God of Fishing

Chapter 2836: Strongest record ever

Chapter 26 The strongest record in history

The purpose of Han Fei's coming this time is very clear. He is here to brush the list, not to harvest energy crystals, nor to kill it for the Gate of Infinity.

Li Daoyi's record is not just a problem that is difficult to break.

Because once a large number of World Extermination Grades are killed, the Doomsday Grade will inevitably appear.

In the face of himself, Ominous will not foolishly release the World Extermination Level to let the Demon Refining Pot kill him.

Therefore, even Han Fei did not come to the list even if he was at the peak of the extreme way, because he knew that without absolute strength, he could not force the ominous to the extent that he had to release the world-destroying level. They would only release a large amount of destruction-level to consume. Own.

The painstaking practice this time is already the limit that he has been able to reach over the years. It can be said that he has never practiced in seclusion for so long.

At this moment, Han Fei himself wouldn't believe it if anyone wanted to say that someone was growing faster than himself.

Now, those two doomsday classes are hard to come by.

Because, Han Fei's combat power has completely exceeded the concept of the peak of the pole.

Moreover, the strong of all races are stronger than the ominous creatures in the same realm.

Therefore, even in terms of basic combat power, Han Fei at this moment can barely compete with Doomsday.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of destruction levels impacted the void where Han Fei was, but the more the number, the greater the lethality of the life rule chain.

Moreover, under the Sword of Immortal Slaying, the gods did not come out, and no ominous creature could withstand the might of a sword.

The two doomsday classes seem to have made a decision.

But I saw that more than 300 people of the world's extinction level, like moths flying into the flames, killing Han Fei.

Faced with three hundred ominous creatures at once, even if Han Fei was extremely powerful at the moment, he would not be able to do it in seconds, unless he sacrificed the demon pot.

Han Fei's heart moved. Could it be that the other party had figured out that if he wanted to consume himself, he had to fill in the world-annihilation level?


Refining the demon pot was immediately sacrificed, and the 300-year-old world-class was considered a big piece of meat, so of course he couldn't let it go.

Of course, the ominous creatures of the World Extermination Grade and the Destruction Grade attacked at the same time, and it was impossible to only kill the World Extermination Grade when refining the demon pot.

The speed of destroying the world is fast, and there is a certain chance to avoid the demon refining pot, so when the refining demon pot is shot, Han Fei holds the blood sky blade to prevent those fish from slipping through the net.

"Puff puff"

But the road is that in an instant, more than a hundred ominous creatures of the world's extinction level were pierced.

Han Fei thought that as long as these things got close, they would not be able to escape.

However, before he was happy, he realized that there were many ominous creatures besieging him, and most of them retreated at the moment when the world destroyer rushed up.

"what's the situation?"

"Puff puff"

The refining demon pot was still piercing through these world-destroying levels, and Han Fei was not idle, and the swords of immortality were cut out one after another.

He realized that something was wrong, these world destroyers wanted to support themselves in a suicide charge.

"boom boom"

At the moment when several world-destroying animals blew themselves up, Han Fei realized that something was wrong. Before he had time, a thousand lightning flashes erupted. At that moment, more than 50,000 ominous beings blew themselves up at the same time.

The scene was spectacular, the void collapsed in a radius of tens of millions of miles, and an endless ominous mist shrouded the void where Han Fei was.

"not good!"

Xia Xiaochan and the other four changed their expressions one after another, or in other words, including all the gods in this room, they all changed at this moment.

They never imagined that in order to kill Han Fei, the ominous side would use the 300-level destroyer as bait, and kill the enemy with 50,000 destroyer-level and terrifying-level ominous creatures.

Those great emperors who watched the battle were deeply shocked. What was the situation?

Are these ominous creatures crazy?

"It's over, the entire void has collapsed, and the ominous atmosphere covers the entire area. How can this kind of life survive?"

"This emperor, it's over!"

"The demon pot doesn't seem to be a defensive treasure, right?

In the face of such an impact, even the gods can't stop it, right? "

"Unfortunately, I said that this time the ominous and crazy, this emperor even came to brush the list.

Well now, the ominous is crazy, and he doesn't have to brush the list. "

"Shut up, you know shit, he won't die."

Xia Xiaochan scolded and glared at the sighing emperors.

Le Renkuang also shouted: "If you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense."

Henry Zhang and Luo Xiaobai also swept coldly towards these people.

Some people didn't like it and were about to scold, but the next moment, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the ominous fog.



But it is tens of millions of miles in the sky, bathed in thunder and fire, and countless places are directly burned through.

Although the void collapsed, the turbulence in the void did not seem to involve Han Fei.

Just listening to his voice, Sen Leng Binghan, sneered in a low voice: "You are so brave, I thought you guys figured it out?"


I saw a giant hand of 10,000 zhang, bathed in thunder and fire, forcibly tore open an ominous mist, and a 33,000 zhang Dharma image of heaven and earth stood above the ominous mist, in the turbulent void.

Han Fei was bathed in golden light, and the wheel of life turned slowly behind him.

Allowing those ominous mists to be burned by thunder and fire and shattered by the turbulent currents of the void, Han Fei stood still.

"I knew you were going to be fine."

Xia Xiaochan raised her hand and shouted.


The three Luo Xiaobai also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xuanyu: "It's like this every time, scaring people to death."

Lerenkuang: "I was so scared that my heart almost stopped."

Luo Xiaobai just calmed down a little, and wondered what method Han Fei used, whether it had something to do with his law, the wheel of law behind him, or the invincible technique?

"It's not dead?"

"How did he survive?"

"His laws don't seem to be afraid of ominous aura at all."

The great emperors who were watching were also dumbfounded at the moment. Under such a terrifying power that even gods can kill, this guy is still alive?

Not only alive, but completely unscathed, almost intact.

The two doomsday powerhouses on the opposite side are also a little confused at the moment, are they not dead?

How could he not die?

Han Fei was very angry. He thought he had pinched the other party, but he didn't expect these ominous creatures to be ruthless, so he gave himself a shot and died.

Fortunately, I have the invincible state of the avenue of life, and I master the law of life, otherwise it is almost the same if I don't die.

I just heard Han Fei's smile: "Would you like to do it again?

I stand still. "

One of the Doomsday-level eyes was cold, and he thought in his heart, if this method works, he can only fill it with his life!

Han Fei didn't give them too much time to think about it, scattered the world of the law, and forcibly broke free from the turbulent flow of the void. The chaotic laws of the void swept the whole body, but he could only leave light white marks on his body.

It can be seen that the turbulent void formed by the detonation of these ominous creatures is not enough to hurt his physical body.

Forcibly breaking through here, Han Fei went straight to the Xinghai cliff.

On the Xinghai Cliff, there are three ominous passages connecting the Sea of ​​Watching. Once one collapses, the pressure of the Sea of ​​Watching will drop by 30%.

At that time, there is no need for the Temple of Time to take action, and maybe it will be able to resist the ominous invasion.

Of course, the two doomsdays will not let Han Fei really kill them to the ominous passage. At this moment, another huge head sticks out from the ominous passage. Obviously, the ominous side realizes that there are only two doomsdays. Yes, maybe a bit not enough.

At this moment, the three doomsday grades are guarding three ominous passages respectively.

Seeing this, Han Fei sneered, who is it?

Ever since he witnessed the battle of the Giant Dragon Battlefield, he knew that in such a large battlefield as the Sea of ​​Watch, there are definitely more than these three doomsday levels after the ominous fog.

Otherwise, why should the seven gods sit in the city of watchmen?

However, no matter how many doomsday classes you come to, do you dare to take action?

With a look of disdain on his face, Han Fei once again entered the encirclement of ominous creatures.

However, this time, those ominous creatures were not besieged, but thousands of world-destroying creatures really emerged.

Just listen to one of the doomsday-level speeches: "Human Sovereign Han Fei, take another step forward, it will be regarded as the sea of ​​​​watching, and the large-scale battle of gods will officially start."

Another doomsday class also followed, but not to Han Fei, but to the sea world who were watching the battle from behind: "Once the war starts, you may all stay here, do you really want to die because of this person? ?"

However, this time, everyone's opinions were unusually unified.

The Great Emperor said: "I have been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years in the major battlefields of Xinghai, will I be afraid of death?"

A great emperor sneered: "When you start a battle of gods, you have never won an ominous one, and you are also qualified to speak?"

The goddess of Watching City also said, "It's just Han Fei's battle alone. If you want to turn this into a battle of the gods, I have no opinion."

The **** of the Temple of Time frowned slightly, and all the people in the Temple of Void were reckless.

You are the Great Emperor Realm, what can you do?

Can't you wait until you become a **** and then go to the ominous and arrogant?

It's just that he can't say that.

The three temples are united in dealing with the ominous issue.

If it really caused the war of the gods, it was impossible for him to stand idly by.

The Doomsday class on the opposite side saw that the strong guards in the Sea of ​​Watch looked like they were not afraid of fighting.

The way of perishing together doesn't work, then take your life to fill it.

Although the birth of ominous creatures is not easy.

But if you can win Han Fei, the owner of the demon pot, all the sacrifices will be worth it.

This time, Han Fei saw a lot of people surrounding him, knowing that the other party finally made a choice.

That being the case, he naturally refused to come.

"Puff puff"

The demon pot was shot again, with the life rule chain and the Immortal Slaying Sword assisted.

It's just that the Doomsday class on the opposite side is not stupid. Although the World Destruction class has been shot, they are all dozens of them in one wave, and they are mixed in the Destruction class.

In this way, Han Fei was forced to attack the Destruction-level when he killed the Destruction-level.

Han Fei figured it out, every time he kills forty or fifty World Destroyer, he will kill more than a thousand Destroyer by mistake.

It's not that he can't control the refining demon pot, but that there are too many ominous creatures attacking him, and there will always be fish that slip through the net.

And these fish that slip through the net will be killed indiscriminately by the refining demon pot once they get close.

If you don't use the demon refining pot yourself, then the other party will immediately send out the world destroyer, making it clear that you will spend it with yourself.

After killing more than 500 destroyers one after another, Han Fei found that he had also killed more than 10,000 destroyers at the same time, which made him unhappy.

If this goes on, refining the demon pot will not be able to kill Li Daoyi's 3,200 world destroyers.

Because, once the power of refining the demon pot is consumed, the opponent's doomsday level will definitely make a move, and at that time, he will have no chance to make a shot at the world destroyer level.

If the number of kills to destroy the world is not comparable to Li Daoyi, then he must kill four doomsdays in order to surpass him in the ranking.


The next moment, the Emperor Sparrow turned into the sky and was summoned by Han Fei.

"so much?"

The Emperor Que was also speechless. As soon as he came out, he was faced with the dark and ominous creatures. How to fight?

Just listen to Han Fei: "You help me make up for the knife.

Once there is a fish below the World Destruction level that slips through the net trying to get into the coverage of the refining demon pot, you take action to solve it. "

"That's fine."

The Emperor Que's strength has surpassed the peak of the extreme way, and the destruction level of the mere thousand's eight hundred is impossible to be his opponent.


If the three doomsdays have faces, then their faces at the moment should be ugly.

And in the ominous fog, there was a voice whispering: "The emperor is actually serving people as the master?"

The voice immediately reached the outside of the three passages: "Don't waste it, just take the world-level life to fill it.

Today, this man must die. "

The three doomsday grades heard the words and sent orders one after another.

Immediately, more than 3,000 World Destruction-level animals rushed towards Han Fei without fear of death.

When Han Fei saw this, he was overjoyed. He knew that Emperor Que was so reliable, and he shouted it out.

"Puff puff"

One after another, the world-destroying level was pierced.


Fierce God's Valley, Honghuang Pagoda.

There are still people coming and going here every day, and many people line up to go to the ominous battlefield.

Suddenly, when someone glanced at the ranking stone tablet, they suddenly exclaimed: "Look, Han Fei's ranking has moved, and suddenly it has become eighth."

"how is this possible?

Han Fei has disappeared for three hundred years. If he went to the ominous battlefield, how could we not know? "

"What I said is true, if you don't believe me, see."

"Look at the ****! Killed more than 3,000 world-class ones?"

"what happened?

How could Han Fei be on the ominous battlefield?

When did he go? "

"My God, he has already surpassed Li Daoyi in the number of kills at the world-annihilation level."

Suddenly, under the Honghuang Tower, exclaimed again and again.

But for a moment, the entire Fierce God Valley knew that Han Fei had appeared, and went to the list again.

Waiting for a tavern for one.

Yue Lingke was also a little stunned. Han Fei promised to come back in a hundred years at most, but he left for almost two hundred years.

I originally thought that something had happened to him, but when I heard his news again, it was still from the stone tablet of the Honghuang Pagoda.

"Why did he go directly to the Sea of ​​Watch?

Why don't you go to the Valley of Fierce Gods?"

Suddenly, Yue Lingke's spirit was lifted, and Han Fei suddenly broke into the Prehistoric Pagoda, which only showed that he was fully prepared.

I haven't returned before, I'm afraid it's just ominous and eye-catching.

Today, suddenly brushing the list, obviously has the confidence to brush the list, once it succeeds, it will be the time when the gods are born.

Immediately, Yue Lingke shouted: "Everyone leaves the store. From today onwards, the store is closed and temporarily closed."

Xinghai Cliff.

After Han Fei fought fiercely for more than half an hour, the power of refining the demon pot was almost exhausted.

Counting the world destroyers that fell before, Han Fei killed a total of 4,212 world destroyers.

As for the destruction and terror level, Han Fei couldn't count it, because he didn't know how many people were killed in the blast just now.

But no matter how much he blew himself up just now, it didn't mean much to Han Fei.

The ranking of the Prehistoric Pagoda is mainly based on the level of killing ominous creatures.

So far, if nothing else, his current ranking should be eighth.

At this moment, the demon refining pot can no longer fight, because the speed of the demon refining pot is there, even if they can continue to shoot, they will not be able to touch them.

However, more than 4,000 world destroyers have all sacrificed, and they don't care how many more sacrifices are made.

I saw that more than 300 annihilations were killing Han Fei again.

And this time, Han Fei directly ran the Dao of Self, and with the blessing of double combat power, the combat power exceeded 360,000, almost keeping up with the gods' minimum limit of 400,000 combat power.

This kind of combat power is seven times stronger than the basic combat power of the peak of ordinary great emperors.

However, he saw that Han Fei was like a wandering dragon in the sea of ​​stars, and the sword of immortal slaying came out.

"Puff puff"

Even these world destroyers are also in control of the law, possessing all kinds of strange magical techniques, all of which can be slashed with one sword.

Moreover, in addition to Han Fei's shot, Di Que is also shooting.

The Emperor Sparrow itself is not afraid of ominous energy, and does not need any protection. With one claws and one peck, its wings sweep across, not only can kill the ominous, but also absorb some of the ominous energy.

One person and one bird, fighting three hundred world-level battles, in a situation of crushing, everyone in the back is stunned.

Someone was shocked: "The power of that side of the world is completely controlled by him. This is no longer the combat power of the Great Emperor Realm."

Someone was horrified: "Is there another battleable god?"

A **** said: "It's more than twice as strong as the last time he came to the peak state. The growth rate of this child is really terrifying! However, if he wants to make the list, he has to kill three doomsdays, with his current strength. , I'm afraid it's not enough."

Another person said lightly: "He can't come unprepared, let's see what cards he has."

After Han Fei slaughtered more than 200 world-destroying levels one after another, finally, a sharp claws tore the sky, broke the power of the sword to control the world, and slapped Han Fei with a slap.


However, Han Feiyi was not afraid, and drew the knife with the backhand, blessed by the law of life, Ragnarok launched, and cut off half of the palm of the doomsday level with one stroke.

I just heard Han Fei sneer: "Finally willing to end?"

This doomsday roared: "There is no demon pot refining, no matter how strong you are, you will still be the emperor after all."

But I saw that the half of the palm that was cut off by Han Fei was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

And the doomsday level, transformed into a spider crab-like appearance.

Ten long sharp claws, like ten large spears, stab like a streamer, each blow carries a void storm, and the speed is so fast that it can strike a thousand times in a blink of an eye.

Han Fei abandoned the knife, punched in the air, and charged forward.

I saw the sea of ​​stars, bursting in succession, shaking and rippling, thousands of layers in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The two fought fiercely for a long time, not giving an inch. Although Han Fei was slightly weaker than the other party at the moment, he was surrounded by the laws of life, so he was not afraid at all.

Outside the venue, Henry Zhang muttered: "Is the gap between the Great Emperor Realm and the Long Life Realm so big?"

Xia Xiaochan and several others have not been promoted to the Great Emperor, so they do not know the true combat power of the Great Emperor Realm.

However, from the battle between Han Fei and the Doomsday class, they could feel that a casual blow between them, even if they went all out, could not be resisted.

Suddenly, Han Fei shouted, "Fusion."


The number of times Dique and Han Fei have merged is limited.

In the past, after they merged, Han Fei's combat power was only increased by one or two percent at most, that was because the realm of Emperor Que was not enough at that time.

But this time, Emperor Que has surpassed the peak of the extreme way, and once again merged, Han Fei's strength suddenly doubled.

At that moment, Han Fei's combat power finally entered the realm of the gods, and when he was fighting again, he saw that the doomsday level was shaken.

I saw Han Fei clasped the ominous claws with both hands, and the law of life burst out from his palms, instantly destroying the opponent's entire claws.

Han Fei, who merged with the Emperor Sparrow, was not afraid of the ominous atmosphere at all.

"Do you think that you are a god?

That being the case, let's let you feel what is truly ominous. "


Incarnated as an ominous creature like a big crab, it opened its huge circular mouth, as if it could devour a piece of void, with nine sharp claws, embracing the void, and seemed to lock that piece of space to a dead end.

Seeing this, Han Fei smiled disdainfully: "You're right, I really don't have the divine right now.

However, I do have a note about the divine robbery, so you can try it. "

I saw Han Fei holding the void, and Thor's Hammer appeared.

Although the Thunder God's Hammer obtained from the ancient temple of Leiyin is only a mid-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure, it has a characteristic.

Han Fei's current strength, I don't know if this Thor's Hammer can carry it.

But the mid-grade Fortune Spirit Treasure is also the Fortune Spirit Treasure, so it shouldn't be that time.

"Mid-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure?"

When the Doomsday class saw Thor's Hammer, they simply ignored it, thinking that this kind of thing could hurt themselves?

With Han Fei leaping into the sky, the power of heaven and earth gathered together.

The rolling robbery clouds condensed a huge thunder.

This is a calamity against Han Fei, but Han Fei's strength has already surpassed the peak of the extreme way, so how can this calamity be simple.


I saw that the Thunder God's Hammer was shining brightly, the divine might poured out, and the purple-black thunderbolt crashed down.

The doomsday-level ominous creature finally found out that it was wrong, it was just a mid-grade good fortune spiritual treasure, how could such power erupt?


This apocalyptic roar continued, and the power of thunder filled his body, purifying a lot of ominous aura.

Thunder has the ability to purify, and it is only natural that this Doomsday level has been hit hard at this moment.

At this moment, the other two doomsday classes shot at the same time, one smashed out an ominous pillar, and the other sprayed the dark sword, attacking and killing.

On the side of the sea of ​​watch, a **** said: "Do you want to make a move?"

"No! Wait, don't forget what he's here for."

Since Han Fei came to brush the list, he naturally has the confidence to brush the list. It is necessary to fight one against three. Otherwise, how could it be possible to win Li Daoyi's list?

Sure enough, at the moment when the two doomsday grades started, Han Fei laughed, the Dao of the Self was running, five times the combat power, and the strength suddenly soared to 900,000. With the fusion of the gods, the combat power directly broke through one million. close.

I saw that Han Fei raised one hand, turned his fist into a palm, and pushed out horizontally, directly blocking the ominous pillar.

On the other side, Han Fei reappeared, holding the dark sword between his fingers.

What he was waiting for was this moment, first half deceived and half confused, so that the other party mistakenly thought that his strength limit was just reaching the god-level combat power, and in this case, kill one first.

At this moment, the other two doomsdays are shooting together, of course he can't miss such a good opportunity.

"Puff puff!"

Hundreds of thousands of life rule chains rose into the sky, directly poking the doomsday class that had been hit hard by the divine catastrophe into a hornet's nest.

The long river of life here was cut off by Han Fei, and if this apocalypse-level method was used to reach the sky, there would be no chance of resurrection.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

A second ago, everyone was worried because the two Doomsdays were shooting at the same time. The next second, Han Fei counterattacked and fought the three Doomsdays alone.

Some gods sighed in relief: "Sure enough, he still has a hole card, and it's quite good."

The goddess smiled lightly: "Otherwise, why would he come to the list at this time?"

The **** of the Temple of Time, with his pupils shrinking, can the current Great Emperor Realm be so strong?

Han Fei's sudden outburst made the two doomsday classes feel apprehensive and immediately wanted to quit temporarily.

"Come when you say it, and leave when you say it. What do you think of me?"


Han Fei turned his hands, and the fortune-telling chessboard appeared on the palm of his hand, placing 23 pieces in a row.


However, I saw that 23 ghosts of gods appeared in succession in the field, directly trapping this place.



"What kind of treasure is this?

Can you summon so many divine projections? "

"If every one of them has a divine strike, is it still worth it?"

However, Han Fei hadn't given up on the field, only to see him spit out, the dragon's blood soul bead, shining brightly, imprinted on his chest.

I saw that Han Fei's strength has skyrocketed again. This time, it is not as simple as five times the combat power.

Han Fei only felt that his flesh and blood was locked by a powerful force, and with the urging of the Dao of Self, ten times the combat power was revealed.


The blood sky blade bloomed the most splendid brilliance, he felt that he had returned to the peak, and the **** battle characteristics broke out. He could have tripled his combat power, but because Han Fei was too strong at this moment, he himself could not bear the power. promote.

But even so, the Blood Sky Blade has nearly doubled its combat power.

"puff puff"

Activate the law of life, and use the power of heaven and earth to cut out a sword of immortality, and use the trick of time to turn one sword into two swords.

With just one knife, Han Fei would chop one of the Doomsday class to pieces and fall on the spot.

After all, Han Fei's combat power at this moment is nearly two million.

On the other side, 23 projections of gods, bursting 23 hits in a row, are simply not something that an ominous creature can resist.

In the Dragon Battlefield, he tried it and faced the Seven Doomsdays at that time.

In the case of consuming almost 12 phantoms of gods, I killed two.

Therefore, in theory, the phantoms of the twenty-three gods should be able to kill at least three doomsdays.

At this moment, if you only deal with one, isn't that within your grasp?

At that moment, Leren shouted wildly: "It's about to hit the list."

Henry Zhang laughed: "It's become, it's done."

However, at this critical moment, I saw a number of giant claws protruding from the ominous fog, and there was even an ominous humanoid creature that struck in an instant.

"God-killing level."

On the side of the sea of ​​watch, the goddess scolded: "God-killer dare to intervene in the battle of the emperor's realm?"

However, the god-killer level did not respond, but stretched out his hand to tear open the two shadows, and was about to take the doomsday level away.

In the sea of ​​​​watching, the goddess shot, a flat jade ruler, and the god-killing level confronted in mid-air, forcing the god-killing level to give up the ominous doomsday.

However, I saw Han Fei's mouth sneering, and his voice was high: "I guessed that someone would ruin my good things, but it's just a god-killer. Who gave you the courage to kill?"


On the fortune-telling chessboard, the twenty-fourth son fell.

That is an arrow, what is it if it is not a god-killing arrow?

However, he saw that Han Fei used the void as a bow, and pulled it open with his bare hands. With a sound of "咻", the arrows were like thunder, instantly locking the god-killing level ominous.

Seeing this arrow, even the goddess stopped, horrified, how could this blow be so strong?

No matter how many means of the Great Emperor Realm, how can you play the divine power of the god-killing level?



The god-killing level didn't have time to react, and was pierced by Han Fei's arrow on the spot, his ominous aura dissipated, and the state fell on the spot.

Chen Lingsu was originally a god-killing powerhouse~www.readwn.com~ This arrow left on the fortune chessboard could not be regarded as an ordinary divine strike. After being strengthened by killing a child, it tripled its combat power, which was enough to kill a god.

This God-killing level died, and the remaining 21 gods were phantoms, and in a blink of an eye, the doomsday level that was almost taken away was beheaded on the spot.

"Bold Emperor, your actions may lead to the destruction of the sea of ​​​​watch."

Outside the ominous fog, 12 doomsdays emerged one after another.

In the ominous fog, more voices came out, and the anger was unstoppable.

I just heard Han Fei shouting violently: "Shut up Laozi.

What kind of thing are you, you dare to speak madly here and destroy the sea of ​​​​watch?

The dragon battlefield can destroy your one master, the sea of ​​watch, just as well. "

"Destroy the Lord?"

The gods here are all dumbfounded, which one has destroyed a master?

Where is the dragon battlefield?

Henry Zhang and others, who were not too tired to eat melons, jumped up and shouted, "No, get him, kill them."

For them, the success of this list, the pattern of the sea world will be rewritten, and they are naturally very happy.

In the ominous fog, the voice ceased.

On the dragon battlefield, the ominous indeed suffered heavy losses.

Now, Han Fei came to the Sea of ​​Watch again, and he really couldn't bet.

After all, this is not the real final battle.

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Han Fei calmed down, and only listened to him shouting, "If you want me to stop, then make an ominous passage, otherwise I will kill these three passages today."

After speaking, Han Fei looked back at the gods of the sea of ​​​​watching: "Seniors, please come with me.

Today even if the King and Lao Tzu come, I can tell the truth. "

The goddess's heart moved. It didn't matter whether Han Fei was bluffing or not, but as long as he could destroy an ominous passage, it was indeed worth the risk.

Just listen to her immediate order: "Kill!"

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