God of Fishing

Chapter 2792: Bold leftovers, you dare to kill gods

Chapter 2792 Bold remnants, you dare to kill God

Create hell.

Si Hongye was forced into a cage, and she was locked in the opposite side of Qingshu, but she saw that her whole body was burning with flames.


The fire of karma burns, and the pain is incomparable.

On the opposite side of the cage, Qing Zhu has already endured the karma burning, after all, his karmic burning punishment is only 38 days.

But he didn't get any better. Every day, he was whipped, and every whip could kill him.

So far, it has lasted for half a year.

This time, as soon as Si Hongye was locked in, Qing Zhu looked at Si Hongye's cage in shock.

Because the ball cage was only banned, but not soundproofed, Qing Zhu hurriedly shouted: "Hong Ye, you are also planted in the hands of that Wang Han?

You must bear it. Although the burning of this karmic fire is painful, as long as you bear it, it will be fine.

I have a little experience fighting karmic fire, how long have you suffered from karmic fire? "

Si Hongye was also shocked, Qing Zhu didn't die?

Only to hear her endure the pain and say with difficulty: "33 years."

Qingshu: "..."


Just listening to this prison, there is a voice laughing loudly: "33 years?

I advise you to keep the inheritance, and then blow yourself up! "

A rough voice snorted: "After suffering for so long, it is not a good thing at first glance. I am afraid that this woman did not do something to harm the tribe."

Si Hongye bombarded the cage with all his strength, but only a shallow ripple appeared.

The old man's voice sounded again: "Don't toss, just rely on your little ability, and you want to break the ban on the God of Creation Prison, even if you are a hundred times stronger, don't even think about it."

"Creation of Divine Prison?"

Si Hongye was startled. She suddenly remembered something. It seemed that she had seen information about the Divine Creation Prison in the ancient books, but the content was very small, just passing by.

It is said that it is a prison where even gods can be imprisoned.

Qingshu was also stunned. The 33-year karma burning really frightened him. He was burned for only 38 days, and he almost had the idea of ​​​​suicide. After 33 years, how did he endure this?


outside world.


Another crack in the heavens shook the sea world.

Yes, in just a short moment, another great emperor has fallen.

Counting the one who fell outside the Miracle Forest, there are already three great emperors in Nanhai Shenzhou.

But since the high priest has made up his mind to stand on Han Fei's side, he naturally wants to make a quick decision, although Han Fei has summoned 12 prehistoric powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm.

However, including the high priest, there were only 13 people, and the number was not completely crushed.

These great emperors of Zhonghai Shenzhou are not waste, even if they are not matched, they are barely able to compete with one or two.

At least, it can last for a while.

If there is no foreign aid during this period of time, then they will be dead.

However, do they really have no foreign aid?

At this moment, several great emperors have appeared, and Yun Duo and Pei Bai have to fight.

However, the two of them are not enough, there are three strong emperors coming.

Just as they were trying to break the high priest's ban.

The high priest did not care about the exposure of the avatar outside his body, so he attacked again and stopped the three.

However, this is only temporary.

Such a big thing has happened in the Miracle Forest, and these powerful emperors who are lurking in the South China Sea are coming quickly.

Therefore, the High Priest's main body, with a ruthless heart, shouted in a low voice: "Thaumic arts, strange parasites."

Immediately, there were three great emperors in the field, all of them were bruised and bruised due to successive battles.

However, they saw countless Law Dao patterns that did not belong to them poured into their bodies one after another.

Following this, I saw the three great emperors, their bodies began to sprout, and flowers and plants grew.

There seems to be a rhizome planted in the body, spreading, devouring their flesh and blood frantically, taking root in their emperor bones.

Even their divine souls could not escape, there are divine soul demons planted in bloom, blossoming and bearing fruit, using the body of the emperor as nutrients, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The other great emperors were unable to protect themselves, and were simply unable to step forward to help.

I just heard the strongest peak emperor shout: "Li Qingming, are you really crazy?

You don't want Miracle Forest anymore? "

The old voice of the high priest sounded, and the voice was cold: "The old body is for the Miracle Forest, please wait to die."




The celestial phenomenon of the fall of the Great Emperor, one after another, and the contestants who escaped from the Miracle Forest and recruited relatives were all terrified.

How long has it been?

Following the events of the fall of many great emperors in the East China Sea, in just a few years, will a battle of the great emperors of this scale break out in the South China Sea?

Someone was astonished: "This has already lost six great emperors, one Wang Han, is it really that important?"

Some people sighed while running wildly: "Wang Han represents the ancient gods, once caught, the ancient gods may be baptized again.

The outbreak of war is inevitable.

However, why is Miracle Forest involved? "

Someone was horrified: "The high priest blocked the arena, is this covering up the ancient gods?"

Someone shouted: "Is this a place to chat?

Hurry up and leave the Miracle Forest first. If there is a slight impact in this battle, you and I will die without a burial. "

same time.

East China Sea, Shendu Dynasty.

The Crown Prince of Shendu was sitting on the throne, singing and dancing in front of him.

Just listen to his voice: "Fortunately, I didn't stay in Nanhai Shenzhou, otherwise God knows if I will be involved.

Heh, this Han Fei is indeed a malevolent star. No matter where he goes, where does the emperor die, and he makes friends with him, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. "

In Zhonghai Shenzhou, the ancient demon clan, a strong man roared.

"Bastard, where does the sea world come from this level of combat power to be able to kill the emperor one after another?

Is it possible that the gods have appeared in the world? "

There is a strong man of the God Race, his eyes are clear, and his face is slightly dark: "The four major Shenzhou, one after another, is this to be out of the control of Zhong Hai?

Hmm, nice to think. "

In Beihai Shenzhou, where Brother Liushen is located on the Insect Island, the heroic Lei Heng is cooking with a jug and a blood dragon.

Lei Heng looked up at the void: "Is this what the younger brother did?

Just such a killing method, is his Void Mark enough? "

Senior Brother Liushen said in a leisurely voice, "Is your Void Mark enough?

In other words, you are not staying in Xihuang, why did you come to my side? "

"I'm fast! I just want to come over to my brother to have a meal and chat with you.

Now everyone knows that you are also a disciple of the Void Temple, and Zhonghai Shenzhou is afraid that you will be suppressed. "

Senior Brother Liushen smiled lightly: "It's okay, I have ruled the North Sea so far, and I have built it like an iron barrel.

Who dares to oppress me? "

Lei Heng sneered: "Then you are not a god, what if there is a **** in Zhonghai Shenzhou that drives the **** crazy?"

However, I saw Senior Brother Liushen's disdain: "Just relying on those waste gods, I can't kill if I don't become a god?"

Lei Heng shrugged: "Okay, you can do it well! By the way, your path has already reached its limit, right?

Why don't you want to be a god? "

Senior Brother Liushen slapped his mouth: "Senior Brother Four and Brother Five are both unwilling to become gods, why should I become a god?

They want to directly achieve the level of killing gods, and I can take them as an example. "

Lei Heng pouted: "Oh really, Senior Sister Shadow is different from you, she has such a big heart."

Senior Brother Liushen hummed: "So she suffered a big loss! Until now, she has not been able to control the godhead, let alone break the shackles of the godhead.

I advise you to take it easy and go to Xinghai! Stop wandering around in the sea world. "

Lei Heng: "You go with me."

"I'm not going, I'm fine in the sea world, no one bothers me, I can concentrate on my cultivation.

If you want to look for it, go to Feng Yu, or look for Junior Brother. "


Lei Heng pouted: "I'm not looking for little junior brother, he has a lot of things going on behind him, he hasn't even let go of the human race, how can I have the time to wait for him?

Forget it, if you don't go, I'll go to Feng Yu, she should be in a hurry now... I won't tell you, I'll go to Feng Yu. "


I saw the thunder marks disappear in a flash, and Lei Heng had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, let's go after eating! To be honest, I didn't leave any wine for me..."


South China Sea, Miracle Forest.

The Great Emperor Zhonghai Shenzhou damaged three more people at once, and there were only seven people left in this arena barrier.

The high priest fought the peak emperor alone, and the remaining six emperors struggled to resist twelve prehistoric powerhouses.

As for Han Fei, the Great Dao was running to its peak state. He wanted to participate in the battle several times, but was directly blasted out several times.

There is no way, after all, the Great Emperor Realm is the Great Emperor Realm, and the divine chain of creation has repeatedly missed.

Unlike winning Si Hongye, Si Hongye was alone and helpless just now, and no one helped him.

But these great emperors support each other, even if they can barely win one person, but the other person suffers heavy losses, they must prevent themselves from winning another person.

In the **** of creation.

Qingshu was thinking about the red leaves, and suddenly, Han Fei projected the scene of the outside world in front of Qingshu.

Qing Zhu's face changed greatly: "What's going on?

How could the high priest fight with so many strong men, even at the expense of using the power of the Miracle Forest? "

Si Hongye was resisting Karma, but heard Han Fei's voice lingering: "Qingshu, Si Hongye betrayed Miracle Forest, causing Miracle Forest to go to war with Zhonghai Shenzhou.

My name is Han Fei, not Wang Han, but the emperor of the world, and now I am allied with your Miracle Forest.

I will give you a chance to make up for what you have done, and go out to help the high priest save the forest of miracles. Every time you suppress a great emperor, you can be freed from 10,000 years of prison and a thousand whips.

Whether you can leave the God Creation Prison or not depends on your creation.

You...will be willing to fight. "

Qingshu: "I..."

Han Fei's voice did not shy away from thinking about Hongye.

Before Qingshu could speak, Si Hongye suddenly lost his voice: "Impossible, how could you be the emperor, you are obviously the remnant of the ancient gods."

Han Fei: "Totally stupid, if I am not the emperor, why would the high priest choose to join forces with me?

Because I am not suppressed by the bloodline of the ancient gods, I... can become a god. "

Listening to the depths of the cage, the old man suddenly said: "Kid Han Fei, what do you mean, why did you mention the ancient gods, are they the descendants of me?"

Han Fei: "Senior, that's right.

I told you, now that the Western Wilderness is in turmoil, Zhonghai Shenzhou is greedy for the blood of the gods, trying to harvest it.

A group of dogs regarded me as a goddess, and wanted to use me to dig out the entire ancient **** race. Now there is a melee outside the emperor. "


But I heard another rough voice shout: "Damn, when I go out, I will sweep across Zhonghai Shenzhou..."

Han Fei habitually ignored the yelling old man and just listened to him: "Qingshu, you only have three breaths to make a choice."

"No, I'm going out."

Qingzhu took a deep look at Si Hongye, his idea was very simple, if the high priest made a move, then he would unconditionally make a move.

If it weren't for the fundamental problem of the Miracle Forest, the high priest would not have made such an effort.


In the arena barrier, Qing Zhu suddenly appeared, which made the high priest look overjoyed.

Sure enough, Qing Zhu was still alive, but was imprisoned in the God of Creation Prison.

During this time, the law roared and spread all over the battlefield.

High Priest: "Qingshu, cooperate with Han Fei and delay time for me."

"Yes, High Priest."

At this moment, more than ten breaths of time have passed since the battle, and Han Fei felt that these resurrected prehistoric emperors could survive for at most ten breaths of time.

No way, these guys were very strong during their lifetime, and they couldn't summon dozens or hundreds of them all at once, otherwise, where would they need Qingshu to help?

Just listen to Han Fei shout: "Qingshu, find a way to entangle one person, just entangle."

When Qing Shu heard the words, a large number of golden vines spewed out of his palm, and at the same time, he called out the projection of a giant tree, and instantly fought with one of them.

Han Fei's thoughts moved, and the three prehistoric powerhouses separated him from the others.

For a time, a four-on-one pattern was formed here. If Han Fei was counted, it was barely five.

bang bang bang~

After Han Fei was bombarded seven or eight times in succession, Qing Zhu finally tempted him to use the Soul-Suppressing Spirit Treasure to ward off the enemy.


The four emperors took action at the same time, containing this person, and the divine chain of good fortune was finally tied up.

When the man returned to his senses, he found that he had lost all combat power.

Qingzhu was controlled by the divine chain of creation at the beginning, and he knew the horror of this chain. He knew that in the divine prison of creation, he had company.

I saw that the God of Creation descended, and a piece of golden text appeared.

"Pang Yin, you have killed 1,609 strong people of all ethnic groups, attacked and killed 132 descendants of deities who have meritorious deeds, and deprived other people of their luck three times... A single act is equivalent to condemning a clan.

This envoy convicted you... when you were in prison for 1,202,278 years, burned by karma for 50 years, and flogged 13,500 times... You, do you have any objections? "


This time, Han Fei was shocked. This is the great emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou. It is such a heinous crime. Although it has not reached the point of death penalty, 1.2 million years of imprisonment and 50 years of karma burning are more sins than green art. This one is many times bigger.

Even Qingshu was stunned. He had already chatted with the old man in the God Creation Prison, so he naturally knew the ability of the God Creation Prison.

Hearing this Pang Yin at this moment, the punishment is so severe, it can be seen that it is not a good thing at all.

Han Fei still wanted to wait for Pang Yin to resist, so that he could be punished with a crime.

However, Pang Yin looked horrified and even said, "I plead guilty."


This was the first confession Han Fei had encountered, and he confessed so neatly. Obviously, this guy knew how to create a divine prison.


Han Fei snorted coldly, okay! 50 years of karma burning, enough for him to endure.

Even if he can live to get out of prison in the future, he will be beheaded by himself.


In addition to the arrest of Pang Yin, including Qingshu, 13 great emperors, combined with the three thaumaturgical techniques of the high priest, finally another great emperor fell.

At this time, there were finally only five people left.

But Han Fei's complexion changed slightly, the time was almost up, and these prehistoric emperors were about to disappear.

Just listen to Han Fei shout: "Qingshu, back."

Qingzhu didn't know what Han Fei was going to do, but he knew that although this guy was only in the realm of immortality, he had a lot of methods, so he must have some purpose to back him up.

However, at the moment when he stepped back, Han Fei felt a ruthless heart: "Break up, blow it all up for me..."

"Boom boom~"

Twelve prehistoric emperors blew themselves up one after another, and even the high priest and the peak emperor couldn't help being astonished, and immediately retreated.

The terrifying power swept through Han Fei and Qingshu. Han Fei, dressed in the top-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure Chaos Star Armor, was directly swept away thousands of miles away, and his seven orifices spurted blood.


On the sky, two terrifying avenues of cracks appeared one after another, heralding the fall of the two great emperors.

"Damn, only two of a dozen great emperors were killed?"

Han Fei was speechless, watching God of War and the others make a move, it seems very simple! Including the six gods, beheading the emperor is like killing a dog.

I didn't expect that when it was my turn to fight, each of them was like a tortoise, and it was difficult to kill one of them.

Going on like this is not a solution. The power that I show now, I am afraid that I will encounter a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm again in the future, and I will be recognized if it is real.

This high priest is also, as the strongest in the Miracle Forest, Han Fei thought that her combat power had exploded, so she could kill the emperor casually. , even one grade worse than Chu Hao.

Han Fei had forgotten at this moment that Chu Hao was a pervert who could be chased by countless emperors and ran from the West Sea to the East China Sea, and escaped alive.

The emperor's self-destruction, the tyrannical power, is an indiscriminate attack, and the place was severely damaged.

However, there are only three people left in the Zhonghai Shenzhou Zhuqiang.

I saw that the high priest suddenly sacrificed his cane, and the top of the cane blossomed directly. The next moment, a divine coercion descended, and a goddess phantom came into the world.

When the peak emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou saw this, his face was horrified, and he burst into full force immediately, his soul turned, and a projection of the gods came into the world.


Divine power clashed, and the enchantment finally couldn't stop such terrifying power, and it was broken through cracks.


Having already achieved this, the High Priest will of course not let these people live, and the divine power will be swept away one after another.

Except for the pinnacle emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou, the other two were directly destroyed, and they could only rely on the soul-suppressing treasure to barely protect their souls.

The two were horrified, and they were about to escape immediately, only to hear the high priest shout, and the goddess waved a long whip and rolled it towards the two of them.

"Leave me."


At this critical moment, I saw a big hand sticking out from the void, covering the entire battlefield, and crushing the goddess with one palm.

At that moment, he saw the void split open, and a figure as bright as a blazing sun stepped out of the void.


With a light hum, the high priest suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood as if he had been hit hard.


The law of the high priest spread out, and when the gods appeared, she knew that she could not fight.

No matter how strong she is, she is only a peak emperor. With the power of the Miracle Forest, even if dozens of emperors come together, she can still fight.

However, this is also limited to the Battle of the Great Emperor.

The gods, and the emperor are two concepts.

I only heard the high priest's voice hoarse: "The power of the gods transcends the world, and must not interfere in world affairs, but only openly shoots against my Miracle Forest, what is the meaning of it?"

When Han Fei heard this, he was also shocked. The gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou were born?

For a long time, it seems that the gods are not very good at interfering in world affairs, and even a character like the devil will only take action because of his own favor.

Now, does this deity look down upon the great emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou being beheaded?

However, the **** snorted softly: "If it's normal, of course I won't intervene.

However, the Miracle Forest colluded with the remnants of the ancient gods and killed the Great Emperor Zhonghai Shenzhou, which directly damaged the peak combat power of the sea world.

Your actions are different from subverting all races in the sea world. "

Seeing that the high priest was powerless to end, he let go of his mind: "My Miracle Forest subverts all races in the sea world?

Just saying this, have you asked your conscience?

Who is harvesting luck, who is collecting divine blood and divine veins, who is secretly controlling the sea world, and the powers of the sea world, who does not know?

My Miracle Forest, nearly ten million years, five generations of goddesses, three hundred great emperors, rushed to the sea world, only to say that my miracle forest wanted to subvert the sea world, it was ridiculous. "

"Are you questioning this god?"

But seeing this **** stretched out one hand, the high priest's whole body was imprisoned, and the whole person was pinched in the void by an invisible big hand.

"Humph! The ominous battle, the slaughter of the Xinghai, is the responsibility of the strong of all races.

Who doesn't have all the gods in the sea of ​​​​stars?

Taking credit and being arrogant and being stubborn, is this the reason why you are fighting the Great Emperor of the Sea World? "


The high priest's face paled: "You only dare to kill me?

Laoshen can fight to the death of the emperor's hand, but he is not afraid of the gods alone.

If the old body dies, the goddess of my clan will definitely feel it. Even if I can't return, the decree will eventually come to the sea world... At that time, I don't know how to respond. "


I saw that the body of the high priest was directly crushed.

The god's voice was majestic: "Bold Li Qingming, who said he wanted to kill you?

If you challenge the majesty of the gods, the gods will be able to impose small punishments on you to set an example. "

Immediately, the **** made a decree with one hand in the void: "The Forest of Miracles, under the leadership of Li Qingming, went astray and was almost blinded by traitors.

This **** couldn't bear it, so he brought the Miracle Forest into Zhonghai Shenzhou and strictly guarded it.

Of course, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped.

Li Qingming, the high priest of the Miracle Forest, has a dusty heart, provokes the majesty of the gods, and should be suppressed in Zhonghai Shenzhou until his death..."

The sound of the gods is mighty, sweeping the sea world, and all living beings are trembling.

The high priest had no room for resistance, his soul was pinched, and he could not refute.

Immediately, the **** looked at Han Fei: "The remnant of the gods, instigating the high priest of the Miracle Forest, his heart can be punished.

With your confession of the place where the remnants of the ancient gods hide and the main characters, this **** can treat you leniently. "

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei also didn't expect that his original intention was to steal a small vine for refining the demon pot, and how could it develop to this point.

The gods appeared in the world, and all the cards he had prepared before were all in vain. Does this have to force him to use the last Void Mark?


"You fucking..."


As soon as Han Fei said three words, the whole person exploded into a blood fog.

However, at the next moment, a dazzling light appeared, and the avenue of life was revealed, and the invincible state was turned on.

"Bah, if you don't let me say it, I want to say it."

"You're **** addicted to acting, aren't you?

Do you really think that you are the **** who surpasses all sentient beings?

It makes no one seem to have seen the gods before, who sees it for you, and those who don't know think you are the strongest **** in charge of life and death in the sea world. "

At that moment, Yun Duo, Pei Bai, Qing Zhu, all the great emperors in the surrounding Zhonghai Shenzhou were all dumbfounded.

"This person is crazy, even the gods dare to scold?"

Han Fei took out the God-killing arrow while speaking.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly undid the seal on the God-killing Arrow.


The God-killing Arrow disregarded the rules here~www.readwn.com~ and rushed out.

But I saw the emperor's face was solemn, and his voice was full of anger: "God-killing arrow?

Bold leftovers, you dare to kill gods..."

"Kill you."

Han Fei was so angry that he pointed at the **** and scolded: "You are a remnant, your whole family is a remnant.

You are funny, other gods don't come out, you just jump out, it seems that you are very capable, right?

Can you why don't you go to battle ominous?

Making a fortune in the sea world... It's not my lord, the first one to pop out must be an idiot..."


By order, Dao Dao was beaten out again, and at this time, the **** had no time to pay attention to Han Fei.

Even if it is him, he has to resist it with all his strength... 5168/10744076

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