God of Fishing

Chapter 2684: The Fall of the Great Emperor Wanlin (2 in 1)

With a clear drink from the middle-aged man, the ice layer above the Chaos Wasteland cracked open, and strange Dao patterns appeared and disappeared from the sky in the entire Chaos Wasteland.

As for the place where the middle-aged man was, endless dao patterns appeared, and the people who were in this place only felt that the power of various laws suddenly came without warning.

And these laws were not adopted by the middle-aged man, but were dissolved into each other, and they were not inhaled into the body of the middle-aged man until they became invisible.

"Follow the law on the spot?"

The fists of the Great Emperor Wanlin and the Tiger Demon couldn't help clenching. This normal person needs endless years and countless understandings to complete the behavior. In the hands of this middle-aged man, it is almost time to count the breath, and it will be completed.

Wushuang: "Queen, what is this senior doing?"

The Queen of Life looked solemn: "As he said, the fusion method, the real fusion method, the fusion method of becoming a god..."

"Becoming a god?"


For a time, everyone who heard the Queen of Life's explanation couldn't help but widen their eyes. Someone became a **** in front of them?

In this middle-aged man, Han Fei heard him say: "The human race, the innate chaotic race, is universally applicable to all chaotic laws. What is the law? Dharma, the unity of human and law, is the Dharma body. The Dharma body is longevity. The Dharma body blends, transforms the law into the ordinary, transforms the body into the law, breaks the longevity situation, and ascends to the way of heaven... The road after this has not yet been opened, and I need you Break it by yourself, that's all I can teach you."

At this moment, the Great Emperor Wanlin panicked, of course he knew what the middle-aged man was doing? This is stepping into the realm of God, if he steps into this, he will surely die.

Therefore, at this moment, the Great Emperor Wanlin didn't care about anything else and chose to shoot directly.

And the long-lived realm powerhouse, seeing the Great Emperor Wanlin's shot, immediately shot with all his strength, and the bloodline was ignited at the beginning, summoning a dead branch of the heaven and earth spiritual treasure level, and bursting with magic.

And the Great Emperor Wanlin, his body soared, suddenly soaring 100,000 zhang, more than three times larger than the limit of Han Fei's law of heaven and earth. I saw that all the scales on his body were separated from the body, and the scales were killed towards the middle-aged man. In the middle of the journey, these scales gathered together and turned into a huge wheel that was a million feet wide.

Just like that, the Great Emperor Wanlin didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and saw that he directly squeezed two of his own fingers, using blood as a guide, there were also laws and dao patterns in the void, and these dao patterns disappeared into the wheel of the giant. superior.

I just listened to the Great Emperor Wan Scales shouting: "Divine Art, Wan Scale Divine Wheel..."

This blow is not without terror. With the appearance of this blow, the sea here brought an unprecedented tidal wave. Under the rolling tide, the ice layer above the head, like a paper paste, bulges and rolls, like rolling ice and snow waves.

At this moment, it seems that there is only this huge runner left in the world, driving the power of the overturning waves of the ocean.

This blow, in just one breath, killed the middle-aged man.

Before that, the full-strength blow of the long-lived realm powerhouse had already landed in front of the middle-aged man.

But beyond his expectations, all kinds of Dao pattern chains appeared in the void around the middle-aged man, and the full blow of the immortal realm powerhouse was buckled by hundreds of Dao pattern chains, and it crashed. And burst.

This time, it was the middle-aged man's counterattack, but no one could see his shot. After all, the avenue chain can be manipulated at will, which is beyond everyone's cognition.

Shouldn't this be something that only Heavenly Dao can have here? Why can this power be artificially controlled?

After the full blow to solve the long-lived realm, the Thousand Scales Divine Wheel has already been killed in front of the middle-aged man. As for the latter, he just raised his hand and pushed it horizontally, as if it was wrapped in the mighty force of the ocean. This full-strength strike combined with the Great Emperor Realm was actually blocked.

"Shake Kunlun with one hand, and stroke the world with one palm."

Han Guanshu said leisurely: "It's a pity, if he is still alive, he should be about the same as us by now, it's a pity..."

Jiang Linxian also sighed softly: "There were too many people who fell back then, and the powerful ones all slashed to the end of the Xinghai. He should be one of them, but he returned with his wreckage for some unknown reason. It's a pity. A generation of ancient adults, only this last bloom is left."


The Great Emperor Wanlin was crazy, he knew that if he didn't work hard at this moment, he would die. Therefore, in order to live, his vitality burned wildly, and his qi and blood covered the sky. As soon as he stuck out his tongue, a golden scale was spit out from his mouth. As he pulled his hands, the golden scale turned into a golden spear, and the Great Emperor Wanlin forcibly unleashed nearly half of his divine soul power. into it.

"Divine Slaying Technique, the Spear of Destiny."

The moment the spear appeared, the middle-aged man turned his head to look at it, and snorted coldly, "This is a good move, but unfortunately you don't understand. I am the way of the heavens, and your life is up to you."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man clicked with one hand and forcibly restrained the spinning wheel of ten thousand scales. The kinetic energy in that moment was centered on the middle-aged man, until it hit the city of scavengers, and then he was stopped by the scavengers. Blocked by the tiger demon of the city.

A turbulent ripple, reaching thousands of miles away, is still astonishingly powerful. This means that this is no longer a simple emperor-level battle.

When the huge Myriad Scales Divine Wheel was restrained by the middle-aged man, he only heard him speak:

"The words follow the law, and the lines open the way."

"I am the way of heaven, and I will grant you to transcend the calamity."

This sound, like a world-shattering sound, is floating in the sky above the chaotic wasteland.


A super vortex that spanned millions of miles suddenly appeared, and even the ice layer with everyone's heads was shattered. In this vortex, thunder boomed and rumbled endlessly.

The meandering thunder, like the dragons that are ready to go, seems to be attacking at any time.


An extraordinary thunder that seems to have the power of destroying the world, the color is blue and purple, and it looks like a vine, and it first falls on the wheel of ten thousand scales. Only one, this round exploded with a bang, and under this extraordinary thunder, less than one-fifth of the hundreds of millions of scales remained intact, and the others were either annihilated or shattered.


It seems like the appearance of the eternal thunder prison, which contains hundreds of millions of thunderbolts, and when the billions of thunderbolts come, not only smashes the remaining scales. At the same time, several thunders bombarded on the so-called Spear of Destiny of Ten Thousand Scales God.


With one blow, the Spear of Destiny broke.


The Great Emperor Wanlin was pale and blood spurted all over his body.


The Spear of Destiny, after the thunder of the Thunder Prison turned purple, was finally unable to withstand the next divine calamity, and finally collapsed on the spot.

The Great Emperor Wanlin vomited blood, but his face was full of unwillingness.

"Is this the catastrophe of the gods?"

The Great Emperor Wanlin had only endured two calamities of the gods, but at this moment, his body was covered in bruises and blood dripping.

In the end, when the third round of the calamity of the gods came, the Great Emperor Wanlin had only half the power of his soul left. How could he stop this terrifying calamity.

Moreover, he felt that this power was not just as simple as a calamity.

He found that these so-called divine tribulations were just a combination of the power of the Chaos Wasteland itself. He wasn't even sure whether it was a divine calamity, or the middle-aged man's own power.

Anyway, his only mentality at the moment is that he is afraid that he will not be able to survive this calamity.

At the time of the three divine tribulations, the Great Emperor Wanlin was forced to start transcending the calamity. Yes, he has no choice, because if he does not cross, he will die.

At that moment, the Great Emperor Wanlin sacrificed the trump card that he had accumulated. A scale armor, plus his own body. It was a Chaos Spirit Treasure-level armor that he had spent 66,000 years weaving and forging.

But it was just a round of thunderous shocks, and the armor was shattered, even not enough, and finally blew up on the spot. Then he was forced to sacrifice a picture of the Fire Primordial Dao, but he was finally shattered under this third Dao of Divine Tribulation.

Even so, the power of the soul of the Great Emperor Wanlin was baptized, trembling all over his body, holding his head in a frenzy.

Han Fei's heart sank when he saw it. Before, he wanted to use the catastrophe of the gods to deal with the Great Emperor Wanlin, but now it seems that even if he really sacrificed the catastrophe of the gods, he would not be able to destroy the Great Emperor Wanlin. At most, it just hit him hard.

And the middle-aged voice sounded in Han Fei's mind: "This calamity is the gate of heaven, and it is the only way to climb the path of heaven. But this road cannot be crossed by force, you must first step on the path of heaven and then calamity, otherwise you will be Like him, he was ruthlessly crushed by the way of heaven."

When the third divine calamity disappeared, anyone with a heart could see that the Great Emperor Wanlin was dead. As for the long-lived realm powerhouse, he has no other ideas at the moment, he just wants to run. No matter if he can escape or not, he has to run away while everyone's eyes fall on the Great Emperor Wanlin.

However, how could the middle-aged person let this person leave? Just as that person broke through the sky, the middle-aged person summoned a ray of divine calamity, and with a flick of his finger, the door to the void burst open, and the elder who escaped Habitat strong, burst with a bang.


How could the long-lived realm survive under the divine calamity? It was just a ray of divine calamity that cost him his life.

But at the moment, no one cared about him at all. This middle-aged man is so powerful that he can even forcibly recruit the gods, and he can even control the gods. Even the Great Emperor can only struggle to the death, how can he escape under the eyes of others in a mere long-lived realm?

And at the moment when the immortal realm fell, Han Fei intuition that the road to the emperor went a step further, which made him a little surprised, because his soul was inside the middle-aged man?

I'm afraid, this middle-aged man pulled his soul into his body, just to completely walk the road of the emperor for himself? His vitality is too serious, and people are dying, and there is a lot of hope in others.

Han Fei thought to himself, is this cheating? Although I had an idea before, I didn't have absolute certainty that I could really take the Human Sovereign Road to the extreme.

His original idea was to completely wipe out the two long-lived realm powerhouses. If there is a chance, try to fight the Great Emperor Wanlin with the robbery of the gods.

But now, the situation is out of his control. He also never thought that the powerhouse of the ancient people would be resurrected, he only thought that this was at most an unconscious fighting puppet.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Wanlin couldn't hold it anymore, his body had begun to burst, his flesh and blood could no longer start to gather, and his soul had begun to disintegrate in large numbers. Like this middle-aged man, the vitality of the Great Emperor Wanlin has also been scattered, and he can't get it back at all.

It's just that Emperor Wanlin looks like he is about to fall, and this middle-aged man is not doing much better. Although Han Fei doesn't know how long he can live, the loss of vitality is too serious, and it seems that he may fall at any time. generally.


"I'm not reconciled, I've already stepped on the path of God, why can't I survive the calamity now~ roar~"


The Great Emperor Wanlin was completely shattered and turned into a piece of blood mist and fragments of divine soul. Under the reflection of this divine calamity, it gradually faded, and finally dissipated without a trace.


The avenue crack of the Great Emperor Wanlin directly broke through the chaotic wasteland, traversing the small half of the East China Sea. And even where the cracks in the avenue did not appear, the clear sky exploded in an instant, and the thunder roared throughout the five major Shenzhou.

In one day, two great emperors fell one after another, causing all the powerhouses in the sea to look at Donghai Shenzhou.

That is, at the moment when the Great Emperor Wanlin fell, on the chaotic wasteland, a figure crossed the wilderness and appeared here.

When this person arrived, he just saw the scene of Emperor Wanlin's annihilation in the divine catastrophe.

Then, the man couldn't help but look at Han Fei and the middle-aged man beside Han Fei, and then swept across the room to see the battle in the city of scavengers.

"The human race has finally returned to the sea world."

When the Queen of Terror saw this person, she gave a slight salute and said, "Lin Qian has seen Emperor Dongwu."

The Great Emperor Dongwu nodded slightly, his eyes stopped for a moment on the line of fierce beasts and the line of divine beasts, and when he saw the tiger demon, he nodded slightly. But he didn't ask why the Ferocious Beast Lineage and the Divine Beast Lineage appeared here.

When he looked towards the human race, his eyes stopped on Chu Hao for a while. Chu Hao knew that Dongwu had already recognized him, but he was not worried that Dongwu would reveal his identity. In the previous battle, Emperor Dongwu was the only one who did not participate in the battle, and even turned one eye and closed one eye, allowing Chu Hao to run into the chaotic wasteland.

I didn't reveal myself back then, and I still won't now. However, Emperor Dongwu could naturally guess that Chu Hao had disappeared for 100,000 years, and he had obviously gone to the human race.

As for the others, Dongwu didn't pay much attention, he didn't notice the difference between Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian.

In the end, Tobu turned his attention to Han Fei and the middle-aged man again.

Of course, he could see the madly escaping vitality in this middle-aged man, and knew that this man was dying soon. But at the same time, he was also shocked by the strength of this person, and the escape of vitality was so serious that he could even destroy a great emperor with his backhand. It is conceivable that this person is likely to be a **** in his heyday.

The middle-aged man did not look at Emperor Dongwu at the moment, but in his body, he was standing opposite Han Fei. The middle-aged man said indifferently: "The refining of the demon pot must be in the hands of our human race. Whoever wants to **** it will be killed. In addition, there is a secret. Remember, there is a tenth vine in the refining of the demon pot. I will take this into account. The memory seal will only awaken this memory after you have obtained all nine vines. If you fall, this secret will not exist..."

Han Fei's expression couldn't help moving. He always thought that there were only nine vines in the demon pot. At least that's what Chu Hao said. Now he has six. One is in the Celestial Clan, and the other two are missing. But this is the first time I have heard about ten small vines.

Han Fei: "Thank you senior for telling me. Don't worry, senior, the demon pot will be in my hands."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "The others I can help you are limited. I can only tell you that the river of primordial is in chaos, and the river of eternal darkness flows out from the sea of ​​eternal darkness. Chaos is hard to return, and eternal darkness can go. However, You can't do it right now, wait until you melt the Fa and try again."

Han Fei's heart moved, the original river? River of Eternal Darkness? This senior can see his own dual veins, and even, he seems to have revealed the source of these two to the divine veins.

Han Fei handed over again: "Junior remember."


The next moment, Han Fei felt that he was being pulled by a tremendous force, his soul returned in an instant, and the next moment he had regained control of his own body.

Han Fei knew that what this senior wanted to say to him had already been said.

At this moment, Han Fei saw that the middle-aged man looked up at the void, turned his head and saw that Emperor Dongwu appeared there at an unknown time.

The middle-aged man glanced at him lightly, then looked at Han Fei and said, "My life has come to an end. Sixty million years of vicissitudes, so I should take a look."

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior, the younger generation still doesn't know your name, and in the future the human race will reappear in glory, so I will sacrifice wine to report."

The middle-aged man laughed: "People are already dead, why do you need to leave your name? Go..."

I saw the endless void opening, and the middle-aged man stepped into it. For others, entering the endless void where they will get lost, to this middle-aged man, it seems to be just a portal.

The middle-aged man did not leave his name, and he walked freely. Although Han Fei didn't know how long he could live, according to the escape of vitality in his body, even if he could live, it would only be a few hours at most.

What does a man do when he knows his life has come to an end and only a few hours are left? Where will he go? Everyone may have a different answer.

This middle-aged man wanted to go and see the world again. Han Fei felt that it was good, but he was afraid that this person might be a little disappointed. The sea world today and the prehistoric world of the past should be completely two worlds.

And here, the terrifying divine calamity began to dissipate after the fall of the Great Emperor Wanlin. But this place of today's war may become a fierce place in the Chaos Wasteland. In time, this place will be a restricted area.

Han Fei slightly bowed his hands to Emperor Dongwu, without dialogue, the whole person's spirit and energy directly climbed to a high point.

He only heard him shout: "My name is Han Fei. With the power of the ancestors of the human race, I will kill the two emperors of the Wanlin clan in the long-lived realm, and the supreme ruler of the Wanlin clan, the Great Emperor Wanlin. So far, all the powerful emperors of the Wanlin clan, The whole army has been wiped out... My compatriots from the human race, now whether Wanlin is annihilated, it is in your hands... Kill..."

At this moment, everyone in the Wanlin Clan who was fighting was desperate. That terrifying human being has not died yet.

However, there is no emperor in the family, so how can we fight?

As a result, the military spirit of the Wanlin Clan was completely disintegrated at the moment when Han Fei shouted that the Emperor Zun was completely wiped out. Countless Ten Thousand Scales clansmen took the road and fled.

However, at this time, it is impossible to escape, even if a few can be taken out, so what? As the saying goes, the defeat is like a mountain, and the human race has a large army. How could it be possible for them to have the opportunity to escape?



"Don't let any of them go. Lord Human Sovereign has already helped us kill the emperor, and we must not hold back the human race. Even if we die, we must kill the remnants of the Wanlin Race."

"Come on~"


This battle, no accident, still needs to be played for a few nights today, or even longer.

And among the stars of Han Fei's life, hundreds of millions of people are also crazy and won, although they know the various realms of Emperor Zun. But those people are obviously stronger than the other.

Although it seems that someone helped Han Fei in the end, it is Han Fei's ability to find such a powerful helper, isn't it?

So, countless people started carnival.

Even, countless people began to shout: "Lord Human Sovereign, let's go out? We can also participate in the war."

"Lord Human Sovereign, the brothers in the Chaos Wasteland may be understaffed. We can't bear it! Lord Human Sovereign, you can go out and kill us."

"Lord Human Sovereign, I am willing to contribute to the human race."

"Lord Human Sovereign."

It's just that at this moment, Han Fei has no time to pay attention to them, and just responded: "Everyone, the war is not over yet, and I will let you out after this emperor has dealt with the follow-up related matters."

After that, even the sky curtain was gone, which made many people feel a little regretful.

However, they don't panic, anyway, they will enter the sea world in the future, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

Outside, Han Fei first bowed his hands to the tiger demon and the fox demon: "Thank you for the two of the gods and beasts. He will stabilize my human race. I should go to the gods and beasts to pay a visit. I will know what Han Fei should do. do it."

The tiger demon nodded: "Okay! I will wait for you in Zhonghai Shenzhou."

The fox demon giggled: "Han Fei, I remember your name. When you come to my mythical beast line, I will introduce the number one beauty of the fox clan to meet you, tsk tsk, she is my apprentice."

Han Fei: "..."

The war ended, and the tiger demon and the fox demon turned and left. Today's battle made them feel that their trip was worthwhile.

Han Fei looked at the Queen of Terror again: "Thank you Queen for coming to take care of you."

Queen of Terror: "I didn't take action. It stands to reason that the favor I owe you has not been repaid."

Han Fei was not polite, and directly took out a jade slip and threw it over: "This is a little idea of ​​mine, Her Lady Queen may consider it."

The Queen of Horror took the jade slip and swept it casually, Mei Mei showed a slightly surprised look, and then gave Han Fei a deep look: "This is a big matter, I need to go back and think about it."

After finishing speaking, the Queen of Terror left Wushuang with Wushuang. She seemed to be thinking about something when she left, and didn't talk to Han Fei.

When it was over, Han Fei looked at Li Luoluo, and saw that he took out an artifact treasure box, then took out another jade slip, and threw them together: "This is what I promised you, and I have a proposal here. , look at it."

Li Luoluo's eyes finally showed a look of surprise. Of course she knew what Han Fei gave him, the worm of time and the worm of space. With these two things, she could enter the realm of the emperor in a very short time. In this transaction, she made a lot of money, and she even owed Han Fei's favor.

However, after reading Han Fei's jade slip, she raised her brows: "Okay, I promise you, but it will take at least a hundred years."

"A hundred years?"

Han Fei thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "Okay! Got it."

When it was over, Li Luoluo didn't care about chatting with Han Fei anymore, and snorted softly: "It's all my destiny, I'm going home."

Li Luoluo left in a hurry, naturally he couldn't wait to go back to advance.

Finally, Han Fei looked at Emperor Dongwu. After a while, he thought about it, and even took out a jade slip: "Senior Dongwu, I didn't expect you to come in person for this battle. There are some plans, but I didn't count. The Kingdom of the Gods. But since you are here, why don't you think about it?"

Emperor Dongwu was also a little puzzled. He took a look at the jade slip, and was slightly moved. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said: "What a human emperor, he is indeed a great man. However, this matter involves A difficulty, if you can solve it, I will accept it.”


The Great Emperor Dongwu gave a jade slip to Han Fei and said, "The Shendu Dynasty will pay attention to you. But after today, the Chaos Wasteland is headless, what are you going to do?"


At this moment, a hiccup sound was heard in the sky.

"Don't worry, Chaos Wasteland, I'm here."

Dongwu looked at the sound, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's pupils shrank slightly, and his complexion changed slightly: "You...are you actually here?"

"Gudu~ah~haha, didn't expect it?"

Han Fei: "???"

When Han Fei saw the unsteady walking, holding a wine gourd in his hand, half-open-minded, and messy-haired uncle, he couldn't help being a little shocked, speechless, puzzled...

"Five...Senior Brother?"

"Haha! I was recognized at the first sight, the little junior brother is really the confidant of the senior brother!"

Han Fei: "..."

?? The first more... Tickets... 6600 words...



(End of this chapter)

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