God of Fishing

Chapter 2724: Taikoo Star Tree


Han Fei's scalp became numb all of a sudden, and his whole body was not well.

In front of him, on the bulge, there was a strange faceless face, which really startled Han Fei.

Doesn't it mean that the Heavenly Ancestor Sacred Tree has no spiritual wisdom? And he didn't even show up at all! I'm just looking at all this from Yi Wulang's perspective, how can this be discovered?

The puppet Yi Wulang pretended to have a big change in expression, and immediately said, "Who? Who are you?"

But I heard the voice sound again: "Human, don't pretend. From the time you approached me, I discovered the unique human aura on you. It seems to be the breath of the ancient human race, but it is a little different. So, this person is just You're just a puppet, you should be able to hear me, right?"

Puppet Yi Wulang: "Who are you? I don't know what you're talking about?"

After being silent for a few breaths, the Heavenly Ancestor Sacred Tree said slowly: "Of course I am the Heavenly Ancestral Sacred Tree. Human, I have no ill intentions. The moment you came in, I had sealed off all external perceptions, even if it was the Great Emperor outside. I can't understand the content of the conversation between you and me. Since you found this place, you must not simply want to come and see, or steal a few drops of the fountain of life. Maybe, we can cooperate. However, can you start with this puppet come out of the stars of your destiny?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei pondered for a moment, and finally chose. There is no way, the old man has been exposed, what can I do if I don't come out?

After all, I really need this seventh vine. According to the ability of this ancestral tree, I am afraid that I cannot escape the perception of the other party. Unless you wait until you have advanced to the Great Emperor Realm, you will not want this seventh vine.

Of course, for daring to come out, Han Fei is ready to sacrifice a Void Mark as the price. Otherwise, if you kill him, he won't come out.


When Han Fei appeared, a message immediately appeared in his eyes:

[Name] Taikoo Star Tree (dying)

[Introduction] One of the six innate meridians, the innate demon planted the ancient star tree. From the chaotic era, a branch of the first ancient star tree grew, and Shouyuan could not consider it. The ancient star tree has extremely high wisdom and has a long lifespan. The primordial star tree in its peak state blooms every 100,000 years, bears fruit every 100,000 years, and matures every 100,000 years. The result is an initial place of various shapes. The Primordial Star Tree can give birth to a drop of the fountain of life every hundred years.


[Quality] Innate Demon Plant

【Boundary】The Great Emperor

【Combat skills】? ? ?

【Cannot collect】

【Not Absorbable】

[Remarks] The sealed innate demon plant.


Han Fei couldn't help being stunned, the ancient star tree? Especially the terrifying existence that has survived from the Chaos Era to the present. It's okay to live that long. The key is that this thing can still form a starting place, that is, it can form a starting place every 300,000 years on average. From Chaos to the present, Han Fei didn't dare to think about it.

"Human, you seem surprised, do you recognize me?"

Han Fei quickly returned to his senses: "No, no, the junior just saw the senior with his own eyes and was quite shocked."

However, the Primordial Star Tree disagreed and said, "You should have come to refine the demon vine, right? So the demon pot should be on you, so you already know my true identity, right?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was speechless, how could this be guessed?

The ancient star tree said: "Actually, I am not surprised by this. Originally, the demon pot was originally in the hands of the ancient human race, and now it has fallen into the hands of the human race again, which seems to be common sense. When the demon vine was placed here, I knew that sooner or later, someone would come over. And in these 100,000 years, only you, a non-celestial clan, tried to sneak in, then it could only be you."

Han Fei didn't have anything to defend, he just listened to him: "Senior knows so much, and he is at the level of an emperor, why should he seek cooperation with junior?"

Primordial Star Tree: "You should have seen it, right? I was sealed, and even changed my name by this idiot Celestial Clan. I can't expect people from Celestial Clan to unlock the seal for me, and you are the only one who has come in since I was sealed. If you don't cooperate with you, who do I cooperate with?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "Actually, no matter who brings the demon pot, senior will choose to cooperate with him, right?"

The ancient star tree did not deny it, but admitted: "That's right. The only thing I worry about is that the owners of this generation of refining demon pots will be reckless by refining the demon pot, and thus underestimate the Celestial Clan. But you still That's right, to be able to make the emperor of the Celestial Clan into a puppet, and take the opportunity to sneak in, saves a lot of trouble."

Han Fei: "I don't know how senior wants to cooperate to give Xiaoteng to me?"

I just listened to the ancient star tree: "Before we cooperate, I want to ask what your confidence is? If I let you come out of this puppet's natal star, you will really come out, so you are not afraid of me cheating you?"

It's all over, Han Fei isn't afraid to show his cards. He has to take this seventh vine himself, or he can take it if he doesn't. It doesn't matter whether it is the Great Emperor of the Celestial Clan who is blocking him, or the ancient star tree in front of him. If you really can't get it by your own ability, then force it! For this reason, he didn't mind calling Senior Brother, because this small vine was very important to him.

I just heard Han Fei: "Although the senior is sealed here, you should have heard of it in the Three Gods Temple. The junior is a contemporary disciple of the Void Temple. The reason why he dares to come out is because he has the confidence to come out. If it is really impossible, the junior does not mind. Please move the powerhouse of my Void Temple. If you really force me to such a situation, it will not be as simple as taking Xiaoteng..."

Primordial Star Tree: "Oh? You mean the faction that the dragon belonged to before?"

The Primordial Star Tree should be talking about Senior Brother Qinglong, Han Fei nodded slightly: "Exactly."

But I heard the ancient star tree say: "You have such senior brothers, why do you have to work so hard? Today's human beings really know how to play. I remember the ancient people in the past, when they saw good things, they all gathered together. And grab it, I like it today, and I will grab it home tomorrow, so why make it so complicated."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei Xin said, isn't this my trial? Everything depends on the brothers to rob, what am I doing? Lie flat?

Just listen to Han Fei: "I don't know what senior said about cooperation?"

Primordial Star Tree: "You help me unlock the seal, and I will help you create a chance to collect the demon vine."

"Create opportunities?"

Han Fei seemed to understand something. Hearing the meaning of the ancient star tree, it was impossible for him to obtain the refining demon vine without his help.

In addition to the reason of the ancient star tree itself, there should also be the reason of the sleeping emperor.

This sleeping emperor is named Yi Beige. He has a small vine and apparently participated in the battle to besiege Chu Hao 100,000 years ago. It's just that he finally got a small vine at the cost of his own heavy losses.

Now Elbege brought Xiao Teng by his side to sleep together. Why? Naturally, it is to wait for someone to come with the refining demon pot, so as to take the opportunity to grab the refining demon pot. This, Han Fei had already guessed when he read Yi Wulang's memory.

After all, just nine drops of the Fountain of Life can restore Chu Hao to the realm of Taoism. This Heavenly Clan Great Emperor, the fountain of life is enough, how can it be impossible to restore it!

So, this should be a game, and Elbego has been waiting for someone to take the bait.

And knowing that this is a game, Han Fei dares to come, naturally he has certain ideas. For example, what if Xiaoteng is held in the hands of the emperor? In fact, it only needs to use the Void Stealing Technique, and with a single thought, Xiao Teng can return to his own hands.

Therefore, the only thing Han Fei has to consider is how to enter the interior of the Primordial Star Tree and how to escape.

The way to enter naturally requires relying on Yi Wulang's identity. As for the escape method, Han Fei wanted to try the twin magic. He wanted to take a gamble, betting that he, who was in the free realm, and Xiao Hei and Xiaobai, who had already proved the Dao realm, were really hidden, and the powerhouses of the emperor realm might not be able to discover it.

In short, there was a considerable gambling element in his original plan. Because Han Fei felt that he would not lose anything anyway. This little vine can be obtained by himself, and it is nothing more than the right to use the Void Mark.

It would be good if you could get it without a single drop, but it was really not possible, and Han Fei didn't mind wasting a Void Mark here.

At this moment, the words of the Primordial Star Tree made Han Fei realize that Elbege was playing a game.

However, since the ancient star tree said that it can create opportunities for itself, then this may indeed be an opportunity.

Suddenly, Han Fei said with a smile: "Senior, isn't it right! If your seal is so easy to untie, I'm afraid you would have done so long ago. At least, from Yi Wulang's memory, what I know about you is that You don't have any intelligence. But now you don't look like you have no intelligence. This shows that you have concealed it very well. For so many years, you have been pretending to be unconscious, so that you have deceived everyone in the Celestial Clan. It stands to reason that with your means and identity, it seems not difficult to develop one or two traitors in the Tianzu?"

The ancient star tree said bluntly: "Because the blood of the Celestial Clan, or anyone who has opened the door talent, can't help me unlock the seal. And the other blood practitioners of the door of the kingdom of heaven have no chance to come here at all. Even if When I came in, they were not able to help me break the seal. So, I have been waiting for the opportunity."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Senior, even if I can unlock the seal for you. But the Celestial Clan has two great emperors. If I guessed correctly, Yi Beige's strength should have recovered long ago? What about opening the seal?"

However, I heard the ancient star tree say: "No, Yibeige has really suffered heavy losses. To be precise, when he came back, he was basically in a state of death, swallowing three initial lands and a lot of life. The fountain was rescued just now."

Han Fei: "Since he was rescued, shouldn't he be back at his peak now?"

Primordial Star Tree: "The Fountain of Life can't save anything. His life has been cut off, and I can continue it for him. But his avenue has been cut off, so I can't continue it for him. He now has the Great Emperor Realm, his body and soul, but he doesn't have the power of the Great Emperor Realm. But it doesn't matter, as long as he gets the refining demon pot, it will be easy to renew the Dao."

Is it possible to renew the Dao by refining the demon pot? Han Fei was puzzled, he really didn't know that. However, what the ancient star tree said is very real, and there is no need to deceive yourself. That is to say, the seventh vine, and at most the eighth vine, must be related to the Great Dao. This is the strength of the sleeping Heavenly Clan Great Emperor.

Han Fei: "Even if Yi Beige doesn't lose the battle strength of the emperor, you can always suppress it temporarily. But what about Yi Chen? He has always been in charge of the Celestial Clan. Unless... lure him away."

Han Fei thought to himself, it seemed impossible. I'm afraid I can actually do this.

The Primordial Star Tree said: "There shouldn't be any hesitation in what I want to cooperate with. What do you think? Especially in the chaotic era, the ancient human race and the innate demon plant have always helped each other."

Han Fei: "How to unlock the seal?"

Primordial Star Tree: "This will involve another secret of the Celestial Clan. Do you know how the Celestial Clan's sect talent came from?"

A golden light flashed in Han Fei's eyes. He was really curious. It seemed that the inheritors of the Heavenly Clan's bloodline all possessed sect talent. Everyone's door talent is different, some people open the door is healing, some people open the door is escape, some people open the door is space transfer, some people open the door is strength growth. To be honest, this kind of talent is quite enviable, mainly because it is still very pretentious.

Han Fei: "I would like to hear the details."

Primordial Star Tree: "That's because, in the world behind the door, there is an extremely powerful god. This **** should be trapped in a certain place in the sea of ​​​​stars and can't return. Therefore, through the blessing of blood and the imprint of the gods In this way, let the blood of the Celestial Clan and a small number of special talents, awaken the talent of the door, and strengthen this talent from time to time, in order to cultivate the top talents in the clan, in the hope that one day, some later generations will rise to gods and go to the sea of ​​​​stars to relieve their siege, you It is already in the realm of proving the Tao, and it should be known that countless people in the sea world enter the star sea every day."

Han Fei's face was solemn: "God? Blessing? Entering the sea of ​​stars?"

Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little speechless, it was a bit similar to the divine descending technique of Tianchan's lineage. It's just that the strongest of the Tianchan clan is the emperor, and the conditions for the divine descending technique are limited.

And the one behind the Celestial Clan Sect is a god, and seems to be a very strong creature.

Han Fei: "There is an endless sea of ​​stars apart, even if they are gods, how can they bless these people unless..."

Han Fei looked at the ancient star tree: "Unless, through some medium, he can transmit his power back. And this medium..."

"Yes, it's me."

The ancient star tree said: "At the beginning, I was also planted in this person's hands, sealed by him, and planted here. He used my physical characteristics to open an astral trial field. Every once in a while, the astral world The trial ground will be opened, and a large number of Heavenly Clan blood disciples will enter it for trials. Those with excellent results in the trial will be able to bathe in divine brilliance, gain sect talent, or strengthen sect talent."

Han Fei frowned: "Then what should I do?"

Primordial Star Tree: "The Astral Trial Ground is the connection hub between the gods and me behind the door. There is the power of the door, which locks my branches and seals my power. Therefore, my branches are It has become the chain that imprisoned me. Just cut it off, and I can break free from the shackles of the door. And the gods behind the door will not be able to transmit their power to the sea world through me. break."


Heartbroken, Han Fei is full of heartbeat. Once the sect talent is lost, the strength level of the Celestial Clan will inevitably drop a notch. And the Primordial Star Tree is no longer bound, it is obviously impossible to work for the Celestial Clan.

At the same time, the Primordial Star Tree, who broke free from its shackles, as a strong emperor in the realm of the Great Emperor, has cut off all the avenues of suppression, and it seems that Yibeige, who has the realm of the Great Emperor without the strength of the Great Emperor, is also a piece of cake. Even if the ancient star tree is in a dying state, it is still a real emperor, and it is not comparable to Elbege who is in a seriously injured state.

Han Fei said a little excitedly: "So, the only thing I have to do is to lead away the only emperor of the Celestial Clan, Yi Chen, when the trial in the astral world starts, and then help you lift the seal in the astral world, right?"


The ancient star tree said in a leisurely voice: "This is also something I can't do. With Yi Chen here, our plan will be difficult to realize. Therefore, this plan seems simple, but it needs enough background to implement it."

But seeing Han Fei holding his chin, he thought for a moment and said: "This plan seems to be perfect, in this case, if I let the Void Temple take action, it will cost too much. I, as for other Great Emperor Realm powerhouses, seniors, Haijie There are only so many Great Emperors, you asked me to find a way to lure Yi Chen away..."

Just when Han Fei seemed to be lost in thought, the ancient star tree added: "Actually, this method is not difficult."


Han Fei: "How do you say it?"

Primordial Star Tree: "The Celestial Clan has made a lot of enemies. Especially one hundred thousand years ago, when Yibeige was seriously injured and dying, he was trying to **** the demon pot. Although he didn't grab the demon pot, he brought back a small vine. Just because of this, there should be some people who are jealous. It should be noted that those who compete to refine the demon pot, even if they win, they will have to fight themselves. So, any one of those people may be willing to help you."


Han Fei continued to meditate, this time he was really meditating.

After a long time, Han Fei said, "Senior, according to what you said, I may have some ideas. However, this may require the help of the senior."


Han Fei nodded: "Yes. Senior, I do know someone. In the past, he was a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, and he was severely injured 100,000 years ago, his soul body was incomplete, and his physical body was annihilated. However, if there is the help of Senior's Fountain of Life. It should be possible to return to the Great Emperor Realm. However, this may require a lot of springs of life. I am afraid it will take at least two hundred drops to recover. However, if he takes action at that time, the junior can guarantee that Yi Chen will never interfere in our plan. "

This time, it was the turn of the ancient star tree to be silent.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Senior, I may have been in for a long time. If I don't go out in time, it may cause suspicion."

Primordial Star Tree: "Human, you are embarrassing me. If you are bound by the Celestial Clan, it will be difficult for me to control the fountain of life. Just like you are now, you arrive with a token, and you will take three drops with you as soon as you make a move. And three drops of the Fountain of Life will take three hundred years. One hundred drops will take ten thousand years... Really, my stock is too small. Look, do you have any other opinions?"

Han Fei sighed slightly: "Of course there is a way, as long as my senior brother from the Void Temple takes action, there is no need for any help at all, even if Yi Chen and Yi Beige are both present, they can easily penetrate, and even cut open the senior and the one behind the door. The **** of the gods. However, I forgive the younger generation, if you really use this method, you don't need the help of the seniors at all, and my loss will be too great. , there must be a way to recover. Therefore, I am afraid that I really have to ask the seniors to help. Otherwise, the juniors can only temporarily put aside the little vines of the Celestial Clan and go to find other little vines. Or wait for the juniors to travel and make friends. Fan, you may be able to make good friends with several great emperors. But seniors can rest assured that once the juniors find the opportunity of the great emperors, they will return as soon as possible to help the seniors get out of trouble."

Primordial Star Tree: "..."

The Primordial Star Tree was also speechless, how could this kid be so brazen? Obviously you want it very much, but you have to put on a dispensable appearance. You say that you are determined to get the Fountain of Life, and there are so many excuses.


But I heard the ancient star tree sigh slightly: "Forget it! I can only give you the fountain of life as much as possible. You don't have to frame me, even if it is to revive a former great emperor, his condition is as bad as you said. The peak also requires no more than 130 drops of the Fountain of Life. I definitely can't give 200 drops, but I can provide you with 108 drops. The next Astral Trial will be 12 years later, and I will gather up to one more drop. This is the limit."

"make a deal."

Han Fei grinned, but his heart was full of redness. There are still parts and pieces. If you make 108 drops, do you think I don't know that you still have stock?

However, Han Fei didn't say anything anymore. This kind of baby must be the first to get it! Moreover, the astral trial is still 12 years later. If you give this fountain of life to Chu Hao first, then the human race will be guaranteed.


After a while.

Yi Wulang came out of the tree cave, and the injuries in his body seemed to have calmed down.

When Yi Wulang left the endless void, he suddenly heard a voice ringing in Yi Wulang's ear: "Wulang, you've been in there for a while."

The puppet Yi Wulang hurriedly said: "Wulang has seen Emperor Chen. It is really uncomfortable to have the energy shock in Wulang's body, so he just took a drop on the spot and refined it a little."


Yi Chen didn't show up, but he sensed and swept over Yi Wulang's body, and indeed found that the shock of killing intent in his body had weakened a lot, so he let go: "Go! .Two drops of the Fountain of Life are slowly refined in ten years, and can even heal some dark wounds in your body. You can keep the remaining one drop for emergencies~www.readwn.com~ Yes, thank you Chendi Warning, retreat without waves."


The puppet Yi Wulang returned to his exclusive cave, which was a hanging palace outside the gate of heaven.

"Master, are you back?"

"Master Wulang, I heard that you were injured, and the slave family was worried to death."

"My lord, I haven't seen you in a hundred years. People look like you!"

"My lord, I heard that you have returned. People have been waiting for you here all the time."

I saw seven or eight female cultivators appearing all at once, all of whom had the strength to open the sky, and the strongest one even had five dao locks. One by one, they were all dressed up, and when they saw Yi Wulang, their eyes lit up.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Han Fei forgot about this, Yi Wulang is not a good guy, there are seven or eight female cultivators with him. If it wasn't for his own image, Han Fei felt that this fellow could cultivate with seventy or eighty female cultivators.

Seeing a group of women coming over, the puppet Yi Wulang snorted: "Didn't you hear that I was seriously injured? Go down, I will retreat for decades, refine the fountain of life, and recover from the injury. Remember it all for me. During this period, no one is allowed to disturb me unless the patriarch speaks."

"Ah! Yes, Master."

"Yes, Lord Wulang."

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