God of Fishing

Chapter 2840: Han Fei kills God

Chapter 2840 Han Fei kills God

"God-killing level?"

Li Tianqian frowned, clearly showing displeasure.

"Has Zhonghai Shenzhou reached this point?"

Han Fei: "The battle of the sea world, the winner is the king, for Xinghai, this may just be a small fight, I am afraid no one will care about these small things.

They only see a result. "

"God-killing level?"

Han Chanyi thought to herself, she was angry, not ignorant.

How could it be a simple role to be able to make a busy man like himself come back in person?

Moreover, from the name alone, you can tell that this is a realm higher than the gods.

Han Chanyi couldn't help but feel gloomy. Could it be that the parents and the others were all facing powerhouses of this level when they were outside?

Li Tiangan: "What do you need me to do?"

Han Fei: "What is the strength of the seniors now?"

Li Tianqian pondered: "If you only count this, it is more than 1.4 million, and the limit is not more than 1.6 million.

If it is against the god-killing level... it is not enough, or it can stop Hundred Breaths, which is probably the limit. "

Han Fei's heart was shocked, this is already very strong, Li Tiangan and the others have lived in the sea of ​​gods and demons for nearly two million years, and now they have become gods for less than a thousand years. .

On the other hand, Han Chanyi couldn't help but widen her eyes. Even the master can only resist the powerhouse of Hundred Breaths?

But my parents don't seem to be gods yet! Then the strong, how can they resist?

Han Fei paused: "The devil is back."

Li Tiangan: "In the extreme state, the expressions of the two of us can be blocked for at most half an hour.

The Demon God is stronger than me, but Jian Xiu is good at fighting and killing enemies. In terms of ultimate combat power, the Demon God is at most 30% stronger than me, and maybe he can barely reach the God-killing level.

But there is a gap with the real god-killing level. "

"The Goddess of Light will take action."

Li Tiangan: "Half an hour."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Emperor Yin's strength as a goddess of light should not be as strong as Li Tiangan and the devil, but his combat power must be more than one million.

After all, the Goddess of Light can also be the existence of the three doomsday levels alone, so it should be no problem to help the two of them.

Han Chanyi was really shocked at this moment.

She knows the name of the Demon God. The Demon God is known to protect the human race for thousands of years, and its strength is stronger than that of Master.

And the Goddess of Light in Hidden Emperor City once wanted to accept her as a disciple, but she wanted to learn swordsmanship, so she didn't go.

Now, the three gods have joined forces, and they can only resist that god-killing level for half an hour?

What kind of terrifying existence is that?

I just listened to Han Fei: "Senior, I want to ask you to help me unite with the demon god, the goddess of light, and sit in the human race.

At present, I haven't found the Godkiller in the boundless mining area, but I always feel that something is wrong. "

Li Tiangan couldn't help but look at Han Fei: "Then where is the Godkiller you found?"

Han Fei and Li Tiangan looked at each other: "The outer waters of the Oriental Jiange."


In the prehistoric sword mound, countless sword intents trembled slightly, showing that Li Tiangan was not at peace in his heart.

Li Tiangan: "Do you suspect that there are two god-killers coming from Donghai Shenzhou?"

Han Fei: "It's possible."

In fact, what Han Fei is worried about is the Chaos Protoss.

Jiang Buyi has a way to block the direction of the Navigation Vientiane Instrument, so the rest of the Chaos Protoss might not be able to.

The Hidden Divine Seal has never been touched by himself, but it is also a treasure of good fortune, I am afraid it is more than that simple.

Therefore, he did not dare to gamble.

The human race must be guarded by someone, and these are the ones I am familiar with.

Li Tiangan: "We all went to the boundless mining area. What about the God-killer class on the side of the Eastern Jiange?"

There was a trace of cruelty in Han Fei's eyes: "This person will surely die within half an hour."

"it is good."

Li Tiangan didn't ask any more questions. If he didn't have a hole card, Han Fei wouldn't say such a thing.

Moreover, Dongfang Jiange is not completely without information sources.

Han Fei's experience abroad in these years, he knows a little bit.

Since Han Fei was sure that the god-killing level would die, he chose to believe it, because he knew that Han Fei's luck was too strong, and he was more willing to believe in Han Fei than the decadent Zhonghai Shenzhou.

When it was over, Li Tiangan looked at Han Chanyi: "Since you guys are back, will Yiyi go with you?"

Han Fei smiled and looked at Han Chanyi, then looked back at Li Tiangan: "Before the war subsided, the boundless mining area is no longer a place where the human race lives.

When I return this time, I want to take the entire human race with me. "

Li Tiangan nodded: "When will we start?"

Han Fei: "The soldiers are very fast, now."

Han Chanyi hurriedly said, "I want to go back to the human race. The principal, grandfather, and the others are all in the human race."

Xia Xiaochan said: "Yiyi, the battle here at Dongfang Jiange will be very fast.

When your father settles the matter here, he will naturally go to the human race as soon as possible.

In this battle, my mother can't help, so I will take you to see the battle above the gods in your father's natal star. "

"Above the gods?"

Han Chanyi glanced at Han Fei and pouted, pretending not to care.

However, she really wanted to see the battle above the gods. She had never seen the gods take action in her life, let alone above the gods.

Since Li Tiangan asked Han Chanyi to listen, he also wanted to put some pressure on her to make her realize that the reason why the human race is peaceful now is because there have always been people standing in front of the human race.

Li Tiangan also said: "Tutor, your mother is right, your father's battle is over, and he will soon go to the human race.

And if the teacher takes you with you, once someone is ambushed and the teacher falls, you will definitely become the trump card in the hands of the enemy to threaten your father and the entire human race.

Before the big situation, think carefully. "


On Han Fei's natal star.

Xia Xiaochan was watching the sky with Han Chanyi, only to hear the latter say: "Mother! Is this uncle okay! How can I hear that someone hasn't become a **** yet, how can I kill a god?"

At this moment, Han Fei was turning into a black mist, floating outside the Oriental Sword Pavilion. Hearing this, he was full of emotion, woman! No matter how big or small, they have a set when they are angry.

Han Fei's voice sounded leisurely: "This little girl, I haven't lost the battle your father wants to fight.

The mere god-killing level, I can destroy it with a snap of my fingers. "

"Oh! Uncle, take a break!"

Xia Xiaochan also couldn't help laughing and laughing: "If this uncle says yes, he will! When you need to hand over your destiny to him, trust him."

"Mother, can you release the seal on me?"

Xia Xiaochan: "Yiyi, your bloodline is too strong and walking too fast is not a good thing.

When your father was at his peak, the experience of the world went away for two hundred years.

But if you let go of your seal, you may break through in two days. Although it is fast, it cannot reach the extreme. Therefore, every realm needs to be steady and steady, so that it is possible to have the ability to settle down in the great world in the future. "

Ye Chanyi: "Mother, I heard that a certain person was a big fat man when he was a child, why did you like him?"


Xia Xiaochan couldn't help laughing: "After a while, he was still bald and ugly."

"That's right, I don't even dare to think about a fat man with a bald head."

"Cough cough!"

Han Fei's voice sounded again: "Enough is enough! At that time, your father and I were very charming."


Xia Xiaochan spat: "Don't overhear us."

"that is."

Han Chanyi agreed.

Han Fei: "..."

After a few hours.

About half a light-year away from the East Jiange, the submarine volcanoes converged. In the hinterland of one of the surging volcanoes, a huge squid was bathed in the fiery magma.

This squid burns flames with its whole body, and it has ten claws and ten eyes.


Suddenly, the squid's ten eyes opened at the same time, and the perception instantly swept across the volcanoes here.

At the same time, Han Fei was entering the hinterland of the volcanoes in the form of black mist. Naturally, he did not release his perception, nor did he escape the slightest breath.

The technique of divine concealment can not only transform all living beings, but also simulate everything in the world.

But even though he was very careful, he was quickly swept away by a perception.

Almost instantly, Han Fei knew that he was exposed, because of that perception, there was soul power attached to the law of space and the law of water.

When he swept over himself, there was residual soul power, as if stuck to himself.


It was too late to say, but it was fast, a void whip slammed into the void from Han Fei's side in an instant, so that Han Fei was swept away with one blow before he could react, and the body of the black mist was shot on the spot. scattered.

"Pole peak?"

The big squid didn't seem to recognize Han Feilai for the first time, but the peak of the extreme way suddenly appeared here and quietly broke into his soul power barrier, which was obviously unusual.

The first reaction of the big squid was that he was exposed, but how could the peak of the extreme way discover his existence?

Even, he has the confidence that even the gods cannot discover his existence, because he is a ten-eyed ghost squid, a real fantasy creature.

I dare not say that the illusion that I have set up is unique in the sea world, but there are no more than three of the entire ten thousand clans who can see through my soul power barrier at a glance.

Therefore, when the peak of the extreme way came here to investigate, it must have found something.


The body of the black mist exploded, and the body of the white mist appeared.

Han Fei ran the Dao of Self at the first time, and his strength was directly increased by five times.

He originally wanted to sneak attack, but he found out that the Gemini Divine Art was so easily seen through.

This means that the opponent's strength may be stronger than he expected.

When Han Fei ran the Dao of Self, and his strength soared to 900,000 combat power, he glanced at it and still found no trace of the other party.


Even at the god-killing level, it is impossible to hide from the self at this moment at such a close distance.


It was also at this moment of hesitation that Han Fei was pulled by some kind of soul power, and the surrounding Void Realm completely collapsed, and the Void Storm almost got Han Fei involved on the spot.

"Human Emperor Han Fei?"

Among Han Fei's natal stars, Xia Xiaochan and Han Chanyi were both startled because they were both startled by the sudden attack.

Han Fei obviously didn't notice the other party at all. Instead, he was taken first by others and almost wiped out with one move.

"Clang clang clang!"

The dense void fragments turned into boundless blades and swept over Han Fei, instantly defeating him.

And Han Fei swept his perception, but still didn't find where the other party was.

"No, fantasy."



In an instant, Han Fei merged with Xiao Hei Xiaobai, his combat power increased again, his eyes were black and white.

However, at the moment when he merged, ten whip marks were already in front of him, Han Fei's thoughts moved, the blood sky blade swept across, and the sword of immortality broke out with all his strength.


Fortunately, the god-killing level just did it casually and did not use all his strength. Han Fei was able to block a blow, but the whole person was also blasted hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant.

In the natal star.

In fact, Han Chanyi couldn't see what happened at all, but she knew that Han Fei was beaten, and the void of hundreds of thousands of miles collapsed. This was the first time she had seen it in her life.

It was really hard for her to imagine how someone could still be safe in such a collapsed void.

And Xia Xiaochan is also nervous at the moment, not to mention that Han Chanyi has never seen such a scene, she has never seen it either.

Even though her strength has reached the late stage of the long-lived realm at this moment, she is already extremely powerful, but she can't imagine how to deal with such a collapse of the void.

It seems that if it really happens to me, there is almost no possibility of survival.

And this seems to be just a random blow from the opponent.

"Is this the god-killing level?"

Xia Xiaochan's eyes flickered, and her desire to become stronger gradually became stronger.

Not just to catch up with Han Fei, but to let him suffer all this alone.

outside world.

Han Fei was surprised: "Are you a godslayer?"

The big squid sneered: "Don't pretend, you can come here, it means you are not simple, it seems that you saw through our plan."

The big squid did not continue to shoot Han Fei, but immediately sensed the Quartet and rushed to retreat.

He's not stupid, it's impossible for Han Fei to come to the door and not know that he is a god-killer.

Now that he knows his strength, he dares to find him, how can he have no basis for it?

If he can cultivate to the level of killing gods, he is not a fool, even if Han Fei only has the emperor realm, so what?

It is incredible that a great emperor can block his god-killing attack.

"Since you know it's me, you should know that you can't run away.


Qiu Wanren had been waiting for a long time. At that moment, he had already made his move and no one had arrived yet. However, the blue halo in the world turned into a realm of souls.

The big squid had just traversed less than ten million miles when it was blocked by a soul barrier.

However, his response was not slow. His ten eyes burst into flames and red light, slammed into the soul barrier, and smashed the soul barrier in one fell swoop.

"God-killing soul cultivator?"

The big squid was startled, and then he was a little relieved.

A god-killing soul cultivator is powerful, but how could it be so easy to kill himself?

Moreover, he is also a god-killing soul cultivator. It is not known who will kill the deer. Although Han Fei's combat power is strong, if it is limited to this, it is just an extra god's combat power, which is not something to be afraid of.

What he was most afraid of was that Han Fei was stunned and called the Void Temple directly.

Even in that case, Zhong Hai Shenzhou's plan to force Han Fei to use the Void Mark was a success, but he was doomed.

After all, he didn't even have time to take down Han Chanyi.

Of course, even if he is not afraid of Han Fei and this god-killing soul cultivator now, there is no need for him to stay here.

Since Han Fei has already touched the door, Han Chanyi can't be caught. It is meaningless to be the enemy of Han Fei at this time.

Otherwise, he will be pushed to the limit, and he might find someone from the Temple of Void to deal with him.

The big squid pushed its ten claws together, and the whole incarnation was a sharp cone.

However, Qiu Wanren naturally wouldn't let him do as he wished. He was also a soul cultivator. The era Qiu Wanren lived in, whether it was combat skills, great techniques, law application, or even magic weapons, was completely superior to the current one.

Therefore, as soon as this big squid broke through the barrier of the soul domain, it found hundreds of millions of soul threads, densely blocking the void.


Seeing this, the big squid spewed out a massive amount of soul fire, and countless laws were accompanied by soul fire, which burned a huge hole in the soul silk field in an instant.

However, although these two methods cannot crush this big squid, they have left him behind.

The next moment, Qiu Wanren ripped apart the sky with his hands, only to see the stars shining brightly, just like the billions of stars over there, turned into knives, and slashed straight down.

"Ten laws are the same day."

The big squid let out a loud roar, and instantly condensed ten law barriers with the ten strongest laws he mastered.

"bang bang bang~"

The knife fell and the stars disappeared, the sky and the earth within tens of millions of miles were eclipsed, the sun and the moon were dull, and ten legal barriers were shattered one after another.

In just a short breath, the nine tentacles broke one after another.

Only the last fire barrier could block the knife.

The big squid was horrified, this soul cultivation is strong, why is his soul power stronger than his own soul power?

At this moment, Han Fei had already killed him, the dragon blood soul bead on his chest shone, and his tenfold combat power was fully activated. The Immortal Slaying Sword instantly mobilized the power of heaven and earth, and slashed it down with a smashing thunder.

Ragnarok of the Gods, double killing of the legal body.

Time trick, turning one knife into two.

God-killing technique is extremely destructive, it can prevent the body from reshaping and reverse the flow of chaotic spiritual veins.

There are three kinds of peerless magic, one is only available to you and the devil in this world, one comes from time, and the other comes from the void.

Three methods in one, divine power is unparalleled.



But I saw the last fire barrier of the big squid shattered in response.


On the blood sky blade, the power of heaven and earth poured out, and it was a knife, which could be said to be the peak combat power of the blood sky blade.

Blood spilled in the sea, and the big squid was horrified. How could this mere emperor Han Fei be so strong?

Throughout the ages, he has not heard of any great emperor that can shake the god-killing level?

"Magic Sky Demon Poison."

I saw the big squid spraying ink, and in the blink of an eye, the sea area here was pitch black, and it was impossible to perceive the soul.

He just heard Qiu Wanren shout, "Kid Han Fei, this thing is a ten-eyed ghost squid. It is good at soul poison, illusion, summoning ghosts and other strange methods. This poison should be broken with a demon refining pot."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Eight small vines came out and quickly extracted the soul poison here.

The so-called soul poison is also a kind of soul power. If so, it is within the scope of the refining demon pot.

At the same time, Han Fei's body is full of pure brilliance, and the light is shining, but he is not a god-killer after all, so it is difficult to quickly purify this boundless darkness.

Han Fei's face changed greatly, squid can also ink jet, which is the opponent's talent skill.

A god-killing talent skill cannot be weak. If it escapes, it will be a big trouble.

Fortunately, the next moment, in this dark realm, the gossamer is densely covered, and the pure soul power flame is in full bloom.

Han Fei only listened to the continuous roar of "bang bang bang", it should be Qiu Wanren and the big squid fighting again.

Only listening to Qiu Wanren's voice: "It's just the way of soul poison, but the old man played the rest of the past.

The ultimate path of soul poison is pure.

With the way of pure soul, the same destination by different paths.

Unfortunately, your soul poison is not enough. "


In the soul fire, the darkness faded, Han Fei's yin and yang eyes exploded, and he finally found the figure of the big squid, and then he rushed out again.

The big squid was horrified and shouted: "Who is your Excellency?

Such a powerful Soul Dao comprehension cannot be a sea world powerhouse.

Did you return from the depths of the star sea?

Do you know the consequences of returning privately?

If you stop, I don't know it at all. After all, I don't want to get into trouble with a person like you. "

"Oh! The old man Qiu Wanren is the ancestor of the gods.

You bastards, plotting against my gods, and wanting this old man to stop, are just wishful thinking. "

"God ancestors?"

When the big squid heard the words, his heart sank, and it was impossible to be kind.


A crisp sound vibrated here, only to hear the big squid laugh out loud: "I admit that you are indeed stronger than me, but you and Han Fei alone, why would you kill me?

And...Han Fei, do you really think that Zhonghai Shenzhou only dispatched a god-killer of me?

I have sent a message, and there will be a god-killer attacking the human race immediately. On both sides of the battlefield, you must give up one... If you continue to entangle with me, the human race will be gone. "

"Humph! I don't need you to worry about whether my human race is here or not.

Do you think that until now, we really have no way to take you? "


What's the meaning? "

The big squid has a bad secret, I don't know why, I feel like I've been tricked.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched, waiting for this moment.

He imagined a thousand reasons, but he couldn't find an excuse for Zhonghai Shenzhou not to take action against the human race.

Yiyi is relatively safe in Dongfang Jiange.

Dongfang Jiange may not be able to stop the god-killing level, but Li Tiangan is not a waste. If the mountain protection formation is fully opened, I can't say how long it can stop it. It should be able to stop it for a while.

But the human race is different. The human race doesn't have a great formation to protect the mountain, and the only thing they rely on is the hidden emperor city.

Therefore, the powerhouses of Zhonghai Shenzhou can also threaten Han Fei by taking action against the human race.

If Han Fei abandons it and ignores it, the human emperor's way will collapse, and it will not be a problem.

This is also the reason why he is determined to let the devil return and let Li Tiangan go to the human race.

At this moment, since the big squid has determined the side of the human race and has already started, there is no need for him to cover up.

I saw that Han Fei turned his hands and took out the fortune chessboard.

"Clap clap~"

I saw that when Han Fei raised his hand, all 24 pieces fell, and the projections of 24 gods appeared immediately.

The fortune-telling chessboard is amazing, but the big squid on the opposite side is not the ominous god-killer who was shot by an arrow in the past.

The strength of this person can compete with himself and Qiu Wanren at the same time.

Even if they were defeated, it would be absolutely fine to fight for a few days and nights.

So, facing this man, Han Fei didn't know if 24 pieces were enough.

When Qiu Wanren saw this, he immediately shot, transforming into a ghostly shadow that stood on top of the sky, put his palms together in the sky, and suppressed it.

When the big squid saw this, his expression changed in horror. What the **** is that in Han Fei's hand?

How can so many divine projections be summoned?

"Bang bang bang!"

There is a projection of the gods, and the giant axe opens the sky.

There is a projection of the gods, and the long spear rolls the power of the endless void.

There is a projection of the gods, point out the limit, and all methods condense...

They are all powerhouses in the cemetery of the gods. Even though most of them are only gods, their strength is not weak. They can fight for endless years in the sea of ​​​​stars. How can there be a simple role?

At this moment, 24 gods are projected, and the ultimate move is frequent, shaking the world.

The unparalleled power here directly attracted the Shendu Dynasty, and the ancient gates were opened.

"God-killing battle?"

Han Fei was born with stars, and Han Chanyi tried her best to widen her eyes. Every time they made a shot, she couldn't see it clearly, but she could still see the projections of 24 gods at the moment.

I saw her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were wide open. Are you witnessing the battle of the gods?

In other words, the big squid was slashed by Han Fei, and the will of the **** of killing left in the body was just suppressed.

In desperation, Qiu Wanren was forced to keep him.

At this moment, there are 24 projections of gods around, all of which are releasing a blow, and he knows that it is time to have to work hard.


"Death Gaze."

However, I saw that the ten eyes of the giant squid were separated from the body, and the ten turned into a hundred, a hundred into a thousand, and a thousand into a thousand.

The big eyeballs swirled in the sky, bursting out with death rays.

"Bang bang bang!"

Tens of thousands of deaths swept this place in a straight line, and Han Fei was stunned. Is this the strength of a god-killing powerhouse of all races?

In one blow, 23 shadow projections were swept away, and even all kinds of magical techniques were smashed.

And the last killing child is a long spear, pulling the power of endless void, and killing a dragon-like spear.

Under the blessing of triple combat power, it is indeed extraordinary, but the spear light just exploded a ball of flesh and blood in the first hundred meters of this big squid, and its strength was exhausted.

Fortunately, Qiu Wanren's palms had already been suppressed.

"The Ten Directions Heavenly Ghost."

I saw that the countless eyeballs burst open, and ten ghosts of different shapes flew out one after another in the shocking ripples.

Not only did they forcibly break the power of Qiu Wanren's palms, but they also entangled Qiu Wanren.

The next moment, Qiu Wanren shouted: "Han Fei, this thing is difficult to deal with, don't hide it, keep using that chessboard!"

Han Fei didn't know the strength of the Ten Directions Heavenly Ghosts.

However, it was able to smash Qiu Wanren's soul power shocks one after another, crushing thousands of miles of sky in an instant.

And the big squid was obviously ready to give up the Ten Directions Heavenly Ghost, and before he could recover, he wanted to run away.

But the next moment, he was dumbfounded.


When the big squid saw a full 108 chess pieces falling on the chessboard, the whole person was not well. Is it possible that this thing can be endless?

However, when the phantoms of 108 gods appeared, he was completely confused. How could he fight?

However, I saw that the sky was magical, bombarding indiscriminately.

Those big eyes were still trying to resist, but the overwhelming magic was crushed in an instant.

The world here was almost destroyed.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

After the big squid shattered 32 phantoms of gods one after another, it finally couldn't hold it anymore, and the death ray was directly pierced.

His body was bombarded with holes.

Four kills, three times the divine strike, directly knocked out his tentacles, and his body was chopped into seven or eight pieces.

The soul power frenzy was also pierced by the fist mark.

When he barely penetrated 57 ghosts of gods, he was completely unable to move.

Not what Qiu Wanren said, exaggerated to the point of killing hundreds of gods.

This is still just a phantom of the gods. If it is a real god, it may only take an average number of people to completely crush this big squid.

In the end, a simple and unpretentious sword intent broke all methods, and instantly gathered ten times the combat power. Under one sword, it was like a sword transformed into a galaxy. .

In the end, the 180th chess piece broke out and fell to kill the dragon. With one sword, the throat of his fate was almost cut off.

When the sword fell, Wan Dharma retreated, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was completely out of control.

"No! The Jiang family mistaken me..."



Heaven's Dao Hongzhong swept across the nine heavens and ten places, spreading throughout the sea world, the five major divine states of the sea world, dense clouds, **** sky, and blood rain pouring down.

Han Fei let out a sigh of relief, he seemed to understand a little, why the big brother was able to fight the real ominous.

Even if it is an enemy, Han Fei has no choice but to sigh from the bottom of his heart—it's really strong!

"The Jiang family?"

Han Fei's eyes were slightly cold, and there was indeed the shadow of the Chaos Protoss.

Without waiting for Han Fei to think about it, he heard Qiu Wanren shout angrily: "What are you feeling?

Let the rest of these divine projections help me..." 5168/11028007

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