God of Fishing

Chapter 2856: Bloodwashed China Sea Shenzhou (Part 1)

Chapter 2856 Blood wash in the sea of ​​Shenzhou

In this battle, Han Fei knew that it was impossible for him to lose.

If talking about the Zhenhai God, even if the old murderer once said that he was surrounded and killed by the two Zhenhai Gods, so what?

Now, he can barely be regarded as the battle power of Zhenhai God, plus Yue Lingke, the old fierce, these are the three major Zhenhai Gods.

This is not counting the five senior brothers, Lei Heng, Liu Shen and the others.

Senior Sister Kagura said that if she couldn't figure it out, then Lei Heng and Liushen would definitely not stand idly by.

In this way, Zhonghai Shenzhou is afraid that there must be five Zhenhai Gods in order to compete against their own side in terms of peak combat power.

As for the fifth senior brother, Han Fei didn't count him at all. His combat power has completely exceeded the normal Zhenhai God by eighteen miles.

No wonder the Fifth Senior Brother once said that he felt that he could confront the Lord.

However, no matter how much or how strong the high-end combat power on his side is.

Some battles, after all, have to come on their own.

That was his lingering obsession, just because the human race was one of the six ancient veins, he was killed by the other veins, stealing luck, and almost wiped out the entire army.

Such a great revenge, as a human emperor, how can you not avenge it?

Three days later.

The expedition of the human race has begun. As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast, so when they set off with a large army, they all entered Han Fei or Yue Lingke's natal star.

Then, Han Fei saw that Xia Xiaochan actually brought Han Chanyi with her.

At this moment, after three hundred years of absence, Han Chanyi's strength has reached the Great Perfection.

Speaking of this, it seems to be caused by himself. Because of the sudden strengthening of his bloodline level, it has soared to the second place in the Canghai Wan family tree, so Han Chanyi's bloodline has a linkage reaction.

Originally, Han Chanyi broke through the sea-opening realm and climbed all the way to the late stage of Huaxing. In this process, it is almost enough to have resources.

However, because of the change in the bloodline level, he has broken through two realms in just ten years from the late stage of Huaxing, and reached the Great Consummation of Huaxing.

He couldn't explain the principle of this kind of linkage at the bloodline level.

Anyway, after Han Chanyi's bloodline changed, her cultivation speed increased several times, and the shackles she had placed before could hardly suppress her.

Fortunately, Xia Xiaochan found out in time and strengthened the seal.

Han Fei frowned slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Xia Xiaochan's voice transmission: "Let her go ahead and talk about it. It's not up to you to let her participate in the war at that time?"

Han Chanyi glanced at Han Fei humbly: "Don't try to trap me in the stars of my life, or I will ignore you for the rest of my life."

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei said with a smile: "I don't bother you, this is a battle that all people must participate in.

However, it is up to me to decide where and when to take action.

Dad is not targeting you alone, but everyone. "

"Humph! That's about the same."

To be honest, Han Chanyi was excited at the moment.

She had never experienced such a huge war.

Every time I read the history books and see the above descriptions about the journey of blood, I feel inexplicably resentful in my heart.

Not only her, all the descendants of the human race after the boundless mining area, there is no one who does not hate Zhonghai Shenzhou.

They are all familiar with the names of Shen Yaolin and Ancient Yaozu.

One by one, the dream of playing small is to become a strong man, enter Zhonghai Shenzhou, and avenge the 70 billion human race martyrs.

Therefore, Han Chanyi was fortunate enough to join in such a battle.

There are still many people who know that their strength is not enough. Even if they go to Zhonghai Shenzhou, they will cause trouble for Han Fei, so they silently pray to Han Fei and the others.

From the moment Han Fei set off, he felt that his willpower had skyrocketed, and he couldn't help but sighed that the number of times he had harvested his willpower should not be many.

After a while.

The border between Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Han Fei, Yue Lingke, Qiu Wanren, 32 gods from the gods, appeared here, looking at this huge sea, and their hearts were agitated.

Qiu Wanren sneered: "Corrupted, it should be rebuilt.

No matter what clan, what power.

I can't escape from the gods, and these people can't escape.

Which one shall we fight first? "

Han Fei: "Senior, don't be in a hurry."

Immediately, I saw Han Fei take a few steps forward, and the Dao of Self was running, only to hear him shout: "The entire sea world, including Zhonghai Shenzhou, the five Shenzhou, the strong of all ethnic groups, I am the emperor Han Fei. "

When Han Fei raised his strength to the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit, it was just an ordinary thing to spread his voice to the five seas.

At the moment Han Fei opened his mouth, many people in the five major divine states looked up at the sky.

"Human Emperor?

Who is the emperor? "

Some people don't know and Han Fei, although Han Fei has caused many crazes of falling, but this does not mean that all races in the sea must know him.

Some people couldn't help being shocked and got up immediately: "Is that the emperor who killed the emperors in the East China Sea Shenzhou?"

Some people were surprised: "Listen to what this emperor means, he is spreading the word of the five major states, how terrifying strength can he do this?"

"The emperor finally made his move."

Someone showed a look of relief.

Nanhai Shenzhou, the Phoenix God Clan, and the Primordial Star Tree felt the sound of this swaying, and couldn't help sighing: "If you want to spread the sound to the five seas, you must at least kill the gods, right?

This guy is practicing so fast. "

Donghai Shenzhou, the Shendu Dynasty, the Great Emperor Dongwu heard the words, opened his eyes from sitting cross-legged, and the next moment he transmitted a voice: "Send the order to block the border of Zhonghai, and the army is ready to go out at any time."

In Beihai Shenzhou, Senior Brother Liushen and Lei Heng each woke up from their training. Senior Brother Liushen made a decree in the void and ordered: "The Zerg army, go on an expedition."

Xihuang, the ancient barbarian clan, shouted violently in Liutianming: "The ancient barbarian clan has sent troops to the border of Zhonghai, and is ready to enter Zhonghai Shenzhou at any time."

In addition to the ancient barbarians, the three big bandits in the Western Wilderness, and countless bandits stranded in the Fierce God Valley, they all gathered at this moment.

"Brothers, it's time to loot Zhonghai Shenzhou, such an opportunity is hard to come by, so let's go with me."

In addition to these forces that have already been preparing to start, there are countless small forces that have also launched.

Whether or not he can **** into Zhonghai Shenzhou depends on this wave. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance the power of the sect. It is rare for millions of years.

And the tens of thousands of forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou looked extremely nervous at the moment.

Someone was horrified: "It's coming so fast, is this going to start a war?"

Someone was shocked: "What are the conditions of this emperor?

More than a thousand years ago, he was just born, and now he dares to challenge Zhonghai Shenzhou? "

In Zhonghai Shenzhou, these large and small forces are very well informed and extremely sensitive to the situation in the sea world.

This undercurrent started as early as three hundred years ago.

It turned out that these large and small forces mostly rely on some super forces.

Many well-informed forces have secretly switched to some of the big forces in the four major Chinese states.

There are also some small forces, either because they are too close to those super forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou, or they are so involved with these super forces that they can no longer get out.

Therefore, when they heard Han Fei's voice spread to the five seas, they immediately "Gedden" in their hearts.

They will not naively think that the mere human race can compete with Zhonghai Shenzhou.

If it is really just a mere human race, if it is not worth mentioning, then the human race has already been wiped out, or has been in decline, how can there be a chance to challenge Zhonghai Shenzhou?

And the powerhouses of such forces as the Primordial Temple, the Ancient Monster Race, the God Monster Forest, the Tianzhu Insect Valley, the Guangming City, and even the Chaos God Race are also dignified at the moment.

In the battle three hundred years ago, the layout seemed to them to be seamless, but they still failed.

The three major god-killers fell, none of the eighteen gods survived, and the whereabouts of the four treasures of creation are unknown.

Because at this time, there were more or less two voices in their respective clans, leaving the sea world, going to Xinghai, and the main battle faction, intending to repel Han Fei.

However, the current Xinghai is the battlefield, and the sea world is the origin of these ten thousand clans. They have lived in Zhonghai Shenzhou for too long, and giving up Zhonghai Shenzhou is equivalent to giving up the foundation of a clan.

How can it be so easy to establish a new foundation in the sea of ​​​​stars?

For example, at this moment, the inside of the ancient demon clan was fried, and the elder council quickly gathered, and immediately the clan elders shouted angrily: "I said earlier, that Han Fei will never let it go.

Alright now, this time there is a real war, and it is in Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

Youzu snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of?

There are countless strong people in my ancient demon clan.

On the top is the Zhenhai deity who will shake the sea of ​​​​stars, and there are hundreds of millions of people on the bottom, ruling three hundred forces.

He Han Fei is crazy, how dare he beat my ancient demon clan?

If he did, he would be a sinner of all races. "

"Absurd, self-deceiving.

You forgot what happened 300 years ago, when the god-killing powerhouse arrived and wanted to destroy it, a war broke out in our ancient demon clan, causing nearly one billion people of our clan to perish.

Is this what you call dare not?

Then Han Fei is lawless, don't you know? "

Someone said coldly: "The sea world cannot be abandoned, but the arrogance of our clan must also be protected.

Didn't they already send a batch! If that Han Fei really dared to do it, why would my clan's Zhenhai deity stand idly by? "

There is an elder with a majestic voice: "The Four Great Divine Regions, even if they take action, it will be a protracted battle.

The key to this battle is the battle of the strongest. "


These clan elders, the moment Han Fei spoke, quickly gathered to discuss countermeasures.

No, Han Fei's voice sounded again before we chatted a few words: "Zhonghai Shenzhou, there are many strong forces, covering the world.

All parties are arrogant and powerful, destroying other clans in order to seize the luck, take the resources of the four seas and cultivate the arrogance of the heavens.

The Star Sea War is a protracted battle, and all the four seas will come out with all their strength to defend the sea world.

Only Zhonghai Shenzhou, hiding the gods under the seat, hiding the gods and suppressing the Quartet, makes the four Shenzhou dare to be angry but dare not speak. This is the current situation of Zhonghai Shenzhou, bullying the weak, and rotten. The sea world seeks to survive, but Zhonghai Shenzhou, the ancient great veins, the **** demon forest, the ancient demon clan, the bright city, the sky spider worm valley, the chaotic **** clan, seek my clan fate, and cause our human race 70 billion people, buried in the boundless sea. Han Fei, determined to pacify the rotten powers of Zhonghai Shenzhou, whoever hinders me will be killed without pardon. I promise in the name of the emperor that Zhonghai Shenzhou will be divided into the world, and then the four seas and all races will jointly control it. "



It can be said that when Han Fei said this, the sea world was shocked.

Suppress Zhonghai Shenzhou?

You want to share the world, why do you?

This is everyone's first reaction. In fact, it's no wonder, because although Han Fei is famous in the sea world, he is famous at the power level. Many ordinary people and small forces are not familiar with him, or even not at all. I don't know what he did.

But no matter what happened before, now they know the name anyway, because they all think Han Fei is crazy, and they want to call Zhong Hai Shenzhou.

Above the vast sea, countless people are messed up in the wind.

Someone was speechless: "Where is the lunatic?"

Someone sighed: "Are people so crazy now?"

Someone sighed: "Zuo's hand is so dead! Zhonghai Shenzhou, I heard that there are tens of thousands of extraordinary forces, how can this person boast like this?"

Of course, there are also people who are excited. For example, from the Divine Phoenix Clan, many of them know Han Fei's identity, and they still feel that Han Fei almost became their uncle of the Divine Phoenix Clan.

Another example is the Valley of Fierce Gods. This group of ferocious and evil people can't help but sigh that this human emperor has made two lists in the Honghuang Tower, and the goddess battle, although there is no change in the sea world, but they also know Han Fei and Shen. This side won.

Therefore, Han Fei said that he was going to hit Hai Shenzhou, and they believed it.

Of course, the people who were most shocked were the human race. Han Fei spoke, and his voice spread to the five seas. They only felt that being a human race was honored.

At this moment, some people take it seriously, but some people don't care, they just think it's a lunatic talking nonsense.

However, in the next moment, one after another divine voice spread all over the world.

"I am the Great Emperor Dongwu, the East China Sea, and the soldiers of Zhonghai Shenzhou"

"I am the lord of the North Sea, the North Sea Shenzhou, and the soldiers of the Zhonghai Shenzhou"

"South China Sea Shenzhou, Phoenix God Clan, soldiers send Zhonghai Shenzhou"

When countless people were still in a mess, Han Fei had already said to Yue Lingke and Qiu Wanren, "Come from one family to another! We have to find a battlefield. As long as they are smart, they should be on the same page!"

Yue Lingke: "Where to go?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Ancient Monster Race, I promised their god-killer-level powerhouse to destroy the Ancient Monster Race. You can't be unbelievable."

Qiu Wanren's eyes suddenly lit up: "I think it's okay, I'm familiar with this family.

Moreover, this clan is indeed heinous. In its clan, thousands of female cultivators of other clans are kept in captivity, just to pass on their children and shape a new bloodline, which is simply ridiculous. "

After a while.

The Gate of No Distance suddenly appeared above the ancient demon clan, and Han Fei and the others walked out of the gate one after another without covering it up.

When the gate of no distance appeared, the ancient monster clan's mountain protection formation immediately opened, and a group of strong men poured out one after another.

Immediately, a clan elder shouted: "Human Sovereign, victory and defeat are common events.

During the Eastern Expedition, the human race was not destroyed, the Western Desolate Gods recovered, and our ancient demon race also suffered heavy losses.

You all belong to the ancient six bloodlines, do you really want to exterminate my ancient demon clan? "

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "Oh! When you attacked the human race, why didn't you think that the human race was the six ancient veins.

Now I'm calling, do you remember this? "

There is an ancient monster emperor peak elder who shouted: "If the human emperor gives up this battle, my ancient monster clan can persuade other major forces to accept the human race to enter Zhonghai Shenzhou."


Han Fei laughed aloud: "I'm afraid your brain is flooded.

Is it procrastination?

I give you time, but your efficiency is too low, and you still need to communicate from family to family, so it is better for me to help you. "

I saw Han Fei pressing down with one hand. The ancient demon emperor who spoke earlier burst into pieces. He didn't even need Han Fei to take the initiative to cut off the long river of life. crushed.


The next moment, a crack in the heavens appeared in the sky, a rain of blood poured down, and there was a rumbling between heaven and earth.

"You dare."

This scene scared the old demon clan's hearts and guts to pieces, and they sacrificed the treasures of good fortune.

They didn't expect that Han Fei was so domineering, but after a few words, he shot directly.

Moreover, they also greatly underestimated Han Fei's strength.

They thought that even though Han Fei was powerful, he was still the Great Emperor after all.

Therefore, they feel that they are not incapable of competing against one or two.

However, at this moment, they realized how absurd their thoughts were. Han Fei's strength had already reached a point that they couldn't even estimate.

With a casual blow, he killed a strong emperor in a lighthearted manner. How is such strength different from a god?

Only Han Fei's voice spread throughout Zhonghai Shenzhou: "Is there no one in Zhonghai Shenzhou?

The ancient demon clan didn't even have a single god. If no one came to help, I would slaughter it. "

After Han Fei finished speaking, Qiu Wanren said: "You forgot, I killed two, you killed a god-killer in the realm, and two other gods also fell."

Han Feixin said yes, the ancient demon clan is actually strong enough, one god-killing level, four gods, placed in the sea world, this is already an extremely powerful background.

After all, no one knew that a war of this level would break out in the sea world one day.

Han Fei was not in a hurry, looking at the hundreds of millions of people of the ancient demon clan who were panicking at the moment, there was only indifference on his face.

Under the war, no one cares about the life and death of these weak people, just as no one cares about the life and death of the human race.

However, he also found that the number of some geniuses in the ancient monster clan, some of the peak of the sea or the great perfection of the open sky, seems to be a bit unequal.

Come to think of it, the ancient monsters are not stupid, and they know how to hide some people.

However, Han Fei didn't care.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths

As soon as the three-breath time came, Han Fei saw that no one had come yet, so he stopped hesitating and said, "Is there no one?

If so, then die! "

That is, at the moment when Han Fei was about to make a move, a strong man in the divine realm stepped out from the void: "Stop, Zhenhai Shenzhi arrives"

However, he saw that the visitor pointed at a gilded ancient scroll, and saw that he quickly blocked Han Fei, unfolded the ancient scroll, and saw that the words on the ancient scroll flashed with bright golden light.

After that, I heard a divine voice coming: "Han Fei of the human race, I think it is not easy for your human race to rise up, and the blood and blood in the sea world are set off, and you are also turning a blind eye.

Now that you are intensifying, and you are about to start a civil war, how can I sit back and watch?

Now I order your clan to withdraw from Zhonghai Shenzhou and quell the civil war. I can forgive the past.

If you don't follow it, I will punish it. "

"Shit Zhen Hai Shenzhi, what kind of thing are you, you dare to teach me to do things?"

Yue Lingke also showed a touch of disdain. At this point, who do you really think she is?

It seems that when a will comes down, everyone will listen to his words.

I saw that when Han Fei raised his hand, he punched and slammed into the Zhenhai Shenzhi.

I saw that the divine decree immediately burst out with the divine seal of the law, which easily blocked Han Fei's punch.

Seeing this, many elders of the ancient demon clan breathed a sigh of relief.

And the deity who sent the order, his face changed greatly, and he shouted angrily: "Han Fei, this is my clan's Zhenhai deity who personally conveyed the divine decree, you dare to disrespect?"

"Your clan?

So, you are also an ancient demon clan? "


I saw that Han Fei immediately ran the Dao of Self, and his strength suddenly soared, breaking the five million mark.

The next moment, Han Feikong swung his sword into the air and shouted, "Jian Wu, break the game, cut!"

At this moment, Han Fei's fighting power broke out, and the terror was boundless. Yue Lingke's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he secretly thought that this secret method was so powerful that it could actually increase the fighting power to such a level.



I saw that the Zhenhai Divine Decree was unable to block the sword that broke the game at all. It was pierced by a sword and shattered on the spot.

"Han Fei, that is the will of Zhenhai God! How dare you destroy it?"

The face of the **** who came to communicate changed greatly. He did not expect that Han Fei would be so reckless, and he would not even give face to the **** of Zhenhai.

In Xinghai, Zhenhai God is already a legendary existence.

A sea-suppressing **** can suppress one domain or multiple domains.

Each of them is a terrifying powerhouse who can control multiple battlefields alone.

Each of them, if placed in the sea world, can almost suppress the entire sea world.

Therefore, Han Fei was also a little surprised that there was the existence of Zhenhai God in the sea world before.

However, after seeing the strength of Zhenhai God, Han Fei has lost his reverence for Zhenhai God.

The ancient demon **** who returned from Xinghai was still trying to intimidate Han Fei. The next moment, he felt that the surrounding void was blocked, and a big boundless hand held it directly in his hand.

I saw a stern smile on Han Fei's face: "Don't talk about a decree of Zhenhai in this area, even if your ancient monster's Zhenhai deity ends in person, I can kill you."


The ancient demon goddess only felt that the bones of the whole body were broken inch by inch, a force that could not be resisted at all, which made him feel the fear of death.

"don't bang"

Han Fei squeezed the **** with one hand, and the crack in the heavens resurfaced.

"dong dong dong"

The death knell of the Heavenly Dao began to mourn, and the entire sea world shook.

Han Fei threatened to pacify the rotten Zhonghai Shenzhou before, and the death knell of the Heavenly Dao sounded in the next moment.

This time, the sea world was shocked.

"Bold Han Fei, do you dare to kill my envoy?

Do you know what you are doing? "

I saw that in the decree of the Shattering Sea God, it was transformed into intertwined Dao patterns and laws, showing a giant hundreds of thousands of feet tall.

Han Fei clenched his fist up, his fist shook the world, millions of miles in the sky, and the law rioted.

"Don't say that you are just a mere clone, even if your main body returns, I can also kill and kill."


The phantom of the sea-suppressing god's tongue burst into thunder, smashing with a palm, covering the heavens.


Han Fei was blasted back tens of thousands of miles with a single blow, and directly shot out of the mountain protection formation of the ancient demon clan.

However, Han Fei castrated quickly and came back faster.

In the blink of an eye, Han Fei burst into flames again, and 100,000 punches slashed across.

"boom boom"

The Zhenhai God thought that he could suppress Han Fei with a single blow, but in this confrontation, Han Fei not only mastered the source power, but his physique was even more terrifying.

And Han Fei, in that short moment of confrontation, had two feelings.

First of all, this is indeed an old-fashioned Zhenhai God, even if a phantom, the power that descends, is much stronger than himself.

Secondly, the moment he was bombarded, Han Fei felt the rushing blood in his body, and instantly drew the power of heaven and earth, and spontaneously gave birth to the power of protection to protect himself. This kind of thing had never happened before.

"The power of blood?"

After all, it was a clone. Even if Han Fei was defeated, the opponent only had the power of a few blows, but in the blink of an eye, he was forcibly penetrated by Han Fei.

When the two confronted each other, the ripples that swept out directly crushed the thousands of miles in the area. The ancient monster clan's first and second mountain protection formations were destroyed by the shock.

Countless people were crushed in an instant, evaporated, and disappeared without a trace.

Han Fei didn't know how many people were killed by this power, but there must be hundreds of millions of ancient demons.

The ancient monster clan's third-level mountain protection formation was also full of cracks. Han Fei's face turned cold, and he punched dozens of times in a row, only to hear a "click".

At this moment, the elders of these ancient monsters are already dumbfounded, why haven't anyone come yet?

Do you really have to wait for the ancient demon clan to die?

Han Fei snorted coldly: "It seems that no one will come to save you.

If so, then die! The luck of the ancient six meridians, I, the human race, bear it for Er and others. "


Han Fei turned his hand and pressed it down, and the divine might spread over thousands of miles.


At this critical moment, a figure finally appeared, with one palm facing the sky, one hand supported the tens of millions of miles of power to suppress.

Only an old and majestic voice sounded.

"Han Fei, some things can be discussed."

Han Fei took a closer look, and saw an old man who looked immortal, with two long swords on his back, and looked up at him.

He just heard Qiu Wanren shout: "It's him, a guy who shot three hundred years ago."

The old man said indifferently: "If you want to destroy the ancient demon clan, what is the difference between your human race and the ancient demon clan?"

"Jie Jie, so what?

Races rise and fall, as always.

The difference is that my human race has carried it down, and you wait, I don’t know if I can carry it down.

Sister-in-law, Mr. Qiu killed him. "


The two swords behind the old man were flying into the air, and he was about to attack when he heard a roar.

The next moment, a fierce shadow smashed the void in an instant.

With only one charge, aside from the old man on the spot, several great emperors were crushed by the divine energy that was raging in an instant and burst into pieces.

The old man's complexion changed slightly, his swords were crossed, and suddenly, a big hole was drilled out of this world.

The gap in the world where the ancient demon was located was pierced by a single blow.

The comer is not an old murderer, who can it be?

"It's you?

You haven't recovered your strength yet, so why do you still think you're an unparalleled one? "

The next moment, I heard the old murderer shout: "Han Fei, lend me the divine chain of law enforcement."

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