God of Fishing

Chapter 2720: Stepping Free (Part 1)

This time, Han Fei didn't respond passively. Facing the punch that carried the power of hundreds of thousands of miles of ocean, he took the initiative to kill it.

"You are from the Boxing Sect, then I will defeat you with boxing. Punch out and destroy the world."

Han Fei's fist, scarlet and terrifying, fell into the eyes of others, as if the world was collapsing and purgatory was burning.

In the battle of the poles, one step further, regardless of victory or defeat, can keep the Taoist mind safe, take a step back, the Taoist mind will be dusty, and the opponent will definitely become the mountain in the heart.

Pei Qiannan roared, his whole body was dazzling with golden light, he had a dharma image that rose up after himself, and a unicorn manifested and merged from his eyebrows, giving people the feeling of a galloping beast. Its combat power, soul, will, and many other aspects have shown a doubled growth.

Without the heart of the strong, who can enter the list of gods?

The crowd of onlookers were also attentively at this moment. They are all geniuses of the generation. Seeing such a scene, their hearts were greatly shaken, and at the same time, they were excited and excited.

Perhaps, in the face of this blow, many people feel ashamed. However, that doesn't mean they are afraid. On the contrary, they will feel more that this level of battle, once they successfully participate in it without dying, will be of great benefit to their own growth.



The relative power of the fists swept the world, and the billions of water droplets that splashed, or vaporized, or like a rapid arrow, or exploded instantly.


In the violent explosion and roar, at the opening of the broken endless void, everyone saw six copper rings, three of which were shattered, and three were directly smashed into the thousands of miles away.

And Pei Qiannan, bowed his body into a shrimp, and flew upside down. Looking at it again, his two arms were gone. Only less than one-third of his flesh and blood remained, and the rest of the body was only shimmering with light.


"So strong."

It was too late, but it was soon, Han Fei wanted to take advantage of the victory. Although Pei Qiannan is walking the pole path, he is only walking the unipolar path, and he hasn't finished walking yet. Therefore, the blow just now not only completely crushed him physically, but also directly shattered a large amount of his divine soul, and even with the soul-suppressing artifact, he was penetrated by himself.

However, Xu Shi Pei Qiannan is indeed a figure of the boxing sect, so the soul-suppressing artifact is not weak, it is an acquired spiritual treasure.

Therefore, if a fist that destroys the world can't kill him, then another punch.

However, just when Han Fei wanted to make another blow, above the void, a mysterious jade hand formed a strange seal, a great formation of Taoism, hovering in the sky, as if to press Han Fei.

"Master of Formation?"

Those who can condense this level of formation at will, are absolutely extraordinary. Han Fei swept his eyes and saw that Zhao Qianqian was standing in the air, making a seal with one hand, and shot indifferently.


I only saw that Han Fei's eyes were black and white in an instant, and the yin and yang eyes appeared in the world, and it only took an instant to find the core of the formation.


I saw that the pattern of the pattern, like a mirror, shattered in an instant.


Zhao Qianqian's eyes flashed, as if he was a little surprised that Han Fei broke his seal formation in an instant.

"It's those eyes."

Behind Zhao Qianqian, a person from the Free Realm said: "It really is the characteristic of the human race. If I remember correctly, those pupils are called Yin-Yang Divine Eyes, an extremely rare pupil technique. In history, it has only appeared a few times. , but every time the owner is an extremely powerful existence."

Behind Ye Tianren, a Taoist protector said: "Heavenly man, this person's strength has surpassed the intelligence and information too much. With such strength, he may have reached the end of the extreme path, and Pei Qiannan alone cannot be defeated. us…"

Ye Tianren frowned: "It's not what I want to bully the less."

Ye Tianren's two guardians frowned: "Tianren, we are not here to fight. After all, we must not let him escape!"

Ye Tianren was unmoved: "With me, he can't leave."

Seeing that Ye Tianren's attitude was firm, the two guardians did not speak any more.

But Zhao Qianqian did not have the arrogant character of Ye Tianren. She knows that there are only a few people here who can really block Han Fei directly. She has heard all about Ye Tianren's temperament, and she can't count on it. Pei Qiannan is the first to do it. And without the restraint of the strong, it is entirely possible for Han Fei to run away.

Although there are many experts in the free realm, but in the eyes of the practitioners of the extreme way, the free realm is not unattainable. Even, neither she nor Pei Qiannan are afraid of Xiaoyaojing.

At this moment, Zhao Qianqian was broken with one blow, and the jade bottle dragged in his hand was slightly poured, and a drop of crystal clear water was poured out. As soon as this drop of water comes out, the world here will lose all gravity.

"Chaos Primal Water?"

Han Fei's heart moved, is it a coincidence or is he just lucky? This woman actually poured out a drop of chaotic water. But the quality of this Chaos Primal Water seems to be higher than his own endless water!

Endless water is now only a high-grade artifact level, in fact, for him now, the effect is actually very small. But the Primal Chaos Water that the woman took out instantly extracted the law of force of the world, making the gravitational force completely absent. It seems that at least it must be the Chaos Primal Water at the level of the best artifact.


Han Fei's eyes flashed, and he swiped and pulled in the void with one hand. The law of time, the broken time and space, you have the ability to extract the law of power, and the ability to extract the law of other timelines!

Sure enough, Han Fei stepped into another timeline, followed, Zhao Qianqian's heart shuddered, and he made a seal with one hand and pressed it half a meter in front of him.


As a result, as soon as the seal formation came out, it was pierced by a single blow.

Just when Han Fei appeared and Zhao Qianqian was almost photographed, eight drops of this Chaos Primal Water appeared in the jade bottle in a row, plus the previous one, it was nine drops. Every drop actually represents a law.

At this moment, nine drops of chaotic primordial water formed a shield in front of him.


Han Fei's blow failed, and on the other side, Pei Qiannan had stabilized his body and his arms were recovering.

Pei Qiannan, bleeding from the seven orifices, hurriedly stuffed an elixir into his mouth, and then his body crackled, and said to Zhao Qianqian, "Thank you."

Immediately, Pei Qiannan said: "Human Sovereign Han Fei, his strength has reached the peak of the Taoist realm, and he is no longer able to compete against the same realm alone. I lost, I admit it. But unfortunately, today is not a battle of learning, since everyone After seeing his strength, let's go together!"

"Get out."


"Killing the extreme way is justified."

Following Pei Qiannan's words, some people have already taken action. Now that Pei Qiannan and Zhao Qianqian are holding them back, it should be the best time for them to take action.

Otherwise, once these two are defeated, no one will contain Han Fei, and they will easily be targeted if they make another move. To put it bluntly, it is that they will not attract hatred when they take action, so they are not afraid of taking action.

But Han Fei didn't pay attention to this. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the bottle was filled with Primal Chaos Water. If he had known, he would have used Void Robbery to grab it.

Now, the Primal Chaos Water has been released, a total of nine drops, and the Void Stealing Technique can only grab up to three drops at a time. This can't be done. Once the Void Stealing Technique is exposed, this woman will definitely take it into her body.

No, Han Fei couldn't make a single blow, and he took out a heavy hammer with his backhand.

"Doom dong dong... dong dong dong..."

The Hammer of Limit erupted, regardless of these few drops of Chaos Primal Water, there are several kinds of law power, but you can't use it at all.

Once the law emerges, I will smash you to pieces.

However, Zhao Qianqian is not a similar person, his pupils are white, trying to kill Han Fei and the stars with a ray of soul.

However, this may be the most regretful move Zhao Qianqian has ever done in his life. Because she knew that Han Fei's physique was very strong, even Pei Qiannan was no match, and he might have reached the peak of the extreme way. Then his power of the soul will inevitably weaken, and this is her breakthrough direction.

Facing an enemy of this level, her and Han Fei's fighting style, or fighting with great skills, is obviously tantamount to digging their own graves.

Moreover, Zhao Qianqian did not follow the body-refinement route in the first place. Her strength is her soul.

Although Zhao Qianqian knew that Han Fei must be protected by a soul-suppressing artifact, she was not worried. Only to hear her suddenly open her mouth and shout: "Forbidden soul."

The next moment, Han Fei felt a majestic soul rushing into his eyebrows.

To be honest, Han Fei was shocked. So far, he has never met anyone who can't wait to let Hun Nian drill into his mind.

The next moment, the demon refining pot moved, and Han Fei didn't need to obliterate these soul thoughts by himself, they were caught by Xiaoteng.

However, Zhao Qianqian's expression suddenly changed greatly: "How is it possible for you?"


Zhao Qianqian's blood spilled in the sky, not because of Han Fei's shot, but because of her broken soul and backlash.

"not good!"

"Little Lord."

The two free and easy realm powerhouses were still waiting to watch the show, but the next moment, Zhao Qianqian's backlash was waiting.

"Take her life while she's sick."

"Steal, steal, steal..."

Han Fei was excited. If he directly used the Void Stealing Technique on Chaos Primal Water, he could only harvest three drops of Primal Chaos Primal Water at most. But if Zhao Qianqian is killed, he will receive all the nine drops of Chaos Primal Water.

With the amount of Chaos Primal Water reaching this level, it is obviously not as simple as a superb artifact. Maybe it is possible to advance to Chaos Spirit Treasure.

It's too late, it's too soon. Zhao Qianqian's soul-suppressing artifact appeared, it was a copper seal, and it seemed to be extraordinary.

But no matter how extraordinary the bronze seal is, it can only be stolen by the Void Robbery.

The first void robbery, call out the copper seal.

The second void robbery, the copper seal was stolen.

The third void robbery was Zhao Qianqian's consciousness.

When Han Fei stole Zhao Qianqian's consciousness, he clearly felt that the strong soul power was trying to backfire on him, trying to compete for the power of the Void Stealing Technique.

However, not to mention that his current strength is at the peak of proving the Dao, which is on the same level as Zhao Qianqian. As far as his ultimate balance is concerned, his soul power has also reached the upper limit of the extreme path, which is not something Zhao Qianqian can break free.

Therefore, Rao was Zhao Qianqian, who was once a strong man on the God List in the past, and was unable to break free from the power of the Void Stealing Technique.

Three times of void robbery, in a flash, in one go. Although the two free and easy realm powerhouses have already taken action. But all over Han Fei, the Wan Dao Fengshen spear appeared, blocking the two abruptly. Unless everyone here makes a bombardment, it is impossible to blast through their own God-Conferred Spear Array in one breath.

And myself, only this breath time is enough.

Originally this time, Han Fei was going to start killing, but the woman was so unlucky that she happened to be defeated by herself. If you can't force it, send a blood backhand.

At this moment, many people have already taken action, plus the two free and easy realm powerhouses, only the Wandao Fengshen Spear can't hold a few breaths.

Therefore, Han Fei did not have any thoughts of pity Xiangxiyu or taking this woman as a hostage. The hammer of the limit, the hammer of thousands of eyes in the blink of an eye, the Ragnarok of the Gods is activated, and the killing of the gods is motivated.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just saw a burst of indiscriminate bombing, Zhao Qianqian had been smashed into a **** mess, and the top-quality artifact battle suit on his body was finally unable to hold.

Just as this superb artifact was shattered and Han Fei was about to launch a fatal blow, a pearl pendant suddenly shone under Zhao Qianqian's neck.


Han Fei was stunned, suddenly retreated, and backhanded the nine drops of uncontrolled chaotic water.


I only felt a strong anti-shock force, and a phantom appeared, which was the will of the strong. The phantom backhand was a blow, and the terrifying power was so fast that Han Fei couldn't react, and was stabbed with a finger.



Only saw a piece of gravel splashing, and Xinghai Xuansha was smashed by a blow. Following Han Fei's body, it was completely cracked, and the outer armor of Xinghai Xuansha fell off one after another.

"The power of longevity?"

Han Fei's eyes froze, these **** have a lot of confidence, and they are sure that they will not die, so they are so confident.

Even, these life-saving means are likely to be set up on purpose. Some strong people think that Zhao Qianqian and the others are not their opponents, so they set up such a life-saving means, in fact, they want to use the strength of the longevity realm to shoot themselves. If you can kill it, you can kill yourself, but if you can't kill it, you can seriously injure yourself and create murderous opportunities for others.

"How can it be."

"He blocked the attack of the longevity realm powerhouse?"

The two Xiaoyao realm powerhouses who were bombarding the Conferred God Spear Array showed a look of horror.

The next moment, someone said: "There is a scale in front of him."

Han Fei bared his teeth. Fortunately, he had the scales of the Eastern God Crocodile, which could withstand a single blow from a powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm and a head-on attack from a powerhouse in the Longevity Realm for more than 30 breaths. Otherwise, he would be severely injured this time.

However, since this long-lived strike failed to work on him, it was not him that was finished.

Han Fei folded his hands together, held the giant hammer, gathered the power of thousands of hammers in one blow, and slammed it down.


"You dare."


As soon as the hammer fell, Zhao Qianqian didn't fully wake up until he died, and was smashed into ash and annihilated.

Yes, at this time, Han Fei didn't even consider taking Zhao Qianqian's corpse into the stars of his life.


Above the sky, a crack in the Great Dao appeared. I am afraid that everyone here today would have never thought that among so many people, the first person to fall would be the powerhouse of the former God List, and he is still a very strong God List powerhouse. .

It can be said that Zhao Qianqian may have a lot of strength, but in this battle, he may not even be able to show 30% of his strength.

I'm afraid, even Zhao Qianqian himself never thought that he would end his cultivation path in this way.

Pei Qiannan was stunned, Ye Tianren's sword was screaming, and he wanted to unsheath.

They knew that Zhao Qianqian could never be so weak. In fact, judging from the posture of Zhao Qianqian's first shot, they even felt that they could suppress Han Fei. After all, with that graceful figure, Ling Bo microsteps above the nine heavens, seals the sky with one hand, and drips chaotic water from the clean bottle, which looks like the arrogance of heaven.

"Crack! Bang~"

At this time, the Fengshen spear formation was finally broken, and Han Fei had already put away the Chaos Yuanshui and the small seal of the soul-suppressing artifact.

"Roar! Dare to kill the Tianjiao of my Feixianlou, you are courting death."


At this time, there were more than fifty strong people who shot at the same time.

But this time, Han Fei did not use the scales of the Eastern God Crocodile. These scales are used for defense, but I am not here to be beaten today.

Originally wanted to hunt, but after being reminded by Dique, Han Fei felt that this was an excellent opportunity for breakthrough. That being the case, he has only one battle.


The Fengshen spear was broken, and Han Fei was instantly overwhelmed by many tyrannical offensives.

among the onlookers.

Ye Tianren tried his best to press down the sword in his hand, even though he was fighting with great will now, but his pride did not allow him to shoot like those people at this moment.

Yi Wulang showed a meaningful smile at the moment, what about the disciples of the Void Temple? When the manpower will eventually be poor, no matter how talented you are, you are only one person. In the face of so many arrogance, how can you win?

However, before Yi Wulang was happy for too long, the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little stiff. Then, a slightly shocked expression appeared on his face.

Not only Yi Wulang, but everyone else also showed shocking expressions.

"This! This guy, such a strong physique."

"Is this the ultimate practitioner?"

"If this guy grows up, who else can restrain him?"

I only saw that in the battlefield, Han Fei's body was full of blood and blood, and his killing intent was overwhelming. Under the siege of more than 50 people, he actually defended one side, carrying the great arts of the heavens, and even many divine arts, and rushed to kill.

He just listened to Pei Qiannan whisper: "His Heavenly Dao Chalcedony Bone is very likely to have been completely tempered."

"What? This is done? He is the only one who proves the peak of the Dao! Isn't the fastest way of heaven and jade marrow bone to be at the peak of Xiaoyao, or even into the immortal realm?"

Someone looked dignified: "It is true that someone in the realm of proving the way has been refined into the jade marrow bone of the heavenly way, and just by refining this bone, the strength is comparable to that of the free and happy realm."

"Everyone, let's go together! Don't think about who can kill Han Fei into Xiaoyao single-handedly today. I think, in any case, it is enough to be able to kill him together."

At this moment, Han Fei's Dao is not fully functioning yet. The reason why he was able to completely refine into the Heavenly Dao Chalcedony Bone is because he has absolutely sufficient resources, the second is to borrow the power of the Heavenly Dao from the Demon Domain, and the third is to walk out of the jasper stone bridge. , Fourth, the Supreme Divine Art of the Human Race constantly subtly enhances his strength.

With these four kinds of opportunities, he was able to completely refine into the Heavenly Dao Jade Marrow Bone in the realm of Dao realization. This bone refining, and then relying on his own physique and combat power, directly gave him enough combat power to single out the peak of the Happy Realm.

Therefore, although there are emperors attacking at this moment, he can also forcibly contend against one or two.

However, he saw Han Fei's figure like a ghost, with eyes that seemed to grow behind his back, golden fist marks, like the twinkling stars in the starry sky.

It seems that Han Fei swept all the way, and no one dared to confront him in any battle. But in fact, Han Fei knew that going on like this was not a solution after all. These people were not in the ordinary Taoist realm. They were obviously flying kites.

Han Fei's heart was ruthless immediately, and he stepped into the virtual world. The next moment, he appeared beside a person, the road returned to a sword, and the sword broke the star bead.


At the moment when the crack in the Vault of Heaven appeared, Han Fei also suffered dozens of bombardments.

Someone even shouted: "It's the virtual world. He has understood the method of the virtual world. Everyone, be careful and pay attention to the fluctuations of the virtual world."

When Han Fei re-entered the Void Realm, intending to attack a person, at the moment when he appeared, someone cut the Void, causing the Void to stir, and Han Fei was almost pulled in.

"No! Not from the virtual world. There are too many people on the other side, and all the small means are of little use. It seems that they can only be killed by force."

In terms of soul killing technique, physique, and speed, among all comprehensive strengths, he is the strongest. But Han Fei knew that this kind of power was not strong enough.

He is now fighting with three times the combat power, but even if the Heavenly Dao Chalcedony Bone is formed, he can use up to four times the combat power. There is no way, if he can enter the Happy Realm, he may be able to exert five times the combat power, but unfortunately, not yet.

Han Fei remembered Di Que's words, at the edge of life and death, he realized his own happiness, what is my happiness?

Han Fei didn't care about anything else, the soldiers came to block the water and the soil, and there was a magic trick to cut them. There is a soul killing technique to attack and kill, bang it. Stare at someone and kill them.

After ten breaths, Han Fei beheaded one person.

Thirty breaths later, Han Fei beheaded one person, but he was blasted by the great arts of the heavens, causing his seven orifices to bleed and his breath unsteady.

After fifty breaths, Han Fei beheaded one more person, tore the man to pieces abruptly, blood spilled into the sea, but he was invaded by the great technique.

After two hundred breaths, this was the thirteenth person Han Fei killed. Han Fei's strength is obvious to all, but this casualty ratio will not make people retreat. Because they could see that Han Fei was just holding on.

Yi Wulang mixed in with the crowd, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and called out, "Where is the prestige of killing eleven people in a row?"

Someone said: "Han Fei, I admit that I can't beat you. Your Void Temple is indeed strong, but you will die today."

"Being stubbornly resisted, today the powerhouse of your Void Temple will not be able to save the immortals."

At this moment, neither Ye Tian nor Pei Qiannan made a move.

Ye Tianren: "As many as 82 people shot, if Han Fei is not alone, these are all dead."

"Young Master, there is nothing fair in this world. Why don't you take advantage of this..."

"No, I'm not Pei Qiannan. I won't take action in this kind of melee."

Pei Qiannan sneered: "Ha! Do you think it's useful if you take action? It's nothing."

In the distance, above the void, someone is watching from a distance.

Someone sighed: "As expected, he is a disciple of the Void Temple! If such combat power grows, it is really unimaginable."

Someone responded indifferently: "He shouldn't release the human race at this stage. If a strong person has a weakness, he is no longer a strong person. In this game, he will lose."

Someone said lightly: "I'm still carrying it, so far I don't want to use the Void Mark?"

"Don't worry, it will be used eventually. If everyone falls, what can you do with the Void Mark?"

At this moment, Han Fei was covered in bruises and bruises all over his body, with fine lines all over his body. This is not Xinghai Xuansha, but his physical body. Xinghai Xuansha was broken as early as the first hundred breaths.

"Jie Jie! Does this mean that the so-called Tianjiao of Zhonghai Shenzhou? I thought you were so strong, so many people can't kill one of them... Bah, it's just trash..."

"Bastard, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still stubborn when he is about to die."

"Soul entanglement, death entanglement."

"Don't be fooled by him, everyone, he is the end of the turret."

Someone launched a magical technique, intending to take Han Fei's distraction and take him down.


Han Fei murmured, suddenly, he suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed it in the void, pinched the soul killing technique, his speed suddenly skyrocketed, he came to the man in an instant, pinched the man's neck, and instantly sealed it with the law of extreme cold. the person's body.

"Hey! The real battle has only begun... bang..."

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