God of Fishing

Chapter 2772: Battle of the God Ships

The latest website: Sure enough, it is still a test. These Lingbao may be real or fake, but they are definitely not looking at anyone, but a test for everyone.

Sure enough, after a while, the bell beside Han Fei's boat flew away by itself.

This Lingbao meteor shower is still coming, densely packed and countless. Only this time, these spiritual treasures no longer moved closer to people, but flew over the heads of people like a stream of swords, like stars.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of starlight, but it was a spiritual treasure. It broke away from the group of spiritual treasures and flew directly to the side of a strong man in the ancient temple.

But this time, that person didn't dare to take this treasure. Immediately, I saw that this spirit treasure actually took the initiative to reach the bow of the man. The next moment, a huge force pulled the man and the boat, and flew away in a certain direction.

This time, it was no longer a sudden disappearance, but under the watchful eyes of the public, the Lingbao actually steered the boat and flew away in one direction.

This scene shocked many people who saw it. They don't think that person will fall. If it's just as simple as falling, then this Lingbao can directly bring that person into the Nebula River, why is it necessary to pull the other party's boat?

The key is that that person is not a strong emperor. This time, not all of the people who came to the cemetery of the gods were Emperor Venerable Realm. Among them, there were also a small number of talented Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection. They previously hid under the protection of the strong, and they avoided the wind, rain and thunder, but they did not expect to get the opportunity before the emperor.

That person didn't even have time to leave a word, only to see "Shu Shui Shou", one after another Lingbao broke away from the Lingbao star group and flew to these boats.

Among them, some even have multiple spiritual treasures, and they came to the same person together. For example, Feng Xingliu, and the boat that Feng Yu was in.

"No, why does Lingbao choose people who are below the emperor's realm?"

In the field, a total of 309 people won the favor of Lingbao, and all of these people were below the Emperor Senior Realm. This rule is too obvious. Could it be that Kaitian is the son of luck in the cemetery of the gods?

At this moment, Feng Xingliu was swirling around three spiritual treasures, and Feng Yu's boat was swirling with seven spiritual treasures. These spirit treasures were obviously not aimed at Feng Yu, so they could only be aimed at Feng Qingcheng.

Feng Xingliu's face showed ecstasy: "Sure enough, I knew that I would be extraordinary."

Feng Qingcheng: "What about me? These spirit treasures seem to be fighting each other."

Just as Feng Qingcheng said, these spirit treasures are shining brightly, and the spirit and charm of each other collide with each other, as if they are fighting for each other.

Just listening to the prince of the gods shouting: "Everyone, don't worry, this does not mean that Kaitianjing is more popular than us. The reason why Lingbao grabs people should be our delusion. These Lingbao did not choose them, Instead, we take them away, which means that the opening of the sky is not the same as the place we are going to. Therefore, this is not the choice of the master of the spiritual treasure, but to lead the fit people to the place where they should go and accept the corresponding test. practice."

The prince of the gods stood proudly on the boat, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

While he was talking, most of the people had been taken away by Lingbao, and only a few dozen people had not left, and Lingbao competed beside them.

For example, Feng Xingliu, one of the three spiritual treasures, a divine fire erupted with amazing momentum, directly knocking back the other two long swords and small seals. The long sword and Xiaoyin saw that they could not compete, so they returned to the Lingbao star group.

Feng Xingliu's hull was moved, and he hurriedly shouted, "I'm going, wait for me to return..."

The situation on Feng Qingcheng's side was a bit special. Seven spiritual treasures competed against each other, and in the end, five divine stones overwhelmed the other spiritual treasures. However, Feng Qingcheng followed Feng Yu, so the five-color divine stone circled around the hull for a long time, as if thinking about how to deal with this matter.


I saw that the five-colored divine stone "swiped" to the ground and came together, turning into a five-color lotus platform, swirling beside Feng Yu's boat.

Feng Qingcheng seemed to feel something: "Sister, it let me go."

Feng Yu wondered, "Can you sense it?"

Feng Qingcheng nodded: "It said that it will take me to a place suitable for me. If I go with you, I will definitely die."

Feng Yu's expression changed suddenly, and she saw that she took out three spiritual treasures in a row and stuffed them into Feng Qingcheng: "Be careful, don't take anything you shouldn't take, don't be greedy, and don't be greedy. Don't worry, Sister, keep you safe."

Feng Qingcheng nodded heavily, and then stepped onto the five-color lotus pedestal. I saw that the five-color lotus platform was activated immediately, and in a blink of an eye, Feng Qingcheng disappeared from everyone's sight.

Hearing Feng Yu's words, Han Fei knew that Feng Yu was going to use the Void Mark. In a place like this, the only one who could keep Feng Qingcheng safe was the senior brother.

Han Feixin said that Feng Yugou had not used the Void Mark for so long, and never thought that the Void Mark might be consumed here. It was indeed fate.

And Han Fei's own Void Mark is only one time left, and there are several people on his side, if something really happens, they can't be saved. However, in this case, something must be done.

The music maniac should be the one with the best luck except himself. No, it should be better luck than yourself. He has gone through countless hardships to achieve what he is now, but this guy has a smooth journey.

Jiuyinling is the least greedy, and the flute of the virtual **** of good fortune is very strong, and has the ability to stop wars. As long as the true **** is not here, there should be no one who can kill him.

Zhang Xuanyu's luck seems to be average. Most of his strength today is difficult to walk all the way down by himself, and he belongs to the real people who go against the sky.

Han Fei's heart moved immediately, and he saw that he stretched out his fingers, and the calamity was in his hand.

"Jade, then."

Henry Zhang inexplicably took over the robbery and wondered: "What is this?"

Han Fei: "A calamity of the gods, when necessary, should be able to block a blow from the peak of the emperor."

"There's something wrong! If you don't keep this kind of thing for Xia Xiaochan, what are you doing for me?"

Han Fei: "I am free to care, Xia Xiaochan will not have an accident."

Zhang Xuanyu: "What about Xiao Kuangkuang and Xiaojiu?"

Han Fei: "Both of them have better luck than you, especially Xiao Kuang Kuang. You keep it for now. If you go out safely, you have to give it back to me."

Lerenkuang: "Yes, you are guarding it, I still have a hole card."

Han Fei looked at Le Renkuang and Jiuyinling: "You just need to keep your normal heart, as Feng Yu said, don't be greedy, don't be rash..."

Immediately, Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan, only to hear the latter say, "I also have a hole card."

Han Fei: "You have a fart, you have to be more cautious. If necessary, I will save your life, and then wait for me outside."

Xia Xiaochan seemed to have thought of something. She knew about the Void Mark, and she didn't refuse. Even if she didn't let Han Fei use it, it was really dangerous, and Han Fei was afraid that he wouldn't be able to use it.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the Open Heaven Realm have all left.

There are still 1089 boats left, which means that there are 1089 emperors here. To put it bluntly, this trip to the ancient land of the gods, there are enough small half emperors, all here.

The heavenly spirit treasures did not disperse, but circled and followed over the heads of everyone.

After only about two hundred breaths passed, in front of everyone, they saw a large tomb of stars. It is the one that disappeared before, but now it appears here.

Someone said: "Everyone be vigilant, it's this tomb again, and the wind and rain gods and thunder just now were probably created by him."

Someone shouted: "Don't be greedy again, there is no cemetery, only this solitary tomb, obviously something is wrong."

"Brush brush~"

However, the boats under everyone's feet were flying towards the divine tomb at this moment. A group of people were suspended in the sky above the star tomb, and above their heads were the circling Lingbao stars.

"What does this mean? Do you want us to climb this divine tomb?"

"Just kidding, the last person who tried to climb this grave was swept away by a mysterious light and shattered into dust. Who dares to climb now?"


During the discussion among the crowd, they saw ripples and halos blooming on the tomb. Those halos slowly swept toward the boat under everyone.

"No, what does this mean?"

"Forcing us to disembark?"

"Can't get down?"

"At most ten breaths of time, the divine light will arrive."

They knew that divine brilliance was the divine brilliance that had wiped out the Emperor Zun before, and no one wanted to suffer this for nothing.

Feng Yu looked at Han Fei: "You come to me?"

"I come."

I saw that Han Fei held the boat with one hand and rushed towards the tomb of God, avoiding the light of God. However, the divine light was running after Han Fei, and the speed suddenly became extremely fast.

Many people looked at it immediately. At this time, there was always someone who wanted to make a test, but they didn't expect that the person who made the test was Han Fei.

Han Fei broke out the Myriad Ways to Travel to the Sky, and suddenly dozens of divine lights swept towards him, making Xia Xiaochan and the others panic for a while.

In the interlaced halo, Han Fei suddenly let go, and the boat being dragged by him was smashed by the divine light in an instant.

However, at the moment when the boat was smashed, the divine light dissipated, and no divine light attempted to attack Han Fei again. After a while, everyone understood that the purpose of the tomb was not to attack people, but to attack boats.

just why? The boat is the passage of the chaotic Styx River. If the boat is smashed to pieces, what can I use to cross the Styx River? In this place, the natal stars cannot be linked, and even someone trying to bring the boat into the carry-on space is ineffective.

However, at this moment, the divine light is approaching, and everyone must abandon the boat.


When everyone took the initiative to leave the boat and boarded the Stars Tomb, half of the boats shattered in the sky. Yes, only half of the boats shattered, and the remaining half absorbed the divine light unexpectedly, and the hull was covered with a layer of divine light.

"What does it mean?"

Someone looked ugly, and the boat was half gone. In fact, it means that only half of the people can board the ship? That also means that the other half has to stay on the tomb of the stars.

On the side of the Gods and Demons Forest, a strong man summoned the gods and vines in the sky, trying to hold the boats.

However, Yaozhi couldn't touch the boat at all, so he was shrouded in divine light and twisted into pieces.

Han Fei grinned and said, "This trial is quite cruel!"

"Damn, is this a part of the trial? We have not even seen the cemetery of the gods, and we have encountered such trials. Do we have to force us to kill each other?"

"Will there be any secrets on the grave of the stars?"

"There must be something wrong with this Tomb of Stars."

Han Fei got together again.

Xia Xiaochan: "Bring us a boat and destroy these boats, why not start this trial from the beginning?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "It is estimated that it is because of the existence of Kaitianjing."

Xia Xiaochan: "Then just let Kaitianjing go first! Others will come to this star tomb and decide whether to live or die, isn't it the same?"


Zhang Xuanyu doesn't know how to explain it, it seems that this is the truth. This trial seems to be superfluous.


Jiuyinling said suddenly. I saw her raising her head, looking at the circling Lingbao star group, and slowly said: "It is very likely that the Chaos Underworld Sea is a kind of entrance. Only when you enter the Chaos Underworld Sea can you be sensed by many divine tombs. The spiritual wisdom is extraordinary, I feel that it surpasses the spiritual treasure itself. Could it be that the gods observe us through the spiritual treasure and are choosing inheritance?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "The gods have long since fallen, how can you observe them?"

Feng Yu said: "Not necessarily. Although the gods have fallen, their divinity is immortal. These spiritual treasures have the ability to attract and attract people. They may be looking for people who fit the gods. But they obviously didn't choose people randomly, maybe they got it. Their approval will be chosen by them. But if we do nothing, how will we get their approval?"

Han Fei frowned: "Then why did they take Feng Xingliu and the others away directly with Lingbao?"

Suddenly listening to the music person madly said: "Are you thinking too much? Maybe they are just different from us? It is impossible to directly obtain inheritance? What's the difference between us now?"

"That's true."


The crowd reluctantly accepted Le Renkuang's statement, but at this moment, the star tomb suddenly began to vibrate. Everyone saw that a figure as huge as a mountain manifested in the void. The figure was blurry, and the face could not be seen clearly. It looked like when the senior brother was sitting and lecturing.

However, this coercion is far from being comparable to that of the eldest brother, it should be just a simple projection.

I just listened, and suddenly a divine voice came into the world: "The road to the gods, the strong can walk alone. The spiritual path is limited and cannot be participated in together. One day later, the cemetery will come. The way of the gods. Stay here and share the opportunity."



They are all strong in the emperor realm, and they are not fools. Someone immediately said: "I don't think it's right. Every boat corresponds to a divine way. This clearly means that we can kill each other and compete for boats."

Some people echoed: "Yes, who doesn't want to see the way of the gods? Stay here and share the opportunity? Although this sacred tomb has many opportunities, it can be compared to one person who owns one and enjoys the inheritance of the gods. Who wants to stay here? So, this is It's clearly forcing us to kill each other. We are all strong in the emperor realm, and we fall, what is the benefit to these gods who have already fallen?"

"Yes, everyone can't believe this. Lingbao hovering above our heads must be watching me and waiting. I guess, this is mostly a test of our xinxing."

Although he said so, the people of the major forces have quickly gathered together. For fear of conflict with each other.

The leader of the ancient demon clan: "Prince of Shendu, what do you think?"

The Crown Prince of Shendu smiled lightly: "First of all, this must be a trial. Since it is a trial, there must be a winner or loser. Those who pass the trial can naturally go to the cemetery of the gods. However, who can be sure? , if you get on this so-called Shenzhou, you can reach the cemetery of the gods? What if this is just a test of xinxing, and what is left will reach the cemetery of the gods instead? After all, this great tomb of stars can be moved."

As soon as this statement came out, many people were obviously hesitant. Indeed, what this phantom of the gods said is not necessarily correct.

Shen Yaolin girl: "It's true, it's really hard to tell whether it's true or not. Your Royal Highness, are you going to board the ship, or are you going to stay here?"

The corners of Prince Shendu's mouth twitched slightly: "You are embarrassing me, I need to think about it..."

The leader of the ancient demon clan chuckled: "What else are you thinking about? If you can board the divine ship, you will definitely be the strongest. The gods are not stupid, and the chance is not passed on to the strong, so could it be passed on to the weak? You still want to mislead me. Here, my Ancient Monster Clan, Shen Yao Forest, Taikoo Temple, and Feixian Tower are all forces from Zhonghai Shenzhou. As far as the forces of your Shendu Dynasty are concerned, who do you leave behind? Does this still need to be considered?"

I saw that the leaders of the ancient demon clan and the gods and demon forest gathered together, adding up to a total of 800 people. And the Shendu Dynasty is here, there are only 279 people in total, and the number is disparate.

The Prince of Shendu narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean by this, Your Excellency? There shouldn't be any conflict between us, right? If you want the divine ship, it's better to compete in a duel, and you can decide the winner and loser. ?"

The leader of the ancient demon clan sneered: "Discussion? Is this the place for discussion? Only dead people won't make trouble... Moreover, over the years, your Shendu Dynasty has not listened to Zhong Hai's orders many times, and there is a tendency for one party to dominate. What do you think, Even if there is no competition for this divine ship, will we let you go?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of the Prince Shendu's mouth: "Oh? It seems that this is too lazy to even cover it up! Chu Tianlang, kill a thousand enemies, and self-destruct 800. There are not many people in my Shendu Dynasty. But not a lot. Do you pay the price of burning jade and stone?"

Han Fei and the others were watching the play, and only then did they know that this guy from the Ancient Monster Race was called Chu Tianlang.

Feng Yu said, "I've heard of him, this person is a strong man in the realm of immortality. I didn't expect him to take risks and enter the ancient land of God Transcendence in person."

"Long Habitat?"

There is no limit to the strength of the comers in the ancient land of the gods, and the emperor can come in. Anyone who enters, their strength will be suppressed to the Open Heaven Realm. Even though Chu Tianlang has the strength of the immortal realm, when he arrives at the realm of open heaven, apart from his physical strength, his soul protection is stronger, and he is the same as everyone else.

Even, there are many spiritual treasures in the ancient land of crossing the gods. If you hold the middle and high-grade good fortune spiritual treasures, it is not impossible to kill him in the open heaven realm.

Chu Tianlang sneered: "You know me, but you dare to challenge me. It seems that you are quite confident."

The Crown Prince of Shendu carried his hands on his back, with a graceful air: "Chu Tianlang from the ancient demon clan, Peach Blossom Five from the Shenyao Forest, the sword-wielder of the Taikoo Divine Institute, and Chen Hongyan from Feixianlou... Well, it does have a headache."

I saw the Crown Prince of Shendu looking at Jian Wudao, who was sitting cross-legged and nourishing his qi: "Brother Jian, are you interested in helping the battle? There are many people who will make you think that you are leaving the ancient land of the gods this time, especially the people from Zhonghai Shenzhou. , there's no reason to let you go."

"Don't fight."

Jian Wudao didn't want to become a thug in vain, he could feel that the ones led by Zhonghai Shenzhou were very strong, and they were all in the realm of immortality. In normal times, he could have a fight, but here, he doesn't fight, because no one dares not give him a divine ship.

The Prince of Shendu didn't seem to be surprised by this, but looked towards Han Fei: "Daoist friend Wang Han, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. If my Shendu dynasty is defeated, I am afraid that this group of people will not let you go."

Han Fei just wanted to refuse, but a voice came into his ears: "Fellow Daoist Human Sovereign, if you help in this battle, the human race can be considered a true alliance with the Shendu Dynasty. As long as they don't leave the East China Sea, no one can interfere with the human race."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "How did you recognize me?"

Han Fei believed that Wang Han's identity and methods were vividly portrayed, and he could be discovered like this. This prince of the gods seemed very unusual!

The Prince of Shendu: "The body is free and the soul is extremely Taoist. Even the demon gods of the past can't match. Even if the daoists don't want to help me, but now these few are the enemies of the daoists? I just need the daoists to help me share a little bit. Pressure, a stick of incense is enough."

"A stick of incense?"

Although Han Fei didn't know what the Prince of God was up to, he was able to deal with so many enemies after a single stick of incense, which was obviously not quite right.

I just heard that Chu Tianlang said frankly: "Wang Han, Feng Yu...you only have six people, and it's harmless to give you six divine ships. I hope you don't make any mistakes."

However, Han Fei grinned and said, "Don't mistake yourself? The tone is not small. What if I don't?"

"You're so brave, do you really think that you are free in the flesh, enough to run wild in front of me? Just free, how big of a wave can you make?"

However, I heard the so-called knife-wielder from the Taikoo Temple, and said lightly: "I heard that you use a blade? Well, I also use a blade. You have bullied my Taikoo Temple a few days ago, and I'll settle it with you. "

Zhao Long raised the gun: "Let Feng Yu give it to me."

More than a dozen more free and easy realm powerhouses stood up, and someone said with a smile: "Others, leave it to us. Only six people dare to participate in our war, they are just courting death."

That **** projection, like a statue, he should be so happy.

Beside Han Fei, Xia Xiaochan and Zhang Xuanyu didn't ask why, Han Fei's decision was their decision. Moreover, the 70 billion people of the human race have fallen, and the ancient demon clan and the gods and demon forest have "great credit".

I just listened to Han Fei: "Yu, Xiao Kuang Kuang, you are not at ease yet, let's take action together. Girl, you take advantage of the gap between the two of them to hunt and kill. Xiao Jiu, you don't participate in the war, someone finds you and tells him to stop the war. ."

Zhang Xuanyu: "Who are you looking down on? This is because you don't look down on the fighting power of me and Xiao Kuangkuang?"

Han Fei: "A bunch of Xiaoyao, how many can you fight? Even if you have a high-grade good fortune treasure in your hand, you can kill one person at most. Do you think the other party will give you a chance? Haven't started exploring yet."

"Brush brush~"

The battle of Emperor Zun broke out in an instant, and all kinds of divine arts were detonated here, but the terror failed to sweep through the tomb of the stars. However, no matter how frantic they fought, the tomb of the stars, apart from some damage to the surface, did not collapse.


Han Fei didn't confront the knife holder for the first time, but rushed towards the crowd, and the Blood Sky Blade instantly smashed a peak demonstrative powerhouse from the Primordial Temple.

The sword-wielder of the Taikoo Divine Institute made his move very quickly. When Han Fei slaughtered one person, his sword was close to Han Fei.

Just listening to him say: "Xiaoyao Peak, it is really shameful to actually take action on Demonstration Peak."

However, the knife-wielder didn't even know that beheading one person would make the Xuetian Blade enter a blood-drinking state, and the sword intent was even better by eight points. At the same time, it can stimulate **** fighting intent and double killing intent.


The sword-drawing technique took advantage of the situation, and the endless sword beams swept in all directions, so why not always live forever? Longevity Realm, unless it is in the middle and late stages, may not be the enemy of Han Fei at all.

This knife-wielding man has good strength, and he can completely block a sword-drawing technique. As expected, he is the real leader of the Taikoo Divine Institute this time.

The battlefield is just so big~www.readwn.com~ It burns at one point, and all kinds of magical powers are emerging one after another. The only one who stays out of the way is Jian Wudao.

But at this moment, he is no longer cultivating, but is watching the battle, his body is surging with sword intent, it seems that he is ready to shoot, but he does not know who he is planning to shoot at.

On the other hand, the combat power displayed by the Prince of Shendu is a bit unbelievable. I saw that he was able to use one enemy to three, and at the same time, he was still swallowing the escaping energy of the powerful battles here. , like a bottomless pit.

I just heard the peach blossom five little girl from the gods and demon forest shouting: "No, he is going to be promoted to the emperor here. Mr. Knife, don't entangle with Wang Han, come and help me."

?? It has just been written and revised, and the more it goes on, the harder it is to write. I'm sweating all over the writing... Now the pace is going to be faster, it's not good, this will end soon...



(End of this chapter)

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