God of Fishing

Chapter 2740: human epic

Chapter 2740 Human Epic

After Hong Yue sacrificed a puppet of the late Huaxing, Han Fei finally came back.

Reappearing in the sea world again, Han Fei immediately swept across the room. When he found that the overall population of the human race had dropped so much all of a sudden, the whole person's face turned gloomy.

In particular, the large number of human undead also showed how much the human race has experienced in the past four hundred years.

Not many people know about Han Fei's incarnation, not even Hong Yue.

At this moment, Han Fei returned, and all at once, the God of War, the two elders of the lava giant clan, and Liu Qiansi all came. Chu Hao also came, but did not show up.

Chu Hao is now playing the backstage of the human race. Not only can he not show up normally, but even his actions must be restricted. Otherwise, frequent shots will only arouse the suspicion of the enemy.

God of War: "Disciple, clone or body?"

Han Fei: "Ontology."


After a while, the God of War and his party all breathed a sigh of relief, it was just the body. In their opinion, there is still a difference between the main body and the identity, although Han Song's clone is theoretically the main soul, and it is indeed very powerful. But the clone is only equivalent to a pure free and easy realm powerhouse, only the main body has the capital to connect all parties.

Hong Yue is confused, what is his body? Could it be that Lord Human Sovereign still has a clone?

Han Fei did not explain to Hong Yue, but said, "During my absence, everyone has worked hard."

God of War: "What's the hard work, this is our way, whoever wants to stop us is the enemy, and we naturally have to fight. It's the same with or without you."

Lava Giant Clan: "The human race and my Lava Giant Clan are from the same origin. Why do you have to work hard to say that my Lava Giant Clan is nothing more than making some weapons."

Liu Qiansi: "Master, it's been a long time since you've gone! Several times, the human race was almost wiped out!"

"Stinky boy, you are more reliable than your father and your mother. For more than four hundred years. I didn't come back to take a look, because my uncle wanted to scold people."

Han Fei knew that Lao Han and Lao Niang didn't show up, and most of them wanted to let the tribe experience all this on their own. The reason why he can calmly enter the ancient temple of Leiyin is also because of the elements of father and mother. He believed that if it was really a last resort, they should have made a move.

However, when he heard that the human race almost perished several times, Han Fei was still quite moved, and then looked at Luo Xiaobai with a cold face. Although Luo Xiaobai seemed calm and majestic at the moment, Han Fei was still able to see from her eyes. , feel tired.

Han Fei: "I'll talk to Xiaobai."

The others nodded slightly. Han Fei's body had just returned. There were too many things he didn't know. The most suitable person to tell him was Luo Xiaobai.

Over the years, how much pressure Luo Xiabai has had, they see in their hearts. To be honest, if it was any of them, facing such a heavy pressure, they didn't think they could handle it.

After everyone left, Han Fei looked at Luo Xiaobai: "When did you preach the Dao?"

Luo Xiaobai: "186 years ago."

Han Fei: "Sorry, I came back late."

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "It's good to come back alive, Han Song's clone can't determine your life or death, only that you were kidnapped by a powerful force. Later, I went to your fifth senior brother specifically, and only then did I know that you were caught In a place where even the Void Temple can't take you out."

Han Fei: "Where is my clone, why didn't I sense him?"

Luo Xiaobai: "The layout is gone."

Han Fei looked at the battlefield that was fighting fiercely, and said with a slightly moved expression, "What happened all these years?"


So many things have happened in the past four hundred years, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai chatted for a whole day. Many times Luo Xiaobai said the past in an understatement, of course Han Fei knew that it would not be that simple. So, he turned around and was going to ask Liu Qiansi again.

Finally, a day later, Han Fei learned some basic conditions of the human race over the years.

It turned out that when he fell into Leiyin Ancient Moment, the first sea monster frenzy broke out. That sea-monster frenzy can be said to be extremely close to madness. Those of the human race who knew that their lifespan was short, or that their realm could not be improved, many people fell into that battle, and the casualties were as high as tens of billions.

And after that half a year, the second wave of sea monster frenzy broke out.

Half a year later, the third Kraken frenzy broke out.

These three sea monster frenzy, the enemy's purpose is very simple, it is to consume and obliterate the middle and low levels of the human race. They did it. The three sea monster frenzy caused the fall of 27.6 billion people of the human race.

When he heard this number, Han Fei's heart was filled with anger.

He naturally knew that among the human race, not everyone has the potential to cultivate to a higher level. He also knew that these people would naturally go to death under the erosion of time.

But natural death and self-destruction in battle are two states.

A person can grow old peacefully and die happily. In this life, they have lived, loved, fought, experienced ups and downs in life, and experienced all of them. In the end, old age and death are also the fulfillment of life.

However, they had no chance to choose such a way of death. They chose to fight, they chose to self-destruct, and they chose to defend the longevity of the human race with flesh and blood. They are respectable. pioneer.

After the three Kraken frenzy, the other party stopped for a while, because they couldn't continue to guide the outbreak of the Kraken frenzy. After all, the human race is not one or two people, but a population of more than 100 billion. And most want to create a sea monster frenzy that can impact the entire human race, it needs more than this number of sea monsters.

In the periphery of the sea of ​​gods and demons, it will take a lot of time to do this.

The beginning of the human race's conversion to the undead was also after this battle. At that time, under the contact of Han Song's clone and Luo Xiaobai, the fallen began to secretly convert to the undead. But did not go to war immediately. After all, it is a hole card, and it is impossible to use it.

In the 18th year after the three battles, a new war has begun. It is still a wave of sea monsters, but it is not so crazy. The purpose is to regularly clean up the low-strength people in the human race, and let the race have no chance to thrive.

After all, in this state of war, most people would not be in the mood to have offspring. Otherwise, the child is very likely to face the danger of losing his parents as soon as he is born. Moreover, the human race is in a difficult situation, how long it can last, and when they can win the war, they are completely uncertain.

Therefore, the frequent sea-monster frenzy has caused a large-scale negative growth in the population of the human race.

Even if there is no war, in a hundred years, countless people will die of natural aging, and there will be many people who die due to experience. Moreover, in the case of no offspring, but also to face war?

So, in just over 400 years, the population of the human race has dropped from a terrifying figure of 188 billion to 118.5 billion, and nearly 70 billion people have fallen. If it weren't for the fact that many humans were willing to convert to the undead and fight for the human race, this number would definitely fall below the 100 billion mark.

Finally, a hundred years after the human race stepped into the wilderness, a disaster specifically aimed at the human race came. That is the sea of ​​worms, a force in Zhonghai Shenzhou called the Sky Spider Insect Valley. On the way of the human race, I borrowed the sea monster frenzy and raised insects for a hundred years.

In that battle, there were many people who fell from the human race, and the number exceeded 10 billion.

Han Fei could predict that the overwhelming number of bugs swept the human race. This is not a Kraken, but the number is far greater than that of the Kraken Mine, making it difficult to kill. All kinds of bugs have different characteristics, some are extremely poisonous, and some reproduce by borrowing their bodies.

In short, that battle can be said to be the first genocide crisis in the history of the human race. Although the human race, Shuimutian in the past, also had Zerg races, but compared to Zhonghai Shenzhou, it was not a grade at all.

On the Terran side, all the controllers took action and jointly built the seagrass city wall. The poison repair cooperated with the release of strange poison, and the seaweed city wall was poisoned and dyed the sea. Han Song's clone took the opportunity to go to the boundless mining area to find Li Luoluo and ask for a secret technique for controlling insects. Finally, the Terran ended the three-year stalemate in the war.

But it was also this time that the enemy destroyed the five professional combat methods of the human race. They seem to be very clear about the positioning of the five major occupations, and force the human race controller to leave the five-person team in the form of a Zerg army.

The Zerg was blocked, but the overall combat capability of the Terran has declined to a certain extent.

Among them, there are various events of various sizes, the siege of some special insects, and so on. It can be said that nearly half of the population in this war fell into small-scale wars rather than head-to-head wars.


If it is said that the swarm of insects is the first devastating crisis, then the situation has become more complicated after the Shen Yaolin of Zhonghai Shenzhou joined the battle.

In the 198th year when the human race entered the wilderness, a double war between demon plants and insect tide broke out. The Shenyao Forest of Zhonghai Shenzhou enters the field and competes with the human race controller for the right to control the demon plant.

The sea of ​​worms strikes again, but in different forms. Dozens of zerg armies such as the rain of insects, the explosion of flying insects, and the sea of ​​marching worms are attacking.

According to Luo Xiaobai's judgment, the first time the insect wave, the other party may think that it can destroy the human race, but there are not many types of insects. But the other party obviously didn't expect the human race's controller to build such a huge seagrass city wall, and even more did not expect that the human race actually mastered the technique of controlling insects and killing insects. As a result, the century-old plan fell short.

So the second time, dozens of species of Zerg army attacked, and finally forced out the army of human undead.

The undead army is not affected by insect poison and parasitic power, so the second crisis of destruction ends with the appearance of the undead.

At this time, Zhonghai Shenzhou clearly understood the cooperation between the Human Race and the Temple of the Undead. They did not condemn and target the Temple of the Undead, and it is estimated that they would not dare.

Therefore, in the following time, the opponent's strategy also changed, from trying to destroy the human race at one time, to fighting the human race many times.

This simplest plan is actually very effective. During a hundred years, it has slowly eroded 16 billion people of the human race. And 302 years after the human race entered the wilderness, another brand-new force joined the battle, that is the Guangming City in Zhonghai Shenzhou. In Luo Xiaobai's words, it is a hypocritical force that calls itself Bright.

From the name of Guangming City, it can be heard that this is a force that is good at purification. Although the Temple of the Undead is very powerful, the general strength of the undead of the human race is not that strong. Therefore, in the face of the power of purification, they are not rivals.

Guangming City's own strength is limited, and they are unable to purify the tens of billions of undead from the human race at once. So the third battle of destruction unfolded in the form of a bright storm.

After all, you can't stop practicing because you have an enemy. That's no different from waiting for death. Therefore, before the crisis came that day, there was no warning, and the anger was flying. However, no matter who it is, they dare not say that they will directly use the supreme means to directly destroy the human race. As a result, there was an unprecedented super hurricane outside the world of gods and demons.

In the hurricane, Chu Hao shot, covering the sky with one hand, piercing the hurricane, and the human race had time to gather. Han Fei knows that this is probably a test, the other party is testing, whether there is still a great emperor on the Terran side.

The existence of the Great Emperor was discovered, and the war was restarted. The sea monster frenzy, the sky spider valley, the **** monster forest, and a space giant ship from Zhonghai Shenzhou. The sea realm powerhouses, and these powerhouses are actually ancient monsters. Every ancient monster brought tens of thousands of ordinary sea monsters. For the first time, Zhonghai Shenzhou has gathered a solid force and began to attack the human race unabashedly.

In this battle, the undead of the human race appeared one after another. However, on that day, in the midst of a fierce battle, ten scorching sun stars in the sky and the earth came to the heaven and the earth, as if the end was coming.

Countless human undead were directly purified by this fierce sun.

And this hand is still a test, the other party is deliberately forcing the Void Temple to take action.

This time, the human race was almost unable to resist, because the opponent was too strong. The average combat power of the human race cannot reach that level.

When he heard this, Han Fei almost understood what they meant. This time, they wanted to force themselves to appear with their real combat power. To force themselves, they had to use the power of the Void Temple.

And the Void Temple is all strong, if they take action against these ordinary people, it is too illegal. If it is really shot, that is, the three temples interfere with the low-level battles in the world, and the entire sea world will swarm to resist.

However, there is one exception in the Void Temple, and that is Senior Brother Liushen.

Although Han Fei didn't know who the Sixth God Senior Brother was, he knew that in the Void Temple, only the Sixth God Senior Brother could swept the group of enemies without doing it himself.

Obviously, those people in Zhonghai Shenzhou also knew it, so they also paid the price of billions of people in exchange for Han Fei to use the Void Mark once.

Because people in Zhonghai Shenzhou thought that Han Fei used the Void Mark once outside the Shendu Dynasty and once in the Chaos Wasteland, then as long as he used it again, the human race would have no protection.

Of course Luo Xiaobai would not let them get their wish, although she knew that the one who shot the Chaos Wasteland was not the powerhouse of the Void Temple. But it is to create the illusion that Han Fei has only one Void Mark left for the enemies of Zhonghai Shenzhou.

And Luo Xiaobai's decision would be a huge sacrifice. Because she knew that without using the power of the Void Temple, many human races would surely fall. But once the Void Temple really takes action, a larger-scale genocide battle will inevitably break out again in a very short period of time. The Zhonghai Shenzhou powerhouses who have no worries in the future will surely dispatch a large number of powerhouses in one fell swoop to directly sweep the human race.

When Han Fei was there, this was an opportunity, and he could take this opportunity to destroy a large number of enemies in one fell swoop. However, the life and death of Han Fei's body is uncertain, and Han Song's clone is the body of a demon plant, and he can't pretend to be Han Fei's body at all. It is possible to deceive the Taoist realm, and it is also possible to deceive the Xiaoyao realm, but if the other party has a strong man in the gods and demons, can Han Song’s clone still deceive the immortal realm of the gods and demons?

Therefore, if the body is not there, the other party will definitely keep a hand. This is also the reason why Luo Xiaobai and Han Song's clones did not use the Void Mark.

In this war, more than 30 billion human races were sacrificed at the cost. In the end, Han Song entered the sea of ​​gods and demons, and pretended to inspire the sea of ​​gods and demons, forcing Zhonghai Shenzhou to retreat.

After hearing about the human race's experiences over the years, Han Fei had uncontrollable anger and killing intent in his heart.

Ximen Linglan, he couldn't save him.

He couldn't save the countless fresh lives of the human race.

How can you be worthy of the countless human compatriots who have died?

Han Fei clenched his fists tightly and tried hard to restrain the killing intent from his heart. He closed his eyes for a long time before slowly opening them: "Is Han Song's clone still in the sea of ​​gods and demons?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Yes!"

Han Fei: "How much time is left?"

Luo Xiaobai: "I don't know, it may be very soon, or it may be another year or two. You know, a mere hundreds of years are nothing to the practitioners of the sea world. They also concluded that the human race It is impossible for any earth-shaking changes to take place in this mere hundreds of years. Therefore, the void mark cannot be marked. They can achieve their goals as long as they slowly nibble away at the human race. This time, they may still try first, and then launch encirclement and suppression. If it is me , I will do the same."

Han Fei: "But this time, are you not going to endure it any longer?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "That's right, I can't bear it any longer. If I bear it any longer, the human race will destroy half of the clan, which is unbearable for the current human race. Although without your body, they will keep everything, but it is enough to achieve our goal. ,"

Han Fei nodded heavily: "Then kill it happily this time, until the whole world trembles, and the world is afraid of my human race."


The day after I met Luo Xiaobai.

Somewhere in the void, Han Fei and Chu Hao stood side by side.

Han Fei: "Thank you for these years."

Chu Hao: "You helped me a lot, but I only made a few shots."

Han Fei shook his head slightly. He couldn't say that. The deterrent effect of a great emperor was far more meaningful than his actual shot.

Just listen to Han Fei: "After this battle, you may be able to return to the Western Wilderness first. The ancient gods may reappear."


Chu Hao's pupils shrank slightly: "When did it happen?"

Han Fei: "Four hundred years ago. But you don't have to worry, the West Wasteland is very chaotic now. These people should be just looking for it, and they haven't really found the ancient gods. After I stabilize the human race, I will go to the West Wasteland. This battle, I still need your help."

Chu Hao: "You should know that I can't shoot directly. If I shoot, they will only think that it is the powerhouse of the Void Temple, and the nature will change. The Void Temple has interfered in the ordinary wars of all races, and its image and reputation will also change. There will be nothing left, and many forces will show resistance to the Void Temple, and the Void Temple will no longer have any appeal."

Han Fei: "No! I don't need you to deal with ordinary people, I need to kill the Great Emperor."

Chu Hao couldn't help looking sideways at Han Fei, he didn't know where Han Fei had the confidence to kill the emperor. If someone else said it, he wouldn't believe it at all, but when Han Fei said it, he couldn't help but believe it.

Chu Hao finally nodded slightly: "Okay!"


a month later.

The news of Han Fei's return spread, and someone encountered him in the boundless mining area.

three months later.

On the periphery of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, far away, rounds of torrential tides began to surge. In the wilderness where the human race is located, the wind and rain are turbulent, the tide is rolling, and the howling wind is ravaging the world.

With the experience of the war a hundred years ago, the Human Race quickly discovered something was wrong this time.

"All testers return to their positions and enter a state of special combat readiness."

"All races, return immediately upon hearing it, and enter the state of special combat readiness from today."


For a time, in the trial field of the entire human race, everyone put down what they were doing.

"Quick, come back quickly."

"It's here again, the Hundred Years War is here again."

"This time, I don't know how many people will die!"

"Speaking of frustration, we did fall, but so what? We have become stronger, we have become stronger at an incredible speed, and we have defeated the enemy time and time again."

"Yes, all ready to fight."

"Everyone, survive, I believe that Lord Human Sovereign will definitely return."


No other race has ever displayed such efficiency. It only took three days, and a population of 100 billion was turned into a whole.

For the giants of the lava giant clan, when they are in the state of special combat readiness, there is an unlimited supply of ordinary weapons.

All the control divisions gathered into an army and began to lay out the seagrass city wall and the sea grassland.

The undead army of the human race assembled and hid in the sea grassland. The appearance of Guangming City made it difficult for them to form an effective combat force on the sea surface, and they could only fight on the bottom of the sea.

Three and a half months later.

A terrifying hurricane strikes, and the wind is accompanied by astral qi.

In the 428th year of the human race entering the wilderness, the enemy of Zhonghai Shenzhou moved again, and a terrifying war of genocide struck again.

Three months and twenty-three days later.

The first wave of enemies appeared, a giant ship, traveling through space, appeared here.

On the giant ship, like rain, countless seeds descended. These seeds fell on the sea grassland and began to frantically absorb the life force of the demon plant. The controllers also took action.

The Terran and Zhonghai Shenzhou have fought each other many times, and the two sides have a good understanding of each other's battles.

After these seeds fell, the undead army of the human race began to take action and launched the first clearing.

And the enemy obviously did not expect to destroy the seagrass city wall that the human race had laid out for a long time with this small measure, but they saw millions of sea-opening realm powerhouses appear outside the giant ship.

After that, countless phantoms of the world appeared, and all of a sudden, the sky was filled with an army of nearly 10 billion. This group of troops was waiting in earnest, but did not make a move.

And that giant ship ~www.readwn.com~ was suspended in the air like an air fortress, surrounded by a barrier, no one knew what kind of enemies were hidden there.

Only half a day, the sea of ​​​​insects struck. It is the sea of ​​insects, not the Zerg. The other party knows that the seagrass city wall against humans does not need something too powerful, nor does it need an army of Zerg.

But I saw the army of the sea of ​​worms rushing into the seaweed city wall, like locusts passing through. A large number of demon plants immediately released various toxins. A large number of insects were directly poisoned to death, but under the protection of these insects, a special leech-like insect broke through the encirclement and drilled into the depths.

However, they saw that their bodies were still bursting with powerful suction, and a lot of vitality poured into them.

At this moment, the war begins.

?? From tomorrow, enter the **** plot!



(End of this chapter)

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