God of Fishing

Chapter 2822: reunite 5

Chapter 2822 Reuniting the Five

It's a joke, and when Li Yan called out the reserve price of 200 Refining Stars, the audience immediately went crazy.

Because the threshold from the Proving Dao Realm to the Free and Easy Realm is actually not large, and if you cultivate a strong person in the Free and Easy Realm, 2,000 refining stars can't be beaten.

Therefore, in the previous auction, Han Fei sold 3,800 Refining Stars for the two Happy Realms.

The reserve price of 200 is very low, but it can't stand the crowd!


This price was quickly raised to 1,200 refining stars, and even Han Fei was a little surprised: "So high?"

Only Yue Lingke said: "In a sense, what Henry Zhang said is actually not wrong.

Didn't you almost become the son-in-law of the Phoenix God Clan? "

Han Fei said quickly, "It's fake."

Yue Lingke: "Whether it's fake or not, you should have realized that many strong people don't just pass on their heirs casually.

Why is it that the daughters of the heavenly powers of the major powers, when they arrive at the open heaven realm, or the realm of proving the Tao, there is an endless stream of people who propose marriage, for the sake of blood and talent.

So... these loose cultivators and small forces bidding, even if they pay a high price, they still have to fight for a female cultivator. Of course, it's not that people are stupid and have a lot of money. They have a very strong purpose. "


Han Fei and the three were dumbfounded and co-authored, most of them really bought Emperor Zun back to have children?

Here, a small force said: "1500 refining stars, everyone, this price is high enough, you don't need to fight anymore!"

Someone sneered: "1600 coins, there are 19 people in the Taoist realm, and only 11 are men. You don't want to fight if you don't?"

"1700 pieces, this is true, is there anything higher than me?"

At this moment, I saw a loose cultivator suddenly say: "2000 refining stars."

Everyone followed the sound, but saw a burly big bandit, his face flushed, and it seemed that he had lost his blood.

"Brother, you are crazy, this price is too harsh."

The bandit snorted coldly: "It's you who are grinding and chirping. This price has already exceeded the price of Xiaoyao Peak. If there are still people bidding, I will not want it."

Li Yan hurriedly said: "The first time in 2000, the second time in 2000... Is there anyone else bidding?


"2500 refining stars..."

At this moment, a female voice came from a private room, and everyone heard the words and looked up.

I saw a woman dressed in white, with a pink waistband and neckline embellishment, and a long pleated skirt as the bottom, appeared in front of everyone, at the front of the private room.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Go, it's from the Shen Yaolin."

Someone scolded: "Are you sick?

Is this intentional to smash the field? "

Someone threatened: "Shen Yaolin, I'm afraid that if you have the money to buy it, you won't be able to take it away."

A big robber opened the curtain of the private room: "Oh, the boss doesn't show up, let a Xiaoyaojing come out to bid, Shen Yaolin is more and more promising now!"

As soon as Shen Yaolin appeared, he immediately attracted the siege of Bafang. Although they would not take action against the gold masters, it did not mean that they would treat these gold masters kindly.

Off the field, there was chaos, and the crowd spoke sharply.

The next moment, I heard another private room, someone said: "This first shot can only belong to me, Xihuang.

I am a savage bandit and bid 3000 refining stars. "

"Wild bandit?"

Many people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and some people were in a happy mood: "The three big bandits finally took action, hum, as soon as they appeared, they wanted to compete with me in the Western Wilderness, and their brains were broken."

Someone looked proudly at the woman in white, the provocation in his eyes was self-evident, and he said in his heart that you have the ability to fight!

In the auction, you can make a fuss, but you must not make a big fuss. In the end, it turned into a riot, so Li Yan repeatedly shouted: "3,000 pieces, is there any higher price than this?

If not, 3,000 for the first time, 3,000 for the second time, and the deal..."

Li Yan's speech is very fast, after all, he is from Xihuang, and he doesn't want to be taken by Zhonghai Shenzhou.

I saw that the woman in white on the opposite side didn't say a word, and was unmoved by her emotions, and went back to the private room.


"Go back! Don't be ashamed if you don't have money."

"Oh, I thought it was very capable, but that's all."

"Come to my Fierce God's Valley, even if it's a dragon, you have to serve it for me."

The crowd was still excited, but in Han Fei's private room, Han Fei, Le Renkuang, Zhang Xuanyu, and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other, and there seemed to be unknown meaning in their eyes.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Long Yan."

"Yes, Lord Human Sovereign, I am here."

Han Fei pointed to the private room of the woman in white just now and said, "What room is that?"

Long Yan immediately said: "Lord Human Sovereign, that is the third room in the A letter. It was booked earlier, and it is indeed the gold master of the Gods and Demons Forest."

Han Fei: "Do you know who is in there?

For example, is there a great emperor, and how many? "

"This... this junior doesn't know.

However, most of the powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou are afraid of the Fierce God Valley. Under normal circumstances, not many powerhouses will come.

The transfer of resources is mainly from the stars of life, and few of them dare to go out directly from the Valley of the Fierce Gods. "

Han Fei: "That means, do you think there may not be many strong people on the opposite side?"

Long Yan didn't know what Han Fei was going to do, but the Yanlong auction house became popular because of Han Fei, and she had to answer Han Fei's questions.

Long Yan: "I personally think so, but I can't be sure about the specifics."

Chu Hao: "What are you doing?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "It's nothing major."


He said that there was no big deal, and in the next second, Han Fei disappeared in place.

But even those who disappeared on the spot, including Yue Lingke, failed to find out where Han Fei was.

But the next second, Han Fei's voice came from the private room, and he only heard him say: "Long Yan, you bring the best spirit fruit and tea from the Yanlong Auction, and deliver it to the No. 3 Auction in person.

The reason is that it is to express an apology. "


Long Yan looked confused, she looked around, but found nothing.

Only Xia Xiaochan said, "Should we take action?"

Han Fei responded in a voice: "It's unnecessary, lest someone say that the Fierce God Valley has broken the rule of not killing the gold master."

Yue Lingke wondered: "Are you going to kill the god-monster Lin Jinzhu?"

Han Fei: "That's not true, I'll go take a look first.

Long Yan, let's go. "

Long Yan's whole person is a little bad. These people are really bold. Today's Yanlong auction is full of people. They even want to kill the gold owner of the Shen Yaolin. It's crazy.

It wasn't until Long Yan calmed down and turned around to leave the private room that Yue Lingke said, "Is there something wrong with that woman in the Happy Realm just now?"

However, Xia Xiaochan smiled slightly: "Senior Yue, that's our person."

Chu Hao suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but say, "That girl in that dress just now, is Luo Xiaobai?"

The clothes only appeared once, and it was made by Han Fei after seeing through Han Fei's identity when Luo Xiaobai returned to the Chaos Wasteland.

Chu Hao didn't take it seriously at all, so he didn't care.

But Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan are too familiar with them. That style of clothes was first created by Han Fei when they were young.

Although it is no longer competitive in the sea world, it is just a very ordinary piece of clothing, but it is impossible for them not to recognize it.

Therefore, the moment Luo Xiaobai appeared on the stage just now, all of them knew that Luo Xiaobai was here.

At this moment, several people were extremely pleasantly surprised. They did not expect that their team would finally be complete under such circumstances.


In the private room of No. 3, Luo Xiaobai was standing respectfully in front of a strong emperor.

Just listen to the Great Emperor: "Is this what you call temptation?

Just came back so sullen? "

However, Luo Xiaobai replied respectfully, "Please, Lord, give me three chances.

Before the fourth beat, I'll surprise the adults. "


Then I'd like to see, how can you be able to surprise me in this situation.

I'll tell you the ugly words before, if today's affairs are messed up, you don't have to go back to the God and Demon Forest. "

In the second shot, it is still a female emperor of the Taoist realm.

I just heard Li Yan shouting: "The second round of bidding has begun, and the starting price is still 200..."

"3000 refining stars."


Many people still want to increase the price slowly, but they are completely stunned the next moment.

Someone immediately said angrily: "Fuck, is the Shen Yaolin here to make trouble?"

Someone was furious: "It's amazing to be rich?

Neuropathy. "

This time, even the Savage Bandit didn't make a move, but someone from the other box spoke up: "The one in Room 3, I'll let you alone this time, but don't know how to advance or retreat."

If it exceeds the price of 3,000, it will be a big loss. Those who are sitting are not fools. Who would spend that unjustifiable amount of money to shoot a strong Taoist realm?

After all, some people would rather give up the Dao Evidence Realm and find a Great Perfection in the Open Heaven Realm to be reborn, and the result is not necessarily bad.

Three thousand refining stars, counting down the long-lived realm, there may not be so many refining stars.

However, this time Luo Xiaobai did not go out again.

But her opening this time aroused extreme dissatisfaction from the great emperor in the house: "You'd better explain to me why you took the initiative to provoke these people?"

Luo Xiaobai said calmly: "Sir, the relationship between Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou does not require me to provoke at all.

You have also seen this scene today. We shoot with normal means and compete with so many people. How many can we compete?

So, if you don't start, you can't fight.

Now, I bet someone will come to our private room before the next shoot. "

Hearing the words, the emperor held his temper and asked, "After coming here, will it be possible to trade with us privately?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Why not?

That Han Fei was holding an entire Tianyin Protoss, and the auction was just foreplay. "

The Great Emperor couldn't help but become interested, and said in his heart that this newly promoted Xiaoyao Realm follower seemed to have a good mind, and it seemed to make some sense.

Only to hear her say: "Then what's next?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

Luo Xiaobai smiled slightly: "Look, here we come."

The great emperor was overjoyed, and said in his heart, is it so simple?

He nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and saw a girl from the Rock Dragon clan, carrying a delicacy of spirit fruit and a fragrant tea, politely coming to the door.

As soon as Long Yan entered the door, she said, "I'm sorry, the guests in the private room No. 3, the auction hall is in chaos, some people have made rude words, and the Yanlong auction hall is difficult to calm down, which has really caused trouble for the guests.

The owner specially arranged for me to make amends for the adults..."


This is kind of interesting. "

The great emperor looked back at Luo Xiaobai, he really came, and he apologized so sincerely.

It seems that the Hidden Protoss is not as easy to sell as imagined! If you really talk to yourself in private, then you have to bargain for it.

However, Luo Xiaobai raised his hand and set a new ban on the room.

The Great Emperor understood the meaning, the Yanlong Auction House was a mixed bag today, and there were many strong people.

If this place is not sealed tightly, it is very likely that people will snoop on it.

I saw this great emperor, picked up the Dao tea handed over by Long Yan, sat on the big chair, looked down at Long Yan condescendingly: "Tell me!"

Long Yan was stunned, what did she say?

The emperor just asked himself to deliver things and apologized. He didn't tell himself what to say!

The emperor saw Long Yan's confused face, and was wondering, but heard Luo Xiaobai speak again: "One emperor, two longevity, plus one me, there are only four people."

This time, it was the emperor's turn to be stunned. He had no idea what Luo Xiaobai was talking about.

But at this moment, he seemed to have noticed something was not right, and was about to question Luo Xiaobai, but he only saw Luo Xiaobai's indifferent expression, who was looking at himself calmly at the moment.

At the same time, he suddenly felt his wrist tighten, but saw a black chain wrapped around his arm.

When he wanted to break the chain, he was shocked to find that all his powers and laws were completely sealed and could not be used at all.

At this moment, he seemed to have become an ordinary person.

At the same time, the pressure in Room 3 descended, and the two immortal servants only felt a pressure that was about to suffocate them, pressing on both of them at the same time.

Long Yan's eyes widened, this, is this the legendary law enforcement chain?

A great emperor was suppressed in an instant, so terrifying.

Why did I see this scene that I shouldn't have seen again, and the matter of entering Room No. 3 will definitely be discovered later, right?

"It's over, I'm unlucky again."

Just listening to the great emperor of the gods and demon forest, his face changed greatly: "Law Enforcement Divine Chain, Han Fei?

Are you Han Fei? "

"I'm not."

Long Yan waved her hands again and again.

However, behind the two long-lived realms, Han Fei's figure emerged, and he saw his hands resting on the two long-lived realms' shoulders with ease.

But Han Fei didn't pay any attention to the emperor of the Gods and Demons Forest, and looked at Luo Xiaobai: "Why did you run to the Gods and Demons Forest?"

Luo Xiaobai: "After all, the Shen Yao Lin is one of the strongest forces among the demon plant cultivators.

I learned a lot there and understood a lot. "

Han Fei was speechless: "There are gods in the forest of gods and demons, right?

Are you lurking in so openly?

No one found you? "

Luo Xiaobai: "First of all, the technique of divine concealment is indeed the pinnacle.

Secondly, the gods haven't had the time to pay attention to a small person in the Taoist realm.

Moreover, there are many branches of the God and Demon Forest, and not all of them come together. "

At this time, the emperor spoke again, but this time he looked at Luo Xiaobai: "Who are you?"

I saw that Luo Xiaobai's appearance had changed into her original appearance under the eyes of this great emperor.

Only to hear her say lightly: "I am, the human race."


Long Yan, who was watching the play on the side, didn't dare to catch her breath.

The woman in front of her is nowhere near as strong as she is! It's just the Happy Realm, but this woman actually sneaked into the Gods and Demon Forest, and then came to the Valley of the Fierce Gods. Isn't she too daring?

Are the powerhouses of the human race so arrogant?

Han Fei chuckled: "How did you fool this idiot?

After provoking so many people, it is quite strange that this guy can even tolerate you. "

Luo Xiaobai's mouth curled into a faint smile: "Maybe he's stupid!"

The emperor's eyes were about to burst out with anger, but he heard him say: "Han Fei, this is in the Valley of Fierce Gods.

Killing is prohibited here. Do you want to break the rules of the Valley of the Gods? "

Han Fei chuckled: "Don't look at what period this is, the period when disputes between the two sides broke out.

If you weren't a gold lord, you'd already be gone, and it's my turn to take action?

Of course, even if you are the gold lord, I don't want to kill you. "

I saw that the God of Creation appeared, and after Han Fei read out the charges of the emperor, he accepted it.

Just listen to Han Fei: "You wait here for me for a while."

After speaking, Han Fei forcibly brought the two long-lived realms into his natal star.

You know, Han Fei's puppet technique is quite remarkable.

It just so happened that Luo Xiaobai brought a few people from the God and Demon Forest to control the magic seal of the gods. After a little research, Han Fei completely controlled the two immortal realms.

As for the great emperor in the God of Creation Prison, the situation is a little more troublesome.

Han Fei directly trained him as a living dead. Anyway, as long as he doesn't kill him, the God of Creation Prison did not object to Han Fei's approach.

When Han Fei came out of the star of life, he saw Luo Xiaobai sitting on a chair drinking tea, eating spiritual fruit, and continuing to watch the auction.

However, the auction items at this time have changed from the realm of Taoism to the realm of immortality.

When Luo Xiaobai saw Han Fei come out, he got up and said, "Is it done in an hour?"

Han Feixin said that an hour has passed here, but it has been almost three months in my life.

However, Han Fei waved his hand, and the emperor, as well as a strong man in the immortality realm, appeared in the private room again.

But at this moment, the two of them seemed to ignore Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai.


Long Yan is not stupid, she knows that these people have definitely become puppets.

My God, one great emperor, two immortals, just disappeared?

She couldn't help but glanced at Han Fei secretly, thinking that she had seen all this, shouldn't she also be made into a puppet?

Han Fei felt Long Yan's gaze, then turned around and looked at her with a smile: "A thousand refining stars, you don't see anything, you don't know anything.

Rules, you understand? "

Long Yan nodded again and again: "I understand, I understand, I understand.

Lord Human Sovereign, I don't know anything, my... I don't need to refine the stars. "

But Han Fei didn't care, he just threw a bag of refining stars and threw it away.

Just listen to him: "Take it! Take my heart and be at ease, otherwise, I can only make you a puppet."

"Ah! Don't... I'll take..."

Long Yan hurriedly took over the refining stars, feeling uneasy in her heart. At this moment, she really regretted meeting Han Fei at the beginning.

Also, **** old man, why do you have to let yourself serve this Han Fei, isn't this terrible?

I really want to buckle my eyes and poke my ears blind.

And Luo Xiaobai was a little puzzled: "Is there another person?"

Han Fei: "It's still useful, so I'll keep it for myself.

go, go to my place? "



When Long Yan returned to the private room where Xia Xiaochan and the others were, everyone looked at her, and she felt a little hairy.

The next moment, Han Fei appeared inexplicably.

Immediately after, Luo Xiaobai came out of Han Fei's natal star.

"Ah! Xiaobai... I miss you to death."

After Xia Xiaochan saw Luo Xiaobai, her whole body jumped up, and a rare smile finally appeared on Luo Xiaobai's face.

Although Han Fei and the others are a group of five, the three of them are men after all, and girls are always closer to girls, so Xia Xiaochan is very excited at this moment.

Zhang Xuanyu: "Xiaobai! It's not that I told you to run around blindly. You must have missed the great battle of Nanhai Shenzhou Dushen Ancient Land!"

Lerenkuang: "I never thought you would come to Xihuang."

Seeing that several people were there, Luo Xiaobai's tone became much more relaxed, even though there were others around.

But she knew Chu Hao. As for the person next to her, although she didn't know him, they should be very familiar with Han Fei.

I just listened to Luo Xiaobai saying: "After leaving the boundless mining area, I went back to the Chaos Wasteland, and then went to Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Later, although I learned about the news of the ancient land of crossing the gods, it was too late. "

Xia Xiaochan: "How did you think of coming to Vicious God Valley?"

Luo Xiaobai regained her peculiar calmness and wisdom: "The news of Zhonghai Shenzhou is very rich. After the World War I in Miracle Forest, the goddess hid in the Western Wilderness in a large number. It is impossible for me not to know about this kind of thing.

Han Fei made such a big move, just at the moment when the gods entered the Western Wilderness. If I still can't think of anything, how can I live in Zhonghai Shenzhou? "

Han Fei: "Then you came now?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Many of the cultivation methods and ideas of the God and Demon Forest are what I need very much, otherwise, if I don't have the strength, it would be useless to come to Xihuang."

After finishing, Luo Xiaobai glanced at a few people, and found that he couldn't see through any of them, and then he was silent for a few breaths: "However, after all, I still failed to catch up with you."

Han Fei: "You don't even look at how many chances they all got.

You went to Zhonghai Shenzhou alone, and even got into the God and Demon Forest, and it was already an exaggeration to be promoted to the Happy Realm in less than 400 years. "

Luo Xiaobai rolled his eyes slightly: "I'll take it as if you're complimenting me."

Immediately, Luo Xiaobai said, "I'm here in the Western Wilderness, in addition to looking for you, I'm also looking for your resources. Although Zhonghai Shenzhou has a vast territory and abundant resources, the conditions for obtaining resources are relatively strict.

I want to be promoted quickly, it is too difficult, and it is inconvenient for me to break through.

So, I need to come to you. "

At this moment, in the auction room, Li Yan shouted: "6600 once, 6600 twice, 6600 three times, the deal... The guest in the No. 7 private room has bought one of the Empress of Eternal Life."

Henry Zhang pointed his finger at Han Fei: "Look, he is the richest person now~www.readwn.com~ Le Renkuang nodded again and again: "I have never seen such a rich person, it's true, I doubt him Now my net worth is richer than I am. "

Han Fei shrugged: "What you see is just the appearance.

However, for resources, it is useless to work hard, you still have to rely on robbing.

When you come back, you all come to My Life and Stars to cultivate, anyway, it won't take much for a few of you. "

Henry Zhang tsk tsk said: "Look at what this is said, Hao."

After introducing Yue Lingke to Luo Xiaobai, Xia Xiaochan dragged Luo Xiaobai and whispered.

About another stick of incense had passed, and the last long-living realm was also photographed.

Just listening to the scene, Li Yan shouted: "Everyone, now all the Emperor Zunjing has been filmed, friends who haven't been filmed, don't worry.

Next, the emperor Han Fei was invited to announce the auction method below the emperor realm. ” 5168/10942286

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