God of Fishing

Chapter 2670: Human Race Eastern Expedition (Part 2)

The latest website: After Han Fei collected both the human race and the undersea human race into the stars of his life, he came to the royal family of the merman.

A little bit beyond Han Fei's expectations, Han Fei thought that Xia Hongzhu might include all the merpeople in his own destiny.

It turned out that Xia Hongzhu did not do this, and it seemed that she chose to hand over the person to Han Fei.

Before waiting for Han Fei to ask, Xia Hongzhu said: "I know the dangers of the sea world, so I'm not as naive as ordinary people. Even if my strength has returned to the peak, the result of encountering a sea world powerhouse will not be the same. It's better. Instead of letting them bear the risk of falling with me, it's better to follow you. After all, if you lose this time, the human race is likely to be directly defeated and disappear from history. I don't believe you."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "What about the mother-in-law?"

Xia Hongzhu: "Pure Emperor Dian and I will choose to go to war. Whether it is a primitive city or a scavenger city, it is not only your enemy, but also my enemy."


Thug Academy.

This was Han Fei's last stop, and Old Man Bai, Old Man Jiang, Qu Jinnan and the others, along with their brothers and sisters, had been standing here for a long time.


When Han Fei appeared at the gate of the thug academy, he could clearly feel hundreds of gazes, and all of a sudden they stared at him. . Han Fei looked back with a faint smile on his face, and saw many people dodging their eyes, and then couldn't help peeking over.

Seeing Han Fei approaching, Qu Jinnan, Lingyuan hurriedly saluted, "I've seen Senior Brother."

"Ha, Xiao Nan! Why are you so cautious?"

While speaking, Han Fei had already come to Qu Jinnan and Lingyuan, but saw him reach out and patted Qu Jinnan's shoulder and said, "Xiao Nan, Lingyuan, for my brother, I learned a new sword technique outside, I'll pass it on to you two secretly later."


When they saw Qu Jinnan and Lingyuan shivering, they only felt their scalps go numb. Han Fei passed the knife, this is the most terrifying thing.

In the past, when there were no Yi Xiyan and the others in the academy, Han Fei passed them swords and almost killed them. The sword intent contained the invincible will. The one who killed them was called a person who lost his armor and abandoned his armor. God knows that during that time he was killed. What's the cut.

Later, the knife was passed on several times, and which one was not a life-and-death for them? come now? The stalk of passing the knife can't go away, right?

Of course, scalp tingling is scalp tingling. Han Fei is serious about passing the sword, and he does pass it every time. Moreover, it is extremely powerful. Once he understands the essence, he can use it as an absolute trump card.

At this time, I only heard Yi Xiyan pop up and ask: "Senior brother, why didn't my husband come back?"

Han Fei looked at the girl who had turned into a pure beauty, and looked a little dazzling. He said in his heart that he didn't know if Henry Zhang could stand it when he saw Yi Xiyan again.

Han Fei said with a smile: "Zhang Xuanyu should learn and grow in a superpower in the sea world at this moment. Everyone who goes out has his own way to go. If there is no accident, he should have become an emperor by now, and he is very strong. So, in order for your husband not to be seduced by the goblins of the sea world, you still have to work hard, Yanyan!"

"Ah! How many goblins are there in the sea world?"

Han Fei: "..."

Everyone: "…"

Han Feixin said that more is not necessarily how much, I am afraid that Zhang Xuanyu of your family can't resist the temptation, so I can't do it!

Su Daji: "Senior brother."

Han Fei saw that Su Daji, who was also a beauty but still liked to have two braids, stretched out another hand to himself.

what is this? Of course it's a gift!

However, the Rubik's Cube was obviously no longer able to satisfy Su Daji's appetite. Han Fei wondered what more complicated things could he have for Su Daji? You can't send the Navigation Vientiane out, can you?

So, Han Fei pondered for a while, and took out a long spear from his hand. The dense Taoist talisman was completely incomprehensible to normal people.

Su Daji stared blankly at the Conferred God Spear that was stuffed into her hand, and paused, "Is this a toy?"

Han Fei: "If you are willing to use the heaven and earth pattern as a toy, you can make a lot of fun toys. This is entry-level, you can try it."


Han Fei: "By the way, if you can use the Dao pattern to erase all the lines on the gun, you can find a little surprise I've hidden inside the gun."


"Thank you, Big Brother."

Su Daji immediately put away the Conferred God Spear. This game is a bit interesting and should be able to be played for a longer time.

Han Fei smiled lightly, and the Conferred God Spear Technique was hidden inside. This is a divine art. If Su Daji can get started with this, it is not a big problem to inherit this divine art.

Of course, Su Sanqian, Gu Qi, Xing Yue, including Yi Xiyan were not rewarded, mainly because they didn't have the brains of Su Daji. If you want a baby, wait until you go to the sea world and find it yourself. Otherwise, one person is now giving an artifact, does that make sense? How will you work harder in the future?

"Uncle Human Sovereign... um..."

Yang Huihui's mouth was pressed by Jiang Qin, and Jiang Qin's face was flushed. God knows how his son is so familiar with him, and he opened his mouth to the emperor's uncle, and she couldn't fix it.

Han Fei grinned and said, "Sister Qin, long time no see."

"Well! Long time no see..."

Han Fei thought for a while and said, "By the way, Sister Qin, I remember your way of law enforcement was a bit special. It just so happened that I accidentally mastered a similar way."

I saw that when Han Fei raised his hand, there was a bead with a killing intent. If nothing else, if Jiang Qin can deduce her path to the end, it should be the same as the way of killing the gods.

Now that it was given to Jiang Qin, she probably still didn't understand it, but it would definitely help.

Sure enough, when Jiang Qin felt the killing intent in such a bead, he was stunned for a few seconds, then picked it up, and said, "Don't give this child a greeting or something, I have been too spoiled since I was a child, and I got a lot of good things. ."

Han Fei smiled and said: "Yang Huihui, your mother said it, then I will not give this gift to you, but my uncle will definitely help you talk to your aunt, and let you contact that girl Yaner more in the future."


Although Yang Huihui was covering his mouth, he nodded again and again. Although the baby is also very important, where is love so important?

Jiang Qin opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak. I just sighed in my heart, this time, this guy is going to be lawless again.

On the other side, Wang Dashuai beckoned to Han Fei. In front of him and Bai Lu, there was a big girl, but this girl's physique was a bit terrifyingly strong? Even stronger than Wang Dashuai.

The girl kept hiding behind Bai Lu.

"Natural power?"

Han Fei couldn't help but think of the story of 100% empty-handed and hand-to-hand.

Han Fei: "Senior Brother Dashuai, Senior Sister Bailu. This is..."

Wang Dashuai: "Haha, my daughter, Wang Xiaoxiao."

Han Fei: "???"

Of course, Han Fei's face couldn't show any strangeness. He thought for a while and said, "Have you refined the Wushou Profound Body?"

Bai Lu nodded: "Junior Brother Han Fei, I have also trained the Wushou Profound Body, and I have also trained the ancient war body, but the small physique has not been able to go down... Xiaoxiao is a girl after all, junior brother, can you think of a way? "

Wang Dashuai: "Hey, isn't this very good?"

Bai Lu glared at him angrily, "What a jerk, what is a girl doing with such a big physique?"

Han Fei: "Little one, come here."

Wang Xiaoxiao was still squirming, and then Bai Lu said: "Your uncle called you, don't you want to see Uncle Han Fei the most? Everyone is in front of you, why are you shy?"

Wang Xiaoxiao lowered her head, obviously this girl is a little introverted and a little inferior.

Han Fei smiled and said, "Xiaoxiao, you have to know that this is your talent. After you open up the sea, what kind of body do you want? Of course, I can give you a try now, Uncle Master."

Wang Xiaoxiao raised his head suddenly: "Uncle Shi, can you?"

Han Fei stretched out his hand and pressed it on Wang Xiaoxiao's head, and the divine technique of apocalypse burst out. This is not to heal the wound, but to try to see if he can perfect Wang Xiaoxiao's spiritual veins.

However, after this attempt, Wang Xiaoxiao's skin became fairer and clearer, and her cheeks were thinner, but her body bones did not change much.

Han Fei thought about it, and the power of thunder flashed in his palm. This is the method of the Thunder Hammer of the Treasure Phase that was deduced from the demon pot before, and he tried to forge the bones directly for Wang Xiaoxiao.

It was obvious that Wang Xiaoxiao was struggling a little, it should be painful, but she kept holding back. After a full stick of incense, the crowd formed a circle.

Finally, someone shouted: "Wow! Wang Xiaoxiao's physique has really become smaller."

"Hey, Senior Brother is really amazing, you can even change your physique, so strong."

"But it seems to be limited in size..."

After a stick of incense, the lightning arc in Han Fei's palm disappeared, and Wang Xiaoxiao also woke up. She first found that she seemed to be a little shorter, and then she found that her arms seemed to be a little thinner, and her waist was also a little thinner, and she was very pleasantly surprised. . But she also quickly discovered that her thinness was limited, and her bones seemed to be only about one-tenth smaller than before.

Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Han Fei eagerly: "Uncle Shi."

Han Fei pondered for a while, then looked at Dashuai Wang and Bai Lu and said, "Xiao Xiao is very talented, no surprise, there is a large degree of atavism. I have two suggestions now."

Bai Lu and Wang Xiaoxiao were both very surprised. The two suggestions mean that they can be changed?

Han Fei: "First, I taught him the Lightning Body Cultivation Method, which allows him to forge big bones by himself, his natural divine power will be maintained, and his body shape will gradually return to normal. However, the little talent doesn't stop there, she is a bloodline. The atavism, even I can't solve it directly, it can be seen that the degree of atavism is great."

Wang Dashuai: "Is this throwback a good thing or a bad thing?"

Han Fei: "It's a good thing, a great thing. But good things also depend on how you use them. My suggestion is to let the little ones cultivate the divine way of giant beasts."


When Bai Lu heard it, he immediately said, "Isn't the way of the beasts of the beasts to practice? The physique is even bigger, and it can travel hundreds of miles at every turn."

Wang Xiaoxiao also shook his head again and again, what kind of giant beast divine way! Go back and cultivate yourself into a monster.

Han Fei smiled and said: "It's okay, let me tell you, the first-generation practitioners of the behemoth Shinto were human beings, and that person directly cultivated to the realm of the gods. Of course, it depends on the chance, the realm of the gods is too far away, but the beasts There is no conflict with the human body, the two can be converted into each other! Xiaoxiao can practice both the thunder body and the giant beast divine way.


After a while, the old man Bai rushed over: "What, proving the Tao and proclaiming the emperor? Xiaoxiao?"

Han Fei nodded: "As long as you don't fall in the middle, I don't dare to say 100% proof, but at least there is an 80% chance."

"Good good!"

The old man Bai looked directly at Dashuai Wang and Bai Lu and said, "If you think about it, let's just decide, isn't it good for the dual practitioners? When you fight, you turn into a giant beast. When you don't fight, you are still a little girl. Come."

Old Man Jiang: "That's right, that's right, Han Fei! Do you see if Yang Huihui can cultivate the divine way of this giant beast?"

Han Fei shook his head: "It's okay to walk forcibly, but this is a talent for a little guy."

The old man Jiang was speechless and glared at Yang Huihui.

Yang Huihui: "???"

This is the only one that Han Fei has pointed out at present, and he can assert that he can prove the Dao and become an emperor without looking at how to go later. Of course, this is also the only one Han Fei seems to have such a talent at present. Maybe there are such people, but that needs to be discovered. Maybe this is the only one in the entire riotous sea.

Your Majesty! The entire riot is unique in the sea. Even in the sea world, it is still a strong one.

Han Fei glanced at the remaining underachievers of the Thug Academy. Although the talents were good, he could see the difference at a glance, but there was not a single one.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Okay, let's relax and enter my destiny."

At this moment, Han Fei's natal stars can be said to have exploded. Even, Han Fei greatly adjusted the concentration of aura inside and transformed the massive amount of aura, otherwise most people would not be able to withstand such a strong aura environment.

But even so, there are still countless people in amazement.

"Wow! The spiritual energy here is too strong, more than three times that of the riotous sea."

"Is this the world of Lord Human Sovereign? It is so strong that it can accommodate the entire human race."

"Is the spirit fruit here edible?"

There are some spiritual fruits that grow naturally in the position someone is in, and many people are moved at that time.

However, someone immediately shouted: "Everyone, don't touch these spiritual fruits. Not only because these spiritual fruits belong to Lord Human Sovereign, but because you cannot digest these spiritual fruits at all, do you want to explode and die? "


Although everyone wanted to pick it, but there were strong reminders, but no one really picked it. Moreover, with so many eyes looking at it, do you really think it will be fine after you take it off?

But this is someone else. In the star of Han Fei's life, at this moment there is a thief starfish with six tentacles hanging six spiritual fruits. He occasionally moves his body, and in a corner, a bright light appears I don't know what the shiny stone is, anyway, just throw it into the door first.

Han Fei didn't bother to care about him. When he lost a few of the six starfish, he would find that he couldn't bear it, and he would have to spit it out.

This is the first time in Han Fei's natal star that so many people have been installed. He also doesn't know if these people entering his natal star will have any changes to the natal star, but at least it's okay for now.

Just when everyone was amazed that Han Fei's birthright star was a holy place for cultivation, and there were treasures everywhere, they only heard Han Fei's voice here: "All races, undersea humans, and mermaid royals can cultivate on their own. Explorers are above the peak level. Realm, you can pick a spiritual fruit, others should not touch it, it is harmful and useless. This king is about to go on an expedition, and when the battle begins, I will let the entire human race witness the destruction of the Ten Thousand Scales and the power of the human race..."

Han Fei completely adjusted the time acceleration, otherwise, although his own destiny stars are extremely powerful and resources are extremely abundant, if a trillion people are allowed to practice here for a year and a half, he will not be able to last long.

You know, with so many people, one sip per person is a trillion sips, and it takes less than ten days and a half months to **** him dry. Fortunately, at Han Fei's current state, he can already contain a large amount of spiritual energy from the sea of ​​​​stars, and he has many emperors' natal stars, but it is enough for the time being.

In the end, only Lao Han, Jiang Linxian, Xia Hongzhu, and Pure Emperor Dian were the only people who did not enter the Star of Life and went to the sea with Han Fei.

And Xia Hongzhu and Chunhuangdian were unwilling to enter Han Fei's life, so they naturally met with Lao Han and Lao Niang at this time.

At this moment, Xia Hongzhu looked at Jiang Linxian with a smile on their faces, but couldn't understand the strength, so she looked at Han Fei: "Who are these two?"

Han Fei: "Mother-in-law, this is my mother Jiang Linxian, and this is my father Han Guanshu."

"you also have…"

Xia Hongzhu wanted to say when did you have parents? But it was obviously not a good word to say, so I swallowed it. Xia Hongzhu frowned slightly. For some reason, she felt that her bloodline was a little quiet when facing these two people. It seemed that she instinctively felt that these two were very powerful, and she was probably not an opponent at all.

Jiang Linxian showed a dignified smile and said, "My mother, right! We've seen the little girl, she's a good girl. Fei'er will definitely protect her and the child in her womb, and recovery is only a matter of time."

Han Guanshu nodded in agreement: "Yes."


The corner of Xia Hongzhu's mouth twitched, okay, your family is amazing, your family has the final say!

At this moment, Xia Hongzhu was just a mother, and she hadn't been with Xia Xiaochan for a long time, so she couldn't make decisions for Xia Xiaochan.

Moreover, if Xia Xiaochan was allowed to choose by herself, she would definitely prefer Han Fei, so Xia Hongzhu just smiled and nodded without saying anything.

a few days later.

At the edge of the riotous sea, when Han Fei and the others walked here, the Beast King and Chu Hao had been waiting for a long time.

When he saw Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu, Chu Hao was shocked. He was deeply impressed by these two people back then. It was also these two who took away the Demon Refining Pot. They did not expect that when they saw each other again, one would prove the Dao and the other would complete the Heaven-Opening Realm.

Jiang Linxian naturally recognized Chu Hao. They had met before, so when they met again, they nodded. Chu Hao felt that these two people are really big, don't they know their own strength?

However, only Han Fei knew that Chu Hao was not a fart in front of Lao Han and Lao Niang.

The Beast King was really stunned, because he couldn't see through Jiang Linxian's strength, but he faintly felt that although this person was standing over there with a smile on his face, if he really made a move, he might not be an opponent.

As for Xia Hongzhu and Chunhuangdian, he frowned slightly, and he vaguely guessed something, "He has never seen the Beastmaster and Chu Hao, but these two are obviously better than her. If Jiang Linxian is added to this, doesn't it mean that There are three emperors here? If it is simply counted by the number of emperors, it seems that there are only two primitive cities and one city of scavengers."

She couldn't help thinking, could this be Han Fei's self-consciousness to build the city of scavengers?

The Beast King knew Han Fei's purpose, so he was not surprised by Jiang Linxian's identities, but only by their strength.

Beastmaster: "Teacher, everyone brought it?"

Han Fei nodded: "Well. The riots in the sea also need to give it a period of time to recover. Let's go! Everyone, next, please listen to my arrangements..."

Chaos Wasteland.

The ice is dense, and the upside-down ice picks are like upside-down mountains. Around a certain piece of primitive black fog began to vibrate violently.

After all, it's not ordinary people who came out this time, Chu Hao, Jiang Linxian, which one is a simple character? Such a strong man left the rioting sea, if the heavenly way of the rioting sea was conscious, maybe he would jump up happily at this moment, thinking that these big guys have finally left.

And such a shock, of course, cannot be concealed from the city of scavengers and the original city, including Gu Tingnan, who has been paying attention to this place. When he felt the change here, he suddenly opened his eyes. He knew that the time had come, but he didn't. Thought it would be so soon.

Gu Tingnan only heard a low voice: "Xing Yu, Duan Qingsi, Lin Yu, where is Long Xing?"

These four people are the four generals in the city of the homeless. Among them, Xing Yu is the weakest, and Lin Yu and Long Xing rarely show up, but their real strength is the five-level lock-level powerhouse.

The moment Han Fei entered the sea of ​​riots, Gu Tingnan began to prepare. At this moment, no matter if it works or not, the war will definitely begin.


Over the entire city of homeless people, the alarm sounded. Those who were doing business in the city and cultivating at home, whoever had something in their hands, immediately let go of everything.

The entire city of wanderers is filled with all kinds of shouts.

"The highest alert status, everyone above the Venerable Realm, fully armed, hurry up."

"Everyone, according to their own sequence, quickly assembled."


There was no panic in the city. Everyone was running in all directions in an orderly manner. It looked chaotic, but it was actually very regular.

Gu Tingnan: "I will explain the matter of the four of you, and you can start. This battle can only be fought by you alone, and the wanderers are left to you."


Gu Tingnan disappeared in an instant.

And Duan Qingsi said: "According to the previous deployment. Lin Yu is the strongest of the four of us. You and Xing Yu are responsible for the siege battle. Unless the other party threatens the sea-opening realm No matter what happens, you don’t need to take action in a siege battle of the realm and below…”

Lin Yu nodded solemnly: "You two, be careful..."

Also at this moment, in the city of scavengers, the fake Emperor Wanlin suddenly got up and said, "I found it."

The primordial city, An Bailin and An Heng, the two emperors, appeared in the void almost at the same time.

Only An Bailin sneered: "Okay! I finally found it."

An Heng frowned slightly and said, "This fluctuation is a little more obvious, will it be a problem?"

An Bailin: "In that broken place, there is only one and a half of the Taoist realm combat power. What's the problem? Don't forget, this time we have to be more prepared. The hundreds of millions of people will definitely be controlled by me. In the hands of the Primitive City, the same is true for the merpeople."

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