God of Fishing

Chapter 2850: 6 veins appear, ancient stillbirth

Chapter 2850 Six veins appear, ancient stillbirth

The fifth senior brother slashed the gods with one sword, which was quite easy and freehand. Han Fei couldn't help sighing that the fifth senior brother was the first one he had seen, and the only one so far. It seemed that he could kill the existence of gods without borrowing anything.

He didn't even know that the fog of history, such a mysterious and mysterious thing, could actually become a peerless power.

At this moment, although the calamity came, the fifth senior brother did not stop, and saw his eyes swept over the remaining gods on the battlefield, killing intent, and as he pinched the seal in the void, a huge amount of historical fog spewed from the wine gourd. , like tentacles with claws and claws, reaching out to those gods.

The eight gods who were in the middle of the war all stopped fighting, trying to get rid of the current battle situation.

They still have a trace of fantasy in their hearts, and they still think about the possibility of survival, so they are still resisting.

But they also know that they can fight ordinary enemies, but the enemies of the Void Temple cannot.

Han Fei is a typical example. At the peak of the mere emperor, he killed two god-killing powerhouses in a row.

As for the fifth senior brother, although they are not familiar with each other, they have never seen him make a move, but this is Han Fei's senior brother.

Only to listen to the fifth senior brother's mouth to drink: "The way of heaven, the excess is damaged and the deficiency is made up.

You and others are ranked among the gods, hidden in the sea world, avoiding the ominous war, and even killing thousands of people, robbing people of luck and harming the way of heaven.

In this case, don't waste this divine power, disperse the divine body, and pour into my jug to make wine."

"Brush brush"

Of the eight gods, five were desperately held back by the five gods on the gods' side.

In the blink of an eye, they were covered by the fog of history, and once they were swept up in this mysterious gray fog, all their strength, divinity, flesh, and spirit began to melt away.

No matter how hard they struggled, it seemed that they couldn't break through the fog.

In the end, these five people were the first to be caught up in the fog of history and dragged into the wine gourd.

There were only three gods who were besieged by the great emperors and barely escaped.

It can almost be said that they are fleeing, they don't know where to flee, but they never want to stay here.

But when they escaped a certain distance, they found that an enchantment appeared in the void.

The enchantment seemed to appear out of thin air, and on the light curtain of the enchantment were fragments of history, involving various races.

Some of those fragments are the rise of the strong, some are the fall of the gods, some are the ominous battles, and some are the world of Pepsi.

When they tried to penetrate this piece of history, they were shocked to find that they couldn't shake it at all, at most they could only leave a ripple on the barrier.

On the contrary, from that barrier, a gray mist actually pervaded them, wrapping them up.

In the end, the eight gods were all sucked into the wine gourd by the five senior brothers.

"How did you do it?"

Han Fei looked at all this in shock. He knew that the fifth senior brother was very strong, but there was no reason to be so strong! He hasn't crossed the divine calamity yet. With the body of the great emperor, he suppressed eight gods at the same time, which is unbelievable.

Senior Brother Liushen smiled and said, "Little Junior Brother, did Fifth Senior Brother tell you that he is in the Great Emperor Realm?"

Han Fei: "I'm not stupid, how can I not see it?

He is clearly the Great Emperor Realm. "

Senior Brother Liushen said sternly: "You know, in history, that is, in the ancient times, there was no specific concept of gods, and there was no clear division of which realm was the realm of gods.

Some people, just because they haven't survived the calamity, doesn't mean they're not gods.

Divine Tribulation is actually nothing more than a kind of recognition, and some people don't care about being recognized or not.

And the fifth senior brother is such a person. "

"God who does not survive the calamity?"

Senior Brother Liushen shook his head: "No, you think he is the Great Emperor Realm, he is the Great Emperor Realm.

If you think he is a god, he is a god.

Ordinary people think he is an ordinary person, and he is an ordinary person.

All this is just what we thought.

But in fact, I think the realm of the five senior brothers should be regarded as a state of no realm. "

"Then this divine catastrophe?"

Han Fei looked at the huge calamity scene, what happened?

Senior Brother Liushen said lightly: "The fifth senior brother has no realm, but Yue Lingke has a realm.

The god-born lineage cannot always rely on a few cultivated gods.

The fifth senior brother shared a part of his luck, part of his background, and part of his understanding of the way of heaven to Yue Lingke.

For him, these things, in the long history, can be taken at will. "

Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but interject: "Isn't that invincible?

What if I think the fifth senior brother is a dominant powerhouse? "

Senior Brother Liushen's eyes wandered: "How do you know that he is not the master?"

Han Fei immediately said: "If it was the master, the fifth senior brother couldn't react to Senior Yue just now?"

Senior Brother Liushen: "This is more troublesome to explain.

This is generally the troublesome place in the Realm of No Boundaries. We cannot define his strength or weakness at all, and even he himself cannot define it.

Therefore, Senior Sister Kagura meant to let him quickly break this state of no state and become a man of state. "

Both Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were damaged by lightning. Han Fei felt his scalp tingling, and Xia Xiaochan stuck out his tongue secretly. The path of these peerless powers was impossible to guess.

And Han Fei suddenly remembered that the fifth senior brother had been sitting in the Chaos Ice Territory before, but he knew what happened in the South China Sea Divine State.

Then he was so far apart, and no one specifically went to tell him, why did the Fifth Senior Brother know about things so far away?

That is at least something that Zhenhai God can do, right?

Han Fei couldn't help but say again: "Break the stateless and become the state?

What if one day the fifth senior brother feels that he is stronger than ominous? "

Senior Brother Liushen glanced at Han Fei: "Don't go to the horns, his power comes from the long history.

But it does not mean that he is history itself, and he cannot borrow the power of the entire history.

In history, ominous is undefeated. "

Han Fei: "Then I don't care, anyway, I will take the fifth senior brother as the master now."

Han Fei felt that there was nothing wrong with this, the senior brother was the master, the senior sister Kagura was the master, and the undead senior brother was the master.

Senior Brother Qinglong climbed to the sky and reached the Zhenhai God in one step, and even tried to attack the master.

For Qinglong now, the Domination Realm is not out of reach. When he stabilizes his cultivation and wakes up from his slumber, it is only a matter of time before he can break through to the Dominion.

Then, when it comes to the fifth senior brother, why can't this special state of no realm be the master.

Han Fei felt that if the fifth senior brother could be a little more narcissistic, he would probably still be a master with great interests.

Han Fei couldn't help tilting his head to look at Senior Brother Liushen: "Senior Brother, today's Fifth Senior Brother, Shadow Senior Sister, and even Lei Heng have broken through. Why are you still here?"

Xia Xiaochan tugged at Han Fei's clothes: "Shouldn't Senior Brother Liushen do the same?"

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he naturally understood what Xia Xiaochan meant.

Senior Brother Liushen, if you don’t show off the mountains but don’t show the water, shouldn’t you also be the master?

Senior Brother Liushen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm not.

My breakthroughs were not as ambitious as theirs, and I came naturally. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Is it done?

Which one did you make? "

Brother Liushen ignored Han Fei, thinking that the younger brother was a little stunned.

However, he saw that the five senior brothers in the field accepted eight gods at once, and the first **** finally appeared, and Han Fei saw a sturdy pure black **** slam down.

However, the fifth senior brother didn't know where to take out a water ladle, put a scoop in the calamity, and even scooped out a scoop of wine.

The remaining part of the calamity enveloped the two of them, mainly heading towards Yue Lingke.

Yue Lingke struggled hard, but the fifth senior brother started drinking "gudugudu". After drinking half of it, he hesitated to hand the water ladle to Yue Lingke: "Would you like to drink some?"

"Don't talk to me, I'm going through the calamity."

"Oh goo"

Han Fei originally thought that the battlefield on the Shennian side would be very anxious. Who knew that the fifth senior brother was so perverted and immediately cleared the field.

So far, all the people who came from Zhonghai Shenzhou this time have been wiped out.

Even, he didn't even have the desire to watch the fifth senior brother cross the divine tribulation.

When Senior Brother Qinglong crossed the Divine Tribulation, he was the one who resisted stubbornly and exhausted countless resources.

When I arrived at the Fifth Senior Brother, my good fellow, drinking from God's Tribulation is nothing to watch or learn from.

Han Fei turned around directly and looked at the place where Han Guanshu fought. From the beginning of the war to the present, the death knell of Heaven's Path has not stopped.

Before the five senior brothers accepted the eight gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou, the main source of the death knell of the heavenly way was the place where Han Guanshu was located.

At this moment, there was still a fierce battle there, and the star sea was hit by the violent energy, and it was almost impossible to look directly.

I just heard Xia Xiaochan say: "I've counted it. If there are nine death knells after the fall of a god, our father's side has already rang 498 times, and the pages have been turned ten times."

Han Fei: ""

Brother Liushen also said: "The Book of Conferred Gods can seal up all the unparalleled divine arts that have been seen.

But the seal is sealed, and it has to be used.

For example, that magical technique can slay the gods, and it must be a book-turner who can reach the realm of gods by himself.

For now, Junior Brother, your father's strength is at least Zhenhai Divine Spirit. "

Han Feixin said, I don't need to go through the book of conferred gods to know this.

After all, it is enough to prove Lao Han's strength to block the two sea town gods alone.

The old lady even fell into the ominous fog and found the master.

After this battle, the two of them had to settle down.

Han Fei: "Senior Brother Liushen, what do you think I'm going to take a look at now?"

"not so good."

"Your father is very strong, but the two Zhenhai gods have the blood of the master to protect their bodies. In fact, they can barely be regarded as half masters. You are not at the peak at the moment, and you can't even stand the battle after the past."

Xia Xiaochan also said: "You are in a hurry, aren't you?

Since this chess game has already been set up, these people are going to lose after all, so just turn the pages of the book with my father's enthusiasm, and at most turn a few pages, and the game will be over there. "

Han Fei: "Your father is screaming so much now!"

"Humph! Our father is amazing, call a few more times, and you can get a bargain in the future.

Besides, I think our father is very kind and very nice. "

Han Fei can probably understand Xia Xiaochan's thinking, because Xia Xiaochan didn't know her mother when she was a child, and his dead ghost father was thinking about **** him.

As for this guy, Lao Han, he has a refined temperament. He looks gentle, and he often laughs. He is really easy to get along with, so it's no wonder that Xia Xiaochan is so diligent.


In the ears of Han Fei and the others, Han Guanshu's voice sounded: "It's still a little girl who is still sensible. I have indeed prepared a big gift for you for my father. Just wait for a while, and the big gift will arrive."


As Han Guanshu continued to flip through the Book of Conferred Gods, the sea of ​​​​stars where he was located was filled with golden light, the sound of the Dao vibrated, and all the stars in the heavens were scrolled.

"dong dong dong"

After about another hundred breaths, Han Guanshu suddenly appeared beside Han Fei with his hands on his back.

Seeing that Han Guanshu looked up at the fifth senior brother who had survived the eight divine calamities, he couldn't help but admire: "As expected of Mr. Wu, he is very powerful!"

"Who is more powerful?"

Han Fei suddenly spoke.

Old Han smiled and ignored Han Fei, but stretched out a hand, which was 52 beads as pure as crystal.

Among them, there are two, pure enough to escape the divine light.

There are seven, and the bright ones can reflect colorful colors.

Forty-three of them are relatively common, but they are also clean and pure, giving people an urge to play.

Just listening to the old Han said: "This is the soul purification pearl, which is filled with the ultimate soul power with divine power. In your future growth path, in addition to your physical body, you can directly absorb any need for soul power. .

It takes very little time to consolidate.

Of course, you can't just abuse it, or you won't be able to absorb it, and it will also have an impact on the path of cultivation.

Probably, it can save nearly half of your practice time. "

Han Fei put it away in one fell swoop, the things that fell from the sky should not be discarded in vain.

Although he takes the path of extreme balance, double cultivation of the law and body, and advances, he hardly needs this stuff.

But this thing is a super supplement to Han Song's clone!

What is lacking in the cultivation of loose living bodies is this kind of soul power that hardly needs to be refined and consolidated. These soul purification beads can push Han Song's clone to the peak of the emperor in a very short period of time, even beyond the extreme way.

The point is, estimates are not necessarily used up.

Han Fei immediately picked five god-killing-level soul purification beads for Xia Xiaochan: "Leave one for Yu and the others, and one for Yiyi, all the others are useful."

Xia Xiaochan: "You can just give the god-level ones. We haven't arrived at the Great Emperor Realm yet. What's the use of killing god-level ones?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Your growth rate is not slow. If you use it well, the god-killing level can even be used at the peak of your great emperor, and it is even possible to break through the gods."

Immediately, Han Fei looked at Lao Han, and there seemed to be a question in his eyes.

However, just at this moment, the twenty-four heavens suddenly dissipated nearly half, and Han Fei's heart froze. He had just fished the twenty-four heavens at his peak. Now his strength has returned, and the twenty-four heavens have finally been caught. , it should disappear now.

As soon as the twenty-four heavens dispersed, the ethereal drum of good fortune immediately erupted in joy of killing, pointing directly to where Han Fei was.

However, he heard Lao Han chuckle: "You have the heart to kill, but who gave you the courage to shoot my son in front of me?"


I saw that the Book of Conferred Gods automatically appeared in front of Lao Han, and the book was automatically opened. It was a blank page.

The next moment, I saw the slaughter of the heavens, and was sucked into the Book of Conferred God in a blink of an eye. On the page, fifteen strange notes appeared, intertwined, as if forming a disc.

Immediately, Han Guanshu waved his hand, and the big bell guarding the top of the city of the gods made a "dong" sound, spinning and flying above the ethereal drum of good fortune.

When the golden bell is covered, the time is full of cracks.

Obviously, the treasure of good fortune is the treasure of good fortune after all, and not all forces can suppress it.

However, the Heavenly Book of Conferred God, turn another page at this moment, a mass of five-colored divine soil flew out from the page, directly wrapping the golden bell and the ethereal drum of creation.

Immediately following, everyone could no longer hear the sound of the ethereal drum of creation.

Senior Brother Liushen's eyes lit up: "Is that Hongmeng five-color soil?"

Han Guanshu nodded slightly: "It's a pity there is only this one, but at least it shouldn't be a problem to suppress him."

Han Fei: "What is the Hongmeng Five-color Soil?"

Brother Liushen: "To make up the soil of the sky, if there is a deficiency in the way of heaven, it can also be made up.

The ominous return from the past has almost penetrated the entire Xinghai.

There were many times more battlefields at that time than now.

At that time, it was Hongmeng Five-color Earth that sealed off the sky and blocked most of the gaps, leaving only the current 10-domain battlefield.

However, the five-color soil of Hongmeng is extremely difficult to find. I thought that it had been used up in the prehistoric era. "

Han Fei couldn't help but glanced at Old Han, thinking that this guy seems to have a lot of treasures on his body, and he even has such things that can seal the ominous battlefield.

At this moment, the twenty-four heavens dissipated, and the ethereal drum of good fortune was sealed.

But in the field, there is still a void left.

This should be the stuff of the senior brother, and it is amazing to refine the void into an independent piece.

I just heard Senior Brother Liushen say: "Senior Sister Shadow and Senior Brother Five, it should take some time. There is no war here, but Lei Heng may still need help."

Han Guanshu also said: "Fei'er, we will discuss other matters after the war, and I will also help your mother."

Han Fei: "I'll go too."

At this time, Zhonghai Shenzhou and the Eternal Race have all been wiped out, so everyone is left with the only enemy, and that is ominous.

Han Fei can't be shaken by Jiang Taixu's level powerhouse, but Han Fei naturally still has the strength to fight for the ominous creatures of the doomsday level.

Brother Liushen also said, "Let's go together!"

I saw, Brother Liushen, the eyebrows flashed, and the void imprint shone.

But this manifestation, branded on the forehead, does not seem to be calling the senior brother to take action.

I just listened to Senior Brother Liushen: "This piece of void can't be wasted, it's very precious."


As the imprint of the void between the eyebrows of Senior Brother Liushen flickered, the void seemed to be the size of a galaxy with a "hum", spanning an infinite distance, like waves in the void, rippling and drifting towards the blocked ominous mist.

"let's go."

After Han Fei and the others followed this void, they only saw that the waves of this void slapped on the seemingly endless ominous mist, and a "呲呲" sound erupted.

With just this impact, the massive amount of ominous aura was instantly purified.

Of course, this void wave is also decreasing.

Han Fei was amazed, the senior brother was not there, just giving a piece of void, almost broke through the ominous atmosphere of most of the stars in the fortune astrolabe.

At this moment, the ominous fog was broken, and Han Fei finally saw the battle.

The first to bear the brunt is not the largest undead brother, but a vast expanse of purgatory.

In the very center of this purgatory, there is an ominous figure, whose body is fastened by ten chains, and there are hundreds of millions of ghosts entangled in ghosts, which seem to be eating the ominous aura emanating from his body.

Han Guanshu: "The existence of purgatory in the ten directions is to cleanse evil and purify evil.

These hundreds of millions of dead souls are not real, but the manifestations of all the methods of refining demons in the ten directions, which are a kind of purifying power.

This dominance-level ominous power has been eaten by half.

It is estimated that in another half an hour, it should be spent. "

Han Fei didn't speak. He didn't expect the Ten Temple Yama to be so powerful, didn't he say that ten people can fight against the gods together?

This is all dominated.

Sure enough, everything has to be witnessed with one's own eyes, and hearsay should not be trusted.

The power of the void floated over the purgatory of the ten directions, and the ten temples Yan Luo looked up and didn't know what they were thinking.

After crossing the ten directions of purgatory, Han Fei saw the figure intertwined with time, standing in front of a long river of time.

Behind him, one after another ancient creatures poured out from the long river of time, hardly stopping.

Dozens of god-killing ominous figures, hundreds of doomsday ominous figures, and dense world-destroying ominous figures are frantically eating away those ancient creatures that rushed out of the long river of time.

In the vacuum area of ​​the fierce battle between the two sides, a dominion-level ominous creature, imprisoned by a layer of time ball cages, is roaring frantically at this moment, trying to break the ball cage with ominous power.

And the figure of the Temple of Time just watched quietly, as if he had no intention of shooting.

Han Fei: "Who is this person, and why doesn't he take action?"

Senior Brother Liushen said: "He has already shot.

Head of Time.

One of the leaders of the Temple of Time, and now there are three, and this is one of them.

However, the people of the Temple of Time are not very good at fighting, so even if he is very powerful, the fighting efficiency is not very high, and he does not have the killing power of the Ten Temple Yama. "

At this moment, the wave of void swept across, and the head of the Temple of Light turned his head and glanced at Han Fei and the others.

"bang bang bang"

When the void wave crossed the boundary of the Time Palace, hundreds of thousands of world destroyers, almost all of the doomsday, and a few godslayers were instantly crushed into pieces by this void wave. Clean and clean.


Han Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes: "The lethality of this void is so great?"

There are hundreds of Doomsday grades here, and hundreds of thousands of World Destruction grades. Just this wave of void, will they all be wiped out?

Moreover, this void wave has not completely dissipated so far, and there is still about one-third of its size.

Senior Brother Liushen: "This is the power of the void of Senior Brother. It is a waste for me to use it."

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei tilted his head and looked at Lao Han, who was calm and didn't show any special emotions about it.

When the three of them crossed the battlefield at the head of the Temple of Time, the next moment, the vision suddenly became clear.

The first thing that catches the eye is not the undead senior brother, nor the Quartet Thunder Territory, but a seal of the gods.

Below that divine seal, there is a dominion-level ominous suppression.

The dominion-level ominous look on his body is under a lot of pressure, and the surrounding void is crushed and reorganized, and the cycle is repeated.

And above the divine seal, a white-clothed woman stood floating, only to see behind her one hand, the other hand pressing in the void, every few breaths, rolling ripples burst out under this divine seal, which was the power of the two opposing forces, forming ripples pulse.

This person is actually Jiang Linxian.

However, Jiang Linxian looked into the depths of the ominous mist at this moment.

There are Sifang Leiyu indiscriminately bombarding, but her eyes are not Sifang Leiyu, but the undead brother who is raising his huge hands and drifting away in the ominous fog.

"The Seal of Eternal Desolation?"

Brother Liushen couldn't help being a little surprised, and Han Fei couldn't help but look sideways: "What?"

Senior Brother Liushen: "I just heard what Senior Brother Five said.

In the chaotic era, the human race unified the six meridians, the ancestor of the human race, and the six meridians who practiced the ancient prehistoric seal.

This seal, a symbol of luck, has been blessed by the top powerhouses of the human race from generation to generation.

However, after the flood, they disappeared.

It is said"

"Supposedly what?"

"It is said that the person holding this seal must be the strongest of the human race in the world, otherwise the Seal of Eternal Presence will not be recognized at all.

Not even the second one. "

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei couldn't help but look at Han Guanshu again, his eyes narrowed slightly, good guy, he now suspects that Lao Han and Lao Niang will not take turns to be emperors, right?

Han Guanshu laughed: "Human race! After all, it is still in decline. If it was in ancient times, it would not be the time for immortals to control this seal."

I saw Jiang Linxian turned his head and looked at Han Guanshu and Han Fei with a shallow smile.

Old Han grinned: "What are you looking at?

So fascinated? "

Jiang Linxian glanced back again, and then said lightly, "Ancient stillbirth."


Han Fei suddenly felt like a thunderbolt in his head, and followed the eyes of the old lady, isn't that the undead brother?

So, the undead brother is stillborn in the ancient times?

Han Fei only felt his heart tremble. He opened his mouth and said in a daze: "The ancient six meridians, since they are meridians, why?"

Han Guanshu said lightly: "It's just one person who has formed a vein. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But this one is really powerful, and the Dominion-level who fought against him has obviously fallen. "

"One person has a pulse?"

Han Fei looked at Senior Brother Liushen, and Senior Brother Liushen blinked: "Don't look at me, I don't know, and I only know now.

However, I had this guess. "


Han Fei took a deep breath. The ancient human race, the ancient demon plant, the ancient strange beast, the ancient great demon, the ancient insect egg, and the ancient stillborn were finally complete.

As for the identity of the ancient strange beasts, Han Fei actually knew it a long time ago, and he had no choice. Only the fierce beasts and the divine beasts were left.

When he invited them to participate in the battle of Chaos Wasteland, he already knew.


"Can you stop talking?

Come and help me! "

Before Han Fei could continue to be shocked, he heard Senior Brother Lei Heng begin to ask for help, and Han Fei then set his eyes on the Quartet Lei Territory.

At this moment, the four minefields are in a state of blending with each other, and the four minefields are about to unite.

Senior Brother Lei Ting could no longer see what he looked like, and he turned into Lei Ling.

And outside the Quartet Lei Territory, densely packed ominous creatures, one after another, are dashing into the Lei Territory without fear of death.

Among them, there are many God-killing-level, already with the power of thunder, rushed out of the thunder pool, and shot frantically.

I just heard Senior Brother Liushen say calmly, "Why didn't Senior Brother Undead help you?"

Lei Heng: "He said let me carry it for a while, so that I can understand the pressure more."

Brother Liushen: "Then you will realize it again."

Senior Brother Lei Heng was immediately stunned, and immediately said angrily: "Hey! Bug, you are going too far, you, you have no humanity, you."

Senior Brother Liushen was not worried at all, but instead joked: "I am a bug! I am inhuman."

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