God of Fishing

Chapter 2666: Big Brother Lecturing (3 in 1)

Void Temple, before the throne, the eight paths are composed of mysterious time, and the cones of time covered with Dao lines congealed one after another.

"Puff puff!"

"Eight soul-releasing cones? My lord..."


But I saw that among the hall masters, there was a woman who was about to step out of her seat and asked for mercy. I saw a snake of time, suddenly drilled out of her mouth.

I just heard the Lord of Time in a cold voice: "I said, no one is allowed to intercede when the time is short."

Except for this hall master, everyone else was indifferent. Someone shook his head slightly, and the soul-releasing cone was a seal that released the power of perception. The eight soul-releasing cones can magnify Ximen Linglan's physical and spiritual senses eight times.

Although not death, to be honest, 100,000 years is too long, and life is better than death. .



A series of six soul-releasing cones submerged into Ximen Linglan's body, the latter actually did not say a word, just when the last two soul-releasing cones were about to penetrate into Ximen Linglan's body.

All of a sudden, the two soul-releasing cones exploded, and the law of time and the mysterious lines that were wrapped exploded.


Suddenly, all the powerhouses at the palace master level stared at the field. There, a man in white, with his hands on his back, did not know when he appeared in the main temple of the Temple of Time.


All the hall masters, their hearts are awe-inspiring. The person who can do this step cannot be a strong emperor. Then, there is only one possibility for the answer, and that is God.

Ximen Linglan also looked at this person in amazement, with doubts in her heart.

On the throne of God, the Lord of Time Hall was still sitting on it, his voice indifferent: "Void, long time no see."

The visitor's face was gentle, and there was no smile, no seriousness, and no sign of solemnity.

He ignored the Lord of Time, but turned to look at Ximen Linglan, and said in a gentle voice, "I am, Han Fei's senior brother, I recognize you..."

"My people from the Temple of Time, do you need your approval?"


The senior brother frowned slightly, turned around, and punched out, like a galaxy flowing, like a sacred hand in the distant void, which shocked and amazed people.

"Bang bang bang~"

With a punch, it seemed as if thousands of years of time were shattered. Seeing the immortality of the fist mark, the Lord of Time finally had to get up. As the time in front of him seemed illusory, the roaring sound spread out in the long time.

All I could see was that this sacred and solemn temple, like flying ash in the hand, was swept away by the power of the void.

And those temple master-level powerhouses were horrified. The Lord of the Void was really strong, and with one punch, the temple was destroyed. This is not as simple as a palace, this is a time domain formed by time entanglement!

Outside the temple, there is a long river of time flowing. At this moment, everyone is exposed to this long river of time, and the throne of the Lord of Time cannot be preserved either.

I just listened to the senior brother's gentle voice: "Didn't you see what I'm talking about? It's very rude to interrupt someone else's speech."

Under the mask of time, the Lord of Time snorted lightly, but didn't make a sound.

He knew that if he really wanted to fight the Lord of the Void, he wouldn't be able to please him. Moreover, this matter is the Temple of Time's fault. According to Void's character, he didn't smash the door directly, but it was actually beyond his expectations.

When Ximen Linglan saw this, she was not shocked and said that one of the three temples, the Void has the strongest combat power, she naturally knows it, so she is not surprised at the scene in front of her.

However, Ximen Linglan still said, "Senior Void, this is a family matter of my Temple of Time, and it is also the punishment that this junior deserves. Please don't meddle in Senior Void."

The senior brother said gently: "Yes. However, I didn't come to intervene in your trial and save you. That's my little junior brother's business. I came here because I was reasonable. You are not bad, so I recognize you. It's a gift for me to meet my brother and sister."

Ximen Linglan hurriedly said, "Senior, this junior has nothing to do with you, so I don't need any greetings. And..."

Ximen Linglan only felt that her throat was a little itchy, but she didn't say the following words.

The senior brother still said gently: "You and my junior brother have not yet broken the relationship, why are you never connected? My family, give a gift to meet you, this is a courtesy."

After he finished speaking, Senior Brother reached out his hand and lightly nodded between Ximen Linglan's eyebrows. It's just that there is no light, no physical objects, as if nothing has happened.

After the elder brother finished speaking, the Lord of Time said leisurely, "You interrupted her."

The big brother turned his head, still carrying his hands on his back: "Yes, so I should be unreasonable now..."

Temple of Time: "???"


I only saw that the long river of time around the senior brother began to flow backwards, a finger pierced through time, and in this long river, a void was torn open.


The next moment, where there are still the figures of the senior brother and the Lord of Time, there is only a corner of the Lord of Time's clothes left in the field.

In an instant, the Lord of Time returns.

But everyone knows that although it only disappears for such an instant, who knows how long has passed? What if they freeze the time and fight?

Even for 10,000 years, in the eyes of outsiders, it is only a matter of seconds.

At this moment, the Lord of Time, waved his hand, the long river of time began to close. As he sat down on his buttocks, the seat of the gods reappeared under him. Time, condensed into a palace, but in a moment, the scene of the previous magnificent palace was restored. .

The Lord of Time quietly looked at Ximen Linglan, snorted lightly, and did not re-enter the two soul-releasing cones, but said a little annoyed: "The trial is over, take it away!"

When everyone in front of him disappeared into time, the Lord of Time was still sitting on top of the masterpiece, but his hands were shaking.

Lava Giants.

For the lava giants, Han Fei's time in the river of time is actually very short, only a few days of scenery.

Because of Han Fei's appearance, hope has once again risen in the voices of many Lava Juren clan. The first elder has not even thought about how to tell the clansmen about Han Fei's departure.

However, this time, Han Fei, Jiang Linxian and the others appeared together on the land of the great wasteland. The spatial fluctuations caused the Great Elder and another Emperor Senior Realm powerhouse to come almost immediately. Arrived at the location where Han Fei and the others were.

"Didn't you just go in... Hey, fairy girl, Han Guanshu?"

The first elder showed a shocked expression. He was originally surprised by Han Fei's return, but when he saw that, Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu were also returning together, which filled him with shock.

Jiang Linxian: "Grandpa Elder, Uncle Huo Liao, long time no see, we are back."

The Great Elder didn't speak for a long time.

Another emperor of the lava giant clan, named Fire Spear. Because Han Fei came and went in a hurry before, so he didn't get along with the lava giants, so he was still unfamiliar.

However, Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu used to open the sky here, and did not leave until after Huaxing, so they should be more familiar with the lava giants.

Huo Liao showed a bright smile: "Just come back, just come back."

He said it would be good to come back, but Huo Liao's eyes were already floating a little, and finally landed on Han Fei. He knew that this time the Great Elder really made the right bet.

It's a miracle that Han Fei actually brought them all back from the long river of time after betting three times in a row.

The Great Elder naturally understood the meaning of it, and with his eyesight, he could naturally see that Jiang Linxian was proving the Way. Jiang Linxian testified, which meant that it was possible for both of them to leave this wild land.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Elder, when we come back this time, we will take the entire lava giant clan out. But it may take you to stay in my and my mother's natal star for a while. Because I will stay in the riotous sea. A period of time to prepare for confrontation with foreign enemies."

The first elder smiled and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes. The human race is difficult, so it is natural to have a comprehensive plan. At that time, if the war starts, my lava giants will naturally spare no effort. Let's go, in our Hui clan, I think everyone When I hear this news, I will go crazy with joy."

After counting interest.

Lava Giants.

When the Great Elder suddenly came, many people looked at him and asked, "Great Elder, what happened to the foreigners? Can he take us out?"

"Elder, is this foreigner reliable?"

"Elder, why didn't you see that foreigner?"

After listening to the first elder cough, he shouted: "The lava giants, everyone gathers, remember, it's everyone. The hunting party outside, all call back."


"Bang bang bang~"

For a while, I saw a huge ball in the sky, rolling around. There are very few things in the lava giant clan that are worthy of the Great Elder's mobilization. Although they don't know what happened, they know that something big has happened.

And the only guess in their hearts is that they have a chance to go out, which must be the case. Otherwise, why did the Great Elder ask the whole clan to gather after the foreigners came here?

When it was mentioned that they could go out, everyone acted unexpectedly fast, and most of them were packing their things. It was certain that they could go out.

But after watching the scenery for a while, the residence of the lava giants was already full of people. All together, a total of 4362 people, all in place.

Someone shouted, "Elder, can we go out?"

"Elder, it must be that foreigner who can take us out, right?"

"Elder, what about the foreigners?"


For a while, the scene was noisy, and everyone was looking forward to it, looking around here, trying to find Han Fei's figure.

At this moment, the first elder looked at the void and said, "Xian girl, come out! Everyone actually misses you a lot."


I saw that Han Fei, Jiang Linxian, and Han Guanshu walked out of the void.

The moment they appeared, the scene was immediately violent, and many people exclaimed.


"It's Miss Xianxian, Miss Xianxian is back..."

"Ah! It's Brother Guanshu, my God, Miss Xianxian and Brother Guanshu have returned from the long river of time."

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that we would meet again in our lifetime."

"I almost didn't recognize it at first glance."

"Brother Guanshu, I'm Tie Fei! I used to take you to mine mines."

"Xianxian, I am Huoyu, I am Huoyu."

Jiang Linxian was also very happy. As soon as her figure moved, she appeared on the shoulder of Huoyu and said, "Girl Huoyu, why are you so tall?"

Huoyu grinned and said, "We haven't seen each other for more than 80,000 years. I must have grown taller? It's you, who hasn't changed at all. It's exactly the same as I remember."

Han Guanshu was also surrounded by some giant lava giants around him.

"Brother Guanshu, I'm soaring! Let me show you the great sword I forged. It was specially made for you at the beginning, but you haven't come back for so many years."

"Brother Guanshu, don't look at that big sword, look at the thousand-bladed child-mother-knife I made. This is the pinnacle of my life. It's very powerful. I'll give it to you!"

Han Guanshu: "Don't send me, you send my son. This time I can come back, and it all depends on my son. Also, I told you before that I would take you to see the sea. It won't be long before you can see it."


"Is it the sea that is not hot at all and flows like lava?"

Han Guanshu: "I think it's a bit inappropriate for you to use magma as an analogy. But you're right, when the sea is surging, it's quite similar to the surging of a magma lake."

"Hahaha, we can really go out."


Someone slapped the laughing man on the head and quickly said, "I have to thank Brother Guanshu's son, hey, Brother Guanshu, what's your son's name?"

Han Guanshu smiled gently: "Han Fei."

Suddenly a group of people waved their hands at Han Fei: "Han Fei nephew, thank you so much, the hope that our whole family can go out is brought by you. I will give you this ten thousand sons and daughters..."

"And me, I gave you this big sword."

"I have it, too. My keel was conferred a **** order, which was made by absorbing the fire of chaos and refining it for eight thousand years. A high-grade artifact requires only one fire to become a top-grade artifact. I'll send it to you..."

"Ah! Ahaha..."

The scene was unimaginably enthusiastic, but Han Fei didn't take any of it.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Everyone, listen to me, please keep the best weapons for yourself. Because the outside world is not here. The outside world is dangerous, there are many bad people, there are many enemies, and there is no perfect weapon, how to fight those people. We, not only want to go to the outside world, we also need a territory that belongs to us, a free and unconstrained, vast world... So, seniors, please keep the best weapons for yourself, It's better not to have only one, because it's really dangerous outside."


Someone's face was solemn, but the next moment, his whole body was shocked, and nearly a hundred sets of artifact equipment suddenly appeared, suspended around him, and said solemnly: "Nephew Han Fei, the outside world is so dangerous, am I not enough? ?"

The others followed suit, and everyone sacrificed nearly a hundred artifacts, making Han Fei bewildered.

"Damn it, it's too early to talk, why don't I just take it back now?"

Are these people perverted? All day long here, you can refine artifacts and play, right? You can take out hundreds of artifacts at will, who can stand it?

Liu Qiansi trembled slightly: "There are so many artifacts, you really don't want either, then why don't I want two?"

Han Fei Xin was talking nonsense, who wouldn't want this! But the words have been said just now, how can I ask for it again? Isn't this a slap in the face?

However, Han Fei didn't take it too seriously. Although these are all artifacts, there is still some gap between them.

I saw Han Fei and the Great Elder exchanged glances. The next moment, the Great Elder shouted, "Everything is quiet, quiet..."

The noise of excitement and excitement finally subsided under the suppression of the Great Elder.

I just heard the first elder shout: "Everyone, it's time for us to go out. You also saw that the fairy girl and Guanshu have returned. All of this is due to Han Fei's little friend. Today, when they return, they will take us with us Go out. However, the outside world is turbulent, the war is raging, and the human race is being oppressed. I have to stay on their destiny stars for a while, until the right time, until we go to the wider world, that is us when he was born."


Someone laughed: "Elder, I'm not afraid of fighting. I've never fought a big murderer before. I have fought 100,000 rounds of rage with Qun Jiao. It's very tough."

Someone patted the flesh armor on his body: "The sharpest fire flying fish can't break my flesh armor. Hmph, whoever blocks our way out will be leveled."

"That's right, that's..."

A group of people were talking, some showed weapons, some showed flesh armor, some showed their scars, some showed off their muscles, and there was a posture that would immediately start a fight.

Seeing this, Han Fei also sighed, they were all a group of guys who had never been beaten by the sea world!

But this is fine. According to the attitude of the lava giants, it can be said that their team of more than 4,000 people is really in the sea world. Emperor Zun did not go out, and there were few strengths that could resist their bombardment.

Jiang Linxian also said: "By the way, since everyone is here, it's better to go out first. I know that you are all eager to see the outside. If that's the case, don't talk here. After we go out, there are also some reminiscences. Opportunity."

The first elder also said: "You guys, Xian girl and Han Fei, there are still a lot of things to do, you think you are all like you, you have nothing to do all day? All stand for me and let go. Mind, prepare to enter the star of life."

Jiang Linxian: "Elder, Fire Spear Elder, please don't resist the two of you."

I just listened to Han Fei: "Mother, you have been in the long river of time. Although you have been proving the Way, you shouldn't have been to the stars for many years, right? Can you carry the Great Elder and the others in?"

Jiang Linxian: "It should be possible. Although I can't connect with the stars of my life, my mother's own strength has grown rapidly in the past 100,000 years. Moreover, the stars of my life seem to grow spontaneously in this subtle growth. Maybe now my The natal star is not very strong, and it may even be extremely scarce in resources, but it should not be a problem to stay there temporarily for a while."

Han Fei nodded slightly. In fact, he was not short of star resources at all. There were a lot of Kaitian realm powerhouses who died in his hands, and there was also a free and happy realm powerhouse. When I turned around, I gave the old lady all the power of the Fate Stars of the Boxing Sect powerhouse, so that I could make up for the deficiencies that befall the Fate Stars in a very short period of time.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Everyone, I don't have time to wait, we need to go out as soon as possible. If you have anything else to bring, it's best to put it in your own stars."

"Han Fei's nephew, don't worry, let us in. We have nothing to bring, just some hammers or something, and we have already received the stars."

That's what I said, but there are still some people who have brought food such as fire dragons, thinking about it, thinking that it is always good to bring something to eat just in case.

After a while.

Han Fei: "I will open up a space exclusively for you on the stars of your destiny. Just wait for a while, and I will let you out."


When the phantom of the world appeared, the lava giants present disappeared one after another.

However, in Han Fei's life star, the pot exploded all at once.

A group of lava giants were stunned when they saw the towering trees, the strange flowers and plants, and the colorful orchards in Han Fei's natal star.

"Wow! It's very cool here, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant. There is no burning of the fire of chaos. Is this a fairyland?"

"Is this a tree? This tree turned out to be green, so big!"

"Hey! Is this fruit edible? The color looks very nice."

"Have you felt this land? Unlike ours, which is rigid, this land has a very strong vitality."


Han Fei specially chose a place for them, and in this space, Han Fei removed the time acceleration. One is because these lava giants are strong and don't need time to speed up. The other is that they desperately want to go out. If I really give them time to speed up and use one day for more than half a year, I am afraid that they will be suffocated to death.

I just heard Han Fei's voice resounding between heaven and earth: "Everyone, you can use these spiritual fruits as you like, as long as you don't pull up the fruit trees."

It just so happens that on Han Fei's current life star, the fruit and so on are all grown up, and the cherries are like footballs. Han Fei sometimes has headaches, and these things are not easy to swallow.

But when the lava giants heard Han Fei's words, they quickly picked a spiritual fruit each.

Elder Juhuo said: "Han Fei's nephew is polite to let you eat it, but don't go too far. With so many mouths, how many spiritual fruits do you have to eat in one breath? Therefore, you can't keep picking them. Give me a break."

When it was over, the giant fire elder picked a peach from a peach tree by himself.


Suddenly, Elder Juhuo was stunned. What the **** is this, what kind of fairy fruit is this? It's too delicious, right? And most of the others around him reacted the same way.

However, the elder Huo Huo spoke just now. Many people took a bite and were a little reluctant to finish the fruit.

However, Han Fei continued to say, "Everyone, there are not so many rules, eat with confidence. After eating, it will grow longer, but it is not too long."

"Bah, ah, ah, ah..."

Han Fei had already spoken, and there was only a sound of gobbling.

While eating, many people sighed with emotion: "Han Fei's nephew, good man!"

And Han Fei really doesn't care, and even a little fortunate, just a few fruits are so successful for them. How many good things in this world have these lava giants missed?

After placing these lava giants, Di Que said, "We will come back to this place again. After you preach, I need to come here to preach."

Han Fei: "I know, so far, this should be the most suitable place for you. Now that the crisis in the Chaos Wasteland is resolved, I will come with you."

On the other side, the Great Elder and the Fire Spear Elder have just entered the mother's life star. Seeing that the old lady's face seemed a little pale, Han Fei knew that it must be a little difficult. After all, for so many years, she has never arranged her own destiny.

I saw that Han Fei immediately took out dozens of refining stars with no owner attribute and said: "Mother, you can refine these stars first."

Jiang Linxian said in surprise: "These, these resources are very large, you should keep them for yourself!"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have hundreds of thousands of refining stars like this. If I wasn't afraid that you might not be able to refine them all at once, I could take out a lot of them. When you return to the riotous sea, you will save your life first. Repair the state of the stars. When the repairs are over, let's talk about other things."

"Hundreds of thousands?"

Jiang Linxian: "..."

Han Guanshuxin said, "This kid, the problem of blowing fish has not changed at all. Hundreds of thousands of refining stars of this level, do you know how huge a resource is?

So far, there is no more lava giant here. Just listen to Han Fei: "Let's go! Let's meet Uncle Xuan and Yin'er."


Jiang Linxian's eyes lit up: "Okay, hurry up."

Jiang Linxian gave birth to a pair of children, Han Fei saw it, and she was even relieved that she was so strong. She hasn't seen Yin'er yet, and she doesn't know what kind of girl she is now, and if there is any man she likes.

Han Guanshu, on the other hand, smiled slightly, as if he was a little sighed. Han Xuan, it has been more than 100,000 years since we left, and I don't know what happened to him now.

Violent sea, heaven.

Nine Palaces Heaven.

"Yang Huihui, hurry up and go back to your thug academy, what's wrong with you, a thug academy disciple, staying in Jiugongtian every day?"

"Auntie, I don't want to cultivate!"

This picture is a picture of a half-old child of the monkey spirit and the monkey spirit, acting like a spoiled child with a young woman.

Han Yin'er was speechless: "What are you thinking, can I not know? Don't hit my apprentice's idea, at your age, you should practice hard, don't learn from your brothers and sisters in the thug academy all day, and think about falling in love all day long. "

Yang Huihui: "Auntie, what you said is wrong. I heard that my uncle started falling in love when he was in his teens, and it was a legendary love story that made me cry, how could it be impossible for me?"

Han Yin'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Who is your uncle! Who is your aunt? Your mother is Jiang Qin, and your father is Yang Chao. They are just brothers and sisters. They are your uncle, so how did they become your uncle?"

Yang Huihui hummed: "That's different. My mother and uncle were the first to know each other, and my mother taught my uncle for a while. Speaking of which, Lord Human Sovereign is actually my mother's younger brother, then I Isn't it right to be called uncle? That's how I should be called, others can't. The emperor is my uncle, aren't you my aunt?"


Han Yin'er is also speechless. Jiang Qin and Yang Xie are both the kind of sons who are not very good at communicating, but they are born sons who can speak well, babble, and wow wow. Ever since he fell in love with his apprentice, he couldn't get rid of him no matter what.

At this moment, Yang Huihui wrapped around Han Yin'er, waving one hand behind his back, as if he was giving someone a secret signal.

On the other side, outside a certain trial site, a patch of water was quietly moving out.

Han Yin'er said speechlessly, "Yan'er, where are you running to?"

"Ah! Master."

Seeing that the water stain bulged directly and turned into a half-big girl with a face full of disappointment, she even glared at Yang Huihui, and she knew she couldn't escape. Neither use.

Seeing this, Yang Huihui immediately lay down on the ground and burst into tears: "Auntie! Yan'er and I are true love! I'll take her to the Thug Academy and come back, I promise."

Han Yin'er covered her forehead: "Bring it to your senior sister Yi Xiyan, what should I do if the belt is crooked? Don't think I don't know how you can speak so well. Except for Yi Xiyan, there is no one else."

Yang Huihui didn't seem to hear: "If my uncle was here, he would definitely support me, auntie, don't be so strict! Live a good life and find a boyfriend!"

"Crack! No big or small..."

Yang Huihui's head was knocked out. When Han Yin'er was about to say something, suddenly, she seemed to feel something, and she turned around suddenly.

"elder brother?"

Han Yin'er burst out in surprise, she never expected that Han Fei would come back.

Just now, she felt something strange in her blood, but she didn't expect it to be such a good thing.

Yang Huihui was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, "Brother?"

Immediately, Yang Huihui widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Fuck! Uncle Human Emperor?"

Suddenly, Yang Huihui jumped up from the ground with a "swoosh", looked at Han Fei, and then his eyes glared like copper bells. On the other side, Yan'er also saw this scene, and couldn't help but open her mouth, this one is, The Emperor? But, who is next to him?

Han Fei grinned and said: "Yin'er! This kid is right, and you didn't find a boyfriend to say it. Hey, the little guy wants to fall in love, so let him go. Boy, what's your name? name."


"Yang, Yang, Yang Huihui... Jiang Qin is my mother... Uncle Ren Huang, I have seen you!"

The young man seemed to be quite familiar, but he stuttered in front of him, and then he went straight to Uncle Ren Huang.

Han Fei: "..."

The smile on Han Fei's face froze a bit. He only heard him say "um", then looked at the little girl named Yan'er, stretched out his hand, and said hello.

Han Yin'er said, "Yan'er, come and meet your uncle."

Yan'er hurried over and gave a standard salute, "Yan'er has seen Lord Human Sovereign."

Han Fei nodded slightly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and then said: "Yan'er's bloodline is extraordinary, but the innate spiritual line seems to be damaged, is it a difficult life for the little girl?"

Han Yin'er: "Yeah! Yan'er has a pitiful background. Please ask my brother to help her recover."

Han Fei nodded with a smile, and greeted, "Yan'er come here."

Yan'er looked at Han Yin'er, then took a deep breath, swallowed her saliva and walked to Han Fei. I saw Han Fei put his hand on her head. Immediately, divine brilliance descended, apocalypse magic burst out, and the messy pulse in Yan'er's body was corrected, and her strength was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Actually, it didn't take a lot of time. After only ten breaths, Yan'er was dizzy and about to fall asleep.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Yang Huihui, right? Take Yan'er girl to rest, she should wake up after a day, she will struggle during this period, but don't touch her."

"Yes, Uncle Human Emperor..."

Compared to Han Fei, Yang Huihui cares more about Yan'er, so now she runs away carrying Yan'er.

At this point, Han Yin'er noticed that not far away, there were two people standing there. She couldn't help but look over, her eyes were a little dazed at first, then her pupils gradually enlarged, and then she looked at Han Fei, as if she wanted to ask.

Because, Han Yin'er found out that that woman grew up like a statue of the sea **** in the yin and yang sky. And that man is almost like Uncle Han Xuan.

"Father, mother?"

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