God of Fishing

Chapter 2753: Feng Yu's Threat

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Xiao Jie's face was extremely ugly. His dignified Tianjiao disciple of the Primordial Divine Institute had no power to fight back against this person. What kind of person is this Wang Han, and his name is not on the list of gods!

In such a situation, of course, he would not clamor with Han Fei any more. Even if he wanted to retaliate, he would only go back after finding out Han Fei's details.

As for the Chaos Spirit Treasure, the fact that the Eight Desolate Command Flag was taken away made him extremely angry and manic. Chaos Lingbao, this is not a big deal, even in Zhonghai Shenzhou, in Xinghai, it is a first-class treasure, and if it is gone, how can he be reconciled.

"Okay! Wang Han, I remember your name."

After speaking, Xiao Jie broke away, and the six subordinates were damaged and left without looking back.

At this point, the battle has come to an end.

The onlookers were shocked and whispered around, thinking who is this Wang Han?

Some people sighed: "No matter who it is, the powerhouses of the Taikoo Divine Institute have no room to resist, which is enough to explain the problem."

"It's ridiculously strong, and it is estimated that it is also a child of a certain Protoss."

"Nanhai Shenzhou has really been a gathering of geniuses recently! I heard that Yang Zhan, the first battle general of the ancient demon clan, has also arrived. He has successively visited the eight major forces in the South China Sea Shenzhou, challenged one by one, and maintained a complete victory. I am afraid, it will be soon. It’s time to challenge the Phoenix God Clan.”

"I've heard about this too. It is said that Yang Zhan has an unparalleled physique and possesses the supernatural form of the King Kong Ape, so he can't be beaten at all!"

"Currently, in the same realm in the South China Sea, the only ones who can fight against him are the saintess of the Miracle Forest and the Phoenix Divine Clan's Fengyu girl."

"Hey, in addition to Yang Zhan, I heard that Chen Fangcao of the God Demon Forest was targeted by Nandou Killer as soon as he arrived. In the first battle, Nandou Killer was killed and four wounded, and he was completely defeated."

Someone said: "It seems that this level of powerhouse has one more Wang Han! Although I don't know which force it comes from, the strength is definitely not bad, but I don't know that it is for the sake of crossing the ancient land. They were recruited for the competition."

"It's mostly a contest to recruit relatives."

"But I think he's hanging. The real powerhouses of the Primordial Divine Institute have not appeared. It is said that the three great talents who have come to the Primordial Temple are all super powerhouses who have once reached the top ten of the gods list. Rain Demon, Yudong Road , climbed to the top of the list of gods and third. Zhao Longma, the gun emperor, climbed to the top of the list of gods and second. There is also a Feng Wujian, who used to sit firmly on the list of gods. Tsk tsk, do you think the people of these ancient temples will put After Wang Han?"

"That's... hey! Feng Wujian is a sword cultivator, and he also wants to participate in the competition to recruit relatives?"

"Who knows, after all, if you marry the saintess of the Miracle Forest, you will be able to master the way to the gods."

For a time, there was a lot of discussion, and above the wilderness, Han Fei waved and sat in the frame of the six flames.

Feng Xingliu hurriedly followed, and said to the two maids, "You two come to drive, Hui people."

inside the car.

Feng Xingliu looked at Han Fei in surprise and said, "You actually let him go. I thought you would stop and kill him. This is a little different from your style!"

Han Fei: "What do you know. I can't be too high-profile now, and if I kill him directly, people will definitely make trouble with the Phoenix God Clan! When the time comes, you want someone, what do you say?"

Feng Xingliu sneered: "I'll take care of him. This is Nanhai Shenzhou, not Zhonghai Shenzhou."

Han Fei said with a smile: "You can't say that. From your previous language, I know that this cross Jianglong is very strong. If you want to kill them, there is no hurry. Isn't the ancient land of crossing the gods going to open? You said that everyone Go dig the baby, but who do you think can dig the baby?"

Feng Xingliu: "Of course, the stronger the person, the better the treasure they get!"

Han Fei: "That's it. Wouldn't it be delicious to give them a pot of soup?"


Feng Xingliu couldn't help looking out of the car, only to hear Han Fei say, "There is a formation in the car, so the two of them can't hear."

Feng Xingliu immediately came over: "This ancient land of crossing the gods will limit your strength. It is because your strength has reached the emperor's realm, and after entering, you are only at the level of the great perfection of the open heaven realm. Can you still have a pot?"

Han Fei: "Duan."

Feng Xingliu was immediately overjoyed: "Hahaha! Take it, take it to him."

When it was over, Feng Xingliu took out a big pipe, took a sip, spit out the clouds, and bumped Han Fei with his shoulder: "Then what are we going to do next? Are we going to rob?"

Feng Xingliu couldn't help but think of the days when he and Han Fei robbed all over the place, and suddenly felt itchy. It was much more interesting than daily trials.

However, Han Fei shook his head, and even miraculously took out a big pipe, took a sip, and said in a hurry: "Robbery or something, it's too obviously my style. It's not far from the opening of the ancient land of the gods. Two or three years? You should really take care of me, treat me with hospitality, and show off all the demeanor of a playboy, and I want to stay at your house for a while."

"That's it?"

Feng Xingliu was speechless: "Isn't this similar to my daily life? What does this mean?"

Han Fei flipped his hand and took out the Eight Desolation Command Flag: "Do you want it?"

Feng Xingliu's eyes suddenly lit up: "If you want it, a fool won't want it."

Feng Xingliu was about to catch him, but Han Fei pulled out his hand: "It's also easy! You can help me borrow something from your family."

Feng Xingliu patted his chest and said, "What can I borrow? Let me tell you, I can also take you to experience the Fire Road Rebirth Wheel."

Han Fei shook his head: "I'm not interested in that, you help me borrow a door without distance from my family."

"Pfft! Cough-cough-cough..."

Feng Xingliu choked her tears: "No, brother, can you be my brother? Are we in a hurry? Let's start attacking Xinghai now?"

Han Fei said it was true! But this is also what he expected. The Phoenix God Clan has been testing in the Chaos Fire Realm all the year round, and the Chaos Fire Realm is just like their home. Since there are nine gates of no distance, there is no reason why Chaos Fire Domain does not have them. No, as expected, the Gate of Infinity in the Chaos Fire Territory is controlled by the Phoenix God Clan.

Han Fei was speechless: "Got it! I'll take you to earn a big chance."

Feng Xingliu didn't believe it: "What is the big chance? I only recently learned about the Gate of Infinity. That thing can send people to those ominous beings, and it's too dangerous."

Han Fei: "Just say do you want a chance?"

Feng Xingliu: "What chance?"

Han Fei: "I'll give you five emperors to rob you, so that you can step into the realm of proving the Tao with half your foot before you can prove the Tao. Maybe you can prove the Tao before crossing the ancient land of the gods!"


Immediately, Feng Xingliu's spirit was lifted: "Look at what you said, am I someone who covets the emperor's calamity? I, two brothers, you and I are half-brothers, I'm sure about this. Help! Go, let's go now..."

When it was over, Han Fei threw the Eight Desolate Command Flag to Feng Xingliu, the Chaos Spirit Treasure was no longer fragrant in his opinion. If he wanted to give up first, he didn't really count on Feng Xingliu, but before meeting the powerful people of the Phoenix Divine Clan, he put in a little bit of the past to benefit from it.

Feng Xingliu naturally didn't think about Han Fei's intentions, so he stuck his head out and said, "Hurry up, move forward at full speed, and hurry up to the Hui clan."

When Han Fei was heading to the Divine Phoenix Clan, Xiao Jie was standing respectfully in front of a strong man who was sitting in a cross-shaped cultivation position. This man had a long spear erected beside him. The spear body seemed to be wise.

"Senior Brother Longma, that's what happened. Wang Han and the Phoenix Divine Clan are literally hitting my Primordial Divine Institute in the face."

The young man sitting cross-legged and practicing, with a resolute face and his eyes did not open, said lightly, "I hit you in the face, don't talk about the Primordial Divine Institute."

Xiao Jie: "Senior brother, do you think that Wang Han is Han Fei? Feng Xingliu is a dude, how can he have such arrogant friends? And they are from outside."

Zhao Longma snorted coldly: "Idiot, if it were that Han Fei, do you think you would still be alive to this day? Have you heard that Han Fei had any affection for the enemy's subordinates?"

"Uh! I'm sorry, brother, I think too much."

Zhao Longma said indifferently: "Although Feng Xingliu is arrogant and domineering, as you said, he is actually very strong. Of course someone who can cultivate the second form of Phoenix Bird can't really be a fool. Such a person is strong. My friend, it's not surprising at all. Since he said he was waiting for you in the ancient land of the gods, then you can kill the ancient land of the gods."

Xiao Jie; "Senior brother, then my flag of the Eight Desolations..."

Zhao Longma: "Fuck off, you lost the fight, and the Lingbao was suppressed. How dare you go to the Phoenix Divine Clan to ask for it? You have lost all the face of my Primordial Divine Institute."

After half a day.

When the three Six-Flame Fire Sparrows appeared in the Divine Phoenix Clan, many middle-aged men from the strong immediately intercepted them.

"Who is coming, who dares to pull a cart with six flames, and dare to appear in the Phoenix God Clan, is this tired of living?"

"Hey! Isn't this Qingqing and Susu by Feng Xingliu's side?"

"Feng Xingliu, you little Chaos, get out of here."

The next moment, Feng Xingliu stuck his head out: "Uncle Fifth, I got this car back! I also won the three Six Fire Sparrows."

The visitor obviously didn't believe it, and sneered: "It's up to you? You roll down for me first and then talk about it."

Feng Xingliu turned back and smiled awkwardly at Han Fei. When Han Fei got out of the car, he saw the three emperors, and dozens of perceptions swept across the place.

The fifth uncle was the same as the ninth uncle that he had seen before. He had the shape of a sturdy man with fiery red hair and looked very manic.

The fifth uncle glanced at Han Fei, and his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly. Does Feng Xingliu also know friends who are in the Taoist realm?

Han Fei bowed his hands slightly, neither humble nor arrogant, with an inexplicable aura on his body, and the fifth uncle felt that he was no match for his aura.

However, he is clearly a strong man in the longevity realm, so how could he lose his momentum to a boy in the proving path realm?

Fifth Uncle's face showed a smile: "Who is this little friend?"

Feng Xingliu: "Fifth Uncle, this is my friend Wang Han. Just now we were on the Tianhuang Island, and we met the **** Emperor Venerable of the Taikoo Divine Institute. I had a great experience with his subordinate Kaitianjing, this bastard. You dare to sneak attack secretly, fortunately my brother Wang Han is here, otherwise you will never see me, Uncle Fifth."

"Bastard! Emperor Zun shot? Are you sure?"

Han Fei said lightly: "Cause and effect killing technique, but the other party didn't intend to kill Feng Xingliu, it is estimated that he wanted to seriously injure him."

The fifth uncle was suddenly furious: "The Taikoo Temple is too deceiving, I will go to meet this person."

Feng Xingliu hurriedly stopped him: "Five uncles, fifth uncles, that man has already been pushed by my brother. All his men are dead, now, I even grabbed a set of Chaos Spirit Treasures and brought them back."

When Feng Xingliu swung the flag of the Eight Desolates out, the fifth uncle immediately widened his eyes: "You grabbed it? You smashed the fish, and you grabbed the Chaos Spirit Treasure Wheel? A set of Chaos Spirit Treasures can suppress seven Eighty of you, would you grab one for me to see?"

When it was over, the fifth uncle smiled at Han Fei: "Little friend Wang Han, your gift is a bit big!"

Han Fei smiled lightly: "It's just a set of Chaos Spirit Treasures, why bother? My friendship with Feng Xingliu for thousands of years is comparable to this one?"

"For thousands of years? Didn't you just meet?"

Feng Xingliu: "Fifth Uncle, you underestimate my connections too much."

"You go away."

Feng Xingliu: "…"

Just when the fifth uncle was about to chat with Han Fei, he heard a clear voice: "Old fifth, okay, what are you doing about the children's affairs?"

I only heard a crisp voice, and I saw a beautiful woman in a fiery red **** robe, followed by two pure, beautiful and generous girls, one big and one small. Could it be Feng Yu and Feng Qingcheng?

Fifth Uncle looked back: "Huo Gu? Why are you here?"

Huo Gu smiled slightly: "I'm about to give them a few lessons. Fifth, you can let go of these three Six-Flame Fire Sparrows. Except for the seal, you can take care of them."

"That's it, Aunt Huo, teach this stinky boy Feng Xingliu a good lesson. If you don't study well all day, you will almost be bullied on your own territory."

Huo Gu: "While you go, you weren't much better back then."

I saw that the fifth uncle suddenly blushed, pulled the frame and slipped away.

When it was over, the three women looked at Han Fei in unison, and Han Fei raised his eyebrows, thinking, do I have flowers on my face?

Huo Gu looked at Feng Xingliu's two maids and said, "Qingqing, Susu, your young master invited friends, why don't you prepare?"

"Yes, Lady Huo."

When it was over, Feng Xingliu smiled and said: "Huo-gu, I am, just go out for a walk, I really didn't cause trouble."

Huo Gu smiled lightly: "Go to your courtyard."

Feng Xingliu's courtyard was located in the southeast corner of the Divine Phoenix Clan. If it's just the owner, it's really a bit extravagant to live in such a big place alone.

Moreover, Han Fei could feel Yingying and Yanyan in the courtyard, but not much. He couldn't help but look at Feng Xingliu, thinking that this fellow's life was simply rotten to the extreme.

Arriving in the courtyard, Feng Xingliu hurriedly said: "That, Huo-gu, let me introduce to you, this is my brother, Wang Han..."


Before Feng Xingliu finished speaking, Feng Qingcheng burst out laughing.

Feng Xingliu's expression changed immediately, "Feng Qingcheng, what do you mean?"

However, Feng Qingcheng rolled his eyes at him, and then bowed slightly to Han Fei: "I have seen brother Han Fei."

Feng Xingliu: "???"

Han Fei looked at Feng Xingliu: "???"

impossible! Han Fei is confident in his concealment technique, which is absolutely invisible at the level of an emperor. The technique of divine concealment, under the gods, is almost never seen through, so how could it be seen through by Feng Qingcheng?

Feng Yu glanced at Han Fei meaningfully, with a gloating expression, and said to see how long you can pretend.

Feng Xingliu hurriedly said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Han Fei is in Divine State of the East China Sea, my brother, look at him, how does he look like Han Fei?"

"A little bit~"

I saw Feng Qingcheng make a face at Feng Xingliu: "How many brothers do you have and it seems that you don't know who is who, and none of your alcoholic and meat friends have the ability to prove the Tao. Besides, the people you know, I It's almost impossible if you don't know each other. So, in the Taoist realm, you still defeated the people from the Primordial Temple, and gave you the Chaos Spirit Treasure. Are they crazy? So, no matter how well Han Fei's disguise is, I can do it. recognize."

Feng Yu smiled and looked at Han Fei: "You, you, you really overestimate Feng Xingliu."

Han Fei: "..."

Feng Xingliu immediately frowned: "Ah, stinky Fengyu, what do you mean, you speak clearly, why am I being overestimated?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes directly. Although he didn't plan to hide Feng Yu from Feng Yu, he didn't plan to reveal his identity now! He originally thought that this was the territory of the Phoenix God Clan. With the status of Feng Xingliu, wouldn't there be a lot of friends? Mixed with Feng Xingliu himself, he can keep a low profile. Borrowing the door of no distance, he immediately devoured the ominous life form and ripened the seventh divine pill.

But who knows, this Tetsu has just entered the Phoenix Divine Clan, and was seen through.

"Hey, I'm careless."

Han Fei shook his head helplessly, his body shape, appearance, temperament, luck, etc., all changed, and he returned to his original appearance in a blink of an eye.

Aunt Huo looked at Han Fei up and down with a slight smile in her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Han Fei couldn't help cupping his hands: "Han Fei has seen senior."

Huo Gu smiled and said: "Well, not bad! Don't hold back, you can treat this place as your own home. If you need anything, just tell Feng Xingliu."

Immediately, Feng Qingcheng said, "Brother Han Fei, you actually gave him the Chaos Spirit Treasure, what a waste!"

Feng Xingliu was in a bad mood at that time: "Feng Qingcheng, you are too arrogant, I have endured you for a long time, and I warn you not to deceive people too much."

Han Fei looked at Feng Qingcheng, who had become more eloquent. It was already in the late stage of the Kaitian realm. He was a little dissatisfied with the growth of his strength.

No way, Han Fei thought for a while, and then took off the rosary of the gods from his neck: "Xiao Qingcheng, my brother gave you a small gift. This rosary of the gods is amiable and heavenly, and it can be tempered every day after wearing it. The physical body can increase the combat power by 20% during the war, can keep the spirit clear, not be confused, not enter the illusion, can block all evils, can avoid hundreds of millions of poisons, can slowly increase the wearer's luck, can resist the attack of the spirit... "

Feng Qingcheng's eyes narrowed with laughter, she quickly took it in her hands, and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, brother Han Fei. Brother Han Fei, if you have anything to ask me, it is definitely more reliable than looking for Feng Xingliu."

Feng Xingliu looked at the rosary of the gods in Feng Qingcheng's hand, and couldn't help but swallow, ah, this sounds better than the Eight Desolation Command Flag!

Han Fei finally looked at Feng Yu, only to hear Huo Gu smiled and said: "Little friend Han Fei, don't give it any more, a Chaos Spirit Treasure, a gain-type Houtian Spirit Treasure, its value is not inferior to the battle-type Chaos Spirit Treasure If you send it back, the Phoenix God Clan will only be able to pay it back with the fortune-telling treasure."

Han Fei immediately shook his head: "Senior Huogu, that Eight Desolate Command Flag was only obtained halfway through, and it doesn't matter. This rosary of the gods, as far as I am concerned, is no longer effective, and the girl of Qingcheng has grown rapidly, so I got this thing. Within a hundred years, it will enter the realm of the later stage."

Aunt Huo smiled sweetly: "After all, you are a generation of people. Han Fei, just call me Huo Gu. You don't need to worry about revealing your identity in the Phoenix God Clan. But you are here not just to give this Two little naughty gifts, right?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Huo Gu, I actually want to use the Gate of Infinity."

At this point, Feng Xingliu is already dead, and I can't count on him anymore. It seems that I still have to talk to a powerful emperor like Huo Gu at home.

Feng Yu's eyes were certain: "What do you want? Go to practice secretly, and then surpass me? Cough..."

Feng Yu was a little nervous subconsciously. Little Junior Brother's growth rate, if he continued to practice so frantically, could he really surpass himself?

Feng Qingcheng wondered: "Sister, can't brother Han Fei surpass you?"

Feng Yu: "You don't understand, don't worry about it."

Feng Xingliu: "Don't let Han Fei surpass you? Feng Yu, you are also afraid sometimes, hahaha..."

Han Fei: "..."

Feng Yu: "Idiot."

Feng Qingcheng seemed to be thinking about something, and always felt that the relationship between Feng Yu and Han Fei seemed a little delicate. But Feng Xingliu, this second-hand, obviously did not have this kind of consciousness.

Huo Gu giggled: "Okay! Anyway, the gate of no distance comes and goes quickly. You can use it whenever you want, just tell Feng Yu, I won't be here to affect your party."

Huo Gu left with a smile, leaving behind Han Fei, Feng Yu, Feng Qingcheng, and Feng Xingliu.

Feng Xingliu immediately took out a big pipe and said, "Han Fei, you should change back soon."

Feng Yu took a deep look at Han Fei: "Yes, change back! Although the Phoenix Divine Race is safe, there are a lot of maids and maids taking care of a disabled person, and they are also crowded. If it leaks out, The people from Zhonghai Shenzhou are afraid they are going to chase and kill you again."

Feng Xingliu was furious at the time: "Feng Yu, who do you think is disabled?"

Feng Yu: "Yo, you are quite self-aware."

When it was over, Feng Yu ignored Feng Xingliu, but looked at Han Fei and said, "Come with me."

Feng Xingliu was about to scold back when Feng Qingcheng grabbed her: "Why are you so clueless? It's hard to meet people, and you're giving them a chance to be alone!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Feng Qingcheng said speechlessly, "Don't you see that brother Han Fei and my sister are a good match?"

Feng Xingliu looked at the two figures suspiciously: "Uh, let's not talk about it, it's a bit... Wait, what do you mean? Are they going to become Taoist Companions and double cultivation?"

Feng Qingcheng nodded with interest: "I think it is possible."

Feng Xingliu's face suddenly looked ugly: "Then Han Fei has become my brother-in-law? We are brothers!"

Feng Qingcheng rolled his eyes: "What's the difference? You can talk about it! Hey, show me your flag of the Eight Desolations."

Feng Xingliu: "Go, go, what flag is the child playing with, that necklace is very suitable for you."

Feng Qingcheng hummed and said, "This chain can greatly improve my cultivation speed! Don't let me catch you."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Here, Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng were bickering.

At the other end, Feng Yu said speechlessly: "Little Junior Brother, what are you doing with the Gate of Wuji? Are you trying to cultivate secretly?"

Han Fei: "Senior sister, I have a serious business."

Feng Yu: "What a serious business! Can't wait for a few years? You and Feng Xingliu eat, drink and play every day, and go out and bomb the streets when you have nothing to do? You listen to senior sister, wait for the end of the ancient land, and who else will compete? After the marriage is completed, I will go with you to the Chaos Sea of ​​Fire and take you to the Dragon Clan to play."

Han Fei was speechless: "Why should I wait? I'm in a hurry."

"No, you don't hurry."

"I'm rushing."

"You can be in a hurry, you can pretend to be my boyfriend."

Han Fei suddenly tilted his head and looked at Feng Yu: "Isn't it possible, Senior Sister?"

Feng Yu: "It's very important, otherwise, don't want to use the Gate of No Distance. If you agree, I can go with you to hunt ominous lifeforms in the Star Sea."

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