God of Fishing

Chapter 2688: Tsundere's Treasure of Creation (2 in 1)

Lao Han and Lao Niang have explained it in great detail, at least Han Fei benefited a lot after listening to it.

Han Fei suddenly said: "The last question, what are you talking about with Fifth Senior Brother?"


Jiang Linxian chuckled lightly and said, "Your father and your senior brother are arguing about whether to drink tea or drink. It's just a dispute between tea and wine."

Han Fei was obviously a little unconvinced, and tilted his head: "That's it?"

Han Guanshu's voice was soothing: "Three cups of wine for a thousand feet of red, and a pot of tea for the great cause of Qianqiu. Generally speaking, it is better to drink tea than drinking."



When I saw the fifth senior brother "slip", he came out: "Nonsense, fish **** theory."

Suddenly, Han Fei and the other three looked at the fifth senior brother. The latter blushed and coughed quickly: "Cough, what, I didn't eavesdrop! I just sensed that someone was there. Talking about wine...you talk, you continue..."

Han Guanshu chuckled: "The chat is over. Son, let Yin'er come out!"

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Let's go now?"

Han Guanshu shook his head: "No, we'll just stroll around in the Chaos Wasteland, you'll be busy first."

After a while, when only Han Fei and Wu Senior Brother were left, the latter touched his nose and began to take out the wine gourd.

Han Fei grinned: "Senior brother! I'll make two dishes?"

Fifth Senior Brother smacked his mouth and said a little in disbelief, "Really?"

I saw Han Fei looked at the fifth senior brother with a half-smile and said: "Of course it is true, but you have the final say on where to set the senior brother."

The latter tutted twice and laughed: "Okay! It's really not easy for the junior brother to eat these two dishes! Then come with me!"

The fifth senior brother rolled up his sleeves, the void opened, and a different transmission channel appeared. Han Fei followed closely behind the fifth senior brother, and the two of them walked in the passage for less than ten breaths. Han Fei suddenly felt the power of extreme cold appear, but in a blink of an eye, it became a hot fire energy.

When he walked out of the transmission channel, he saw that it was a boundless sea of ​​fire. Although this flame is hot, the energy is relatively mild. Although it is not a common fire, it does not seem to be a particularly high and magical fire.

However, above the sky, there is a condensed extremely cold frost. There is a sea of ​​fire on all sides, and it is also an ice wall made of ice.

In the ice wall, there is a spiral ice cone vortex, which is rotating at an extremely slow speed.

Here, perception can be released, and now Han Fei's perception is no longer specific. This distance can be doubled if you look at one place in a desperate bid.

However, even if Han Fei fully released his perception, he would not be able to reach the edge of this sea of ​​fire. Only that side of the ice wall isolated the sea of ​​​​fire and could not see the scene on the other side of the ice wall.

Of course, Han Fei saw a lot of people who were cultivating. Among them, there were about 20,000 people in the Kaitian realm, three in the Taoist realm, and none in the free and happy realm.

These people, who should be the city of scavengers, after all, cannot compare with the city of scavengers and the primitive city. Even if there are five senior brothers as the backstage, the number of open heavens in the city of wanderers is still quite small.

Of course, there are nearly 20,000 Open Heaven Realm, which shows that Gu Tingnan has worked hard all these years. This is much more than the number of his Seven Killing Army's less than 500 Open Heaven Realms.

Moreover, this does not count the people on the way to this chaotic ice field.

"This is... this is the mysterious place behind the Chaos Wasteland?"

"Haha, Junior Brother didn't expect it? Actually, if you really want to come, you should be able to find it!"

Han Fei: "Senior brother, I didn't prove the Dao at that time. It's good to come, what if I don't go back? It's brother, you have been sitting here all the time, but you haven't revealed your half body in several gatherings. This is a secret work. , that's quite in place."

"Haha! It's so boring to tell you in advance! Come on, you can prepare two dishes for Senior Brother first, and let's chat while eating."

Han Fei: "Senior brother, do you have any ingredients?"

"Of course, come, Junior Brother, you can choose."

The fifth senior brother took out a gourd and shook it out, and there were fresh corpses such as a golden-armored crab, a blood-colored ice luan, and a one-horned Jiaolong, which fell out of the gourd. Especially the Jiaolong, which is more than 2,000 feet long, makes Han Fei speechless: "Senior brother, are you serious?"

"Hahaha, little junior brother is troublesome, troublesome..."

Han Fei's eyelids twitched wildly, and the fifth senior brother is holding it. When he cooks food for him, he will tell himself everything here.

No way, the 2,000-foot-long Jiaolong is a bit big, so Han Fei has to do it too! Fortunately, the garlic cloves in the star of my life are bigger than a big banana. Although the consumption is a bit high, the problem of roasting a dragon should not be big.

I saw Han Fei's finger flicked, and a sword light slashed along the Jiaolong's jaw, all the way to the base of the tail, and the internal organs in the stomach were annihilated by this one, and the black fish skin inside was purified.

Then, Wan Dao Liu swept across the Flood Dragon, and when removing all the scales on the Flood Dragon, Wan Dao Liu cut on the Flood Dragon in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Han Fei found a water dragon to wash the dragon, but at this moment in the sea of ​​​​fire, the washed water was instantly evaporated and turned into a large amount of water mist vapor.

Under the cover of steam, Han Fei made his blood, and hundreds of thousands of garlic cloves were in the air, as well as red peppers, fish oil...

Seeing that Han Fei came up with more than a dozen kinds of seasonings in one breath, each time he came up with one, the fifth senior brother hid a little.

In the end, Han Fei simply controlled the dragon with one hand, and chopped the crab with sword energy with the other. His mental power was also divided, and the big luan was braised, and the soy sauce seasoning was poured into the void.


At that moment, the fifth senior brother licked the corners of his mouth from time to time, for fear of missing any details. For the control of the fire, and for those strange seasonings, the five senior brothers also kept them in their hearts, and they had to plant all these things later.

After separating from Le Renkuang and the others, Han Fei's interest in cooking and eating by himself has been greatly reduced. Now, unless he is in a good mood, very few people can eat the meals he cooks by himself.

At this moment, the barbecue is naturally driven slowly, and the fire in the sea of ​​​​fire cannot be used, so Han Fei covered the dragon with a layer of power to isolate the fire energy of the sea of ​​​​fire.

On the other side, a crab shell was peeled off, the crab meat was pulled out, and was chopped into pieces by Han Fei. A lot of peppers were flying, mixed with the crab meat, and the crab meat was stir-fried like a belly.

Finally, after a stick of incense, the crab meat is out of the pot, and the braised luan pieces are out of the pot. As for the barbecue, it will take a while.

Han Fei flipped it over and put the fragrant rice into the pot. Because this is a simple ingredient, it only takes a few dozen breaths to make it.

When the two li-long super cauldrons were filled with crab meat and braised luan pieces, the five senior brothers drooled.

"Haha, the younger brother will still eat it! This aroma..."

After finishing a piece of crab meat, it flew to the mouth of Fifth Senior Brother.


The zesty sauce escapes from the crab meat, no more or less, just to the point of oily, bite down, soft and refreshing, the hot soup beats on the tip of the tongue, and the tender crab meat exudes the original ingredients of the ingredients. the taste of.

As soon as he took a bite, the fifth senior brother was instantly shocked, and he killed the piece of crab meat in three or two bites. Then he immediately grabbed a flying piece of braised luan, the fragrant ** and the aroma of aniseed, and the fifth senior brother took a bite and directly gave it to the bone and chewed it into his stomach.

Han Fei smiled: "Senior brother, don't worry, stir-fry crab meat and serve it with rice."

"Oh oh oh? Is it?"

When the white rice and crab meat came in together, the five senior brothers hurriedly took down the wine gourd and poured ten mouthfuls of "gududu" in a row.

"Hahaha! Junior brother, your cooking skills were the number one in the Temple of the Void, and no one could match. How many dishes do you have? Stay with your brother."

Han Fei smiled and said: "Senior brother, why don't we talk while eating? Junior brother, I still have many questions, such as where is this place? For example, why is senior brother here?"

"Haha! Come on, let's sit down and eat slowly... Oh no, let's talk slowly..."

Since the fifth senior brother brought Han Fei, he naturally didn't want to hide anything. I saw the lump in his left hand, the crab meat in his mouth, and the wine gourd in his right hand, chewing in his mouth, and said wholeheartedly: "This place! It's called Chaos Ice Territory, the reason why the world above your Chaos Wasteland is so cold is that Influenced by the Chaos Ice Field."

Han Fei: "This is obviously a sea of ​​fire, how come it is an ice area?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "The Primal Chaos Ice Territory is too cold, and normal people will freeze to death when they come in, so it is necessary to have such a sea of ​​fire to provide everyone with a living space. Without this sea of ​​fire, this place will only be able to stay above the Happy Realm. , In that case, how boring is it to guard such a big place?"

"Wait, guard? Senior brother guards here?"

Han Fei's heart moved. Today, he finally learned that the fifth senior brother is also a great emperor, and it seems that he is still a very strong emperor. Emperor Dongwu has to call Zhang Lao when he sees it.

There is no reason for the strength of the five senior brothers to guard this chaotic ice area.

I just heard the fifth senior brother say: "The chaotic ice domain is connected to the chaotic sea, and the chaotic sea is a very complicated place. Among them, there are some places that belong to the ominous domain... gududu, ah... ah... in the sea of ​​​​stars, there will always be some Races and living beings have been infected by ominous, and become ominous external forces... ah... This chaotic ice area is a battlefield, because there have been changes in the past 100,000 years, so the senior brothers are guarding here... Gududu..."

Han Fei only took a second bite while holding a piece of braised luan, five or six bones had already been thrown in front of the fifth senior brother. Han Fei discovered that the fifth senior brother's teeth were sharp, and he was definitely not a human race.

After hearing the words of the fifth senior brother, Han Fei was even more puzzled: "Since it is an ominous battlefield, then both the city of scavengers and the city of primitives are the guardians here?"

"Oh! They mainly want to get some opportunities, train troops, and strengthen the race. Occasionally, they also participate in ominous battles, but the ominous ones are rare, so they don't actually take many shots."

"Chance? Here?"

Han Fei didn't feel how strong the concentration of spiritual energy was here. Although this sea of ​​fire could train the body, he came here to train just because he could train the body. As for chance, there is not even a tree in this place, but there are occasionally some fire-type monster plants or something. Han Fei really can't see what there is to cultivate here.

Fifth Senior Brother smiled lightly: "Of course the chance is not here, the chance is in the Chaos Sea! Well, the vortex on the wall is the passage to the Chaos Sea. Outside the passage is the Chaos battlefield. When there are no enemies, you can enter the Chaos Sea. Cultivation, after eating, senior brother will show you."


Chaos Sea, Han Fei has only heard of it, but has not been to it yet. I thought that the sea world was going to this place and crossed the endless star sea. Who would have thought that there would be a channel directly connected to the Chaos Sea in the Chaos Wasteland, and I don't know how far apart it is.

Han Fei: "Senior brother, do the tidal waves come from here?"

Fifth Senior Brother nodded: "Yes, the chaotic ice wall is equivalent to a dam. It intercepts a lot of water, so naturally it has to be released. Released once in a hundred years, the chaotic ice field will undertake most of the impact. Some will be transferred to Chaos wasteland. It used to be the primitive city and the city of scavengers as the main resistance. After a hundred years of hunting, this part of the ominous force can basically be purified. Now, your human race is here, and naturally you have to rely on your human race To purify this part of the ominous power."

Han Fei couldn't help frowning, this was an opportunity, but it was also a challenge. Although the human race will usher in a breakthrough frenzy, the power of the tidal wave is not something that a human race can eat.

Fifth Senior Brother: "Don't worry, the city of scavengers and the original city are now destroyed, and these people from the city of wanderers can be sent back."


If there are this group of 20,000 people, and the Open Heaven Realm has not yet reached here, then the power to deal with tidal waves should be barely enough for the time being.

Han Fei: "By the way, brother, why are you guarding here?"

Fifth Senior Brother paused for a while, then gulped down a few sips of wine and said, "If Senior Brother said that he was sentenced to guard here for 100,000 years because of his laziness, would you believe it?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei's first reaction was disbelief, but he soon felt that something was wrong.

"Wait, Senior Brother, when were you punished by Senior Brother?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "100,000 years ago! It will be less than a thousand years before Senior Brother I will be released after serving my sentence."

"One hundred thousand years ago?"

Han Fei realized that something was wrong at the time, and he seemed to smell a familiar chess game. Why is it 100,000 years ago, and why is it 100,000 years ago.

100,000 years ago, because the fifth senior brother was lazy, he punished him to guard here, and then he happened to be born at this time?

Han Fei: "The five senior brothers are leaving, who will guard this chaotic wasteland?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "Forget it, it just so happens that Junior Brother, you have destroyed the city of scavengers and the original city. I just need to guard for you for a while longer. When the time is right, this stall will still be handed over to you."

"pass it to me?"

Han Fei's whole body is not well, and he hurriedly said: "I'm still young, senior brother, will you let me guard the Chaos Sea?"

"Haha! Anyway, you practice fast! Look, it's only been so many years, and you've attained the Dao. If I give you another eight hundred years, you won't be able to become a great emperor?"

Han Fei was speechless: "I thank the fifth senior brother for his compliment. The emperor told you like playing... So, fifth senior brother, are you scheming with the senior brother?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "No! What can we calculate. It just happened that you came into being, don't think too much."

"Ha ha!"

Han Fei Xin said, I believe in you. The five senior brothers of the dignified Void Temple, it is reasonable to say that there are only a dozen or so people in the Void Temple, and each of them should have their own way to go, but they were arranged here to guard the chaotic ice area.

Han Fei asked the fifth senior brother again, and he just said, I don't know, I don't have it, and I don't calculate anything. Han Fei also had nothing to do with him, and could only watch him eat and drink in front of him.

As for why the fifth senior didn't interfere in his affairs, in fact, even if the fifth senior wanted to interfere, Han Fei would not necessarily let him interfere. It's just that you're here, so let me know. He didn't say anything, and suddenly appeared, which made him feel that the Wanlin Clan he finally defeated was really his own, and there was no black box operation, right?

Han Fei rubbed his head, then let go and ate and drank with the fifth senior brother.

After the two of them had been eating for a day and a night, Han Fei finally couldn't stand it anymore. He had never seen Fifth Senior Brother eat so much. Even if your stomach is a bottomless pit, but you eat so much meat at once, don't you feel tired of eating it?

Finally, under the repeated urging of Han Fei, the fifth senior brother reluctantly put away the rest. Then he took Han Fei to the chaotic ice wall swayingly.

"Five senior brothers, how far is the Chaos Sea from here?"

The fifth senior brother was drunk and said: "Little junior brother, you will stop the senior brother. There is no way to measure how far it is. Anyway, it is very far away."

Han Fei: "Since it is so far away, why can this channel be set up in the sea world? And it only passes through a teleportation port. There is such a teleportation array in this world?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "That's not an array, that's the treasure of good fortune, the door without distance."

"The treasure of creation?"

Han Fei was shocked for a while, isn't that a baby on the same level as Chaos Clock? This is a treasure beyond the level of Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Han Fei: "Is no one here to grab it?"

Fifth Senior Brother smiled and said: "Who dares to **** it? Dare to open the gate of no distance, it means betrayal of all races, whoever moves will die, no one dares to move!"

Han Fei: "Whose is this Gate of Infinity?"

Fifth senior shook his head: "This senior does not know, you have to ask senior."

While the two of them were talking, they came to the front of the gate of no distance.

It seems that this is a teleportation array, it may be because of his own clumsiness, and there is no information display of the Gate of Infinity when refining the demon pot. This is not surprising to Han Fei. After all, the refining of the demon pot is not perfect, and the level of the gate of no distance is too high, which may exceed the current reading range of the demon pot.

The fifth senior brother was familiar with the door and took Han Fei to stand in front of the door of Wuji. After waiting for a few breaths, he saw that there was no response from the door of Wuji. Fifth Senior Brother said directly to the vortex: "Open the door."

Han Fei: "Senior brother, who are you talking to?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "Speak to the Gate of Infinity! He can understand it!"

The fifth senior brother said again: "You open the door, this is my junior brother, maybe he will come to guard this place in the future. My junior brother has extraordinary talent, he will cut ominous creatures every day, just like chopping melons and vegetables, you break the door and open it numbly. "

However, on the ice wall above the Gate of Infinity, a line of words appeared directly, which read: "The guardian here was killed 90% by him, and neither of the two great emperors was left behind."

The fifth senior brother was very happy and said bluntly: "Those two are nothing. How many times have they fought against each other? You just came here to train, and you opened the door for them. My little junior brother, look at it. This luck, look at this physique, you will be able to smash Xiaoyao in the open heaven realm. Now that you have proven the Dao, you are bluntly speaking, once the realm is stable, you will be invincible under longevity. Thousands of years will penetrate the longevity realm and 10,000 years will sweep across the great emperor realm. It's time to curry favor with him now. It's time to keep the door for you."

Han Fei blushed a little when he heard it next to him, the fifth senior brother came here with his mouth open. Thousands of years to penetrate the Long Habitat... let alone, it is really possible.

This is not Han Fei's narcissism, but the practice of supreme magic, which makes his practice very fast. Moreover, he also practiced the God and Demon Wuxiang Gong. Even if it is impossible to reach the Immortal Realm within a thousand years, the strength should not be weaker than the Immortal Realm.

It's just that the Gate of No Distance doesn't seem to like him very much, and it seems that he has annoyed this man by destroying the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Scales and the Primordial City.

Come to think of it, the Gate of No Distance used to go out to the city of scavengers and the original city to experience, thinking that they could guard this place in the future and fight against the ominous. Now that he has destroyed his guardians and killed two of them, of course he is not happy. That is equivalent to him opening the door so many times, all of which are in vain.

Han Fei watched quietly, and the fifth senior brother was still chattering: "Hurry up and open the door, your future guardians are going to go out for a stroll now, look at the Chaos Sea, don't be stingy."

In the end, the Fifth Senior Brother still had a bit of a thin face. Although the Gate of No Distance was reluctant, the Fifth Senior Brother knocked continuously beside him with a "dangdang", and the Gate of No Distance couldn't stand it either.

So he wrote a line: "This time is an exception, next time I won't open the door for him."

Fifth Senior Brother: "Bullshit, you will always point at my little junior brother in the future."

Seeing that the gate of no distance started to operate, the fifth senior brother was about to go inside, but Han Fei did not move.

Fifth Senior Brother: "Hey, Junior Junior Brother, let's go!"

Han Fei shook his head slightly and smiled lightly: "Senior brother, I won't go. Since people are reluctant, I can't pull that face down. Chaos Sea, I will go sooner or later, I don't care about this moment."

Fifth Senior Brother: "Uh! Really not going? It's good to feel the feeling in advance."

Han Fei shook his head: "If you don't want to go, you won't go."

After finishing speaking, I only saw two scimitars suddenly appear in Han Fei's hand. What is it if it is not the blade of hope? I saw that the law of time was running, and the timeline was broken. With a finger of the Navigation Vientiane, in the end, Han Fei suddenly stopped at a certain timeline.

And the time that Han Fei stayed was when the Gate of Infinity was opened. At that moment, a fish hook was thrown out, and a figure was hooked out suddenly, and was dragged directly by Han Fei.

It was a Ten Thousand Scales Clan's Open Heaven Realm powerhouse. After being dragged over, he was in an unconscious state.

Han Fei clasped his head with one hand and activated the soul search technique.

All of this is flowing, the fifth senior brother smacked his mouth twice, looked at the door without distance and said: "Stupid door, you offended my little junior brother. Do you think that the people in my Void Temple are as good as me? Could it be that you forgot The scene of my Void Temple killing the Quartet?"

The gate of no distance trembled slightly, not because Han Fei was a disciple of the Void Temple. But Han Fei suddenly took out two exotic treasures that were not inferior to him.

The Vientiane Instrument, he can definitely be a treasure at the same level as himself. Although it has not fully grown, it is definitely a treasure of good fortune.

And that pair of knives was what made him tremble. For some reason, he felt that the grade of these knives seemed to surpass himself.

The Gate of No Distance can't figure it out, why can this person have two treasures of this grade?

After a while, the corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he chuckled: "So that's the case."

Han Fei directly smashed the puppet of the Wanlin tribe, and then said to the fifth senior brother: "Senior brother, I'm back, I've been to the Chaos Sea. Next, I'm going to lead the human race to rise."

Fifth Senior Brother: "Ah! So, stay and play for two days?"

Han Fei was speechless, he stayed to cook for you, right?

Han Fei: "No, the human race has just entered the sea world, and the breakthrough frenzy is coming. I need to sit in the human race. As for this chaotic ice area, oh, wait for this door to come to me in the future..."

Han Fei paused and looked at the gate of no distance: "I, even if you ask me, I may not answer you. So, you'd better think clearly about how to ask me."

Han Fei: "Five senior brothers."

"Haha! Little Junior Brother, you are really...that's all, then you go, Senior Brother will not go with you."

The fifth senior brother opened a passage for Han Fei, and shook his head helplessly, thinking that the younger junior brother is quite individual, and it will be interesting in the future.

Han Fei nodded, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then said, "Senior brother, since you have helped the homeless, I hope you can help more in the future."

The fifth senior brother said unexpectedly: "Don't your human race stay in the Chaos Wasteland? Now it is absolutely safe here."

Han Fei shook his head: "The human race has its own way, there is no challenge, where can a strong human race come from?"

Han Fei said goodbye to the fifth senior brother and entered the portal without looking back.

Until the portal disappeared, the fifth senior brother leaned against the chaotic ice wall and said indifferently: "Wuju! Do you think you rejected a person? Your special mother rejected a human race, a person who once ruled the era of chaos. the human race…”

The Door of No Distance: "…"

After a long while, a line of words appeared next to the fifth senior brother: "Then what do you do now?"

Fifth Senior Brother laughed: "What do you like to do, I have gone to dinner, Junior Junior Brother has left me so many recipes, I have to try them one by one..." (To be continued)

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