God of Fishing

Chapter 2744: Cooking Long Habitat

Chapter 2744 Cooking Food Long Habitat

The appearance of Brother Liushen has reversed the fighting situation of the human race, and the scene can be described as one-sided.

Without the siege and interference of other longevity realm powerhouses, Bai Ye no longer had the confidence he had just now. Seeing Han Fei walking step by step, his inner spirit inexplicably gave rise to a trace of fear.

Being crushed by Han Fei's aura, Bai Ye realized his fear and suddenly became furious, only to hear him yell: "Do you think you won? What if you have a refining demon pot? Who can be against me in this long life? ?"

While speaking, Bai Ye broke out completely, the power of the law surged on his body, and a round of bright moon roulette appeared behind him. From the roulette wheel, a giant hand shot, like a demon king.

As far as strength is concerned, Bai Ye is indeed a Tianjiao-level powerhouse of the ancient demon clan, and his strength is not comparable to ordinary long-lived realms.

However, it also depends on who the opponent is.

Han Fei looked at the hand lightly, but did not stop. I saw behind him, a 33,000-zhang Dharma image appeared. Han Fei and Fa Xiang both had golden light flashing on their bodies.

Fa Xiang clenched his fists like a dazzling star.


Ripples billowed across the four seas, and the hands of the gods and demons and the star boxing technique burst at the same time.

In Han Fei's hands, Thor's Hammer had been accumulating for a long time, and the Hammer of Limit erupted. This time, it was no longer the kind of blow with all his strength, but the roar of thousands of heavy hammers.

"bang bang bang~"

The terrifying power of the power of 5,000 stars rolled over the space around Baiye. In less than ten breaths, the two banged hundreds of thousands.

During the Vietnam War, Bai Ye was more and more horrified: "How is it possible, even if you have fully practiced the Jade Marrow Bone of the Heavenly Dao, why do you have such a physique?"

Han Fei's voice was calm: "You only know that my heavenly path is a great achievement, but you don't know, I also practiced the supreme divine art of the human race, and I can also kill with both the body and the body. It's only right and proper to kill you."

"bang bang bang~"

However, in less than 20 breaths, Bai Ye was smashed so hard that even the human form could not be stabilized. Han Fei saw a silver wolf appear, covered in blood.

However, I saw the small tower reappeared before, hovering above Bai Ye's head, and the profound light swept across, and Bai Ye's injury recovered most of it in a blink of an eye.

"Hahaha! You can't kill me, I have the Jade Spirit Pagoda of Fortune Spirit Treasure, you can't kill me."

"Oh, is it so?"

Han Fei couldn't help but look at the small tower that could not be stolen, thinking that it was no wonder, it turned out to be a treasure of good fortune. This makes sense. At the level of Fortune Spirit Treasure, you have a strong sense of autonomy. Maybe the level is too high, so you can resist the void robbery.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, and he didn't know about Void Fishing. There was no further opportunity. When the eighth vine returns, he should be able to deduce a practice that surpasses the emperor's realm, right?

However, if you can't steal it, you can't steal it, but you can still steal it.


I saw that the Jade Spirit Pagoda disappeared again that day, and it still appeared between Han Fei and Bai Ye, struggling frantically at this moment.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "Do you think that you are the only one who has the spiritual treasure? Go and smash him."

Han Fei scolded, and the Thor's Hammer came out of his hand, turned into a thunder mark, and slammed into the Jade Spirit Pagoda. The Thor's Hammer, which was not controlled by Han Fei, was equally wild. It seems to have a thousand thunder flashes, flickering in the void, one after another law thunder, pouring towards the Jade Spirit Pagoda of Heaven.

On that day, the Jade Spirit Pagoda hummed and vibrated, bursting with body-protecting profound light, and the tower body and Thor's Hammer collided with each other. The two shuttled in the void, no longer caring about Han Fei and Bai Ye.

"How is that possible! How can you also have a fortune-telling treasure?"

Bai Ye's expression changed greatly, the creation of spiritual treasures, the real legendary treasures, are rare in the world, each of which has its own unique and powerful ability. But how old is Han Fei, how many years of practice, how can he have such a treasure?

I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand, and the endless water appeared at his hand, turning into a short knife.

Han Fei: "Why, do you have a second Good Fortune Spirit Treasure?"


The white wild wolf pounced, the silver wolf howled to the moon, and the law of ice was sprayed out of his mouth.

Seeing this, Han Fei smiled and said lightly, "Yin and Yang are forbidden to live and die."


The next moment, this room turned into a space where yin and yang circulated, and the power of ice disintegrated in an instant. Bai Ye's intuition is that the ice road in his body is being swallowed up by this strange yin and yang barrier, and it is passing by rapidly.

"Pretend to be a ghost, give me a drive..."


Of course, Han Fei would not let Bai Ye take action in the yin and yang life and death ban. Although he knew that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai would definitely be able to stop him, it was unnecessary. This Bai Ye is in a mortal situation, and he can't bear to be hurt by Xiao Hei and Xiaobai.

No, Han Fei stepped into the yin and yang life-and-death ban with one foot, and while performing the void stealing technique, he directly stole Bai Ye's tearing claw. In an instant, a thousand lightning flashes approached.

"Knife drawing."


One giant claw of Bai Ye was cut off, and the other giant claw slapped down. I saw Han Fei clasped his hands together to force the blow.

"The Supreme Yin-Yang Wheel."

The yin and yang prohibition of life and death disappeared, and the Taishang yin and yang wheel fell off the top of Baiye's head. Baiye rushed forward frantically, avoiding the attack, but a small part of his body was also beheaded.

It's just that what awaits him is a pair of ruthless and indifferent birds' eyes.

However, he found that the emperor sparrow appeared in front of him at some point, a pair of sharp claws, which turned into infinity, and the black light on the claws was shrouded in black light and buckled towards Bai Ye.

"Just a testimonial, what can I do?"

On Bai Ye's body, the silver hair separated from his body and turned into an endless rain of swords.

However, the sky-filled sword rain seemed to have only penetrated a phantom. Only listening to Di Que's voice is arrogant: "My body is open to the mysterious, and all methods are not invaded, and I only want to hurt me with ordinary skills? Spiritual wandering, away from the soul claw."

I saw that Bai Ye's eye was caught and burst, and the power of his soul was torn apart by a grab.

However, after performing this blow, Di Que's boundless fierce shadow turned into a ray of light and landed on Han Fei's shoulders again.

"I can only cast it here."

Han Fei didn't say much, the Emperor Que was only at the peak of the Dao, and it was incredible that Bai Ye could hurt the city like this.

Han Fei took advantage of the situation and killed it, the fist of silence, locked in the air to defend against the enemy. At the same time, he said, "Why didn't I know that you still have this ability?"

Emperor Que: "I don't just stare at me. In terms of combat power, this emperor is also unparalleled in the world."


He was smashed into the seabed by Han Fei, breaking the waves for millions of miles, and Bai Ye jumped up, controlling half of his body and wanting to run. But Han Fei was the prime minister, and slapped him back with a slap.


Falun Gong's wheel palm, picked up Bai Ye's remnant body and held it tightly in his hand. I squeezed hard, but I couldn't move it, and I saw a bronze bell appearing on the surface of Bai Ye's body.

I saw Han Fei's appearance, his hands clasped together, and he slammed it hard.


The bronze bell shattered, but Bai Ye also took the opportunity to escape.

"Do you think you are the only one who has the dharma image? The silver wolf dharma image, come out."


The silver wolf roared, jumped up, and bit Han illegal sumo away. Just when Bai Ye thought that he could escape like this, he was horrified to see that the dharma image of the silver wolf, hanging in the air, was actually opened by Han Fei, who opened the wolf's mouth with his bare hands.


Witnessed by countless people, the silver wolf dharma was torn in half. Han Fei opened his mouth and sucked, and swallowed the silver wolf dharma into his belly.

Not far away, the Six God Senior Brother, who was watching the battle, saw this scene, and said in a light voice: "Little Junior Brother, your dharma is really cruel."

Han Fei: "Senior Brother Liushen, I just watched you swallow an emperor."

Senior Brother Liushen said in a tender voice, "It's different, I'm a bug, and you are a human."

Han Fei rolled his eyes, this reason is really refreshing and refined, co-authoring, can bugs eat indiscriminately?

Bai Ye didn't want to accept his fate, he really panicked, the creation of the spiritual treasure seems to be suppressed by the broken hammer, the Dharma was eaten, and the body was chopped in half, and it was too late to recover. Divine Soul was torn in half and suffered heavy damage directly. The golden bell that protects the body was crushed by life and life... In terms of speed, under the heavy damage of himself, he was simply no match for Qian Lei Shan, how could he run?

And Han Fei had already given him the answer, but he saw thousands of thunder marks appear beside him, fists raging, and swords rage.

After about a stick of incense, Bai Ye was finally defeated, and Han Fei cut off the wolf's head in unwillingness and humiliation. However, Han Fei did not kill him immediately, but put the silver wolf's head on the Fengshen spear transformed by endless water.

Han Fei: "If you say that you are only worthy of becoming the emperor's ingredients, you will definitely be served with food."

Bai Ye's intuition is creepy, is this guy really going to eat himself?

He only heard him roar: "Han Fei, if you kill me, the ancient demon clan will never let you and the human clan go."

"Hahaha! It's already immortal, do you think I will let you go of the ancient demon clan? Don't worry, many of your ancient demon clan are edible, and they will be the ingredients for my human race."

When it was over, Han Fei put one hand on Bai Ye's head and used the technique of capturing the soul to forcibly remove the connection between him and the Jade Spirit Pagoda. No, when this connection is broken, the Jade Spirit Pagoda of Fortune wants to run immediately. However, compared with the speed of Thor's Hammer, it still thinks too much. I saw that the small tower was blown away by the hammer of Thor's hammer.

Han Fei buckled with one hand: "Submit or destroy? If you resist stubbornly, you will be crushed today."

The Fortune Jade Spirit Pagoda struggled for a while, but there was no movement. Obviously, it was still aware of current affairs. The master has been beaten and killed like this, the great emperor has fallen, what is he fighting for? Accept it!

Moreover, the guy in front of him seems to be a lot stronger than Bai Ye. Even if this guy is in prison now, I don't know if he will have a good result if he follows him.

And Han Fei was also looking at the Jade Spirit Pagoda, and the information appeared in his eyes:

[Name] Fortune Jade Spirit Pagoda (damaged)

[Introduction] The Fortune Jade Spirit Pagoda was born from the ancient fine jade. It contains the heaven and the earth. The tower was born with an inscription of the law, and it became a cage of the spiritual tower. It suffered certain damage because it once suppressed the gods. This tower can suppress the strong under the gods and refine it into an immortal pill, which can repair itself. It can also refine the strong and strip the strong road. This pagoda is inherently spiritual. Once you recognize the master, you can find the master under the same rules of heaven.

[Quality] Low-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure

【Soul attached】None

[Effect 1] The cage of the spiritual tower, under certain conditions, can suppress the powers under the gods

[Effect 2] Refining the strong into an immortal pill, repairing themselves and enhancing their strength.

[Effect 3] Refining the strong, stripping off the avenue, you can completely master the opponent's avenue

【Cannot be recast】


[Remarks] Due to the damage to the spiritual tower, various effects have been reduced.

"so smart?"

Han Fei couldn't help being shocked by the ability to create the Jade Spirit Pagoda. Obviously, this spiritual pagoda was not a battle-type fortune-telling treasure, and it was normal to be suppressed by Thor's Hammer.

But if this spiritual tower is repaired, its grade may even exceed Thor's Hammer. After all, this thing once suppressed the gods. But it should not be suppressed, it was broken open, and it was reduced to a low-grade good fortune spiritual treasure.

As for the Immortal Pill, you can tell from the name that the grade is definitely not low. Exactly, you can try this Bai Ye yourself. Well, just throw the wolf head in, and keep the body to eat.

As for stripping off the Great Dao, Han Fei is not too interested in it, he already has quite a few Great Dao. However, he can use this method to help some strong people in the human race quickly improve their strength.

This time, there are a lot of long-lived realms here, and the number of free and easy realm and Taoist realm combined, the number is close to 200. If you can really strip these people's avenues and provide them with the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm to comprehend, wouldn't it be possible to quickly create a powerful person who proves the Dao.

Although it may not be as simple as I imagined, it is very promising, so give it a try.

It's just, how could such a powerful fortune-telling treasure fall into the hands of a long-lived realm?

Han Fei admitted that Bai Ye was very strong, but fortunately, he had a lot of means, and with Emperor Sparrow, Little Black and Little White, and Thor's Hammer, he was worthy of taking him down. But for this level of fortune-telling spiritual treasure, are those great emperors not interested in letting a long-lived realm hold it?

Or, is Bai Ye's identity not simple?

But let his identity not be simple, so what? The ancient demon clan and the human clan have become mortal enemies of each other. How can the lives of the 70 billion compatriots of the human race be given up?

Han Fei stretched out his hand, and blood dripped out: "Follow me, he will help you repair the tower and return to the peak."

The little tower trembled a few times, and he didn't know if he believed Han Fei, but he couldn't run away now. The opponent's hammer is very powerful. At his peak, he may not be afraid, but now, he really can't beat it.

While refining the small tower, Han Fei greeted: "Senior Brother Liushen, this battle is over, stay and eat wolf meat? This guy is known as a pure-blooded ancient demon, and the meat quality must be good."

Senior Brother Liushen smiled slightly: "Okay! I have heard from Senior Brother Fifth that the cooking skills of Junior Junior Brother are unparalleled in the world. Today is a good thing."

At this moment, Luo Xiaobai had already greeted the human race and started a full-scale counter-offensive.

But I heard Han Fei's voice buzzing, resounding through the sky: "My fellow human race, I am the human emperor Han Fei. This emperor announced that the human race will win this battle. After returning this time, this emperor will set the pattern for the prosperous world for the human race. If the human race is the enemy, the emperor will settle them one by one. In short, in a word, the rise of the human race is unstoppable, the gods stop killing the gods, and the Buddhas stop the Buddhas.”

"Long live the emperor."

"The emperor is invincible."

"May I follow the emperor forever."

"I know that as long as the Emperor is there, the human race will not be destroyed."

"Everyone, from today onwards, the road ahead will be unimpeded."


Han Fei paused and reminded: "My fellow human beings, remember to keep those ancient monsters, those sea monsters, whatever can be eaten. When this emperor leads you to kill a bright world, the whole family celebrates."


Countless people laughed loudly.

"I hunted a giant shark, and I will share it with you."

"What are you, I hunt a Venerable Realm crab, whoever sees it will have a share."

"I have an ancient demon, I don't know what it is, but if there is meat, I can definitely eat it."

You Haijing smiled lightly: "Forget it, I have hunted a few dragons, and I can't eat it alone, so we will share it together."




Bai Ye, who was poked by Han Fei on the spear, his eyes were red, and he roared: "Han Fei, my ancient demon clan will not let you go. My ancestor is a strong emperor, and he has reached the peak, he will avenge me, He will kill you."

"Okay, then I'll cook wolves and eat meat in front of them. I want to see if your so-called great emperor and ancestor can save you. Or, he saves you, or I cook with him. "

"Presumptuous... ah..."


"Shut up."

Han Fei slashed through it, cut off the wolf tongue, and put it away. This is also an ingredient and cannot be wasted.

Those ancient monsters who are still struggling are terrified at this moment, and the previous human race was not like this! Why is this emperor so heartbroken.

With the Beihai Zerg joining the battlefield, the encirclement and suppression proceeded very quickly. Han Fei also witnessed what is called Zerg, and wherever he went, it was really a storm.

Xu Shihan Fei said that he wanted to eat ancient demon meat, and Senior Brother Liushen deliberately kept the corpses of those ancient demons.

In this battle, the number of beheadings is unknown, but it definitely exceeds 100 billion. The sea monster frenzy collapsed. Because there was no restraint, the sea monsters that had not arrived in the follow-up fled one after another. It was not what they wanted to participate in the war, but they were ruled by the ancient monsters. Now the ancient monsters are gone and no one is in control. They had to run away.

In a mere day, the corpses of the gods and demons were everywhere, and within tens of thousands of miles, they were completely reduced to a sea of ​​blood.

The Beihai Zerg retreated from the wormhole, and all the Terrans were dispatched to clean up the battlefield. For them, this battlefield is a precious treasure. There are so many things that can be cleaned, they can't pick up anything, and almost everyone picks it up softly.

The human camp, Han Fei, Senior Brother Liushen, Luo Xiaobai, Beastmaster, Liu Qiansi, the two elders of the Lava Giant Clan, and Chu Hao, who had never come out, formed a circle at this moment, with the Endless Water Center standing beside it. The transformed long spear, Bai Ye's silver wolf head, is still stuck on it, and both eyes are full of anger. For, in the midst of the crowd, there was a huge pot, and all his flesh was cooked in it.

Not far away, the poisonous girl You and the wood demon Shanshan were shrouded in a barrier, and their bodies were shaking at the moment, thinking that Han Fei was really eating! The dignified pure-blooded Taikoo Silver Wolf actually saw himself being cooked, and that feeling made one shudder just thinking about it.

But the two women didn't dare to say a word. They thought they should get the first credit for this time. Now, they just hope that they will not be reduced to food.

Han Fei didn't ask anything when he invited Senior Brother Liushen to dinner. Eating is eating. This is thanks.

On the contrary, Senior Brother Liushen said in advance: "Little Junior Brother, I didn't expect that the demon pot would be at your place. However, if you show the demon pot this time, I am afraid that Zhonghai Shenzhou is going to go crazy. One hundred thousand years ago, it was crazy. Once, a hundred great emperors fought from the West Sea to the East China Sea to compete for the refining of the demon pot, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Han Fei: "Brother, don't worry, my journey has always been bumpy. Even if I don't make the demon pot, there are just as many enemies. So it doesn't really matter whether the demon pot is lit up or not. Moreover, Zhonghai Shenzhou bullied me too much, only once. Victory is not enough. My 70 billion compatriots in the human race will not die in vain..."

In Han Fei's words, there was a coldness, such as Liu Qiansi and the elders of the lava giant clan, who didn't dare to interject at all.

The Beastmaster said carelessly: "Yes, those chops should be punished."

Luo Xiaobai: "How long will it take to arrive with the emperor's footsteps?"

Senior Brother Liushen said: "If there are no accidents, in a few hours, I am afraid that someone will already arrive. But they should not make a move alone. At least there will be three or five emperors who will try to make a tentative move."

Han Fei: "Senior Brother Liushen, can you stay for two more days? It's not that you continue to help me, but the human race still needs a little time to clean up the battlefield."

Senior Brother Liushen nodded slightly: "Yes."

Han Fei suddenly smiled and said, "Come on, have dinner. Senior Brother Liushen, I specially made braised wolf meat for you, wolf bones in sauce, frozen wolf marrow, stir-fried wolf heart, and steamed wolf tongue..."

Bai Ye watched from the side, shivering with rage, he was about to go crazy, and he saw the flesh and blood on his body being cut up everywhere, and even the inheritance of the family was taken by Han Fei to feed the bugs.

Unfortunately, he was sealed, his tongue was pulled out, his soul was sealed, and he couldn't open his mouth at all.

Satisfied with food and drink, Senior Brother Liushen sat cross-legged on the head of the big mantis. Han Fei asked, and only then did he know that the big mantis is the companion spirit of the six gods. This made Han Fei very surprised. Therefore, the six gods are the emperor himself, and the companions are also the emperor, and they are all tyrannical, so that they can control the Beihai.

This made him envious. Five points in the sea world, and Senior Brother Six Gods, one of them. What kind of power is this? For a while, he felt that according to this record, why didn't Senior Brother Liushen get in front of Senior Brother Five. Fifth Senior Brother, that lonely family, drinking and eating meat and sleeping, is no reason!


In the chaotic ice area, the fifth senior brother slapped his mouth: "It's a pity! It's a pity that I can't get out of the chaotic wasteland, otherwise I will eat his wolf's leg! I have to ask him to come over for me a little bit."


People are cleaning the battlefield in full swing~www.readwn.com~ Teacher Beastmaster and they all return to their positions.

Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai came to the poisonous female wood demon Shanshan. These two people have been abolished, and their treasures have been pulled out. If they want to run, it is impossible, unless they want to die immediately.

Han Fei still held two bunches of wolf meat in his hand, chewing and asking: "I only give you one chance, this time, I hope you take it well. After asking you, I will search Bai Ye's soul, so, Whether or not to answer and how to answer, you have to think clearly."

Wood Demon Shanshan: "What do you want to ask?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Three of the ancient six meridians participated in the encirclement and suppression of the human race. I don't believe this is purely to suppress my human race and prevent the rise of the human race. So, tell me the reason."

Go to listen to You Du Nu was the first to speak: "Because of luck."

Han Fei smiled lightly: "Oh? It seems that you can't wait? Come on, then say it, think about it, and say it clearly. I think spiders can also be eaten. Are you pure blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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