God of Fishing

Chapter 2751: My brother, the emperor looked around and walked around

Chapter 2751 My brother, the emperor looked around and walked around

Han Fei really didn't expect that he could meet a living being like this. When did so many gods suddenly appear in this world?

But then, Han Fei realized that maybe there are gods hidden in this world, but his strength was too weak in the past, and he was not qualified to know the traces of gods.

Now, when one's strength has grown to a certain stage, the contacts are also stronger, so he has this kind of luck.

Han Fei cupped his hands: "Junior Han Fei, I have seen senior."

The woman in white: "The contemporary successor of the Void Temple, the master of the emperor bird, the successor of the refining demon pot, the emperor of the human race, there are many names, go to the frontline battlefield, I will see your strength."



As soon as the woman in white waved her hand, Han Fei felt that the space had changed, and he had already left the range of the city and appeared on a battlefield.

There are nearly 10,000 people guarding this battlefield, but only less than 1,000 people are actually fighting the ominous creatures. Even so, above the starry sky, their battles are also very dazzling, the great skills are in the sky, and they are extremely dazzling.

The woman in white said: "Since 100,000 years ago, ominous creatures have reappeared in the sea of ​​​​stars. At first, only sporadic ominous creatures appeared. Until nearly 30,000 years ago, a small war would break out every once in a while. During this period, a war broke out, You should have seen that battle, and the evaluation is not high... Go, let me see your strength."

Han Fei: "..."

100,000 years ago, the ominous reappearance of the sea of ​​​​stars, does this mean that the means of sealing the ominous problem occurred 100,000 years ago? What did the woman in white tell herself to do? Now there is no way to deal with the ominous.

However, at present, if the gods want to show their strength, then what can I do, I have to bite the bullet!

At this moment, tens of thousands of eyes are looking towards Han Fei and the woman in white. When they looked at the woman in white, their eyes were full of admiration. And looking at Han Fei's eyes, there is scrutiny and curiosity.

Han Fei nodded: "Okay!"


I saw thousands of thunder marks, which suddenly appeared in the Xinghai, and was fighting against an ominous emperor of all races. I only felt that the thunder marks flashed past him. The next moment, the terrifying ominous life form on the opposite side exploded with a bang.

"Hey! This man is so fast."

"Very powerful, killing a terrifying rank in one move, could it be the new Tianjiao Emperor Venerable from Hidden Emperor City?"

"Leifa, and it's a very powerful Leifa."

"In the Happy Realm, it seems that there are not many people who can have this method. The ones who are not enough to be brought by the gods should be extraordinary."

At this time, only the woman in white said: "Everyone, stop fighting and come back."


"There are nearly 2,000 horror-level ominous life forms here?"

"There is also a Destruction Grade."

"What a joke, do you want that person to fight alone?"

The crowd changed, but everyone immediately executed the order and immediately left the battlefield. But those ominous beings won't let you get away casually, they will get entangled.

However, I only saw the thunder marks flickering in the sky, and wherever the thunder marks passed, there must be a horror-level ominous life form falling, which gave others enough space to retreat.

Moreover, the Destruction Grade seems to have issued an order to kill the Thunder Fa powerhouse in front of him.

No, in just a short time, only Han Fei was left on the battlefield. But for most people, they can't see Han Fei at all, because Han Fei is hidden in the thunder marks in the sky.

"This guy is really Happy Realm?"

"Xiaoyaojing has this speed?"

"It should be Narefa's problem."

"Look, the horror-level ominous creatures have begun to chase the thunder marks."

When Han Fei had just killed forty or fifty terrifying-level creatures, the ominous creature of the destruction level finally realized it later and discovered the trick of Qian Lei Shan.

So, when Han Fei cast Thousand Thunder Flash again, an ominous lifeform detonated with a bang, trying to hold Han Fei back.

However, a leaping thunder flashed, and the terrifying level still failed to touch Han Fei.

However, Han Fei couldn't use Leaping Thunder every time. So in the next moment, he deliberately stopped for a moment. For a time, thousands of terrifying levels were killed, and the destruction level was the first to appear.


I saw Han Fei's feet, and the thunder ring appeared, sweeping all directions in an instant. The thunder marks in the void have not yet been extinguished, and the "crashing" burst into flames, turning into a sea of ​​thunder and fire. I saw that in this sea of ​​thunder, the speed of these ominous creatures was suddenly halved.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"The legendary twelve seals of Leifa."

"Leiyin Ancient God Inheritance."

"Hey! Didn't you say that the inheritance of the ancient temple of Leiyin is a mortal situation? Could it be that someone broke it?"

"No wonder, no wonder this child's Xiaoyaojing has such a terrifying combat power. It is really terrifying to block more than 2,000 ominous beings alone."

Han Fei, who was fighting, didn't dare to be too slow, because he didn't have time to cast a thousand thunderbolts because of this sea of ​​thunder and fire. And the destruction level has been killed, and he naturally responded with the ten thousand method.

Thor's Hammer and the destruction-level ominous life form gave a hard blow.

The Destruction-level ominous lifeform was blasted away, because the powerful thunderbolt of Thor's Hammer doubled Han Fei's combat power.

At the moment when the destruction level collapsed, Han Fei folded his hands together, chanted words in his mouth, and a milky white halo bloomed on his whole body.

The divine mantra to purify the world cleanses all evils and eliminates ominousness. Hundreds of horror-level ominous lifeforms near Han Fei were directly purified under the dual effects of Lei Fa and the God-Purifying Mantra.

The others were exclaiming in surprise, only the woman in white looked calm. With so many titles on her hands, it is impossible to be weak. She wants to see how strong Han Fei is.

In just half an hour, Han Fei alone could be said to have killed the Quartet, more than 2,000 ominous beings, and he killed more than 800 of them.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for Han Fei to kill so many ominous beings in such a short period of time. But isn't this under the watchful eye of the gods? The kite-flying style is obviously not good, so you can only be tough, but fortunately, you have a lot of methods and methods. And there are only 2,000 of these ominous creatures, unlike the terrifying numbers outside the Leiyin Ancient Temple, which are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

More than an hour later, only Han Fei and the ominous destruction-level lifeform were left on the battlefield. This time, Han Fei didn't ask for Dique's help. One-on-one, the killing is not so fast, but Han Fei is not the strength when he first entered Leiyin Ancient Temple. Finally, under the multiple effects of Invincible Fighting Intent and Lei Fa, it took nearly an hour for Han Fei to wipe out this ominous destruction-level ominous creature with difficulty.

At this moment, the front-line powerhouses in Hidden Emperor City have changed their eyes when they look at Han Fei. In a free and happy realm, he killed more than 2,000 ominous beings in the same realm, and even jumped to kill a destroyer. To describe it as outrageous, this is normally something that requires nearly a thousand emperors to complete! Did he do it alone?

After the battle, Han Fei slightly bowed to the woman in white.

When the woman in white waved her hand, she dragged Han Fei into another sea of ​​stars. When he reappeared, Han Fei found that there was an ominous atmosphere here. Outside of this ominous atmosphere, there were more than 30,000 ominous lifeforms, and at least ten of them were at the destruction level.


Han Fei was not feeling well at that time. This scale, so many destruction levels. Although he can kill, but with his current strength, I am afraid that he will have to kill for at least a month. Thirty thousand and two thousand are not a number concept at all.

I just heard the woman in white say: "Use the refining demon pot."

Refining the demon pot?

Han Fei was stunned for a moment. When dealing with ominous beings before, Han Fei never thought of using the refining demon pot. The main reason is that he still doesn't know how to control the refining demon pot.

Before, it was possible to use the Demon Refining Pot to destroy the six long-lived realms at once. That is the characteristic of the Demon Refining Pot, which has the ability to absorb spirits. Anything that can be absorbed, the refining demon pot can be buckled. In other words, Han Fei hadn't tried to absorb the ominous life form with the refining demon pot. Because he felt that the ominous life form, apart from the negative, what else was there to suck?

Moreover, the demon pot can only deal with seven at a time! In front of these tens of thousands of ominous beings, seven is a fart!

However, this **** let him try it, and Han Fei could only try hard.

I saw that Han Fei rushed towards the army of ominous beings alone. He thought, even if he was defeated, or if he couldn't control the refining of the demon pot, then he would have to take his life to escape.

No, when the ominous army saw that there was a ten thousand clan scoundrel attacking their huge army, they rushed over immediately.

Seeing a large number of ominous creatures rushing towards, Han Fei's face turned green.

"Master Hulu, suck."

I saw that Han Fei's eyebrows protruded seven small vines in a row. Han Fei thought that seven small vines could only penetrate seven ominous life forms at a time, and he needed to use his own strength to hold the seven. The ominous life forms are destroyed.

But something unexpected happened. Xiao Teng, who had always been lazy, suddenly became a little manic when he met this ominous life form.


"Puff puff!"

All I could see was Han Fei's body, with vines winding, and a small vine, in the blink of an eye, could penetrate a dozen or twenty ominous life forms in a row. Moreover, the small vine is still growing, and it seems that he can kill more.

Any ominous life forms penetrated by the refining demon pot will immediately be covered with a green color.

Almost in an instant, Han Fei felt that he had a heart-to-heart connection with the refining demon pot. Within 10,000 meters of Han Fei's body, it seems to have become a restricted area. Any ominous life forms that want to rush in will be penetrated by Xiaoteng in the first time. Even Han Fei himself can't react so fast, but the demon refining The kettle responded.


Han Fei was really shocked. It's not that he has never used the demon pot, but it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to drain an ominous creature comparable to the long-lived realm in such a short period of time, right?

Han Fei remembered that when he was a child, refining the demon pot to extract the spiritual energy of a tentacled shrimp took a lot of work. Although there are more vines in the demon pot now, it shouldn't be so exaggerated!

"Could it be that this is the reason why refining the demon pot can suppress the ominous?"

Han Fei couldn't help being stunned. If there was such a terrifying lethality, how could the controllers of the demon pots of all dynasties lose?

Just as Han Fei sighed, suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and the seventh divine pill on the demon-refining vine was actually bred.

yes. The seventh divine pill, and the last divine pill, began to breed after killing hundreds of ominous beings. And the speed is very fast. When more than a thousand ominous lifeforms were killed, the seventh divine pill had grown from the size of gravel to the size of sesame seeds.

Han Fei was overjoyed. This was really an unexpected joy. Han Fei thought that the seventh divine pill would also require massive resources and energy to be fed slowly. In fact, doing this is actually useful, because the refining demon pot is still absorbing energy resources every day.

However, that absorption method is obviously not as efficient as it is now.

a thousand.

two thousand.

Three thousand.

Finally, after nearly 10,000 ominous lifeforms were destroyed, the speed of absorbing the ominous lifeforms in the refining demon pot seemed to be decreasing. After killing 20,000 ominous lifeforms, after the demon pot refiner killed the ominous lifeform, it would not completely kill the ominous lifeform. The latter will turn into an ominous scene, reunite elsewhere, and then attack Han Fei again.

When killing more than 24,000, the refining demon pot will not absorb it directly. Xiaoteng will only pierce through the ominous life forms, but will not extract their energy, like passive defense.

"All right."

At that moment, the woman in white grabbed with one hand and took Han Fei away directly. Taken away together, there are also the large amount of energy crystals.

Han Fei hurriedly put away the refining demon pot, full of doubts and incomprehensions in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, Han Fei once again returned to the real Hidden Emperor City. Only the woman in white was the first to speak: "Sure enough, the refining demon pot in an incomplete state is still very weak. A demon refining pot of this level will not play any role in a war."

Han Fei Xin said, after all, he killed more than 24,000 ominous lifeforms. What is the effect of this?

Moreover, with this random killing, the seventh divine pill the size of a sesame seed has grown to the size of a soybean. At this speed, as long as there are enough ominous beings, the seventh divine pill is just around the corner.

However, when he wanted to enter the Hidden Emperor City again, he saw the scene of the woman's shot, as if it was okay for people to say this.

Han Fei: "Why didn't the refining demon pot absorb it later?"

The woman in white: "What do you think the demon refining pot absorbs?"

Han Fei shook his head, ominous life forms, no spiritual energy, no chaotic energy, no immortal energy, and he didn't even know how they were driven. God knows what the refining demon pot absorbs?

The woman in white: "It's ominous. So far, we don't know the ultimate state of ominous, whether it is a powerful creature, and a will that gives flexibility to negative life."

Han Fei frowned slightly: "Can't the gods be sure?"

The woman in white: "Gods are not omnipotent, gods are only a realm, and gods will also fall. The biggest feature of ominous lies in his uncertainty. We can't see its essence. Killing more ominous life forms is actually only curbing. It’s just ominous growth. The demon refining pot has the ability to swallow this ominous essence, so each generation of demon refining pot owners, in addition to fighting the ominous, is determined to spy on the ominous nature. Obviously, you have not dealt with the demon pot before. Ominous beings."


Han Fei Xin said, who knows this! He didn't come out to fight the demon pot himself, and he always felt that the demon pot was an auxiliary treasure.

The woman in white: "In the same realm, your strength is very strong and amazing enough. But the stronger you are, the harder it is to find a divine way. Your tactics are too complicated and there are too many avenues. The process of fusion will be very long... ... let you come, there is no other meaning, I want to tell you that time is running out."

"time is limited?"

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Is it the time for the ominous outbreak?"

The white-clothed woman nodded slightly: "Go! Hidden Emperor City will not interfere with the affairs of the boundless mining area, and your human race should not need help for the time being. Also, let me remind you, you can't be a human emperor all your life. It's time for you to go. Find your true way."

Han Fei's expression changed slightly, which was the same as Lao Yuan's situation at the beginning. Han Fei nodded slightly: "Thank you for your guidance. That, junior still doesn't know how to call senior..."

"You can call me, Goddess of Light."


The Gate of No Distance appeared, with the words "Let's go" written on it.

Han Fei slightly cupped his hands: "Goodbye, senior."


When Han Fei opened his eyes again, people had already appeared in Hidden Emperor City, and the man in white and bare feet was waiting here.

Seeing Han Fei's return, he smiled lightly: "How?"

Han Fei was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

The man said, "Is the Goddess of Light beautiful?"

Han Fei glanced at this person speechlessly, thinking that it was not enough to cheat me once, and he wanted to cheat me a second time?

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Of course it's beautiful."


The man laughed suddenly, and then led Han Fei to ask, "Would you like to join my Hidden Emperor City?"

Han Fei: "No, I still have a lot of things to do."

The man said with a bit of pity: "It's a pity, when you grow up, I also want to see the true power of refining the demon pot."

Han Fei: "What do you call senior?"

"White Pond."

"Ancient divine beast?"

Bai Ze was slightly surprised: "Huh! You actually know?"

"Uh! No, I heard that."

Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little weird in his heart. It seems that many creatures in mythology actually exist!

Han Fei: "Senior Bai Ze, what else can Hidden Emperor City say about my human race in the boundless mining area?"

Bai Ze said with a smile: "What can you say about Yindi City? This boundless mining area does not belong to Yindi City. Since the human race has taken over this place, you should slowly manage it yourself. Similarly, Yindi City does not belong to the city. It will interfere in the disputes between the human race and others. Of course, if you are willing to join the hidden emperor city, that is another matter."

Han Fei was silent for a while, Hidden Emperor City is a force against ominous, but it is not impossible to join. However, I still know too little about Hidden Emperor City, and I don't want to be bound by this. Anyway, if there are demons speaking, and there are divine beasts and fierce beasts watching over them, at least for a thousand years, the human race can be kept safe.

Therefore, even if you want to join the hidden emperor city, it will be a thousand years later.

Han Fei responded with a smile: "I will consider it."


After leaving Hidden Emperor City, when Han Fei returned to the human race, Han Xuan was already in full swing with the human race construction plan. Zhou Run is already arranging the follow-up matters for Terran to settle in. The name of Baimeng City has been removed. Now that there is no Baimeng, this name is naturally unnecessary.

Although Han Fei said he wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, some basic policies still had to be implemented.

For example, after discussing it with Han Xuan and the others, Han Fei decided to change the name of Baimeng City to "Freedom City" and change it to another name, fearing that the sea world loose cultivators would not understand. The word freedom is what many people look forward to in their hearts.

Han Fei also explained it to his fellow human beings. Due to some accidents, the monster plants that everyone had planted before were damaged, so the monster plant language shop was reopened.

In this regard, most people of the human race have no opinion. If the demon plant is gone, it can be planted again. Anyway, it is not a troublesome thing.

Outside the boundless mining area, the eight camps also quickly learned of the changes in the boundless mining area. In fact, they have been waiting for news. After all, the movement was too great a while ago, and many people had already run away because of fear.

Those who still stayed in the camp were mostly taking luck. After all, when the strong fought, they shouldn't be affected by these ordinary casual cultivators.

After learning that the human race had entered the boundless mining area, swept the major forces of Zhonghai Shenzhou, built the city of freedom, and implemented resource sharing measures, the people in the Bada camp were almost stupid. When I meet others every day, the discussion must be about the human race and the city of freedom.

The Shendu Dynasty, the Capital of Terror and other intelligence agencies also gradually spread the deeds of the human race, which immediately caused an uproar.

"What? Is that the former human slaughter that swept the major forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

"Ah! He is really the emperor of the human race!"

"What a terrible human race, to be able to kill dozens of great emperors in Zhonghai Shenzhou, it's like listening to the scriptures."

"Who said no, that's the emperor! I only know that there is Emperor Dongwu in Donghai Shenzhou. How can there be so many emperors all at once, and they were all beheaded by the human race?"

"Maybe the Great Emperor and the Great Emperor are also different!"

"It is said that the human race is actually quite heavy. After four hundred years of expedition, nearly 70 billion people have fallen. This is such a concept. If you add up the population of the eight major camps and the former boundless mining area, it may not be as good as a fraction of the number of people who fell."

"I heard that the general strength is not strong, so it has fallen a lot."

"Heh~ After beheading forty emperors, you tell me that the human race is not strong?"

"That's what the demons in the sea of ​​gods and demons... the strong did. Didn't you read the information, the sea of ​​gods and demons is gone, and the strong people in it have been released."

"Indeed, it is said that a **** was born."

"Nonsense, there is no such statement in the intelligence. The way to the gods is cut off, where did the gods come from?"

"Hey! Don't believe it, my brother's Dao Companion's Senior Brother's Master's Master's Sect Chief Elder said it."

Everyone: "..."


The city of freedom has only been built for one year. When the superpowers such as the Shendu Dynasty, the City of Terror, the Oriental Jiange, and the Ghost Strait, countless people went to the boundless mining area, those from the eight camps dared to enter the boundless mining area.

By the time they entered the boundless mining area, Baimeng City had changed beyond recognition, replaced by a city cluster surrounded by nearly a hundred cities.

People in the East China Sea are talking about the boundless mining area, but the young talents from the entire sea world are flocking to the South China Sea at this moment.

Because two major events are about to happen in Nanhai Shenzhou. First, the ancient land of crossing the gods is about to be opened. It is said that this is an ancient prehistoric land world filled with strange treasures. It will only be opened once in hundreds of thousands of years. Second, the saintess of the Miracle Forest competed in martial arts to recruit relatives, and wanted to cultivate a certain path to spirituality. Countless people yearned for it.

Therefore, Nanhai Shenzhou has been very lively recently. The major forces all have young talents from the sea world.

For example, at this moment, there is a city cluster called Tianhuang Island near the Divine Phoenix Clan.

A young man dressed in a phoenix-colored cloak, holding a folding fan and a pipe, followed by two maids in the late stage of Huaxing, one holding a sword and the other holding a fruit plate.

And this young man was confronting a group of five or six talents from Zhonghai Shenzhou in the street.

I just heard the young man shout: "Blind your dead fish eyes, wait for the ants, do you know whose territory this is? Do you know who I am, Master? Do you know who my brother is? He can run over with one finger. Die you eight hundred times."

There was a young man on the opposite side with a sneer: "Look at you, just the virtue of your second ancestor, your brother is 80% useless."

Immediately, the young man in a phoenix-colored cloak shouted: "Fart, you kid is looking for a fight. My brother is known as the **** human slaughter, and the invincible hand of the gods. The emperor looked around and walked around. He is the emperor of the contemporary human race, Han Fei. Yes, in fact, you can criticize it. Come, ants, come and die..."


Feng Xingliu was clamoring loudly, but who knew that he was hit **** the butt~www.readwn.com~ and was kicked and staggered. The two maids beside him were about to get angry, but they were shocked to find that they couldn't move.

"Which ant dares to kick Lao Tzu?"

Feng Xingliu turned around and saw that he didn't know the person who came, and was about to make a move when he heard a familiar voice in his ears: "Why don't you keep a low profile for me, I listened to you when I first came, and now I have an enemy Qianqian. Wan, you kid do all you hate for me."

Feng Xingliu was suddenly shocked.

"Fuck... you you you..."

Han Fei snorted coldly: "What are you, you agreed to catch the wind and wash the dust for me, I waited for a long time and no one came."

"Uh! Oh... Look at my memory! Wait for the ants, I'll let you go today, and brighten my eyes next time."

Feng Xingliu smiled and was about to leave.

However, the talented Zhonghai Shenzhou behind them all had dark faces, and the man in the lead shouted coldly, "Did I say let you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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