God of Fishing

Chapter 2842: human narrative

Chapter 2842 Human Narrative

This series of battles was very fast, from the ten-eyed ghost squid fell, the death knell of the heavens sounded, to the moment when the old murderer was born, repelling the Zhenhai God of Zhonghai Shenzhou, adding up to less than a hundred breaths.

It is also thanks to Xiaobai that he saw through the plan of Zhonghai Shenzhou, otherwise he really went to this ancient gods from the beginning.

At that time, the powerhouses of Zhonghai Shenzhou will hold the Human Race and Yiyi. Even if they have the Void Mark, how can they get them?

At that time, once you choose the human race and give up the god-born lineage, it will not only lead to the annihilation of the god-born army, but also destroy your own Taoism.

It is even more impossible to choose the gods and give up the human race.

Han Fei really couldn't believe that such a sinister method could be used by those powerful forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou. Could it be that these people have cultivated too much to forget their feelings, and have reached the point where they don't recognize their six relatives?

"Brush brush"

During this time, the fighting stopped less than ten breaths, and then saw several figures breaking through the void.

Taking a closer look, it was actually Emperor Dongwu, and there was an old man in a golden robe. Looking at his coercion, he was obviously a god, and he seemed to be extremely powerful.

The old man glanced at everyone, and when he saw Qiu Wanren, he bowed his hands slightly, but did not speak to Han Fei and the others, but said to Emperor Dongwu: "It is true that the Zhenhai deity shot."

The Great Emperor Dongwu's face changed slightly, and he was not hypocritical, and said directly: "What is the emperor's plan now?"

Han Fei: "I will take the human race.

The war in the Western Wilderness will start soon, and I hope that Zhonghai Shenzhou will be able to contain it as before. "

Emperor Dongwu nodded slightly: "Okay!"

After speaking, Emperor Dongwu and the old man left without looking back.

They and Han Fei are not allies, but in some ways they are natural allies.

It is impossible to count on Emperor Dongwu and the others to fight the Zhenhai God, otherwise they would not show up more than ten breaths late.

However, since Han Fei has the ability to shake off the Zhenhai God of Zhonghai Shenzhou, it means that the day has changed and they are willing to cooperate.

Li Tiangan has recovered at this moment, and said lightly: "I'll go to Jiang Honghua."

After speaking, Li Tianqian turned his sword and left.

When Li Tiangan mentioned Jiang Honghua, Han Fei knew what Li Tiangan was doing.

Jiang Honghua, the former master of the North Sea, had a deep hatred with the **** and demon forest.

This time, once the war in the Western Wilderness begins, she will not sit back and watch, and will definitely find trouble with the God and Demon Forest.

Li Tian went here, either to help Jiang Honghua to contain the gods and demon forest, or because Jiang Honghua's heart was not broken, he took this opportunity to help Jiang Honghua break the calamity and become a god.

But no matter which one, if Li Tian does this, he will find trouble with Shen Yaolin.

With his combat power, to put it bluntly, it is not a big problem to contain one or two gods.

According to the information collected by the gods, there are only three gods in the entire gods and demon forest.

Of course, Han Fei didn't know whether this information was accurate or not.

The Goddess of Light said: "I can help with the matter of the boundless mining area, and I will not interfere with the matter of the sea world.

Han Fei, remember to owe me a favor. "

Han Fei: "Don't worry, senior, I won't forget it."

The Goddess of Light naturally returned to the Hidden Emperor City, and she was also muttering in her heart that she didn't die on the battlefield, but almost died in an infighting in the sea.

In the future, if there is still such kind of favor, she will forget it, she is afraid that she will take it with her life, and she will lose her life.

As for the Demon God, he said lightly: "I will consider making a move when the time is right.

However, since the thousand-year agreement with your human race has ended, this time your war is over, and I will leave the sea world. "

Han Fei: "Thank you, Senior Demon God. If the younger generation understands the unity of the divine body, how can I find the senior?"

The devil's heart moved slightly, and then he handed a bone to Han Feidao: "Crush this bone and I will come to you.

I think it shouldn't be difficult to find you. "

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, what are you talking about?

As if I'm famous! There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

It wasn't until the Demon God left that Qiu Wanren said, "This person is very strong! It seems that the way you followed, he is almost a god-killing existence.

However, this threshold is not easy to break. If you can pass this threshold, you will probably soar into the sky, and it will be difficult for ordinary people to contain it. "

Han Feixin said that the way of extreme balance is the bipolar way, which is already powerful, and its basic combat power is twice that of ordinary people.

Ordinary people who become gods have 400,000 combat power, so can they not be stuck on the edge of killing gods when they become gods?

It's just that the road he walks is actually more difficult than that of the devil.

The Demon God just took a new path, he just didn't find a suitable way, but that didn't mean it couldn't be done.

But for me, the most troublesome thing is not the body of the gods and demons, but the supreme magic.

Once the limitation of Supreme Divine Art is broken, it may be more exaggerated than the Demon God.

Han Fei: "It's not too late, now is not the time to discuss this.

Senior, are you going back to the Divine Creation Prison? "

"What are you going to do now?

This time is equivalent to winning two god-killing levels and containing a Zhenhai deity.

I have also been exposed, and I can just kill it and go back. "

Han Fei nodded: "That's fine."

In the city of freedom, countless human races are full of solemn faces at this moment, and they have a bad premonition in their hearts.

Since they came to the boundless mining area, the current situation has not occurred.

Here, there are divine beasts, fierce beasts, major powerhouses in the East China Sea, and countless scattered cultivators.

It can be said that the boundless mining area today is almost a piece of iron.

But today, this strange celestial phenomenon, the sight of the earth shaking, and even the great defense formation were almost destroyed, making many people recall their experiences hundreds of years ago.

Therefore, there is no need to mobilize at all, and all those who have survived from the Chaos Wasteland to the present will automatically enter the state of preparation for the first time.

The City of Freedom and the ten nearby cities were all built by Han Xuan later.

The purpose is to place the ten major legions of the human race, and each city is guarded by a legion.

At this moment, the horns of war have been sounded in the major cities.

"Seven Killing Army, all assembled."

"Dragon Tiger Army, all assembled."


For a time, the strong man in the sky, across the sky, walked on the void.

There is a new generation of human races who have only seen war in history, but never experienced it, but this does not prevent them from hating Zhonghai Shenzhou.

In the enlightenment teaching of the human race, the journey from the chaotic wasteland to the boundless mining area is called the journey of blood, and 70 billion people died on the way.

Therefore, even the teenagers of the human race are all highly vigilant at this moment, ready to fight at any time, even if they know that their strength is like an ant, it is not worth mentioning.

As early as seven days ago, the ten major legions had received news from Hong Yue and quietly entered a state of preparation.

On the Human Race Gathering Day, many human races outside were attracted to return.

Hong Yue and Han Xuan didn't know the current situation, and Han Fei didn't say it, but they all knew that the war had started without them knowing.

In the city of freedom, all the emperors of the human race gathered in one room.

Han Song cloned himself and sat cross-legged. Everyone was looking solemn and waiting.

And the information synchronization between Han Song's clone and the main body started the moment Han Fei appeared.

Suddenly, Han Song opened his eyes.

Han Xuan immediately said, "How is it?"

Just listening to Han Song's clone, he smiled slightly: "I won."


"I'm so nervous."

"As expected of the emperor."

"I was so scared that I was covered in sweat. This celestial phenomenon is really too terrifying."

A group of people relaxed, and at that moment, their hearts were all in their throats.

Although the human race is rising at an extremely fast speed, no matter how fast it is, it is only less than a thousand years old. With the integration of the various forces in the East China Sea, they can quickly integrate into the sea world, but this does not mean that the human race has really shaken the sea world. capital of power.

Therefore, all of them knew that once Han Fei couldn't stop it, the human race would be over.

Han Xuan couldn't help thinking: "Win?

Then shouldn't you come back? "


"Fellow of the human race, I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human race, and I have returned."

Human race, Han Fei's voice echoed over ten cities.

At that moment, those who were born after the **** journey couldn't believe their ears. Since they were born, they have always heard the legend of the emperor. Historically, in the school, there are stories of the emperor spread everywhere.

However, the emperor never returned.

But this day, suddenly, the emperor said that he had returned, which was an unspeakable shock.

It was as if the people in the story suddenly appeared in reality.

On this occasion, on the Human Race Gathering Day, countless people gathered in the center of the city, and the scene exploded all of a sudden.

"Human Sovereign, is he really the Sovereign?"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"Will someone play a prank?"

"Who dares to pretend to be the emperor?"

"Where did the emperor speak?"

Countless older generations of human races are red-faced.

Someone laughed and said, "Human Sovereign's strength is sky-high, and his voice is all over the world, how can you see it just by looking at it?

Unless the emperor opens the sky. "

Someone laughed: "Don't worry, you can see it right away, the emperor likes opening the sky the most."

The rain of blood could not stop the smiles on the faces of these people: "I said why there is a big movement, it turns out that the emperor has returned.

Needless to say, it must be someone who doesn't have long eyes, trying to move my human race, but the emperor will clean up. "

"Haha, these people thought they could hide the emperor's eyes, and they didn't pee and look in the mirror."

"I really miss it! I still remember the days when I fought side by side with the Emperor."

Someone laughed and scolded: "Didn't you just **** a city with the emperor, you probably didn't see the emperor's face, what a fool?"

The man said angrily: "Fart, although it is far away, I can see clearly, I still remember the majesty of the emperor's battle."

Someone disdain: "Cut! What are you?

Back in the Chaos Wasteland, the Emperor came to my shop for dinner. "

In Donghai Shenzhou, many other powerful people who were watching the ceremony in the human race were speechless at the moment. This is Han Fei's prestige in the human race! A word of return made the whole city boil.


While everyone was chatting and laughing, the sky was unfolding, and Han Fei's figure stood proudly above the void, covering ten major cities and hundreds of thousands of areas.


"Human Sovereign, did the cubs see it?

What I'm talking about, I said that the emperor likes opening the sky the most. "

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

"Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign"

"Is this the emperor?"

There are countless young people, looking up at the sky, trying to see more, and their eyes are full of admiration.

"The emperor looks like a normal person!"

"Nonsense, the emperor is also a human being, not like a normal person, does he look like a monster?"

The world is noisy.

In the City of Freedom, Hong Yue and others wanted to go to greet them, but Han Fei had no intention of falling down to catch up with them.

But I saw that in the sky, Han Fei pointed to the sky and said: "My compatriots of the human race, you should have seen it, the rain of blood is coming, and the death knell of the heavens, this is the funeral for the gods, just now, a moment ago, the gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou tried to I took action against my human race and was killed by me."

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

Han Fei didn't have time to say the second half of the sentence, the whole world was completely boiling.

"Can the emperor behead the gods?"


The legendary **** was actually killed by the Emperor? "

"My God! That's a god! Has the most peak existence in the sea world been defeated by the emperor?"

"The emperor is invincible, the emperor is invincible"

"Kill well, all the people of Zhonghai Shenzhou should be damned"

"cough cough"

Han Fei squeezed his hand slightly, but his face became extremely serious: "My fellow human beings.

I'm sorry, I once said that we must strive for a peaceful and prosperous world for the people, and give them peace and stability for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, I didn't do it, because a new war has already started.

The gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou have done everything they can, trying to directly attack the ordinary people of my human race and force me to submit. Therefore, this emperor has to return.

I have to tell you a cruel thing, that is, temporarily abandon the boundless mining area, abandon this place where you have lived for more than 600 years, and then enter my life star and this time, I will continue to fight, fight. In the sea world, no one can fight against my human race, to overthrow Zhonghai Shenzhou, to hit my human race, and to stand at the top of the sea world"

Han Fei's voice was sonorous and powerful, and it became more and more exciting. His voice seemed to be infectious, and in just a short moment, the entire human race went crazy.

"I am willing to follow the Emperor Human Emperor to fight in China Sea Shenzhou."

"Since someone doesn't want us to have a better life, let's fight."

"If you don't kill a bright world, those people always think that my human race is easy to bully."

Someone burst out laughing: "My life, during the **** journey, should end, and being able to live to this day is already a big profit."

Someone shouted: "Although we are like ants, but the ants still have teeth, even if they can't hurt their bones, they will bite him."

"Fight, fight, fight"

At this moment, countless people are already furious, their blood is surging, and their anger is beyond words.

Hong Yue, Han Xuan and others finally understood at this moment why Han Fei returned in this way.

The gods have fallen, which means that Han Fei has been fighting without them knowing.

In Han Xuan's view, Han Fei would have to bear more pressure to bring the human race into the stars.

Because, once he has an accident, the entire human race will be finished.

He could force Han Fei to the point that he would rather bring hundreds of billions of human races to the stars than the boundless mining area.

That can only show that if the human race is left at the price, it will bear more pressure than bringing it into the star of life.

In the thug academy, the old man Bai sighed leisurely: "He has always been fighting alone, and the entire human race is a burden.

Sometimes I always wonder, when will he be able to let go of the Terran. "

Old Man Jiang sneered: "Put it down?

How to let go?

Now who can take his class from the human race?

Han Xuan's talent is excellent, and now he has only just entered the realm of enlightenment.

It is even more impossible for Hong Yue. He has to take charge of all affairs of the human race, and there is not much time for him to cultivate.

Liu Qiansi and Wang Xiaojiu were still foreign aid after all. They were brought back by Han Fei. It was impossible for them to go back and lead the human race. They didn't have the ability.

If you have to say it, the daughter of the handsome little Wang has grown rapidly, and Han Fei could see at a glance that her talent is extraordinary.

It is a pity that it is only in the late stage of Huaxing, if she can give her some more time, she may be a good heir. "

Old man Bai: "Why aren't you a Yiyi girl?"

The old man Jiang snorted: "That girl is just like his father, she is a restless master.

That is, Han Fei sealed her, if you unblock her, try it. "

The old man nodded slightly: "That's true.

However, over the years, the newly born human race has generally high spiritual veins, and there are hundreds or thousands of people with divine veins.

The newcomers of our thug academy over the years have been wrapped up by these little guys, and the fastest one has entered the open sky in three hundred years.

If you give them some space, I don't believe that you can't find a successor. "

While the two old men were chatting with each other, Han Fei spoke again: "Now, in the name of the emperor, I will be called Renren: all humans, within half an hour, pack up and prepare to enter my destiny.

In addition, I would like to ask the other forces in Donghai Shenzhou who have witnessed all this today, to pass on those human races who have been trained abroad in recent years and have not been able to return in time.

Tell them not to panic.

I will come back when Han Fei swept through Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

The sky was closed, Qiu Wanren appeared beside Han Fei, and couldn't help but tut: "Yes, it is indeed the emperor, the ultimate belief of the human race.

However, there is a charming voice in your voice. This is asking for the power of your human race, right? "

Han Fei smiled lightly: "It's okay, the road behind me.

I still don't know how to go on. Now I have the opportunity to save my will, can I save a little more? "

The outer stars of Han Fei's natal stars are still evolving, but he doesn't have much time to pay attention to them.

Whether or not the willpower should be used on them, he is not sure now.

After returning this time, he decided to put Zhang Daqian's clone there temporarily to learn more about the changes and ideas that the human beings he created over the years have gone through.

Moreover, in that way, you only need to synchronize the information, which saves time and effort.

As for Han Song's avatar, he has accumulated a lot of resources, and it is time for him to swallow the energy crystals, enter the cycle of reincarnation, and easily advance to the emperor realm.

In the city of freedom, Han Fei first met with Han Xuan and Hong Yue.

Just listen to Han Xuan: "Is it difficult to fight?"

Han Fei: "At least, the hardest part has been eliminated.

Uncle Xuan, your strength is a bit slow! "

Han Xuan's mouth twitched immediately: "Am I still slow?

While in charge of the human race, while cultivating, I am thankful that I can prove Dao.

Look at Hong Yue, he is so busy that he has barely made it to the Great Perfection of Kaitian. Many times, the resources are there, do you think he has time to practice? "

Hong Yue smiled awkwardly: "I'm already cultivating very fast, and I use resources casually, how can I be unhappy?

Thinking back to the beginning, it took 70,000 to 80,000 years to open up the sea. Compared with that time, now I'm so fast that I can't imagine it many times. "

Han Fei chuckled and said, "What is Kaitian Great Perfection? When I determine the status of the Ding Ding Human Race in the sea world, I will try to speed up your practice ten times and a hundred times."

Han Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't think what Han Fei said was a joke, but he didn't say anything.

He knew that although the rise of the human race was already fast, it was still too slow in relative terms.

Han Xuan hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Fei'er, if you can determine the status of the Ding people in the sea world, then abdicate at that time!"

Hearing this, Hong Yue was slightly displeased, but after thinking of something, he sighed secretly.

Han Fei smiled and said, "That's what I mean, it's not enough, wait until I penetrate Zhonghai Shenzhou."

After briefly reminiscing with Han Xuan and the others, Han Fei came to the Thug Academy.

Today's human race, although they are all under their control, only the Thug Academy has a sense of belonging.

When Han Fei came, there was a broken table, three or two side dishes, a pot of fine wine, and three small benches in the back of the thug academy. Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang had already started drinking.

There is still one vacant, which is naturally reserved for Han Fei.

"Huh! The two principals, don't wait for me?"

The old man Jiang glanced at Han Fei: "If you don't wait for you, the dishes will be finished."

Han Fei jokingly said, "Old man, you seem to be a little reluctant to make progress now! If you cook and drink here every day, you should really shout to Leren to come back and spend time with you."

"Okay! The little fat man is lazy, he likes this tune, he can't wait."

The old man Bai interjected: "Okay, what a mess.

Han Fei, what about Yiyi? "

"Fell asleep."

The next moment, Xia Xiaochan appeared, summoned a stool and sat down and said, "She watched the battle of gods and needs to digest it."

The old man Bai was stunned: "What is the realm of Yiyi, can she watch the battle of gods?"

Han Fei: "Occasionally one or two pictures is okay.

Second old, I have troubled you all these years. "


The old man Jiang spit out a mouthful of wine: "After going out for hundreds of years, you can't say anything, right?

Who did you learn hypocrisy from? "


Han Fei laughed and said, "Yes! It seems that you didn't bring enough children, old man~www.readwn.com~ Go back and ask Xiao Kuangkuang to bring you one back."

The old man raised his eyebrows: "Oh?

Does anyone else see the little fat man? "

Xia Xiaochan giggled: "Principal, you're going to be sad when you hear this madly.

People are now at the peak of longevity, and it is only a matter of thought to be promoted to the emperor.

Why is no one watching? "

"The pinnacle of longevity!"

The old man Bai said leisurely: "Then next time you ask him to come back, bring a little chubby back."

After chatting for a while, Han Fei said with a straight face: "Principal, when I go back and find a new place to live for the people, will the mob academy expand?

Recruit more teachers and recruit more students. "

Old man Bai: "How many times has it been expanded, and is it still expanding?"

Han Fei nodded: "Expand! It must be expanded! Principal, if I say that among the people born in the past three hundred years, there are likely to be many seedlings with the talent to become gods, do you believe it?"


The old man Bai and the old man Jiang looked at each other, immediately refreshed, and quickly said: "Is this true?"

I saw that the old man Bai got up immediately and pulled Han Fei to get off the table.

"Hey! Principal, I haven't finished eating yet."

"What to eat?

What have you not eaten?

Come on, don't you have that nautical rig? You point out to me those seedlings that have become gods. "

Han Fei: ""


At this moment, suddenly, the sky roared again, and the blood rain was even better than before.

"dong dong dong"

The old man Bai was stunned: "This is the one who died just now. Is this bell still tolling?"

However, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "No, this is another one.

Principal, it's almost time, I have to go"

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