God of Fishing

Chapter 2825: Dragon Battlefield

Chapter 2825 Dragon Battlefield

"Senior brother?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could Dragon Emperor have a junior brother like you?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

If Dragon Emperor is your senior brother, who is the master? "

"That's the Dragon Emperor! My Dragon Clan's most powerful emperor."

Han Fei raised the corner of his mouth: "My name is Han Fei, the contemporary emperor, and also the most powerful emperor of the human race.

And my human race is one of the six ancient veins, and it is extraordinary, and this identity will not be bad anywhere.

As for why the Dragon Emperor has my junior brother, I can't tell you that. "

A giant dragon said: "You said that you are the strongest in the human race?

But the human race seems to have fallen a long time ago, right? "

Han Fei smiled and said, "Now it's rising again."

At this moment, more and more giant dragons are coming around, and Han Fei Xin said that the Gate of No Distance can really be true, it is only tens of thousands of ominous creatures, and he has to send himself to the ominous battlefield.

Come on, this dragon clan has not seen foreign clan for a long time, just like 100,000 people.

Finally, it was the white dragon who said, "You said you knew the Dragon Emperor, so do you know Feng Yu?"

Han Fei's eyes lit up immediately: "Then of course I know him! Feng Yu is my senior sister, the Phoenix God Clan, and I know him very well."

However, the white dragon frowned: "Your senior sister?

Feng Yu was at her peak when she left the Dragon Clan. You are in the Great Emperor Realm. Is she your senior sister? "

Han Fei: "No one stipulates that junior brother can't be stronger than senior sister!"

That Bai Long thought about it seriously, and seemed to think that Han Fei was the only one. Even if he wasn't a good person, this was the Dragon Valley. Even if the gods came, they had to take care of him. A mere emperor is really nothing.

Just listen to her: "You said, you promised to kill some ominous creatures at the Gate of No Distance.

Then come with me. As for whether you can see the Dragon Emperor, I need to ask the Dragon Emperor. "

Han Fei bowed his hands slightly: "Thank you!"

Hearing that Han Fei was going to fight ominous, a large group of giant dragons, colorful, followed one after another, and the giant dragon even followed with a fruit that was thousands of miles long.

However, these giant dragons followed farther and did not come close.

Moreover, Han Fei felt very slight fluctuations in the laws here.

It seems that something is not quite right.


I saw that the white dragon who was talking to Han Fei changed, and became the same size as Han Fei. He was dressed in a mixture of blue and white, like a jade-colored dragon scale battle suit that outlined the plump body. Only the long horns of white jade color, like natural jade hairpins, are the most natural and purest decoration.

I saw that she was holding a scale with mysterious patterns imprinted on it, and then the light bloomed and disappeared in an instant.

Immediately, the dragon girl said, "My name is Long Wanwan, and I have already told the Lord Longdi about you.

I believe that since you dare to come, you won't lie. Hey, are you from the sea world? "

Han Fei nodded: "You know?"

Long Wanwan: "Although I haven't been there, I still know about the sea world.

Feng Yu came from the sea world. It is said that our dragon family once lived in the sea world at the beginning.

But later, my dragon family was cursed and forced to leave the sea world. "


Long Wanwan: "Didn't you say that the Dragon Emperor is your senior brother?

Didn't he tell you that my dragon race is a cursed race? "

Han Fei was stunned: "Senior brother doesn't tell me everything."

Han Fei looked around and said suspiciously, "The dragon clan has been cursed, and there are still so many powerful emperors?

So many strong people are enough to sweep the sea world, can't you kill those who curse? "

Long Wanwan said, "You really don't know anything.

The curse of my dragon family is unsolvable. It is said that it is the oldest and oldest Lord Dragon God, who went to the end of the Star Sea and was contaminated with blood during the battle against Ominous.

You see, they are all holding big fruits, do you know why? "

Han Fei: "Eat it, does the curse have something to do with these fruits?"

Long Wanwan didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "Then why do you eat it?"

Han Fei thought about it, and when he arrived at the Emperor Zunjing, eating or something was just a hobby, and it didn't matter if he didn't.

However, Long Wanwan has asked this, obviously there is a problem.

Before Han Fei could answer, he heard Long Wanwan say, "Stupid, because you will be hungry if you don't eat!"

"Will you be hungry?"

Han Fei was stunned, as if he heard something absurd: "Is the emperor hungry?

It's not that it's the curse you said, it's that you will be hungry? "

Long Wanwan nodded: "Of course, if you don't eat, you will be hungry.

It seems that it was because the dragon clan ate too much in the sea world and the sea world could not support us, so the dragon clan migrated.

Fortunately, we found the giant monster Xinghai. There are huge monster plants and fruits here, which can barely satisfy our stomachs. "

Han Fei couldn't help but be moved. It was the first time he heard this kind of curse, which made people hungry. This curse seemed to be a bit vicious indeed.

Han Fei: "If you don't eat, will you starve to death?"

Long Wanwan shook her head: "I wouldn't starve to death, but I want to eat when I see something.

There was a period of time in the history of the dragon clan, called the era of bloodshed, the internal chaos, fighting each other with blood, eating flesh and blood, it was simply too terrifying. "


Han Fei's eyelids twitched, and just at this moment, the dragon scales in Long Wanwan's hand flickered.

Long Wanwan felt swept away, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and then greeted all the giant dragons: "Dragon Emperor replied, Human Emperor Han Fei is indeed his junior brother, so we don't have to be on guard."


"Ha! When did Dragon Emperor recognize his junior brother?"

"It's still true?"

"It caused me to hold back all the way to prepare for battle, but I didn't dare to speak."

At this moment, a group of giant dragons rushed over and surrounded Han Fei and Long Wanwan.

Han Fei was speechless for a while, and said that on the way, why did these giant dragons stop talking?

At this moment, the misunderstanding was resolved, and a giant dragon greeted immediately: "Han Fei, come and eat the fruit!"

A giant dragon greeted: "Han Fei, do you have any flesh on your body?

I will exchange fruit for you. "


Han Fei thought for a while, and then threw a giant shark.

His natal star will always have ingredients, which is a habit.

It doesn't matter if he eats or not, because he wants to eat, he can grab it at any time.

But these dragons eat fruit all day long, and it is estimated that they will not see meat and fish all year round.

Therefore, he did not hesitate, and threw a giant shark out of the Happy Realm.

Although he has collected ingredients, there are not many of him in the realm of God.

This is what he achieved when he first entered the emperor's realm.


Suddenly, thousands of giant dragons shouted: "It's meat, it's meat."

A giant dragon roared, "Han Fei, I'll exchange a peach for you."

A giant dragon knocked it away with a tail: "Han Fei, I'll exchange a dragon fruit for you."

As he said that, seeing the giant dragon carrying a dragon-patterned fruit with a diameter of more than 3,000 miles, Han Fei was very speechless.

Han Fei looked at Long Wanwan, but saw Long Wanwan licking her lips again and again, her saliva was about to flow down unconsciously.

But Long Wanwan is the Great Emperor after all, and with her relatively firm will, she said with difficulty: "You shouldn't take out the meat, the Dragon Valley is all fruit.

Except we can occasionally capture some starless giant beasts without eyes, basically we can't see the meat. You don't know the value of meat in my dragon family. "


Han Fei was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't help but say: "No! Dragon Emperor knows that I am the best at cooking, but he never mentioned such a thing as wanting to eat meat."

Long Wanwan rolled her eyes: "Nonsense.

That is the Dragon Emperor, the one with the most steadfast Taoism in my dragon clan.

Not to mention that he doesn't eat meat, it's fruit, he doesn't eat it often, just to sharpen his mind.

We've tried many dragons but simply can't. "

Han Fei was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Dragon clan fellow daoists, this amount of meat may not be enough for you.

Why don't I help you make jerky?

Let's have a taste and don't have to envy each other. "


"Isn't that meat less?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Even if the meat doesn't decrease, this giant shark is still so big, you all just lick it and it's gone, what's the point?

Why don't you become my size and eat jerky.

Although not hungry, but you can have a taste. "

Long Wanwan: "When we eat meat, we eat it in the size of a human, otherwise it will be gone in a few bites."


That's it! "

If this is the case, then this giant shark seems to be able to eat for a long time.

However, Long Wanwan followed up and said, "However, I want to eat jerky."

A giant dragon said: "Jerky can also be, it's chewy."

At this moment, these giant dragons didn't know the difference between the jerky in Han Fei's mouth and the jerky they understood.

I saw that when Han Fei raised his hand, hundreds of thousands of Void Blades, in a blink of an eye, smashed the giant shark clean, and finally only a skeleton was left without the slightest flesh and blood.

I saw that Han Fei raised his hands, and a gas barrier was born in the void, like a giant cauldron.

Han Fei drew water into the pot with one hand, cut off the fish bones, put them into the pot, and cooked fish bone soup.

On the other side, the pieces of meat that were cut into billions of pieces were suspended in the air.

I saw that Han Fei took out buckets of meat oil, giant garlic, pepper, cumin, sweet and sour


The moment the meat oil was poured into the air pot, the spiritual fire below exploded, and the fireworks soared into the sky for thousands of miles.

Immediately after, countless minced garlic, chili peppers, and a bunch of messy seasonings were poured into the pot, and the tempting smell immediately spread throughout the world.




Just listening to the dragon's roar, countless giant dragons are going crazy.

A giant dragon shouted: "This meat has not been cooked yet, why is it so fragrant.

Han Fei, can I lick that black soup? "

A giant dragon had already brought the dragon's head close, but Long Wanwan slapped it away with a slap.

Han Fei smiled and said, "Everyone, that's not soup, that's seasoning."

This simple stir-fried diced pork has no technical content at all, as long as the pot is big enough and the ingredients are enough.


When the hundreds of millions of diced meat were put into the pot, stained with grease, the fire started again, and the pillar of flames reached thousands of miles.

I saw that there were many giant dragons "swiping" and rushing into the flames, sucking the tempting fragrance madly, Han Fei was speechless when he saw it.

Long Wanwan couldn't stand it any longer, she turned into a giant dragon of ten thousand miles, and with a few tails, she slapped all those giant dragons into the air, and immediately shouted: "Shame on you, don't you have such a little heart?

All of them are safe for me to watch. "

A giant dragon muttered, "You've lost two lines of your own saliva."


The giant dragon that spoke was swept away, its body twisted into a twist in mid-air, and its saliva splashed everywhere.

Han Fei secretly said, it's too late now, no matter what you say, the proud and dignified image of the Dragon Clan has disappeared at this moment.

He couldn't help but understand why the dragon race had to migrate out of the sea world.

According to their desires, plus so many people, and such a large size.

If they don't move, I'm afraid that the sea world will be poor.


Han Fei Hua Void flipped a spoon in his hand, and on the other side he could add some ingredients to the fish soup.

When the meat was fragrant and the meat was stained with every piece of meat, Han Fei ran the water method, and the meat in the pot was quickly air-dried, and finally turned into pieces of jerky contaminated with seasonings.

I saw Han Fei spread his hands: "Okay."


Tens of thousands of giant dragons turned into human figures one after another, and just as someone was about to reach out to grab it, Long Wanwan glared back.

Just listen to Long Wanwan shout: "There are many dragons on the front line, so the meat is so little, don't grab it.

Those who see it have a share, so hurry up and collect it, otherwise it will be gone when you reach the front line. "

After speaking, Long Wanwan's mind moved, and the jerky was divided into nearly 20,000 servings.

And that soup was also a pot of fish soup drink made by Han Feishun. Han Fei cut off the bones of the fish and let the marrow flow into the thick soup. He immediately stirred for a lesson, and the golden marrow was shining in the soup pot.

In the blink of an eye, it was also divided into more than 20,000 copies.

"Bah! Hah!"

Someone received his share of jerky, and couldn't wait to stuff a piece of jerky into his mouth.

Compared to the size of a humanoid, that piece of jerky is actually not small.

"Hey! Is this meat?"

"I've never eaten such delicious meat."

"My God, Han Fei, why didn't you come to my Dragon Clan earlier?"

"I haven't had broth for a long time, look at the deliciousness."

"This is bone broth, but it's really delicious. I didn't expect a bone to be so useful."

"Brother Han Fei, you are welcome to stay in our Dragon Clan."

Even Long Wanwan couldn't help feeling a little flirtatious when she was chewing jerky.

Last time, Feng Yu secretly stuffed her with some meat, which she had already eaten, and the feeling is still unforgettable to this day.

But compared with Han Fei's jerky meat today, she instantly forgot what the meat Feng Yu gave her was.

After Long Wanwan chewed a piece of jerky, she took out another piece and put away the rest.

In the Dragon Clan, meat is scarce. If you have the chance, you can take it out and taste it occasionally. It would be too extravagant to eat it all at once.

"Bah! Hah!"

No, a group of giant dragons who were still immersed in the deliciousness of jerky and fish soup just a moment ago nibbled at the fruit frantically, as if they wanted to use the fruit to suppress the taste of the meat.

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder, this is also a way to sharpen the heart of Taoism.

Although each of them shouted that they wanted to eat meat, when they were really given meat, they mostly ate one piece of two pieces of meat, and rarely ate three large pieces of meat in a row.

Han Fei thought to himself, if he solves the dragon's meat-eating problem, he should be able to obtain the absolute friendship of the dragon family, right?

However, although Han Fei has some thoughts at this moment, it is not easy to discuss this kind of thing with Long Wan.

If you want to mention it, you should also talk to Senior Brother Qinglong.

After a while, these tens of thousands of giant dragons changed from human form to giant dragon.

Long Wanwan said: "Han Fei, come up, let's go to the Dragon Clan battlefield."

Han Fei Xin said, aren't we going?

However, there are dragons to ride, which is easy.

Long Wanwan also has absolutely no idea of ​​being treated as a mount by others. Perhaps they have been separated from the ten thousand races for too long, and they no longer have the concept of mounts.

When Han Fei was sitting on Long Wanwan's head, he could only hear the continuous "roar roar", and he saw Long Wanwan wandering in the void and plunged into the virtual world.

"Brush brush"

When Han Fei discovered that all dragons could enter the virtual world, he couldn't help but be moved.

You must know that even in the sea world, not many people can enter the virtual world space, which requires a certain degree of mastery of the laws of space.

But right now, all dragons have this ability, which itself is also a symbol of strength.

As soon as she entered the virtual world, Long Wanwan's strength finally exploded. As her body swayed, Han Fei saw that the space barriers were broken one after another.

This is not pure speed, but a more advanced application of the laws of space.

Han Fei was calm on the surface, but his heart was shaken.

There are barriers in space, as long as you penetrate these barriers, you can cross a very long distance in a short time.

This is like these giant dragons, who have drilled one wormhole after another in space.

Yes, if Han Fei understands correctly, they are constantly digging wormholes to achieve a speed that exceeds the speed of light 10,000 times.


Han Fei felt the state of Long Wanwan when she got into the space barrier. She seemed to have transformed herself into the space law, or disguised herself as the space law, so she was not rejected.

And when Long Wanwan led Han Fei forward, Han Fei was also covered by Long Wanwan's disguised space law, so he could clearly feel that he was like a moving space.

But this kind of movement requires a strong body to carry it.

Han Fei made a slight estimation. I am afraid that ordinary emperors can't do this, and ordinary emperors may be able to do it.

As for his current state, he is probably at the peak of the Great Dao Emperor, so he can naturally fully withstand this kind of power.

While walking, Long Wanwan said, "Your physique is very strong! You don't feel any discomfort at all.

When I brought Feng Yu with me, I didn't dare to walk so fast. "

Han Fei said with a smile: "If Feng Yu's strength had also reached the emperor's realm at that time, it would naturally be no problem!"

Long Wanwan: "Where is she now?

She also said that she would come to play again, but she didn't come until you came. "

Han Fei: "She is now on the other side of the Chaos Sea, very busy.

The ominous return, the stronger the strength, the greater the pressure. "


Long Wanwan let out a low roar, "Yes, the number of unknown giant beasts has been increasing during this time.

The giant monster Xinghai has increased its troops three times in a row, and our group has retreated from the front line to rest. "

Han Fei: "Is there anyone in the Temple of Time to help?"

"Not that.

In the territory of our dragon race, we do not need the Temple of Time to take action.

Although their time resurrection technique is good, the sustainability is too poor.

My dragon clan is different. Although there are not many people, it is very capable of fighting. "


About half an hour later, Han Fei finally came to the frontline battlefield of the Dragon Clan.

As soon as he appeared, Han Fei felt the void, the dragon roared, and the void shook.

In the distant battlefield, millions of giant dragons were fighting. Han Fei saw with his own eyes that under the breath of a giant dragon, several ominous creatures melted away.

Yes, not purified, but dissolved, and the ominous atmosphere was dissolved without a trace.


Han Fei was surprised: "Can the ominous be dissolved?"

Long Wanwan: "Destroying the dragon's breath can destroy all things in the world. The ominous air is only a kind of energy body, and it can be destroyed naturally."

"Destroy Dragon Breath?"

Before Han Fei could continue to ask questions, he heard the sound of a dragon vibrating and the voice of a giant dragon: "Wanwan, why are you here?

It seems that there are still three months before your rotation, right? "

Long Wanwan roared in response: "I'll bring Dragon Emperor's junior brother to come and observe our Dragon Clan battlefield, and by the way, we will warm up."


Dragon Emperor's younger brother?

When did he have a younger brother? "

"Hey! Which powerhouse is this?"

"Looks like he's very thin.

But it is indeed the realm of the emperor. "

For a time, in the battlefield, many giant dragons turned their heads and looked in the direction of Long Wanwan.

When their eyes fell on Han Fei, their eyes were full of curiosity.

It's just that the dragon faces are inherently majestic, so they all look serious, even fierce.


I saw one, two, and three dragons in a row, breaking through the space and appearing on the battlefield.

Han Fei's mind was awe-inspiring, and there were many gods.

Yes, these eight giant dragons are all gods, and the dragon's might exudes from their bodies, like a **** of killing.

Among them, there are three golden dragons, two blue dragons, one white dragon, one black dragon, and one fire dragon.

Han Fei's bearing was undiminished, and he smiled calmly when he saw the group of gods, and bowed his hands slightly: "Junior Han Fei, I have seen all the seniors of the Dragon Clan."

Only one of the golden dragons said: "Dragon Emperor's junior brother, that is my friend of the dragon family.

Little friend Han Fei has extraordinary strength. He has reached the pinnacle of the Great Dao Emperor at a young age. This strength, even in my dragon clan, is enough to disdain the dragons. "

"Pole peak?"

Long Wanwan couldn't help but exclaimed, although she knew that Han Fei should be very powerful, but she didn't expect to reach the peak of the extreme way directly.

Looking at the entire dragon family, there are very few people who can reach the peak of the extreme path.

Even if it is himself, there is still a certain gap from the peak of the extreme way, and I am afraid that it will take tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Senior has won the prize.

The physique of the junior Guanlong clan is amazing, and extreme Taoism should be very common in the dragon clan. "

The black dragon said: "The pole is very common, but the peak of the pole is rare.

There are very few people who surpass the extreme way, and little friends do not need to be humble.

It's just that little friend Han Fei is a friend of the Dragon Emperor, why did you not bring people back to the Dragon Palace, Wanwan, but came to the Dragon Battlefield? "

Han Fei immediately said: "This junior came here because of the ability of the Gate of Infinity.

The younger generation had an agreement with the Gate of No Distance, and every time he used him, he would have to kill 50,000 ominous creatures as a reward. "


50,000 ominous creatures?

Don't say it's the same realm, or Han Fei's little friend is afraid that he will stay in my dragon clan for at least thousands of years. "

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Of course not, kill whichever you can kill, but most of them should be World-Destroyer-level. After all, ominous creatures are not stupid, so they won't let a large number of Destruction-level die in vain."

"Can the Gate of Infinity already open a small door for others?"

"Wouldn't it be possible to sneak into the sea world and get some meat back?"

Hearing their muttering, Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless. Does Shenlong also like to eat meat?

Han Fei immediately said: "Seniors, the Gate of No Distance should only make an agreement with me.

Others, I am afraid it is difficult to borrow. "


It seems that little friend Han Fei is very special! To be able to get the favor of the door of no distance. "

Han Fei Xin said that the gate of no distance favored not himself, but the refining of the demon pot.

Just listen to the fire dragon: "Okay, don't think about the door of no distance, it will be used for us long ago.

However, little friend Han Fei, even if it is a destruction level, as long as there are enough numbers, even the great emperor of the peak of the extreme way must be afraid.

After all, although the peak of the extreme path is strong, the ominous creatures may be defeated, but as long as they are contaminated with a lot of ominous energy, they may still be severely injured. "

Han Fei smiled slightly: "It's okay! It's just that the younger generation's action may disrupt the order of the giant dragon battlefield to a certain extent. Here, I would like to express my apology to the seniors in advance."

"Disrupting the order of the dragon battlefield?"

A blue dragon laughed loudly: "No, it's just fifty thousand ominous creatures, why disrupt the order of the dragon's battlefield?"

Han Fei didn't speak, just smiled.

I just heard a golden dragon speak: "Since little friend Han Fei is fulfilling his contract with the Gate of Infinity, do you need the help of my dragon clan?"

Han Fei shook his head: "It's not necessary, um, since the seniors agreed, the juniors will end?"

"Little friend Han Fei is free, don't worry.

Which battlefield do you need, I will let the dragons on that battlefield withdraw temporarily. "

These dragons all know in their hearts how strong the power of the extreme peak emperor is.

It cannot be said that one person can stand alone against a 100,000 army, but there is absolutely no problem in guarding one side for the time being. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Long Wanwan said: "Han Fei, I have a good place where there are many ominous creatures, but their combat power is relatively weak.

If you just complete the agreement, deal with it, it should be fine. "

However, Han Fei pointed to the most front piece and said, "I'll go there!"

When Long Wanwan saw it, she was speechless: "That is the core battlefield of the giant dragon battlefield. A peak of the extreme path cannot withstand that kind of pressure."

However, Han Fei smiled softly: "Although it's just an agreement.

But after all, I want to be the emperor of the world, how can I have the heart to pick up leaks?

Otherwise, in the face of hundreds of millions of ominous things, I can't still pick up leaks behind people, right? "

But I saw a green dragon buzzing: "Little friend Han Fei.

It's not that we can't trust your strength, but you are Dragon Emperor's junior brother after all. If something goes wrong on the battlefield of my dragon race, I won't be able to explain it. "

"It's okay!"

At this moment, in the distant void, a divine voice suddenly came.

The next moment, I saw a blue dragon, breaking through the void and appearing here.


Qinglong turned into a human being, who could it be if it wasn't Senior Brother Qinglong?

"Ah! Dragon Emperor, why did you come in person?"

Long Wanwan was surprised, but she didn't expect that Dragon Emperor would stop retreating for this Han Fei.

Seeing this, Han Fei was overjoyed: "I have seen Senior Brother Qinglong."

Qinglong nodded slightly, looked Han Fei up and down, and then patted Han Fei's shoulder twice: "I know that your cultivation speed is very fast, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

The great dragons were also a little surprised, and the Dragon Emperor's attitude towards this person seemed unusual.

But I saw Senior Brother Qinglong turned serious, and nodded towards the dragons: "Uncles and ancestors, you are too underestimated by my little junior brother.

He is going to the core battlefield, so go! No need to stop. "

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