, and a carrot in his left hand, eating and breaking it. Come to the rocky beach.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Han Fei couldn't help but say in surprise, "Old Han?"

Yes, this person is not Han Guanshu, but who can it be?

Han Guanshu does not have the blade of hope, nor the ability of Ximen Linglan, but he has the worm of time, which can penetrate time and appear in this time period.

However, this time period was shrouded in fog, so he could not directly cross the 800-year time line. He could only start from the beginning, live slowly here, and wait until the right time to see Jiang Linxian.

Originally, there were only two hundred years left to see Jiang Linxian. But who knew that his son actually appeared in front of him, which made him a little speechless, a little shocked, and more stunned.

Han Guanshu looked at Han Fei, at Ximen Linglan who had an expression on his face, and at the coffin of the Ancient Tree of Life beside Han Fei. He couldn't feel Ximen Linglan's strength, and he didn't know Ximen Linglan, so he didn't feel anything. But he knew Xia Xiaochan.

Han Guanshu was surprised and said, "Why are you here? What happened to the little girl? Why did you bring her?"

Han Guanshu realized that he seemed to be asking a nonsense, and then said in shock: "It's almost six hundred years, you can come here? No, even if you can come, you can't meet me! The time line."

Han Fei glanced at Ximen Linglan and responded, "It's a long story."

Ximen Linglan was quite decisive: "Then don't talk about it."

When it was over, Ximen Linglan waved his hand, and the time line changed again. When the time line stopped changing, Ximen Linglan waved his hand, and several people appeared directly in a palace.

This palace is exactly the same as the palace that Han Fei dreamed of in the past. Even the lightly floating gauze did not change.

At this moment, a beautiful woman is standing in front of a table and drawing a pattern with brush and ink. The pattern is extremely complex, and its exquisiteness is as if drawing a picture of the world. There is a blue-and-white incense burner at hand, and the smoke from the stove is like fog, falling on the map, as if the map seems to be in a fairyland.

Suddenly, in this palace, three big living people appeared, an ancient tree coffin, and a green stick that was trembling. This caught her off guard a bit, and the whole person was stunned.

She has been here for more than 100,000 years, and this is the first time she has seen a group of people appear in this palace.

But soon, she recognized someone: "Shushu..."

Lao Han was also shocked: "Xianxian? This..."

Old Han couldn't help looking at Han Fei, as if asking, what's going on?

And Jiang Linxian also looked at Han Fei at the moment, his eyes couldn't move, and the pen in his hand fell on the map.

"You... Fei'er?"

At this moment, Han Fei finally saw Jiang Linxian himself, the same person he saw in his dream memory. It's just that at that time, her hair was loose, but now, her hair is casually rolled up, her eyes are full of spring water, and she is dressed in golden silk brocade in smoke and purple. At this moment, his mouth is slightly open, and his face is full of surprise and joy.

"Mother...Wait, isn't this time node my birth node?"

Ximen Linglan: "It's fake. Time is still flowing, and the stories here are not repeating, it's just that their freedom is restricted. Going back to the present and killing you before you were born is a falsehood that doesn't exist."

Han Fei's heart froze, which mysterious person was wrong? Wait, or, did the mysterious man really just deliberately tell this to the ominous Han Fei? Looking at it now, it's really possible.

At this moment, seeing Jiang Linxian, Han Fei couldn't help feeling an inexplicable closeness. He knew that this was Jiang Linxian.

Jiang Linxian couldn't help but be moved, but before she could speak, Ximen Linglan indifferently interrupted the warm side of this parent-child meeting. Just listen to her: "I don't have time to watch your reconciliation here."

Just listen to her look at Han Fei: "I said, after today, you and I will have nothing to do with each other."

Seeing that Ximen Linglan was about to wave again, Han Fei hurriedly interrupted: "Wait a minute... Ao Wutian said that this game has been set up for 100,000 years, and now you have broken this game, and Ao Wutian is dead again, what are you doing? manage?"

Han Fei had an idea: "Ling Lan, enter my Void Temple, my brothers and sisters are all very good."


Ximen Linglan sneered: "I am the seventh hall master of the dignified Temple of Time. I just broke a game and killed one person. Do you think this is a big deal? The Temple of Time, the most important thing is time."

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian were both dumbfounded, they were dumbfounded at the moment, and they had no idea what Han Fei and Ximen Linglan were talking about.

But the Void Temple, the Temple of Time, the Seventh Temple Master, they all sound amazing.

After speaking, Ximen Linglan stretched out his hand, and a golden-gray light fell into the palm of his hand. Han Fei saw that it was a strange circular instrument that was turning like a lunar hour or a stone carving of the sun.

"Chaos Clock?"

At the first moment, Han Fei guessed that this is the treasure of creation, the chaotic clock, that Ao Wutian said.

Immediately following, Ximen Linglan, smashed through countless time lines with one palm, and abruptly opened a passage in this time and in the long river of time.

Just listen to her: "When you get out of here, you can re-establish the connection with the Void Temple. From now on, you have your way, I have my way, you go to the future, I look back, between you and me, cause and effect discontinued."

"...Ling Lan..."


At that moment, there was still a palace here, Han Fei and the others, including the father and mother, the coffin of the ancient tree of life and Liu Qiansi, all appeared in the long river of time.

And here, Ximen Linglan was no longer there.

"Cut off cause and effect?"

Han Fei looked at the flowing tide of time around him, a blue streamer of light, and roared, "Groove... You say it will be cut off when you cut it off?"

Han Fei is not stupid, and he is not a newbie. How could he be fooled by Ximen Linglan with just a few words.

What is the most important thing in the Temple of Time is time? The situation that has been laid for 100,000 years has been disturbed, and the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm have been beheaded. Is this a trivial matter?

Perhaps Ximen Linglan's status in the Temple of Time is very high now, and perhaps the seventh temple master may be one of the supreme thrones of the Temple of Time. However, it is absolutely impossible for this matter to be so hasty.

What is a demon pot? What the gods have to fight for, you, a great emperor, let go of it casually. Is this a trivial matter? No matter how strong the Temple of Time is, it is impossible to have a large group of powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm.

At this moment, Liu Qiansi was still trembling, muttering, "I live, I live, I live again."

Han Guanshu hurriedly said, "My son, what's going on?"

Jiang Linxian: "???"

Han Fei: "Don't talk to me, I'll call... uh... whatever..."

Han Fei frantically urged the void mark: "Senior brother, big brother, big brother, big..."

"I'm here."

Seeing that the senior brother finally responded, Han Fei immediately said: "Eldest senior brother, the situation is urgent, can you help me get someone out of the Temple of Time... blah blah blah..."

Han Fei spoke hastily, so in the eyes of Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian at this moment, he was confused, thinking what is this for?

Although they don't know what Han Fei is doing, Han Fei's nervous appearance makes them not dare to say anything. What happened today is too bizarre.

Han Guanshu knew that it would take him at least two hundred years before he could meet Jiang Linxian. But the woman just waved her hand, and she has crossed two hundred years in that time that is almost impossible to cross.

Then, the woman waved her hand again, and they came out of the palace where it was almost impossible to get out, and returned to the long river of time.

The key is that there seems to be an unclear relationship between the woman and Han Fei, which seems to be very complicated.

At this moment, Han Fei and Senior Brother finished their expressions. And the senior brother was silent for a few breaths and said: "Little junior brother, this person can't be brought back."

Han Fei: "Why? Senior Brother, you are so amazing."

Senior Brother: "Some things are not as simple as you think. Just now, I felt the change of the Lord of Time. This person's strength is no weaker than that of a brother. Second, if you say, this Ximen Ling Lan, he may be punished, but he will definitely not die. The master of the Temple of Time, not everyone can stop it. A mortal person can become the master of the Temple of Time. In the entire history of the Temple of Time, no one can do it. You said She had an epiphany of time, and it was likely that she not only realized time as simple as time, but directly realized the divine way to cut through time. Therefore, this woman must be the strongest genius in the Temple of Time for millions of years, no one. Who died , she can't die, and the Temple of Time can't let her out of the Temple of Time, at most it's just a little punishment."

"Oh, like this?"

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ximen Linglan was so talented. If so, then at least he was relieved a lot. As for the matter between them, Han Fei obviously didn't believe it, although he could do nothing at the moment, but he would never see such words again. Everyone knew that Ximen Linglan was still alive, so how could they have nothing to do with each other?

It's just that it can't be rushed. Since Ximen Linglan won't have a major incident, he can at least let go of his heart. As for how to make up for this woman at that time, Han Fei was hazy in his heart, as if he had already made up his mind.

However, I just heard the senior brother say again: "Although my brother can't bring back Ximen Linglan from the Lord of Time, but the Temple of Time, calculating my disciples of the Temple of Void, and even using the Chaos Clock, it's impossible to just forget about it. .UU reading www.uukanshu.com little junior brother, you should do what you should do yourself, as a brother, go and talk to the Lord of Time..."

"Oh oh... eldest brother, please let the Lord of Time, don't punish her heavily, shut up for a hundred years behind closed doors and think about it, it's amazing... It was that arrogant who stole the Chaos Clock and calculated me, although he Dead, but he did this shit."

Senior Brother: "Everyone has their own fate, and what kind of punishment she should have is her business. Everyone needs to experience countless disasters in order to achieve great achievements, and no one is an exception. If she is so talented, naturally No exception. If your brother intervenes, it may affect her luck, so it depends on you. You must protect your brother, then your brother will protect her."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei pondered for a moment: "Yes, will it affect her becoming a god?"

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Then... that's fine."

------off topic-----

Two-in-one, asking for votes...7000 words...Ximen Linglan is a very sassy woman, with a more vigorous and resolute style... If today's chapter seems a little rushed, it is an illusion, because this is a small climax, and here it is also It's just to show Ximen Linglan temporarily...

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