God of Fishing

Chapter 2701: Luo Xiaobai's breakthrough

Wherever Han Fei took Luo Xiaobai and the others in Ginkgo City, the discussions were discussed.

Although everyone was surprised by the shopping behavior of Lord Human Sovereign, more attention was paid to Luo Xiaobai next to Han Fei. They are thinking, who is the person who is qualified to be personally received by the emperor, and introduce the city of the human race to the other party so harmoniously.

As for Lu Xuan, Yu Jiaojiao and others, although some people are paying attention, everyone thinks that they should only be Luo Xiaobai's subordinates.

It took half a day for Han Fei to bring Luo Xiaobai to the giant ginkgo tree.

Although they had seen it from a distance, when they saw the huge ginkgo tree and the golden leaves all over the ground with their own eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Not because of how strong this ginkgo tree is, but because of how beautiful this ginkgo tree is.

The ginkgo tree and the Emperor's Square are together, because this is also the core of the city's grand formation, so there are many people cultivating nearby. There were those who practiced body training, those who practiced cross-legged meditation, and some who actually came to make offerings to pray for blessings. The object of prayer was naturally Han Fei.

"I have seen the Emperor Human."

Seeing Han Fei's arrival, everyone stopped their cultivation and looked curiously at Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai.

Han Fei: "Everyone continue to practice, don't worry about me."

After everyone calmed down for a while, they were not practicing, they just quieted down.

I just heard Luo Xiaobai say: "Speak! Huiren did not take me to the thug academy, but took me around the city, what do you want me to do?"

Han Fei glanced at the people in front of him and said lightly, "What do you think of the current human race?"

Luo Xiaobai: "The human race has become much stronger. In just fifty-two years, the basic level of the human race has stood above the realm of anglers, which shows that the comprehensive strength of the human race has improved by at least two grades."

Han Fei: "What about the sea world? For example, your demon plant fortress."

Luo Xiaobai: "Not enough! It's still two grades away."

Han Fei: "What about the superpowers like the capital of the gods and the capital of terror?"

Luo Xiaobai: "In terms of average strength, it is at least three grades worse."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Xiaobai, the human race now has a population of 180 billion, which is too many. At present, Uncle Xuan is helping me manage it. But no matter how strong Uncle Xuan is, the population of 180 billion is enough for him to be busy. Among them There are so many things involved."

After a pause, Han Fei said again: "The human race entered the sea world and rose rapidly. The city of scavengers was destroyed, but the primitive city is still there. The human race needs war, and only the human race that has been baptized in the war is qualified to truly to set foot on the huge battlefield of the sea world."

Luo Xiaobai stared at Han Fei: "Now that there are many emperors in the human race, do you still need me to lead the clan war?"

Han Fei: "It's different. Liu Qiansi is a demon plant. Teacher Beastmaster and the two emperors of the lava giant clan are not human races. At present, there is only one emperor in the human race. Even, the human race has so far So far, I haven't even had a Great Perfection in the Open Heaven Realm. After all, I still need to be **** myself! So, I've been waiting for you to come back."

Behind Luo Xiaobai, Lu Xuan and Yu Jiaojiao were all dumbfounded. The 180 billion human race is shocking enough, but this person actually wants Luo Xiaobai to lead such a human race to fight?

For a while, Lu Xuan and Yu Jiaojiao thought to themselves, compared to the huge population of the human race, Yaozhi Fortress is hardly even a drizzle.

At the same time, their hearts were also a little shocked, the emperor, the strongest person of the family, the belief of everyone, the contemporary successor of the Void Temple. It is such a great trust to hand over such a big matter to Luo Xiaobai so confidently!

Once the leadership of this war is handed over, every decision of Luo Xiaobai is the life and death of countless people. Ordinary people don't dare to take on such a heavy burden at all.

Even with the three million people in Yaozhi Fortress, Lu Xuan was worried all day long, and every step he took was carefully considered. If these 180 billion people are handed over to him, Lu Xuan can guarantee that he will not dare to accept it at all, nor can he bear this burden.

Luo Xiaobai rolled his eyes, but did not refuse.

Just listen to her: "What's the matter with the cicadas?"

"Oh! Traveling in the sea world, I was lucky enough to meet a **** and did something for him, so he owed me a favor. I asked him to behead all the emperors of the original city, including the great emperor of the original city. "

Luo Xiaobai: "…"

Lu Xuan and everyone: "???"

Han Fei's words were calm and light, and those who heard it only felt terrified and unbelievable, and Lu Xuan's heart sank. Are you really saying this kind of thing in front of me?

Yu Jiaojiao was a little apprehensive, wouldn't these people really be silenced?

Luo Xiaobai wondered: "There are still gods in this world? Doesn't it mean that there are no gods?"

Han Fei: "There are gods, but I have only met one so far."

Luo Xiaobai glared at him: "How many more do you want to meet?"

"Ha ha…"

Luo Xiaobai thought for a while: "I think about it, let's go back to the Thug Academy first!"

I saw Luo Xiaobai turned around, looked at Lu Xuan and Yu Jiaojiao and said, "Sorry, I will stay in the human race, and I will not be able to enter the wilderness with you again. But if you want, you can bring Yaozhi Fortress to my human race."

Lu Xuan said solemnly, "You are the fortress of Yaozhi Fortress."

Yu Jiaojiao nodded again and again: "Xiao Bai, from the moment you saved Yaozhi Fortress, we have been your followers."

Luo Xiaobai: "I have never admitted this. I was in Yaozhi Fortress, and I also used the power of Yaozhi Fortress to come to the Chaos Wasteland."

Lu Xuan: "No matter what, the three million people in Yaozhi Fortress are all your followers. Since you choose to stay in the human race, we will naturally stay here too."

Han Fei smiled slightly and said lightly, "Liu Qiansi, come here."


Liu Qiansi is very happy every day now, and her full-time job every day is to help each giant monster grow, or to mention those monster plants in Horror Forest.

Yaozhi can still get along with Yaozhi, especially after Han Fei almost turned the human city into a half Yaozhi city, Liu Qiansi felt that she was no longer alone for the first time.


Han Fei: "You take these guests from afar to the Chaos Wasteland and lead a mobile fort."

"Ah? Out of the Chaos Wasteland?"

Han Fei: "Directly use us and the city of the city of the homeless to teleport the formation, let's go!"

"That's it!"

When it was over, Liu Qiansi turned her body and said, "That, guests, let's go!"

After Liu Qiansi took Lu Xuan and the others away, Han Fei said, "These people are not bad! They actually accompanied you into the Chaos Wasteland and came here."

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "It's okay, not bad, but it's not enough to be trusted. They left me at first because of my ability. This is due to the character of the wild people, and it is destined to be difficult to be completely worthy of trust. Object."

Han Fei: "Tsk tsk, I think that Lu Xuan likes you very much. The strength of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm makes you the castle owner."

Luo Xiaobai: "Because of my plan for Yaozhi Fortress, it can increase their survival rate by 50%, increase their strength growth rate by 20-30%, and stabilize Yaozhi Fortress in the chaotic forces in the wilderness. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you just say that you didn't admit that you were their castle owner? Why now..."

Luo Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at Han Fei, and said seriously: "That's what I said to them. This is to retreat as a way to advance, and it is a hard-to-find strategy to better conquer Yaozhi Fortress. Although the population of Yaozhi Fortress is only three Millions, but there are a lot of strong people, if the human race wants to develop and enter the sea world, it needs to unite all the forces that can be united."


"Then your friendship."

Luo Xiaobai: "They treat me with sincerity, and I treat them with sincerity. But friendship belongs to friendship, and things belong to things. I am a human race, and naturally I have to seek more resources and strength for the human race."

"Okay, okay!"

Sure enough, Luo Xiaobai was still the same Luo Xiaobai. Since he grew up, or in other words, since the Battle of Thousand Stars City, Luo Xiaobai has become extremely rational. Since then, it seems that he has never made friends like the four of them.

Han Fei was just happy that Luo Xiaobai had made a few friends who could support each other in life and death. As a result, Luo Xiaobai made Han Fei realize the reality with just a few words.

Han Fei: "Let's go! Let's go back to the Thug Academy. Let me tell you, while Henry Zhang and Yi Xiyan were waiting for you, they gave birth to a child named Zhang Panpan..."

Luo Xiaobai showed a rare smile: "Then you have to prepare a meeting ceremony."

Han Fei: "Ha, now you're a grown-up girl. As you are, you should be called your aunt. But you can do whatever you want. Now these kids don't lack anything, and the adults dote on them."

Luo Xiaobai: "Then follow me to practice on the battlefield."


Han Fei: "I'm afraid you will scare the children into crying with this greeting."

Luo Xiaobai didn't care, but instead asked, "Is there any news from Xiaochan?"

Han Fei shook his head: "In these years, I have been to very few places. Almost all of my time has been spent on how to destroy the Wanlin Clan, and I haven't had time to find it."

Luo Xiaobai: "Don't worry, it's only six hundred years now, even if Xiaochan is reincarnated into the great clan of the sea world, it will be difficult to open the sky in six hundred years, so there is still time."

Han Fei nodded slightly. In fact, he had pointed it with a marine vientiometer, and the location information was Nanhai Shenzhou. When his plan is completed, it is time to set off for Nanhai Shenzhou.

a few days later.

on the ginkgo tree.

In more than 300 cities of the human race, scandals about Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai appeared one after another.

Everyone is not criticizing anything, but they think this should be a good thing and worth talking about. Most of the content of the chat was that I had never heard of it before, did it just happen, and would the two of them give birth to a villain?

When many people speculated about Luo Xiaobai's identity, Han Fei was giving Luo Xiaobai a loose body.

Han Fei: "It's basically like this. The body combat power of this loose life is not necessarily very strong. But the comprehensive combat power is definitely outrageously strong. Moreover, this form of life is very difficult to fall."

Luo Xiaobai took a deep breath: "So, you are practicing with the power of the entire human race?"

Han Fei nodded: "That's it."

Luo Xiaobai: "What about the efficiency of practice?"

Han Fei: "I'm still in the Taoist realm, but it's not like I can only Taoist proving realm. Every plant needs a little bit of my energy, aura, and soul. Energy and aura are easy to handle, even without the soul of a master. It's not difficult to do. The problem is that the more people planting demon plants, the more energy, spiritual energy, and spiritual power I can distribute. Fortunately, loose life forms have individual memories, and they are gradually growing. Otherwise I'll be sucked dry sooner or later."

Luo Xiaobai frowned: "Since it's all the power of the soul that you distributed, how can 180 billion people raise demon plants?"

Han Fei: "Actually, there aren't that many. At present, there are less than one-tenth of the population who can afford Yaozhi."

Luo Xiaobai: "That's a population of 18 billion. Even if you are Emperor Zun, even if a loose body only needs a little soul, it will require 18 billion soul power. Where did you get so much soul power?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Of course I don't, so, among the 180 demon plants, only about 3 billion spirit plants have established a connection with me. The rest are pure demon plants, but that's also from me. The seeds that go out, so the power of the soul can be added whenever I want."

Luo Xiaobai: "3 billion?"

Han Fei: "I, I accidentally got a treasure named Soul Sealing Orb, which can store the power of a thousand yuan soul. Plus you know that my birth star city can accelerate time, and practice for more than 10,000 years. , with the great art of the gods and the gods, and the power from practice, put all the power into these loose bodies. I may be at a loss in the early stage, and even my strength will not advance but retreat. But after a long time, these loose bodies that grow up can be Feeding back what the source gave me, so the longer I go on this path, the stronger it will be."

Luo Xiaobai quickly analyzed: "The human race has a population of 180 billion. If you want your loose living beings to spread all over the human race and enter every household, even if you practice sleeplessly, it will take more than three thousand years. During this time, your demon Plant incarnation, I am afraid there is no room for advancement. Unless you turn it into a whole."

Han Fei nodded slightly, this is a question. Three thousand years, this is still the result of cultivating in one's own destiny, otherwise it would take seven to eight million years.

Therefore, the growth of the loose living body is actually not as fast as the growth in his imagination.

Of course, this was from the fact that he didn't use Han Song's incarnation to make a move. If it is really a last resort, and all the loose life forms are gathered into the main body, that is another matter.

Once all the loose life returns, his strength may skyrocket directly, and it is not impossible to enter the realm of the emperor in one fell swoop.

In addition, the time acceleration of refining the demon pot is currently due to the lack of small vines, so it can only stay at 256 times the time acceleration. If a new small vine returns, I don't know if this time acceleration will continue to double.

Therefore, the little vine of the Celestial Clan is very important to him. As for the growth of loose living bodies, at present, we can only follow the development route set at the moment.

And the loose living body can only be used as the final hole card in the hand. Otherwise, once it is exposed, it will be targeted by people with intentions, and it is very likely that all of your efforts will be in vain overnight.

Or, there is another way for me, that is to find an initial place, and use the origin of the world and the power of heaven to achieve the rapid growth of loose life forms.

Just like Daoyu Kuaishou, why was she able to make the Demon Realm full of vitality in just a few decades? In addition to the help of Emperor Dongwu, it may have something to do with the world of Moyu.

Moreover, the last time I went to Demon Realm, it seems that many demon plants are still in a very low-level state. They may not belong to loose life, but they have to wait for Dao Yukuaishou's strength to return to the peak before gradually changing this status quo.

Han Fei was too lazy to think about this issue. The small vines for refining the demon pot and the initial land were things that could be met but not sought after. Soul Sea himself couldn't easily set foot there now, so it was useless to think so much now.

I just listened to Han Fei's words and said: "My problem can't be solved overnight, now let's discuss your problem."

Luo Xiaobai: "What's the problem with me?"

Han Fei: "It seems that I have been watching you as a star for a short time, but the breath is still not stable. It should be just shaping the leylines, right?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Yes."

Han Fei: "How many million miles are you from?"

"810,000 miles."

"How many?"

Han Fei looked at Luo Xiaobai in shock, full of disbelief.

Luo Xiaobai wondered: "Why, is there any problem?"

Han Fei: "Have you heard about the number of stars in the sky?"

Luo Xiaobai: "I've heard it, everyone in Tiankeng World knows that there is a clear analysis and record on the battlefield for Huaxing."

Han Fei: "Have you told anyone?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "No, I know that there are very few 810,000-mile-day stars. Although I don't know its deeper meaning, I naturally won't reveal this kind of thing to others. I declare it to be a 490,000-mile star."

Han Fei: "Where do you get so many resources? You must know that the resources required by the 810,000-mile-long star is quite terrifying. In addition to resources, it also requires a lot of energy."

Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "I know, I entered the Tiankeng world before I became a star, so I naturally prepared everything to become a star. As for the source of resources, except for some of the resources I accumulated by killing Kaitianjing. , is also related to luck. The talent of the **** controller is more powerful than I imagined, so in the Tiankeng world, I sensed the place where a strong man in the free and unfettered realm fell, and learned to step into the stars of other people's lives there. As for the method of refining the stars, the Tiankeng World can be exchanged for points, and it is easy to obtain."

Only then did Han Fei breathe a sigh of relief: "So that's what happened."

In the past, Luo Xiaobai awakened the Taoist species in front of them. Although Han Fei had never seen the scene of Luo Xiaobai awakening the **** controller, the **** controller was yin and yang, and there was even a unique existence in the sea world.

In general, Han Fei thinks that it may be related to the riots in the sea. Riot Canghai is the ancestral land of the human race, and due to the influence of the blood tree of the soul sea, all living beings will have atavism. Luo Xiaobai is likely to have inherited a certain powerful bloodline from the ancestral land of the human race.

If so, the ancestral land of the human race is indeed much more profound than I imagined.

Han Fei: "Then you are running out of resources now?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "It's used up, after all, it's the life star of the ancient powerhouse. When I went there, the powerhouse's life star had been torn apart, and the star core had been hollowed out, but there were still some resources left. Maybe For the powerhouse, that little resource was nothing, but for me at the time, it was already a lot. Plus the resources I accumulated by beheading the powerhouses in the open world, it was barely enough to transform into a star. By the way, How many thousands of miles have you turned into a star?"

Han Fei: "810,000 miles."

Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched slightly: "It's not the same."

Han Fei really wanted to say something, there are so many awesome existences behind me, my father and mother are gods, so only 810,000 miles can be transformed into stars! Also, such people are really rare.

However, maybe there are still a few people who are 810,000 li Huaxing. For example, the Temple of Void must be full of 810,000 li Huaxing. Those who are known to be powerful emperors are probably like this, which represents potential, and some people are naturally gifted.

Han Fei: "Leading the clan to fight will inevitably delay you a lot of time, so the top priority now is to improve your strength. Since you have already shaped the leylines, you should be on your way to the stars now, right?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, there are currently 32 stars for refining and refining. After all, with my strength, in the Tiankeng world, I mostly kill the powerhouses in the early stage of the transformation. It is only occasionally with the cooperation of the team. There is a small chance to hunt down the powerhouse after the transformation star."

Han Fei: "Do the undead have stars?"

"Yes, and it's no different from normal people. Or maybe my strength was too low at the time, and I haven't seen the natal star of a stronger undead, so I have reservations about this."

Han Fei was thoughtful, and after returning to his senses, he suddenly took out a bag of thousands of round beads, which were refining stars one by one, and Luo Xiaobai raised his brows.

"so much?"

Han Fei: "There are 100 810,000-mile refining stars here. But I have studied it, and these are not the real stars left after the fall of the 810,000-mile star powerhouse. They should be transformed stars. Others There are also a thousand normal transformed stars."

Han Fei was also shocked by the 810,000-mile refining stars at the time. After researching, he found that it was wrong, and it was easy to know why. It is estimated that the Great Emperor Wanlin tried to transform the natal stars similar to the 810,000-mile-long stars, but after the transformation, he found that these transformed stars were not as good as the real natal stars, so he gave up the transformation later.

Luo Xiaobai opened his mouth, and then saw Han Fei take out more than a dozen bags and said, "I, I still have a lot here, is 10,000 transformed stars enough?"

Luo Xiaobai pondered for a long time: "Didn't you take the path of stardom?"

Han Fei was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

Luo Xiaobai gave Han Fei a blank look: "Next time, don't send it away when you see people, just take these out and push me to the emperor's realm. It's more than enough to say that you didn't take this road, because if you've walked through it, it's more than enough. This way, I know that I can’t use so much at one time. The system of Xingtu can only be constructed slowly, and you must first have a construction direction. Around your own natal star, every time you set up a transformation star, it will A balance test is required. Because transforming the stars will affect the natal stars, if you don’t put them down randomly, they belong to you.”

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Does that mean you can't use these to quickly improve your strength?"

"Do not!"

Luo Xiaobai showed a rare smile and said: "There is a way. The balance test is not difficult, but it is difficult to obtain so many high-quality transformed stars. With these... Ten years, ten years, I can step into the late stage of Huaxing. Realm. If you use the space-time training beads you gave me, even if you add the time to consolidate the realm, it will not exceed a year."

Han Fei was immediately overjoyed: "Ha, that you keep it for later, and directly break through in the stars of my life. My time acceleration is higher than this thing."

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "No hurry, you can try the time-space practice beads. I have to know its effect, so that you won't be here in the future, and I'm not familiar with this thing. If you enter it rashly, it may delay some things."

"fair enough."

Luo Xiaobai is not a hypocritical person. She has very clear ideas on the use of resources and the use of space-time cultivation beads. Humans lack high-end combat power, so this is not the time to be hypocritical with Han Fei. Moreover, she and Han Fei have nothing to be hypocritical.

Luo Xiaobai directly took away all the stars that Han Fei threw out, and was not polite to Han Fei at all. Although she didn't know why Han Fei didn't take the path of Xingtu, she had already gone.

Han Fei beheaded many emperors, and she knew that Han Fei must have more than so many transformed stars. So, at this time, it is very important to improve your strength.

As a human emperor, Han Fei must find a way to improve the strength of the human race, so these transformed stars will definitely be sent everywhere. Instead of giving it to someone else, it's better to give it to her. Because she doesn't believe in the abilities of others.

But I saw that the time and space training beads were activated. At this time, the time flowed, and it flashed for a moment, and Luo Xiaobai disappeared.

Han Fei was thoughtful, UU reading www. uukanshu.com murmured: "It's a bit interesting, with my time avenue, I can't understand the refining method of this time and space cultivation beads."

In Han Fei's mind, the usage of the Avenue of Time suddenly came to his mind, and in the end, he could be sure that this thing exceeded his knowledge of time.

"The Six Divine Techniques of Time."

Han Fei is sure, this is definitely the Temple of Time, one of the six divine arts. The usage of this time law is too advanced. Han Fei believes that he doesn't even understand the principle at all.

Two and a half months later.


Time fluctuations reappeared, and Luo Xiaobai had reappeared. Han Fei deliberately did not practice for more than two months, so the moment Luo Xiaobai came out, he immediately came to the top of the ginkgo tree.

At this time, Luo Xiaobai had already entered the late stage of Huaxing.

"This effect is immediate! How, have you mastered the use of the space-time cultivation beads?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Well, now go to the stars of your life."

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